Weekending Talk and that was WEIRD

I am the type of runner that leaves first thing in the early morning before my brain can fully understand what I am setting out to do.  But yesterday, I went later on in the morning for a run.  Andrew was up in Salt Lake City for labs and left crazy early so I set out during Skye’s nap at 10:30ish (my mom came over and hung out with Brooke and Knox).  PS Our treadmill isn’t set up yet so that wasn’t an option (plus I’m not sure if I remember how to run past two miles on a treadmill anymore… times have changed).

It was warm.  I was awake.  The sun was out so I could see all of the gorgeous leaves the entire time.  I loved it.

The morning started out with Skye wanting to be snuggly first thing which is not her normal morning activity.  Normally, her eyes open and she is ready to go and crawl everywhere but yesterday she was happy to just snuggle for twenty minutes.

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When Brooke and Knox woke up we went straight to Target (Skye is in the cart) to go get ingredients for dinner tonight.  We were in our PJs but we beat the Target Saturday crowds.

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We came back and did chores.  Then my mom came over and she came with donuts.  She is a good woman.  She did a craft with them too which made their day.

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Three weeks post marathon and my body is still recovering but it was nice to have a little pep in my step again.  I was planning on 5 miles but then I got to 5 and remembered I was supposed to do 4 x 20 seconds fast with 2 minutes easy run in between each 20 second interval so I added on.  The 20 seconds fast were around a 5:45 pace and it felt so so good to push it for a few seconds and sweat again (both from running faster and from the sun).

The pep in my step might have been from half of a nanohydr8 (my discount code is here) I took before… I was dragging before leaving and needed caffeine.

Post run apple fritters are the best type of apple fritters.

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The best.

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My sister invited us to go to the BYU football game with her and her kids in the afternoon.

I’m nervous about the teenage years with these four.

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Pretty sure I watched a total of 30 seconds of the game (we left early too) because Skye was all over the place… but let’s be honest, I just wanted to go to hang out with my sister and Brooke and Knox were excited to go.

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This is their ‘hard core’ face.

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This is Skye’s ‘hard core’ face.

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We then hung out at my sister’s house until Andrew got home.

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Emily posted this the other day and I had to share it here too!  What will you be handing out this year?

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My brother did his last long run before his 2nd half marathon next weekend.  He was supposed to do 9 but went the extra mile… (he needs to listen more closely to his coach;)… I’m so so excited for him.  Also, he has his eye on a marathon now.  I love seeing people become hooked.

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Carly sent me an item that I need to find at TJ’s.  How cute!

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Do you get trick-or-treaters where you live?  What will you be handing out?

-We just found out that no one trick-or-treats in our new area because there is a neighborhood party instead…. I guess I’ll be in charge of eating our candy this year;)

Morning runners—>  Leave first thing or do you let yourself wake up a bit before leaving for your run?

What did you eat after your last run?

What is your Sunday filled with?

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Our neighbour celebrated Halloween last night. We live in a rural part of Ottawa on a 1 mile loop street that no one really knows about. So basically it would just be the kids in the street coming over. So we opt to do it on a Saturday and then have a Halloween party afterwards. But we do bring our kid into town on Halloween so he can trick or treat with his school friends


I’m currently eating Mediterranean leftovers because it’s grocery shopping day. Not exactly craving it after a cold run but I’m starving! My marathon appetite won’t go away! :)


We’ve never had trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood. The houses are link of spread out. But this year a group of us are setting up a trunk or treat on our cul de sac and advertised it on the local FB page. We are hoping for some kids and I’m excited to dress my VW bug up as a cat!


We don’t get trick or treaters anymore. All the kids in our neighborhood grew up! We had a party at our church last night. The big attraction was the candy rain – candy gets thrown in the air for the kids to gather. There was also a bounce house, games, face painting and food.

I try to be out the door in the morning before my brain is fully awake and convincing me that I should stay in bed. Les likes to get up, drink coffee, and read headlines. It’s a struggle when we plan to go together!

I rode 25 miles yesterday morning and had scrambled eggs, toast, juice and coffee afterwards. (Not sure what I ate after my run on Friday!)


I totally understand the two versions of the morning run. During the week I have to get some of my runs in super early before work and I am definitely half asleep for most of the run. But on the weekends I like to get some extra sleep and errands done before, so I get out around 11am and it is a completely different feeling. Although there is more traffic out, I feel more ready and excited to run when I have been up for a bit (and have had some breakfast to fuel me).


I’m an early morning runner, but I do set my alarm for at least 45 minutes before I leave so I can have some coffee and stretch/do a little mobility stuff. I ran 7 miles this morning and just ate two scrambled eggs (w/cheese and hot sauce), an apple, and an almond croissant (stopped at the farmer’s market and a bakery for treats on my way home).


We get a lot. My parents are the party poopers…or at least they used to be. They always handed out toothbrushes (he’s a dentist so…) then they went to bouncy balls for a little while. Now they just go with candy. Haha.

Mid morning runs are my favorite!


