Call me ISE, I’m NOT going to & FINISH LINES!

My coach came up with a name for me that the team calls me now and it is ISE.  It stands for ‘I’m So Excited’… I guess I am just a bit enthusiastic about things and he has caught onto that personality trait of mine, ha.

BUT I wasn’t super excited for the workout yesterday because I had never done it before but it ended up being fun so I’ll be excited for it the next time we do it.

We started off with a short w/u and then CLIMBED AND CLIMBED.  It was about 1.2 miles and we climbed 500 feet while trying to push the pace in that segment.  We were toast by the end but I think somebody told me that over the course of CIM you climb a total of 600ish (correct me if I am wrong on that) feet so yesterday built my confidence thinking we did 500 ft in 1.2 miles.  After the hill we did about a mile very easy and then a fast mile (5:31).

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We are ready for those CIM rollers!

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While I ran these three went on a little bike ride!

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We went out to get a little bit more Christmas shopping done for our kids.  Skye isn’t super thrilled about her winter uniform;)

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And then we went out to my (and clearly Skye’s) current favorite restaurant (Chipotle) for lunch.

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The rain won’t stop these two!

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Brooke is really into drawing lately so we are mastering drawing horses together.

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Because I was too tired to make anything other than grilled cheese and tomato soup.

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And now I need to get in as much recovery as possible before Saturday because we will be doing those 10 x 1 mile repeats and my mantra for Saturday= I am not going to choose comfort over growth.

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Is 17 days out too early to start packing?  Probably but that’s okay.  Skye brought me a pack of gummy bears to pack, haha.

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I absolutely love hearing about your finish line stories so please keep sending them to [email protected]


Lisa:  “So it is bittersweet when I share with you that I got my BQ in Indy last weekend.  With a time of 3:54:50 I made it with 10 seconds to spare…likely not fast enough to be accepted to run. I had a great 18.5 miles.  By then though the backs of my legs were so tight they just didn’t want to run and I stopped looking at my watch as I didn’t want to see my goal pass me by.  But then I saw my son at 25.2( exactly) and I was so defeated. I felt I let him down.  However he had a look in his eye and he told me he’d see me at the finish line since he couldn’t pace me without being a participant of the race.  Something told me that the time on his stopwatch must have meant I could still BQ – just not with the time I wanted.  So I kept plodding.  I looked into the eyes of every person along the sidewalks and tried to pull in some energy.  And I made it.  Although I cried with disappointment and looked back at all the spots along the course that I could have done better – I finally decided to celebrate my victory with my son.  I took 17th place in my age and I BQ’d and knocked off 17 minutes.  Best part of the entire race was the hug he gave me.  I will never forget that moment!  Now to look at a spring marathon to see if I can find another couple of minutes so I can run Boston in 2021. (No finish line photo as my son was busy with his stopwatch…he’s a future coach he just doesn’t know it yet).”

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Kaitlin: “When you do the same race every year it inadvertently serves as a stake in the ground as to where you are in life in that moment. Last year this half marathon was a month out from a horrendous miscarriage that left me in the hospital broken physically, mentally, and emotionally. I toughed out a finish for that marathon out of sheer grit and determination to prove to myself that I CAN do (and endure) hard things.

In the year since, I have focused my energy on becoming stronger; physically and mentally. I have been (more) consistent and intentional with my training and upped my meditation game. Coming into this year’s Wine and Dine half marathon, I was hungry to demonstrate to myself the progress I have made…

It took me 6 1/2 years to best my time in the half marathon distance but last Sunday I achieved a personal record, by over six minutes no less. It was a cathartic feeling to lay down that time and prove to myself that practice and training do, in fact, have an effect when consistent.

There is still vast room for improvement and growth; but if I’m honest, that’s the aspect that draws me to this crazy thing of running marathons. But one thing will always remain the same…

I can, and will continue to endure, hard things.”



Do you have any nicknames?

Do you prefer a course with hills or a flat course?

-I think I prefer hills because it will switch up which muscles we are using and I think all of the trails have made us ready for them!

What is your current favorite restaurant?

Who has done a Disney race?  Who else did Indy this year?

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I did Indy this year!!! It was my first marathon ever and I can not wait to do another marathon!! I seriously finished, hugged my coach, smiled, and said “That was so much fun! When can I do another!”. Finish in 2:57, feeling like I had a lot more to give! Hoping to go for that OTQ one day!! Good luck at CIM!! Have loved watching you train and seeing you kill it in workouts!


2:57 FOR YOUR FIRST MARATHON! SARAH…. you are UNREAL! Yeah, the OTQ is YOURS. I am so thrilled for you and please keep me updated with your training and what you decide to do next! Hoping you are recovering really well!


