Indy Mini Race Recap!!!

Race recaps are my favorite posts to write because it means I get to relive the entire experience again when I write them and the Indy Mini was definitely one of my favorite race experiences.

Thanks Lindsey for having us and thanks Tina for running with me!  The night before the race Tina asked if I wanted her to run with me and that she wasn’t planning on racing it… Ummm run a race with a 2:36 marathon and host of one of your favorite podcasts?  Yes, PLEASE.  I told her I wanted to squeeze in a workout during the race and she definitely pushed me BIG TIME in those final 4 miles which helped me to realize that ultra training didn’t steal my speed, it’s actually helped to make me stronger.

I got out of my bed around 6:30 and made it down to the lobby to meet the girls at 7:00.  On the elevator down to the lobby one of the runners said, “I guess I should start training now for this!”  For my first 1/2 I did not train at all for it besides a few short runs so I knew exactly how he was feeling in that moment!

I had some white rolls and a donut (I don’t normally do before a race but it just sounded really good) along with a lot of water before leaving the hotel room.  I forgot to bring any throwaway clothing with me so I was a bit cold while we were walking to the starting line but my hand warmers helped.

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Five minutes before the race started I took a gel and my nanohydr8!  Usually I eat a gel during a half marathon but for this one I stuck to just gatorade and water (they had huge signs up where the water and gatorade were which I thought made it so much easier for the runners to know where to get what they wanted) throughout the race.

Between talking, taking pictures and the rain I kind of forgot but also had plenty before so I didn’t really need anything more.  If I was racing the whole thing then I would have definitely planned to take a gel or two along the way.

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We started in the second wave and ran for a bit with Lindsey, her husband and Charlie (<— she did the 5k, half and some w/u and c/d to get in her 20 miler for marathon training!) before separating.  There was a lot of weaving for a good chunk of the race but that is part of the experience of these big races.

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The National Anthem before the race was gorgeous (I need to find out who sang that morning… it was unreal).  I loved running under this huge flag in the first mile.

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Along the way there were people out dancing and singing which was so much fun to see.

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Tina and I were able to get in a lot of talking throughout the first 9 miles.  We have known each other for years (via social media, phone conversations and then finally met just a few weeks ago at Boston) and I have always looked up to her for so many reasons.  I never thought I would ever run an entire race with her so I really took advantage of asking her so many questions and using her to push me in the final four miles.   She is an incredibly well-rounded athlete that is so humble about how incredible she is.   I am so grateful that I got the chance to run with her.

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The Gold Mile at mile 6 was incredible.  In this mile they honor the fallen service members (and their families).  It was decked out with flags, pictures and signs for these incredible people that sacrificed so much for us.  It was a very memorable experience.

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To get onto the speedway there is a hill and that was probably the most elevation gain of the entire race.  Running on the speedway was so different than anything I have ever done.  It was one of those moments where you think, ‘how in the world am I here and running is the best because it takes me places like this.’  Tina and I definitely stopped to kiss the bricks BUT it wasn’t until after that I learned that Frank Shorter passes out donuts at this point.  I would have definitely stopped for some of those donuts if I would have known.

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Getting back up afterwards was tougher than expected hahaha!

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There were people out dancing and giving high-fives and the 2.5ish miles in this section were a blast.

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We were able to see Kim along the way on the course too!

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Before leaving the hotel I was debating whether or not I should wear a hat… yep, definitely should have worn a hat.  It was raining pretty hard for the entire race and rain in my eyeballs is not my favorite feeling but I just keep thinking, thank goodness it isn’t HOT.  I’ll take rain any day (and I feel like it is a very common theme in a lot of my races haha).

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At mile 9 I put my phone away (which I realized during the race that my Koala Clip and the lulu bra I was wearing do not go together… I could not get it to clip onto my bra because of the straps but that is something I should have tried out before using it on race day… it has worked perfect on every other bra that I own though) and asked Tina to give me a workout.

I had no idea where I was at and really have been nervous thinking that I didn’t have speed after ultra training but I realized yesterday I have been doing a lot of speed work all year so far… in the form of HILLS.  All of the ultra training and hills that I ran really do translate over to speed work.   I’m going to continue to get in some good hill climbing in my training because of how strong they make us.

