Tangents + Let’s Do THIS Now.

I decided it was a good day to wear my pregnancy tank!  6 miles @ 9:31 pace in 50 degree weather while listening to Lindsey Hein talking to Andrew Kastor.  The episode made me realize that I really need to read Deena Kastor’s book (Let Your Mind Run… my favorite running book) again.  Her take on optimism and the power of the mind in our training/racing is just what I will need as I start training again next year.

PS has anyone heard anything about Boston sign-ups for next year?  My running friends have all been wondering but haven’t heard anything.

Brooke had another day of school!

As you can tell from the picture, Andrew has already passed down his love for Halloween to Skye.


She even insists on wearing her Halloween socks to bed every night.

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The house sure feels really quiet when it’s just Skye and me.


Once Andrew was done with work we went out for a late dinner.  Our Zao’s does a free kid’s meal for each adult eating so we definitely went and took advantage of that deal.


And then we finished off the night with ice cream at my sister’s house…



I have just a few tangents to share today!

*How Brooke feels about going on the same slide 200 times in a row and how Skye feels about going on the same slide 200 times in a row:

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*If something sounds good at the store, I can’t even wait until I get to the car to open it up.

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*Did you see the story about how Ryan Hall only ran FIVE times this year and then for his sixth run he did a 43 mile ultra?  I spent 5ish months training really hard for my ultra and it still killed me ha… how do people do that?

*My sister told me to watch this and wow.  Just wow.  If you have a chance, it’s really incredible and super helpful as we figure out what we will be doing with our kids when they are teenagers…


*We tried out a new pumpkin cookie a few days ago.  Andrew does not like chocolate and pumpkin combined so we had a recipe without any chocolate and the icing made up for the lack of chocolate:). They were delicious.


*Skye does NOT want us to read to her.  She wants to read to us and the stories she makes up are quite entertaining.

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*A friend of mine on Facebook was talking about another one of my friend’s responses to a hard situation and I just had to share the three words she said.  When she asked her husband about how they were going to handle an upcoming difficult situation, her husband said:


I love those three words so much and I am going to repeat that to myself before challenges, hard runs/races in the future etc.


Do you ever sleep with socks on or does that sound absolutely terrible to sleep with socks on?

-I used to always wear socks to bed but now I just can’t!

Do you like chocolate with pumpkin or would you rather have your pumpkin items without it?

What was the last thing that you watched?  Do you recommend it?

Do you tend to buy running clothing that has writing on it or pattens on it or do you prefer solid colors?

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So I’m not close to a BQ yet, but I haven’t heard anything about Boston 2021 signups yet from people I know who qualified. Now that I think about it, I haven’t heard anything about the major marathon sign ups… Usually London is in May of the year before and that hasn’t come up at all. I’m very curious how spring races will go. To be honest, I’m not sure if the half I was supposed to run March 2020 that was postponed to October then cancelled (I deferred to 2021) will even happen.

Janae – you’re killing me with another pumpkin cookie recipe that looks amazing. WHY?!

If it’s really cold in winter then I’ll go to bed with socks on but they come off in the middle of the night. Then it’s a fun game of trying to find them in the morning ha.


Yes, you are so right… I haven’t heard anything about any of the major marathons! You’ll have to let me know when you hear about your 2021 race! I think it’s just a sign that you need to be making more pumpkin items:) Hahah being a human is funny when it comes to stuff like the sock finding. Have a beautiful day Maureen.


I always sleep with socks on..even in the summer. Everyone in my family thinks it’s so weird haha, it just doesn’t feel right without them.
I prefer solid running tops but love yours!!! Do you mind sharing where Brooke’s top is from?
Have a great day!


Hmmm haven’t heard anything about Boston next year. I did read that registration was going to be delayed until they could figure out what to do. Saw that on their site a few weeks back

I have gone to bed with socks on before. while camping.

I usually prefer bright solid colored pieces of clothing while running lol.

I haven’t tried chocolate with pumpkin but that sounds delicious.

Your girls look so happy on the slide!

Have a wonderful day Janae!


Thanks for sharing what you read, I’ll have to send that to my friends. Oh that is so true… when I am camping then I wear socks too. I LOVE bright running clothes too. Thanks Kristine, you too!


Hey Ashley! I got it at Old Navy a few months ago but don’t see it anymore. If I find it, I’ll send you the link! Have the best day and thanks.


