Cotton Mouth and Time for the GROWTH ZONE

Goodness gracious you guys are the absolute best.  Thank you for all of your comments yesterday and for letting me chat with you about every little thing I have ever felt.  I’m very grateful for our friendships and helping each other through the lows and celebrating the highs together.

Yesterday was fueled by so much caffeine ha.

I met up with the crew bright and early and we ran on over to our favorite track.  PS my run on Tuesday was with Emilee = 8.27 miles @ 7:48 average.

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Yesterday our coach just wanted to see where we were at with a 200m, 400m, 800m and 1 mile (with downhill in it to get the leg turnover really moving) as we go into our training.  The 200m, 400m and 800m were at the track and the first two felt terrible but the 800 felt surprisingly kind of comfortable.  The mile felt pretty doable too until the last .2 of the mile.

During these intervals my mouth would go so so so dry… cotton mouth 100%! Does this ever happen to you?

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For the recoveries we could take as long as we wanted so we walked for a few minutes (and jogged to where the mile started for the last interval) between each one.  Thank you Maddie for the much needed glucose during the workout.   This stuff was delicious and I’m not really a big honey person.

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Later on my strength training took place by pushing the kids around in this.  It was so great to see Knox after five days!

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And then Skye tripped as she was walking and because her face hit a ledge, she now has a black eye.  We both cried but at least those were the only tears from me yesterday (fun fact: crying makes all of my fake eyelashes fall out ha).

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Cousins were over all day and plenty of popsicles were eaten!

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Andrew getting home from work is definitely a part of the day that we all really look forward to.

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Meal planning will resume next week!  It’s been crazy over here with family in town so I haven’t had time to cook but these street tacos were heavenly.

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Finished up with these beauties that a sweet friend brought over.  They. Hit. The. Spot.

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Andrew has been getting in his runs after his shifts the last few weeks.  Seeing him do that is just so incredible to me.  I feel like running 4 miles after 13 hours on your feet at work is equivalent to 40 miles.   Andrew is all about the treadmill this summer because that way he can just zone out to a movie (he loves watching movies on repeat) while getting in some miles.

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Random but I came across invitations from Brooke’s 1st bday party.  How do they change so much so quickly?

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A few weeks ago when I went to girls camp there was a quote that was said that really stuck with me.  I’ve heard the first part “there is no growth in the comfort zone” but I don’t remember hearing the second part before that day, “there is no comfort in the growth zone.”   This quote makes a workout or raceway more exciting to me thinking about the fact that during it (or during something hard in life) I am entering the growth zone.  I need ALL the growing possible in life and on the roads.   If we view the hard things as our growth zone then we know there won’t be comfort there but who wants comfort when we GET THE CHANCE to grow and get stronger.

Growth in the comfort zone


Do you like watching movies on repeat or are you a one and done kind of person?

How does being upset change your running?

Any quotes that you’ve come across recently that have really stuck with you?

Favorite chocolate covered item? 

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This was in my Believe training journal – “You can find evidence to support anything you believe about yourself. So you might as well believe you can achieve your most outlandish goals.” Julie Sygiel, Chemical Engineer & Entrepreneur, Founder of Dear Kate


That quote can seriously change LIVES. I love it so much. Thank you so much Mariah and I hope you are having a great day!


Aw, I’m so sorry you had a rough day. There are some days I wish I could just check out and hide under a blanket on the couch with Netflix. Life can be a lot sometimes and it feels good to get it out. <3
On a lighter note, that track workout looks SO FUN! Awesome paces!! I had a tough one last night that looked easy on paper…but turned out to be HARD. I think I thought it would be easier because it was at 10k pace and it was *only* 80 degrees out. Well, 80 still felt like 80 and man…10k pace for longer intervals is still super hard! :)
Being upset never helps my running. If I'm stressed at work I feel weighed down and can't run well. I wish it provided "fuel" but it's the opposite for me.
I used to only watch the same movies over and over when I was younger but now I'm usually one and done. I don't feel like the movies are as good as they used to be.
I hope Skye's black eye heals quickly!!


Mollie! Thank you so much… that under the blanket thing sounds wonderful. That has happened to me before too! It looks great on paper and then you do it. The fact that it was 80 degrees outside and 10k pace= OUCH. You are strong. Hope you are having a wonderful day at work Mollie!