Those pictures of the fog over the mountains are so beautiful and dramatic! I have a friend looking to move to Utah in the next couple years and I already want to visit.

Skye may not love her snow suit, but I want one! So adorable and WARM.
I would love to do a Disney race . . . definitely on my bucket list! I really want to dress up and have fun at it.

If you asked me three months ago, I’d say NO HILLS . . . but I started running them more and more, and I’ve found I actually enjoy them! I love the challenge and I feel so good when I get to the top (maybe not the very second I get to the top . . . I might be breathing pretty hard :-))–doing well on a hilly race course gave me a lot of confidence, too. So yay hills!


Right?! It looked like that outside again today and I loved it in the light rain. WE NEED THOSE SNOW SUITS TOO! Way to go getting in those hills and enjoy that confidence… you’ve worked hard for it. Have a wonderful day Kristin!


I did Indy this year! It was magical. Saw my coach at mile 23 (Lindsey Hein!!). PR’ed by 8 minutes. Went to the live event that night with Deena Kastor and Sally McRae.
I’m scared no other marathon will be as great.
PS do Indy.


8 minute PR… MOLLY THAT IS AMAZING! I am just so happy for you. Lindsey is your coach?! Oh I love her so much, she is amazing. I’ll be back in May for the half… please tell me you will be there!


Oh my gosh your title scared me because it said “I’m not going to finish lines” and I was like WHAT HAPPENED?!

I prefer a flat course just because I live in Florida so its very hard to find hills to train on. I actually love hills because they distract me. We have a 15k that runs over 2 bridges here and its just a great race and to me the up and downhill are distracting. But, I got injured running a half with rollers because I just couldn’t get hill practice in around here. So, yes, prefer a flat course but I do love hills, haha complicated answer;)

Good luck on those 1 mile repeats, you are going to crush it!


BAHAHA I FORGOT THE AND…. I swear it was there last night and then gone this morning! Sorry about that. Oh bummer about that injury happening… our bodies sure like consistency and when we change something they freak out. Thanks so much friend and I hope you are having a great day!


Aww the gummy bears. My son does that too, he sneaks little apple sauce packs for me when I travel. It’s so cute.
Oh man, I have mixed feelings on hills right now. I love hilly runs but where we live now is SO flat. The only hills are overpasses and those are just lame. So, I trained so hard this year for my marathon last weekend in my flat, flat, flat neighborhoods and by mile 5 of my SUPER HILLY marathon my legs were toast from all of the hills on the course (and headwinds, but that’s another story)! BUT, luckily I do a lot of strength training so I was able to pull it off for a HUGE PR (3:06!). (I couldn’t be happier with my time, hills or not). The hills are fun to run, but I firmly believe you have to train on them to really run them effectively in a race haha. I’ve never done a Disney race…they look fun though!


You trained so so so so hard and with those hills (that you couldn’t train for) and headwind you still ran a HUGE PR and a crazy fast time?!? You are incredible.

PS Hahaha I love that they are so concerned about getting snacks for us!

Reply—> Brooke will thank me later :)


YOU ARE THE BEST!! I will be showing her this after school ahhhhh! Thanks Rebekah and have a beautiful day!


Love that your coach gave you that nickname–seems fitting!
I was in the same mindset for dinner last night & also made grilled cheese :) My plan was “packet” dinners (veggies, chicken, bacon & cheese in foil packets on the grill), but I couldn’t manage prepping the veggies or cooking the bacon…tonight instead, I hope.
My nickname growing up was my combined first and last name: CoreyBrown. Everyone called me by both, even my parents did it sometimes! I guess it just flows well. My last name now starts with “Mac,” so I sometimes get variations on that, and a college friend always calls me CJ (first and middle initials).
I seek out the flat courses for races. I’ve heard the changing elevations can be more advantageous, but I haven’t gone for that in the past several years. Maybe I’ll go for that 10th marathon someday and aim for some hills? Just not mountains ~haha~
I don’t know that I have a favorite restaurant, but Chipotle has sounded good to me, lately.


Grilled cheese is just the ultimate easy dinner and I am going to need one of your packet dinners tonight (that sounds amazing). Maybe I can start calling you CJ? YES YES YES for your 10th marathon, you better keep me updated in your plan for that. I hope you go to Chipotle soon! Thanks Corey!


