Reunion + Routine + Required

I think my body is NEEDING some major routine in life so every day for a few days in a row I woke up within a 3 minute range without an alarm clock.  I think it’s away of trying to have some control when life feels very out of control.

These post-run porch sits before going in to start the day have become a great treat each morning.

Then we went to pick up Knox.   It has been a week and a half since we have seen him and seeing their reunion made my heart very happy.  PS Andrew and I were talking the other day about how it is cool that he has known Brooke and I have known Knox for more of their lives than we haven’t.  Andrew and I met when they were 3.5 (ps it’s almost our 4 year first date anniversary in a few days).

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Just a flashback to their first time meeting:

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I ate a breakfast burrito while chatting to you guys in the comments (also that Tumbler below is just my favorite).

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I predict Skye is going to be very ahead of the game with math because of all of the math videos she has watched with Brooke over the last month.

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Breaks to lay on the ground during school at home is very normal for us.

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After Skye’s nap she told me that she wants to go on an airplane.  I wonder if she had a dream about going on a trip somewhere?!

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Andrew went grocery shopping for the first time in a while which meant FRESH food that tasted so good.

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And now we have the Quinoa Recovery Salad from Shalane to eat for a few meals.

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The more feta, the better.

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We made Disneyland’s DOLE WHIP and it was another winner.  I’m embarrassed over how much I’ve thought about going to Disneyland (or any vacations) lately…

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A fun treat each day is pretty much required during this time.

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We are going to be transferring these to our garden in a few more weeks (after it snows tomorrow)!  I’m so excited about them:)

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Those of you celebrating birthdays or special events during this time at home… what are you doing to make them feel special?

What did you last make for dinner?

Who are you most excited to be reunited with when this is all over?

Disneyland lovers—> What is your favorite treat there?

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I’m very grateful no one in my family has a birthday right now. My aunt has set up big zoom calls with everyone so my grandparents can see us all which is fun.

The last thing I made for dinner was on Easter! It was a big meal so my boyfriend and I have been having leftovers (and one local takeout meal) since ha. It was pot roast from The Defined Dish. SO GOOD! Highly recommend since it was easy and minimal work since it cooks in the oven for a few hours.

I’m most excited to be reunited with my family! I live in Philly and they’re in Chicago and Michigan. We have a big trip planned for July and now I’m craving the beach more than ever.


I love that your aunt is doing that, that is so great that you are able to zoom with your grandparents often. LEFTOVERS are the best and the main motivation for me to cook ha. I will have to try that pot roast, thank you so much Maureen. I hope you see your family and the beach asap!


I can’t wait to hug my family!! And friends too. I should probably warn everyone that I will be doing a lot of hugging when this is over… Ha ha
We grilled burgers on the grill last night, and it gave us a little taste of summer. It was so nice.
We have been talking a lot about Disneyland too lately (we live about 20minutes away). Right across from Indiana Jones is a little place that sells bacon wrapped asparagus…. So, so good! We’ve also been talking about what the perfect vacation will be when we can travel again too…. Hawaii, Lake Tahoe… Hopefully soon.
I’m off for a quick run, then a couple of zoom meetings (which means that I will do my hair and makeup!)
Have a great Thursday ?


Morning Janae,
That Dole whip looks amazing! We will put that on the “to do” list for this weekend!
We haven’t been doing any take out since the middle of March. I made popcorn chicken and French fries in the air fryer last night and it made my family so happy! They were really missing fast food!
Speaking of missing, this has been the longest I have gone without seeing my mom and my kids seeing their grandma. We have always lived 2-5 hours apart, but made it a point to travel once per month. We just can’t wait to see her!

My son turned 13 during this quarantine. I made the dinner he requested including dessert and we took him to drive for the first time.
I hope you have a great day!


Let me know if you make the Dole Whip and what you think about it. Okay, your dinner last night sounds so good and I bet your family was in heaven. Jenny, that is so so hard about going this long without seeing your mom. I hope that you are able to go the day this is all over! Love how you celebrated with your son and I hope he is doing okay without school/friends! Thanks Jenny, you too!


Look at little Knox and Brooke! Oh my goodness they have grown!!!

I’m holding out hope that travel bans will be lifted (but only if it’s safe, as I’m content to be safe!) so I can see my older kids, parents, and brother this summer. My youngest son and I live overseas (the olders are in college and/or have jobs) so we planned this summer as a visit. I’m thinking if we are unable to go my parents may visit us at the end of summer or early fall. Luckily there’s technology and A LOT of face timing and messaging!

Dinner: quinoa, orange lentils, zucchini, mushrooms, with a coconut oil/turmeric/ginger, koriander, cumin sauce mixed in and pumpkin seeds and avocado on top. Warm yumminess!!

