Tangents + What Did Hawk Say?

Just as my body was getting used to sleeping in, it’s now time to get back to waking up before the kids again ha.  Emilee is out of town so I went out for a solo 5 miles @ 8:13 pace with music.  It was 21 degrees and I put on so many layers under my jacket that it was hard to bend at the elbows ha.

And then it was off to the mountains.  Andrew and I gave each other an ‘experience’ for Christmas this year (we love to do our presents early for each other).

Sundance season passes!!

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The resort is so crazy close to us and with a pass it’s nice to just be able to go up for a few runs and get back to kids/life etc.  Andrew and I are at the same level with our skiing too which makes it really fun to do it together.

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I’ve got a few tangents to talk about today!

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*We went in to talk to Hawk last Friday and had an awesome conversation.  He was really proud of what we did at CIM because we didn’t quit and said he was so excited for our future.  He said he has worked with a lot of athletes over the years and he sees so much potential for the two of us.  He talked about how incredibly hard it is to PR two times in a row so closely like we tried to do with St. George and then CIM (CIM was all me and Emilee’s idea but we just wanted to try for the OTQ).  He was of course bummed that we didn’t have the race we wanted and we talked how he now has more info about us and what works best for our training.

Through his training I’ve never felt this strong or have had so much fun.  I can honestly say his training has been FUN.  I can’t think of a better way to describe it, each workout has kept us on our toes and it’s impossible to get bored with his workouts.  And that is what made missing my goals at CIM not a big deal to me (now… the first day or two it was a BIG deal to me;)… the process has been a blast.   The friendships built and the strength built have been priceless.

As far as what’s next for me… Andrew and I are just taking a few weeks to not make any plans and just figure it all out and I’m grateful that Hawk is on board for whatever game plan we choose!  PS not only has Hawk had an incredible running career, his wife held Utah’s marathon record for about 20 years and qualified for FIVE Olympic Marathon Trials (love this article about their family).  It has been so great to learn from her and ask her a million questions too.

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*Andrew’s Garmin was quite rude the other day!  He had a good laugh about it though;)

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*I’ve told Andrew a few times how jealous I am over the kid’s footie pajamas like Skye’s below…

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*So he got me my own and I love them.

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*Christmas shopping with Skye:

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*I’m working with a friend to make some new shirts for runners and when I told her about my last shirt, “Sorry for What I Said at Mile 20,” her reply made me laugh so hard.

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*Within 3 minutes of getting her out of her crib she has a princess outfit and her boots on.  Ready to seize the day.

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*I love this so much (from Strong):

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Hallmark movies… do you like them or not so much?  Give me your favorite one if you do like them!

Ski or snowboard or not your thing?  Those of you that do like to ski or snowboard have you gone to any resorts in Utah?

How many layers are you wearing on your runs lately where you live?

Question from Andrew—> What’s your favorite way to take care of yourself?

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What are those beige shoes you’re wearing ? Omg LOVE them!!


Aren’t they cute?!? Here is the link: https://amzn.to/38JLepD

Have a great day!


Hallmark movies are an occasional treat. I think they are like Harlequin romances: they follow a predictable formula and can be a little sticky sweet but they are that bit of happy that we sometimes need.

I had fleece lined tights under leggings to do dog walks yesterday. My legs felt like your arms. :)

My favorite self care is just taking a little time for something I love to do rather than something I have to do. (Sleep, healthy food and water are musts but so is a little while me-time)


Hahaha it really is a weird feeling to not be able to bend your joints because of your layers. Love how you told us how you take care of yourself… something we love rather than something we have to! Have a beautiful day Nina!


Ha, I can relate about the hormones.

Random, but did you guys have some Runners Corner athletes at the XC nationals? I swear I saw some singlets? I haven’t been as into Hallmark movies this year.


I know Hawk’s son-in-law was there running but not sure what jersey he was in! Who knows though… maybe!!! I’ll have to ask him. I hope you are having the best day friend!