We did a 6:25 mile and I felt pretty strong and then towards the end of the 2nd fast mile I started to feel my muscles screaming at me.  My breathing never felt crazy (coming from altitude I had that advantage big time) but my muscles were definitely telling me to slow down.

Here is what I thought when my brain told me to slow down.

A) Ummm you are running with Tina.  This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, enjoy every step with her.

B) You are comfortable (on repeat)… the second I start to lie to myself and convince myself that I’m comfortable with an uncomfortable feeling the second I start to push it and believe that I can do it.

C) Tina told me, you did 50 miles so you can do this… that ultra is awesome for my races now because I can think back to how hard that was and it gives me confidence.

D)  If you don’t enjoy this why do it?  So I smile and talk nicely to myself and think about how lucky I am to do this and that helps me to hold a pace big time.   I can choose to not only have fun when the pace feels easy and I’m having a great conversation but I can choose to have fun when it is pushing me out of my comfort zone and hurting too.  It’s up to me!

E) I love finishing races strong… after 482 races (slight exaggeration) where I went out crazy fast and DIED those final miles, it feels good to finish fast (even though I wasn’t technically racing yesterday) and to soak that feeling in.

F) Your brain is just being silly and telling you to slow down but your body has SO much more to give.

Tina was so helpful those last few miles and said all of the right things.  I kept looking at my watch and she told me to stop doing that and oh my goodness it felt so much better to not do that.  I think I let my watch dictate my run a lot so to just run off of effort and focus on the right foot, left foot thing felt amazing.   She doesn’t even look at her watch during a marathon and runs a 2:36 so clearly there is something to that.

Runner’s cough= when I really push it in running and I have to stop and cough for a few minutes.  It’s such a weird thing that happens to me but I’ll take it as a sign that I got in a solid workout on Saturday and I can’t wait for what is next.

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Here are the splits.   I’m very excited that I could talk pretty easily with a pace in the low 7’s but that could have been partly because I live at elevation and came down to sea level so let’s see how the races go at home for me.

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I feel like the race temperatures were actually perfect during the race but once I stopped, I was cold.

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We stopped a few times to grab some food and talk to people but other than that we walked right back to the hotel.

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I got back to my hotel room, stretched for a minute and then took one of the hottest showers of my life!  Luckily the power bun meant that my hair wasn’t snarly after running in the rain.  I jumped back into bed to eat a donut and relax.  At home I usually jump into mom mode the second I get home but it felt nice to truly relax after a hard effort.

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Our feet were drenched by the end but I swear by my Balega sock + Hyperion combination.  I was blister free at the end and my feet felt great.  These are my absolute favorite racing shoes ever (I wear them for everything… including the marathon) and this particular pair is my favorite.

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Thank you to the 500 Festival for bringing me out!  I loved the race!  While I was there I met people that had run it 15+ years in a row and now I know why they are hooked!

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Are you a constant Garmin checker?

-Naturally YES but thanks to Tina I’m going to really work on doing that less and focusing in on my effort rather than getting freaked out (either by feeling like I’m going too slow or too fast) by what I see on my watch every 14 seconds.

Flat races or hilly races, what do you prefer?

-I REALLY enjoyed how flat this race was.  I feel like it helps you to really dial in and hold a pace which was fun for me.

Have a go to shoe that you love to race in?

What was the best part of your weekend?

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It looks like you had so much fun! I die at those paces so I’m in awe of the fact that you can talk!

I’m totally a Garmin checker.

Have a great day!


Thanks so much Angie! I hope your day is a great one. I think training at altitude and being at sea level REALLY helped me out big time!


Great paces!!

I am in love with Brooks Ghost right now.

I am a race walker and that will always be my go to distance sport because of my horrible knee. But… for the last month I have been able to add in up to 3 miles at a time 1x a week of running and my knee is ok ( not perfect). I am excited for testing out some 5ks!! This has not been possible in 5 years so I am excited and going to play it very smart. My knee never hurts while running, it is after the fact which makes it tricky because I feel so good!!


