Silentish Saturday!

Off to Sacramento this morning!

IMG 2004

Yesterday started off with 2 miles and some strides at a bit faster than marathon pace (4 x 20 seconds).  The 2 miles felt awful but the strides felt amazing.

IMG 1991

Only one more mile to run today!

IMG 1995

Went to Runner’s Corner!

IMG 2001

Donuts and running… she understands happiness.

IMG 2011

All of the relaxation on the couch with the kids.

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I think she knows we are leaving.

IMG 2031

Sure going to miss them but excited to have a little time with Andrew and go for a big goal!

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The weather is looking better and better!

IMG 2036


Tell me three things that you are doing today!!!

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I am so excited for you!! Use every ounce of energy that your body can extract!
I love Sarah Hall’s quote: the well is deep.


Sara**…because Hs are ew.


Good luck tomorrow!!! Your training has been so amazing, and I can’t wait to see you crush this goal!


I’ve read your blog for years… Since Brooke was a baby basically. So excited to see your progress this year, and no matter how tomorrow goes you should be so proud of your hard work. Trust the process! I can’t run right now so I’m sending all my excess energy you way. Go get it!


I just can’t wait for Sunday. You will be great !! And the most important is to have a good moment. Just enjoy !
Today : cleaning the house (booh), searching for a christmas present for my mom (i want to find something special, maybe an immaterial present, but i don’t know for the moment), and relax :)
(no running for 48hours because yesterday i went to the osteopath.)


Janae, I’m so excited for you and your race tomorrow! You’re going to crush it! May your legs feel strong and fast, your lungs full of rich air and your arms pump strong when the going gets tough. You’ve got this!
And, no matter the outcome, you’re amazing!


Cheering for you loud Janae from American Fork!!!! Go get it :)


Best of luck to you tomorrow! You go this! Stay strong?


Sending all of the best running thoughts and virtual doughnuts your way!!! Best of luck at CIM this weekend!!!

Here are my 3 things for today:
1. Rest up and get rid of this cold that is in development.
2. Get three training miles in if the malaise in bullet #1 cooperates.
3. Bake cookies for my office mates


Best of luck tomorrow! ? You’ve got this!


Best of luck tomorrow! I know you’re gonna crush your goal!


I ran cross country and track at Sacramento State University. CIM weekend was always a blast! You go girl… leave it all out there.


Wishing you the best of luck tomorrow !!!! I love the bathtub picture, so cute !!


You will be amazing tomorrow!! All of your hard work will come together in this one goal which you will crush!! Give it every thing you’ve got, leave it all out there!! Rooting for you HARD!!! YOU GO GIRL!!


So excited for you!! You are going to be amazing!!
Enjoy the moment, confront the pain with toughness when it comes, and leave it all on the course!!
Cheering for you!


Three things I am doing today:
Running my first spartan race….fingers crossed I make it across the monkey bars and make my 6 year old proud, she kills it on the playground :)

Cheering on my kiddos doing the kids race….it will be a fun change to actually encourage them to get muddy.

And last but not least thinking all sorts of positive and happy thoughts for you!!! You are such an inspiration and I know you are going to have an amazing race!!! Hope you hear all your readers cheering for you in your head tomorrow when you are running!!!


Sending good vibes your way! You got this and we’re all pulling for you!


Empty the tank Janae!!!!!!! Go crush it!!!!!


I’ve read your blog for years and I am so impressed by your progress this year. Wishing you a strong mind tomorrow. You’re so well-trained. Run your plan! You got this!


So excited for you – good luck!!

1. Ran 18 miles (you were right about Cayman.. i’m from Chicago so I know all about running in humidity but in December this is no joke!!)
2. Lay on the beach
3. Lay on the beach some more :) :)

Now go get that OTQ!!


Safe travels! I’ll be going to the CIM expo today today and hope to see you there! Otherwise I’ll be taking it as easy as my littles will allow :)


Best of luck to you! Enjoy your time with your hubby!


Tomorrow’s gonna be great, Janae!
And happy birthday to Miss Skye. We traveled back to Hawaii yesterday so I didn’t get a chance to comments on yesterday’s post.
It’s marathon weekend – the Honolulu marathon is tomorrow, too! I’ll be spectating and cheering for everyone. Les will be with the cycling team escorting the wheelchair racers so we’ll be up at o’dark thirty since the race starts at 5:00 a.m. here. I’ll be thinking of you as I watch the elites cross the finish line!


Ahhhh, so excited for you Janae! Go get it!!


Hey question which version of the brooks shoes would you recommend for lots of miles on the treadmill like which pair would be best overall!?!? Can only afford one pair right now


I’m in the Bay area…I think the rain will stop in the very early am so you should be good plus all the wind is today…it’ll be perfect,
Go get it! Cheering for ya!


I am so excited for you!! Did my last long run before my half next weekend. Funny, it was a breeze. When I started this training I never thought 7 + miles would feel easy!!

Dropped my kids off for Christmas activities with my Mom, going to gather all the gifts and start wrapping while they are away, and then my husband and I have a party tonight. We would much rather just enjoy the kid free night at home but I think we will have a good time!!!

I went to DICK’S sporting goods to grab some GU and this guy in line says “ I love that stuff, eat it as a a pick me up a lot”. I asked if he was a runner “ Nah, just really like the stuff”…. That’s a first!!! I could suggest about 100 other foods…


Good luck! Will be cheering for you from afar!


I ran a great (for me) half this morning! While I was in the 13th mile and dying, I thought…she’s going to kill that race tomorrow, surely, I can finish this one! ?? have the best time!!!! (LOL, get it? “Best time”?maybe I haven’t recovered from my race yet?)


Good luck tomorrow Janae! I’ll be cheering you on from the Netherlands.


Wishing you lots of good thoughts! I hope you and Emilee have a wonderful day tomorrow.


You’ll do great! Enjoy every moment as much as possible, I’m so inspired by you, praying that you can stay focused and keep a positive mindset even though any pain. You’ve got this.


Good luck Janae. You are going to do so well and enjoy. You’ve worked hard to be there.


Today I am:
Going to pick out a tree
Decorate the house
Got to the Nashville Striders Holiday Party with my family!
Then hopefully: plan the next 4 days of meals as I have evening events each night and want to make life semi-normal for my husband and son :)

Good luck good luck good luck! Look for all the Oiselle birds flying fast at CIM!

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