I watch and read everything on repeat . . . if there is a book I’ve read once, I’ve probably read it twice. I love it! I do think there’s something to be said for your comfort zone; it’s important to push yourself, but it’s also important to know where you’re happy and secure, and a lot of good things can happen for you there.

When I’m upset or really mentally wrung out, I usually take a day or two off from running . . . that mental fatigue + physical fatigue is something I’ve found to just not be a good combination for me. I’ll go for a lot of walks or do some strength training instead. I’m not upset right now, but mentally worn out, and I decided to take a few rest days . . . and that extra hour of sleep in the morning is proving to be huge!

I just listed to the Ali on the Run podcast with David WIlley–it was so good, and he said some really insightful things about struggle towards the end. I need to relisten (see, everything on repeat, ha) so I can write it down.

Chocolate-covered STRAWBERRIES! So good. And chocolate-covered almonds. I also love the cocoa Chukar cherries that I get when I’m in Seattle . . . honestly, those are probably my favorite but I don’t get them often enough!


Kristin! That is a very very true… great things happen in the comfort zone too! I loved that episode with David Willey too. Now you made me want chocolate-covered strawberries! That is so smart to focus on the walks and strength on those days where the mental and physical fatigue are there. I hope you have a beautiful day and that you come across a book soon that you want to read three times:)


Whoa!! That speedy speed!!
Brooke’s sweet little 1-year-old face :)
I don’t tend to go to/watch movies a lot (not even sure why), so I really have to love a movie to watch it again instead of catching up on something I haven’t seen. Impressive that Andrew can keep on going with running after so much time on his feet!
I LOVE the rest of that comfort zone quote–that’s new to me, too.
I’m torn between chocolate-covered cashews or chocolate-covered espresso beans. Mmm!
Hope your week just keeps getting better!


Isn’t it the best to think about it like that… love that growth zone! Hahaha I was really angry and that’s where the speed came! I hope you get both the chocolate covered cashews and espresso beans asap! Thanks Corey, it sure is:)


I’m currently trying to decide about joining a local running group that will train for a half marathon. It is a 16 week program and a big commitment (for me). It is WAY out of my comfort zone. But I keep reminding myself of quote (that I don’t exactly remember) that says nothing great ever happens inside your comfort zone.

I’m about 90% sure I’m going to join the group. I may just have to sign up to push myself the last 10%.


Do it!!!! I was certain I was not the running group type a couple years ago. I trained on my own for my first marathon (with some helpful tips from the HRG blog). Someone talked me into joining a local group, and I’ve been so grateful. this is now my third marathon training season with my group – CARA (in Chicago) and it truly brings me joy. There is someone to encourage me when I want to just stop, and also its pretty cool to help the first timers. I highly recommend. And people are very respectful of each other too. In general I’ve found the running community to be pretty welcoming and encouraging of others, no matter what level (I am a very slow runner, by the way, but i have a smile on my face doing it!).


Thanks Cathy! I’m a loner runner…literally only have internet friends (bloggers) that run. I’m a hardcore over thinker. I’m pretty I just need to sign up and get it over with it. Then I’ll stop over analyzing it and just do it!


Jennifer, I was TERRIFIED to start running with people when I moved back to Utah 6 years ago. I honestly was so so afraid and backed out multiple times before I finally went. I am SO thankful that I did because now it is my favorite thing and it has helped me to get faster. There is just something about combining our social needs with our physical needs that just makes a run with friends the absolute best. Have a wonderful day!


I am a fast angry runner, and a long sad runner.
And on a whole other note I will need a caffeine intervention after this summer mom-in thing.


Right there with you! Hahaha my caffeine consumption tripled with summer too;) . Wish we could have a play date today!


Oh man, yesterday was that day for me. It was a mom guilt day and a frustration day all day. I think having those days helps us be better in the long run but they suck really bad in the moment. But everyday is a new day to try to get things right!
This morning I went for a good run without worrying about what pace I was hitting or how many miles I was running, just a run to help reset today and hopefully give me enough endorphins to be a happier momma.


