Silentish Saturday!!!

Double digits on a Friday felt good.

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We eat breakfast foods a lot over here.

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Yoga for kids went well.

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Spent some time outside.

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We have different perceptions of temperature.

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Got to work planting!

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We also have some fruit to get planted!

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Being at home all day (or in our driveway) was harder than usual for Brooke yesterday.

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I’m loving cookies straight from the fridge and he prefers heating them up in the microwave.

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Cleaning always makes me feel better.

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Time for some treadmill miles.  It’s been a while since our last run together.

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This is from my good friend, Victoria.  Please send thoughts and prayers their way!

“My parents left on March 4 for a cruise around South America, and they haven’t been able to dock since March 14 because all of South America shut their ports. Passengers started getting sick with possible COVID-19 symptoms earlier this week, so the ship has been locked down for several days, with nobody allowed to leave their rooms. The cruise line sent another ship with extra crew, and the healthy passengers are going to onto this new ship while the passengers with symptoms will go to another port on the current ship.

My dad had a minor cough 8-9 days ago and because my mom and dad are super honest, they said this on their health form today and are therefore not allowed to transfer to the “healthy” ship. They are very anxious about what could possibly happen next, as they don’t even know when or where they will be on land again. They could use all the prayers and positive thoughts anybody has for them.”



Tell me 3 things that you have today!?

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It is pouring rain here in Baltimore- all day! That helps with staying inside though haha. So planning to curl up with a good book, make some hot chocolate and maybe order delivery for dinner.


That sounds like such a cozy day! It’s raining/snowing here so I think I’m going to copy you with a few of those things! Enjoy that hot chocolate friend!


Thank you so much for keeping my parents in your prayers – they and everybody else need it.


How scary for you, your parents, and everyone else on that ship! I hope your parents are ok and that they’ll be on land safely soon! Sending lots of prayers!


Can’t stop thinking about you guys!


I’ve been following V’s story on Instagram and thinking of her parents often.
Stay healthy, friends!!! And keep running (solo!)!


Love what you said about KEEP RUNNING SOLO! Running is going to help us all through this. Keep in touch Rae!


Will be praying for her parents! So I have only been back at this running thing for not quite a year now and haven’t really run in the rain before, just would head to the gym treadmill… I toyed with waiting till tomorrow afternoon but gave it a go and it wasn’t bad!! Today we relax, no schedule, no work, maybe some sleep. This week has been tough. Please know many teachers are working HARD and managing kids at home. I start tele-learning with my preschoolers next week ( preschool special ed) and it will be interesting.

Our middle and high schoolers in our district are headed into a rough week. 90 min block scheduling on zoom, live classes and no lunch break. 8:30 to 3. I am hoping after a week they realize this isn’t doable and alter it. Homework is allowed too!! At least it is 4 day weeks and since they only have had 2 days ( just daily assignments) off they still have their long weekend spring break. They said elementary is recorded lessons because live is too tricky with little guys meanwhile I am doing it with 3 to 5 year olds!!??


Wow what state do you live in?? That’s terrible to make them sit at the computer 8:30 to 3 then add more homework on top of it! Plus teachers may have their young kids at home and most daycares are closed.


We live in PA however since it is middle school, teachers really only have 1 or 2 classes a day since they are doing 4 class periods each day ( rotating even and odd). So even if you teach math, it’s divided into 2 days and it is a 4 day teaching week (independent work that extra day). Elementary is recording all lessons because of the daycare factor.


Oh that is very very rough Carrie! HOMEWORK too?! I can’t imagine how they are doing this. Our district told us that for secondary education they are not allowing more than 2 hours per week per class. I bet they are all going to really enjoy spring break. And good luck to you as you start next week. I bet your preschoolers miss you so much and can’t wait to see you for their lessons! So grateful for all of the amazing teachers out there continuing to serve and help their students in any way that can. Enjoy your weekend Carrie!


