Track WORK + Cheerleaders + A New Bike + Hopefully Andrew Doesn’t Read This Post.

Running tip #24= lay down on the ground after a really hard workout.  It feels so good to just let those endorphins seep into your entire body while you think about your splits and your upcoming race.  Just be careful if you do this at a track if there are other runners there;)

I think a big pro about this workout was that it was 54 degrees outside.  54.  My hands were cold.  Do you remember that feeling?  I sure didn’t before yesterday.

Aren’t tracks just beautiful?

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Below is my workout on the track.  I am super excited that I was able to go a bit faster for the intervals!

My coach asked me to do it at a track which means I went around in an oval 24 times!  I actually really like the track now so I was happy to be there.

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2 miles @ 6:31

1 mile @ 6:00

2 miles @ 6:26

1 mile @ 6:01 (I REALLY wanted this to be my fastest mile of the day but it didn’t happen:)

10.17 miles total (my w/u was a bit longer) and 7:04 average (not counting the 3 minute walking breaks ((I used my phone timer for those)) which would make a huge difference in my average pace).  And too bad this wasn’t a real new record for me because I had the walking breaks within this 10k time!

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PS to go along with what we talked about yesterday with ‘Come what may, and love it’….   During this workout, I kept reminding myself of something that Kara Goucher said and that I LOVED, “Discomfort can be a sign that you are learning and growing.”  Mmmmm I like viewing the discomfort during a workout as growing/learning/changing/adapting!  That is a lot more fun and encouraging to think about compared to thinking about the discomfort as something showing that I’m not strong enough etc.

I kept my mantra short and simple yesterday by repeating, ‘I feel good.’  A few times I started freaking out that I was going too fast because I haven’t done 6:00 miles in a very long time but I just kept telling myself that I feel good so why not just keep sticking to it?

I also thought about how it IS WORK.  It’s not supposed to just come naturally, I’ve got to fight for it.

I had two very impressive cheerleaders with me for my run.

1.  Beretta.  Now that school has started, I have to get out pretty early to run (especially double digit days) so Beretta is joining me more and more.  I drove her up to the track with me and she did the warm-up and cool-down with me and then hung out on the grass (her leash was on the fence) and cheered me on while relaxing.  I might have been very jealous a few of the times as I passed her and wanted to join her in her nap.

PS school starting has been the best solution to procrastinating my runs—>  If I don’t go at an exact time, I don’t go so I have to GET OUT THE DOOR.

PPS thank you so much for her leash recommendation.  Running with this made it so much easier and hands free!  When I first put it on she ran off so quickly I almost fell down but next time I’ll just be a bit more careful at the very beginning ha.  This lab has energy.

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2.  My other cheerleader.  MY MOM:)  I didn’t want to wake up Andrew by reporting my stats via text and I’m pretty sure my mom never sleeps so she cheered me on when I would text her during my walking recoveries.  She is pretty awesome.  Let me know if you want her number for your next speed workout;)

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I listened to this and loved it during the warm-up and cool-down!

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Brooke was ready for school in plenty of time so we could ride our bikes to her school.  It took us a good amount of time but she did it and I was so proud.  It was her idea and I think it will be really fun if we switch up driving to school by doing this together sometimes too.

PS did I tell you that Andrew bought me a mountain bike?  I think he is trying to send me some subliminal messages;)

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Post hard run BCAAs (to help me recover faster) with my breakfast while Skye played with 100 toys all at once.

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Compression boots to help recover fast!

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Andrew is kind of stressed that since TJ’s is close to us now that Costco is going to disappear in our family.  I’m doing my best to make sure I give the proper time and attention to both stores to make sure everyone is happy.  Eggs with veggies and hash browns for lunch.

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And a few highlights from the day.  Brooke rode a new pony yesterday at her riding lesson.  When Brooke went to give her a hug goodbye she moved her head down and close to Brooke and it really looked like she was hugging her back.

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At night I got to go out with my sister for our Tuesday night date.

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My sister showed up with these coupon books and we decided that we are going to check off every free item on there together for our dates.

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The most delicious burger and fancy fries back there… for $4.50.

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Followed by a walk and then free crepes.  My sister is the coupon queen.

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I hope your Wednesday is a great one!  Brooke has her first soccer game of the season today!


To go along with yesterday’s q about Halloween decorations… when is it okay to bring out the pumpkin flavored food/drinks?  Are you a huge fan of pumpkin flavored items?

Do you have a bike?  Mountain, road, beach, multiple?  How often do you ride it?

