I’m TRYING Something New + Tangents!

I told Emilee that I was planning on running 8 miles but then our conversation was so good we turned it into a 10.5 mile @ 7:57 average run.  Sometimes you just can’t stop mid-topic and you have to keep going!

Warm enough to wear shorts but cold enough for new snow.

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Andrew, Skye and I went to Costco and while we were there we realized that pretty much the entire city was also there.  Costco was sold out of SO many things that they are never sold out of and we are guessing that is because everyone is freaked out about the Coronavirus.  I’m not going to let that freak me out (again;) BUT our pantry is stocked up now with everything we need for a while which feels good.

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Not much happened the rest of the day besides their joyful reunion (yes, Skye found my old dress) but I do have some tangents to discuss!

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*I love to have Shalane’s Recovery Salad on hand in our fridge for quick meals and I’ve been trying out different combos (when I don’t have everything at home).  This week I switched out the kale for roasted brussel sprouts and corn and it was an excellent decision.  I store it without the feta and avocado and I put that on top once I am eating it:).  PS anybody else just have a strong love for roasted Brussels?  I could eat them every day.

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*I found my new favorite banana bread recipe.

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*As much as Skye was sad that Brooke was gone last weekend, she was quite thrilled to have 100% access to Brooke’s closet.  This might be a problem when they are teenagers.

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But then again… they might have very different styles and not share clothes at all in the future;)

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*I have NEVER been as excited for a memoir as I am for this one.  It’s going to be amazing!

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*Did you see that Brooks released their carbon fibre plate shoe?  The Hyperion Elite (currently sold out) and Tempo.  The old Hyperions have been what I’ve worn for all three of my sub-3 marathons.  I love them with all of my heart and ordered 6 of them in case they are gone forever soon.  I received a free pair of the Hyperion Elite back in September but didn’t try them out other than a half mile easy run at Brooks because it was right before my marathon and I didn’t want to change things up too close to my race.  I am thinking about using them now for a few 5ks and 10ks that I have my eyes on in the next few months and I’ll let you know what I think of them.  It’s hard for me to try new things ha (especially because I loved the old Hyperion) but I’m excited to see how these work for me!

These are what Des wore for her Boston 2018 so I’m guessing they are really great!

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*The coverage of the Olympic Trials felt like it showed a lot more of the real stuff that we go through for a race that we don’t usually see during televised races like Boston or NYC (at least I noticed more of them on Saturday).  I saw the best runners in our country going through their plastic clear bags and stuffing as much as they could inside, I saw them tossing arm warmers, eating chomps and gels, talking to people before the race, warming up, more facial expressions than ever (probably because of the race conditions) etc.  I feel like my brain usually just assumes they are a bit more like machines than us but it was fun to see them doing all of the things we do for races too.

If anyone has seen any good race recaps from people that ran the race will you let me know?  I’m super interested in the course and all of the details that happened for each athlete.  I really wonder if the results would have been different on a flat course now that the Tokyo Marathon course is a flat one.

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PS I wonder if I will ever eat something without sharing it again;)

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*The amazing KIM posted a video from Jake Riley after the trials and he talked about his mantra which I LOVED—> NO MORE NEXT TIMES!  It’s so easy when things get hard to allow yourself to slow down and think you will do it next time but I love it when we are stubborn and decide that we are going to do it THIS time.

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*I know these are a lot of people’s absolute favorites but they just aren’t mine anymore… am I alone in this or are these the best candies ever made?

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Have you tried any of the carbon plate shoes out there?  Are they something you want to try?  I would love to hear your experience with them or how you feel about athletes using them!

Is there a food/meal that you try to have on hand to eat often at your house?

How often do you go out for a run without planning how far you want to run before you start?

Share a tangent with me today!

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No to Cadbury eggs? Are you feeling okay? You should follow Keira D’Amato on Instagram. I went to high school with her and she came in 15th at the trials this weekend! She is awesome and funny and inspiring!


Hahaha no I think they are still good but just not life changing which makes me feel alone in this opinion ha. Thanks for the recommendation and I just started following her… she is onto something with her thoughts on sunglasses during a race;) They really do help the race pictures! Hope you have a beautiful day!


Easter is my favorite candy holiday solely for the Cadbury eggs and Peeps. I could eat a whole bag of the eggs in one sitting. I feel like I’m alone in my love for Peeps. My daughter was born 2 days after Easter, and I thought she was going to come out with pink sugar sprinkled all over her. I already have a bunch hoarded for after the Indy Mini ;o) When we got home Sunday I fast forwarded it to the end of the trials to see who won, so now I have to go back and watch the rest. What a surprising ending (for me at least)! There were just so many awesome ladies out there! Especially bummed for Des and Sara.