Tell Andrew I’m completely on his side – no chocolate with pumpkin!!! Those cookies look delicious!! I’m gonna need to give them a try.

Looking great Janae!! Hope you’re feeling well and best wishes for a continued healthy pregnancy!!


He will feel less alone to hear that you feel the same way about the chocolate + pumpkin thing. Thank you SO much Maria, that means a lot. Have a great day Maria.


That picture of your girls and the slide…oh man that made my morning. So true (I have a 2 year old and an 8 year old and the same thing happens here lol).
Have a great day!


Hahaha it would be so fun to get our kids all together… sounds like they would all get along great:). Thanks Gillian, you too!


I read a story that Boston 2021 signups were delayed… and, IMO, there’s no way we will be able to safely hold an event of that capacity for a while. I predict it will be an elite-only field with, perhaps, a virtual option again for those who are fundraising? IDK.

Also, I used to be firmly NO SOCKS , but, I find them super cozy in the winter now.


I think your prediction is right on about Boston! We sure didn’t all see this coming! I might have to try some super soft socks again this winter. Have the best day Rae-Anne!


Solid colors for running clothes. But now that I’ve seen your tank, I might change my mind because it’s so cute and fun!

Andrew, WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?! I think it’s a pretty serious mistake to not put chocolate chips in with pumpkin baked goods. Your marriage is obviously a strong one (as evidenced by Janae making those non-chocolate monstrosities), so be grateful. ?


I know, I know… it’s definitely his biggest weakness;). Thanks so much Liz and I hope you have a really great day.


Team socks for bedtime…But somehow in the middle of the night I kick them off and find At the end of the bedsheets or on the floor in the morning! Haha.


Hahaha I love it:). Hope you have a fabulous Tuesday Nadya and that homeschool is going well.


Those words……..
Last thing I watched was Marraige Story. Excellent!


I will have to watch that. I have a feeling by the title (and the fact that you loved it) that I am really going to like it! Have a great day, Erica.


Giving you a heads up that it is heavy. Cannot praise it’s writing and acting enough.
Have a great day, friend.
Miss you.


– Socks in the winter for sleeping with my icicle toes.
– No chocolate with my pumpkin items…and not in my banana or zucchini items either.
– By far the majority of my running clothes are solid colors. I have a few patterns but no words/writing (I don’t care on other people but words/writing is annoying on me and my kids).


Icicle toes are the worst! Maybe I should have Andrew try out socks for his year round icicle toes when he is sleeping;). NOT in banana items either?! I’ll have to try it and see if I can eat them without the chocolate;). Have the best day.


I sleep with my socks on in the winter. I can’t bear to be too warm in bed, but can’t bear to have cold feet either. I’m such a prima Donna!

We’ve just watched The World’s Toughest Race:Fiji on Netflix. It was amazing, so inspirational, especially Mark and Travis Macy.



Cold feet really is so miserable… there is nothing that drives me crazier on a run than having cold hands or feet. I have to watch that, thanks so much for sharing. Have the best day, Caroline!


I love “Let’s go grow!” Those are some encouraging words right now! :)


Yes…. I think we all need it during these times. So much growth! Hope you have a great day, Katy.


Oh, stop with, “LET’S GO GROW!!” <= all the feels, including inspired action. Is this a precursor to INSPIRED ACTION? I think soooo!

Here goes Skye with her voice, as she's telling the stories! It's great. Interestingly, I see she's still in her crib – shhh. Haha.

Do not understand the pumpkin/ chocolate disconnect, esp. for the man putting up all-the-halloween! Ha! We are all unique. Sooo appreciate the fall food sharing and this latest pumpkin cookie recipe. Unlike yesterday's recipe, this one includes an egg. So, might not need the egg. Also, my quick review finds this recipe does not blot the pumpkin moisture. So, potentially something to take from the other recipe. It's all good, really good!

Have a great day!!


I know!! I will never understand the fact that he doesn’t like the combo either! Thanks Lee, I hope you have a great day too and I’m glad you loved those three words too!


I’ve had Let Your Mind Run on my Kindle for over a year. And just bought it on Audible! I need to start it!


You need to start it today! Let me know what you think about it:). I hope you have a beautiful day Catie!


I use to wear socks to bed all the time and would even tuck my pajamas pants into them – since having kids I don’t like wearing socks to bed. If I go to bed with them on they end up getting kicked off.

