Friday Favorites, So Much Has Changed & Butter!

8 miles @ 8:30 average pace (my legs are adjusting to trail running and they were tired big time from yesterday).  I came home to Brooke feeling much better and Knox ready to go on his field trip.

During the run I listened to this podcast with Bart Yasso and I absolutely loved it.  There were a few stories he shared that made me cry (which is dangerous this time of year because it is so cold;) and so grateful for our awesome running community.  He also talked about how much has changed over the years.  He said that women used to only be about 5-8% of the people in races and now they are many times more than half of the participants in a race.  GO WOMEN GO!!!  He also talked about how people used to register for Boston the day before the race at the expo… yeah, quite different than now.

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The feelings that Skye has if she finds a remote control is similar to how we would feel if we found a $100 bill.  She has a bunch of great toys but the things she isn’t supposed to play with will always be her favorites.

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Andrew joined Knox on his field trip and they had a blast together.

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My favorite salad right now for lunch.

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The Ugly Sweater Levitate 2s arrived from Brooks.  Best package ever.  I’m all ready for Christmas now!

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Quite the exciting afternoon of going through and choosing which Lego creation we would choose if we could choose any while snacking on trail mix.

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Followed by spending some time outside.

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Wrestling practice and a night out with my friends ended the day off great!


I’ve got some favorite things to share today (affiliate links included)!

*I went up to Lululemon to get these amazing earwarmers —> they keep my ears so toasty the entire run.  I absolutely love them… even though I had it on upside down in the picture below;).

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*I walked out of Lululemon with something extra that I wasn’t planning on.  I told myself, I’ll just try them on for fun and then once they were on me I had to get them.  They feel like butter on my legs.  Welcome to my winter wardrobe.  Ready to Rulu Pant.  The softest pants I’ve ever had on.

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*A friend told me to put a tiny amount of hand sanitizer on a zit to help it disappear and I tried it.  And it worked.  Or at least in my head it disappeared faster than they usually do but either way it was awesome.

*Megan D brought over the most amazing caramel brownies on the planet.  I had to share her recipe (also, it is egg free too ((I need to make them for my dad)):

Mix together 1 box devils food cake mix, 1 stick of butter and 1/2 can sweetened condensed milk. Press 2/3 of mixture to the bottom of a 9x 13 pan. Bake at 350 for 8min. While that is baking, in a saucepan over medium heat, melt 50 caramels with the other 1/2 can of sweetened condensed milk. Stir often so it doesn’t burn and melt until smooth. Pour over brownies once they are out of the oven. Sprinkle with 1 cup chocolate chips. Crumble the rest of the brownie batter on top of the chocolate chips and caramel and bake for another 11min. Let cool completely before you serve. Or not….like tonight…and let it be a gooey mess.

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*This is Skye’s current favorite book.  I had it on my IG story the other day and a ton of people asked about the book so I’ll share it here too… you can get it HERE and it is perfect for Skye’s age.

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*I’d like to take a second to thank one of my mentors for this last marathon, Deena Kastor;)  Reading her book really helped me to change some things going on in my brain (self-doubt) and that changed my race day big time.  Love this little video:

*I might be 100 years behind on the technology timeline but I just figured out yesterday that I can copy something on my phone and then click paste on my computer and it pastes what I copied on my phone… and vice versa from my computer to my phone (both Apple products).  I have emailed myself 10,938 times over the years trying to get stuff from one device to another and this has changed my life.  PS I showed it to Andrew and he didn’t know you could do this either so maybe we are both just behind ha.

*Zara Babies.  I want to buy every single item they offer for Skye.

*32.  How did I not know this?!?!

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Send in the amazing things you are doing to [email protected].  I love these so so much.