The last treat was a frozen smoothie pop. We had made a Tailwind vanilla recovery smoothie with bananas and blueberries then froze it in popsicle molds. But, I was impatient to get it to soften a bit so I whacked it lightly and put the chunks in a bowl and put granola on top. It was more delicious than anything and I’m glad to tell you because let’s face it, these days we have to share the little things somehow!!!

Disneyland-their treats are so good. I think their shortbread cookies (or maybe they’re sugar cookies?) and rice crispy treats are so delicious with their coffee. I am a bit particular about coffee and was skeptical it would be good, but I’m telling you, that cup of coffee and cookie are memorable to me.

Enjoy your day!! Your garden starts look great! We were excited today to see some growth in ours this morning.


Oh Kelly, I REALLY hope you are able to see your people this summer. You’ll have to keep me updated with that and keep enjoying connecting via technology. Okay, your dinner sounds heavenly and so does that smoothie pop. I LIVE for these little things so thank you! How have I never tried that shortbread cookie? I will find it next time we go. YAY about your garden too, it’s so exciting to see them grow. Have a beautiful day friend!


WOW! That Dole Whip looks SO good!!! I’ve never been to Disney but I’ve heard such amazing things about their treats. I need to go one day for sure.

We had burgers and fries for dinner last night! :) Simple and tasty!

I’m most excited to be reunited with our parents. It just feels so strange to be so distanced from them, so I can’t wait for some normalcy to return!

Have a great Thursday, Janae!!


Oh you have to go one day and you’ll love the Dole Whip. I LOVE a good burger with fries and I really hope that you are able to see your parents soon! Thanks Chelsea, you too!


It’s my birthday on April 29th. Last year I spent it in New York, this year I’ll be alone. Not what I have imagined but I’ll make the best of it. I’ll go on a run, eat a muffin and maybe talk to friends and family on the phone. But most importantly I’ll be grateful that everyone in my family is healthy.

Stay safe :)


Happy Birthday Month Mone! I’m glad last year’s bday was so great and I wish we could all be with you this year. Your perspective is beautiful and I needed to read it this morning! I hope you have a beautiful day and now I need a muffin:). Thanks and you too!


We are doing a birthday parade and big bday sign for my nephew, who turns 7, this weekend.

Dinner last night was egg salad sammies and roasted veggies.

I am most excited to hug my mama when this is all over! And my mother in law.

My favorite Disney treat is the fresh made gluten free donuts at Crystal Palace at Magic Kingdom in FL.


That is so so awesome that you are doing that for your nephew, he is going to LOVE it. Your dinner sound excellent and I cannot wait for you to get those hugs in! Just over here drooling for those donuts right now:). Have a beautiful day Marissa!


So cute that Skye wants to go on an airplane. My 3 yr old tells me ALL the time that he wants to go to the ocean. We live in Minnesota… so maybe driving by a big lake would do the trick. :)
Last night we made fresh bread, so that was fun! I’ve also been making chocolate mini muffins for the kiddos because they seem to love them & it’s actually a pretty healthy recipe. I am going to have to try that Dole Whip recipe soon – yum!
Happy Thursday!


Oh the ocean sounds like a dream right now! I hope you guys are able to make it to the bike lake soon for a day outing! You are inspiring me to make fresh bread, that sounds so good right now and so do those muffins. Let me know if you try the Dole Whip. Thanks and you too Katie!


I went for a big run on my birthday and talked to several friends on the phone throughout the day–it was SO nice to be able to “see” them, and a good excuse to catch up! My family also made the day pretty special with food, flowers, etc., so overall it was a very good day! One of my students had a birthday, and his friends had a little socially-distanced parade past his house, which I thought was brilliant.

I really miss going to my friend’s for TV Tuesday, when we’d catch up on some dumb reality show! We did it virtually this week (streaming at the same time and texting), which was really fun.

Dinner: chickpea pasta (I like the Banza brand) with cubed roasted sweet potato with rosemary and a little cayenne and tomato sauce. SO good and easy!


Oh I LOVE how you celebrated your bday and so thankful for technology during times like this. Love the parade idea too. I bet those students of yours miss you and your classroom. TV Tuesday… okay, that is such a fun idea and I love that you are still doing it in a revised way:). Your dinner sounds amazing! Hope your Thursday is a beautiful. one friend!


I love seeing plant starters! My husband and I built an aquaponics garden a few months ago and have it running in the basement storage room. Were able to get everything cycled, I added herbs, lettuce, and cabbage. Last week, we added yellow perch and some catfish to the tanks. I currently have an AeroGarden in the kitchen which has tomatoes, peppers, and spinach that we plan to transfer once the roots get a bit longer. I also added some blackberry, raspberry and sunflower seeds that I plan to plant outside, but I have to figure out where that will go.
I think the next big plan for gardening will be a greenhouse in the backyard and I am beyond excited! I am just ready for the weather to stay nice…. very sick of the cold. I need sunshine and warm temperatures!