Pumpkin and chocolate sure do go together – chocolate goes with just about everything.

I’m watching Rectify on Netflix right now and it’s been good. I’m almost done with it so I’ll need to find something new.

I love it when kids ‘read’ to you and just make up stories as they look at the pictures.

The girls’ faces on the slide!!! I know exactly how both of those expressions feel!


So interesting how our preferences can change so much in regards to sleeping with socks. I agree, chocolate just makes everything better. I’ll have to check out Rectify! Thanks Erika, I hope you have a beautiful day!


OK Andrew seems like a super amazing guy but not liking chocolate with pumpkin? I dunno.

I am not sure Boston 2021 would go off as scheduled in April so they probably won’t open registration until they know they could hold an event. They might be waiting to see if they could reasonably hold it in September or October? I don’t think 2021 will have many more big races than 2020 did because we really need to get widespread vaccine distribution before large events will get permitted. Our CEO said our office might not fully reopen until January 2022 so I would guess big races will be on a similar timeline. Maybe NYC 2021 will happen? Maybe.


He was too nervous to tell me about this fault of his until after we were married haha;). January 2022… wow, that seems so far away. Are you doing okay working at home? I think you are very right about the races next year. Have a beautiful day friend.


Hi Janae! No way I can sleep with socks on. Whenever I go to hotels I untuck the sheets so my feet can breathe. I’ve been watching parks and rec since it’s leaving Netflix October 1st. Let’s go grow is a great mantra! Happy Tuesday! (Feels like at least Thursday to me haha)


I didn’t know Parks and Rec was leaving Netflix… my brother is going to be so sad! Enjoy and I am totally with you, untucked sheets PLEASE. Let’s pretend it is Thursday because it feels like a Thursday to me too:) Thanks Amy.


I never sleep in socks, just thinking about it makes me hot!

I wouldn’t say I don’t like chocolate with pumpkin, I just never put the two together. Maybe I need to give it a try…

My running bottoms are always solid, but tops tend to be bright/patterned because I run in cycling jerseys. I love jerseys because of the brightness, but also for the pockets ;)


YES, give it a try and let me know what you think. I hope your quick trip to Hawaii went well friend. Oh and pockets are just the best. Have a great day Kathy!


Omg I landed in Salt Lake City today and saw Cafe Rio and immediately told my boyfriend that HRG loves this place ?. We got salads at Cubby’s and I feel like I have a built in tour guide- so thank you !


Oh this makes me so so happy! Cubby’s is the best, I’m so glad you guys went there. You’ll have to let me know where else you guys go while you are here. Enjoy!


Aww cute socks Syke!

❤️ shirts with saying. I think they are so fun ?

I do like pumpkin and DARK chocolate chip muffins. The combo initially grossed me out but now it’s a seasonal favorite.

Great harvest has pumpkin chocolate chip muffins ?

I also like Starbucks pumpkin cream fraps (coffee free) ? with lots of yummy whipped cream on top mmmmmm. Starbucks also has an pumpkin cream cheese muffin so so good ?

I always sleep with very light weight socks on because I never know what I may step on on my way to the bathroom at night ?

Take care ?


HEY SYDNEY! Maybe I need to have Andrew try the GH pumpkin chocolate chip muffins… how could he not like those? And I need to get one of those fraps and muffins too. Have the best day Sydney!


Hi Janae! Very random question for you! The chair sweet Skye is sitting in at your sisters… is it a counter stool? We are in the market for some cute ones but I can’t ever decide! Our kitchen is white and has black accents and granite that looks very similar. Would she mind sharing where she found them?

P.s. I hope she shares more of her home projects, she is incredible and I am obsessed with before/after home improvements. Just so fun!


HEY Sarah! Yes, she is definitely going to share more of her projects soon. The counter stools she got off of KSL (our version of Craiglist) so she doesn’t know where they originally came from. I’m so sorry! Good luck and your kitchen sounds beautiful!


Hello Janae…..I did hear that Boston would not happen until there is a vaccine? Not sure if this is true but I guess since there are runners world wide that participate it most likely won’t happen this Spring. SO SO SAD! I feel terrible for the elite runners, the sponsors, the race organizations, etc. It’s just really hard for everyone.

You do amaze me. I love how consistent you are and you’re speedy even when you’re real prego? And always so beautiful.

Have a good weekend!

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