Stacey!!!  “This is kinda silly but i’m very proud of myself. I ran the Chicago Marathon in 2016 and have been running collectively for 7-8 years but in reality, i’m not a ‘great’ runner. I ALWAYS have to walk. The last time I ran 2 miles w/o stopping for a walk break was during the tail end of my Chicago training and it was at a very slow pace but I finally accomplished it….but haven’t done it since! Well, both on last Friday AND last night during my 30 minute runs (i’m doing the @RunEatRepeat Pile on the Miles November challenge) I ran 2.5 miles in my 30 minutes WITHOUT WALKING ONCE. I was over the moon excited on Friday and then I did it again last night! Granted, i’m only running 4.5 mph on the treadmill, so more of a jog, but I DID IT! I kept telling myself “get comfortable with being uncomfortable” and just was determined to do it! And I did! Just wanted to share!”


ALI!!!  “Hi! My birthday was on Sunday (Nov 11), and I had originally signed up to run a marathon that day – but due to time and other circumstances I couldn’t commit, and to avoid risking injury or completing not running the race, I dropped down to the half. Because of that, I told myself I had to PR in this race! And I did it – 5 minute PR!! It felt so, so great and I just kept telling myself to leave it all out on the race route like you did for your sub-3 hour marathon – I knew I’d be hurting and have the thoughts of wanting to give up or give into the pain, but I pushed through and so glad that I did! Now it’s on to the next one and dropping that time by another 5 minutes! :)


Joanna!!!  “I ran my first competitive (as in, fully recovered from birthing my second son) half marathon on October 14. Gunning for a PR, I took the 1:40 pace band. The weather ended up cold and raining and it poured on us at mile 5-6. We ended up having to run through some ankle deep puddles, filling my shoes with water, and made my feet feel like they weighed 10lb each. I ended with a 1:38:07! I was really pleased with how it went despite the weather and it made me want to see what I could do with the right conditions.

I was signed up for the Good Life Halfsy in Lincoln, NE on October, 28th. I knew I had done a 1:38, so at the expo I grabbed a 1:40 and 1:35 pace band. The next morning I decided to go for it, put on the 1:35 pace band…and realized my Garmin was dead, whomp, whomp. I ended up running based on elapsed time and finished in 1:35:44! It was a tough race mentally but I kept thinking about all the positive things you talk about, Janae, and I made it with a pretty huge PR :)”
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Jody!!! “I’ve been looking forward to emailing you for months! I just ran the St Augustine Half Marathon which was my first race since my emergency c section 6 months ago. My mantra the entire race was “to finish is to win” which I had to repeat over and over again as my quads were crying after a tough up and back on a bridge. I didn’t finish quite as fast as I wanted to BUT I finished and I’ve already signed up for a 15k and I found another half to do in the spring. I’m itching to do a full. The best thing about crossing the finish line (other than being done) was seeing my son who had on a onesie that said “brave and strong like Mom.” Also, note to self, wear waterproof mascara next time.”



Ashley!!!  “I have been following your blog for years and am so excited to share a running accomplishment. I have been running and racing for many years, my favorite distance being the half marathon. A few years ago I finally got my husband to start running and racing with me and he caught the bug too. We both ran and finished our first marathon on 10 Nov 18 at the Chickamauga Battlefield in GA. It was such a rush and I’m so glad I can finally scratch that off my bucket list!”

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What are your weekend plans?

Anyone running a turkey trot next week?

The podcast I listened to yesterday also talked about the decline in magazine subscriptions over the years and I was wondering do you have any magazine subscriptions or do you mostly read things online?

Who knew that chick-fil-a tip?  Favorite thing at chick-fil-a if you go there?

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I have a Lululemon headband that I literally wore upside down and backwards for a solid two years before I realized I was wearing it wrong lol

Also … HELP. My knee pain is back (it’s been ongoing on/and off since September and I def dealt with it a bit back in April). I went to the PT yesterday and she told me the hip/glute exercises I needed to do. My question for you … Are there running specific exercises/stretches you do everyday? Like what is your non-running training plan that keeps your knees/hips healthy? I am so bad about doing those things until injury strikes.

And congrats on signing up for the ultra!! Super excited to follow your (and Andrew’s) training journey!!


I miss your blog Arthi:)


Ohh thank you, Lynn!! I miss it too!! I hated my last platform (used Wix) and I’ve been wanting to start a new one just haven’t gotten around to getting it off the ground. Def a project in the near future though :) Hope all is well with you!!


Yay! I look forward to it.


