Workouts Remind Me of Life.

We did our workout on Tuesday instead of Wednesday this week so we can have an extra day of recovery before our race on Saturday.

Things started early with half a Costco blueberry muffin before leaving.  My grandma brought these to our house on Sunday and I decided they would make excellent pre-run fuel.  Fun fact… they don’t (for me;).

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We did a ladder workout and worked up from 200m to a mile (6:04 for that mile) and then worked down again.  I wasn’t great with lapping my watch and getting the splits except for the mile interval but the effort was there and I saved my racing legs for Saturday.

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During the workout I was thinking a lot about how much running is like life.   Those intervals are a lot like those really hard spots that we hit in life.  We feel out of breath and like we can’t hold onto the pace anymore but we do and then we enter into a recovery period.  During the recovery period we see how we just overcame something really hard.  We catch our breath, we feel a rush of endorphins, we feel fabulous and we gain the strength needed to do it all over again.  There is growth with each interval and we come out of the workout better than before.  Sometimes the intervals are short little ones or long extended ones but the recoveries always come and we see how strong the hard parts make us.

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I got home before both girls were awake which I call a major success.  In the summer we are having all of the kids stay up a bit later because there are so many more fun things going on at night which means they are sleeping in big time.

Another successful power bun day when I didn’t feel one hair on my face for the entire workout.

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Lunch was a good one—>  Leftover hamburgers, brussels and a few power balls.

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Brooke came home from a craft club that she goes to two times a week.  She made slime, play doh and a squishy ball.

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We went to Andrew’s work party and were able to meet a lot of his co-workers which was so much fun.

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She is our party animal.

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They had dinner for us and the best popsicles you’ll ever have.  If you come to Utah, this is another one of those things that you have to try.

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The highlight of the evening for all of the kids had to be the bubble machine that they brought out!

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I saw this rule on Runner’s World a few years ago and I really like to use it for myself.  Are you able to increase your sleep each night to go along with your training?   Overall, I like to follow pretty close to this rule and I am definitely not the exception… the more running I do, the more sleep I need!

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*This happened yesterday.  Shalane and the Bowerman Babes & Boys were all at the track that we do our workouts at yesterday.  They are here for altitude training and I’m hoping I will see them around this summer!  PS I am so glad Shalane is out (coaching) after her surgery!

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Do you increase the amount of sleep you get with your training?  

Ever had surgery?!  How long did it take for you to return to running?

What’s been your goto pre-run fuel?

If you are working right now, does your work do parties?  How often? What are some of the bonuses that come from your job?

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Yes to the sleep increase, but comes in the form of a 30 minute after lunch powernap.


I need to get on the post-lunch powernap with you! I think I might have to today… Have a beautiful day Erica!


Ah, I love that comparison to recovery from hard efforts in running and in life events. Wow! How true.
I definitely get more tired when I’m in a training cycle, or if I’m just doing more intense workouts. Sometimes I have to sneak in a nap to feel more human if I can’t actually add more sleep at night. But I’m all about pushing bedtime earlier if I’m training more!
I had eye surgery several years ago for a torn & detached retina. There was almost no pain, but the recovery was horrible, and I couldn’t do any impact for a little over 10 weeks. When I could finally run again, I felt like I could both run forever (endorphins) and barely make it down the block (deconditioning).
I usually have a slice of bread with peanut butter before a morning run or workout.
I work for the federal government, so anything we do is by employee contribution–potluck, chip in for holiday lunch at a restaurant, etc. Sometimes we’re rewarded by our managers (from their own pocket) with a dessert party for a big effort. And we sometimes get authorization to leave a couple of hours early the day before a big holiday (Christmas, 4th of July). My old company (private sector) used to do a really fun picnic at a local park with food, games, zip line, etc.
That bubble picture of Brooke is awesome!


I need to start sneaking in a nap during Skye’s nap when the big kids are at friends or something:) . I need to feel a bit more human today! Oh my goodness, I cannot even imagine the recovery from that surgery. Wow Corey!
Thanks, she had the time of her life! I hope you have a wonderful day at work:)


Trevons work does awesome summer parties at lagoon! They do a raffle for several prizes while we are there and this year we wind the grand prize, 2 free flights anywhere continental u.s. so now we are working on deciding where to go.

I need to try one of those bubble machines


Ahhhh I am so so happy that you guys won! Let me know when you choose where you guys are going to go. Andrew’s job when we were dating did parties at lagoon too and it was so much fun. Have a wonderful day Jenny!


