Sentence Per Picture!!

It’s official… I miss waking up in the morning and going straight for a run but I gotta let this body of mine get ready for Boston!

Just in case you need a pacifier, Skye will gladly share hers with you (until she wants it back 3 seconds later).

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Early morning bootcamp for me.  They had us do this stretch at the end and it felt so good…  I just wanted to hang out like this forever.

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Battle wounds from core day rug burns from all of the planks the day before… they look small but they feel 50 times that size when the water first hits them in the shower.

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She found the almond butter lid when I was making my post-workout smoothie and attacked it… We have a thing for almond butter over here.

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Breakfast burritos for lunch.

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His interview went really well and hopefully we will hear back soon to see if he got the job soon!

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Living her best life.

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My mom invited us to meet them at Chick-fil-a for dinner.

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This is officially the best sauce on the planet.

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And their ice cream is pretty great too.

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I sent my brother a joke about peeps (he loves them?!) and he responded back to me boooo along with this:

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Currently using the Brooks training plan for Boston:)

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Best life advice from Monica haha… I’ll remember this for myself.

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Have a sentence to share for today?!

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I’m not big on ice cream (I’m more of a froyo gal), but I LOVE Chick-fil-A ice cream. SO good.

Sentence for the day: Even when it feels like you’re constantly failing and not moving forward, you’re still farther along than you were before.

Have a great day, Janae!


They really do have the best ice cream. OH I LOVE THAT SENTENCE!! Thanks Natalie, you too!


I love your sentence Natalie!!


My multiple sentences of the day are: I love your brother and that quote he sent to you! I turned 40 in July and oh boy. I didn’t think I’d feel this old. ha! I can relate :)


You are just a few months apart with my sister:) . I hope you have a beautiful day Amanda!


When’s nap time??????????????


Hahaha I am totally feeling your sentence today too!! I hope you get some downtime or a nap at some point today Lee!


Good luck to your husband! I hope he gets the job! and good luck with Boston.
I love that quote from runeatrepeat – running keeps me nice!


Me too!! I bet my family is excited to have me running again;) . Thank you so so much Kristen!


oh my gosh… did Brookie get sprinkles on her chick fil a cone?????

Fingers crossed for Andrew! Have a great day!


She just asked for them! I hope your chick fil a has sprinkles too! Thanks Eleanor!


Chick-fil-A’s Key Lime Shake is delicious!!


AHHHHH I might have to go back today and get it! For some reason I thought they just had it in March?!


I had one last night!! Well, my daughter did and she had to pay Mom Tax. :)


I cannot believe you are running Boston so soon after your Ultra! Always amazing Janae :)

Make sure you smile when you run over the brickyard (a yard of bricks) at the Indy amino! The race photos are usually there.

Yuck to rug burns!
Yay to ice cream, popsicles, snow cones, anything cold now that spring is finally here!

Happy recovering!


I definitely will be smiling there… I cannot wait! I know, I’m so ready to put away the hot chocolate and take out all of the cold things. Thanks Tonya, I hope you have a great day!


Hoping to hear great news from Andrew’s job interview soon!
LOL at those quotes for the day.
“Don’t let anyone treat you like free salsa. You’re guac, baby gir. Guac!”
Happy Friday junior :)


BEST QUOTE!! I love that so much! Thanks so much Corey and have a fabulous day!


Good luck in Boston, I’ll be watching from Illinois and I’ll look for you!

Also, Skye with her pacifier made me wish my daughter loved hers. She gave hers up around 3 months voluntarily. I was fine with it then, one less thing to worry about keeping track of. But she’s hit the 18 month sleep regression and doesn’t sleep with blankets or pacifiers. And it’s been terrible! I wish she had a “safety” thing. She loves a little doll so we are putting that in bed with her and doing our best to function on very little sleep in our house!


OH NO!!! I am so sorry about the sleep regression stage you are going through right now… I really really really hope that it doesn’t last long! Keep me updated! Thanks Megan!


I am totally on the same level with Skye when it comes to almond butter!! Best smoothie addition. Curious, do you have a go to smoothie recipe you love?! Do you have a favourite protein powder? Thanks :) Hope you have a wonderful day!!


YES!!! I actually have my favorite smoothie recipe going up next Thursday! I don’t really use protein powder lately and have been using more natural sources for protein. Thanks so much and look for the recipe in one week. Have a beautiful day and enjoy some almond butter today Rachel:)


I haven’t tried the ice cream at Chick-fil-A, but that sauce really is the best!!
I’m in the 1st week of a 30 day core challenge, so far no ruh burns, but I’m sure they will come! Ha
Boston will be so fun! Can’t wait to hear all about it ?
Fingers crossed for Andrew!!


You must try their ice cream asap! Way to go on your core challenge… that is awesome. I’m cheering for you! Thanks so much Wendy and I hope you have had a great day so far!


Full disclosure…I have never had Chick fil a sauce.


I’m going to need to mail you some today! Have a wonderful day Barb!


Here is goes – I have never been to a Chick-fil-A. Ever. Sounds like I could be missing out. Not been there. Not had any food from there.


I need to send you a meal from there asap! You are definitely missing out:) . Have a fabulous day Michele!


Yay for naps! I’m definitely getting one in today! Sentence for today, after my workout, I didn’t die! Have a great day and hope Andrew hears back soon regarding his interview!