ISE is the perfect name for you!! I love your excitement…it’s very contagious :)
Did Baretta ride in the kid wagon?? That is soooo cute!! I almost can’t handle how adorable Skye is in her snowsuit.
Very impressed by Brooke’s horse drawing!! She’s quite the artist. What a fun activity for you to do with her.
I’m with you on the hills. Depending on my mood, flat can get boring unless there is lots of crowd support. I think hill workouts are so satisfying. I got my schedule for next week and I have a hill workout. I might be a little excited haha
“I am not going to choose comfort over growth.” LOVE IT! I’m going to use this one!


Oh thanks Elizabeth!! Hahaha she ran next to them but Andrew thought it would be fun for the picture! Thanks so much Elizabeth and you are going to rock those hills next week!


That’s hilarious, what an awesome nickname! In high school people used to call me “big red” (because I’m actually quite small) and have red hair. Also – THOSE MOUNTAINS! Making me miss Utah so much! I don’t know if I have a favorite restaurant, but definitely a favorite snack! (Is that cereal in your mug??) I’m am on the Chex train with you and have been mixing the cinnamon flavour with the peanut butter edition and it is magic! Hope you have a great day :)


BIG RED… oh I love that:) . Come back to Utah, the mountains miss you! Okay, I must try that mix because it sounds amazing! Thanks Rachel, you too!


I did the Disney marathon twice with team in training MANY years ago. It was fun except I racewalked it ( 10 to 11 min miles, which sadly is not that much slower then my running pace) and in the animal kingdom the characters made fun of me!!! It sounds silly but come on, who wants to be mocked in a marathon?? But it’s flat and fun. They are insanely expensive.


Carrie, that is terrible. I can’t even believe that that could ever happen. YOU. ARE. AMAZING. and that is an incredible accomplishment!


You’re going to kill those 10 x 1 miles!!

Those who know me well call me Riss rather than Marissa

I much prefer rollers; I agree that I enjoy the change up!

I did a Disneyland race in 2015 or 16 and it was so fun!! I’m running the Dopey challenge with my husband for his 40th in January and my sister and her husband (she’s 18 years older than me!) are running their very first 1/2 marathon with us in FL. I am so excited!!!


Thanks so much Marissa and so fun that you did those races… AND SO FUN that you have races coming up with your husband and your sister and her husband. What a blast!


Hi Janae! ISE is the best nickname for you! You have the best attitude!

I love these finish line stories and congrats to Lisa and Kaitlin!


Oh thanks so much Amy, and I am so happy you loved the finish line stories. Runners are the best. I hope your Thursday has been great so far!


Ooh! I did Indy as well! My very first marathon…and it was not what I trained for or hoped. 5 years ago I sought out the help of my sweet friend who’s a nutritionist and trainer to help me get healthy. I lost 130 pounds and fell in love with running in the process. We’ve lived on 3 different continents since getting healthy so now that we were finally Stateside and stable here in Indy I decided to train for Monumental as my first marathon! My friend wrote out my training plan and I completed 100% of all the trainings – it was basically flawless. Each week saw growth and I was on track for def a sub 5 – around a 11:15mm pace. Two days before Monumental a shooting pain went down the back of my leg and together with my trainer we did everything to help. (Basically things in my gluten are misaligned -still working on it.). It actually calmed down a bit and then the night before the race – my shoulder was in extreme pain. I ended up in the ER that night and didn’t get home till 1:30am. Completely drugged from pain meds, I got up at 4:45 and got ready to run my first 26.2. I’m not sure if this was exactly my best move – but I trained so long and so hard for this…and really it was years in the making – that I had to try. And, my leg was feeling okay . Within one minute of running – that pain shot down the back of my leg – but as my husband said “you gutted out that race”. I crossed the finish line at least 41 minutes over what I wanted – but I finished! I’ve found myself feeling a range of emotions from so happy to angry or why did my body decide to crumble two days before!? It’s def given me fuel the past almost 2 weeks to write out my goals for 2020 and that includes a repeat to Monumental with shaving an hour off my time. Motivation, baby! Just wanted to share my store from Indy. It’s an AMAZING course and one of the best I’ve run! You should totally come and do it!


Oh Sarah! Congratulations on your FIRST MARATHON! I cannot even imagine running 26.2 miles after what you had been going through the previous years. YOU FINISHED! The first marathon is all about completion and you did just that! I really want to come run that marathon, that sounds amazing. I hope you are recovering well and that you will let me know what your future goals are!


I had to comment because I FEEL you on being to tires to make anything other than grilled cheese and soup. I was literally about to make one right now lol. I use havarti cheese on mine tho!

Also way to go on your new nickname lol. I’m working on transitioning from grumpy haha


I started packing for CIM today, too. Ha. Ha.

You’re so strong! You’ve got this!

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