Splitting up the Long Run, Friday Favorites & You Are Amazing!!

I had 15 miles to get done yesterday because I won’t have time to do it on Saturday.  Andrew was gone for most of the morning so this is how it got done:

Big kids off to school (and Skye was trying to give her belly button some fresh air or something).

Play with Skye, eat some breakfast and then jump on my super glamorous treadmill set-up.  We were going to start working on this room but decided to wait a while so for now, this is where the treadmill action happens.  This was Skye’s first time joining me (and my first treadmill run in forever) and she lasted in the pack n’ play with toys and me talking to her for 3.54 miles.  I was expecting she would last for 1 mile so I was pretty impressed.  I started the treadmill part before her nap time so I could go from treadmill to outside once she was asleep (Andrew was home by then).

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Then I put her to bed, added some clothing and got my fuel ready.  Turns out the sour ones aren’t great while running which is a shame but the normal ones were excellent.  These are the only brand of gummy bears I’ll eat now.  So good.

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Then I went outside for 11.46 miles.  40 degrees and just a little rain at the end while the mountains got dumped on.  Overall, I hit about an 8:17 pace and climbed a good amount of hills.  Today I’ll go for about 8-10 miles which will be my first back to back ‘longish’ run segment!

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I went to lunch with friends and Skye was extremely interested in my salad.

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Interesting fact, never play Jenga with Skye.  Knocking things over is in her top two favorite things to do.

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Brooke’s second book in a row from the library that made me cry.  I need her to start bringing home some less emotional books.

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Our evening ended with Knox’s wrestling match and he did SO good.  It’s fun seeing these kiddos find new things that they love to do.

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Time for some Friday Favorites!

*There are a lot of big topics we need to talk to our kids about (age appropriate:) and I love finding a good book to help start the conversations.  I bought this book ‘Good Pictures Bad Pictures jr’ to read to the kids and talk to them and it was PERFECT for this topic of pornography and what to do in different situations.  I highly recommend it if you are looking for a way to start this dialogue with your kids.  Also, if you have older kids… this documentary is AMAZING about the effects of pornography on the mind, heart and world.

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*Megan shared these on her IG and I bought one right away!  It’s the perfect holder for your AirPods and they connect to your keys.  I now only lose them once a week vs 193 times a week before I had the case.

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*This picture of these two.  Knox carries her all around and loves having her on his lap as long as she will before she wiggles out to get into things.

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*Booties I am wearing most often right now—> HERE and HERE.

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*A few of you recommended Smartwool socks to keep my toes warm during winter running and you were 100% on about how amazing these socks are.  I bought these and these and I’m amazed how much warmer my toes stay during the run with them.

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*Spitz salad.  I wish I could go there every day.  The fried scone line things on the top just need to be shipped to me for every meal.

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*This candle smells like heaven.  I want one in every room.

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*A few of you shared this post with me, ‘Tips From A 50 Mile First-Timer’ and it was SO SO helpful.  If any of you are training for an ultra, read it!


I love hearing the amazing things you are doing!  Send them to [email protected]


Rene talking about Emerson!!!  “Emerson is an athlete with Team Hoyt Texas who has been powered by the legs of volunteers in over a dozen 5ks, 10ks and even a half marathon. She is a resilient spirit who has endured over 21 surgeries but maintains the BEST attitude. This past Thanksgiving weekend she accomplished a first! Stopping just shy of the finish line she was helped from her chair and walked across the finish line (accompanied by her sweet friend Brecklyn). She is such a rock star athlete who likes to go fast, has an infectious smile and is the embodiment of the Team Hoyt motto, “Yes You Can!”. She and the other Team Hoyt athletes are such an inspiration and motivate me to get out of bed when it’s cold, run when it hurts and never let excuses get in the way of my goals.”

Emerson walking


Rosemary!!!  “My accomplishment was that I didn’t run! I feel that you and your readers will understand. Thanksgiving morning, my training plan for a 1/2 marathon had me scheduled to run 5 miles. I was looking forward to it, and needed it for my mental health (HA). I knew I could push through and pound out 5 miles and even had my clothes on to leave early in the morning, I also was feeling a bit swollen or “squishy” in my right knee and worried about making it worse if I ran on it. I am a personal trainer and asked myself what I would tell a client.  I would without a doubt tell a client to not run. I listened to myself and stayed home and ate, and ate and ate.  Today is saturday, my leg and knee feel great and I’m going to head out for seven.

It’s strange, but I feel so proud of myself for NOT running when I knew I would have injured myself. It was a struggle.  I think you all will understand.”


Kate!!!  “VISTA DEL LAGO XC GIRLS!!!  On Saturday, my daughter and her team won the Division 3 California State XC Championship! This is the first state title of any kind for their school. The girls and their coaches, as well as the alumni who paved the way, have worked towards this goal for years! We are all so proud of their positive attitudes, respect for the process and love for each other, as well as their grittiness, strength and perseverance.

