Tangents & My Phone Knows Me Too Well

I had 10 miles and a sports massage to get in before taking Brooke to school  so I was VERY grateful for friends that wanted to run crazy early too.

We might have been a little tired in the beginning when we thought we saw a cougar but thankfully it really was just a deer ha.  And I’m so grateful to Utah for having a normal fall again because my attitude towards training has completely changed again. The crazy cold was making me dread each workout and now the 30something degrees is making me excited again for them.

20 x 400m—> HERE WE COME TODAY.   I averaged 82 seconds for 20 x 400m in September so let’s see how today goes!

The extra sunlight is helping a lot too.  After my run I went in and had my right leg worked on and he did amazing.  He worked a lot on my hip flexor and knee which he thinks is causing all of the calf problems and I walked out of there feeling 100% again.  PS my calf hasn’t hurt during my runs at all… it’s just been before or after but yesterday after the massage it felt great again all day.

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Fast forward until later on in the morning and Andrew, Skye and me got in the car to go do a few errands.  My phone will tell me how long it will take to get to a place that it thinks I am going to go to based on the time of day….

This popped up on my phone and Andrew laughed so hard.  I guess I go there a lot so we took my phone’s cue and went for it.

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I didn’t take a picture of my first dinner (leftovers & roasted veggies) but second dinner of a grilled cheese sandwich with jam on top was heavenly.  We put our cheese in the middle of the bread and put it in the microwave to melt it first and then put some butter on the outsides of the sandwich and then cook it in a pan.  It makes the perfect grilled cheese.

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And I think an epsom salt bath is just going to have to happen nightly leading up to this marathon.  My body is feeling the months of training and I need as much recovery as possible.

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It’s been a while since I last covered any tangents so let’s get them rolling again:

*On Monday night I heard my doorbell ring and I opened the door to find my niece and sister with fettuccine alfredo for me.  This has been my favorite meal lately and this spoke to my soul.  People are the best.

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*Just in case you are wondering, these gels don’t explode if you put them through the wash and dryer… oops.

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*Andrew has been practicing a lot doing Skye’s hair and he is just getting better and better at it!

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*I think for Christmas we are just going to get a big box of costumes for Skye because she wants to change in and out of them all day.

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*SO many amazing tips, strength ideas and form help from this account.

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*Brooke and Knox taught Skye how to play hide and seek so now Skye wants to hide all of the time… so that’s been fun;)

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*I’ve been reading everything possible about CIM’s course!  Those of you that have had PRs at CIM… could you let me know if you had negative splits or even splits? I’ve really got to be smart about pacing so I get to GO on that final 10k!

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Have any tangents to share with me today?  I would love to hear them!

Put anything in your washer or dryer that you shouldn’t have put in your washer or dryer?

What is your favorite type of pasta?

Whoever has run CIM… tell me about how you paced it!

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My daughter is the same age as Skye and she is also obsessed with dress up right now. But since dress up clothes are too long I found princess nightgowns at Target that look like dress up but for her better and are less than $20. They wash really nice too!


BRILLIANT! I am totally going to copy you! Thanks so much Catie… wish our girls could play together!


Tangent: Last night (or early morning it was 1 am) when I took my puppy outside for a potty break she barked like crazy at coyotes we heard in the distance! She hasn’t barked hardly at all so far so I had to laugh, she is quiet but very brave lol :)

Yes, my son’s IPhone and I am here to say that the otterbox case WORKS thank goodness!

Any kind of ravioli or stuffed pasta yum!

No info on CIM but I cannot wait to hear how it goes for you, have a great day!


COYOTES…. oh that would freak me out! So happy your puppy kept them away! That is so cool to hear about the otterbox keeping his phone safe through the wash. Thank you so much Jocelyn and I hope you have ravioli soon!


I’ve put my earbuds through the washer three times . . . and they still work! Shoutout to the cheapo earbuds from Target for being very durable!

My tangent . . . got in a run yesterday, which was my first since my race PR this weekend. I thought I felt fine but two miles in, everything hurt! Still glad I got out, though, and it felt so good to be moving and outside!


