Silentish Saturday 18 Miler + Date Night Edition.

Well, that run was fun and quite the confidence builder for me.

The day started off getting Brooke and Knox to school and once they left, I started my run.

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I ran for a little over an hour and met Andrew at my mom’s house.  On my way there I climbed any hills that I saw and listened to the Cold podcast (seriously, one of the creepiest stories I’ve ever heard).

We put Skye down for a nap at my parents’ house and then we started our run together.  I’m the biggest fan of PB & J during my runs now.  They taste good, they are easy to bring along and they digest well.

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IT WAS 34 DEGREES which felt like heaven.  It was weird to be running outside without a coat.

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I would like to personally thank the truck that drove on the trails to give us a nice little path to run on the whole time.

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I finished at my parents’ house and then Andrew went out and finished up his 18 miles.  This training takes a lot of planning with little ones!

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Andrew got in some calories with pb pretzels before he headed back towards our house… one of the many many joys of living close to my parents:)

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I changed clothes and once Skye woke up we left to meet my friends at lunch.  Skye threw two large salad dressings all over the restaurant (that was fun to clean-up) and played with my friends.

Peek-a-boo is her biggest passion currently.

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Andrew finished his run then I picked up the Brookers a bit later and we hung out at home for a while.

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We got to have my sister’s kids over to play and then our kids went to her house for a date night.

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My favorite post long-run meal.

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Followed by walking around the mall for a while.

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Have a wonderful weekend!


Tell me 3 things that you have going on today!!!

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So much snow!

3 things: work, pizza date night, action movie night!


Sounds perfect… and now I NEED some pizza. Enjoy!


You are brave running in the snow. I would fall flat on my face. I hope you enjoyed date night!
Three things: 9 mile run, a friend’s surprise 40th birthday party, and snow. Tomorrow is a treadmill day for sure! Have a great weekend!


Hahahaha some days I do fall flat on my face:) . Your day sounds wonderful… thanks Lee, you too!


Andrew is wearing pants!


He said he wanted to dress up for our date;) . Have an awesome Saturday Karla!


Having my baby shower today. A snow storm. And some sleep.


HAVE THE BEST TIME AT YOUR BABY SHOWER… I’m so happy for you! Enjoy that sleep:)


I love how you say “got to” when you talk about having kids over – like “we get to have Knox for this week” or “we got to have my sisters kids over” it’s such a nice way to say it and express how much you enjoy them and that it’s a privelige to have them over rather than an obligation !! 18 miles —> janae and Andrew you guys are seriously AMAZING!! Do you realize how far that is?! It probably seems normal to you by now but that is Insane!!! Pat yourself on the back x 10 for me please…today I am 1) working 2) hanging with my parents who are at my house for the weekend 3) hopefully having my SIL and her little baby over for dinner! Have a great Saturday :)


Oh thanks Andrea… I seriously love having a bunch of people over, it feels so good to be together. We just patted ourselves on the back, you are the nicest! I hope work goes well and that you have an awesome time with your parent, SIL and the little one. Thank you, you too!


I actually just thought that too when I read this post today (how you say, we get to have the kids), it really is true and such a great way of looking at it!


Good job on 18 miles! That’s awesome. You and your sister have beautiful children. Your sister’s one son with that big smile makes me smile each time I see him. That smile is contagious!


Oh thank you Christine! I agree… his smile covers his entire face! Have a wonderful weekend.


I am visiting California for a few days, I live in Iowa so the warm weather and lack of snow is a pleasant change! My mom and I traveled out here to celebrate my uncles 50th birthday. Three things: getting another run in the awesome scenery, getting ready for my uncles party, and seeing friends and family.


Oh enjoy that sunshine and warmth, that sounds heavenly right now. Have a blast with your mom and at your uncles 50th birthday! Thanks Tara.


34 degrees still sounds pretty cold to me…but you inspired me and I may be brave enough to layer up and run outside today. I’m so tired of the treadmill.

I think there are other random chores we will be getting done today.


I HOPE YOU GOT OUTSIDE TODAY… it isn’t too bad out. Have a wonderful day!


Spin class (do you ever use your bike anymore?)
Tennis lessons for one of my kids
And no current 3rd thing

PB petzels are the bomb. Andrew has great taste!


Hey Brenda! I haven’t for a few months but Andrew still uses it! I MISS SPIN CLASSES. Have a beautiful day and get some of those PB pretzels!