Oh Jenny, that is so hard and you are not alone in having days like that! So glad the miles were so happy today. PS I just loved seeing you at the expo. I hope you are having a wonderful day!


Hi Janae-Those street tacos look so delicious! I would love to have the recipe. Do you have anything else with them?
Thank you!
Hope you have a fantastic day!!


HEY KIMBERLY! Oh I got them from a restaurant here:) . I wish I could make those ones but the Run Fast Cook Fast Eat Slow cookbook has some great ones (recipe for the meat and the guac that is heavenly)!
Thanks, you too!


All I do is watch movies on repeat, my husband actually laughs at me for it. I have a rotation of movies that I go through.
Favorite chocolate covered item is potato chips.


You and Andrew are a lot alike! I must try one of those chips. I hope your day has been a great one so far:)


My favorite quote “This too shall pass”. My aunt used to say that to me when I was a dramatic teenager. She was right! I hope your day is going great Janae!


It really is so so true and brings so much hope and comfort when we are struggling. Thanks so much Cathy and I hope you are having a wonderful Thursday!


Depends on the movie, most I am one and done, but others – The Breakfast Club is one! – I always have to watch.

Chocolate covered pretzels or potato chips. Sweet and salty hit the spot!

That is an excellent quote! I am taking a screenshot to use as my phone wallpaper!

Have a great day. :)


I need to try a chocolate covered potato chip, that sounds amazing. Thanks so much April and I hope your day has been great so far.


I say “ I can do hard things” on repeat often and I say it to my kids. My daughter has selective mutism, it’s a severe anxiety disorder. We are lucky in that therapy and other things are working but it’s HARD and getting her past this is a struggle. She’s so close but she hates it, hates it to the point that she told me last week “ I hate talking, I am going back to the way it used to be”. I ignore that and I just said “ nope kiddo, you can do hard things and eventually this will not be hard”. When I hit a hard place I do think of her lately!
And running or race walking for me is a great outlet. I find there is no predicting what happens, sometimes it slows me down and sometimes it speeds me up. I just know I never regret it.


Carrie, thank you so much for sharing your story with me. I cannot even imagine how hard it is to see your daughter deal with selective mutism. She is so lucky to have you and all that you are doing to help her and teach her. “I just know I never regret it.” YES. I hope you are having a wonderful day Carrie and please keep me updated with how you guys are doing!


Poor Skye! She still looks adorable though.
I hope you are feeling better today (and still have some of your eyelashes ;) )
Favourite quote: don’t complain, don’t explain. This quote is in my mind a lot! Although I do complain sometimes, I must add ;)


LOVE that quote so much. Adding that to my list:) . Thank you so much and today is so much better. I hope your day has been a great one so far!


I love that quote and use it often with my xc runners!

I am not a huge movie person and I definitely don’t like watching them more than once. My husband is the complete opposite.

When I’m mad about something, I tend to push myself harder but when I’m sad, it’s almost the opposite.

Chocolate covered coconut almonds from Costco, especially frozen, are the best!


YESSSSS mad= faster sad= I want to just lay down. I’m just like you. Now I need those almonds from costco in my freezer right now. Thanks so much Marissa and I hope you are having a wonderful day!


Hi Janae! Just wanted to send you a note to say I’m sorry you had such a tough day. You are an amazing person and you’re being open about times you struggle is just incredible. I hope you felt the good vibes from everyone virtual or not.
Hang in there!
BTW, your interval times are CRAZY fast! It must be super fun to see that you ran 4:33 mile pace for 200M . To me, that is super-human….and a 5:16 mile?? You rock…just remember, you are doing all this amazing running while being an amazing mom, blogger, wife, friend etc…lots and lots of juggling, but you kill it. Be proud!!
Take care,


Mary, thank you so much for taking the time to write to me this kind message. You brought a huge smile on my face. Thank you for that and please keep me updated with how you are doing. Have a wonderful day and thank you for lifting up everyone around you!


Usually I am one and done with movies, but Christmas movies are the exception. I watch Christmas Vacation every year!

I usually can use my running as an outlet, but sometimes if I’m upset it’s hard to get going and find the groove I need.

Anything salty with chocolate is a favorite!

Have a great day!


I’m with you on Christmas movies… probably because it is more of a tradition right? I hope you have something with salt and chocolate asap. Have a wonderful day Jen!