Help a sista’ out… what are some things that you eat or do to help aid you in a quick recovery after hard workouts?

For those of you that love both Costco and Trader Joe’s (or fill in for your two favorite grocery stores)…. If you had to get rid of one and only shop at the other, which one would you choose?

-This question put me through a lot of turmoil (hopefully Andrew doesn’t read this post) and I had to go back and erase my answers many times but if I had to, I would have to choose TJ’s to be my one and only out of the 2.

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OK….you probably won’t appreciate this comment but…..I really don’t see what all the hype is about when it comes to TJ’s. (see sorry….ha!) I like a few of their products and sometimes I find good deals but, overall and for my families buying needs we stick to Sam’s. Aka your Costco.

Sam’s always has such reasonable fruit and veggies and I feel like they are REALLY good. We also like their meat and cheese selections and we often don’t pass up the toiletry aisle. I know its often based on personal preference but I would choose Sam’s any and every day over TJ’s. ;-)


Okay, I am going to 1000% agree with you on produce and meat…. we will always get all of that at Costco and Sam’s is the same way! You make excellent points:) Thanks Kathy and I hope you have an amazing Wednesday!


Wow what a great workout! You ready gurlll.

Personally, I like cliff bars after a workout because they give me some protein and are portable. They also taste like cookies which is a plus.


Thank you Kaytlin! CLIFF BARS ARE SO DELICIOUS. I have some of the kids ones right now so I’m going to go grab one for a snack:) Have a beautiful day!


During March, April and May I do back to back long runs I normally do 40k Friday and 40k Saturday and then I dring a shake called Re-Boost that helps a lot.
Great job on that work out, I can just admire you!!


Almarie, that is amazing that you do that…. WOW. I bet on Sunday you are pretty tired and hungry during those months ha! Ohhh Re-Boost sounds awesome! Thank you so much, I admire you for so many reasons! Have a wonderful day!


Congratulations on a great workout! Does your coach “scold” you for going much faster than the prescribed paces? I know sometimes coaches hold their runners back (for some reason at some times). I am curious about that.

The only pumpkin flavored things I like are muffins with chocolate chips or cereal :) I haven’t drunk alcohol in 10 years but I had about 3 too many pumpkin flavored martinis about 12 years ago and I still can’t look at a pumpkin flavored drink of any kind (alcohol or not!). Not drinking alcohol is the best decision I ever made (and I didn’t have a problem with it. Just made me sick every time). I think I was made to be Mormon :) You are NOT missing anything!


AMANDA!!!! HEY YOU!! Soooo she hasn’t yet but there are workouts that she puts a ‘speed limit’ on and so I don’t go under. For this one she said… ‘let’s see how the wheels spin’ so I think we were kind of testing those faster miles too. Great question! Hahaha you are made to be Mormon:) I am so glad you have found the perfect solution for you! I will not send you any pumpkin juice or anything like that;) Have a beautiful day!


Your mom is right—you were killing it in your workout! AWESOME job, Janae!! I definitely wish I had someone cheering me on during workouts like that. Definitely be thankful that you have someone like your mom in your life :)

I love pumpkin stuff, especially pumpkin bread and muffins. And the smell of pumpkin-flavored things is just the BEST. I’m so excited it’s time for pumpkin again!! And I’m with you—TJ’s over Costco for sure.

Good luck to Brooke tonight in her game!!


I AM CHEERING YOU ON NATALIE!!! I really am so lucky to have my mom:) I hope you get some pumpkin deliciousness asap! Enjoy your last day in Utah! Thanks girl!


Great track workout! I ride my bike almost every day, here in Holland it´s a tradition. My bike is a “town bike” a 7 speed with bags for my shopping. I drive it to the train station, into town and to the field hockey club to watch my childrens games. Sometimes I just take a ride, but it’s quite heavy so I don’t go much farther than 20 kilometers or so. I would love a speedier bike, but we don’t have space left to store it. (six bikes in our small shed.) I try to have some form of protein after a workout, and water. And a good stretch/foam roll. I have to get back to that now we’re back from vacation.


Hey Eva! I want to come visit Holland and ride bikes with you:) Doesn’t that sound fun?! I hope your vacation was perfect and enjoy your day!


You’re very welcome to come visit us.


We lived in the Netherlands for a year a didn’t have a car. We rode bikes EVERYWHERE. the kids were 8 and 10 and rode them to school everyday. It was pretty cool. We took the train when we were going far, but otherwise, pretty much biked the whole year, rain or shine (and there was a lot of rain!). We loved it there.


