What’s Next? Hint: It’s Soon.

Good morning and thank you so much for all of your comments on yesterday’s race recap.  I think I’m going to be on cloud 9 (or Cloud 2:49 like my brother says ha) for a long time after this race.  I have done some research and have come to the conclusion that personal record race endorphins last up to 3000 times longer than even our daily run endorphins do;) PS my nutrition post will go up tomorrow.. still working on it!

I’ve had a lot of questions about what is next and I DEFINITELY have an answer for that.

Andrew told me that he isn’t buying a new one of these until December… because he is sure we are going to have to change the time again!

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WE (4 of us on our team:) are running CIM on December 8th (we are just going to celebrate Skye’s bday a few days early:)

The goal.  OTQ.

Anything under a 2:45

Is this goal kind of outrageous?  Taking another 4 minutes off in only 2 more months of training?


But here’s the thing.. if it happens?  MY ULTIMATE RUNNING DREAM.

If it doesn’t happen?  I love the training and I’ll just keep trying until it does happen

My coach and Emilee (she has raced both courses now) both think that CIM is an easier course than St. George because it doesn’t include the steep ups and downs that St. George does.  The smaller rollers will give us a chance to really lock into a pace and our legs won’t be fried like they were on Saturday.  My legs from the pounding kept me from speeding up, not my cardio fitness.

SEA LEVEL… 20 years of altitude training is going to help me out on December 8th.

***If we get back into training and my body says nope, too soon or I feel like an injury is coming… I’ll stop.  I honestly felt like I could go on a run yesterday (but I didn’t because I know there is damage that happens during a marathon that we can’t even feel).  Our coach has built us up so we can bounce back quickly.  I’ll take a few more days off and then go in and talk to him and we will get things rolling again.

So I hope it’s okay if you join me for another 7/8 weeks of marathon training:)

Dreaming big is my favorite way to dream and my mental game is there so I just have to get in some incredible workouts over the next few weeks and I think my body will be ready for it too:)

I’m not afraid of failing, I’m afraid of not trying.


And just a few more things to share about our weekend!

The kids also had the best weekend in St. George.  They spent time in the pool and time with ten of their cousins… they were in heaven.

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After the race, my brother took up Knox, Andrew and me in a little plane.  Brooke did not want to go but Knox was so excited about the experience.   Our hands were both very sweaty as we were taking off but it was a blast.  We flew over the marathon course and it was gorgeous to see it from up above.

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PS we went with my brother that is the pilot for Southwest.  If you are ever on his flight, you have to say hi!  It makes his life when people do!  But he probably won’t be in this shirt if you see him while he is working;)

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Skye enjoyed our weekend trip a lot too.


On Sunday we hung out with Andrew’s brother and his family while we ate donuts and watched the kids play together.

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My new favorite race medal EVER.

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My dad was VERY nervous about my purple lips after I finished the race.  It doesn’t matter what the temperature is, my lips are purple as can be when I finish.  I actually felt really great but I can’t control my purple lips.


Loved this 3D map of the course at the expo!

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I LOVED meeting so many internet friends over the weekend:

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When I woke up the morning after the race I saw this huge bruise on the inside of my leg.  I realized it was from kicking my leg throughout the race?!?!  How I didn’t feel that during… I do not know!

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Tell me about one of your big goals?


Which race is your favorite medal from?

Afraid of heights?  Would you ever get in a small airplane?

-Going in a helicopter was way scarier but the take off and landing was definitely a bit nerve-racking for me!

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Wow! And yes! And go, girl!!


This post gives me goosebumps…thanks for taking us along this amazing journey!


Me too!! I thought I was the only one :) so excited for you, Janae!!!


Ok I am so excited for you!!!!!! Can’t wait to follow the journey with you the next couple months!


It’s so fun watching your journey and how you training and racing has improved. You’re on a roll and might as well continue your streak at CIM! I love your brother’s shirt. My friend sent me one and I love wearing it and embarrassing my husband


CIM!!! That is so exciting!!! I have been thinking that I would love to do that marathon! I’m hoping that I will next year.
It is going to be fun to continue following your journey these next 8 weeks! And I think an OTQ is definitely in your reach!!
You are so inspiring Janae ?


Yesssssssssssssss so exciting! It’s also really cool you have some teammates going for this with you, that will make it even more fun. I have friends who have done CIM and they all loved it.


