Silentish Saturday!!!

I went into burn bootcamp thinking I was in pretty good shape and then left realizing I’m in good shape for running BUT as far as strength training goes, I have a long ways to go;)

My upper body was too tired to even carry Skye afterwards.

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Then we were off to Runner’s Corner to talk to Hawk (I’ll give a long summary of what he said next week:).

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Skye thinks this store is just one big playground.

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The snack she always makes sure to get while we are there… Trail Butter.

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Another tradition:

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The Giving Machine!

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Chunga’s for dinner.

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Filled churros for dessert.

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Just a great weekend (well, life:) reminder (this book):

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Tell me three things that you are doing today!!!

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Nice to see you and your family are feeling better !
Today :
* A small run this morning with the wind. (Tomorrow will be sunny without wind, we will spend much time outside)
* Searching for my 2020 goal : my first official race. (I have several possibilities. Maybe I will choose not just one)
* And reading a magazine (about sport of course !) in the couch, with a cup of tea :)
By the way, I love the page you posted from the book you are reading. So inspiring.
Have a beautiful day !


Thank you so much Ingrid, it feels so nice to feel normal again! Way to get out in that wind–> my least favorite type of weather to run in! Keep me updated on what you choose! Thanks so much and you too.


I can’t wait to hear what Hawk said! I remember from the Podium Runner article you mentioned wanting to have another baby if you didn’t qualify, but maybe you have another goal! Three things I’m doing today: treadmill run because it’s icy outside, trip to Trader Joe’s for essentials, and baking chocolate chip muffins. Hope you have a great day, Janae!


Jenny. I need your help on what to decide on doing next haha. So many great options:) . But yes, I’ll share what Hawk talked with us about asap! Make sure to get a few extra TJ’s holiday treats while you are there! Thanks and you too Jenny!


Such a great reminder of what’s important in life. Today, going for a run, meeting up with a girl friend – we are going to a Christmas Church production/theatre for our girls christmas date night, and probably relaxing with the other half.

Have a great day Janae!


That all sounds perfect Kristine! Enjoy every second of today. Thank you!


Shake out run, picking up my race packet, getting my gear together for my half tomorrow!!!

Oh and being a swim taxi ( who else has a kid in a sport that is so time consuming?? 90 min practices are insane at age 12) and having a hallmark movie cuddle fest with my youngest this evening.


GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!! You’ve got this Carrie, good luck and I am cheering for you and want to hear all about it. Swim taxi hahah good luck and the hallmark movie cuddle fest sounds perfect!


Sounds like a beautiful day! I can’t wait to see what Hawks says about the race, and am excited to hear what your next goal will be. It’s my bday so I will go for a short run, wrap presents, and celebrate with the fam. Sidenote: would you ever consider doing a race/course comparison between CIM and SG? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Have a great day!


HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY KERI! I hope your day is perfect!

Thanks so much Keri! That is such a great idea… I’ll get working on it now! I hope you have a great day celebrating!


Thank you so much!


What book is that?? That list is great!!!


Isn’t it great! Here is the link and have the best day:


I love that quote! And Temple Square is so beautiful!
Just finished a nice little 5 miler, and now I’m off to the last day of the holiday giving program (2 weeks total) that I run for the school district.
Then we’re looking for a new car this afternoon!!
Have a great Saturday Janae ?


AHHH You’ll have to let me know what car you end up getting! Great job on your run and SO cool that you are doing that for your community. They are so lucky to have you!


Working, family Christmas party after work, and I can’t think of a third! Skye is the cutest!


I hope your work day goes well and that you have the best time at your family party! I agree, she keeps us smiling all day. ENJOY!


Hi Janae! Today I’m going to a holiday party for my run club, making something tasty to bring to the party, and doing my first run back after my half last week! Have a great weekend!


Have the best time at your party! Love that your run club is getting together!! Thanks Amy!


I started following your blog several months ago and I have been reading it everyday. I have never posted a comment before, but I just wanted to let you know that you are very inspirational. 6 months ago I was 301 pounds and started running in June of this year. Today I finished my first marathon ever with a time of 3:44:58 and I have lost 100 pounds. It’s a starting point to a lifelong journey of running though. Thank you for your blog. You are very inspirational.


You. ARE. INCREDIBLE. Oh my goodness GO ALEX GO! That is an incredible time and you should be so so proud of yourself. Wow. Thank you for inspiring me. Keep me updated on everything and I am just so thrilled for you.


Burn bootcamp is bananas. I’ve been going there since April and it doesn’t get any easier but I’m wayyyyy stronger and definitely running faster! But I think it would be hard to balance both that and training for a long race!

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