Great to hear you loved living in my country, Jennifer!


A bike is on our wish list once we get a house that has a place to store it!

I am not a fan of almost anything pumpkin. I don’t mind a slice of pumpkin bread, and I feel like there may have been one other pumpkin flavor something that I liked but I don’t know what it is. Clearly it’s super important to me.

I wish I had a love of horses that started that young. I was scared of them because I got charged by my uncles grumpy horse once. He had and still has lots of really great horses but it’s taken a long time to get on good terms with them again. That and I’m allergic.


Oh that must have been so scary! Oh bummer you are allergic to them. Have a beautiful day and once you get that bike, let’s go on a ride! Have a great day Jenny.


Great job on your workout! And that is so cute that your mom sends you encouraging texts during your run! I think mantras/ the things we tell ourselves makes a huge difference in how we feel on a run. The other day during a workout I remembered something that I heard in a podcast or somewhere that totally helped me. The idea was that we shouldn’t wish to not feel pain in a workout/ race but instead wish that we are strong enough to overcome it. It totally helped me because I started off thinking- man this hurts, I wish it didn’t hurt. And then realized- no it’s supposed to hurt and I just want to be strong enough to get through it!

I am definitely a fan of Pumpkin things but I need to wait until it starts to actually feel like fall before I can enjoy them. Which, on the east coast, is probably not going to be for at least another month. (P.S I’m jealous of your 50 degree weather! It was 95 with a feels like temp of 103 during my workout yesterday!)

I think I’m with you on Trader Joes. However! Andrew would like my weekend plans – my fiance and I are going to Costco to get a bunch of snacks to put in the welcome bags for our wedding next month! I haven’t been to Costco in forever- so excited for all the samples!


Diana, THANK YOU THANK YOU for sharing this with me… Is it okay if I share what you said on tomorrow’s post. This idea is so helpful for me, thank you! I hope that this fall you get many delicious pumpkin items! 95 degrees with feels like temp of 103?!? You are STRONG!
AHHHH YOUR WEDDING IS NEXT MONTH!! Congrats! Enjoy your trip, it sounds perfect:)


Yay!! Glad you found it helpful! Of course you are welcome to share- I feel so honored to have contributed to a blog post :-)


What kind of mountain bike did you get?


HEY!! I have the Trek Marlin 6!


Tailwind Recovery is the best recovery drink I have had! I also use Tailwind for nutrition while running, biking, etc. I ran a marathon Saturday and only used Tailwind as nutrition (approximately 600 calories). I did have a few orange slices at aid stations but Tailwind is my main source of hydration/calories.


Hi Diane! How do you carry your Tailwind during the race? in a hydration vest? I normally carry 2-10oz bottles so I’d have to dilute and refill. and what is your dilution rate? I love the idea of just using Tailwind as nutrition. Thanks!


I posted how I dilute Tailwind below. Let me know if you have more questions.


This is so good to hear Diane (AND HUGE CONGRATS!!!)!! I have the same questions…. I’d love to hear a bit more about your race and how you carried the Tailwind! I need to start using it for recovery!


I mix 2 scoops in my water bottle that’s 16 oz. I carry two of those in my vest. I carry another 2 scoops in a ziplock bag to mix in water from an aid station. If you use the “single serve packets”, I find it’s too much for my 16 oz so I do half the packet In each bottle.
Hope this helps, let me know if either of you have more questions


This does help!!! Thank you thank you thank you! Congrats again!


Perfect! Thanks Diane!


I love Costco. LOVE IT. BUT, since in our household it’s just me and Tom and a small apartment, a lot of costco-sized purchases aren’t realistic. We have nowhere to put half of the stuff we want to get from there or enough people to eat THAT MUCH spinach before one container of it starts to go limp! And since for us, it really is the groceries section at Costco that we focus on, TJs has good prices and item sizes that are more our speed. Except I really freaking totally love and will always need those dang chicken skewers in my life pretty much the same way I really freaking totally love and will always need cauliflower gnocchi in my life.

