I’m sure the majority of you are celebrating Labor Day and I hope you are having the best time!

I’ve got a bunch of scenes to share with you today:

Remember how I thought Andrew and I were going to have a good chunk of time together yesterday?  Well, I forgot that he was flying out early (I thought it was later on in the day:) to pick up Brooke in California so it was just the two of us for most of the day.

Skye made herself some pancakes for breakfast…. I swear this was just Brooke sitting on my counter mixing up pancakes at this age.

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I finished up Daisy Jones & The Six (and absolutely loved it… I may have cried at the end but as you know I cry easily) and I started Where the Crawdads Sing yesterday!

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My mom brought over angel food cake with fresh peaches and it was amazing.  I’ve heard many people say that if something doesn’t have chocolate then it isn’t considered dessert to them and I have to strongly disagree.  Angel food cake and strawberry shortcake are my absolute favorites.

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Made this goodness for dinner.

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Mindy posted the recipe from here.  It makes a ton so I ended up freezing a lot of it for easy meals up ahead.  I added guacamole and definitely didn’t add in the olives.

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And a few scenes from Saturday.

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We were out doing errands and some fresh bread and butter from Great Harvest sounded so good.

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My running partner gave me home grown zucchini and salsa (she puts in corn, green pepper, tomatoes, onions, jalepeno and salt into her salsa) and it was heavenly.  Turns out that garden tomatoes have zero similarities to store bought tomatoes.

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When your niece calls you and asks to come hang out with you for the day… We watched a movie during Skye’s nap and then did our nails.

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One last picture from Cayman because it is one of my favorites!

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What are your Labor Day plans?

Do you agree or disagree that a requirement for dessert is that it has chocolate in it?

Who has a garden?  What do you grow in it?

What are your feelings on olives?

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Yard work and hopefully a little fun for Labor Day. Dessert is absolutely dessert without chocolate…vanilla cupcakes, cheesecake, pavlova, all great without chocolate. I have a garden. We have rhubarb, tomatoes, zucchini, bell peppers, banana peppers, green beans, sage, oregano, and basil. I love it!


I’m with you on your dessert choices! And your garden sounds amazing… come teach me your gardening ways. Hope your day is an amazing one Ali and that you get in some fun!


Good Morning! A little yard work, a lot of laundry and taking our college freshman back to school after a long and great weekend visit. He’s ok going back, so I’m ok. Still will miss him, he’s great company.
Dessert does not have to have chocolate to be dessert. Love strawberry shortcake too and peaches, anything with peaches.
I do have a small garden, tomatoes, peppers and then a bunch of herbs. Agree, store tomatoes not at all like grocery store tomatoes.
Love olives, all olives!!! Sorry! That recipe looks great and I’ll add olives in mine. Hubby not on board with olives.


I’m with you on a lot of laundry! I bet that is so hard having him leave after such a great time together. Hopefully he isn’t too far away. Peaches just make everything more delicious and I hope you get some soon. Your garden sounds awesome and I hope you like the recipe (leave the olives out on your husband’s portion haha). Enjoy your Monday Nancy!


When I am benevolent dictator of this world (HA!) the first thing I will do is make sure that teachers have reasonable salaries and a sense of security in their professions. No one should have to go through the crud I’ve been through over the last year and a half especially, and no one should have to go through the frustration and anxiety and exhaustion and question about financial security that many of my middle school and high school teacher friends go through. The second thing I will do is write an official decree exclaiming that dessert doesn’t need to have chocolate in it to be DESSERT. (Says the person who never met a lemon bar or piece of cheesecake she did not like…)

Also olives are gross. I might be the only Greek person in the history of EVER to believe this, but they are gross. Olive oil is totally bomb, but actual olives–NOPE. NOPE. NOPE.

Labor Day plans–none. I don’t work at the store today (and I am not teaching right now–long story, I guess…), and my whole body hurts from 8 hour shifts on hard floors in ‘cute’ shoes. I am going to the gym, but otherwise I think I am going to grab a book from my “to be read” pile (ok, ok, piles…) and unplug from the rest of the world for a while. I need far more than a day of this, but right now I will take what I can get. OH–since tomorrow is my and Tom’s anniversary, even though we have plans to go out someplace nice tomorrow night for dinner, I might surprise him with a dinner I know he will love for tonight. He won’t see it coming! :)


I will absolutely support you in both of those NECESSARY changes. I am so so sorry about what you have been through the last 1.5 years. I am so glad you get to unplug for a bit today and enjoy your book. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY tomorrow Stephanie. I hope you and Tom have the best time celebrating.


I’ve tried olives multiple times. They’re so pretty and they even smell good. I love fancy olive oil…but I really don’t like olives!

I consider non chocolate desserts to be dessert but generally not worth it as far as the sugar etc for me. Chocolate however is pretty much ALWAYS worth it!


I hope you have the most delicious chocolatey dessert ever soon and that you love every bite. Enjoy your day Kristen!


We had plans to go to Idaho this weekend but it fell through. So we are doing a lot of improvising for Labor Day plans.

We have a tiny garden and this year we have tomatoes, Anaheim peppers, strawberries, jalapeños, raspberries and basil. We also had cilantro but it died and our raspberry and jalapeño are just plants that haven’t reduced anything this year. Everything else finally started producing last month!


