Sentence Per Picture!

I have a new Friend to Friend post HERE today!  I’d love to hear from anyone struggling with this problem too!


First run by myself in a while!

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My body was needing to take a run easy but I missed my running friends.

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I loved listening to this episode about Boston from Lindsay with Jordan Hassay while wearing my Boston pants… so many great memories from that day.

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Going over important Pokemon and Spirit discussions with breakfast.

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“I feel like my freedom is running out” -Andrew Baron (he starts his new job in 5 days)!

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Hail storm.

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Homework on the ground because Skye is positive she needs to be involved in everything that Brooke and Knox do.

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What do you do when it is raining and In-N-Out gives kids free hot chocolate on rainy days?

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We also had free burger coupons from turning in the books the kids have read to the library.

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Andrew was extremely happy with our dinner decision.

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Ummmm the weather is looking quite wonderful for the Indy Mini on Saturday (although 91% humidity sounds interesting)!

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The necessary things are packed!

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I’m pretty sure the kids are super excited for a weekend with just Andrew…

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Those of you that are going to be in Indy this weekend… LET’S MEET UP <— My favorite part of blogging.

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It’s run time… not sure how to taper for this race because I have no idea what pace I’ll be trying to run on Saturday but I think it will be a good way to see where I’m at fitness wise!

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Another reminder that I have a new post up over on the Friend to Friend section!


What is your sentence of the day?

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Good luck on race day!!! You will do so great! Any recommendations for great marathon training plans?? I’m running my 6th marathon this fall and looking for a good plan to follow to run a faster race!


Hey JP!! I am so so excited for you to run your 6th marathon. Which one are you planning on racing? Outside of having a coach (is that a possibility? that is my biggest recommendation).. I’ve used Hanson’s Half Marathon training plan (I’m sure the marathon one is great too) and SmartCoach from Runner’s World (not sure that still exists). I’ve also just kind of joined in on whatever my friends were doing too! Keep me updated, I’m super excited for you!


Sentence of the day—-“Just the good stuff!!!!”

Have FUN at your half this weekend! I have a 5K on Saturday—when it hurts, I’ll just think, “At least I’m not running 13.1 miles!” ha ha ha ha ha Every distance has its special kind of pain and reward!!!!!


GO JEN GO!! You are going to rock that 5k and I better get to hear all about it. Hahah that is so so true… and the 5k has a fun pain to go with it too;) . Have a great time girl!


YAY! Can’t wait to meet/see you this weekend!! Hoping to join the Friday morning run before work ?


I cannot wait to see you Katrina!!! CANNOT WAIT TO RUN TOGETHER!!!


I hope you have a great race on Saturday!

I was born and raised on the east side of Indy and moved to Iowa 10 years ago after grad school. The whole month of May is a big celebration for the Indy 500 race on Memorial Day weekend. The footrace sort of kicks off the whole festival for the community! High humidity is normal, especially when its raining. Good luck!!


Oh really!?!? I am so excited to get to be a part of this. I love how excited everyone is. Good to know, thanks so much Kaelin and have a beautiful day!


Don’t worry, 91% humidity at 55F is a dewpoint of about 52F. Anything below a 60F dewpoint isn’t too bad, only thing is you’ll not evaporate as much sweat so lube up to prevent chafing.


I need to ask you these questions before every race. Also, I NEED DETAILS ABOUT SPAIN!?!?!?!


We travel with my husband’s job and usually live Indy a few months a year, but I’m sad we aren’t going this year. Have so much fun!! You have to try The Flying Cupcake (and the rest of Massachusetts Avenue) and Broad Ripple is the cutest!! If someone tells you to eat a fried porkchop sandwich, Binkley’s is the best.


You do!? That is so so cool… you guys get to experience all sorts of places, I love it. Fried porkchop sandwich, that sounds amazing. Thank you so much, I can’t wait. Maybe next year we can all do it together!