Like all runners in Northern California over the past few weeks, they had to deal with horrible air quality forcing them to train on treadmills on the worst days or before school at 5:30 in the morning, as the air was a little cleaner early in the morning. We are all so impressed by the way they maintained positive attitudes and stayed focused on their goals. This group of girls really show how women supporting each other and working together as they strive for individual and shared goals can result in great things for all. I am proud of the State Title, but I am even more proud of the teamwork and positive mindset that these coaches and these girls live by!”

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What are your weekend plans?

Favorite socks for running?

What was the last fuel that you used for a long run?

Last book that you read?

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Those gummy bears are THE BEST!!! Sprouts sells them, and I’ve been hooked on them since the moment I tried them. And I’ve heard Spitz is so good. My friend recommended it to me when I went on my work trip to Salt Lake, but I wasn’t able to make it there. I need to go there next time I’m in town!

I’m almost finished with Remember God by Annie Downs, and it’s a great book. She’s hands down been my favorite author ever since I read Let’s All Be Brave (absolutely recommend that one for anyone who breathes air), and this one is definitely another winner.

Hope that y’all have a great weekend, Janae!


YES YES YES you do! And then have the gummy bears for dessert:) I will have to read Let’s All Be Brave next. Thank you, you too!


Great job on juggling family and running with such a positive attitude! Very inspiring! I am finishing “You are a badass” by Jen Sincero and really enjoyed it. One of my ultimate favorites in the “self-help” style. I often use dried apricots to fuel my long runs. Nature’s candy… just not as cute as a Teddy Bear ;-)


Oh thank you Mel! That is such a great book… I listened to it and need to listen to it again. Dried apricots–> I”m totally going to try that. Have a wonderful weekend!


Some friends of mine had been telling me about a sock factory with a discount store off the beaten path in the part of the state I lived in at the time (near Chattanooga, TN). I finally went, expecting wonky mismatched socks with holes in them. Turns out they manufactured Smartwool socks and had barrels of them for $3 a pair, cash only. I bought as many as I could with the cash I had on hand and have loved them ever since! It’s been years and I’ve never been able to make it back during the random hours they’re open, but I keep planning on it!


NO WAY!!!! I want to come with you next time. That is awesome!


Oh I love those booties! I have booties from Dr. Scholl’s which makes me feel 90 years old but they are so comfy and cute! We are putting up our Christmas lights this weekend! It is going to be 60 degrees on Saturday so it will be nice to put them up while enjoying maybe the last warm day until spring!

Have a great weekend!


I will have to check out booties from Dr. Scholl’s because my feet need to be happier during the day with all of this running ha. ENJOY the nice weather this weekend:) Thanks!


Hey Janae~
First of all, Knox’s LASHES in that pic of him with Skye—they even rival yours :)

Weekend plans—running with some yoga thrown in there! It’s supposed to be another rainy one here in PA. Our November was the 2nd rainiest in history, and December is starting rainy, too. Ugh.

I like Balega socks the best! I was having some toe blister issues for a short time and tried Injinji, and I did like them, too!

I’ve been a tried and true Huma user for like 2 years now; I’m even an ambassador for the company, but I’ve had two races with GI issues since last spring, including my marathon! I used some Maurten during my marathon and might try solely using that and not Huma for a while as it MIGHT be the chia seeds?!?! I like the Maurten, but it’s so pricey compared to other gels!

Book! I RESISTED “Girl, Wash Your Face” for a LONG time, but I’m finally reading it and about 3/4 of the way through. Some parts really resonated with me, but some parts I just couldn’t connect to at all, so I’d give it a mixed review. Worth reading though!

Have a FUN weekend filled with lots of family, good food, and happy running :)


I know… he is so lucky! You guys are getting so much rain! I LOVE Balega too… they are my racing favorites! I didn’t know you were an ambassador for them… were you the one that told me to try them in the first place? I am so sorry about your GI issues… that is the worst. Thank you Jen, you too!


So, speaking of the treadmill I have a question for you->do you notice that setting the treadmill to a certain pace feels so much faster than the road? Also, if you wear your garmin to track tready runs, how do you deal with the fact that your watch will say a different pace when you’re done;)

Weekend plans->long run of 8 miles progression run, but its supposed to storm in Florida! Other than that, putting the tree up and decorating!!!

Last book I finished was Let Your Mind Run by Deena Kastor, but I’m currently reading the Endurance Diet by Matt Fitzgerald! Also like 10 textbooks for grad school;)

Have a fun weekend!


Hey Eleanor!! For me, the treadmill actually feels harder than the road! I think the key with treadmill running is paying attention to your effort… and adjusting the incline/speed to make it feel similar to running outside. I don’t use my garmin to track my treadmill runs either. I just use the screen and add that to whatever distance I do outside to get my total mileage. Let me know how the progression run goes.. I’m excited for you! That book is so good. And grad school–> You are amazing. Thanks, you too!


I haven’t read a book for myself in months, but my oldest is at the age that she can read chapter books, I just have to find the right books for her. She reads a couple of chapters and then gets bored and doesn’t finish haha. I don’t think she’s brought one home that makes me cry yet though. Chances are she wouldn’t be able to handle a book like that because she a very sensitive girl and a sympathetic crier haha


Oh that is so exciting that she is up to reading chapter books! I hope you all have a really great weekend!