I’m so excited to follow your CIM goal!! Can’t wait to see how you do!


You’re amazing! I love that you put your goal out there! Thanks for taking us along.


Yesssss!!!! OTQ!!!! So exciting! You can do it!
Ran my 5th marathon last weekend and got a nice 4 minute PR. Was hoping to BQ but a 15 mph headwind during last five miles did me in. Oh well, next time maybe!


JANAE YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!!!!!!! I get such joy and excitement from following your journey!!! Thank you for being brave and vulnerable and sharing your goals with us!! Whatever happens, we’re rooting for you!!! I haven’t run in 10 weeks due to a foot injury but my return date is Oct 26! I run at about double your pace though ;)


Also, don’t laugh but …. WHAT IS CIM?!


California International Marathon


You are absolutely incredible! I just moved out to California in January and will be running CIM, too! I’m really hoping to get my first BQ. I have been following your blog for years, and it has kept me so motivated — I hope I run into you when we’re both there! :) Have a great day!


Congratulations Janae. I’m so excited for your next adventure goal. You inspire so many people.
I have flown in a helicopter, the Goodyear Blimp, (friend from school, her dad worked for Goodyear) and I learned how to fly small planes when I was 16. My dad was a Navy pilot and he was so excited when I told him I wanted to learn, that he immediately took me to a small airport in Houston and signed me up for lessons. HaHa. I was most nervous landing in the blimp. I didn’t know what to expect. Basically, they have long ropes that hang down and as the blimp turns off the power, a bunch of guys on the ground try to grab the ropes. Yes, a little scary. Flying a plane myself and landing wasn’t scary at all. Well, maybe the first few times.
My favorite medal is from the Marine Corp Historic Half last May. It was my first half and I was really slow, but the event is so well organized and the course is beautiful in Fredericksburg, Va. I am signed up for a 10K trail run next month, which will be my first trail run. Should be interesting…….
Happy training!


I ran the historic half too and loved it. I was painfully slow!
I’m also running CIM in December. Wish me luck?


Just read your race recap from yesterday, and it truly excites me how you made such progress by running WITH A GROUP and WITH EMILEE!!!!! I have a friend who has always said you get faster by running with others, and you are proof in the pudding!!!! (I haven’t listened and am still a solo runner, but it’s food for thought! ha ha) It’s just been super cool to see your progress with this group and with Hawk as your coach. I’ve seen you grow as a runner and with ENTHUSIASM. You’ve always loved running, but you’re brimming with enthusiasm and confidence. I am so so happy for you, Janae and cannot wait to cheer for you (from afar! ha ha) at CIM!!!!!!!!


I was hoping this announcement was coming!!! You’ve worked so hard, there is no reason not to try. Kudos to you on making big goals and putting them out there!


That’s an amazing goal!!! So excited to see your next marathon training round!


Yay Janae! LOVE your OTQ goal! I was actually thinking that when I saw your 2:49!! You are amazing and so deserving and I’ll be praying for you to stay healthy for next two months!
Thank you so much for sharing your amazing journey. You are so inspiring….can’t wait to see what happens next! Mary


Yep, I was thinking this too. Your running is in such a good place, CIM is sea level… why not try for it? So exciting!!! Looking forward to hearing all about more marathon training!


Hi Janea, so excited for you and happy for you!! This feels like a victory for all of us to be honest.. and I’m so proud of you for laying exactly what you want out there and being OK with people knowing whether it happens or it doesn’t. Seriously inspirational.

I’ve told you this before but I’ve been following your blog for 5 years now and it seriously helped me overcome and manage an eating disorder I developed in college. There was a point for me where I didn’t think I could run anymore but seeing how you yourself have bounced back so much stronger and with such ferocity, it’s seriously inspired me to defy even what my doctors could think I could do.

Please keep pursuing your dreams relentlessly. I’ll do the same.



You’ve got this! So exciting and such an awesome goal! And amazing that you feel like running so soon after your marathon :-)


Great goal! Go get it!


Oh my goodness I got chills reading this! So excited for you, and we will be there every step literally of the way. Rest up!


Omg Janae that’s so exciting and I’m excited to see what happens for you. You’ve worked hard and I think you guys are going to crush your goals.