Oh I love the Ghosts a ton too. You are out there rocking it girl and I’m so so sorry you have to deal with knee problems. Way to go being smart about your body and doing exactly what is best. CANNOT WAIT to hear about your 5ks! Have a beautiful day Carrie!


Congrats on your race!! I actually go to the Univeristy of Kentucky and got the chance to meet up and run with Tina last fall! She is the best! Have a great Monday!


Oh that is so so awesome! I love Kentucky:). Thanks Kara and keep in touch!


So cool! I love Tina Muir! I feel like you ran with a celebrity : )


I DID TOO… the entire time I just kept thinking about how this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and how I better soak up every second!


I am so glad you had a great time at my big hometown race! One of the girls in my group chat dropped the bombshell that her dad is one of the people who has done this race all 43 years, and according to him this was the first time it rained the whole time. Did no one tell you Frank Shorter is usually at the bricks with the local news? I don’t think he usually has donuts though. Thank you for representing the race so well!


NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT FRANK SHORTER:). Next time I will find him (and they said this year he was passing out donuts?!). 43 years= that is incredible. He is so cool. I brought the rain hahah. You have an amazing hometown Kali. Have a beautiful day!


Great write-up! Thank you! And a great run. So fabulous that you had fun AND got in a great workout.

I am still loving my Adidas Bostons. But I have not done a race in 4 years. Just running :)


HEY YOU! You keep rocking those Adidas Bostons. I have a bunch of friends that loves those! I hope you have a wonderful day Amanda.


Looks like a blast! I would have gone crazy in the rain without a hat!

I don’t own a Garmin, so I just wear a regular watch and I don’t check it often. Maybe at the halfway point is all.
I love hilly races…..I prefer uphills and once the race is done I feel so strong for conquering a hilly course! Shoe wise I love the Brooks Launch and Levitate, as well as Saucony Guide.

We had a fun pizza and Pirates of the Caribbean movie night this weekend, so good!


I love that you don’t check your watch often… makes it so that you can just focus on your effort. You have rocked MANY very hilly races. Oh that pizza and movie night sounds perfect. Have a wonderful day Loribeth!


Ha, one time a few years ago I didn’t check my watch and ran a 22:00:00 5K. My goal was to break 22 minutes! lol. I had no idea I had run it that fast! I checked the official time at the results table, yup, 22:00:00. So yeah, probably shoulda checked it that race so I could have hustled a bit more at the end. I’ve broken 22 since then several times, so no big deal.

I start PT for my weird painless knee injury (a long story) and to also address my arthritic knees in general. Hopefully it will allow me to run more!


It looks like you had a blast this weekend. Going on instagram this weekend was like watching a movie all my favorite actresses were in;) You are so incredibly strong and I’m glad your body reminded you of that this weekend. Those splits are amazing and that will just be more evidence for you to believe in yourself. I hope you’re ready for 10k PR;)

I find that I check my Garmin a lot and it gets me completely in my head. This weekend, hopping into a 5k after 5 weeks off running for injury (with crosstraining and strength training though), my coach just told me, just enjoy yourself and run hard. No time goals or pressure. So when I went into it I just went for it and didn’t look at my watch. My first mile ended up being 7:51 which is my mile PR, hahah. The other 2 were much slower but I didn’t know what I had in me so I was glad to just go for it and run the whole thing on feel. I pushed and slowed down as I needed to and honestly just had a blast for those 3 miles. My mantra was “I’m doing what I love.”

Are you planning to go back with your coach now that you’re done ultra training?

My go-to race shoe is the Adidas adizero Boston. I was wearing those for speed/races and launch’s for endurance/easy runs, but with my nerve injury in my feet I can no longer wear supportive shoes;( I know that sounds really weird, but the support actually compresses the nerve and creates a lot more pain. So I’ve gotta find a new endurance shoe that has some minimal support but not too compressive….I think I’m gonna reach out to Brooks and see what they recommend.

