Friday Favorites!!

Another morning with Brooke out on the roads.  This time she wanted to ride her electric scooter and I was definitely jealous of it when we were going uphill!

We stopped to look at any animals that we saw along the way!

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She did the first 3 with me and then I did another 5.  I’m in the habit during a run to run into the middle of the road (with no cars there) whenever I come up to another runner on the same side of the road as me. It’s going to be interesting when this is all over if it is going to feel really weird being close to people again!

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The other highlights from our day included taping pictures on Mer’s windows (and getting to talk to her through the door for a few minutes).

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And visiting with my parents!

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We ended the day with Mulan.  Skye wore her backpack the entire day and I had to convince her to take it off for bedtime.

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Favorites time!!

*I love hearing from you guys about the amazing things you are doing!  This one is from Kristin:  “I was feeling so disappointed that my spring race was cancelled this year, but after seeing people on your blog who were going out and running their race distances, I thought, “Why can’t I do that??”  So this past weekend, on the day my race was supposed to be, I went out and did my 10-mile “race.”  It felt SO good, it was a beautiful day, and I shaved about 7.5 minutes off last year’s time, and still felt good after!”

Way to go Kristin and now you are inspiring me to run my race here on 5/2/20 when I was supposed to be doing the Indy Mini!

*I love self-help books and podcasts and there are two from this week that I especially loved… here and here:

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*Season 4 of Life in Pieces (one of my favorite shows ever) is on Hulu and it is just too good.

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*I found and bought a pair of shorts that I love now that it is warmer here and they are getting me excited for real life again.

*We decided we REALLY needed an incredible dessert a few nights ago—>   chocolate banana pudding and it was everything we could have hoped for.  Brooke and I had it for breakfast for one morning too because… bananas totally make it a breakfast food.

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*Our karaoke microphone (it connects to your phone) is getting more use than ever lately!  I have every word of the Frozen 2 soundtrack memorized (including the outtakes too:)

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*My sis-in-law sent this to me… I’ve never seen a strava entry like this:

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What are your feelings about these:

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Have any favorite things from this week?

What is your current #1 favorite dessert or last dessert that you made?

Looking forward to anything this weekend?

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Whoa! That driveway marathon–I can’t imagine doing that distance on such a short course!
I used to LOVE Peeps. My mom thinks I still do, and she gives them to me each year…shhh! please don’t tell her. I thank her sincerely and then give them to my kids :)
This week’s favorite dessert: my son (11) made us chocolate chip cookies yesterday & they were fabulous!
We had the same idea about taping posters on my parents’ windows this weekend–we’re going to cut out Easter egg shapes and hearts, and we’ll also chalk decorate their sidewalks. They’re struggling with staying home, so we’re hoping to brighten their spirits (and keep them inside).


Hey Corey! I seriously cannot imagine doing a marathon in such a short distance either! Hahah I will never tell your mom:) Way to go to your son… I can’t wait for my kids to make me treats like that! You are really going to cheer your parents up, how sweet corey! Enjoy.


I feel like I’ve made new (from a distance) friends with the people I see on the trail running every morning. For some reason I haven’t felt motivated to vary my route so I do the same out at back run. I have to share what just happened to me on the trail. 2 good things:
1. My running buddy whom I’ve been separated from during all this virus business happened to be running on the same stretch as me and we both cried when we saw each other. We were catching up with each other safely 6 feet apart when..:
2. The homeless lady that I see frequently walking or riding her bike on the trail stopped on her bike to talk to us. This has never happened. Whenever I see her (which has been daily lately) I smile and say “hi!” and I never get a response or acknowledgement. Well this morning she stopped and asked us if we’d had anything to eat yet this morning. She then pulled a bunch of bananas out of her grocery sack and generously handed us two bananas each, told us to have a great day and went on her way.
?????Here was someone with very very little giving what she had to others. Geez louise. It left us speechless. Do something for someone else today.?


Okay, your story of seeing your running buddy gave me goosebumps! So glad you guys got to catch up. Thank you for sharing about the woman you see often. What a sweet story. So much good in this world. I hope you have a beautiful weekend, Natalie!


My favorite thing this week is that my husband surprised me by baking chocolate chip banana bread (that might be the 2nd time he’s baked in 17+ years of marriage hah). I had jotted down the recipe from Steph Bruce’s IG this past week and thought maybe I’d get to make it this weekend (my work is deemed essential so I’m still going into an empty office). But my husband is working from home and decided to make the bread on his lunch hour. My heart swooned, I think food is my love language.