You can often find me watching Hallmark movies (year-round). I cannot say that I love them – yet there are a handful that I will watch again and again – but mostly I like having programming that I don’t have to worry about language etc. I realize life isn’t a Hallmark movie – but sometimes it is comforting to just have a feel-good movie in the midst of all the bad.

I would like to give skiing another try someday, but I am scared to death of the lifts!

18 degrees this morning meant only one layer on the legs and a hoodie + vest on the upper body. Winter hasn’t been horrible yet in KC.

Selfcare is so important yet so neglected. I think finding calmness is the one thing I constantly crave since my anxiety levels seem to run high more often than not.

Have a wonderful day!


I think that’s what I love about them too… they are 100% stress-free as far as content goes! The lifts are scary, I agree with you on that… I have to have that front pole down the whole time haha. 18 degrees sounds pretty bad to me hahaha. I hope that you are able to find calmness and peace today LC! Thank you!


Okay that picture of Skye at the mall … SO GOOD!! HAH. Okay also hope this isn’t weird but you are soooo beautiful! Just stunning. Have a great day!


Hahah she is too funny and keeps us on our toes! Oh thank you Andrea, you are so sweet. I hope your day has been a great one so far!


I LOVE Hallmark movies and try and watch ALL of them. Some of the actors/actresses are not my cup of tea and so those I will skip. For the most part, though, they make me so happy. I only have my cable box tuned to Halllmark! I usually do not watch them more than once BUT my favorite one, and one that I HAVE watched may times, is Romance at Reindeer Lodge. It is from a few years ago. My favorite one so far this year was Christmas Town. But I have a few in the queue that I haven’t seen yet :)


I can’t wait to check out Romance at Reindeer Lodge and Christmas Town! Thanks Amanda. I hope your Tuesday is a wonderful one!


Hallmark movies = a BIG NO here! lol The other week I had to go to the tire shop for new tires, and it was me and about 6 men in the waiting area, and the tire shop had a Hallmark Christmas movie playing. I thought that was kinda funny!!!!

Ski or snowboard = another no here. ha ha I just do not like the cold. I”m a sand and palm trees kinda girl!!!

My favorite way to take care of myself is actually by giving myself some alone time. I like people (to a point. ha ha), but alone time really recharges me—-from going to a quiet dinner in a cafe alone or to doing some shopping/running errands alone.

Question for you—have you had any new to you Christmas sweets this year??? If so, do tell :)


Hahaha that would have been a really funny situation to be in! Keep enjoying that beach and I want to join you with that too:) . I love what you said about alone time and I really think that is important to include in our days. We need time to just think and be sometimes. Hmmmmm I’ve been mainly sticking with donuts and hot chocolate these days but you can’t go wrong with any of the holiday treats at TJ’s. Everything from the white chocolate/peppermint pretzels to their chocolate trees… they are all so good. Let me know what ones I need to try! Hope you are having a beautiful day Jen!


One of my favorite ways to care for myself is a couple hours alone in my house every once and a while.


I used to snowboard in high school! I lived 15 minutes away from where the 1988 Olympics were held in Calgary. I could head over after school and get in a couple hours on the hill. It was pretty great for being so close. I don’t think I’ve snowboarded at all since high school though. I really do need to get back out there considering how close I live to the mountains now.


I grew up skiing at Alta! My parents had a place right at the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon (we just had to walk down the driveway to see the flashing signs and the gate to see if the road was open or closed after a big snow). Love it there. Occasionally we’d ski at Snowbird since you can ski from Alta to Snowbird and back if you buy the dual pass.

7 degrees this morning meant fleece tights, a fleece top and a vest, along with hat and mittens!

My self care is going for a run, watching a movie at home or reading a book.