P.S. I love this new attitude the ultra training and also your confidence lately has given you. Going into a race meeting at the start 30 minutes after you wake up and also eating a roll and a donut just ’cause it sounded good–>you’re amazing. Isn’t it so cool when we are just kind to our bodies and just relax a little bit how fun things can be. I’m working on that myself, :)

How was the reunion with the kids?


Thank you so so much Eleanor. I can’t wait for that PR coming up:). I am so happy you re back to running and your mile PR… girl, you are already coming back SO much stronger! That is a great question… if I do I’ll use Mary but I also might just run with my neighbor is doing ha because I love running with her. Super interesting about shoes, definitely let me know what they recommend for you. Thank you so much… I really feel like my mind has flipped. YOU CAN DO IT!
It was fabulous! Those hugs are the absolute best.

Have a beautiful day!


That race sounds like so much fun!! Your whole weekend, really, looked super fun! And what a great opportunity to get to run with Tina… I’m sure you will remember that forever ?
I look at my watch way to often, especially when a run starts to feel hard. When I remind myself to just run, get through the hard parts, then look at the watch later, I am always pleasantly surprised by how I did. I think I sometimes get too focused on what the watch says.
I actually prefer courses that have some hills and variation. I have done a few races with really flat courses and not too many turns, they start to feel hard and monotonous and long! Changing up the land keeps my mind off of what I’m actually doing I think.. ha ha.
So fun to read this race recap! Thanks for sharing, and have a great Monday ?


Oh thank you so much Wendy, you should come next time! Let’s work on looking less together:). I think a flat marathon would definitely make it feel longer to me too. I hope you are doing well and that you had a fantastic weekend. Thanks Wendy!


CONGRATS on an amazing experience, Janae!!! I can tell by your pictures that you were having FUN and ENJOYING it! That’s what it’s all about. Yep, you still have your speed, too :) :) :)

I am trying to be a recovered Garmin checker! ha ha My coach had me tape my watch during 2 of my 5ks this spring, and during Saturday’s 5k, I decided not to tape it, but I DIDN’T look at my watch at all. So, I’m getting there!!! We found that I perform better in workouts and races when I don’t focus on pace but more on effort. I guess that’s not shocking though, huh?!

Oh boy, flat or hilly. Well, I”m not sure I’d want to live in an area that was all flat for running/training, but boy would I love to find a flat 5k!!!!! Sat. was my race, and it was advertised as “flat and fast”, and mile 2 was pretty much all monster hill!!!! Whaaaaattttt?! I didn’t PR—the mile 2 got into my head a bit and slowed me down. My splits were 6:44/7:44/7:14, so yeah, mile 2…. ha ha BUT, cascading goals saved me b/c even more than a PR, I wanted to be in the top 5 female finishers b/c we got a pottery plate and cash! I ended up 4th female OA, and got the plate and $70 bucks. It just CAN’T be all about PRs!!!!!!!!! Cascading goals!!!!!! I’ve been racing my 5ks in the Vapor Flys, but I’m not sure that I’d want to wear them for a full marathon–maybe a half, but probably not a full. I wore Brooks Launches for my full last fall :)

I’m so glad you had a fun weekend and lots of doughnuts! :)


YOU ROCKED IT with those hills! HUGE congrats and you are right, PRs don’t matter when you are hitting the TOP FIVE. Way to go Jen, you did awesome. I hope you are recovering well and way to go on not looking at your watch. Have a beautiful week and thanks so much!


I love reading your race recaps! You get so much joy out of racing and I like to think about that when I’m having a tough run. Your times are unbelievable to me and I can’t imagine running that fast for 13.1 miles (or ever, ha). I’m definitely going to keep an eye out for if you’re ever racing in my area! Also now I want doughnuts. :-)


Oh thank you so much Kristin and where do you live? I really want to travel around now to more races.. that was so much fun. I hope you get a doughnut asap! Have a beautiful day.