My other favorite thing has been watching those John Krasinski videos you posted, thanks so much for sharing those! I cried during both (just a little emotional these days). It really helps to think of positive things each day.

And glad you got to see your parents. How are they doing? I know they had been doing a ton of walking, are they able to still get in some movement?


Way to go to your husband on baking for you! That was so sweet of him and I’m the same, good food is all I need. I am SO glad that you have loved his videos, even his tone of voice fills me with hope. Thank you so much for asking. My dad is handling the quarantine better than my mom (she usually has a very social life!) but they are getting in a lot of walks still and a lot of porch visits. Thanks again Michelle and I hope this weekend you get a nice break from work!


I love peeps, but they give me such a sugar crash I’ve stopped eating them! But man, they are good. I made some cookies that had raisins, chocolate, and pecans–SO many raisins, which I love, so I thought they were fantastic!

My favorite thing this week is Deena Kastor’s book; I’m almost done with it and have loved reading it! I’m going to need to find some more running books because I am going to miss this one.

I love your idea of taping photos to windows of loved ones you can’t really visit right now. That’s such a sweet way to keep in touch and I’m sure meant so much to her!


I love raisins in cookies too but you and I might be some of the few that do. Your cookies sound amazing! SO SO happy you have loved Deena’s book. I think hers is my favorite of all running books. Thank you Kristin and I hope your weekend is a wonderful one.


Senita released a swimsuit line today! Very excited to check it out.

Another favorite from the week is @dnice on Instagram. He DJs on IG Live every day, great mix of music to dance to!


NO WAY! I love them so much, this makes me so excited. I can’t wait to check that DJ out, how cool that he is doing that. Have a happy weekend!


Oh my goodness that dessert looks AMAZING. We have been splurging on Ben and Jerry’s ice cream for our after dinner treats. And I love peeps! I haven’t had one in years but you can’t go wrong with sugar coated marshmallows :) I last made chocolate chip caramel cookies, which we eat with a side of B&Js. This weekend I am just thankful that my family is healthy and I am looking forward to spending some time together without work distractions!

Have a good weekend Janae!


Ben and Jerry’s sounds so so good right now (along with your cookies) and I hope you get some peeps at some point soon. Have the best time this weekend with your family and I’m so glad you are all doing well! Thanks Melissa!


I love PEEPS! And so does my toddler! We are going to have a peep roast soon. That sounds a little morbid… but a peep smore? YES!


PEEP ROAST… okay, I have to do this with my kids, they will love it along with the peep s’mores. Brilliant. Have a happy weekend!


Peeps are ok if I’m desperate and they are fresh—I would definitely eat one in a S’more. But not the flavored ones—just a plain Peep!

My daughter(15) made her chocolate chip cookies last Sunday and I was literally so sad when the last one was eaten. They were SO good. I love pretty much all dessert but those things are my favorite—add a scoop of vanilla ice cream and I am a happy girl. We have more chocolate chips ordered for our grocery pick up tomorrow!

Favorite thing this week: today is GOOD FRIDAY! There isn’t anything better than what happens on Sunday:).

Have a great day!



How have I never tried Peeps in a s’more? Such a good idea. Okay, those cookies sound amazing and I bet they taste even more amazing because your daughter made them (food always tastes so much better when somebody I love makes them ha:). I hope she makes some more soon! I agree, this week is such a good reminder to me of fresh starts, hope and joy. Thanks Jen, you too!


My husband and I LOVE Life in Pieces!!! Such a good show.
I can’t imagine running an entire marathon in the driveway! I’ve also read about a couple of people running marathons in their backyard… Crazy! I wonder if they wore out a path in the grass?? ?
I made Easter sugar cookies the other day with my boys, and they even helped decorate them with me (they’re 19 and almost 16). We haven’t done that in forever! Cookies are our current favorite dessert.
Not gonna lie… Yesterday was rough for me! It rained all day long!!! No run, couldn’t take the dog out for a quick walk… It was tough! This week has been so rainy that along with the state of our world, really hit me hard! But I reminded myself that it’s ok to feel all my feelings. I ended up doing an old workout DVD, a bunch of core and some strength, took a shower, did my hair and makeup, and put on real clothes! That definitely helped. I think it’s important to let each other know that we all, and we probably will a few more times before this is over, have bad/down days. We will get through this.
Thanks for sharing your ups and downs with us, and allowing us to share with you ?
Have a wonderful Good Friday!