Ha I’ve been in many small planes. My husband is actually teaching me to be a private pilot! (He’s a certified instructor. I’ve enjoyed it as a nonrunning hobby).


So exciting!! OTQ was my first thought when I saw your 2:49 this weekend. And what a great attitude to have.

The first time I ran CIM, I got a 14 minute PR. (The old PR was ready to go :))). Training at altitude, and on BIG hills really helped those sea level rollers to feel nice and easy.

Cannot wait to follow along as you tackle another huge goal!


Congratulations! I am curious if you got a special entry to CIM, I tried to sign up last week and it was sold out (but I am MUCH slower and have no recent qualifying race times so there’s a difference…)


Melissa–I registered for CIM, but I am doing the Houston Marathon instead. I live in Dallas, so that is much easier for me to drive to Houston. If I can transfer you my bib, I would gladly do so.


Oh my!! I’m mentioned yesterday you could get an OQT but I didn’t think it be so soon!! Yea! I’m glad you’re going for it. I live just 5 hours from AtlAnta and I’m trying to get us to go to the the trials race in February. I hope you’re there!


Omg yes!!! You got this Janae!! So excited for you!


It will happen at CIM- such a great course for an OTQ!!


I’m flying Southwest in early November! I’ll totally ask to meet my pilot!!!! ;) I’m super excited, I haven’t flown in 8 years!


I am SO EXCITED that you’re going for an OTQ! The first thing I thought when I saw your race time from Saturday was “man, she’s awfully close to an OTQ” lol no matter what happens, you are amazing and inspire my running every single day! Thank you for chasing after your running goals – it helps me chase after mine, too!


That’s awesome about CIM! I am running it too; hopefully I’ll see you there!!


Yes!!! GO FOR IT!! Looks like we have all been thinking the same thing. Your Team and your Coach have taken you to the next level. So excited for you!! I’ll be sending you lots of healthy recovery and training vibes. I just know you’ve got the OTQ in you!!
I get purple lips too. I just cringe when I see post race/run photos, but I know it’s from a hard effort. I’ve tried using tinted lip balm or gloss but it just seems to highlight the purple in my lips haha
That is so cool that you got to fly with your brother over the marathon course! Love that pic of you with Knox :)
I hope you enjoying your recovery time. Can’t wait for your nutrition post!!


I will be running CIM this year too!! ? 8 weeks! I haven’t run a race since Tokyo in March and this is will be my first marathon back since my injury so I am SUPER pumped! I don’t even expect a PR (let alone an OTQ ?) But I think it’s going to be SO fun!!


When I read about your finish time on Saturday, my first thought was “I wonder if she has ever though about an OTQ?” NO joke! Enjoy your recovery and subsequent build to CIM!!! That race is on my bucket list!


I knew it!! As soon as I saw Andrew’s post about you being 4 minutes from an Olympic qualifying time I knew you’d be going for it!! I’m so excited for you!!!! I can’t run right now so I’m going to be living through you. CRUSH IT!!!!!


Yes! Go for it!!!! I’ll be at CIM all the way from Georgia! It’s my first marathon in a long time (since having 5 babies and finally sort of overcoming high hamstring issues)! I’m a masters’ runner now, so I’m just going out there to run happy but will be cheering on all the elites like you!!! I’m so happy for you. You’re such an inspiration! (Wow! I just used a lot of exclamation points. Ha!)


Have run CIM twice. It’s the only marathon I’ve run. You’re going to annihilate your PR if your body lets you train. You’ve got this, Janae. OTQ …make it happen. So excited to see this!


I think that is an awesome goal! Hope you get some rest first though haha.

I want to run 100 miles next year. And then I also want to see how much time I can take off my marathon. I honestly haven’t run a road marathon in years so we will see. Not sure I will get to both goals in the same year.

I love airplanes and flying!

Have a wonderful day Janae! Congrats again and enjoy being on cloud 49?!


