Tuesday Tangents… We are Not Normal.

That was rough.

My 8 x 5 minute workout yesterday felt harder than during marathon training last fall when I would do a workout that was 2 x 6 MILES at a faster pace than what I did yesterday.  BUT all that matters for this race is that the endurance is building up nicely and the intensity I felt during the workout yesterday will help me on race day.

13 miles total (on the treadmill <— maybe that was the problem;) with 8 x 5 minutes @ 7:03 pace (0% incline) with 1 minute recoveries.  It was done during Skye’s nap.  My niece was over playing with Brooke so Brooke was in heaven.  Brooke looks up to my nieces so much… they are practically sisters at this point.

Salad bar leftovers + a Costco cookie for lunch.  PS on Sunday night when we had this for our dinner my nephew said, “It’s a weird feeling when you are full from a salad” <—He is not used to salads that have more toppings than lettuce.

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Andrew was at the hospital yesterday and he is officially half-way done with his Capstone!

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For dinner we had Beef and Broccoli along with some homemade bread.

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I have some tangents to share today!

*I tried an experiment.  Skye was playing on the couch behind me and I told Brooke to come take a picture with me to see if Skye would follow her and join in too… and she did.

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*Not sure why she thought it would be more comfortable to nap with one arm out of her shirt but she made it happen.

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*This is my friend.  She is the neighbor’s cat and she has our back.  The other day a different neighbor said that he saw a huge rat on our driveway at around midnight… I have yet to see any other mice/rats because this cat patrols our yard often.  Thank you Whiskers… now if only he could take care of our raccoon problem;)

PS we need a new fence, Beretta could step over this one.

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*As part of my birthday present my mom gave me my favorite box of cereal and I even shared some of it with Brooke.  IT IS SO GOOD.

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*Another fan favorite from Costco lately… their edamame packs.

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*She is getting confident with her walking and taking steps more often.

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*Our poor children are growing up thinking that running in a blizzard/running for your birthday party/all of the weird running things we do = normal;)

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*And I think we are rubbing off on them…

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*Why ride your airplane/bike when you can just stand in the storage part for a while?

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*I came across a really old marathon finish picture and it made me excited for the next time we will see a finish line!

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*The one thing I will miss about winter… how easy it is to just throw a beanie on every day and just brush the ends of my hair:). I guess I will just make the transition to hats every day once it warms up because heaven forbid I just do my hair any day besides Sunday.

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*I’m trying something new… For the last 5ish years I’ve always gone to get gel nails but decided it was time for me to learn to do them myself.  I need some practice but I think they turned out pretty great.  It will be fun to change colors more often and do it while Skye is napping.  I got this LED light, this color and this base/top coat!

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Did you grow up with running/exercising parents?

Do you paint your nails?  

Which race that you have done had the best finish line?  Was it because of how you felt?  The crowds?  The set-up?

When you put dishes in the dishwasher do you rinse them first, wash them or stick them in without rinsing them?

-My family was discussing this on Sunday because we grew up watching my mom pretty much hand wash each dish and then stick them in the dishwasher… so what is normal?

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Your neighbor’s cat is beautiful! I am pretty sure it would be a girl kitty because it’s a tortoiseshell (but if it is a boy kitty and a tortoiseshell that is a 1/1000 kitty wow!).


LOL, I hopped on to reply the same, he’s a she! :-) Good Kitty!


Hahahah I definitely did not know this:) Now I will call it a her! Have a great day Amy and Victoria!


Your food ALWAYS looks SO GOOD!! I haven’t even had breakfast yet, and I already want a salad. Ha!

I love the finish at the Cowtown Marathon in Fort Worth, Texas. You round this curve, and then it’s a straight shot to the finish. I just remember each year when I did it seeing my sister and hearing my mom at the curve part, and then my dad and brother were right around the curve. I loved having them there at the finish for me, and it always made rounding that curve so exciting and special. :)

Please say prayers for me! I’m flying to Dallas this evening for two job interviews tomorrow that I’m really excited about!


I hope you get a great salad at some point today Natalie.
Ummm that race and having your people there to cheer for you = perfection.
GOOD LUCK TOMORROW! You’ve got this Natalie.. I’m cheering for you!


Your nails turned out great!! That color is really fun, reminds me of summer.

