Friday Favorites!!

I am dropping my mileage down to 45ish miles this week (and then 60ish next week) which meant yesterday I did an easy 3 and today I’ll take the day off!

Random running thought= I love it when I am about to cross a road and a car is sitting there waiting to turn and then they wave at me to acknowledge that they see me.  It’s just such a nice and friendly way for them to let me know that they see me 100%.  Someone did that yesterday and it made me happy.

I feel like Skye was feeling a little squished in this picture.

Turns out I have more energy to make food when I’m not running 287 miles a day.  Steak tacos for the win.

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We saw Santa last night….

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Skye hated him.

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It was a great night together before Knox leaves for the Thanksgiving break!

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A few Friday Favorites (with affiliate links) to share this week:

*Madewell is starting their sale early with 25% off everything so here are my top 5 things from them if you want to take advantage of the sale—> my favorite jeans ever, this sweater, this sweater, this tee and this tee … and I bought this cardigan yesterday:)

*My favorite $16 sweatshirt has a Christmas themed option too and I love it! Edit:  it was still there last night and as of right now it’s gone… it must have sold out but I’ll keep you updated for when it is restocked!

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*Brooks by far has the best gear for running in the dark (in my opinion).  They sent their new Nightlife Jacket and it makes it SO much easier for me to be seen in the dark.  It’s the perfect top layer for these winter mornings because it is also weather-resistant!  What it looks like when I take a picture with the flash on:

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*Also, have you ever seen a cuter pair of running shoes?  The holiday themed Revel 3.

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*This episode with Mary Cain and Kara Goucher made me cry.  I cannot believe everything that she went through with that team but she also brought me a lot of hope (and ideas) on this changing.  She is going to have some incredible success with her new coach and I cannot wait to see what she does.

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*Okay, this is kind of silly but these magnetic measuring spoons have brought my baking/cooking more joy ha.  I always get so annoyed when I can’t find the measuring spoon that I am looking for in the drawer when cooking so I found these magnetic ones and no longer lose them in the drawer.   OH and another thing that has been making my baking happier = These Silicone Baking Sheets.  They make it so I don’t have to clean my pans or use sprays/parchment paper etc for cookies!

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*The best flavor of NanoHydr8 ever—> Lemon Lime for the win (it’s the only one I’m going to drink now because I love it so much).  Code HRG20 will get you 20% off too.  Tomorrow will be my last caffeine before the race.  I like to get my body off of caffeine for a few weeks before a race so that when I have it on race day, it really works.

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*Doe Ray & Me.  I love every thing that this company stands for (I grew up with the girl on the left) and what they are doing and will absolutely be buying some of their pieces… I love that their focus is on the fact that we are always changing depending on the season of life we are in and that is something to support.  They open up their shop today!

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*”Your thoughts are optional… All of your thoughts about yourself, about your life, about your husband, about your kids… they are all optional.”  There are so many other ways to think about things and we GET the option about which thoughts to put in our heads… make them good ones!  From a great episode on The Goop Podcast about Unsubscribing from Our Thoughts and creating our future.


What do you have going on this weekend?  

Any cool businesses with missions that you love that you’ve come across lately that you want to share?  

What do you do or wear to make sure you are seen while running in the dark?

What running shoes have you been wearing the most lately?

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These are some of my favorite posts. You wrote recently about a pair of joggers you got from Amazon that you liked as much as some from Lulu and I got them; before I decided to keep them I went to Lulu and tried all of their joggers on — they were so much more expensive and I didn’t like any of them as much as your Amazon rec. I am a terrible shopper (and a busy mom!) so these posts help me a lot! :)


Oh this makes me SO happy! Aren’t those joggers just the best? I’ll keep them coming! I hope you have the most wonderful weekend Betsy!


Your podcast recommendations are always so amazing, often both practically helpful (training pods!) or mind-expanding (Mary Cain, what a brave girl!!). Thanks for sharing!!