Looks like you had a total blast! It shines through in your pictures, even before I read your words about the trip and the race.
I do check my time too much, even on ‘casual’ runs. It’s hard to trust myself that I’m putting in the effort that I think I am, based on feel. When I race, I set it to overall pace, though, so I don’t stress about my pace each mile & just aim to keep the whole race in the right range.
I really like flat races, but I think a little bit of elevation change is good to keep from staying in the exact same position and cadence for hours at a time.
Sorta weird, but a highlight of my weekend was helping my HS daughter study for a big test–she has put so much effort into this, and even though she’s very stressed about it, it was cool to hear her answers and explanations. Hoping she’s nailing it right this second :)
Have a great day back at home with your crew!


Oh thank you so much Corey, it really was a blast. I bet that was awesome to see how far she has come… she is lucky to have so much help from you! Thank you and I hope you get a race soon with a slight elevation change that is just perfect for you.


I LOVE that you just got to chill after the race! I saw you post on IG about the hot shower/donut/chilling in the hotel and I told my husband that was my dream race experience…not coming home and driving kids to soccer and mowing the lawn and making dinner, haha.


It really did feel so nice haha… so different than normal. Hopefully you get an experience like that soonish! Have a beautiful day:)


Curious what your thoughts are on the fact that Tina forgot to pick up her bib at the expo and was running the race with Lindsey’s husband’s bib? Did the race rules permit a runner to run with someone else’s bib?


HEY SARAH!! My thoughts are that Tina is probably one of the top three sweetest, kindest and most encouraging people on the planet:). She is handling the situation perfectly in my eyes! We all make mistakes and I wish she could write an entire novel with he second by second recaps because it would all make more sense BUT onward and upward! Have an incredible day!


I’ve wanted to run this race. I’m a few hours away. Maybe next year (after I have this baby!)


YES YES YES do it!!! Congrats on your new little one coming! I hope you are feeling well.


I try not to look at my watch when I run my 5k races. If i do check it’s only at the 1st and/or 2nd mile split. Sometimes I don’t check it at all.

I like a mostly flat course, but not too flat.

Runners cough! I’m glad I’m not the only one! I get that a lot after races, especially on a colder day. It lasts for a good 30-60 minutes until I can breathe in some warmer air.


Sometimes you don’t check at all.. that is huge. That must make a pr even cooler when you are kind of surprised by it all. You are not alone on the cough! 30-60 minutes though… that is ROUGH! Have a wonderful day John and I love hearing from you!


BIG SUR International Marathon report. I’m a bit late reporting back, and I’ll keep this (sorta) short…but the BSIM was awesome! (I paid for the VIP option…so worth it.) Highway 1 was closed completely just for us runners. There were spectacular views and so many fun groups of entertainment from jazz bands to pianists (on a grand piano!) to—my fave—taiko drums, which I stopped to play. The course itself to me was harder than Boston but because I kept stopping to play drums and take selfies and eat fresh local strawberries, the hills didn’t wear on me. I recommend doing this race (they have a marathon, 21-miler, an 11 miler, a 12K, and a 5K option). My only regret was not running it with at least one friend. So if you ever run it, run it with friends and be okay with a slower time so you can enjoy the run itself. The way I view my slow time is that I set a PR for fun. :)


BIG SUR… ahhhh congrats! Good to know about the VIP option. I bet those views were unreal. I am so glad you enjoyed yourself and stopped along the way to get the full experience. Thank you for that tip, I will make sure to do that. PR for fun… I LOVE that so much. Congrats and I hope you are recovering well!


Glad you had such a strong race! Looked liked a ton of fun. I am a constant Garmin checker and I know that sometimes hurts me and maybe something I should work on too! I have been loving the Adidas Pure Boost lately to run in.
Best part of my weekend was running the Pittsburgh Half Marathon yesterday. No better feeling than crossing that finish line! I also happen to cross the same time as the 2nd elite women marathon finisher. Always amazes me they run double the distance in the same amount of time as my half. But anyway, was still cool to see. I definitely prefer a flat race but living in Pittsburgh that does not happen often here! Have a great day!


Let’s work on our Garmin checking situation together:). HUGE CONGRATS on your half marathon yesterday. Recover well and soak in that accomplishment. Thanks Dana and keep rocking those hills.