I grew up going running with my dad- he would bring us kids along to 5ks on the weekends and even though we couldn’t run the whole thing, he would walk/run with us. We almost always won our age groups because we were the youngest there! Definitely rubbed off on me because I still love waking up early on weekends for races or running with friends.


Oh thanks Mariah… I’m hoping the color inspires summer to show up soon. So so cool that you grew up running with your dad, I love it. I hope you have had a great day so far!


It makes me laugh out loud every time you talk about doing your hair on Sundays only… That is legit my life. My husband always says “why do you do that!?” ….. WELL when you have really long hair, and you know you’re just gonna workout again tomorrow… you don’t wanna waste all that time and product doing your hair unless you have something important, LIKE CHURCH :-) love it.


Hahahaha YES!!!!


Growing up my dad was really into running. He taught track and cross country at my high school for years. I ran all through school but wasn’t really that into it. I basically just did it because I wanted to be involved in something and that was the only thing I could do! Now I am 35 years old and I love to run. I wish I would have enjoyed it this much in high school because I feel like I would tried a lot harder.

My dad continued to run and bike throughout his early seventies, but sadly passed away a few years ago from cancer ?. He never got to see me enjoy running but I talk to him sometimes on my long runs and like to feel like he’s cheering me on from heaven!


I am so sorry you lost your father and reading about how you talk to him on your long runs made my eyes tear up. I am positive he is cheering you on from heaven. My grandpa was a huge runner (he even had state records!) and I feel him there cheering me on at races and on the really hard workouts.
Your dad is so proud of you in every way.


I just started doing my own gel nails as well! I live 2 hours from a good nail salon and have saved so much money\time already! And thanks to Amazon you can get all the supplies you need quick!!


Awesome!!! Send me links to favorite colors that you find:) I asked myself yesterday why I didn’t start doing this sooner! Have a great day Lisa.


My parents did not exercise at all when I was growing up. So it’s funny that I even ended up running. I remember about middle school going down to the very small park behind my mom’s house and kinda running up and down the trail listening to the radio on my Walkman. There was just something about running I liked. Now with 2 kids of my own, I often think about how different it is for them to grow up seeing mom & dad run.

I paint my nails – $.99 Wet & Wild nail polish all the way. Lasts me about 5 days before it starts to chip.


Okay, your story gave me goosebumps (yes, I’m weird…). I love that you just went out on your own with your Walkman and started running just for the love of it. Have a wonderful day with your two kids and husband!


From whenever my sister and I were old enough to be home alone for a length of time, my parents road 50 miles on their bikes every Saturday morning. My sister and I thought it was great because we made breakfasts for ourselves and watched tv.


I bet Saturday morning was the absolute best for you two! PS I don’t know a lot about your sister… I need to hear more! Have a wonderful day Erica!


Speaking of wild animals? Do you have skunks in Utah? I woke up one night last week to the most awful smell of skunk .. there was one wandering around our fences yard and it must’ve been right under my window. Yuck ?


AMY…. that sounds TERRIBLE. I am so so sorry and I hope that never happens again. I saw one on a run one time (not that far from me) and I am pretty sure my heart started beating 200 beats per minute. That smell!


we should rinse before putting them in the dishwasher but often don’t… that’s why the dishwasher gets stuck all the time


Oh I hate it when our dishwasher gets stuck! I hope you are having a great day Nina!


You honestly never know how a treadmill run will go…sometimes mine are great and the time flies by like nothing! Other times, I dread every minute on that thing.
My parents were very active (well, my mom and stepdad, who I spend the most time with, so I count them as my parents) – never into running but we were always going on walks/hikes, biking, etc. I can also remember doing workout videos with my mom when I was younger! I’m sure I wasn’t very good but we still had fun.
I leave nail painting to the professionals :)
I always rinse my dishes before I load them in the dishwasher – sometimes there’s certain things I have to do a basic scrubbing on but I try not to wash them completely and then load them.
I hope the rest of your training this week goes well! :)


Hahah I am right there with you about the treadmill. I think I need to leave my feet to the professionals too (#runnersfeet). Thanks so much Rhiannon and I loved hearing about the things you did with your mom and stepdad, they sound great! Have a wonderful day.


I didn’t grow up with running parents but my older sisters ran track and cross country so I guess I saw them do it and that got me started.
I have to wash off every dish before going in the dishwasher because my dishwasher doesn’t clean off dishes very well.