Okay, that is amazing! I love it when you find the most durable products (especially when they are cheap)! CONGRATS on your PR this weekend… I hope you are still riding the PR high! Those endorphins… they are just the best. I hope everything isn’t hurting soon Kristin! Congrats again!


Tell Skye I will have a huge box of dress ups waiting for her ?


She isn’t going to want to come home!!!


ha ha ha–Skye’s shoes peeking out from under the curtain made my morning :)
Tangent: I found out yesterday that there is a kangaroo sanctuary about 10 miles away from me, and they do birthday parties!
Favorite pasta: bucatini. Not sure why I love hollow pasta shapes, but it seems more fun.
Have a fabulous, fast day!


Right?! I laugh so hard when I see them haha. 10 miles away… that is SO cool. I want to come! I am not sure I have ever had bucatini and now I need to. Thanks Corey, you too!


I cannot handle how CUTE Skye’s feet are peeking out from your curtain!!!
Your grilled cheese tip is BRILLIANT!! I am a huge GC lover and the hardest part is making sure the cheese is melted all the way through. THANK YOU!!
I got a massage Monday for the same thing you are dealing with! So weird how the hot spots you feel during the massage are not the actual things that hurt when you run (or stop running). I need to get back to the epsom salt baths. I did them after every run when I was recovering from injury.
My favorite pasta is manicotti. More cheese FTW!!
Can’t wait to hear how your workout goes. Have an awesome day!


Right? I laugh so hard when I see her little toes. PLEASE let me know if it helps your GC because that used to be our problem too. Oh I hope that the massage really helped big time. Manicotti is the best. Thanks SO much Elizabeth and I hope you have the best day!


So interesting that your hip flexor might be causing your CALF issues. I’ve been seeing my PT to work on my gait, and my ankle has been giving me trouble. He said the same thing–the issue is most likely between my waist and my knees. The body is so tricky!!!!

I NEED to try grilled cheese with jelly! My daughters will be so grossed out. ha ha

I found a REALLY good account on Insta with great running ideas/PT/strength types of ideas recently, too—- vladixel
Check out his page–super good stuff. I think I learned about him from trackclubbabe who is super positive and inspiring herself!!!

Ooooh, and I love bow tie (farfalle if I’m being fancy!) pasta the best :)

Have a GREAT day, Janae!!! :)


The ankle is just the victim of whatever is happening with your waist and knees… isn’t that crazy?! I am so glad you are working with him and he is figuring this out for you! Hahaha they will be grossed out until they try it! Totally going to find him, thank you so much. I love Kim so much and I hope you get some farfalle soon:) . Thanks Jen, have a great day teaching today!


I still use my ipod shuffle (the teenie tiny one… I think you used to have a pink one) and it has been through the wash numerous times. Still works! I’m going to be sad the day it doesn’t because I think those things are hard to come by nowadays.
Thank you for introducing me to grilled cheese + jelly. My husband looked at me like I had five heads the first time I made one, but I begged him to try it. Now, he’s sold, too!


YES… Oh i miss mine so much and I am SO happy yours has survived the wash! I hope it works forever. Hahaha I am so glad you both love it now. Hope you are feeling great Stacey and maybe can sneak in a nap sometime soon!


Isn’t a tad creepy that our phones do that?! My phone knows my M-F routine and also my weekend routine. It will also send Siri suggestions to start the timer after a workout (since I use a timer to make sure I stretch enough).
I’ve never had jam on-top of my grilled cheese, always in; might just have to try that tonight! Have you tried it with bacon? Soo good!
By most favorite tangent is that I did speed work today and my ankle held up! I literally went from “I’m skipping my run today and staying in bed” to “Naw, I’ll just stay close to home and try to do a little speed workout”. Well, 44 minutes later I finished and now hours later, I’m still riding that endorphin high! THE best feeling! I also got to practice some mental training during my 12×1 min workout; there’s 1 hill on this route and when I had to run it on a fast interval I had to change my perspective from I have to run this run to I GET TO RUN this hill and it worked like a charm. YESSSS!
Favorite pasta – my MIL’s homemade mac & cheese.
I haven’t run CIM but some of my friends have run it just to BQ and they came away with MAJOR BQ’s and PR’s!
Have a great day!