Lots of prayers!!! Oh my goodness I cannot even fathom the anxiety and worry. Much love
I think today is the first day it has really hit me all the feels all at once. It doesn’t help that the humidity is like 100% and its raining. I am just heartbroken for everyone who is suffering right now. I am a kindergarten teacher and last night I zoomed with all my parents trying to tell them that its all going to be alright. Our son is home from college , which is wonderful but my heart breaks for him. As an empath this is all alot to take in sometimes, the runs really help. Keep praying and keep going…


Amy, I am so glad you were able to zoom with the parents of your students. I bet those kiddos miss you a lot. This is all just so hard. I am so grateful you have your runs but I know what you are saying… it’s extra hard when you take on everyone’s feelings of dealing with hard things in addition to your own. Wish I could give you a big hug and I hope you can rest and relax today and feel what you need to feel. Sending prayers!


TM run
Banana chocolate chip muffins
Online shopping for Hope’s Easter basket.


I feel like we are going to have very similar days today haha. Wish we could have a treadmill run side by side.


I am sending good thoughts to Victoria’s parents and the other parents that are compromised right now. Thank you for sharing this- I think it is important to think about all of the different ways the virus is impacting our lives versus what the news shows us.

Poor Brooke! Isn’t it interesting how their young brains only allow them to take in a little bits of sadness at a time?

I am going on a solo long run today. Had to turn down an invite for a group run and I couldn’t believe the invite even came. I am glad so many running social media influencers are promoting safety!

My kids “invented” a new breakfast yesterday. Toasted and buttered bagel, sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and add bacon. Eat as a sandwich. Try it-it is great!
Take care!


You are very right Jenny. Brooke’s brain has been understanding this and feeling this all in small chunks and I think there are just going to be good days and bad days for all of us. SO glad you took the solo route. We will be back to our group runs in no time but we all need to follow the rules right now. Ummm tell your kids I am going to try that asap. Thanks Jenny and have a beautiful weekend.


What a heartbreaking story! Sending prayers!!
Today will be somewhat “typical.” A good run, maybe some more yard work, but then we’re going to order pizza from a little local pizza place for dinner!! I’m so excited. We have been eating every meal for 2 weeks at home, and all home cooked. So getting pizza is really a highlight and may lift everyone’s spirits a bit.
I hope Brooke has a better and happier day today. ?


ENJOY THAT PIZZA. It is going to just taste like heaven after the last few stressful weeks. Thank you friend, she is already doing so much better this morning! Love hearing from you and I hope everyone is adjusting well to this new normal bot a bit!


Chewy chocolate chip cookies straight from the fridge ? love when the chocolate chips aren’t soft. I think I’m the one person who doesn’t go crazy for them straight out of the oven?!


I mean, I love both BUT I totally agree, straight from the fridge with non-melted chocolate chips is my #1. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Victoria – are your parents from Wisconsin? I see that Badgers hat. I was born in Milwaukee. I’ll definitely be saying some prayers for them.

My normal Saturday routine today = bills, running, and Teriyaki for dinner.


Yes John my mom is from Wisconsin and we lived there until I was 15. Thank you for the prayers!




Sending all my love, thoughts, and prayers to Victoria, her parents, and her family!!!

I am making cinnamon rolls today! It’s my first time so hoping they turn out well! While they were on their first rise went for a walk with my husband as I think running may need to be put on the sideline for a bit. (Been having hip pain lately and last night it woke me up in the middle of the night because it was so painful but I am working with a PT so hoping all will be well to run again soon-ish.) I am also going to try and teach my parents how to grocery shop online via Skype (we live very far apart) so that should be interesting. My siblings and I are doing everything we can to make sure they don’t need to leave their house/yard since they are both in the high risk groups for the virus.

Enjoy your weekend and get outside as much as you can!


Oh Sarah! What a great idea to make cinnamon rolls… I might have to copy you soon. I really hope that your hip pain is gone soon and please keep me updated on your progress. Keep enjoying those walks until then. Good luck with the grocery shopping online with your parents…. it’s so important that they stay inside. Thinking about you all and I hope you get outside as much as possible too. Thank you friend!


