1st Run BACK and Weekending Bullet Points:

*On Friday night Andrew and I slept 10.5 hours.  On Thursday night we had about 4 hours of sleep (we got home at 3 a.m. from our trip.. the kids slept in the car).  We were very happy to make up for the night before.  Skye woke up right before I got home from my run and Brooke woke up an hour later… everyone was catching up on the good stuff.

*After taking a few weeks off from running, I was reminded all over again yesterday of how much running does for me mentally.  I finished and felt like a million bucks and so much more awake, relaxed and endorphinated.  I would like to say that my body felt like a million bucks too but it felt pretty stiff and not very fluid during the run but that is to be expected.  I did a little over 6 miles @ an 8:41 average pace and that’s right around where I’ll be for the next little while.

Snow in our mountains!

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*Eating breakfast while looking at the back of the cereal box… this was one of my favorite things to do as a kid too.

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*Skye is so fascinated by Beretta and crawls over to her whenever they are in the same room.  Beretta spent all week playing with other dogs at a dog hotel so she has been catching up on resting too.

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*We went to get Brooke a Halloween costume.  She is very serious about her decision to be Elsa.

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Brooke created a game called ‘pin the tail on the beaver’ so we played the for a while.

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*Brooke sprints to Skye’s room as soon as she hears her wake up from her nap.

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*We made it over to Home Goods to pick up some things for our house!

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*And then we met up with my parents.  Skye loves her grandparents!

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*The Riverwoods (a shopping center here) celebrated their 20th bday party!

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*We stopped at Süss cookies for their snickerdoodles and then ate at home!

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*My mom gave us a box of apples from the local orchard… I guess this means it’s time for apple crisp!

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*Has anyone started Making A Murderer part 2?  I watched the first part and I’m wondering if I should start the 2nd!


Give me some bullet points from your weekend please!

Parents reading—>  What are your kids dressing up as for Halloween?

Last cereal that you had?

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Mini wheats are pretty much everyones favorite in our house.

My 3 year old daughter chose to be coronation Anna (from Frozen)for Halloween. So instead of picking the normal warm Anna costume with long sleeves and a cape she chose the cute cap sleeved ball gown (she’s definitely my daughter). Then she asked if I could go as Elsa….I don’t say no to wearing fancy dresses either so mine will be here tomorrow. My husband gets to be Kristoff.


Kara Goucher started Making A Murderer part 2, so I think all runners should do the same!

Baxton scores several times at the soccer game, and we watched Little Vampire (RedBox). Boo at the Zoo tonight – we are all excited! He will be the Hulk and I will be Ruth Bader Ginsberg :)

We have Pumpkin Spice Frosted Flakes – thumbs up! I cannot believe your restraint and modesty! If I had a box of Wheatues with my picture in it that is ALL my kid would be reading while eating cereal!!!


My husband and I went to see A Star is Born yesterday night and wow… Lady Gaga is amazing… I really really loved it… but it is a rollercoaster of emotions! I had a mix of Cinnamon and Blueberry Chex yesterday! Cinnamon are still my favourite though, they taste like Christmas to me ha And my little guy will be the Black Panther this Halloween (after being Captain America for three years, I guess he needed a change of superhero ;-)


Hmmm, I really like the yogurt and berries special k! It’s so good if you haven’t had it yet. No kids in our house, but we have dogs. One of whom is dressing up as a UPS worker! He gets really excited when the UPS truck comes to our house.

Do you have any races on your radar?


Hello:) Can’t wait to hear about your trip and glad you got to catch up on some sleep.

Weekend =
• long run of 8 miles with humidity, wow, rough
• a lot of resting yesterday after feeling fatigued/depleted
• a Halloween party where i dressed as Ronda Rousey
• getting ready for the week today
• yoga!


– just finished my last double digit run (10) befor ethe ny marathon

-Owen (nearly 6) is MARIO riding yoshi it’s a blow up and it’s hysterical. He has MARIO pjs to wear under it if he wants to ditch yoshi. And stick on mustaches. Which we have all been wearing all weekend because they are hysterical

-Jackie (8) is Medusa. She wanted to be a bad guy, who was a girl and not a zombie. And then we read Percy Jackson. And Medusa won.
She was Elsa about 2 years ago (And Anna, and Belle… I think that was the year she wore her dress up clothes and a different out to each Halloween event)

– I had Quaker oatmeal squares after my run

-getting ready to pick some pumpkins and then go to a Halloween Parade today.


– This morning I for a run with one of my running buddies, he is coming back from injury, so it had been five weeks since we ran together. We ran 6 km together and I ran 3,5 by myself. It was great to catch up again.
– I ran on a new to me path along the river and it was beautiful!
– We don’t really eat cereal, but on Friday morning I had oatmeal, I was running late so I finished it on the train to work.
– I made apple crisp on Tuesday, mmmm!