Okay, that is nuts about the timer too… not sure I like our phones to know so much. I MUST TRY IT WITH BACON. Thank you Jenny! SO happy about your ankle being happy! Keep riding those endorphins, you rocked it! I GET TO RUN THIS HILL… I’m copying you on that. Send me some of that mac and cheese. SO good to hear about your friends. Thanks so much Jenny and way to go this morning!


Glad those gels survive the wash…chapstick does not. P.S. I love those gels and they’re going to be on the CIM course! So that’s exciting for me. Do you get bottles again at CIM?

Also I’m impressed you can eat fettuccine for dinner and have a belly that’s good to run in the AM. I’m not sure my body would enjoy that.

As for CIM, I’m pretty sure you can negative split the course pretty easily. I ran it in 2017 and went out like a bat out of heck, so needless to say I, personally, have not negative split the course…or even split it either ;) I have run a gorgeous positive split though if you want any advice on how to do that.


Hahah I’ve done that with chapstick too! I don’t get bottles this time oh no! THANK you for helping me with my confidence with the negative split. Hahaha I have done those amazing positive splits too. Can’t wait to meet you and have the best day Annie!


So excited for you at CIM! I wish I was running it this year, but I’ve been plagued with off/on injuries the last two years so no marathons for me for now. I ran it in 2016 and it’s still my PR. I’d say I ran pretty even splits, though slightly positive split. The first few miles are a little downhill then it’s rollers till the end. Last few miles in downtown Sacramento are pretty flat. Good luck I can’t wait to follow you!!


LAURA… boo to the last two years! I hope that things change for 2020 so you can get back! Thank you for helping me out with the course… I really appreciate you taking the time to do that! Hope you have a beautiful day!


Macaroni and cheese, baked and homemade. My ultimate comfort food.
I washed and dried my husband’s passport. The next time we traveled I had to explain it to the customs officer, who was not impressed.


Well, now I need some of that mac and cheese right now (if you have a favorite recipe you should send it to me sometime;). OH NO to the passport but so grateful he was still able to use it (how could the customs officer not understand… doesn’t everyone wash their wallets etc at some point). I hope you are having the best morning Fiona!


Here’s my tangent for you today. :) My massage therapist told me that I need to soak my legs in an apple cider vinegar bath because it’s a natural anti-inflammatory. So, I went and bought several bottles and used them the whole week leading up to my marathon and then a few days after. It really made a difference! You should try it! You have to buy the glass bottle and the kind that has the “mother.” I just filled my tub with enough water to cover my legs and hips and then poured a whole large bottle in.


KRISTEN..You..ARE..The..Best. Off to the store today and I will be buying those (thanks for telling me about the specific type too). Thank you so much. Have a great day!


Hi Janae,

Okay, first of all, last weekend I came back from the dog walk soaked and put my rain jacket in the dryer.. with my phone. I realized it within 5 minutes and it was completely fine… but you know one of my first thoughts?? I want to email Janae and say something like “by the way, iPhones can go in the dryer. who knew?” ha) because I feel like she would understand and has posted about random things in the dryer! Baahaaa! And we have never met in person and I think about you often :) I hope that makes you feel good (and not like I’m a complete crazy lady!).

Regarding CIM, I also thought of you last week… I recently got really into the Rambling Runner podcast. I had never listened before (great find!). I listened to all the most recent episodes and then went back to some older ones that sounded interesting. As I was listening to THIS one, I thought “I need to tell Janae about this!” because the guest talks in detail about CIM. I think it was about mid-way where she starts talking about it ( could be earlier or later though! ha, I’m so helpful). – the crowd, etc. One point she mentioned that made me want to share it with you is that she said the fans KNOW people are there to get the OTQ so they really spur you on. The overall episode is good too so if you have time I highly recommend it! Might be fun for some of your teammates who are running too because it sounded like great motivation.