I picked up a lot of habits from my older sis too! I hope your Tuesday is a great one Mary!


I paint my nails myself but just with regular polish. They are usually only polish-free for a couple of days when I change colors. And it might be fair to say I have more colors than I need. Maybe. (Definitely.)

We always rinse the dishes – I’ve found dishwasher filters work better and last longer if they don’t have to deal with chunks of food and dried on residue. But we try for just a quick rinse, maybe with a scrape of a fork for sticky stuff, right after dinner so it doesn’t shift over to handwashing. And since we usually run the dishwasher every two days, it helps with smelliness, too.


You can never have too many different colors to choose from. That is so true about how it helps the filters to last longer if we rinse the dishes first. I hope you have had a really great day so far!


My dad is a runner and was definitely my inspiration to start running!
I used to get gel nails, then tried what you’re doing now and was super awful at it! Haha yours look way better! Now I get the dip done and love it! It lasts 3-4 weeks and doesn’t ruin my nails.
I ran my first half marathon last May, and it was awesome! It was the Indianapolis Mini Marathon. It’s an amazing event all around and was obviously awesome because it was my first one.
I rinse my dishes hardcore before putting them in the dishwasher because I hate it when they’re still dirty after I run it.


Well now I have to look at what the dip is you are talking about, that sounds awesome! There is a chance I might be doing that race at some point! CONGRATS on your first half last year Miriam and I love that your dad inspired you!


Is that foam rollar that Brooke has from the Halloween race we did a couple of years ago? I still have mine and it’s actually one of my favorite foam rollars Lol.


IT SURE IS hahaha… that was so much fun. COME BACK!


My family was always very active growing up. We were always hiking or doing something outside!

Since I wash my hands all day at work the only nail polish that stays on is the gel. Your nails turned out great! I might have to look into that…

And guilty of just sticking dishes right into the dishwasher without rinsing… drives my husband crazy ha.


I love that your family was so active…that is awesome Melissa! Yes, try it yourself! In the long run it is going to save me so much money which will probably go towards buying more colors ha. Isn’t it funny how little differences like that drive the other person in the relationship nuts. Have a great day Melissa.


My parents did not exercise at all. I ended up running track and cross country because all my friends did. Is it weird that I get a really happy feeling when I drive by my old track or the park where we had cross country meets? :)
My nails are always painted…I’ve been getting dip nails. My toes too! I feel like a pedicure is a necessity for runners. Great job on your gel nails! Maybe I should try that too. I get tired of the same color after 5-7 days.
The best finish lines are the ones with big crowds and lots of cheering. It’s really great when someone can read your name on your bib and call out your name.
Skye will be running before you know it!
I’m so glad you have a kitty helper! I like cats but H is allergic, so we really enjoy the neighbor’s cat when she comes over to our yard to visit.


That is not weird at all… I love that! I need to learn more about the dip nails. I think a pedicure will still be necessary for these feet of mine;) . I think that will be a problem for me now that I’m doing my own nails, I’ll have a new color every week ha. I hear you on the big crowds at the end of a race, the best. Hope you are having a great Tuesday so far Elizabeth!


I alternate between polishing with regular polish and my Jamberry shellac system. :)
My parents were not active and I think that partly inspired how active I am now (ok, that and a few friends and an ex who were training for a half and a triathalon 11 years ago!)
Best finish line was the Valentine’s 5k because there was so much chocolate in the post race food tables and also ever finisher got to take home a chocolate bar.


I need to come do that race next year… that is my dream race! Have a great day April!


I had my nails done yesterday. I only get them done about twice a year. I am not sure if I would be able to take care of my cuticles the way they do at the salon. I don’t know if I could use the cuticle “scissors” with my left hand.
Not that you need this comment but you did a really great job on your nails.


I APPRECIATE your comment a lot Megan! That is what I’m worried about with doing it at home too… the SCISSORS. That is stressful ha. I hope you are having a great day so far!


I did not grow up with athletic parents, unless you count their weekly bowling!
No nail polish on my fingers here. I’m a baker.
We just put the dishes in, and they are fine. Anything super stuck we just hand wash.
Favourite finish line = Cabot Trail Relay Race!! It’s crazy fun and an amazing atmosphere and crowd. I’m doing it for the 13th time this year. Only 4 more legs to go and I will have done the whole thing.