AHHH I am excited for your blog again too! I am SO so so sorry that your knee pain is back, that is so frustrating! I’m glad that you went to the PT and that you are doing the exercises that they gave you! To be honest… I think a lot of it can be genetics. I don’t do anything specific to keep them happy. I do glute work a few times a week including things like clamshells, leg lifts, bridges etc. I am the same way though… once injury strikes then I am all about doing all of the things. It’s just hard to keep up with it all when we just want more miles! Will you please keep me updated with how you are doing?! I’m thinking about you!


Exactly!! Like who has time to be clamshelling all day! I’ll def keep you posted. Gonna stick to the pool for the next few days and keep up with my exercises and hope for the best!


Hi! I have a bad knee and although I am actually discouraged from running, I was told potentially I could do a 5 k at some point. I racewalked my last half marathon ( I used to be a competitive race walker). I think my best trick for keeping my knee healthy is to vary impact and non impact. So for me it is at least one non or low impact after 2 days of impact. In fact now that I am trying to run a 5 k, if I run then I have low impact the next day. I follow some stretches and I weight train. But also, make sure your knee pain is gone before you start running again


Thank you, Carrie!! Totally agree with the mixing up impact and non-impact. I’m sticking to swimming the next few days while working on all my strength stuff and hoping to be back on the road soon!


I just bought the lulu Aligns for everyday wear and they are so comfy! I need to try the ready to rulu pants! Will you be running in them, or just for lounging?


Oh you did…I wanted those ones too! No, I won’t be running in them! I just want them for lounging/comfort/daily wear. I like more of a right feel for running too! Have an awesome day!!


Hi Janae! On the subject of lululemon, I got the essential tank that you wore for your marathon, wore it this morning for the first time and I LOVE IT. I don’t think I would like the rulu pants though because they are high-waisted (I have a thing about that.) Anyway, while I was running this morning (in my new “lucky Janae” tank top) I was wondering if you ever got any official pictures from your marathon. If you have one of you crossing the finish line please post it! I’m pretty sure I speak for everyone when I say we would like to see it. Have a great day!


This makes me so so happy! I love that tank so much and it is totally good luck:) I didn’t buy any pictures but a newspaper had a really awesome finish line one and I put it on ig but forgot to put it on here:) I will ASAP! Have a beautiful day Jenny!


Oh! Today’s the day of the Barons (HRG (Janae) and Andrew) Race:

Will it come to the blog? Everyone was invited!


Oh snap!! You better make this happen Janae. Be a woman of your word. I will come for moral support. Meaning I will be there to rub it in Andrew’s face when you win.


Bahahahahah! Lee, you remember my life better than I do:) I just asked him about it and he said he is backing out until he is in better shape. He should have asked to do this race right after the marathon when I was hobbling around.


He-hehehe. Okay, so forfeiture, you get the $ right? Oh, please include provisions in the event of forfeit in future vlogs/ videos!

You know, you GAVE BIRTH in these 12 months AND came back strong. It is not clear to me how A has a leg to stand on. Maybe Andrew needs support of some kind. C’mon Andrew! We saw where he’s awesome for you. It’s hard to say. Snaps for Janae!!


Umm, you have just enlightened me to new things! The copy and paste thing?! And the Chick-fil-A trick? Never knew that! Chick-fil-A definitely has the best ice cream around and the best fruit cup. I also love the wraps and grilled chicken sandwiches. Also, the biscuits–SO good. I think I really just love everything about that place. :)

I’m going on a day mission trip tomorrow to Mexico, and I’m so excited!! This will be my first time ever using my passport (I just got it like a month ago), and I’m looking forward to getting to help be part of this project down there tomorrow. Hope that y’all have a great weekend, Janae!!


Right?! How did we not know about these things. Oh now I am craving their biscuits big time. That is so so great Natalie! You are amazing… let me know how it goes!


Hi Janae! I just moved to SLC for 3 months for a medical rotation at the University of Utah Hospital. Do you have any suggestions for some “newbie level” trail runs around town? I am just coming back from an injury + getting used to this altitude and dry weather haha. Thanks :)

My weekend plans are to explore my new neighborhood and get in some hiking on Saturday and Sunday! And I had NO idea about that Chick-fil-a hack…I made it 31 years without realizing it! Crazy haha

Have a wonderful weekend!