Oh that is awesome Kelly! So excited for you. You guys are really going to have some amazing food to eat soon! Keep me updated on your greenhouse project. Seriously, we need WARM WEATHER! Hope you are having a great day so far.


Your burrito looks delicious! How do you make your breakfast burritos? Last night I made “marathon bolognese” from Run Fast Eat Slow and it was delicious. I will never be disappointed by that cookbook!
And I’m with Skye, I need a vacation! Disney would be amazing. A matterhorn macaroon would be incredible right now :)

Have a great Thursday!


I love the tortillas from Costco that you cook yourself (they come as big circles of down) and then I add eggs, whatever veggies we have (usually peppers/onions), cheese and if we have any leftover meat in the fridge (steak is my favorite). I love to add salsa too! It’s the perfect meal for breakfast, lunch of dinner! Oh I need to try that recipe, I haven’t done that one yet. Adding it to the list. Okay, now I need one of those macaroons. Thanks friend, you too!


What are growing for your garden?


Onions, squash, zucchini, corn, watermelon, zucchini, tomatoes and some herbs. We also have strawberry and raspberry bushes growing too! I’m very excited to eat from it:) Have a great day!


And what was the book you recommend for gardening?


Hey! Here is the link, it’s really great and easy to understand!


We have 2 birthdays coming up. I bought cards from an artist friend. First going a porch drop with cake and a surprise for my mom next week.

For my guys birthday which is on mother’s day I will order him a surprise.. there are so many deliveries to our place lately that that he won’t be suspicious Haha. And maybe takeout from his favorite. And his favourite dessert or cake. Way back in October I had been thinking of a way to make it super nice
involving his mom my mom etc and getting a super fancy cake etc just because it’s a milestone bday but I guess life changed those plans. I will take him somewhere nice when will this is over ?

I am excited to be able to hug my nieces again and visit them. I had been planning an Easter long weekend trip but they obviously didn’t happen.

I hear you about needing some sort of routine to feel normal. Have a great day Janae!


Porch drop with a cake… you are just the best Kristine, how sweet of you! Your guy is so lucky to have you too. Sounds like it will be the perfect day together. I bet those nieces of yours are ready for a hug from you too. I hope you are finding the perfect routine for you… we’ve got this! Have a great day!


Brooke looks so interested in the math videos!! I love that. My nieces are doing something similar- the 5 year old is learning to read books and the 3 year old sits there watching, trying to read too haha.

I made salsa chicken in the crockpot and had burrito bowls. I didn’t have fresh avocado, but I had some in the freezer, so I made a makeshift guac with that!


Hahaha the younger ones are so lucky to be getting all of this one-on-one tutoring with their older siblings:) Now I need a burrito bowl and way to get in the guac from the freezer! Hope you are having a beautiful day:)


Isn’t it crazy how families grow and change and you can’t imagine life any other way!

My son has a birthday next month and we are hoping and praying we can all get together then! I was crying when I told him grandma and papa might not be able to come for a party.

I am most excited to see my parents and sister. Although my father-in-law and his girlfriend are pretty awesome too–plus they live on a lake and with summer coming up, it just wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t get in our pontoon rides and visits!

I last made lasagna. Today I am attempting yogurt in the crockpot.

Happy Thursday! My kids school week is now M-TH (Friday is for make-up work and reading). Yahoo!!!!


I’m totally going to suggest that to our school… I love that Fridays are dedicated for reading and getting caught up. Lasagna–> delicious. Let me know how the yogurt goes, that is awesome. I would be crying too telling him that, I am so so sorry. I hope you are all reunited soon. We’ve got this Becky! Hope you have a beautiful day!


Hi Janae! Your starts look great! And fresh produce is totally amazing nowadays.. hopefully when our gardens get going we can get it more easily. Happy Thursday!


Oh thank you friend! It will be so nice to always have it available. Happy Thursday to you too!


Was just thinking that I’d love an update on your latest favorite gear for indoor workouts, cold outdoor workouts, warmer weather running, etc. Seen you wearing some cute stuff lately and it’s inspiring me :)

Would also love your ideas on workouts that can be done indoors for those who are cooped up and don’t have access to spaces to run outside (e.g. websites, videos, etc)


Hey Abbie! I will absolutely put one together (I need to update my gear page too). As far as working out at home, I’m so glad you asked me. What I am loving the most is Megan’s free workouts she has on her IG! They are killer and include strength and cardio–>
Just did her latest 32 minute total body circuit workout and it was SO good. I’ve also used the Peloton app (free for a few months) and it’s awesome. Keep me updated with how you are doing. Have a beautiful day!


Dinner last night was green beans, noodles & chicken mixed up with parmasean cheese. Simple and good! It’s so awesome to see Knox and Brookes relationship, they look so happy to see eachother!