I looked up the Cabot Trail Relay Race and WOW… it looks gorgeous! I want to come join you one year:) . 13th time this year–> That is amazing. Have a great rest of your day Julia!


I always have painted nails and I paint them myself. I love OPI colors and quality of polish. I don’t really have great hair or clear skin (psoriasis) so having painted nails makes me feel pretty and put together. I always paint them on Sunday late evening right before bed that way I’m ready for a week of work/life. When I lift weights or walk/run on the treadmill I love to look at them and feel feminine.

My folks didn’t exercise at all while I was growing up. My mom stayed thin most of her adult life but having her fifth child in her early 40’s took a toll on her body and she gradually put on weight. She tells me what a good job I’m going to stay in shape and eat healthy and that gives me motivation. My 13 yo daughter copies me with exercise and I love it. She tells me its her turn on the treadmill and likes to use my small 3 lb weight to do some core strength.


OPI really does offer the prettiest colors! You are an incredible example to your daughter! Hope you are having a great day Betsy!


I do my gel nails at home too. Love it so much. Best switch I ever made. Took some trial and error for me, but can’t imagine any other way now. Good luck and have fun !


Oh thanks Michele! Send me the great colors that you find:) . Have a wonderful day!


my parents did not exercise really, maybe my dad did? but i dont really remember it as a kid. I know he was running when I was in college and that made me think i should try it

I can’t wait to see how you like doing gel yourself! and how long it lasts this way! I get mine done probably 9-10 months out of 12 ;) haha but I’m trying to do my nails myself more often now so I can buy things I actually need with that $45! (i broke my headphones 2 months ago and haven’t bought new ones yet but my nails are painted.. problem)

hmm my last race was Disney World in Jan and I loved that finish partially because I just couldn’t run a single step further and was dying to get there. I also liked how long the lead out was, because I need a lot of space to cool down after, and you walk for a while down the trail before you get spit out the other side. They also had ice cold cooling towels which were amazing. and they have professional photographers after the finish for when you catch your breath and are ready for a pic with your metal. Seriously you need to do Disney World next year!!! its amazing.


Hahaha I totally get what you are saying… some things are worth putting off buying when you love paying for something else to be done. Priorities! Good luck finding new headphones. Okay, your Disney race sounds incredible… I have to come!


Ha!!! My dishes might be more clean when they go in than when they come out. i.e. I fully wash before going in. This is definitely a hold over from my mother .. :)


Hahaha yep… I’m right there with you Amanda! Our moms rubbed off on us:) . I hope you are having a wonderful day!


Such exciting times for Andrew! When he finishes his capstone will he then graduate and be able to get a job as an RN?

When I was growing up my dad would get up at 4:30 every morning and run or bike for an hour before getting ready for work. It was totally normal to me until probably middle school age when I realized other kids dads didn’t do that.

I normally don’t paint my nails or get them done. When I was in high school and early college years I had acrylic nails! I’ve gotten the gel nails before but it’s such a pain getting them off. Every time you go do you have to get them soaked in the remover to get the color off?

I wash my dishes quite a bit before they go in the dishwasher. Everything gets rinsed really well and if something is stuck on I will scrub it.

I can’t believe how big Skye is getting and now she’s walking! She’s going to be talking before we know it!! :-)


Yes, he will be getting a job as an RN. From there he will start working on a masters and then NP school so we still have a few years of school up ahead but those programs can be done while he works. Haha isn’t it funny how we just assume what our parents do = normal! Yep, every time I go they have to soak them off… I’m wondering how hard that is going to be doing it myself ha. Have a wonderful day Torrie!


Ha! I read all the Calvin and Hobbes growing up but that strip resonates a lot more with me as an adult! Plain oatmeal will never be normal, though. :-)

I used to never do my nails because it took too long . . . and then I became an adult, started working full-time, and I do them usually every other week. I think it’s a stress relief thing/forces me to relax while they dry. I don’t do my own gel manicures; just normal ones! Yours look great.


I agree with you about the plain oatmeal… ummm no. I agree with you, yesterday it felt nice to just sit and not focus on anything else (Skye was snoozing ha). Have a great rest of your day Kristin!