We live in a neighborhood with a lot of kids so we get lots of trick-or-treaters (we give chocolate bars and little packs of sour candy/swedish fish). This year we have a pizza party with our son’s school friends before we go around trick-or-treating, should be fun! I usually run 30-60 minutes after waking up (6am on weekdays). It’s the only way to make sure it happens ha This morning was 10km with 10x200m @ 5km pace. That was a lot of fun! Except for the wet snow that was falling…this is way to early…even for Central Canada!!! ;-)


haha you will need to recreate the pic of those 4 in 10 years.

After my last run (yesterday) I ate pizza because it was my husband’s bday and that’s what he wanted for dinner. He also got to choose our run route because it was is bday.


Oh my Skyes face so adorable! All your kiddos too cute such a precious time.

That TJs spoon would be perfect for Fall teacher gifts!
Neighborhood parties are fun too we have both and I give away most of my kids candy it’s just so much!


In the category of “things you need to try from Trader Joe’s” = they have Sweet Potato Gnocci!! It’s delicious! If you like the cauliflower gnocchi you have mentioned before you will LOVE the sweet potato!


We actually host our neighborhood Halloween party, so for the next few days I’ll be stress eating candy. ?? The kids all have fun so I just need to keep reminding myself that as I freak out.
I did my longest run in years today with my good friend. She pushed me to keep going and I’m so glad it felt great. Hoping tomorrow I feel ok.
I’m impressed how much you get done with the three kids and your mom sounds amazing.


Skye looks SO much like Andrew in her “hardcore” picture! And Brooke is seriously your mini-me! They’re all so cute. :)
We get lots of trick or treaters at our house and I usually splurge for the good stuff. But this year, we have a new baby and she has a genetic condition called PKU, so she won’t be able to have anything that has protein in it. It’s sort of giving me anxiety/guilt – I think I’ll just start buying PKU-friendly candy now so that when she’s older and can actually eat candy, it’s already what we are used to having in our house. I’m already worried about when she goes trick or treating and how I’ll manage to take out all the snickers, m&ms, milky ways etc that she gets, without breaking her little heart. :( But I’m trying to work through all my issues now so I’m 100% okay with it when she’s older, since I definitely don’t want her to see that I’M sad that her diet is so limited. So it’s sort of bittersweet this year. Just working towards that point where it’s just a fact of life, not good or bad. :)


Kelly, thank you so much for sharing this with me. I am SO so sorry about what you and your little baby are going through. The anxiety/guilt you are feeling breaks my heart. You are doing an amazing job and your little one is so lucky to have a mom that cares so much for them. I’m cheering for you and please keep me updated with how you are doing!


This Sunday – is filled with laziness because I did my long run yesterday. I woke up before the other half and went to the grocery store around the corner so I could pick up breakfast fixings – eggs with salsa and avocado, potatoes, mandarin oranges and sour dough bread.

We live in a condo – so sadly no trick o treaters but will definitely be buying candy to eat (probably day after Halloween haha).

I usually try to leave first thing, but lets be honest, it takes me a few minutes to get going in the morning.

I think it is so cool that you are coaching your brother for his half marathon! I have been toying with the idea of getting a coach for a while – mostly I have trained myself etc – but depending on what races I do next year, might be worth it to invest in a coach.

Have a great Sunday!


I usually let myself wake up a bit before running. Also that fritter looks AMAZING!

My Sunday was full of a MARATHON! And a new PR of 3:59:00! I definitely channeled your determination and sub 3 success when those tough miles hit.


Katrina! OH MY GOODNESS!! HUGE HUGE HUGE CONGRATS!!!! I am so beyond thrilled for you. Soak in this huge accomplishment and I am just so happy for you. You KILLED IT!!!


Where is your brother’s race next weekend? Charlotte? I’m doing that one as well!


GOOD LUCK TO YOU!! His is in Arizona (Revel Mt Lemon)! Have a beautiful rest of your day!


Looking at my can’t purchase, I am the trusty provider. We get tons of treaters, our neighborhood is one that people from other areas drive to for a good trick or treat.
My post 13 Mike run breakfast was 2 eggs, pancake and fruit.
Then snacks afterward because I was still hungry.
Your running wether looks perfect, we are getting better, but still a little warm in Phoenix. We will have perfect weather in the net upcoming few months, looking forward to brisk mornings.
I leave first thing in the morning otherwise I won’t go.
I had a nice Sunday, church, relaxation and our new tradition of date afternoon with my Husband while our girls are at high school church.


I am blog lurker–read religiously and have for years, but rarely comment. It pains me that the kids may think I am a cheapskate because I pass out tootsie rolls! I LOVE them and cannot be trusted in the house alone with them! My kids love them too, so I just figured everyone did! I am for sure an early am runner. I cherish my mornings and the quiet that comes.


Re that hot chocolate spoon- they’re super cute but like 4 bucks!! I wanted to buy last time i was there but i don’t know why its so expensive. I bet you could make them yourself thatd be a cute project


It’s the best feeling when you can see someone getting hooked on the sport – one of my favourite things! When I see someone at my office getting gradually more obsessed with running it’s great, I can finally unleash my crazy on them and talk tempo runs, compression gear and weird and wonderful muscle spasms :)


I have to leave first thing in the morning because I run before work. However, on the weekends, I like to get up and have coffee and read my bible first :)

After my last long run, I had a gatorade and a Costco protein bar.

Sunday is speed work, church, naps, and family dinner. My fav!

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