I adore Hallmark movies. So predictable but so clean and that’s important to me. I don’t have a favorite one but I love all the ones with Andrew Walker!
To answer Andrew’s question: bath and face masks are my favorite ways to take care of myself. I just feel so relaxed yet reenergized after. I may need to do both of those things today :)


I love your questions today! I like Hallmark movies because they de-stress me. It does drive me crazy though how they all have winter coats, hats, gloves that all match and yet they never button their coats. Reality is a functional, warm coat that probably isn’t the most stylish and probably doesn’t match my hat, or gloves (sometimes my gloves don’t even match each other) and definitely not a scarf because, they’re a hassle imo. Or maybe I’m just weird and Hallmark got it right? I don’t know. They do relax me, though. I’ve only tried to ski once and I was kind of terrible. We do have a couple of snowboards and use those on our 30-foot neighborhood hill but I think I’d be terrified to go down a big hill or mountain on it. Maybe if I grew up with winter sports I would be more brave? Self-care=running and reading for me. I don’t remember the last day I didn’t read.


Fun and support are such major keys to sticking with a sport–so awesome that you’ve found so much of both!
Hallmark movies… are not my jam. I see so few movies in general, though.
What a GREAT gift to one another! I like to ski. What we call skiing in the mid-Atlantic region (western Maryland, central Pennsylvania) doesn’t really compare to skiing *real* mountains and legit powder, but it’s fun :) I don’t think I’d like having both feet on a snowboard ~ha~
Footie jammies for the win! Our neighbors had a tradition of the whole family going to the donut shop in their footie jammies every Christmas Eve :)
Something I really need to do for myself is recharge with a little down time, especially when working and mothering and wife-ing and daughtering all seem to be in high gear at the same time: “sneaking” off to my room or the porch to read is big for me. I also consider the gym my happy place, where I put the intensity of my stress into workouts, and I leave with happy endorphins.


Hi Janae! I don’t ski or snowboard.. when I tried to learn two years ago I took a bad fall and ended up having to get knee surgery! But that was actually a blessing in disguise because through insurance covered PT I was able to fix my hip issues in addition to my knee which meant that I could finally run more than a few miles pain free!


It sounds like you have an awesome coach! And taking a few weeks to make plans is probably an awesome idea!

I have never skied or snowboarded. I probably won’t either. I don’t live super close to snow and I hate heights. While I will try most things at least once, I probably won’t unless and opportunity completely lines itself up. I sat next to a pro snowboarder on my flight to Seattle 7 years ago, and he explained that if you don’t try it before 30, then you shouldn’t because the fear will be too much. He was slightly embarrassed when I told him I was almost 31…

This morning was 48 where I live! However, I ended up on the treadmill because of 45 mph gusts of wind. Crazy.

My favorite way to take care of myself is sleep. It’s a huge priority while I’m training hard. I love being in bed by 8 with a good book :) Thankfully, my family likes an early bedtime too. I have 2 high schoolers and most of the time, they put themselves to bed by 8:30. Ha. I was the exact same way in high school.


Oh my goodness best footie pjs ever!! Can you tell me where he got them from because I want a pair. Thanks!

I used to love Hallmark movies but my partner hates them because he thinks they are cheese. Not sure I am a huge fan of them anymore.

I am getting excited because I have 3 days of work left after today and then our offices shut down for Christmas. We really need a break haha.

I grew up skiing so I love to ski even though I haven’t skiied in a bit. Also, I learned to snowboard when I was 21 – and my partner is still trying to make me better at it!

Have a wonderful day Janae!


I think downhill skiing is one of those things that is best if you learn as a child. I went once in my mid-20s and had fun, but was absolutely terrified of hurting myself. I used to CC ski all the time, though.
My run was 4 miles in 22 degrees. I have a tiny heater strapped to me right now :) so a light layer and a jacket was all it took. Oh, and gloves. But I wear those when it’s 60 out!
To take care of myself, I run, try to sleep in on weekends, and eat plenty of fruits/veggies. I also don’t work night shift anymore.


That’s great that you’ve found something to do that you are both at the same level. Les has skied for years, and I was horrible when I tried it! We won a trip to Lake Tahoe, so I didn’t feel too bad for wimping out since we didn’t pay for the lift tickets. We ice skated later and that was more my speed.