My dad played softball and ran when I was little, then he picked up tennis (and he still plays doubles a few days a week at age 80). Mom did a little aerobics, a little tennis, but she didn’t really love either.
I don’t paint my nails; it seems to dry them out and make them brittle.
The Marine Corps Marathon with the finish at the Iwo Jima Memorial was the best for me. Very powerful to run up a very steep (but thankfully rather short) hill and see the monument, then get a medal and salute from a marine.
I scrape and rinse before loading dishes.


SO so so cool that your dad is still playing tennis at age 80! I love that.
Marine Corps is on my bucket list… sounds absolutely amazing!


Hi!! I haven’t been here in such a long time!! Congrats on the growing family <3 I have 2 kids now too and I actually wanted to see if you have/had double jogging strollers and if you recommend one…. My youngest is 10 months old and i'm itching to start jogging again but my 3 year old wants to ride in a stroller, so I need to get a double.


Hey Rona! Thanks so much for stopping by and congrats on your two kids! I still use my single jogging stroller (when it is warm enough) from when Brooke was a baby BUT I am sure I will need a double in the future. Let me know if you find a great one:) . Good luck and have a wonderful day!


My parents were reasonable active when we are growing up, and we were put into every sport imaginable. They took us skiing and then put us both in gymnastics and ice skating (I am pretty sure I was convinced as a child I would be an olympian figure skater haha).

I rinse the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, otherwise the dishes get baked on!

Best finish line was at Squamish 50 (Gary Robbin’s directs those races) and every finisher from first to last gets a finish line hug. I swear that is why his races sell out every year and people keep coming back.

I love doing my nails – I like gels and usually get them done at the salon – I haven’t yet learned how to do gel myself! Yours looked like they turned out well though. I am afraid to do gel by myself but will put regular polish myself on hands Have an awesome day Janae!


Oh I would love to take our kids skiing and I love what you said about your ice skating:) . A FINISH LINE HUG–> I need to come do this race. I was afraid too ha! I hope the rest of your Tuesday is a great one Kristine!


I do love to have my nails painted and am to frugal to have them done. That said, the normal polish seems to chip so quickly I don’t paint them very often.
So question – does the gel polish seem hard on your nails? Meaning does it thin them?
Is it hard to remove?
Sorry for the question.


NEVER apologize for questions… I ask you gusy questions every day ha. My nails do seem to be a bit thinner than normal but that is after 5 years of having gel nails ha. But yes, they definitely aren’t as strong as normal but since I always have gel on them, I don’t notice. I haven’t removed them on my own yet but in about 2-3 weeks I’ll try it and let you know! That’s my problem with normal polish, it chips so fast (especially with all of the dishes I do ha) and that is why I love gel nails. Have a wonderful rest of your day Shannon.


Tell Andrew good luck with his capstone! Your nails look professionally done, well done you.

Great job getting all 13 miles done on the treadmill, that is no small task. I hope your peak week is going well!!!


Oh thanks so much Beth for the encouragement! I hope you are having a wonderful day:)


I was taught to always hand-wash a dish before sticking it in the dishwasher as well. I really only use the machine as a an extra washing.


That’s how we are too!


Our dishwasher is super lazy, all gets rinsed and scrubbed if needed and then put in there. We need a new one but I too am too lazy to look up reviews to replace it. Actually the way or house works is something always goes wrong. If we take that dishwasher out I am fearful we will find out it is literally holding up the kitchen!!!


Oh that would be terrible if that happened! Crossing my fingers it starts doing it’s job better:) . Good luck Carrie!


I’d love to hear how easy the home manicure is to get off yourself! They look great!


That’s what I’m wondering too haha…. My friends say it is pretty easy but I’ll let you know when I try it! Thanks and have a great day:)


Lol. Kinda random but my almost 15 mo old has that same airplane and I had no idea there was storage in the seat!!!


Bahaha you are welcome for showing you another benefit to the airplane;) . Have a wonderful day Heidi!


Growing up, my dad had a laborious job so exercising happened innately and my mom never really set out to exercise, she just made it a part of her life. For instance, she would always park far away and then walk and she worked in our yard often.

I think St. George had the best finish line for me. I was so shocked that I was even able to run because I had fractured my foot in July and I just knew I wouldn’t be able to do it so the whole race was just a blessing and I was so proud of myself for crossing that finish line (even though it’s my slowest race time!)

I rinse off everything I put in the dishwasher because otherwise the food clogs up the drain in the bottom of the dishwasher. If I’m running it right away, I don’t rinse it off quite as well though.