Have fun in Indy! I did the marathon there 2 years ago and it’s a fun city. If you go back with the kids you must take them to the children’s museum. It was AMAZING!!!


Oh that is awesome!! So I actually might be going to that museum on Friday for a bit too! I can’t wait to see this city. Have a beautiful day Donna!


I think you will like pushing the pace and will be fitter than you thought – have so much fun – I wish I could go, Charlie too! I just got that yellow tank, is that lulu?


YES!! It is… I just love that color, don’t you?! Thank you so much and maybe we can all do it again next year?!


“Don’t forget to do your stretches!” (for my tight IT bands)

Have a great time at the race! (I know you asked yesterday and I am not sure you’ll remember this haha but I am doing Detroit for my full this fall. :) ) It’s been 3 days since my half and I am already wanting to start another training cycle!


I need to send you a reminder to stretch too! Tight IT bands are not fun. I DO REMEMBER! You are doing it in October! I am so so excited for you. Oh I get that, we are sure addicted to this sport:) . Have a beautiful day and way to go on your half!


My sentence for day…….”University finals week so this means saying “see you later” to many faculty who won’t be back until August.” The quietness will be nice for about a week and then it’s too quiet. Our office of 10 drops to 1 (me, the admin assistant). The plus side to summer break is getting my workout in on my lunch break in the campus fitness center when I want and how I want. Can’t complain, I love my job.


Betsy! That must feel like quite the change! I am SO happy you love your job and yay for workouts during lunch. That’s exciting! Have a beautiful day Betsy!


I think “where you are fitness wise” is… pretty darn fit!! haha Maybe reframing to “where you are recovery wise” would take pressure off and help you not push it too much and risk injury.
I SO remember that feeling of dreading and looking forward to my first day on the job as an RN. It’ll be challenging, but you’ll all do just fine.
Sentence: “I hope one day I get to go to a Janae meetup.” Also, Skye’s ponytail kills me! :)


Stacey, that is very very true and something I need to remind myself over and over again on Saturday! I think my goal is to go for a smile 1/2 marathon PR:) . I’m going to tell Andrew what you just said. WE BETTER GET TO MEET UP SOMEDAY!! Also, is your little dude practically running now? I don’t know how but Skye went from timid walking to sprinting around the house lately!


I love that purple run shirt! Where is it from? I love all shirts that say the word run like you mentioned one time!


HEY MARY!! It is from Brooks and I can’t find it online anymore BUT this one is so cute:

Have a fabulous day girl!


Today’s goal, besides keeping kids alive, is to get the birds to leave my car alone haha. I swear they are targeting it. 4 bird poops in less than 24 hours. Looks like the car wash will have a new frequent customer hahahaha.


Oh noooooo why are they doing that?! GOOD LUCK!!! Have a beautiful day Jenny!


I love how much you look like Brooke in the first pic!!! Wow!! :)


Oh that makes me happy! I copied her signature hairstyle too haha. Have a wonderful day Lizzie!


Good luck at the Indy Mini! I’ve ran it almost every year since college but this year I’ll be doing the Flying Pig half marathon in Cincinnati in Sunday! Soooo…what are you planning on having your your pre race breakfast be?! Mine is usually toast with pb:-)


Good luck this weekend, Janae!!! I can’t wait to read about how it goes!

My sentence for the day is “go with the flow”! It’s been my goal lately, and so far this week, so good! ;)

Have a great Wednesday!!


Sentence of the day…..I ran the Big Sur Marathon on Sunday after being injured for the past 3 years and it was amazing!!!


Ahhhhhhh huge huge huge congrats! You are back and ran a marathon!!!


I just watched Brene Brown and then had to watch her ted talks and I ordered a book. We are a swimmer family so that attracted me to her too! She is so funny. I played the breaststroke piece of her Netflix show for my oldest daughter. She loved it but didn’t fully embrace it because she turned to me and said “I mean I get it and everything, she did it, great job for hanging in there but Mom, breaststroke is my best stroke ever”…. Sigh.

Goodluck and have fun!!

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