FYI your sweater link goes to the measuring spoons.


Oh I am SO glad Susie! Thank you for letting me know about that… I fixed it but now that sweater is sold out BOO. I’ll post it again when they restock it. Have the best weekend!


What an awesome Santa! Had to chuckle that Skye was not on board this year, as I remember some years for each of my kids that they were having no parts of sitting with a jolly bearded guy :D
This weekend I’m doing a local CrossFit competition, and I’m nervous about the tough workouts, but it will be lots of fun. Apparently, last year included a surprise 6K run that they announced during athlete check-in. I’m actually hoping for something like that! ha ha!
Have a wonderful Friday!


Bahahah glad Skye isn’t the only one… We have a santa stuffed animal that she even hates and throws him away from her. She is not a fan. GOOD LUCK COREY! I hope you get the run in there and trust your training for this, you are SO ready. I would love to hear how it goes.


When I click the link for your Christmas sweatshirt, it takes me to measuring spoons. Do you have the correct link? I’d love to get one! Thanks


It looks like it’s fixed but I don’t see the Christmas option. Was it removed?


AHHHH BUMMER!! It’s sold out now. I will post about it again when they restock it which better be soon because Christmas is coming up! I hope you have a great weekend Kerri and thank you!


I just got the holiday Revels too! They arrived last night, and they are very festive. I love the silver sparkly-ness!


Oh this makes me so happy! They just add another level of excitement to our runs! Have a wonderful weekend Nicci!


Would you please tell me what kind of steak you use in your tacos and how you make it? They look scrumptious! Happy Thanksgiving!


Hey Kimberly! I’m kind of boring but I just get the New York Strip from Costco (and divide it into bags to freeze so I can just take one or two out at a time) and grilled it with Montreal Steak Grill Mates seasoning. It was delicious and I need to get that iron in! Hope your weekend is a fabulous one!


Sounds delicious! Thanks so much!❤️


I 100% just ordered that Madewell sweater with the color blocks after reading your post haha, it’s amazing. And such a great sale!!

I wear the night runner shoe lights to make sure I’m seen in the dark. They clip on the top of your laces and help cars see you + help you see the road (potholes, etc!). They are so so amazing and every time I run in the dark random people tell me how much they love them and how bright they are!

I’ve been wearing the Adidas Adizero Boston’s lately. I love them so much, but the new model that just came out is quite different so I’ve only run in those ones once and am trying to get used to them.

Hope you have a great weekend Janae!


You are going to love that sweater… it is just the best. Oh those lights are awesome! Don’t you hate it when shoe companies switch up their models a lot!?! I hope you get used to and love the new version. THANKS and you too Eleanor!


OK I have so little money right now (and I get too insane a discount at the store where I am working these days to REALLY buy clothes from anywhere else), but that Madewell sweater with the pocket–the shade of red that’s on sale–it’s too dang cute. I might have to try it on tomorrow after teaching RPM and see about that…

As for businesses I love–there’s a jewelry business called DEAR SURVIVOR that I heard about through the barre studio I love. Their aim is to use sustainable materials as much as possible in the design and manufacturing of their jewelry AND to use a portion of their profits to support efforts to stop human trafficking. MOST of the jewelry they sell is a bit too bold for my sense of style, but I have found a couple of pieces that I loved and found a way to buy them.

There’s also a bath & body care products company based in Savannah called SALACIA SALTS that I love to support when I have the spare money. Their stuff is heavenly–try their shower steamers for a post-run shower of beauty. Seriously lovely. The woman who started the company wanted to make all natural products at an accessible price point and with a focus on small-batch artisanal production and environmental sustainability without throwing it in anyone’s face. What’s cool about this place is the store where products are sold not only sells what is made but also holds workshops so people can make their own bath & body care products. And there’s a good website where anyone from anywhere can buy their stuff!