So cool that the Bowerman Babes are in your town training! I know you’ve seen Shalane on the same streets you run, wouldn’t it be amazing if you met her?
I try hard to get in more sleep during training, but it’s not always easy. However, I usually do get in a good nap on Sunday afternoons ?
My go to pre-run fuel is typically a banana or part of a Cliff Builder bar. If I’m doing a long run, then I throw in a bagel, or half a bagel.
The girls in the bubbles at the party are adorable, and you can tell they’re having so much fun!
Have a great Wednesday!


Yes… I feel like I just keep barely missing her:) . Hopefully soon I will finally see her around here. Thanks so much Wendy, you too!


I love what you said about workouts being like life–>so true!! I had a ladder workout on the elliptical yesterday working up from 1 min hard to 5 min hard and back down. That was tough…I think the mental side of working out on the elliptical for an hour is making me tougher as well;) It is funny how when you’ve done one, you recover, and you know you can do the next one just like in life!

Do you ever have power bun days where the bun just falls down? Like the hair ties are still in and its kind of still in bun form but it droops down like half of the bun comes out??? Mine has been doing this lately…so I’ve been going with the fast braid, but I sure do miss my bun!

I do a lot of my runs after work, so I’ll just eat a banana pre-run. Once I get back up to longer miles on the weekend I like to eat an English muffin with jam or for really long runs get up a few hours before and have some oatmeal (this is also what I do for half)

I definitely increase sleep with training. There’s no science to it for me really but I tend to lay down around 830 or 9;) I’m much more of a morning person!!


I haven’t had it fall out yet but I use SO MANY rubber bands that I’m not sure it is possible to fall out. Try more rubber bands and tighter ones:) . I’m right there with you on the morning person thing.
YES… the workouts you are doing on the elliptical are absolutely making you stronger mentally and physically. You are doing awesome Eleanor! I hope you have a really great day.


Pre-run fuel will always and forever be a banana! Or toast with apricot jam or those Nature Valley Crunchy granola bars; they seem to work well! (for me). Also, just curious is your post-workout refuel generally lunch? Or do you have a larger breakfast in between? I sometimes don’t have a great appetite after running in the morning, but know I need to get some energy in as soon as possible. Do you have a go-to for that post-run breakfast? Like, that I could eat and then still put away a burger a few hours later haha??

Oh my goodness CREAMIES. You are making me miss Utah so much!! Can’t wait for those when I move back down this Fall. Also, thank you for that beautiful reminder and comparison between intervals and life. It’s so true. Just at the moment you don’t think you could POSSIBLY push any harder or endure any more – a break comes. And even though the burn lasts for a little while, the fire is just fuelling our mental and physical strength. Hope you have a wonderful day!


Hey Rachel! I always have something right after a run to aid in recovery (even if I’m not hungry)…. usually it’s just boring like a protein bar or smoothie so I don’t take pictures because it is the same thing every day… so yes to the easy thing and then a burger a few hours later:) . WHERE ARE YOU MOVING?! I’m so happy you are coming back to Utah! Have a beautiful day and thank you!


Thanks that helps! Do you put protein powder in your smoothies or just keep it simple with other protein sources (nut butter, yogurt)? I think I just need to get in the habit of doing it and keep it as simple as possible haha
And I’m not sure yet! It will depend where I find a job, I’m just about to graduate with my masters in occupational therapy, so I am hoping to find a job at a hospital or rehab facility (ideally in the valley or St. George!). I lived in Salt Lake before going back to grad school, and while it is a lovely city I prefer southern Utah :)


Lately I haven’t been using protein powder and my current goto smoothie recipe is here:
Try it and let me know what you think. Oh I am so thrilled for you. You have worked so hard and what an incredible career path. Let me know where you end up moving!


That Runner’s World sleep advice is so good! I do tend to get extra sleep, though it’s not really intentional…I just fall asleep on the couch more when my mileage is up :)

For my pre-run fuel I took a page out of your book and eat either the single serving kodiak pancakes (I love the dark chocolate with pb chips one) or the frozen waffles with peanut butter, if it’s an extra long run.


Bahaha I fall asleep on the couch more too (which is a lot)! YESSS I forgot about those kodiak waffles, time for me to stock up on those again. Have a wonderful Wednesday!


I try REALLY hard to get enough sleep when training but I am not always a good sleeper so even if I fall asleep early, I don’t always stay asleep :( I love my saturday/sunday afternoon naps though!!

I don’t usually eat a lot before a run unless it’s really long, but a slice of toast with peanut butter/jam or a banana have always worked well.