I commend you for talking about how pornography is wrecking havoc on the hearts and minds of individuals in this world. My husband is leading a group for men at our church on how to overcome this battle that is now all to common and destroys true intimacy in a relationship. Kirk Cameron did a documentary on Netflix that is really good as well called Connect. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

Last book was fierce marriage, it was so good! No run…still nursing a sprained ankle.


That is awesome that your husband is doing that. It’s so so scary to me how children are getting introduced to it at younger and younger ages and so I find that I need to start talking to them about it now. The damage it does to our world on every level is insane. I will absolutely be watching that, thank you so much! I’ll also be reading that book. I hope your ankle is better asap! Keep me updated!


In case you haven’t seen this yet…..

I think I love The Greatest Showman as much as your kids do, so wanted to share!


WHAT?!?! I had not seen this! He is coming here July 11th… AHHH! Thank you!


We are decorating for the holidays and prepping for our daughter’s first birthday party next weekend.

I’m a die hard bombas fan. They’re just so comfy. Although, when the temps dip into the 20s I do pull out an old pair of socks I got years ago from LL Bean.

I like pb&j sandwiches for long runs. My stomach doesn’t do well with gels or anything like that. I make the sandwich, cut it into quarters, and smush it up. It’s super easy to eat on the run and I digest it really well.

I’m in need of a good book. I haven’t enjoyed the last few I read all that much.

Have a great weekend!


AHHH HOW ARE THEY TURNING ONE!?!? I hope your party is so much fun. I LOVE bombas too! I need to try those for my long runs… so glad that works so well for you! Thanks Sara, you too!


Weekend plans are: longish run, birthday party for my almost 11-year old(!), church, and decorating the house for Christmas. My fave running socks are Smart Wool. Wearing them right now, in fact! The last book I read was “Where The Shadows Lie.” It was okay. The best book I’ve read lately is “Need to Know” by Karen Cleveland. It was SO good!


I love smartwool, swiftwick, and procompression socks. Skye has some mischievous looks lately, ha!


Those accomplishments! ALL. THE. FEELS!


I’m going to Disneyland with my BFF tonight after work! Woohoo!

I’ve had really good luck with Target’s running socks :)

I used Gu at St. George and I don’t think I can even look at it now :( Ugh. I will definitely be testing out some new fuel for my next marathon. I’m not a fan of chewing stuff while I run though.

I just downloaded You Are A Badass and I’m pretty excited to listen to it while I drive to LA today.


Smartwools are the BEST. I grew up with very cold winters, and we wore them all winter long!

Love love love books for teaching tough concepts (and anything, really). There are so many wonderful books about kindness, helping friends, and understanding people who are different from you. Some really touching ones I love are Strictly No Elephants, Hedgehog Needs a Hug, and I Walk with Vanessa. If you want something fun that WON’T make you cry, Brooke might like Mo Willems’ new book, “I Lost My Tooth!” So funny and has good info about teeth in the back! (Sorry, I could talk books all day!)

I just finished a dystopian YA book called Scythe that was pretty enjoyable, but my favorites from this year are The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, and My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry. Both so good.

Have a great weekend!!!


My husband works for Smartwool! Needless, to say, we have a LOT of Smartwool socks in our house!!


Have you ever tried smartsweets candy? The swedish fish are my favorite and the bag only has 3g of sugar….score!!


Really!?!? I haven’t even heard about this… sounds awesome!!


My parents live 15 minutes from Albanese. You know how good they taste out of the bag? They’re ten times better fresh. We go every time we visit!


Weekend plans are a group run with friends at our favorite preserve Saturday morning. We have six months until our 100 mile relay so we are getting in training mode. We run from Key Largo to Key West and I’m doing the 7 mile bridge this year so I really have to be on my game. I love this season!

My favorite running socks are Swiftwick maxus one! My previous favorite sock and a close second place is Experia with Thorlo pads.

Running fuel is Cliff blocks in margarita flavor and any fruity flavor of gels in multiple brands. As long as it tastes refreshing, I’m pretty much game for anything! I can’t do the huma gels though. The chia seeds in gel make me gag.

Well my most recent book is a monster of a nursing pharmacology book! But since we all know I didn’t actually sit and read it I’ll say my most recent read was Water for Elephants. SO GOOD. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it.


Sadness….I got nixed for my 1/2 marathon due to my health. Apparently I’ve got some rather complicated issues that were just discovered.

If you find the time to pray for me I will be heading into the hospital for what could be a month or more. At least it’s a good hospital…Johns Hopkins.

Now to deal with the sadness…..

Sorry for the downer of a reply but i will look forward to reading your blog to cheer me up and keep me motivated.


I need to know where Skye gets her bows!!!


Weekend plans are skiing running reading and doing some work with the little one…!

Way to go getting a long run in, treadmill then outside…! Really looking forward to seeing you and Andrew tackle this ultra!

Favorite socks to run in the winter with? Darn tough wool :) other than that Costco wool socks and for not running in the cold, my go to socks are la sportiva

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