Silentish Saturday!


It feels good to be back!

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We missed Beretta.

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Exploring together (Knox left to his Mom’s house).

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Our day involved laundry and refilling our fridge with produce.

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Starting Skye early to enjoy the Costco samples with us.  It’s a family event.

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Her favorite item at Trader Joe’s.

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Pumpkin bread for our neighbor (Brooke’s idea).

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My in-laws came over for dinner.

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After some dinner we went on a walk together.

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My coach gave me the GREEN LIGHT to go for a run today (originally I was going to wait until Monday but now I get to go today)!  I am so so excited.  I’ve missed my dear friends.

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I absolutely loved reading through your comments from yesterday, thank you so much.  You guys are the best.

You can still enter the giveaway here!


Tell me three things that you are doing today!!!

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Date night with the hubby tonight! We had our first date on this day 17 years ago…so crazy! We are doing the same thing we did back then: dinner and a movie (can’t wait to see A Star is Born, I heard great things about it!). But before… easy run in 40km/hr winds… yikes! Have a great week-end!


Okay, this is awesome… HAPPY FIRST DAY ANNIVERSARY!! Have the best time tonight and let me know what you think of the movie. I would have been on the treadmill with wind like that… way to go!


Yahoo! Welcome back and enjoy your run!
Three things today:
Son’s Soccer game (next to last one of the season)
CSA basket pickup (I love visiting the farm and getting the fresh picked flowers, and all local produce). Pumpkins and squashes I think!
FedEx office pickup (some picks for a court case on Tuesday, and some Halloween cards to send to neighbors warning them we will be trick-or-treating…it has been almost 20 years since a child has lived in this neighborhood so I want them to be prepared! Including a balloon for them to put on their mailbox for the willing participants)


Oh what a great idea Tonya for your neighborhood! They will all be so excited for this Halloween now. Enjoy the CSA basket pickup, I want to try that. I hope his soccer game was great! THANKS TONYA!


Shake out run.
Returning dress pants that don’t fit my calves.
Making homemade pizza.


ENJOY THE PIZZA… homemade pizza sounds so good right now!


YAY for a run! I hope it felt good and that it was a complete celebration of everything your own body is capable of doing!

As for me–in about 45 minutes I am teaching my Body Flow class and launching Body Flow 82. Some of the music is good and some of it–well, I will be happy when launch period is over and I can switch up my playlists. And then I am running an errand at the mall for my husband and grading papers all day. My goal is to grade HALF of my lit students’ exams and to grade ONE WHOLE SECTION of Comp 1 essays. Will I make it through, or will I let myself get distracted and run every possible errand that I do not need to run, and then do something silly like make zucchini bread (which my husband does not like and which I have not been craving at all), and decide to scrub the tub with a toothbrush? Who knows?

My plan is chicken and SOME zucchini and roasted potatoes for dinner (and ok let’s face it maybe a couple of squares of dark dark chocolate…), because tomorrow morning is my 5K!


Good luck on getting all of that grading done today! Your students are all so lucky to have you. GOOD LUCK TOMORROW AND I CAN’T WAIT TO HEAR ABOUT IT!!


Ahh thanks!!!

So a secret (I guess not so secret…but…): I have had a blog domain name for a really long time, but I never did anything with it. I just have an instagram account I post on under the blog’s name. But today–thinking about my race tomorrow (and also a little bit inspired by your 8 year blogiversary)–I wrote my first post! It’s a bit dorky (but I’m a bit dorky). I hope it’s not totally stupid.

I bet no one will read me, but that’s ok! I work 3 jobs, so I don’t think I am going to post EVERY DAY, but I think a few posts a week–maybe one longer, a couple shorter. But I can chronicle some of the things that matter to me in my life around living in a healthy sort of a way…when I like to eat “like an adult” but also really, really, REALLY love nachos, when I have my own ideas about health and wellness but am aware that I am not someone who can LIVE inside a gym and I am not an exercise scientist or dietician or personal trainer or anything like that, and more…


I am getting ready to go out and do a 10 mile run!
Today will also involve watching football and staying in comfortable clothes as long as possible ?


I hope those 10 miles were fabulous and I LOVE your plan of staying in comfortable clothes as long as possible! ENJOY!


Yay for running again!

I’m running with my running friend/mentor this morning just outside of town. He’ll be 63 next month!! Then I’m headed to Mt Sac for a XC invitational. It’s probably one of the hardest courses in Cali. Then dinner with the team and home!


I am so glad you got to go on a run with him! Safe travels and GOOD LUCK TO YOUR TEAM!!


We’re hopefully heading to the Oregon Coast for the day to enjoy our last sunny weekend and favorite fish and chips! On the way home hopefully we can stop by our friends’ house and play with their adorable baby boy. Later, I’ll enjoy leftover birthday cake from my birthday yesterday! Happy running!


Oregon Coast= absolutely stunning. I’ve been to a few spots on the Oregon Coast and I was shocked over how pretty it was. I need some fish and chips:) Sounds perfect and HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEEKEND (please tell me you have been celebrating all month:) Thanks Jenny!


Skye looks older. Seriously.
Welcome home!