1).Long run (ran 13 miles) I hit 50 miles for the week! That is a record for me. I better take next week easy, this would be a hard time to be injured!
2) snuggles on the couch–we are in a winter weather advisory–snow and strong winds.
3). have kids draw pictures and write notes to grandparents and great aunt

Where did you get your fruit trees?! My husband has had me on the lookout. I wish I had your ambition to clean!

Poor Brooke:-( I think this is hitting my kids harder than I think. We have been on “spring break” the past week. My oldest told me last night “I really wish I could go to school on Monday” My middle daughter (6 years old) has always been snuggly, but last night she was holding my hand while we watched tv. It took me a few days to get in a groove, but honestly I am loving this right now and I feel guilty. My husband still has his job (we have an income). We are used to me not working when the kids aren’t in school and plan (financially) for me to be off in the summer. I don’t have to work from home while also teaching my kids. My husband doesn’t have a job that puts him at risk for getting the virus nor is stressful due to the sinking economy. I know this is not the case for the majority of the people. I love watching my kids play all day. I love being able to snuggle with and watch tv later at night because we don’t need to get up early. I love not having to rush to “get it all done”. It is teaching me to slow down and take time to “just be.” My faith is growing stronger. It’s unfortunate that it takes something like this to put it all in perspective, but I love that all the good it is doing too.

Have a fabulous day to you and your family Janae!


HAPPY WEEKLY DISTANCE RECORD WEEK! That is a huge accomplishment friend. Enjoy all of those snuggles and some good recovery after a big week. I think I’ll do the same with my kids as your #3.
Andrew had to pick up some things for my parents at Costco and so he grabbed them from there while he was there. I’m very excited about them.
Wow, what you said gave me goosebumps and I am feeling so many of those same things. I needed to be forced into learning to slow down and enjoy the simple things. Keep enjoying this time and I hope your little ones are able to adjust more and more. Thanks for sharing this with me Becky, it means a lot. Thank you and you too!


Thoughts and prayers are with Victoria and her family. A little social distanced run with a friend who is a nurse who needed a run today, then a little run on my own. Next up was cleaning the house, half done, and then nothing but coffee and a book. Enjoy your weekend Janae!


Those miles are SO important right now and I’m so glad you were able to enjoy them this morning. Good luck with the cleaning and enjoy the relaxing. Thanks Jennifer, you too!


Prayers to Victoria and her parents, how awful! I hope they get diff asap. Poor Brooke , I’s kids they have it tough. Today went for long walk then 11 mile bike ride, getting take out for dinner and reading a lot!


Thank you so much Dawn! Luckily, today she is doing a lot better. Sounds like a beautiful day! Enjoy!


Bless their hearts! We just read about that ship today in the newspaper. Prayers for their safety. I can only imagine how terrifying this must be.

Three things for today: 1. Walk new puppy; 2. Practice obedience with puppy; 3. Pick up after puppy.

I am so happy and privileged to get to have another puppy! I have wanted one for so many years.


Where did you get your great little container for starting your seeds? Going to try our hand at a vegetable garden!


Ahhh yay! Andrew got them at Home Depot! They are perfect. Hope you are having a great night!


Hey! I have a running question…
i ran my first marathon yesterday…the original race was cancelled so my little running group and I put together our own course around town. about 10 miles into the run, my ankles started hurting and just progressed as the race went on. I finished, but it wasn’t comfortable and I couldn’t go the pace I wanted to go because of the ankle pain. I’ve had a little of this off and on throughout training. Any suggestions? Maybe i just have weak ankles? Any thoughts would be appreciated!

Dallas Area Texas


Hey! I have a running question…
i ran my first marathon yesterday…the original race was cancelled so my little running group and I put together our own course around town. about 10 miles into the run, my ankles started hurting and just progressed as the race went on. I finished, but it wasn’t comfortable and I couldn’t go the pace I wanted to go because of the ankle pain. I’ve had a little of this off and on throughout training. Any suggestions? Maybe i just have weak ankles? Any thoughts would be appreciated!

Sallie F.
Dallas Area Texas


Look up squash bugs and how to prevent them. Zucchini are very easy to grow, but if you aren’t prepared for this, your plants will get wiped out before you even know what happened!! Good luck!!

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