That airplane looks terrifying, but I agree, I had to go up in a helicopter for work once and it was SO SCARY! Not a fan of heights haha. I love that you’re going for it! Excited to see how you transition back into marathon training! Also a little sad because I was planning on doing CIM this year but switched to a closer race because I keep getting sick (small kids in daycare) before races, and I was worried I would have to cancel because of an illness. I’ve heard it’s an amazing course. Go crush it. :)


OTQ?! I knew it! I think I messaged you right after your sub-3 and told you that I predicted an OTQ in your near future. If you’d like any more psychic readings, I’m here for you ;)
I REALLY want to do Western States 100 some day. I love ultras and can totally see myself rocking WS when I’m in my late 40s/50s.
My favorite race medal is probably a plaque I received after winning a 6 hour ultra this year. I had zero intention of winning, and was blown away when I did.
Again, I cannot even begin to tell you how proud I am of you!!!


Also, my husband is a pilot by I HATE flying. Not because I’m afraid of heights, but because I’m claustrophobic. If I had a plane to myself, I’d be totally fine, but I get so cramped sitting next to people that I feel like I’m going to explode.


YOU CAN DO IT!!!! I’m so excited for you and to hear about your training. I’m so happy for you for your PR over the weekend, and now this…it seems like the perfect next step in your training.


I wish I was doing CIM this year to see you, it’s my PR race! I have to defer cause I was injured earlier this year and just not in shape to run 26.2 yet, but I’ll be cheering you on virtually!


Oh!!! I am so excited to keep reading about your marathon training. I was going to go through post-marathon blues and I didn’t even train or run it. HAAAAA!! So happy for you and your team and your goals.

Okay – is your brother wearing the golden girls shirt the same brother who said that one of the best things would be to wear new socks every day? If so, we are twins separated at birth. I LOVE the golden girls and also appreciate the feel of new socks :)

I didn’t think I was afraid of heights and signed up for a high-ropes course. I realized about mid climb up that “oh yes, I am afraid of heights.” Ha!! It didn’t even cross my mind that I would be. It was the best experience though. I was shaking the whole time and in hindsight loved it.


Did we just become best friends?!?! Haha, yes I am the brother that LOVES new socks. Whenever people do the “what would you do if you won the lottery” question I always answer “never wear the same pair of socks twice!!”
Thanks for following Janae!! Everyone’s support goes such a long way in helping her reach her goals!! Stay Golden!!


First off, I love this….I’m not afraid of failing, I’m afraid of not trying.
My Dad and Grandpa were both small airplane pilots. So I grew up in small planes and always loved it so much. My Grandpa has passed on and my Dad no longer fly’s. But so many memories of ‘buzzing the house’ and my Grandma getting very upset ! lol A helicopter I have not done, but have a feeling it would make me very nervous. For some reason, the older I get, the more of a nervous flyer I am.


“Dreaming big is my favorite way to dream” -> LOVE THAT!! Go Janae!! Thanks for your realness and your inspiring posts! Congrats on 2:49!!


I was so hoping this was what your next goal would be!! I 100% think you’ve got this! ♥️


When I read your next goal was soon, I was hoping you were coming to run the Chicago Marathon so I could come and meet up with you.
Love your big goals!!! Looking forward to following your next training cycle.


You did an amazing job this past weekend! I was so excited to see your time and I 1000% believe you can go sub 2:45!

My big running goal is to do an ultra someday. In my mind I know I could do 100 miles but life right now is not really allowing for that type of training. But I will make it happen someday. Also following your marathon training and seeing your PR makes me want to try the marathon again but maybe this time with a coach.


Wow!!! I was not expecting you to go for 2:45 so soon, but I am 100% cheering you on! As for big goals, I would love to be the first female finisher of the Barkeley Marathons someday.


Gah!! I ran CIM last year and loved it so much that I’m coming back this year! Hope to see you! You will absolutely love this race. The organization is amazing, shuttles are smooth, volunteers are great. They make it so easy for the runners. And I love the rollers, it helped mix things up. I noticed last year I needed really fresh shoes because of the pounding, my feet were a little sore but my legs/quads/hamstrings weren’t as bad as some people say. So keep lifting!


Gah!! I ran CIM last year and loved it so much that I’m coming back this year! Hope to see you! You will absolutely love this race. The organization is amazing, shuttles are smooth, volunteers are great. They make it so easy for the runners. And I love the rollers, it helped mix things up. I noticed last year I needed really fresh shoes because of the pounding, my feet were a little sore but my legs/quads/hamstrings weren’t as bad as some people say. So keep lifting!


So excited to see you go for the OTQ!!! I was weirdly hoping it would be your next goal. I am working on getting my legs strong enough to attempt a multi-day race challenge at Disney World!