HAHAHAH we just get each other on another level and it makes me feel SO good. I am so glad your phone survived hallelujah! You are SERIOUSLY the best. I cannot wait to listen to this episode… it is just what I needed. Sending it to my teammates too. Thanks Amanda, you are such a good friend to me and I really appreciate you!


I’ve run CIM 4-5x. It’s my BQ, PR and the only race I have ever run a negative split! You’re going to do great!


THIS IS SO GOOD TO HEAR! Thank you so much for telling me and way to go! You rock that course. Have a beautiful day!


Hi Janae! I’m so happy to hear your calf is all better!!
Isn’t it incredible how our bodies are all connected? My hip used to hurt after every run even though i was doing hip strengthening exercises. It wasn’t until earlier this year when I was doing PT for my knee when my therapist had me start doing core work and side core work that my hip pain finally subsided and I could run further distances. He also had me work on calf strength for a foot issue I had and that helped a lot too!


I am SO happy that your PT was help you to get everything strong and healthy… SO happy you don’t have that hip pain anymore. You are rocking it. It really is crazy… he told me yesterday that my calf was just the victim of other problems! Have the best day Amy!


I’m not all that experienced in marathon running but I’ve run CIM 3 times and Grandma’s once. I ran pretty even splits for CIM-only because I ran with a pace group. Had I not, I’m certain I would have gone out way too fast because the race starts downhill. I felt like I was crawling in first few miles, but by the last miles it was always a struggle to keep even (to slightly positive) splits. I was so thankful that the pacer held us back early on. You have so much training and experience that I think you could negative split this race. The rolling hills are really not bad-I think it helps switch things up and use different muscles. Nothing like some of the hills that you run. So excited! I think this will be a great course for you!


THANK YOU so much Liz for sharing your experience… that is SO good to know about those first few miles and I’ll copy you and stay with the pacer! That’s what I’m thinking about those hills too. Thank you SO much and I hope you are having a great day!


Tangent today: I have a ginormous blister on my right arch! I thought I had it under control and it got bigger after yesterday’s run!

I wash my chapstick at least 1-2 times/month. Oy. Most of the time, I catch it before the dryer…

I love lasagna! And I especially love this recipe in the crock pot. https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/recipes/a56239/crock-pot-lasagna-recipe/

My marathon PR was at CIM 2 years ago. I love the course! I stuck with pacers and they killed it! They knew the course so well, he was able to tell us when medians and such were coming up. He even reminded me to take nutrition. I ended up running with him and another woman that I’ve stayed in contact with from the beginning to mile 22. It was awesome!


I need to make that recipe asap! That is crazy about the blister on your arch… I hope it disappears soon. SO good to hear about CIM being your marathon PR! The pacers sound awesome!


I was running with my 17 month old early on Monday morning (he was refusing to acknowledge daylight savings time) and saw a deer…freaked me out until I realized it was just a deer. Glad it wasn’t a cougar! I saw that several cougars had been sighted in Salt Lake City around 4500 S and 4000 E. Yikes!

Also a question – do you run with a head lamp or any other light on your early morning runs in the dark? I am just getting back into running after mostly training for a hike (did the Grand Canyon rim 2 rim in a single day) and after having my youngest (now 17 months – and just started sleeping through the night a few months ago). ANYWAY – running in the morning is the most convenient for me, but I’m not happy with my current head lamp. I don’t feel like it’s bright enough, even with fresh batteries. I was hoping you might have a recommendation.


Oh I saw that about the cougars too… freaking me out! So glad you saw a deer too! Lately when we run early we are just on a trail that doesn’t have any cars and I rely on my friend’s headlamps for light but I do have one that I love and I think that it works fabulous!

HUGE congrats on Rim 2 Rim… you are incredible and I am SO happy you are getting some sleep now!