I love hearing from other Life in Pieces fans… it is just too funny! I bet those people definitely wore some paths into their lawn… at least it would here. Wendy, I am so so sorry that yesterday was such a hard day. When we can’t even get sunlight… there is no way to feel good! I’m so glad you felt what you needed to feel and way to accomplish some things. THANK YOU for sharing with me, it really helps me to feel less alone. Thanks friend, you too!


I was so sad when Life in Pieces was cancelled, such a funny show! The episode where two of the sons attempt to cut down the tree with the dad in the front yard at Greg’s house almost killed me lol!
Have a great day!


I KNOW!! How could they cancel such a hilarious show and that episode… the absolute best. I hope your Friday has been great so far Lindsay!


Hi Janae! That chocolate banana pudding looks good! I love putting things into big glass bowls it just makes it look so good. That driveway marathon is crazy.. my driveway is short and slanted so I’m pretty sure I’d get an injury if I tried to run loops around it (I guess I could switch up directions). I wonder if his family set up an aid station in the garage ;)

Happy Friday!


Hahah so true… those big glass bowls just make everything look amazing. I would definitely get injured on our driveway too! I sure hope that his family did! Thanks Amy and you too!


That Strava entry looks like what I get when I ride the trainer in the garage and forget to turn off GPS!

I use to love Peeps when they only came out at Easter time. I think I overate them at some point and just seeing them makes me a little feel nauseated ;-0

I made “mug” cakes last week. They were surprisingly good!

Our county (Ventura) just placed stronger restrictions on us – gatherings of no more than 2 people (unless family) are now in place. Poor Les, he’s been riding with a couple friends, but looks like that is out for now. Now we have to figure out how far I can ride with him before I fall off the bike!


I bet Les is so bummed. I really hope that things are back to normal soonish! Haha sorry if my picture of the peep made you feel sick. I need to try one of those mug cakes… yum! I hope you and Les have a great weekend!


Yep I’ve got those songs down too!

Who’s indefrostable, inexhaustible, humble and fuuuuuun?


Haha i couldn’t imagine running a mile no less a marathon in my driveway! I haven’t done too much baking since quarantine oddly enough. Also another crazy thing is that when we bought our house almost 4 years ago, it didn’t come with an oven (we have a stove top) and it looks like there was a spot that it could go, so we’ve been surviving on a toaster oven all these years. I can still do baking, but it takes longer since it doesn’t seal in the heat as well and it’s smaller, so I can only put in one baking sheet, so I’m less inclined to try to do lots of big baking. I do love a good banana cream pie though which requires no baking!
It’s supposed to snow on Sunday, so we will be moving our Easter egg hunt to Saturday and then on Sunday we’ll stream our church service and then face time family!


That driveway marathon–holy moly THAT DETERMINATION! That’s nuts.

And that banana pudding–I think I seriously need to make that. Like–this weekend. It might be a thing for me to make on Sunday morning for special treats for next week since it’s week 5 or quarantine and week 3 of collecting unemployment. Some weeks the ‘special treat’ looks like getting myself a new pair of workout leggings (because that makes at-home workouts more fun, right? And because I have to have something new–but worn in JUST ENOUGH–for when I get to teach spin classes again, right?!?!?), but I think next week it needs to look like that chocolate banana pudding. Oh yes ma’am…

As for this weekend: for the most part, my days blur together right now (which I know is so true for almost everyone these days, even WITH work from home being such a prevalent thing…). BUT, since quarantine, I made a decision that every Saturday I would support my favorite local smoothie shop/juice bar as my ‘saturday treat.’ And I get to do that tomorrow. Also, every Sunday, my friend Anna and I facetime and we do the same Les Mills BODYPUMP release through Les Mills On Demand. I’m really proud of Past Tense Stephanie for having gotten a (admittedly inexpensive) barbell set as my annual Christmas gift to myself for the times when I would WANT to practice deadlift form at home or do Body Pump at home with LMOD. Anyway–every Friday, Anna (who is also a Les Mills instructor at one of my gyms…) and I do Body Combat, and every Sunday we do Pump. And at home, I also do Combat on Monday or Tuesday and Pump on Thursdays in addition to yoga and at-home barre workouts pretty much every day.

And now I have banana pudding-making to look forward to!!!

I hope you guys are doing good out there–and that the time passes quickly until you get to see and hug your sweet Knox agaiN! <3


I love that you still visit your parents and that y’all comply with the guidelines. It’s so hard for me to sit out family stuff hoping I’m doing the right thing and watching my family still get together. It really makes it Extra difficult for my Kids with all the mixed messages it sends.

Peeps are a no go. I do not like marshmallows. But Colin Hanks? Yes, please. I need to watch that show to show my undying support for Roswell. Always and forever.

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