That sounds like the perfect meal to me. Thank you, they really do love each other so much and because they have breaks from one another they don’t really fight! Hope your Thursday is a wonderful one Kristin!


I was just chatting with a friend about how my favorite perk of working from home is that I can go lie on the floor and stretch out my back! After sitting for too long it really helps me loosen up. I also have impromptu dance party breaks when a good song comes on my playlist. Can’t do that in an office without raising some eyebrows!
I love Skye’s concentrating face in that math video photo!


Hahaha those are definitely amazing perks but I’m guessing when you get back to work again those things will be completely acceptable too! Thank you, she was really trying to understand these concepts! Have a great day friend:)


My birthday is in a couple weeks. I told Les the other day I want to ride my age on my bike. I’ll be 56 so I’m thinking I’ll do it in kilometers (just shy of 35 miles, so not bad.) Other than that I would really love a meal that I don’t have to cook or cleanup. Even though I love to cook, I’m ready for a break.

One good thing that has come from this time – I’ve been trying some different things with my cooking. Stores don’t always have all the ingredients I want. I made my own Parmesan-garlic dry rub for chicken wings that was amazing. I also made lemon mini monkey bread last night that was off the charts (I’ll blog about it tomorrow.)

I have a long list of people I’m really looking forward to seeing when this is over. I’ve seen a few people because we are on the small team that does the live streaming for our church, but there are so many others that I miss. I think the kids in my life who hug on me are who I miss the most.


Happy birthday in a few weeks Kathy! I am cheering you on big time for you to bike ride your age! Can’t wait to hear what Les makes or picks up for you. Okay, can we come over for what you are making? That sounds amazing. Excited for you to see your people again! Have a fabulous Thursday Kathy!


My son had his 5th birthday last week and we had a birthday parade for him! Firetrucks, an ambulance (thank you small-town living!!), and about 10 vehicles of friends and family… there was even candy thrown and presents dropped off at the end of the driveway. He said it was ‘the best day of his whole life’!!

As for me, I’m missing my book-club girlfriends… we go out to eat and talk about one or two books (that we may or may not have made it through the last month). I’m missing my church family, too… it’s not the same watching online every week!!


A birthday parade for him… oh that is amazing that everyone showed up for him in such a big way. So happy he had such an amazing day. I want to join your book-club group… you guys all sound like a blast and I’m hoping you get reunited with them soon. Have a beautiful day Jodi!


I’m most excited to be reunited with my family outside of my own and my BFF. Our lunch dates and conversations have been deeply missed.
We had to miss our 20 year anniversary celebration. Which included a resort to St Thomas, which I thankfully was able to cancel in time for a full refund. No dinner to our fave restaurant even. So… steaks and wine at home for now. Trip is to be continued…
Last dinner made was burgers on the grill. I’m glad tonight is an inside dinner, we are supposed to get a major snow storm.
I can’t even tell you how happy your seedlings and garden makes me !


I’m working from home but I am still getting up at about 5am to do my meditation and workout at home. I used to get up at 4:40am to go to the actual gym. I love my morning routine and even if I stay in my pj pants or yoga clothes, I feel productive when I have a couple hours before sitting down to work.

My birthday was a week ago and the big 3-0. I had planned a trip with was obviously canceled. Instead I ordered myself a fancy unicorn cake (you can check out the pictures on my blog) from a local person and I took a half day of work so I could relax all afternoon. My husband got me balloons which I requested as well and I had my favorite chili for dinner. OMG the cake was worth every penny too. First time I ever ordered a custom cake for my birthday and it was so dense. Since it was only me and my husband, we froze a few pieces and I think we will take it out for our 1 year wedding anniversary in May. We did a destination small wedding last year (so glad it was last year since it would have been canceled this year) and so we didn’t have cake to bring home so my birthday cake leftovers will be perfect. Especially since we will probably still be quarantined for our wedding anniversary. Maybe we will do take out from somewhere.


Hi! What brand is your olive green zip up in your post run pic? It’s so cute! :)


My birthday was yesterday. Definitely weird. My original birthday present was going to be running the Indy Mini and spending the weekend down there with my husband. ? However, I treated myself to some things: 5 mile run during my lunch break from work, ordered some new books, ordered a bunch of clothes from the Madewell sale (thought of you!!) and ordered some new running shoes and some summer Sorel sneakers. My friend dropped off a present and we caught up in the driveway which was awesome, and my husband and I got carry out from my favorite restaurant. Also helped all the calls and messages I got throughout the day. Will celebrate with everyone again when this is over! ? Thank you for your every day encouragement and openness during this time.


Your comment about knowing Knox longer than not made me smile! They probably won’t even remember not knowing you.
Your grace with your blended family situations truly inspire me daily!

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