Silentish Saturday!

2.23 miles + 6.07 miles for Ahmaud.

My sister’s ankle was starting to bug her last week but as soon as we had her run on the flat part of the road and not the slanted part of the road = ZERO PAIN.  Those slanted sides of the road and sidewalk cracks are out there to get runners.

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Ready for the weekend.

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She always needs her shades on in the car too.

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Their year was made when we were able to get froyo again.  We went to Menchies and they prepare it for you. Skye was just thrilled that they gave her more sprinkles than she thought was possible.

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We ate it on the curb and it just felt like the good ol’ days again.

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I love how they take care of these chickens.

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After debating whether or not to get an Instant Pot for four years, I finally caved and I’m very happy I did.

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How have I lived without this thing?

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I made (and definitely added the cream cheese to it too) this Instant Pot Salsa Chicken recipe.

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Post-work 4 mile run for Andrew.

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A thrilling Friday night game night.

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Packing hi-chews for a longer run today and then Andrew has this weekend off.

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Tell me what you are up to today!

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11.5 miles this morning! Haven’t run that far in a while, pretty excited. Study session for school since finals are next week. And probably a nap at some point because tired after my run lol


Mariah, AWESOME run this morning! I’m stoked for you and I hope you are soaking in those endorphins. I hope that studying went well and enjoy that nap. Happy weekend!


Hi Janae !
The Instant Pot seems great ! (And it’s written in french ! :)
I love everything that can simplify life to eat good meals without spending three hours in the kitchen.
Today, nothing that makes me move, my neck is stuck. It hurts.
So i’m watching my husband who is tiling to make an extra room, open to the kitchen, for the dogs. It will be great, more space for them and us.
Have a great week end !


Oh that makes me so happy that it is written in French! I am SO sorry about your neck, I wonder what happened? I hope things are feeling better asap and enjoy the extra space, that is great. Thank you Ingrid, you too!


I loved seeing all the posts on Facebook and IG yesterday about running for Ahmaud! What a community runners are!
Today will be more yard work. We’re re-doing the backyard, so it is taking a lot of time, but it’s so fun too! I’m looking online every day for new patio furniture, but can’t decide what I really want.
I’m starting the day with a shorter run. My Achilles have been bugging me for the last few days, not sure why….
Have a great Saturday and a wonderful Mother’s day!!


Runners really are just the greatest and we are so good at bonding together! SO excited about your backyard, you’ll have to send me before and after pictures. Patio furniture is a tough decision. I really hope that your achilles behaves and that you are feeling pain free asap. Thank you and I hope you have a beautiful Mother’s Day too!


Hi Janae! Just read your post today, used to be on here a lot, but it’s been a long time! We moved about 6 months ago, and decided to stop getting internet, which was great for me, the kids, really everyone – but I missed you :) Covid 19 has forced us to get Internet again for work, and I’m loving catching up on all the blog posts I missed, although I’m working to be more intentional with my online time now. Balance is a good thing.

It’s great you can run with your sister! I haven’t been able to run with anyone for ages, and I’m so wanting to! What’s your pace per mile when you’re running together? And do you ever run with your niece or nephew?

Do you have any tips on running motivation during this time (and really always)? That’s been a hard thing for me lately, with everything so different.


HEY LEAH! So good to hear from you! You’ve had a lot of changes and I’ve missed you. Balance is the best thing and I support that:) Right now she is usually between a 8:50-9:20! She is crushing it and I haven’t run with my niece or nephew for a while. Brooke told me today she wants to run on Monday so that is exciting. Oh motivation is so hard right now with the lack of races and all of the emotional stress happening. I think the biggest thing for me is just making sure I’m doing what I WANT and not what I think anybody else would think:) Run at your favorite places, your favorite paces and in your most comfortable things. And sometimes I just can’t rely on motivation (because there isn’t any ha) and I have to rely on the fact I KNOW the rest of my day will go better if I get out and run and I’ll feel so much better. Sometimes a little break is a great thing too and helps us to come back more excited. Thinking about you Leah and I hope you have a beautiful weekend.