I’m glad you are feeling better, Janae!

That 4:33 pace for your interval is incredible. Well done.

Andrew is a superstar for running after a long day. I get the movies on repeat thing. I do this with tv shows. There is something comforting about knowing the story line and characters. I think that is why I like it, the familiarity. I don’t know that I’ve nailed down why I prefer the “known”. Is that why Andrew likes watching the same movies – because he knows the characters alread? In any case, I am glad someone else shares this trait. Ha. Makes me feel less alone :)


Maybe you just figured Andrew out!!! I didn’t think about tv shows because I’m that way with a few of them too. I hope your day is a great one and you are definitely not alone:)


I ran just after finding out my Mom has cancer, and I’m pretty sure it was the best run I’ve ever had – feelings wise it just felt good to get everything out.

I hope that your day is going great!


Tess, I am so incredibly sorry about your mom. How is she doing? So thankful you have running to help. Thanks Tess and keep me updated!


Aw, poor Skye! Those early walker bumps and bruises…their little feet just can’t keep up with their excitement. At least no stitches, so, there is the bright side. (I only say that because, well, personal experience. ??) I really am hoping things are a bit easier. ❤️

I’m a repeat movie watcher if I like/love it (my kids too). My husband is a one and done (Star Wars and a handful of classics are the exceptions). We literally have the following discussion often: “We should just rent that.” “But I love it! I’m totally buying it!” “How many times are you actually going to watch it? Enough to justify the purchase cost? That means you’d have to watch that movie at least FIVE times. Who actually does that?” “Sweetheart, we’ve been married for over twenty years. Do you really know NOTHING about me?” ?

I think I stopped reading at Chocolate covered because the rest of that sentence was “EVERYTHING!” Haha! Seriously though, I do enjoy the Ghiradelli (I know I spelled that wrong) chocolate covered sea salt cashews every once in a while to shake things up. Not always a go-to treat for me but very yummy.

Lately I live by the mantra of “Not my circus, not my monkeys” whenever possible. I’ve had to really teach myself to let go of things I cannot control because it was affecting not only my emotional/mental health but it started manifesting in my physical health too. So even though people close to me were making decisions that DID affect me, they also had autonomy to do that and I had to teach myself that I couldn’t keep swooping in to try to alter their decisions to change the consequences or fallout. So, I say that A LOT. Out loud and to myself. And also recently I’ve been trying to teach people around me (but mostly myself) that I’m not here to be a people pleaser ALL the time. So sometimes if something I do upsets someone but it’s a healthy thing for me, I try to say, or at least remind myself in my head “That sounds like a YOU problem, not a ME problem.” So, neither of those are very motivational I guess, but they are very much about working on my own head space, so it’s where I’m at lately. ??‍♀️?

I can’t run angry. I blow up and get injured. ? I can run to blow off stress or steam, but if I’m angry, it’s a no-go. Boo.

Have a great Thursday Janae! I hope you know you’re doing great and you’ve got a huge squad in your corner pulling for you!


Oh my goodness, your conversation with your husband hahah! Andrew totally gets where you are coming from. That mantra was exactly what I needed. 100$. Love that so so much. Thank you so much Michelle and I’m in your corner too! I need to bring you over some of those sea salt cashews and eat them on the porch with you!


Aw sweetie, all the hugs to you! My porch is open any time! ?


Those tacos look amazing! We usually have street tacos 1-2 x/week because we just can’t get enough! 1-2 x/week is even after limiting myself because I could easily eat them daily and then get so sick of them I would never want to even smell them again! Ha!
AWESOME interval paces! It’s so much easier share the pain cave with others and feed off of their endorphins.
There are few movies I like watching on repeat; I used to have about 10 movies I bought that I would watch repeatedly but I think i over-watched them because it’s been years now since I’ve seen any of them!
I don’t think being upset affects my running as much as running helps me to not feel so upset. I literally cannot think about anything while I’m running (for fear of getting distracted and tripping!!) so it’s always a nice brain break. Plus those endorphins help me to think more positive/feel more positive and process things a little more clear.
Hot fudge over ice cream/froyo is maybe my most fav thing to put chocolate on. When we go to Menchie’s my boys cover their froyo with candy and I drowned mine in chocolate!
Have a great day!!