OK so I have a thing with pumpkin. I use pumpkin pie spice in my favorite version of my morning oatmeal, but in general I like foods with actual pureed pumpkin in them more than I like foods that are ‘pumpkin spiced’ for flavoring (…but don’t have that amazingly beautiful earthy flavor of actual pumpkin). And while Starbucks has its PSL out now, I am allergic to coffee and can’t get it. Even if I *could* get it, the extra stuff added to a PSL just doesn’t work for me and my body (I am sensitive to sweeteners and syrups–except it seems I have zerooooooooo problem AT ALL with actual sugar, like what is in the yummiest chocolates and ice creams and brownies and funfetti cakes…). At Starbucks I will just stick with my trenta iced green tea with zero sweeteners whatsoever. And at home I will put some pumpkin puree and some pumpkin pie spice in my oatmeal (along with the unsweetened coconut, banana, and almond or cashew butter…) and call it a day.

That is: until it’s ACTUAL fall and ACTUAL pumpkin pies are in the bakeries. Then all bets are off and all temptation-triggers are running at full speed!!! ;)


Hey Stephanie! Yeah, Costco probably isn’t the best option for you…. except for the chicken skewers haha! That is really interesting that you are allergic to it! Enjoy all of the pumpkin oatmeal, your combo sounds delicious! And now I need a pumpkin pie. Have a great day!


Nice job on your track run!
Where I live there is neither a Costco or Trader Joes. I will say I LOVE my Aldi and Woodman’s though because between them I can find really good fruit/ veggies and tons of healthy options as well.
I just got a new Hybrid bike (road & mountain combo) I try to ride 3 times a week for about 15-20 miles to mix it into my non running days.
I like pumpkin muffins and that is about all. I do not like pumpkin drinks of any kind.
Recovery after hard runs, banana on Peanut Butter toast, with stretching and my R8 roller on my hamstrings as those are ALWAYS tight.
I hope Brooke has fun at her game!


Thank you Meghan! We don’t have Aldi or Woodman’s…. If I ever see one I am going to have to go in! YAY for a new bike, that is so exciting! I want to come on a ride with you:) The R8 helps my hamstrings so much too!


I love a good crepe!! I also love both Costco and TJ’s!!! There is room in my life for both!!! LOL!


Hahah that is a good point;) I’ll always make room for both. I hope you have an amazing day Ann!


Pumpkin doesn’t even have a taste…it’s the spices that give any flavor. I’m so over pumpkin flavor.
I wore my Air Pods in the rain today without worrying since yours survived the washing machine-thanks!
And more details on the compression boots, please!


HAHAH I am so glad they survived… I would felt terrible if yours didn’t:) So those are the Rapid Reboots! The pressure helps the blood flow which aids in recovery and that is what I love about them!! Plus they feel like a nice massage and they are easy to use whenever I’m just sitting around. Have an amazing day and the Air Pods are amazing!


Awesome job on your speed workout!! I love that your Mom is your best cheerleader. And Yay!! for Beretta keeping you company on those early morning runs. What a good girl she is!!
I think if pumpkin makes you happy, you should have it whenever you are ready. I eat stuff when it’s out of season all the time. Two of my favorites are lemonade (even when it’s cold) and chili or soup (even when it’s hot). I read something recently about soup being really good for hydration because it’s salty. I usually have chicken soup the night before a race or hard workout.


Thank you so much Elizabeth! BEST POINT—> I eat things out of season too! I had hot chocolate the other night and it was 80 degrees outside haha! That is really interesting about the soup tip, I’m definitely going to try that out. Have a wonderful day.


Hi! I have a somewhat random question for you (or anyone reading this)….My boyfriend bought me the most beautiful Nike Vapormax Flyknits for my birthday. I’ve been wanting them but they are crazy expensive and sold out all over! He found them on some random website from Sweden….he ordered my size but they are way too big – probably at least a full size too big. It’s too late to get a refund on them and they don’t have a smaller size. My question is, do you have experience making sneakers that are too big work for you? Thicker socks don’t work, I already tried that :) I really don’t have any other options unless we try to sell them, I guess. But I would LOVE to keep them and wear them…


OH NOOOOOOO !! I am so sorry that they are too big! That was super sweet of your boyfriend! I personally haven’t experienced this problem… has anyone else? For me personally in this situation, I would probably just save them for wearing the rest of the day (I wear Nikes with jeans many days each week)… that way they wouldn’t be messing up your running by being too big but you get to enjoy them and keep them looking pretty:)

Anyone else have ideas?


Planting my butt on the couch with breaks to stretch worked the best for recovery before I had my baby. Now I just try to rest as much as possible and eat plenty of decent calories.
Brooke is so cute with her ponies! I grew up riding horses and it’s just such a great experience. They are really amazing animals.
Trader Joe’s is way more fun than Costco in my opinion, but Costco tends to be more practical for us.
Have a great day!