I gave up getting gel on my nails when we got two goldendoodles because they need haircuts every 2 months or so and I figured it would balance out the cost if I gave up my gels. Ha! They are more than worth it though!


YES YES YES to the St George finish line:) . I am amazed that you were able to do it after the foot fracture just a few months before, you are amazing! Brooke has been trying to convince us we need a goldendoodle (to be Beretta’s friend:) and she is starting to have some really great points about it all. Have a wonderful day Marissa!


oh did I ever grow up with athletic parents. Whew! When I was really little my parents did backpacking and canoeing. When we moved to Eugene, my mom took up running (naturally, tracktown!) and over the course of a few years she became a competitive masters runner. She went on to BQ multiple times, won several AG. Weekends were spent going to races. My brother joined in and did HS XC and track, ran races and marathons. My dad and I got so bored hearing them talk about running so we did our own thing and started running together. He also did a few marathons. As a family we also bike toured and my dad did some bike racing. I was the last one in the family to run a marathon and my first two marathons were in an Ironman. My mom talked me into training and running a marathon (it was my first stand alone marathon and third one total) when she was 61 and she BQ’d! It was exciting but stressful to get her time. My 4th kiddo was 7 months old so training for that was interesting and a blast! My brother and I run together whenever he visits Europe or we go back to USA. My mom often joins us (she’s 73!!!) for a bit and my dad will ride his bike or “crew” our long endeavors.

My own children play team sports. sigh.

Best finish line was Ironman (the voice of Ironman plus the excitement!) and Berlin Marathon-they played music and the corral was so long and loud and festive. I may have cried. The song I finished to was “Love is in the air.”

Rinse dishes.


You will have to update us on the at home gel! I’m interested!


Omg I had to comment because I feel so strongly about how I load my dishes haha. I absolutely must clean off every bit of food before they go through the dishwasher. To the point that I will sometimes remove the dishes my husband loads and clean them off a bit more ?

No one in my family runs/works out and none of my friends are runners. I just really wanted to do it and ended up loving it! Thank goodness for the internet so I can at least read about how other runners do it!


I will never give up getting my nails done by a professional. I always feel so much more put together when I have my nails done and I have a great nail tech that I would hate to take away her profession from. Honestly when I hear people stopping getting their nails done I ask how they would feel is people stopped going to their place of work and instead did it at home because of frugality? Would you like to be without a job? I know I wouldn’t. So I just ask that you keep that in mind. :)

I think my favorite race finish line was at the conclusion of the St. Jude Marathon in Memphis. I was so glad to be done with that race that it didn’t matter what it looked like. I had just run a marathon!


My dad has always exercised. In fact, he is the one who got me into running. I started running in college and would go run with him for fun and we would do races together. Seriously some of my most favorite memories.

Rinse them first. And basically if anyone else puts dishes in the dishwasher they get rearranged by me. I am slightly particular with how they are arranged.

I wish I painted my nails. I love the look, but I hate how it chips off so soon. Will you practice doing gel nails on me? I will pay you, plus it will give me an excuse to come hang out :)

Doing hair…and make up, for that matter… it’s overrated. It’s right up there with getting dressed for the day. HA!


I use Color Street nail polish strips! Super easy to apply, 100% nail polish that is 95% dry! You can even change Skye’s diaper in the middle of doing your nails! Just use nail polish remover to take them off. And they last up to 14 days. Check them out here: https://www.colorstreet.com/kmb1972
And I use Sally Hansen cuticle remover. I save so much time and money!

Once again thanks for sharing your life and family with us! I look forward to reading everyday! You and Andrew are going to do great at your ultra! ?


Do you know where to get that cereal online? Can’t find it anywhere and sadly no Costco near me!


I started following your blog to kick start some motivation for training again (Grandmas Marathon in June) – I love your posts, thank you for posting about all the day to day things! It may seem small, but when your training and also a mom and working- that small stuff becomes important :)


I use to paint my nails every week but since having kids I hardly ever paint them. I really should try to make time for it.

I am the dishwasher since we don’t have one so I rinse them before I wash them :)


That is so true and funny about kids only seeing what their parents do. When my 3yo was staying with my parents a couple of weeks ago, my mom said she was about to get in the shower and my daughter asked “Are you finished exercising, Nana?” Ha! My husband and I work out every morning, so pretty much whenever she sees us get in the shower it is when we are sweaty!

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