Oh this story makes me SO happy! My brother (the pilot) LOVES peeps and one of my running friends has an obsession with them too… you aren’t alone. If your daughter is old enough now… does she like peeps? I feel like the things I ate a ton of while pregnant with Brooke are her favorites now. It really was such a surprising end… I thought for sure Des would pull up in the final 10k! Hope your Tuesday is off to a great start Claire!


I totally recommend listening to the podcast episode with Molly Seidel on Running on Om! It was a couple months before the trials. She actually says, “I would be amazed if I made top 10,” because it’s her first marathon. SO GOOD!


Totally going to listen to it today, THANK YOU LEAH! I’m loving learning more about her:) I hope you are having a great morning and thanks again.


HAHAHA!! Our kids totally expect us to share everything, right?? That really rings true with me, too!
I’d really like to try the carbon plate shoes. I wonder if the takeoff feels any different?
I’m so with you on the brussels sprouts! I roast them with a little coconut oil, and they’re amazing. If I don’t really have time for roasting, I’ll sautee them and add walnuts…mmm…
It’s a sad day if I run out of apples and peanut butter.
I do sometimes change up my running distance after I start, usually depends on weather or how I’m feeling for that point in the day.
Tangent: I’ll probably need a run today, after starting to work with a team of “process” people at work, when I’m more of an “action” person. I don’t want to explain, just DO. LOL!!


I think the takeoff will feel way different so I better start out small in them! Well, now I have to try your brussels combos, both sound incredible. Oh that is rough and I hope your run afterwards helps you to unwind and destress. Enjoy Corey (and hopefully you get something to eat soon that you don’t have to share;).


I just went grocery shopping this morning to stock up on some stuff just in case! I don’t think I’ve EVER bought that many groceries at once before, and my store was relatively normal, but hearing how your Costco was makes me feel less silly about how much food and staples I bought, haha. Also Cadbury Mini Eggs were an essential part of my trip, so I’m still in the “best candy of all time” camp. :)

I almost never leave for a run without having some idea of my mileage! I’m too much of a planner – I almost always run exactly what I planned, +/- a mile or two, though I will sometimes change my planned route on the fly depending on what I’m in the mood for once I’m actually outside. (So crazy, right? :D)


Do you read the fast women email? They had some good recaps of the marathon coverage!


NOOOO I need more information Laura! How do I sign up for this email??


You were mentioned in this email!! After your St George marathon – it’s the BEST newsletter.


AHH no way! I am SO so excited! Thank you Gilly!


Oh one more awesome one! https://tempojournal.com/article/the-road-to-atlanta/

I’ll leave you be now ;)


If you go to @fastwomen on IG, she has a link in her profile to sign up for the newsletter that comes out weekly. Otherwise I think you can go to fastwomen.com?? It is super informative and has information on not only elite women runners all over the country, but also college athletes, etc. This one had a lot of marathon recap this week.


Haha you are not alone in stocking up on things… my sister was at Costco today and said it was crazy busy again! Planners unite… I totally understand. Hope your Tuesday has been great so far Noelle!


oh that was a fun surprise seeing my name! hahahah
and this trials really humanized the experience for me seeing the BEST having hard days or just seeing what they go through. super crazy.
LOVEEE you, janae!!


Haha I hope it’s okay I stole that screenshot! Seriously, loved following your coverage of the whole thing! LOVE YOU and two more months wahoo!


Did you try the dark chocolate mini eggs, though? Also the shimmery ones are super pretty.


Do you recommend the dark chocolate mini eggs because I take your recommendations very seriously.


The Ginger Runner had Ladia Albertson-Junkans on his YouTube channel last night and she ran in the trials. She is one of Gabe Grunewald’s best friends and is still really close to Justin. She lives in WA state and has been running more trails lately but she’s obviously a strong road runner. I haven’t watched this interview yet but I already know it’ll be gold; she’s a great interview – super super modest, kind, open, funny.
I’m undecided about the carbon plates; I feel like if the shoe playing field is even (all brands have the ability to provide carbon plates) then game on!
Foods we have on hand are fruit, bacon, eggs, bread, sausage, cheese, tortillas and overnight oats. It’s rare we’re without breakfast or grilled cheese fixings.
I only plan runs if I’m running with someone. 5 miles if my happy place no matter the pace but if I’m with friends we’re usually on trails then it’s anywhere from 5-20 miles usually.
My tangent is that I read somewhere yesterday that squats w/ heavy weights can improve our fast twitch muscles so after yesterdays speed workout, I made sure to lift heavy today because I need all the help I can get! Lol!
Have a great day!