I still love my instant pot after two years … Can’t wait to see your favorite meals to make with it!


This makes me so so happy to hear. And if you ever want to share your favorites with anyone… I’m your woman. Have a great weekend, Allison!


Ok I really want to play connect 4 now?! So I will probably do that as I eat yet another frozen pizza tonight.
Also! I don’t know if you’ve seen this but I really, really want to try it!
Maybe next week?

Have a great day!


Ahhh games and pizza… sounds perfect! Oh I haven’t seen that but that is awesome! YOU HAVE TO let me know how it goes, I’m cheering big time for you! Have a beautiful day, Rachel:)


Happy Mother’s Day, Janae! (Gotta say it now since you don’t post on Sundays) Hope you have a fabulous weekend.

I was awake at 5:00, so I went for a bike ride (I ran yesterday.) Now it’s time for some relaxation while Les rides 100 miles. He and his friend are doing a century every weekend, they’re calling it the COVID Saturday Century Series. They have masks if they need to go into a mini mart, but other than that they’re just riding long.


Kathy, you are just the best. Thank you friend and I hope your weekend is a wonderful one too. 100 miles… wowzers! Good for them and I am so glad you got in a good ride today and run yesterday:) Enjoy the relaxation and I’m going to join you in that!


Hi Janae! Instant pot is great! I think it is a misnomer because it sure isn’t instant or fast but it’s the only pressure cooker I feel safe with. Those stovetop ones that whistle make me jump every time.

I tried some frozen mango since you mentioned it yesterday and it was great! I only ate half the bag ;). I think it’s great you’re back to candy as fuel, excited to see where you go! Happy mother’s day in advance!


AHHH yes… the stovetop ones are so scary and my mom has been burned from one before! SO happy you loved the mango, they are perfect this time of year as it is warming up. Thank you friend and I hope you have a great weekend!


Yay for an instant pot!!!! They are the best invention!!

We have a “birthday party” (3 family members over) for my youngest. We were all going to sit outside—but it is SNOWING!!!! So we are sitting the the entryway, steps, upstairs of our house.

Ran 15 miles which I am pretty sure is my longest run in almost 2 years.

It’s insane how the slant of the road can cause so many issues! I am always afraid I am going to get stopped by he cops for running on the wrong side.

Happy Saturday Janae!


I seriously don’t know why I waited so long… they are perfect for the procrastinator dinner maker like me ha. SNOW? Okay, things are getting too weird. I’m so glad you are able to celebrate your youngest and I hope it is perfect. 15 miles–> you are on FIRE! I hope you get a little relaxing in today too. Enjoy the rest of your day, Becky and Happy Mother’s Day!


A run if I can get the energy hah. Coffee ain’t working and body feels like a tin-man.

Hmm, you might have turned me onto the instant pot – how does it differ from a crockpot? I hate cooking so I often spend more (too much) money on pre-made meals. I also find I’m hungry after a run or work but not in the mood to cook. Sense a theme ?

Question: can you do a post or point me to your favourite running shorts?


Hahaha I totally understand that tin-man feeling. I hope you started feeling more energy and got in a great run. The Instant Pot is amazing… it basically does the same thing but WAY faster. It took minutes to make delicious shredded chicken. This is perfect for you because I’m like you and am not into cooking but want food fast! YES to the shorts post, I’ll work on that for next week! Have a wonderful day Jenni:)


So excited you got an Instant Pot- you will love it and I am glad you are already enjoying it! Easy to peel Hard Boiled eggs, huge batches of pulled chicken/pulled pork/pulled beef…. the best! Also, good for Andrew for running after a 12 hour shift- I just finished my last day as a bedside ICU nurse yesterday (I am going to CRNA school in a few weeks) and I only ran after work (or before, for that matter) a few times because it is just so exhausting to do on a day I worked!


I love my Instant Pot and use at least twice a week. I am actually debating about upgrading mine and purchasing an Instant pot with an air frier attached? I haven’t looked into them that much but they look kind of cool!

Happy Mothers Day tomorrow!

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