AHHHH you are in Utah! This is so exciting:) I actually do not know the trails in SLC at all but if you are able to drive down to Utah County I can email you some good ones. Oh the altitude and dry weather will definitely take some time to get used to. Enjoy exploring and email me the area you are living… so excited about this!


Ooh, I’m going to Trader Joe’s today and I’m going to have to try that salad! And I LOVE those chocolate-covered peppermint joe-joe’s you shared about–so glad someone else shares my obsession.

Planning on some elliptical time this weekend and CLEANING!! It’s horrifying how messy I’ve gotten lately.

I LOVE magazines. They are one of my favorite things. Reader’s Digest, Real Simple, and Runner’s World are my go-to’s. I like being to read an article at a time, I don’t have to worry about keeping them clean and pristine like I do with books, it’s fun to get something in the mail . . . all the perks.


Let me know what you think of the salad… I’m obsessed. I need to clean too… thanks for motivating me. I FORGOT ABOUT READER’S DIGEST… that one is so good. Have a wonderful weekend, Kristin (and get the joe-joe’s too:)


Update: the salad is delicious. It’s like super healthy Thanksgiving . . . will anyone notice if I just serve that on Thursday? :-)

And I got the LAST box of chocolate covered joe-joe’s! I had to have a very tall employee get them for me because they were so far back on the shelf. Friday night MADE. (It doesn’t take much.)


This makes me soooooo happy! Hahaha sounds like the perfect thanksgiving dinner to me!


Did the lululemon headband bother your ears with your air pods in? That’s my current biggest struggle is I can’t find a headband comfortable with those.

No weekend plans except a 5 mile run tomorrow. It will be my longest run since before we started our family 4 years ago. I’m so nervous!

No turkey trot for me this year. We decided to do a super low key Thanksgiving and figuring out a race with 2 kiddos is anything but lowkey.

I’ve never been a big magazine reader except for when I fly, I always pick up a few trashy magazines and a running magazine for a flight.

I live in upstate NY and we there aren’t chickfilas up here. I know, it’s crazy! Whenever we travel south we do get them, I really love the waffle fries. Our local airport just got a chickfila but it’s past security, so it’s a no go. My group of friends has been brainstorming how to all pitch on a ticket and send someone to place a massive order, lol.

Have a great weekend!


Great question… they didn’t at all! I had to think about it because I don’t think about it while running (which is a good sign because that means they weren’t annoying;) Enjoy the low key Thanksgiving… that sounds perfect:) I need to overnight some waffle fries to you! Thanks! YOU TOO!


What? Ok, I’m going to need a full tutorial on that copy paste thing! No more sending emails after emails to myself.

I love those brownies. I make them all the time. My recipe is a tad bit different but they are the perfect brownie in my opinion.


YESSSS IT’S CRAZY!!! Let me know if you have any questions about how to do it! They are so good, I need them again tonight. Have a fabulous weekend Jenny!


I could run a 5 K Turkey Trot in MO but I think I’ll walk it so I can spend time with my dad who will be walking. Also it’s my daughter’s 13th birthday on Thanksgiving and she’ll do the Turkey Trot with me so I’m having a shirt made that will say “Happy Thanksgiving to You, Happy Birthday to Me, Wish Paige a Happy 13th Birthday”. I’m going to have this printed on the back and put it on her at the 5 K then not tell her so hopefully strangers will wish her a happy birthday. Should be fun!


Okay, best shirt ever… I LOVE THAT. I am sure everyone is going to wish her a happy birthday. Sounds like the perfect way to start the day. Enjoy!


I I love the white jacket you have on the first picture! Where is it from? :)


Hey Tara, thank you!! It is from Brooks last year… this one is similar but only in black:

Have a fabulous weekend!


The Chick Fila salad with crispy chicken! And their chocolate chip cookies. Both are so divine.
Game night with the family is a weekend plan! We have two new game addictions: Splendor and Azul.