Oh I cannot wait to watch the episode… thank you for sharing Jenny! I agree with your thoughts on the carbon plates and I think that is really cool that all of the athletes got a pair from Nike so it was more of an even playing field too. I think those are the perfect foods to always have on hand. Breakfast > every other meal.
THANK YOU for that tangent, that was just what I needed to get me excited for legs day tomorrow!

Thanks Jenny and you too.


Oh I absolutely love that mantra. I need to adopt that one: NO MORE next time. Thanks for sharing that!

I always have roasted sweet potatoes in my fridge. They are just so good…with eggs, on salads (including recovery quinoa salad; also my fav and I need to try adding brussels sprouts asap!), with almond butter and cinnamon, plain cold out of the Tupperware haha. And you’re not alone, I’m kinda over mini eggs. Although I will say that these elevate their status significantly: https://merryabouttown.com/mini-egg-rice-krispie-squares/
Have a great Tuesday!


Okay, I will have to try that recipe and I know my kids will love it! That is such a good idea to always have roasted sweet potatoes in your fridge, I’m going to copy you! Thanks for the idea Rachel and you too!


I love banana bread and have been wanting to make some! this recipe looks super easy too. I love the first step in the directions- Remove odd pots and pans from oven. HAHA!!


Let me know if you make it and that made me laugh too… and then I realized I had odd pots and pans in my oven that I needed to take out haha. Hope your Tuesday is a great one Ida!


I was thinking the same thing about the trials and if things would have been different had it been a flat course. I know they couldn’t change anything because they had been planning it for so long, but feels like a miss to have the trials on such a crazy hilly course with so much wind (and I think it was fairly cold?) when the Olympics will be flat and HOT. But then I kinda kick myself because I feel like when I ask that, it kind of minimizes the accomplishments of those who did win and that’s not fair to them. Either way, I’ll be cheering loud for USA during Tokyo!

That picture of you guys in Costco is so cute! I feel like Skye is saying “is that a giant Costco pizza over there?????? cause I need to eat it!” At least that’s what I would be saying haha. Their pizza is so good!!


I feel like you are in my brain because I felt the same way… but then also now Tokyo’s course will feel like a breeze after what they overcame on Saturday. Hahaha that’s what I was thinking too… I am missing eating out 98% of our meals haha! Hope your day is a great one Amanda!


I love Shalane’s recovery salad, it is so delicious! I always add chicken to mine along with feta and pepitas. Costco was insane! I have to go back today because they were out of TP and ground turkey and I’m dreading it?

I’ve wondered about the marathon course as well. I am excited for the people that made the team. It will be interesting to see how well they race on the flat course after doing so well on a hilly one.

I’ve actually never really liked Cadbury eggs and never understood the hype.


Oh YES to the chicken, me too! Ours was out of TP yesterday and today (my sis went today). PS we always get our ground turkey there too! Seriously that Tokyo course will feel like a breeze after Saturday. Maybe everyone gets excited for the Cadbury eggs because once they are out it means Spring is almost here?

Hope you have a great rest of your day Whitney!


Good to know about the TP, I live in Provo and I was going to go again today. Also, I’ve been loving your comments about Stacy Sims and ROAR. She is phenomenal and has totally changed my fueling for long runs and it’s definitely motivated me to strength train more!


Oh no way! I hope I get to see you at Costco one day. YES to Stacy Sims… keep me updated with things you are trying and learning from her!


I don’t like Cadbury eggs either. Starburst jellybeans though, now THOSE are amazing!


I like the way your tastebuds think… off to get some Starburst jellybeans!


Hahah. Our Costcos here in BC are busy too. But I am not particularly freaked out. It did however take me 3 trips to fund wet wipes because all the drug stores were sold out of them. And I got toilet paper – because were out and not because I believed doomsday was coming. Honestly, my family are mostly healthcare professionals and the same thing. Be cautious, use common sense, practice good hygiene, be extra cautious, wash your hands are often. If you are sick with anything, stay home.

I love home made pad thai – I have made it 4x in the last 2 weeks.

During weekday runs, I have a general idea but I am not super stuck on mileage. Right now I am still broken 2 days later from my weekend run so we will see how the weekday runs go..

Have a fantastic day Janae!


Yes yes yes… it’s just about being cautious! My brother that is a doctor said it’s just going to be more annoying than scary! Homemade pad thai is our favorite too. It’s what we are having for dinner tonight! So excited for your race training to be going:) Thanks friend and you too!


I have the very unpopular opinion that all Cadbury chocolate is gross, so I won’t eat any of it. It just has a weird taste to it. And I’m definitely not a chocolate snob. One of my favorite kinds of chocolate is Palmer– the company that makes the cheap valentine’s day hearts and easter bunnies. It tastes like coconut and I think it has a high sugar content, and I’m addicted to it!