Single layers here in Hawaii. We fly home to California on Thursday, so no matter the temperature it’s going to feel cold. I’ll probably be overdressed!


I enjoy Hallmark Christmas movies, but we got rid of cable last year and Hulu doesn’t have the channel, but there are a few on Netflix that I may have to watch before Christmas.
Love skiing and snowboarding. I grew up skiing but switched to boarding 9 years ago. I’ve lived in CO for the past 9 years and we used to get passes. But now that we have an 18 month old, we don’t have the time or a babysitter to go every weekend. So last year and this year we bought a 5 pack to Winter Park so we can still get in a few days. We are going to try to take her down the little hill at WP this year, so we’ll see how she does! I’ve been to Snowbasin and Canyonlands/Park City in Utah! I’ve also gone to Jackson Hole in Wyoming and Sugar Bowl in CA and nearly all the big resorts in CO.
I actually don’t wear too many layers, but the layers I have on are pretty thick! I’ll usually wear a tank top and tuck them into my pants, a thick pullover and a vest! I’ve worn that in negative temps and stayed warm-ish haha
Favorite way to take care of myself… if i had a “Treat yo self” day it would include a run or workout class, a massage, a facial, brunch or lunch a hot bath and then reading a book or watch a movie.


I just saw your comment in passing — we don’t have cable, either, but I found something this year called Frndly tv where you can pay like $8/month and get all the hallmark channels. You can even record them like DVR. It’s pretty awesome! There’s a week free trial, too. Anyway, just FYI in case you need some hallmark movies to watch while wrapping gifts or something. ?


I ski, and my husband snowboards. We got engaged in Park City on a ski trip. :)


I love Hallmark Christmas movies! I may or may not have started watching them in October this year. :) Some of my favorites are Once Upon a Christmas Miracle (this one makes me cry), Maggie’s Christmas Miracle, Christmas in Evergreen (the first and second ones), It’s Christmas Eve, and my sister just told me I need to watch Journey Back to Christmas. :)


I was totally hooked on Hallmark movies but I burned myself out ha! A Shoe Addict’s Christmas, Merry and Bright, Write Before Christmas and The Christmas Cure are all really good though!!

I have actually never skied or snowboarded! I’m too much of a klutz if I’m not running :)

I’m only wearing one layer for my runs in WY because I’ve been on the treadmill for like a month straight minus one race!


Answer to Andrew’s question……..I read HRG blog daily! :)


Well that just made my night! Thanks Kristel and I hope you are having the best night!


I was obsessed with Hallmark movies last year, but even though the movies are new this year I can’t watch them because I feel like I’ve seen them already. All the same!
At one point in time I tried to become a snowboarder, but I’m a skier, telemark skier to be exact. I live on the east coast, but learned to tele while living in CO. The snow in CO and Ut. is the best and is so much more fun than the ice we have on the East Coast where I’m actually more into cross country because I was never really able to happily readjust after living in the Rockies. I was lucky enough to ski Alta a bunch of times AMAZING!

Self Care : I’m obsessed with EVERYTHING from this company, Bee Love Herbals, but most especially the rosehip oil face wash. It feels so nice and the scent is beautiful that I have actually spent my commute home just thinking about how nice it will be to arrive home and wash my face with this. Not even kidding, it is that nice!


Um so did I read that right, are there new shirts in work?!?!?! I loved the last ones, really hope there are some more coming out :) I’ll try to be patiently waiting for them over here!
BTW, Andrew my Garmin does that to me ALL the time, even after a really hard workout. It’s such a total buzz kill!
Have a great day guys :)


Hallmark. Hmmm. A Christmas to Remember, Christmas on the Bayou, Remember Sunday. Check those out!


Your caption to the watch picture made me crack up. During my taper for CIM my watch kept saying “Detraining” and I scoffed at it. It usually does a good job of saying “Peaking” during the taper, so I’m not sure why it was being so negative this time! Haha

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