I forgot about their cookies… unreal. I’m always looking for new games, I’ll have to look those two up! THANKS LIZ!


Congrats to all the other running accomplishment-ers!


They are all so amazing! Thanks Stacey!


I did not know that hack from Chick Fil A. I’m not sure if I like it, either. I do, however,think you need to try the Lemon Chicken and arugla salad from Trader Joe’s (seasoned white chicken meat with Moroccan-style couscous, red quinoa, and a spicy pimiento dressing). Naturally though, I always add more lettuce.


I’ll pick up that one for me and the above one I mentioned for you and we will eat it at the same time. I’ll bring the ziplock baggies for extra lettuce too, don’t worry.


My only subscription is architectural digest. Gorgeous and interesting homes. You should listen to my podcast! It’s brand new and very low tech but still. :) It’s called Fear Itself and it’s just me chatting about anxiety-related things. Also I haven’t been here in a while and I missed you! Hiiii


Oh, I bet that magazine is amazing! CONGRATS on starting your podcast, I can’t wait to check it out!! HELLO!!!


Hey! Happy Friday! So, you’ve helped to seal my weekend plans–a trip to Lulu for those pants (marathon reward, right?! ha ha) and making caramel brownies :) Great Friday favs!!!!

I have to say that I love that you’re doing a big trail race even after a stellar marathon. I’m so excited for you. Around mile 21 of my race, I had some flat Coke (even though I gave up soda like 5 years ago; this was an exception. ha ha), and it was amazing! Trail race food kinda rules over gels :)

I’m about one week post marathon, and I’m thinking about getting strong again. Pretty sure I’m going to do Megan’s strength program for runners!!!!!! Excited to start!

I still get Runners World magazine, and it’s had its ups and downs in changing formats. I’m old school though; I do love holding something in my hands over online sometimes. Subscriptions are the way to go though—5-7 bucks for a single magazine?! Ouch!

Have the best weekend, Janae!!!!


Oh I didn’t know you had flat coke during your marathon!! So glad it worked so well for you:) You are going to love her program, it is so so good and easy to fit in with all of the miles we are running. Is that how much a magazine costs now? WOWZERS. Have a beautiful day and keep soaking in your amazing accomplishment. You are incredible Jen!


YES to the Lululemon Rulu pants!!! AMAZING! so far i have purchased the black and the navyish color, and am now eyeing the gray. They really are the best!!!


AHHHH that makes me so happy… I will probably have to get more colors too! Enjoy Jessica and have a great weekend!


What a festive package from Brooks! As opposed as I am to decorating for Christmas before December 1, I would totally rock those ugly sweater shoes now, LOL!
I’m taking my younger (15 y.o.) daughter to chick-fil-a, actually, to apply for a JOB! Once I show her the straw secret, I’m sure she’ll be even more excited to work there :)
I’m planning on an unofficial turkey trot, just putting in some miles to balance out the stuffing.
It’s been years since I’ve subscribed to anything on paper (even read the news online), but somehow we still get tons of mail. ???


HAHAH right?! I would have started wearing these a month or two ago that’s how beautiful they are. A JOB… that is so exciting. Hopefully she can bring you free food! Enjoy your personal turkey trot… I think that’s what I’ll be doing too. Have a beautiful day Corey!


OMG those Brooks Ugly Sweater shoes – I need to get those! And how did I not know what the hole in the chick-fil-a box was for until now?Have a great day!


You aren’t alone… I went this long without knowing too;) Have a wonderful weekend!


(Referring to the Chick Fil A thing)
Game changer.


Right?!!? Let me know when you try it out for the first time:) Have a great weekend Kerry!


I love those ear warmers! And Brooks is definitely rocking the Christmas wear this year!

The hubs and I are driving to Pleasant Grove, UT tonight, spending the night, and picking up our puppy tomorrow morning and then driving home. Eek! I’m so excited. About the puppy, not the 20 hour round trip drive, ha! Then the hubs has a 1/2 marathon here in SoCal, but thankfully it’s in our hometown so I will get to run around the course and cheer him on!