Janae! I have been reading your blog since 2013 (maybe 2012? I don’t remember exactly) so I am SOOOOO stoked that you’re coming to Sacramento. BECAUSE I LIVE HERE! and HAVE to meet you! I did CIM last year and it was an amazing race – the course is super flat and fast (the kind of small rolling hills that feel good, but overall it’s net downhill as I’m sure you know). It is definitely a PR-setting course. The weather is also usually perfect (like high 30s/low 40s to start), everybody is SUPER pumped at the start, and there are so many serious runners out here for it. You end by the state capitol (which is across from where I work!), it’s beautiful, and the crowds are awesome throughout. There’s also a funny inflatable “wall” thing at mile 20, where apparently you’re expected to bonk, but where I actually felt awesome (as did all my runner friends because the course is so good) when they did it. Anyway, please please let me know if you need any recos for anything in town (food joints, ice cream, candy, places to hang out, etc). I’ll 100% be looking for you at the finish line, and probably tracking you throughout. It’s been so fun to watch you race over the years, but especially in the last year, where you’ve made huge strides (ha)/broken some pretty crazy PRs. I literally read your blog every day because I love hearing about your goals and accomplishments, it’s definitely inspired me to push harder than I normally would. So, YOU GO GIRL!


Yay! That’s so exciting. I’ve run CIM twice. It can be VERY cold. (One time it was 18* at the start. – and barely warmed up)). For us middle of the pack runners, the aid stations turned into an ice skating rink. It’s a gentle course relatively speaking. But don’t listen to spectators who seem to tell you “this is the last hill” when it actually isn’t. Ending at the Capitol building with a giant Christmas tree is pretty amazing.


I’ve done it several times as well & vividly remember the year it was so cold! I knew the aids stations were going to be an issue with all the spilled water turning them into skating rinks! I saw 2 nasty falls because of the ice ?


I saw a nasty fall as well – and was almost one of them! But it’s a great race! Hoping Janae gets the perfect weather.


I was wondering if you would try to get that sub 2:45 now. YESSSSS!!!! can’t wait to follow along. I think you can do it! You have come so far in the last 2 years with your training, such an inspiration :)


I read one of your posts about running and periods today. I’m 14 and I got my first period 6 months ago, but this past month I didn’t get it and I’m wondering if I’m okay. I do cross country and run about 25 miles a week. I’m kind of thin, but still healthy for my age and height (I looked it up on a reputable website) and I have a healthy body fat percentage. I eat a lot and most of my food is healthy. My cycle has never really been regular (anywhere from 18 to 35 days in the past), but never this long before either. I want to be healthy, but I am afraid to tell my coach or my mom about this, because they might make me stop running or run less and my running is really, really important to me.


I had to look-up what OTQ meant :) That is so exciting and so amazing! I have a son in high school that is a sprinter and I was just telling him the other day that the amazing thing about women is that they tend to get better at long-distance running as they get older. You are blowing your 20 year old self out of the water! So proud of you!


I can NOT wait to read ALL about the next training cycle! SO excited for you! I feel dumb but which marathon is CIM? I thought Chicago but I know Chicago is run in October. Between reading your blog and reading Deena Kastor’s book I’m starting to feel the itch again. I’ve run 3 marathons in my life but can’t imagine it after becoming a Mama. Now I’m thinking…hmmmm….maybe?!!? Congratulations on CRUSHING it! I swear Skye was your good luck charm!

btw…that pic of Knox with the head set on!! He’s the cutest!!


Goosebumps! I am so glad you found such an amazing coach to help you meet your dreams. Recover well so you can train harder!


Good luck!!! Obviously an OTQ is an amazing accomplishment in and of itself, at any point, but I’m curious: if you were to run in the trials, would getting the time at CIM qualify you to participate in February, or would you have to wait until 2024? Is there a cutoff date to get the time before Feb.??

I love following your training and am rooting for you!


WOW! Congrats on going after another goal, and so excited you’ll be running CIM — I am, too (hoping to BQ, so your way faster goal and time will inspire me!). It’s a great downhill course, I did it last year, and this will be my last race as a CA resident. Anyway, great news and congrats again!


Haha I mean we were ALL THINKING IT right?! ? So exited for you! Omg you will FLY at sea level! I’m running CIM this year too (after DNS-ing 3 years ago with a stress fracture.) Can’t wait to follow this next awesome step in your amazing journey!!