My work doesn’t do too many parties outside of fundraisers, but my department will ALWAYS find a reason to party – birthdays, holidays, personal achievements, etc. I work in non-profit so we don’t always get paid a lot but we get TONS of time off and I pretty much make my own schedule and come and go as I please as long as I get my hours in and my work done. I don’t think I’ll ever leave because I could never go back to a 9-5 schedule! Plus, my commute is 10 min so I am very lucky.
Have a great day!


I love that your department loves to celebrate you all. 10 minute commute + flexibility with your schedule = you have an awesome job! I hope you are having a great day too Laura and that you get in some really great sleep soon!


One of the many reasons I love reading your blog is your shared love of Costco, haha :) I typically don’t increase my amount of sleep with training. I usually listen to my body and find myself napping more often than normal. After reading this post, I am going to start to for whatever I happen to train for next. I often forget just how important sleep is, especially when we are pushing our bodies! Wilmington, DE


HEY MEGAN! You need to share with me your favorite things at Costco! Yes for getting more sleep:) . I hope you have a beautiful day and keep me updated with everything!


Which Distance are you doing for the AF Canyon run! I hope I run into there!! I will be there!


AHHH WAHOO!! I am doing the 1/2!? What about you girl?


I am running the 5k. I figured because it’s a month before baby is due I should probably play it safe and only do the 5k.


Ahhhhh I am so so so excited for you! Congrats and I hope to see you there!


That bubble machine looks amazing! I need one at my house. Maybe. That looks like it could be a lot of work to clean up afterwards! Ha!
Ok … who has time to sleep that much and how can I make this happen!?!
My go to fuel varies on the activity. If I’m just running under say 10 miles I take Nuun Energy and that’s it . If I’m racing/trail running I like to have more food in my tummy; maybe a banana and toast or something similarly light and easy to digest. When I’m heading to the mountains where I know we’ll most likely be power hiking on the way up (then running down), I’ll eat my normal breakfast of overnight oats and iced coffee. Me+coffee+oats+run don’t mix well if I don’t give enough time to digest!
Have a great rest of your day!


Hahaha yeah the cleanup did not look like very much fun… that is for sure! Hahah I sleep a lot so I can help you make it happen;) . I have been wondering about Nuun Energy and you are making me want to try it out! Thanks for sharing Jenny… I love hearing what works for everybody. You too!


Costco blueberry muffin would not work for me! Too much sugar I am guessing. My go too is toast, peanut butter or almond butter and a banana :)
I WISH I increased sleep but that normally only happens a week or 2 leading up to a big race. With a preteen who stays up later, it seems I am getting LESS sleep so I can see my husband for a bit after all the kids are in bed.


My weekday prerun fuel- TJ’s Chocolate Brownie Oat Bar. Not the healthiest, but I can eat it 4:30 a.m. on my way out without messing up my system.

Sleep- I aim for 8.

Work- I’m a state employee, so no fancy parties or bonuses. However, our ancient basement office comes with a shower, so, SCORE! Perfect after a sweaty lunch run.


I wish I could add extra sleep for increased mileage! I’m a night shift nurse, so yeah, I’m lucky to get what I do. There’s definitely no extra to be found (and yes, I’m tired allll the time!).

Pre-run fuel is one of two things: Two Belvita crackers with honey and golden raisins OR a frozen/toasted whole grain waffle with the same honey and raisins. Always paired with a small fruit like the little seedless oranges, applesauce, or a small banana. I also eat a small handful of plain almonds for some protein and fat (my blood sugar drops quickly with exercise so I have to fuel right or I get dizzy and weak). But these items are my go-to that digest well for me 60-90 minutes before running.


Maybe you already said and I somehow missed it but what area of nursing is Andrew in? So great that he was able to get a job so quickly!


I am going to print this blog entry out and put it on my fridge. I think your words about interval training and life are really good ones to remember! Thank you!


I have had 2 abdominal surgeries because of messed up ovaries and cysts.. I took a full 8 weeks off before even power walking. I started running again about 16 weeks post surgery and I was definitely jogging!? Those set backs are huge at the time, but the big picture…, we come out stronger!


I very much recommend “The Language of Kindness”, by Christie Watson. It’s a memoir by a british nurse who works in the NHS (the british National Healt System). I cried a lot but also burst out laughing several times! :)


When I ran the St George Marathon a few years back they had Creamies at the end of the race and it was literally the BEST thing ever! I even searched for them online after we got back home and my heart was broken since they aren’t all over. I guess I’ll just have to come back and get some more!!


YES, this means you have to come back! Have a wonderful day Haley and I hope to see you at St. George Marathon again soon:)

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