I’m planning what to pack for our upcoming Disney World trip this weekend. Right now I’m off to run 8 miles in 30 F weather in Chicago. My daughter is going to be Minnie Mouse (in pink) for Halloween. I love Elsa too! I’m glad you’re back to running ? I know it makes you happy.


Apple crisp! I’ve been craving it for two weeks now!

I got two pair of running shoes, mizuno wave riders (my usual) and brooks launch which I’ve tried once before. They were both $35 so I got two shoes cheaper than a regular pair. Hopefully they will last a while.

Also found out I don’t pronate as much as I thought I did but my form still needs help- – – doesn’t matter how long you’ve been running, there’s always something to improve.


That’s so exciting! The sleeping 10.5 hours part, that is. I went to bed at 6:30 pm on Tuesday because I was traveling for work and didn’t have anything else to do and it was awesome.

Ok ok first run back is great, too.


Oh my gosh… The picture of the out door shopping center with the mountains in the back…. Gorgeous!!! Utah sure is pretty!! I need to go out there for a fall race some day ?
My boys are in high school, so not sure if they will be dressing up. But my hubby and I have 2 parties next weekend! We’re still figuring out the details, but our costumes will somehow include witches/warlock and masquerades. It should be fun!
After a busy day yesterday, I am looking forward to a quiet day and weekly menu planning!
Have a wonderful Sunday ?


Does oatmeal count as cereal? Before that it was granola. Not sure if that counts either! I suppose I’m not much of a cereal person, though I loved it as a kid.


This weekend I:
-launched Body Flow 82 and did AWESOME in my coaching even with some serious choreography screw-ups
-treated myself to an ice cream sandwich between red velvet cookies from a cookie bakery half way between my gym and my apartment
-graded papers
-ran my 12th straight month of 5ks with arthritis and WITHOUT letting anyone or anything get me down (this morning)
-FINALLY started my blog, healthyishsteph.com (yesterday when i needed a productive-procrastination break from grading)

I love that you’re back at it. And I really love love love your brooks jacket!!! I want some of your apple crisp!!


•oatmeal for breakfast Friday morning
•signed up at Vasa because I discovered they have body pump ?
•missed my run because I could feel a major sinus infection coming on
•still went out and got the kids Halloween costumes:
– (10G) Star vs the Forces of Evil
-(8B) Ninja
-(4B) Chase-PawPatrol
-(1.5B) Marshall PawPatrol
•today I’ll lay around as much as possible riding out this sinus garbage.


BODY PUMP!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
(I am obsessed with all things Les Mills…)


How is Beretta with Skye?


Yay for the first run back – exciting! I’m still averaging 4 miles per run since my injury, but not complaining cos it’s the first time in about 2 years I’ve been able to run consistently!


*Farmers market
*Two lovely fall runs (one being longer than planned due to mid-run miscalculation…whoops)
*Sunday weights
*House chores

last cereal – Pumpkin Spice Life – Delicious!


My girls are a bird watcher and a rain cloud. We got a little creative this year!!


Drive home from Fall Break.
Soccer game for the youngest.
Laundry and grocery shopping.
Family time.
The kids finally decided on their costumes: Harry Potter, Uma & Mal from Descendants. My husband is going as Wilson from Home Improvement.
Just bought Raisin Nut Bran because it sounded good and it had been years since I ate it.


Are those gorgeous mountains behind the shopping area? Wow so pretty.
-cleaning house
-homeschooling church (we missed going today)
-pumpkin painting
-weed picking
-rest but run tomorrow


This weekend was full of soccer, running, yard work, and caramel apples!
I love the Pumpkin Flax Granola at Costco and Aldi. It is delicious with milk or on top of yogurt.


I found the pumpkin spice Life cereal last week and it’s so good! I’m going to regret not buying multiple boxes because I’m pretty sure they already sold out of it and said they don’t get more than the one shipment.

My kids’ costumes are a mummy and a “weatherman in a hurricane”. You’re probably making a confused face right now, but it’s a hilarious costume (and the kid is obsessed with the weather).


Ran a 1/2 marathon yesterday with a friend. Was pacing her to a PB but she’s been sick with a chest infection all week and really struggled with her breath. She wanted to quit but we slowed down and walked some and finished together. It was a fun day, and so happy she got that medal!



These are soooooo good!! Since you obviously like snickerdoodles from this post, if you have any extra apples and make apple butter, you have to try this recipe! They are amazing. Amazing. I’ve made four batches since September! It’s hard not to eat them all off of the cooling rack! :-D

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