Oh I hope to see you there!! Thank you so much Kari!


If your brother can’t wear that shirt to pilot, what kind of world are we living in? I need one for under my flightsuit. I love it.




Congratulations on St. George. I can’t wait to hear your podcast with Ali. CIM is my most favorite marathon I’ve run. In 2017 I ran St George and then CIM, a PR at CIM is possible.


TELL. ME. MORE. How do you compare the two races? So happy to hear that you love CIM so much!


I’m definitely not as fast as you, but I did PR by 2 minutes the year I also ran St. George. I love the rolling hills. The crowds are amazing and you can stay on the busses as long as you want.
Good luck! Can’t wait to hear how you like it.


Oh this is so good to hear. THANK YOU SO MUCH and way to go!


My friend is running CIM in December! It’s known to be a great BQ course rootin for you to OQ!! Congrats was really so fun to track you and in my head when I saw 2:49 I was like she has to try to OQ so glad you’re going for it!


Thank you SO MUCH Christina:) . Enjoy the rest of your day!


I love reading your blog and this post especially! You absolutely have nothing to lose and everything to gain by going after that goal. I can’t wait to read about your next training cycle and watch you get your OTQ!!! It’s so fun to follow along on your amazing running journey! I had my 2nd child a little over a month ago and reading your blog inspires me to get out the door and run! Congrats again on your amazing race!


Congrats Kelly on your 2nd baby! Enjoy all of those snuggles and THANK YOU SO MUCH!


Wow that is so exciting! I agree go for it now or never why not at least try right. Is emilee trying to otq as well? I think that could help you a lot to run it together again so I hope so!

Also love the sharpie on the sign haha


YES!! She is wahooo:) . Thanks so much Sara! I hope you are having a beautiful day!


OTQ! OTQ!! What an awesome goal to set for yourself! I can’t wait to read all about your training and the race!
My favorite metal is probably the Marine Corps Marathon medal. I ran it almost 2 years ago and it was my first marathon and while I didn’t plan on being pregnant when I signed up for the race, I was 10 weeks on race day and it made it special that Jordyn (my daughter) crossed that finish line with me! I’m still getting back into running shape and would love to do another half marathon, which would make it #10, so I feel like I can’t end on 9 haha I’ve also raced in 7 states and would love to do check out other states too!
My uncle is a pilot, not commercially, but he has a small plane and we’ve flown over napa valley which was really pretty! He also let me fly for about 5 mins… While I wasn’t nervous for him taking off and landing, but if I were to get my pilot license, i think landing would be the scariest part!


Whoot! So glad you are going for it. I’ve loved following your training so far and happy to continue. Honestly it’s really motivated me to continue pushing my own training. Excited for you!


YES JANAE!!!! This made my day!! I’ve been following your blog since 2012 and you’ve inspired me in so many ways in the last few years. CIM this year will be my first full marathon and I have a goal to run sub-4 hr! I hope to meet you that weekend and I’ll certainly be rooting for you throughout training! You are amazing!


THIS.IS.SO.EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!! Go for it. Dream it. Believe it. Achieve it!


So excited for you and to follow along! I was wondering after this race if you might go for an OTQ and how crazy fast you might be closer to sea level?!!


Congratulations on your PR!!! I found myself stalking you to see your results on Saturday :) I got goosebumps reading that you are going to chase a OTQ and am SOOOO excited to follow your journey. Keep up the good work!!




I love it and I was hoping you would pursue the OTQ. Your goals are spot on and Congratulations!!


I’m sooooo excited for you!!! I figured you would run another marathon soon to go for it. I have no doubts! :) you got this!


Janae! great job on St.George!! you worked so hard to dial it all in! Congratulations!!


SO excited you’re dong CIM – it is my hometown race!! I’ve done it several times and BQ’d (I know OQT is a lot different. When I saw your St G time I immediately thought of how close you were to an OQT!) each time – the course & crowd support are great! I live less than 15 min from the start & about 25 min from the finish. If you need anything I’m happy to help ?


Hey, longtime reader! I was so confused by your post yesterday about trials. I went back and read this post and realized I totally missed that 2:45 was an OTQ! Wowww. Big goal! Best wishes to you. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself and enjoy the ride.

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