I am just still so amazed by everything you have accomplished! You have had an amazing year! Horses really are the best, I’m so lucky she gets this opportunity! Have a beautiful day Stacey!


What time do you have to wake up and what time do you have to be back from running to get Brooke ready for school? Is it a short drive to your track your using?

I have pumpkin flavored stuff year round like pumpkin muffins. Now coffee is only usually sold in the fall or I’d buy it year round too.

I live in small town and we just have small basic grocery stores. Nothing special like TJ or Costco.


HEY MARY!! I don’t share a lot of those details online! Have a beautiful day and I hope you have some extra delicious pumpkin flavored items soon! Enjoy your day!


Pumpkin flavor I feel is much more temperature-dependent. So beginning Sep 1 as soon as the first day feels “fall” in temperature and weather, than you can have pumpkin :) :) It is HOTTTT still in DC (weather app says feels like 102 right now), so fall and pumpkin spice lattes feels extremely far away … I hope its cooler in Utah!

My mom is a craigslist fiend and found a FREE cruiser bike, which I use sometimes to commute to work or to the metro. It works but that’s about all I can say about it, haha, but what more can you ask for a $0 price tag.

I really really really find that pro compression socks help my legs. In my opinion, getting new ones every year or so is important because my newer ones definitely help and the older ones maybe are stretched out or something..? I also always do chocolate milk, but that’s more bc at some point in a long run I bribe myself by saying if you finish you can get choco milk.. hahaha.

I would have to choose trader joe’s because I’m only one person!! I was at costco the other day and there’s so much stuff that I want but it would expire by the time one person can eat that much! haha! This is obviously the #1 reason to find a husband.


Hey Krista!! IT IS 102 DEGREES for you…. ahhhh! Yeah, I was cold again this morning on my run! Free cruiser bike = that is amazing! Oh I totally can see what your saying about needing a new pair to each year to help them still do their job most effectively. Oh chocolate milk sounds so good… it is the best bribe. HAHAH you are awesome and that is a great reason to find a husband= so you can go to Costco;) Have a wonderful day!


Les loves pumpkin anything so he would eat it year round. I’m not really a fan of pumpkin spice in my coffee but I love these super easy pumpkin muffins – I have the ingredients in my kitchen now.

I have 2 bikes – mountain and hybrid. Les has 4 bikes – 1 mountain and 3 road bikes. We’re running out of room in our garage. How did you get Brooke’s bike home from school?


Three ingredients… yes please! Yum!! 4 bikes, Andrew is jealous! Oh we just locked it up and then put in the car when I picked her up:) Have a great day Kathy!


I like real pumpkin stuff like pie or bread…..not a fan of the pumpkin flavored stuff though. Publix is my favorite store for groceries, but maybe only because trader Joe’s is 2 hours away!


WE NEED A PUBLIX!!! I hope you get some pumpkin pie and bread soon! Have a wonderful day Loribeth!


Great job on the track workout! You are SO speedy!!! I’m sure you have shared this before, but what BCAAs do you use? And, can you really tell a big difference when you use them? Do you take them after every run or just the tough ones?


HEY Kristen! Thank you so much! SOOOO I haven’t been taking them long enough to notice crazy differences BUT I am recovering really well from my long/hard workouts so I’m guessing they must help a little. I take them about 3 times a week (usually after speed, long run and a longer easy workout). Here is the kind I am using:
Have an amazing day!


Love that Brooke rode her bike to school and congrats on your new bike! I have a mountain bike, a road bike and a touring bike and I love them for cross training. Riding a bike makes me feel like a kid again and is such a fun family activity.

I’m not really into pumpkin anything… except my mother in law’s amazing pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving.

And I love your savasana after the track workout. I think all workouts should be followed by a chance to lay down and soak in all the endorphins and hard work.


Anything pumpkin related is allowed all year long. I’m obsessed with pumpkin spice anything. I try to hold off until mid August to get pumpkin flavored things but that doesn’t always happen. September 1 = all things fall :)


Great post and, yes, tracks are beautiful! My beautiful wife, four-year-old and (almost) two-year-old are my biggest cheerleaders. Family support is so crucial to keeping us motivated and supported. Thanks for sharing and keep sharing your inspirational content (including the awesome links)!
~ Kevin (The Happy Hobbyjogger)


Tart cherry juice and turmeric – best natural recovery foods ever! My sports nutritionist friend has an awesome website with great info on recovery plus some amazing easy recipes ( She also has some great pumpkin muffin recipes, so it’s a win-win!