We do a pie run on Thanksgiving morning. Everyone shows up with something to share, we all run whatever distance we want and then we eat together and whatever is left over is taken to the homeless shelter. It’s my favorite!


AHHHH you are going to be so close to me. TOTALLY WORTH THE DRIVE for your new puppy… I am thrilled for you! What type of dog is it? Good luck at your half… you have the best weekend up ahead! I want to come for the pie run too, sounds amazing!


We got the brother to our mini goldendoodle and my husband PR’d at his race this morning after a turn around 22 hour road trip. Woohoo! He’s a rock star! And the puppy is dreamy!


Can you give anymore info on Megan’s strength program for runners? Like how long are each session? And how many do workouts do you get. Do you still have a code for it?
Also, do you have to buy brooks shoes or They are free as an ambassador?


Hey Mary! The code HUNGRY will get you $10 off! There are 24 workouts total and they usually last for about 30 minutes. Yes, I get my shoes and gear from Brooks for free! Have a beautiful day!


That picture of Skye and the remote is epic!
I’m running a half marathon tomorrow and the 10K turkey trot on Thanksgiving. I was sure I was going to PR this race, but I have spent the last week in the hospital with my MIL and she passed away yesterday. My sleep is off, fueling hasn’t been great, and I’ve been really, super sad so I don’t know how I’ll do. Just want to try and finish strong at this point. My MIL was the sweetest lady and I will miss her dearly.
Thanks for the video post. It will help motivate me for tomorrow!


I did not know that either!!! i email stuff to myself too! Do you have to be linked on icloud or something? whattttt.

just got back from a tiring vacation so i’m looking forward to sleeping this weekend!


YOU GOT THE UGLY SWEATER SHOES! All the yes! Now…..time to hunt for the rolls ;)

I love those lulu ear warmers. Sometimes a hat is too warm, so they are the perfect go-between. Kinda like arm sleeves. And I agree…the rulu fabric is EVERYTHING!

Totally off topic…I FINALLY started This Is Us and I am HOOKED!

Have a great Friday!


And that right there about the Lululemon pants is why I have resisted trying them on. I know I will love them but the price kills me. I did try on a running shirt there a few months back and you better believe that bad boy came home with me.

We do a trail Turkey Trot with my super fast nephews. Good chance I will be running through snow this year. I totally did not know about that Chick Filet life hack. Amazing! We still read magazines at my house but only because my great aunt sends us a subscription for Christmas.

We are kid free this weekend so we are seeing A Star is Born and going out for dinner!

Have a great weekend!


Weekend plans are planning for next week,,,,I am cat sitting at this swanky senior living center but’s it’s more of resort. Multiple restaurants, fitness center with indoor golf range, pool and jacuzzi, entertainment and so much other stuff. I’m pretending it’s a vacay.

I have never been to Chick-fil-A even though there is one near me….need recommendations as to what to get? What a nifty trick! I’m surprised they don’t notate that on the box for newbies but maybe that’s part of the marketing campaign?

And wow…now I want those Ugly Sweater sneakers though I don’t NEED them so I will have to hold myself back since I’m really frugal!

Have a great weekend. I’m hoping for a less windy day so that I can get out of the house for a good walk/hike!


I like actually holding the magazine, so I do subscribe. I’m choosy as to what I subscribe to because I don’t want to kill a ton of trees for no apparent reason. My favorite, Cooking Light, just went to online only. Although it really is more efficient to keep recipes online, I liked perusing the magazine for new ideas. Online I just tend to look up how to cook something.


doesn’t the cake mix have egg in it? would love to find a good recipe for my sister who is allergic to eggs.


Hey! The mix does not have egg in it (you are supposed to add the egg, oil and water when you make the cake but you just add the mix part to this recipe!)


Ok, thank you and Bart Yasso for validating a childhood memory! I grew up outside Boston and remember the marathon being kinda a big thing but people being able to decide last minute and register. Then all these years (cough decades cough) go by and I start reading running blogs and learning about BQ’s and the whole process and I’m like… I could’ve sworn it wasn’t like that….it was just a race…or maybe I was just little?? But it really has changed that much. Not sure if that’s good or bad but at least my memories are real.

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