I am not joking, I thought the same thing just yesterday… how does it go by so fast? I hope your final weeks of training for NYC are going great. Have a wonderful day!


Hi there!
It is so nice to come home after a great vacation, isn’t it?!
-eight miler today, 6 with my puppy and then dropping him off. I am trying to build him up on mileage.
-carving pumpkins ? and a silly Halloween movie this evening.
-my daughter’s first friend sleepover (I wonder if I am going to get a late night pick up call?!)
Have a great first run out, you are going to feel so amazing afterward!


It really is! I love that your puppy went 6 miles with you… it’s so fun to take them with us! Enjoy your Halloween activities night and I hope your daughter has a great time. Thanks and you are right, I felt so good after!


Looks like I need to go to Costco just for the samples today if that’s what they are handing out. My kids have a birthday party to go to and I’m hoping to get some new running shoes today.


Yes… I think you need to asap! I always look for you there. Enjoy and let me know what shoes you end up getting!


3 things: 11 mile run…already done and it was great; shopping for the kids’ Halloween party next weekend-it’s the activity for those that don’t want to go to the homecoming dance but still want to do something; and Octoberfest at a friends. I’m taking ghirardelli cupcakes. I hope I don’t eat them all.
Where did you go on your trip? I hope you had a blast! Have a good first run back!


So glad you had a great 11 miler! We just went shopping for Halloween costumes too:) I love that they are holding the Halloween party for the kids that don’t want to go to the dance. Enjoy the cupcakes and send me some:) We went to Ensenada and Catalina! I’ll post all of the pics on Monday. Thank you, it felt so good to be running again!


Welcome home!! Welcome back to running ?
2 more weeks of being “breakfast burrito mom” for the football team, so that’s how I’ll start my day. It really is fun to have been able to do this for the boys all season.
Then I’ll go out for some sort of run. I’m not training for anything just yet, so no set distance, just running for me and fun!
Then tonight is another band tournament for our youngest. High school sure is busy, but so fun!
Enjoy your run and enjoy your Saturday ?


Only two more weeks… this season has gone by fast! They love you for doing that:) Enjoy these fun runs… I’m right therre with you now. Thanks Wendy!


I am glad you had fun!!! 3 things: Driving to attend a baby shower (round trip 5 hours), attend baby shower, eating dinner with the hubby and spending quality time with furry babies after being on the road!!
Enjoy your day today!!


Enjoy the shower and drive safe! Sounds like an awesome day (Brooke wants to know what animals you have:) thanks!!


We have 2 cats: Ariel and Remie! Ariel thinks she is a princess . Remie loves to tease Ariel by chasing her around the house, so we have lots of fun! Pets are wonderful! :)


Hi Janae, kind of a random comment…I’ve seen you mention the little libraries before so thought this story might be of interest. The founder of the libraries died this week and this story goes a little into his background and the impact that the libraries have had, which is pretty cool to hear about –


Thank you so much Ema for sharing that with me. He died so young. What an amazing man and we will definitely be getting the book about it that comes out next year. Thanks for thinking of me. Have a wonderful day!


Grocery shopping (technically that’s already done)
Softball spectating
Gym going
Girls Night! Probably some TV or a movie on the couch and leftover birthday cake.


GIRLS NIGHT–> movie and cake = perfection!
ENjoy Kristen!


I just enjoy reading your blog so much. It is refreshing! 3 things : grocery shopping, long leisurely walk on the trails by my house and my hubby and I are going out for a steak dinner tonight.


Thank you so much Kimberly, that means a lot to me. Sounds like the perfect day… having trails by your house is so nice. Enjoy some steak for me:)


We tried those peppermint pretzel things for the first time last year, and they were completely delicious and sold out at our CostCo before we could get a second bag (i.e. in just a couple weeks). When they showed up at our CostCo last week for this year’s holiday season I bought three bags. I’m trying to hold off on opening them until after Halloween. ?


I am SO glad you got three bags… they are the best!!! ENJOY and good luck waiting haha!


I hope your run went well!
I’m currently wrapped in blankets watching football – my three things for today include helping my friend get ready for her engagement pictures, football, and running 11 miles. Since my race is a late afternoon race, I’m practicing for that by waiting until later today to run. It feels weird!


You must be so excited to run again! Enjoy!!!
Three things: I ran 11 miles, 7 with my regular group of Saturday running buddies. My brother in law, who is not a runner, will STILL will get more Fit Bit steps than me. This is an inexplicable mystery of the universe.

I hung laundry, maybe for the last time in months if the snow comes soon. Stupid snow…

I’m making Shepherd’s Pie for dinner, and am nearly drooling just thinking about it.


Strength training. kids’ soccer games, making caramel apples.


Strength training, kids’ soccer games, and making caramel apples.


Got called into work for a few hours so I missed my daughter’s last volleyball game.
Ran 6 miles with crazy winds! It blew me into traffic on a busy road! Yikes! Don’t have a treadmill but might just need to get one! I hate running outside in cold Midwest winters, but will brave the teens.
Gonna watch the Brewers hopefully win tonight and go to the World Series!! It’s been almost 40 years! Come on brew crew!!??

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