I walked/jogged with my puppy for the first time today! He’s almost 7 months old so I was curious how he would do, but he was awesome!

I think pumpkin flavored anything is okay at any point in the year ;)

The hubs bought me a hybrid bike last Christmas and I’ve been riding nearly every day since I got a stress fracture in my foot. I’m so thankful that there are still workouts I can do!

I would choose Costco every day all day :) I love their produce and honestly I think they have middle-class America pegged better than any store out there! That said, I don’t buy very much meat there because I think it’s a bit pricey but everything else is awesome!


I like that pumpkin flavored items arrived in August. That is back to school time here, so it feels like fall (and after 4th of July there is not really a decoration worthy holiday until Halloween), so I am on board with decorating any time…

I have a hybrid, and did not take it to Europe with me so haven’t ridden it in several years. I plan to get it serviced soon in order to encourage Baxton to want to learn how to ride his bike.

I find it is important for me to down a tall glass of cold water immediately, shower within 15-20 minutes, and then eat something with protein. Could be pizza, cheese and crackers, a PB sandwich, or a Picky Bar if I am not able to be in the kitxhen.

I don’t like Trader Joe’s because I feel like their focus is on packaged foods, and I try to buy fresh foods (and in Nashville anyway, the fresh foods do not look very good/fresh). I don’t like Costco because I fundamentally disagree with paying a membership fee for the right to shop somewhere, and I think bulk purchase can cause you to either buy more than you need of something because it is a good deals as well as cause you to assume something is a good deal because it is in bulk, which isn’t always the case. Other than local farmers I get most of my fresh meats at Whole Foods, and buy the rest of my needs at Kroger or Publix.


I love Trader Joe’s but I’ve never been to Costco! What are your favorite things to get at Trader Joe’s?


I am in love with both stores, but if I had to pick one, it would definitely be Costco!!! I don’t know how families live without it. What time are you running in the mornings? I have been running about 5:30 and it is so dark here in Iowa until 6:15ish. Any tips for running safely in the dark? I carry a light and pepper spray, but sometimes I wonder if I should switch to afternoon :-/.


Okay your Mom is the cutest!!! I hope I have that kind of relationship with my daughter one day! You are so fast, it’s crazy!! Great job on the workout this morning. I swam laps today for the first time in forever! It felt really good. The main motivation was my shower at home is off as we are fixing our well so I couldn’t run outside and come back and not shower for 12 hours … so I went to the pool (I don’t belong to a gym). We don’t have a TJs in Canada but we do have Costco, and I like it a lot. Pumpkin flavoured items … September 1! Can’t wait, I’m ready for fall over here.


TJ’s is just the greatest!! Those BYU students are so spoiled having one in Orem now (#Jealous). I say September 1st for all the Pumpkin and Fall-themed things! :)


I love track workouts. It’s been a while but hope to be adding some in soon as I prepare for a half this fall.


i read along with the Halloween post but didn’t get to write a comment. yes i love pumpkin flavored everything! i eat it all year round if i can. the sooner the better :)

yes i have a couple of bikes. we have a shared cargo longtail bike to cart the little one around town in – along with groceries – the Yuba Mundo. and my regular bike the Surly Crosscheck – it’s a cross bike – it’s my commuter, my bikecamping bike, my winter commuter (i switch out for studded tires in the snow and ice) and i use it as a road bike too, but it’s on the heavy side, 24 lbs. it’s a light touring bike, but it can be super nimble – and it does everything pretty well. if i had lots of storage space and way more $$$$ maybe i’d do a nice road bike. i dream of a terry bicycles bike one day!

after hard workouts i usually eat a huge breakfast. a lot of fruit. a lot of bread. there is usually an oatmeal or a yogurt involved. i know some swear by smoothies. i am looking to try some ideas from Run Fast Cook Fast Eat Slow – just ordered it!

we’re fans of CostCo and the Food Coop here in Brooklyn. if we had to choose one i’d say it would be the food coop. they have everything. and i don’t need everything in bulk (no storage anyway).


your mom is the best by the way! what a great mom

and way to crush your workout! amazing :)


Glad to see the leash is working well!! Question regarding running in the dark. I recently started a new job and am getting used to going from working remotely to back into the office. Because of this, I can no longer run at lunch and will sometimes be running before work. Is there a head light/lamp or flashlight or reflector vest you’d recommend as far as ensuring I’m seen in the dark? Will be running mainly on the road in subdivisions. Would prefer to be hands free. Thank you!!

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