The snowy trail looks so beautiful and peaceful! I would love to come run there ?
Great job you guys, getting in your long runs!
I have an 8 miler today, and a 17 miler tomorrow! We’re getting a rain storm, yay, so I may end up running in some rain, but that’s ok! Running in weather always makes me feel tougher!
Today is going to be pretty low key after my run. But that sounds good to me!
Enjoy your Saturday!!


Good luck on your 17 miler tomorrow… you are going to do amazing! Enjoy splashing through some puddles:) . COME RUN HERE WITH US, I would love that. Thank you Wendy, you too!


My 11year old and I got up at 5:30 am to head out to a swim meet. Even though we were here crazy early, all seats were taken!! She of course is with the team but it’s a long morning. Hoping to head home and both of us will crash! I can not wait to see her in her last event of the day, her best event and she has a PR every time.


Got up at 5:30 and still didn’t get any seats…. no!!! I’m cheering for her in her best event, so exciting!


Three things: shoveling the driveway as we got about eight inches of snow ( my hubby is out of town and this is usually his job ?) making sugar cookies and cleaning the bathrooms. I hope you guys have an awesome Saturday Janae!


How do you keep snow out of your sneaks? My toes totally freeze running in snow, even tire-tracks-packed :)
My three goals for this weekend: today 7 mi. run, Sunday morning Outrigger paddle, and cook turkey muffins for my dog, among other misc. not fun things (cleaning, homework (Accounting!), bathe said dog LOL)
Have a great weekend!


1) nails done 2) hoping for an afternoon long run but need a little more melting to make it outside 3) date night


1. Trip to the coffee shop to get some writing done
2. Skype date tonight with my best friend!
3. Going for a walk in the SNOW we are supposed to get . . . I’m really hoping it comes!

I’m curious–do you find yourself eating a lot differently/a lot more with ultra training? Do you feel like your body is changing with all the long runs? I’m so intrigued by how you do 18-milers like it’s no big deal!


Enjoy the new snow and I hope you get the perfect amount of it:) That is a great question! I find I am a lot hungrier than ever after the double long runs. I’m running a lot slower than I do for marathon training so my body is handling them easier I think. I think I am just getting different muscles… less speed muscle and way more hill muscles! I will write a post about this and talk more about it. Thanks Kristin, have a wonderful day.


I’m jealous of your long run!! I miss them haha. My PT says I can’t do any double digit miles until February and I can’t run two days in a row. I can’t wait to do a good long run again! Hope you enjoy some good recovery.

Today I ran about 8 miles, the rest of my day is just laundry and work tonight. Have a good Saturday!


I was thinking your ankles looked cold in that first picture, but sounds like the temperatures were great! That is so nice you have a strong support system with your parents and sisters. I bet the kids look forward to those “kids play nights” with their cousins. It’s the best of both worlds! Good job on getting that long run done. My training plan just started so I’m only up to 8 miles as a “long run”, but I’m hoping I don’t get bored when I get way up into those double digits again. I don’t have those beautiful mountains to run in :)


Just LOVE that first picture of you running! You look strong and bad-ass and it reminds me of a picture that hung in a tiny Costa Rican cafe near where I did my undergraduate thesis research. The cafe was filled with pictures of these scantily-clad women and then there was this ONE picture of a woman in normal running clothes running along a snowy road with mountains in the background. She looked strong and awesome and I ALWAYS sat at that table while I waited for the bus! Anyhow, thanks for the memory. It’s fun to watch your training progress.

Our day started with plans to go area-skiing, turned around because of traffic, then went on a back-country ski tour instead. It was lovely to be out in the quite, snow-filled forest!


Utah is gorgeous! I did a quick run with my dog before a birthday dinner tonight, then a piano bar. Have a lovely weekend!


Three things…

1) Started a Facebook page for my business which was more nerve-wracking than expected.
2) We set up a “build your own burrito” bar for dinner and the kids (3&9) loved it! Such a mom win!
3) Ran at the gym and watched Solo on Netflix.


Congratulations on your long runs! Random question, have you watched a million little things? I was at my sister’s today/Sunday. ( catching up on hrg now ?). that was fun. she lives about 25 minutes from me. She is 7 years older and we are closer now than ever. She is as obsessed with television as I am and she suggested that show to me. She usually knows what I like. I haven’t watched it. I was afraid of a little too mushy. But she said there are lots of fun twists. I am going to try it.

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