Silentish Saturday!!!


Started off my day by climbing some hills and got this gorgeous view as a reward.

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My legs felt the best they have since the marathon.

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She’s excited to hang with me.

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Made these pumpkin cookies (hers are way prettier but they sure tasted good).

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I was able to get in some time with Toby! (You can read about her 100 miler HERE.. she is amazing)

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I find food stuck in my hair all of the time too… it’s okay Skye.

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Those feet are irresistible for all of us.

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My sister’s boys came over for the night.

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I try to sneak in some cuddling before she falls asleep at night.

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Starting my Halloween celebrating a few days early.

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Excited for another fall weather run!

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PS my brother and his family just got back from a Disney cruise.  On the Disney private island they hold a 5k for whoever wants to participate… such a fun idea.

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Tell me 3 things you are doing today!! 

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1) picking up my race packet for a half marathon tomorrow 2) going out to eat with friends tonight 3) going to carve pumpkins with my cousins and their kids! It’s going to be a fun day!!


GOOD LUCK TOMORROW JO!! Let me know how your half marathon goes tomorrow, you are going to do amazing. Sounds like the perfect day, enjoy!


Happy Saturday!! Three things going on today:
1. Run (Tbd on distance – How are you handling long runs post-marathon? I was up to running 10s again on weekends at this point last year but mentally don’t feel like double digits right now!)
2. Traveling to Denver!
3. Mini hike/enjoying the weekend with my friend!


GIRL!!! Oh I am not doing long runs yet… I think I have 5 miles today:) I want to give my mind and body a break from the longer runs so I’m ready to start up again for the next marathon training. If you don’t feel like it mentally… don’t do it!! Enjoy the trip to Denver and the hike!


Haha good to know!! Glad I’m not alone in how I’m feeling :)


1. Run my scheduled 3 miles(2nd week in of training for my 3rd and 1st full in 4 years)
2. Church(Seventh-Day Adventist)
3. Making chili for my church’s chili cook off tomorrow

Have a fabulous Saturday!


Kayla, I am SO excited for you. Which full are you going to do? Have a wonderful time at church and a chili cook off sounds perfect! Thanks for sharing:) You too!


The Fort Lauderdale A1A on Feb 17. One of my running friends told me about it and is training for it to so I’m joining her and my other friend, who is 15-16 weeks pregnant with her 2nd little girl plans to run the half. We’re using the Hal Higdon Full Marathon plan. :-)


This is awesome Kayla… I wish I could come cheer you on (and it’s on my dad’s birthday so it must be good luck for you:). Good luck and keep me updated with it all!


Thank you Janae! I wish you could be there too! I’m hoping for a BIG PR. So, yes, with it being on your dad’s Birthday, maybe it will be good luck. ;-) I’ll be sure to let you know, maybe send it as an accomplishment too! :-D Either way. ;-)


We have a super busy day ahead of us…
1. Homework for my Masters degree
2. Soccer game for my 10 y.o.
3. Haunted hayride/corn maze


MASTERS DEGREE–> You are amazing Sarah! I should take the kids to a corn maze type thing today too. I hope your 10 year old has a great game. Good luck with the homework and have a wonderful weekend!


I’m hoping to get a little run/walk in today. I’m not doing anything until it’s a little warmer outside cause it’s just not fun to be cold haha. I’m a little bit of a wimp with that I think cause it hasn’t even been that cold this week.


ME TOOOOOOOOO. I’m running later:) A few mornings again I came home frozen… what are we going to do in January haha! Have a wonderful day Jenny!


Which baby is that, skye or brooke :) ?

Three things I am doing today:

1. I haven’t seen my dad in about a month because he’s been out of town, so him and I are getting dinner. Our relationship is like that of you and your mom- we like to talk all the time. We’ll go mountain biking tomorrow!

2. I’m finishing up my chemical engineering degree, only a few months left. Got to grind out some homework for that.

3. Going to go for a nice long walk with my dog today because it’s a much needed rest day.

Congrats to you on getting back with strength training, and I think you inspired me into getting a mexican food lunch! Enjoy your saturday!


HAHAH, right?!
I am SO glad that you get time with your dad.. I love the relationship that you have with him. Andrew’s DREAM is for our kids to eventually mountain bike with him. That is really awesome Savannah! Chemical engineering degree, wow. You amaze me.

You better go get some delicious mexican food for lunch. Thanks, you too!


1) watching dd’s last Soccer game of the season
2) raking leaves
3) catching up on my missed episodes of Survivor


Awesome on the Disney 5k on their island. We went about 18 years ago, and no 5K at that time, but amazing time on that island. I can only imagine what they’d changed and made better since then. We are going to horse riding lessons for my daughter, then making some food and snacks, to go right back to the horse farm this afternoon for the year end Family Cookout & Bonfire Night for the riders and their families !!! Lots of Fun ! Enjoy your weekend.


1.) Work ?
2.) Enjoying this cold, rainy Ohio day by laying on the couch and watching some TV, maybe some Panera Bread for lunch?? Hot soup sounds wonderful on a day like today lol!
3.) Halloween party later tonight ?

Rest day today and hopefully a nice run tomorrow!


So glad they went on the cruise and ran the 5k! I loved running it!
3 things: work, short run (it is cold and windy today, boo), and pet sitting…..5 dogs!


We are getting quite the nor’easter here in Boston but the dog and I have already been out for a 4 mile walk/I let him off leash at the dog park for a little while. I also met up with friends for coffee and book chat ( we read about 50 to 100 pages of a book that we selected then we talk about it every Saturday morning ). Also got my car inspected. OK that is three. By the way I love Skye’s maroon hoodie in Friday’s post?


Watched my son’s cross country race at regionals. (He qualified for State next weekend!!).
Eating soup, its chilly & rainy here.
Taking a nap.


My Grandma did that 5k on castaway cay when she was 70!!!


We really want to do a Disney Cruise! We told our kids that once we are debt free, that is how we will celebrate! We will definitely be running a 5K!
This weekend I am baking cupcakes, buying supplies to make books and hosting a 7th Birthday party for my youngest. The kids will get to decorate their own books and come dressed as their favorite storybook character. Hope you have a great weekend!


I never comment but I had to jump in because I’m 99% sure we were on the same cruise as your brother and his family! I think I saw him on the ship because I recognized him from somewhere but couldn’t place him. We ran the 5k too! What a small world!


Hey Rachel! We were on the Oct. 22nd Disney cruise out of Port Canaveral. I hope y’all had as much fun as we did!! We definitely feel like we need a vacation to recover from the vacation haha The kids all got used to being pampered pretty quickly, back to reality though now.
Have a great week!!
-Hungry Runner Brother (Dave)


Same cruise! What are the odds?! I knew I recognized you from somewhere! Haha ;) We dressed as ‘80’s’ for Halloween (my prom dress was quite the sight, my husband had a hilarious mullet wig, and our seven year old daughter was in 80s workout gear and didn’t understand the theme at all, but was thrilled to be wearing ALL the eyeshadow) – maybe you saw us too?! So glad you had a blast. We did too – can’t wait to do another one!

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