If I run out of ripe avocados for more than a day, I start to go through withdrawl. There are weeks here on the east coast when it’s difficult to find good avocados, and these are very grumpy times for me!


I totally agree with you on the weird taste to it (but I still fight through it haha). Now I need to find the Palmer chocolate… sounds like the perfect combo to me. That’s nuts about your lack of good avocados, I need to ship some to you when your supply is low. I hope you have a fabulous day Emily!


The eggs…they used to be my favorite too, and I looked forward to them every Easter. I ate them like crazy when I was pregnant with my 2nd (he’s 13 now). But…i don’t know…the last couple years they’ve just been meh to me. I’m not into them anymore as much. So sad. Maybe they’ve changed the recipe.


I’m not alone! Maybe they have changed the recipe! I wonder if your 13 year old loves them from you loving them when you were pregnant with him (Brooke LOVES Frosted Mini Wheats and I ate them non-stop when I was pregnant with her:). I hope you have a great day!


Ended up watching the marathon trials with my SO- totally cool because I didn’t think he would be interested in it. I enjoyed when the elite women started passing some men at the end… sorry guys! My SO said he thinks the discussion about the carbon plates is silly since other sports utilize gear to enhance their performance as well.

My food is the superhero muffins (or banana bread muffins) helps me make sure I get at least some veggies in for the day… a 6 week old is no joke and I find the foods that make veggies easy are the best ( like soups and those muffins!!) when I eat them all gone I make it a priority to make more ASAP! I probably eat a batch myself in a week!

The weather here is so nice and I’m trying to get out for walks as often as I can – I don’t plan the length, just whatever we can get in with baby in a carrier or stroller. She did over a mile with us on Sunday while napping, great success! Thanks btw for the tip about taking it easy getting back into running- I did a run walk on Sunday and it didn’t feel terrible but it also didn’t feel right (and I def need to get some new sports bras lol!) so I am going to just stick to walking and elliptical for a few more weeks then reassess. I’m also trying to do some specific strength and stretching so when I am ready to run my body will be prepared vs just jumping into running cold turkey. I appreciate your willingness to share your thoughts!


Oh I love that your SO enjoyed watching it with you! The more I think about the carbon plates I totally agree.. sports are so evolutionary and shoes are bound to change! I hope you are getting some sleep with having your six week old and you are doing awesome on your comeback. Great job listening to your body and the sports bras really helped me too haha! You are right on track for a healthy and strong recovery and running comeback! Have a great day Emily!

PS You are so right about how nice it is to have easy access to vegetable packed items.


You’re so inspiring with your running? I love you home decor too. Where did you get the chair and bed in the photo with Skye in the cute pink dress? I always enjoy reading your blog!


Oh thank you so much Haley! There is a store in our area that we love and they are both from there… be careful not to drool over their instagram because that is what I do every time I look at it.


Have a great day!


Thanks, Janae! Ohh that is a lovely Instagram account!


I only don’t stick to a mileage plan when I am on vacation or I miscalculate my return run to my car–I may need to become more flexible;-).

I am wondering if it is regional where Costco is running out things for the Cornovirus. I know some places in CA and UT are selling out, but that is not the case in MN…although maybe it is in the bigger cities? I do not want to be quarantined, but it might help us go through our pantry. I have a huge stockpile of food.

Tangent: we are going to Maui at the end of the month and I feel like I should start packing, but I have no idea what to pack!


MAUI! AHH I am thrilled for you guys. I hope you have the best time ever! Oh that is interesting… I wonder why it’s so crazy here. I hope the rest of your day is a great one and I need to learn that flexible lesson too haha.


I’m definitely curious about the carbon plate shoes, but honestly, I think honing in on my nutrition will make the biggest difference for me.

I try to always have the stuff to make tacos/nachos and I try and keep a frozen lasagna on hand at all times.

I rarely plan a run without knowing the distance because I am typically on a time crunch due to work and/or other responsibilities :) sometimes I will go out with an idea of the range I can do and then I’ll decide based on how I am feeling.

I am going to Costco today and I am hoping they have cases of water!


Oh I totally agree, there are so many other things that we can do to improve our running that will make a bigger effect than a carbon plate. I need to always have those things at home too. Good luck at Costco today… the water at ours was gone yesterday and today!


I really need to know exactly how you roast Brussels sprouts without burning them. Every time I try to make them, they end up burnt – not just browned but like grossly charred – so I need to know your secret. This is my go-to recipe. https://www.thespruceeats.com/pan-seared-brussels-sprouts-996189


Hey Heather… that is a total bummer! So I don’t actually follow any recipes for them and I just check them often! I also use my spatula to flip them after about 10 minutes and then after that I am looking in my oven often (counting down the minutes until they are ready to eat;). Hope you have a great day!

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