Sounds like such an amazing weekend! Tina Muir. Wow! That’s all I can say! Ha! Oh, and all those sweets …. YUM!!
I am definitely a Garmin checker and it completely dictates how I feel. I hate that I let it do that! This morning I was doing a 400 in the 6’s (goal was sub 2:00 400m) and as soon as i saw 6:xx I slowed and became really exhausted … before that I felt strong. Doh! Shouldn’t have looked! That’s what I get for not programming my watch though. I honestly didn’t know what my legs would be up for after running trails yesterday. I started with a recovery walk/run but got bored of that and was anxious to speed things up after a mile.
I like a combo of hills and flat. I struggle on flat courses for some reason. I think I like the challenge of the ups and the feeling of flying on the downs.
I don’t have a favorite racing shoe since I haven’t raced in a while but my trail shoes are full of cushion and spring I almost feel like they’re a racing trail shoe. What? I feel like that doesn’t make much sense!! Ha!
Best part of my weekend was all of it! We didn’t do anything out of the norm but the sun was out all weekend and although there was a slight breeze, the boys still played at the spray park which is always entertaining to watch! I managed to run 5 days last week – 2 of them on trails and that last trail run on Sunday did me in! My Garmin’s recovery advisory was 66 hrs! Ha! It was worth it!
Have a great day!


Oh Jenny… I totally know what you mean. Those numbers scare us sometimes BUT you and your body were more than capable to hold those paces. You rocked that workout after those trails yesterday. Sun out + playing outside = heaven. Sounds like the perfect weekend! Have a beautiful rest of your day.


So awesome that you were able to run with Tina on Saturday!

I have gotten better about not being a constant Garmin checker. Depending on the goal of my run, I will try to make sure my watch face shows total average pace instead of instant pace or lap pace.

And hills versus flat…I would say I prefer hills. Right now, they are my strength. Yesterday I ran a FLAT half marathon. Last year I eeked out a small PR on the course, this year not so much. I think it can be so dependent on how someone trains, also. Flat is so much more repetitive and lately I have predominately been running so many hills & trails so I think I was actually under-trained for that course. :/


Oh I love that your watch shows the total average pace instead! I’m going to try that… you still get an idea of where you are at but not second by second. Way to go on your half yesterday and I hope you have a great hilly one coming up to get that PR on… you are strong! Have a beautiful day Aimee!


I am SO grateful you mentioned the “malfunction” with your bra/koala clip.
My clip is relatively new and I have just discovered that I have one sports bra
that doesn’t cooperate. I REALLY thought it was me!


You are not alone! It has worked perfect on every bra I’ve used except for this one! Have a beautiful day Bridgette!


I’m so happy you like the Indy Mini. This was my very first 1/2 marathon and I’ve run it several times since then!


It really is such an incredible race… I want to be back for more!! Have a beautiful day Colleen!


Yeah! I knew you would love Indy! Sorry about the rain but WELCOME TO THE MIDWEST! :) Awesome splits.


You are so incredibly speedy!! It’s really an inspiration. I’m glad you had a good trip.


It was so great meeting you at the expo! Sorry Indy didn’t give you better weather but it truly is an amazing race!


I LOVED MEETING YOU SO SO MUCH!!! Oh the rain actually felt pretty good (until I finished:)! Have a great evening LIsha!


So fun reading about the race and seeing your pictures! I was so sad to not be able to run it this year!!! I live in Lafayette, IN – which is super close. I’ve run this race 13 times. I love it. I’m glad you enjoyed it and had a great trip. :) Love your blog!!!


Oh thank you so so much Andria! You live in a gorgeous area! Let’s meet there next year (I want to keep coming back haha). 13 times… you are amazing! Keep in touch and have a fabulous day!


Great recap and well done in the race! I don’t get runner’s cough, but I do get hiccups after a hard or cold run!


Great job! Looks like such a fun weekend!

Does your koala clip get wet inside? I’ve been finding mine does and I was just curious. Slightly damp anyway.


Hmmm interesting! I’ve never really noticed but I’ll pay attention this next time if it does. Thanks Katie and I hope you have a fabulous night!

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