Enjoy your nap and way to go on your awesome workout today! Thank you Martha and we are keeping our fingers crossed:)


From a podcast with Courtney Dauwalter … Just keep moving. One foot in front of the other. That’s it. Speaking of CD – have you seen her short Documentary on YouTube called The Source? Very cool.
I love love love Chic Fil A and no one else in my house does! A couple weeks ago we had homemade fries and I was super excited to have found a sauce packet in my car to go with them. My family thought I was crazy to eat it since we didn’t know how old it was but I can’t pass up their Chic Fil A sauce. I tried making my own and it definitely wasn’t the same. Boo.
I like your brother’s sense of humor. I might just have to use that today. Or most days! Ha!
Have a great day!


JENNY… thank you so much for sharing the documentary, I cannot wait to watch it today! Love that quote from her. I really look up to her in a lot of ways. Hahaha I totally understand your excitement over finding the sauce for your homemade fries. Thanks so much Jenny!


Did you know they sell 8 ounce tubs of sauce!?! I pick one up every time I go. It’s only like 4 times a year, so I don’t have a huge problem. But if it were closer to my house, I definitely would need an intervention. You just have to ask for it, they keep it in the back!


Haha I could tell you plenty of stories of what goes on behind the scenes at Chick-fil-A… next week is my last week at my location. We set a new personal sales record last week which I think makes us the top location in Florida, at least right now. It’s a good job but I’ll be moving in a few weeks so it’s time to go!


You’ll have to tell me the behind the scene stories! So now you are off to Alaska?!?!


Yes! I leave in one month and will be gone for three months, and I’m currently trying to figure out what I’m doing after that! I have several very different options (an internship in Florida, an internship in Washington, a masters program in Indiana…) so it’s very hard to try to decide right now.
Basically it is always chaos behind the counter at Chick-fil-A… at least at my constantly busy store. I work nights and we often run out of lemonade, fries, ice cream, or other important things before the night is over!


Great to hear Andrew did so well! Looking forward to hearing more –

Your brothers quote is so so funny. Funny because true!

Sentence of the day I saw on IG from Shalane Flanagan:

“Everything you need is within you” – definitely thought it was worth a moment to think on that for awhile –

The sentence came alongside with a badass photo of the elite women at 2018 nyc marathon – :)

I have a favorite to share: Tierra sunglasses – someone recommended them, and after running with them, I’m a fan.

Run today: 6 miles commute along the bridge and east river to a doctors appointment (the sunrise over nyc is so pretty!) – where I proceeded to stretch, plank, wall sit, and do my ankle PT exercises while waiting in the waiting area. Lol. It was super early out here (7:45-8:15 so no one was around) – gotta take care of things!

Have a wonderful day


I saw that photo and quote too and it gave me all of the goosebumps and it made me want to get out and go for a run ha. I need to find some of those sunglasses! I love that you do run commutes. Way to get in those pt exercises too. Thank you so much, you too!


That’s my favorite stretch and I will stay there for a long long time. When I was single, my kids and I would go to chick-fil-a once a week and plan out big adventures for our lives. Now that I am no longer single I am getting to go on one of those adventures this summer!!!!!!!!!!!! So I will always have a special spot for chick-fil-a


Megan, your comment gave me goosebumps. I am so happy for you and your adventures up ahead. I kind of have a similar feeling for chick fil a because I used to go there all of the time with all of my other single mom friends too:) . Have a great day Megan and keep me updated on everything!


Peeps are amazing but I stopped eating them because of the sugar crash! Agh, I have my big race this weekend and I’m SO nervous–normally I train really well and feel prepared, but with being injured I have not been able to train as much . . . I know it will be fun no matter what and I’m trying to use your back-to-back ultra and marathon as inspiration!

So I think my sentence would be: Even when you’re scared, keep moving forward.


GO KRISTIN GO!! I hope that you have an amazing time out there and I’m so happy you are back after your injury! I LOVE that sentence. Please let me know how it goes! Have a wonderful day.


One sentence — GOOD LUCK, ANDREW! :)
… and don’t freak out if you go above 75 questions on the NCLEX. It’s not a curse if that happens. You’ll do great!


Thank you Stacey! And that is actually something he has been very worried about. Have a great day Stacey!


Hi Janae! I have a quick question on the Koala clip. If I sweat like a beast, does it REALLY keep the sweat out when it’s against your back?! And do you put keys in there too? Is it easy to take on and off if you want to switch songs or something? I’ve been using a FlipBelt but the idea of being free from it is really appealing. Thanks!


Hey Sara! I have never tried putting my keys in mine but I could on my next run on Saturday? I find it extremely easy to take on and off (I didn’t think it would be but it is). I always face the screen away from my back so the back of my phone gets a tiny bit of sweat on it when I have a really sweaty run. I never get sweat on the front of my run when I run with it facing the outside! Have a great day!


I got to run outside today with friends!!! This hasn’t happened since I tore some tendons on 2/15 so I was quite excited and I actually kept up with them! Yay!

Good luck, Andrew! Praying you guys hear something soon!


THE BEST… an outside run with friends! I am so so glad you are back girl. Thanks so much Marissa!


Chick-Fil-A sauce is the best and I’ll fight anyone who says differently. Sending good vibes to Andrew for his job!


BAHAHA that last quote is the best and soooo true for me! :) LOVE it! Good luck to Andrew on his job!! Surely he’ll get it!

Now I need Chick-Fil-A for dinner! :)

Have a great day, Janae!!


My sentence: Found out last night my husband and I are expecting after 3 years of trying and being told pregnancy is not something that would happen for us :)

Now, off to read your posts about running while pregnant!


I’m going to cry for you and I have the biggest goosebumps! Congratulation and please keep me updated on everything! Ahhhh so exciting!


Hey, what are the black running recovery sandals you have referenced before a few times? Wanted to get a pair but couldn’t find a post where you said which ones they were. Thanks!


Hey! Here they are… they are the best!!!


Thank you so much!

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