I hope that whatever you guys end up doing around here is amazing (and send any good ideas my way). Your garden sounds perfect! Enjoy your day Jenny!


I got up early at 5 and went to a 6am CrossFit class today- it was a toughie! 800 meter run, 50 thrusters at 35#, 800 meter run, 50 burpees, 800 meter run, 50 thrusters at 35#…
After a quick shower we jetted to a Panera date, I took my daughter to the office to get a few things done while my husband took a long run. She gets to watch a show on the iPad while I organize my notes so she loves coming here:) We are all meeting up in an hour to go to Toy Story 4 (it’s going to be rainy this afternoon so we bought tickets early to make sure we got seats together):)

I love olives especially added to tacos and sandwiches or salads!

My IT band has been feeling kinda tight and “dead”…I am foam rolling like crazy and doing some band work to activate my gluteus more but do you have any tips or stretches that help?

Hope you have a great Labor Day!!


Ummm that crossfit class sounds WAY hard. You are strong Nadya! You guys are going to love Toy Story 4… enjoy every second. The thing that always helps my IT band is scraping… have you ever heard about that? I have a post here about it:
https://hungryrunnergirl.com/2014/01/scraping-ouch-but-so-so-so-good.html . Here is my favorite stretch for it: https://hungryrunnergirl.com/2015/06/my-new-favorite-it-band-stretch-and.html
Whenever mine acts up I do that and it solves the issue. I hope you have a PT or someone that can do it for you to get it fixed. Thanks so much and have a great day!


8 months out of the year I’ll choose a chocolate dessert, but when fruit is in season I’m all about pies, cobblers, shortcakes! Pro-olive for sure ( salt + fat=happy me) and I just finished the Crawdad book and absolutely loved it!


Good to hear you loved the book and I hope you are getting in all of the fruity desserts right now. Have a beautiful day Michelle!


My Labor Day plans included a trail run. The unplanned part was meeting up with a large bobcat which my larger dog fought off.
Dessert does not require chocolate! Especially if it involves caramel or fresh seasonal fruit.
I have a garden with carrots, snow peas, zucchini, yellow beans and tomatoes.
I do like olives but not in everything because they can overpower a dish very quickly.



Julia, this is so so scary and I am SO thankful that you had your dog with you. Is this something that has happened before? I hope you never come across one again. Good call on the caramel… I’ll agree with you on that. Your garden sounds perfect and I agree on olives overpowering a dish:) . Have a beautiful day and I’m happy you are safe.


I live in a pretty rural area. So yes, I’ve seen different animals while running especially on back roads. Deer and rabbits are most common but we’ve come across moose, and bears occasionally, and now a bobcat!


STAY SAFE!!!! So glad you have your dog with you! I bet it is so fun to see the deer and rabbits though:) .


Early morning bike ride to start off the day. Now I’ve got to get to the grocery store – Les is grilling burgers. And I think we need strawberry shortcake for dessert! As much as I love chocolate – cobblers, pies, and strawberry shortcake definitely qualify as dessert.

You know I love olives – my grandfather grew them when I was a kid. I think it’s as much an emotional attachment, I remembering sitting at my grandparents table with an olive on each finger ;)


Sounds like the perfect way to start out the day and enjoy those burgers (that sounds so good right now). What fun memories with your grandfather… I love that:) . I hope you get a strawberry shortcake asap! Thanks Kathy!


Did you read this about Delia Owens? I probably won’t be reading the book (I’ve heard some other things that turned me off of it). https://slate.com/culture/2019/07/delia-owens-crawdads-murder-africa.html


I had not seen that until you posted it… hmmmmm. I’ll have to research this some more!

I hope your day is a wonderful one Lynn and that you have a happy Labor Day!


What are your Labor Day plans?
10 miles planned and then some surfing. Just waiting for the sun to come up!

Do you agree or disagree that a requirement for dessert is that it has chocolate in it?

I will take all of your green olives if you take all of my desserts. Just not a dessert person of any kind.

Who has a garden? What do you grow in it?
No garden but I love farmers market mornings!

What are your feelings on olives?
Repeat above statement: I’ll take everyone’s green olives :)


Run + surfing= perfection! I will most definitely take all of your desserts. I’ll send you a shipment of green olives asap:) . Enjoy Amanda!


Where the Crawdads Sing is sooooo good!! And since you’re a crier be prepared to cry a lot.

Happy Labor Day!


‘Where the Crawdads sing’ was a great book; I just finished it last week. I’ve been listening to books on my runs since the Spring and especially on these long runs leading to the marathon, it’s been a lifesaver.


I just finished Where the Crawdads Sing! I really loved it. We were camping in the OBX last week, and a fellow camper gave it to me.

Olives are amazing, but oddly enough, just the basic, cheap kind and not the fancy kinds where they stuff them with strange things.
And while chocolate is incredible, it takes a distant second to cheesecake.
Labor Day plans? Running, housework, and mourning the loss of summer. Tomorrow is my first day back at school!


Oh, I just started where the Crawdads Sing too. So good. Two other books you have to read are “The Tattooist of Auschwitz” and “Educated by Tara Westover.

We had a chill weekend with friends and then on Monday I went up to whistler by my lonesome to run in the Alpine. It was breathtaking and I loved it. Turquoise lakes and lush valleys. It made my heart so happy!

Have a great day Janae!

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