The creepiest thing my phone does is recognize when my middle son is texting me from a friend’s phone (any friend)! He will lose his or battery dies and he texts from any random friend’s phone, doesn’t call me by name, and it will still come up on my phone as “Maybe: John Doe?” And it’s always right. Spooky! My friend’s phone does the distance/traffic to favorite places as she drive around thing but mine hasn’t yet.


Oh yes… mine does that TOO! It really is so weird!!!!


I once put a vial of blood through the wash. Very grateful it didn’t break open!! It was when my husband was in medical school and it was his own blood. They had just learned how to do blood draws for the first time and he brought his home as a keepsake. ?


OH MY GOODNESS! YOU ARE SO LUCKY!! Hahah thanks for sharing this with me!


You are going to ROCK CIM! I ran it in 2017 after a very disappointing Chicago Marathon and I ran CIM 35 minutes faster! What surprised me about CIM the entire time I ran was how many rolling hills there are, because I knew so many people PR, BQ and OTQ! But you have studied the course really well, so you are definitely mentally prepared for that.

I went out slow the first half 2:04 and ran second half 1:58! According to my watch, max elevation for the first half was 361 and second half was 133. I knew I wanted to take it easy the first half, as surprised at how good I felt at mile 18, and really went for it the last 10K! The last 1.5 miles are pancake flat through downtown Sacramento and the finish is amazing. The crowd support is also really great! You’ll have so much fun :D


YOU ARE THE BEST!! Thank you so so much for sharing this all with me, it was just what I needed and you did amazing there! I hope the rollers help to switch up what muscles I’m using hahah! Have the best day and thanks again, you made me even more excited!


How often do you go into Great Harvest and just eat the free bread and how often do you feel like you should order something?? Asking for a friend.


BAHAHA I love you! Ours charges .75 for a slice of bread (if you aren’t buying anything) now so we probably do that once a week and buy a loaf once a week!


oh my goodness I ate grilled cheese pretty much every day when I was pregnant and I never thought to melt the cheese first in the microwave and then cook it in the pan… you just changed my life for the next time I am pregnant :)


You are so welcome hahaha! You’ll have to let me know what you think of this new method!


Also going for the OTQ at CIM and have PR’d there twice.
I’ve even split both times! Usually the first few miles are slower than goal pace then you really just go with feel 3-20. Last 10k- give what you have left! Good luck!


Ahhhh you’ve got this! Hope to meet you there! THANK YOU for helping me out with pacing, I really appreciate it. Have a great night and happy training!


I negative split. Here’s my race plan from last year from my coach. I left the paces off, since they wouldn’t apply to you. I absolutely loved the course! It was really helpful that my coach said to let it all out after the bridge, because seeing it on race day really helped bring it all together.

Mile 1-2: keep it super easy, don’t expend energy trying to pass people just loosen up
Mile 2-7: start to settle into your pace more, but make sure you don’t get caught going too fast, you’ll be feeling good and fresh and it’ll be easy to get going too fast in this section, focus on effort level
Mile 8-13: this section is a bit rolling so slow the pace a bit here, try to keep it relaxed and steady
Mile 13-17: start to pick it up a bit on this downhill section
Mile 17-19: this section is rolling again so keep it a bit slow
Mile 19-26: ; this section is flat and fast so basically just hang on, if you’ve kept it easy through the first half+ you should still have some left in the tank to keep going here, there’s a bridge at mile 22, push it without redlining, you’ll be able to push the pace because there’s not much less but don’t go crazy, once you’ve gotten over the bridge its go time

Just remember when it hurts its just sore, but sore with a shiny PR is worth the extra pain! So go after it and don’t back down, believe in yourself and trust that you can hold this pace through to the end. You’ve got this!


Oh, and I live in Denver so the sea level was literally gold!! I felt so good.


KATIE. I cannot thank you enough for writing this up for me! Just took a screenshot so that I can read over it often! Thank you SO MUCH and I needed that pep talk! I owe you big time. Hope you have a great day!

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