Ooooo… I can’t wait to listen to that podcast! Thank you for sharing!
This weekend will be filled with a couple of runs, lots of cleaning, and getting some Christmas shopping done ? I am so looking forward to next week with no one having to go to school and our oldest will be home from college for 5 days!!
I was just thinking yesterday, that I so need new clothes! Thank you for sharing that Madwell is having a sale.
Have a great Friday Janae.


Hi Janae! Quick question about your taper- are you going to do 45 miles this week and 60 miles next week? I thought tapers usually had decreasing mileage. Hope you have a great weekend!


Hey Amy! Great question! That is what I normally have done for tapers but my coach does it a bit different. So the 60 is still less than what we normally do but bumping it up a little again after this week and then giving ourselves a break the week of has some great benefits too and I felt them for St. George this year too when we did this wahoo. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


I have been rotating between the launch, ghost, and ricochet (I think the levitate is similar?). I hated the ricochet when I got them, they felt way too supportive. When I went to my local running store they are also agreed the launch or the ghost was for my feet. Long story short, I will likely be running my half in the ricochet!! I just am finding that support is needed, but I noticed Brooks no longer makes the shoe. I need to buy some up from amazon or Zappos.

I did 11 miles today, my longest run and it will be the longest for this half marathon. I have never run a half ( racewalked a ton) and it feels weird to not go over 13 but not going to overtrain these hamstrings and knees. I also have realized that I am going to need to take a quick stretch break in the half. Does anyone half to do this? I hate it but my sports medicine doc highly encouraged it and it seems to be working.

This weekend – roller skating lessons for the youngest, swimming for the oldest (loving that we do not have a 2 day swim meet again), and a 9th birthday celebration on Sunday. My little girl has had quite a year and is so brave, beyond proud of her.


I hadn’t heard of The Goop podcast – thanks for the mention! I don’t subscribe to a lot of podcasts because I really don’t like a cluttered phone with episodes I don’t want :) But I found myself downloading all of The Goop’s so I subscribed.

I hope that your down week of mileage will offer you rejuvenation and energy. It must be hard and exhausting to jump right back into another marathon cycle. You are SO close! Just imagine how fun you and Emilee will have on that morning and the feeling of elation WHEN you both crush it. I had heard that if you are already imagining finishing a marathon that maybe your heart isn’t in it. But I don’t feel that way. Feeling tired is definitely part of it and looking forward to NOT feeling tired doesn’t mean that you will not succeed before and ON the day of the race. The grind is why we love it, right? Looking back and thinking “how did I get through all that”? is what makes it FUN and rewarding. You got this!

Happy weekend :)


I need to put some reflective clothing on my Christmas wish list! I run in the dark every morning and all I have is an ugly Velcro vest thing that snags all my clothes.

Tomorrow I am having a “day date” with my middle kiddo. I am trying to take one day a month where I spend extra time with one kid:-).


Knox looks so big and older in the picture with Santa! Looks like he’s going through a growth spurt or maybe it’s his hair.

We fly to New Orleans this Sunday to start our Thanksgiving trip. We will eventually arrive in Panama City, FL to celebrate with my father-in-law’s extended family.

I bought this set of lights ( and they are great! You can clip them on or wear on your finger. I love that they are USB rechargeable.

I’ve been running in Brooks Glycerin lately.


Those are the cutest running shoes!! At first I was like… but they are so seasonal, I couldn’t wear them for long. But then it occurred to me: how long do running shoes last for professional runners or elite level runners?? In ballet, I would go through a pair of pointe shoes in a week easily! How long do running shoes last you!?


I opened my Merry Revels today and haven’t taken them off since, don’t they just make you smile??? Now, the question is…can I bear to get them dirty? LOL ;-)


Bahaha I thought the same thing… I’ll only be wearing them in perfect conditions outside or on the treadmill. ENJOY Stacia and have a great weekend!


AWESOME article in Podium Runner!!! I’m so so excited for you and for CIM!!! Rooting for you HARD from Wisconsin!!!! <3 You got this!

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