I’m with you Jenny, I think I could have them daily too! I fully agree with you on what you said about being in the pain cave with others. Very very true… I finished yesterday feeling like a different woman! I’m a combination of you all= candy and chocolate on top:) . Have a great day jenny!


Reframing all of the big struggles and heartbreak I have dealt with in the last year-plus as the ‘growth zone’ is really helpful. REALLY helpful. For the past couple of weeks I have been dealing with the latest blow: rejected from the job in Kansas City. And I have been trying to focus on a shift away from “At the end of the day I am not good enough” and towards “for my first time shifting my focus away from only university teaching and applying to private high schools, i made it to finalist consideration…I’m doing something right.” The shift is uncomfortable, and making it while feeling rejected is uncomfortable. Maybe it’s just growth. And I have always loved the idea of growth…and I am in the profession of taking a stand for the intellectual growth of young people…so now I can recognize that I am in the middle of my own growth. And it IS uncomfortable…because it’s supposed to be uncomfortable.

I love seeing your running and training with your team and the way you learn with and from them. That’s so cool!

And speaking of growth in perhaps a much less serious way: as I was typing the above paragraph (or: novel…), my husband opened the apartment door and handed me a box from Brooks. I used my birthday money from my parents from last month and ordered Cascadia 14s. I am so excited to take advantage of the trails all around Atlanta and go on hikes!!!


You have had a hard year Stephanie! You are doing a lot of things right, that is for sure. You are so right, there is nothing comfortable about it. I am so sorry about Kansas. I am very excited to see what God has in store for you and Tom up ahead. You are amazing and your students are all so lucky to have you!

ENJOY THE CASCADIA… they are incredible!


I’m sorry you had a rough day the other day! Hopefully that means you have a million wonderful days to make up for it :)
I don’t have a specific favorite quote that I’ve come across recently, but I just started reading “Present Over Perfect” and am loving it so far. I remember you recommending that and I’ll be forever grateful haha :)


Thank you so so much Sloan and that book is SO good. Let me know what you think of it when you finish. I hope you have a fabulous rest of your day!


Skye and Brooke are identical as 1-ish year olds! My goodness!!!!

My daughter tripped and fell around the same age as Skye and got a black eye. It got super big and puffy but to this day, whenever she cries, or gets sweaty faced, her little bruise shows up like a NIKE swoosh (she is now 19!!!)

Running after a nursing shift is so hard-your legs feel so heavy and blah, but the run does so much good for it!!! I worked nights and one year my nurse buddy/run bestie ran after work on Thanksgiving (so night shift was Wednesday night holiday pay because most of the shift was on Thursday, from 12am-08) We laughed so hard at seeing a chicken strutting around someones yard. *everything* was funny while running after night shift. We fondly call it the “hobble gobble.”

I hope you are feeling better each day! You will come out stronger!!


I thought that too when I saw that picture! Oh no way about the bruise still showing up… crazy how things like that happen. HOBBLE GOBBLE, oh that is hilarious and I wish you had it on camera ha! You did night shifts and ran after= rockstar


Aww!!! I still remember reading your blog when you were pregnant with Brooke, then Skye….they do grow up really fast!!

That cookie looks delish!!! Do you have a recipe you can share?


It really is zooming by!! I asked her last night and she does it in her head but I asked her to write it down because I need more! I’ll post it when she does. Have a wonderful day Amber!


“We don’t believe in miracles because we experience them, we experience miracles because we believe in them.”

“…on the days that seem the hardest, …remember that, by an inch or a mile, forward momentum is the only requirement.”

“The goal is not to be balanced. It’s to be centered; to feel grounded and at peace with yourself. Centered means that you can’t be knocked off balance regardless how chaotic things become.”


Goosebumps with all of these quotes. And the idea of centered vs balanced was exactly what I needed today, thank you so much Abby!


are you still doing your own gel nails? they look so good!! and it’s so time consuming to go to the salon to get mine done so curious your thoughts on it…


Hey Erika! I started doing them every other time now. I can’t take care of my cuticles like the salon does but it does save money to do it half as often as I used to. I hope you are having a fabulous day!

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