Big Fan, Top 3 & Running Topics to Discuss!

6 miles @ 8:37 average pace yesterday and a fun speed workout is waiting for me today.  Lately, I have really been viewing speed workouts as something fun that I get to do rather than worrying/dreading them and I think this is because of a few reasons:

*My runs each day are kind of all over the place as far as pace goes…  from day to day there are 6’s, 7’s, 8’s and 9’s.  I used to do all of my runs at the same pace (and usually way too fast for easy days) so I was too tired to be excited for speed.  There is such a variety now that I’m just excited for the daily switch up.

*I’m a big fan of complete breaks from running.  I took one after Skye was born for 6 weeks and I think it has just made me appreciate running and more excited for the hard stuff.  Distance from running every now and then makes the heart grow fonder.  I plan on taking a week or two off every year because I’m seeing how much it has helped me at this point in my training.

*I trust my coach and her training 100%.  I know the workouts that she gives me are working and getting me to where I want to be so it’s exciting to have something to get out and do because I know it will work.

*I’m hungrier than ever for a marathon PR.  The last 4 nights I have had dreams about it.  45 MORE DAYS!!!

Random thought during my run yesterday—>  Back 20 years ago when I would go for a run without my sister, I would take out my discman to listen to Celine Dion or my Space Jam soundtrack while running.  The key with my discman was moving it the least amount as possible.  I’m pretty sure that the cd skipped 40% of my run.   Maybe my portable cd player running days are what caused my weird upper body chicken arm swinging now.

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Girl, Wash Your Face is one of my all time favorite books.  I felt like I wanted to highlight the entire book.  Rachel Hollis is now including chapters from her book on her podcast so I’ve listened to a few of them while on the run and I just love them.

The biggest most terrible lie we tell ourselves:

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PS my kids do plenty of kid things that drive me crazy (because they are kids:) but I choose not to share a lot about that online because I don’t think that is fair to them:)  BUT I do love sharing some of their rockstar moments.

I got home from my run yesterday (usually she is still asleep at this time) to find Brooke cleaning her room all on her own and she also cleaned Knox’s whole room too.  Nobody asked her to do it… she just thought it would be nice!  I was pretty proud.

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It was just Skye, me and my OOFOS (I’ve had zero feet problems since I started wearing these around the house) for most of the day yesterday (sharing school stuff next week).   She does not mind all of the attention when it is just the two of us at all.


Skye and I hit up TJ’s to grab a few things including the moisturizer that a few of you recommended to me.  Thank you!

Skye was checking out if I picked up anything she would like too…

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Brooke asked me to do a Panda Express picnic with her so I picked some up for us to eat at the park.  Those chow mien noodles are almost as important to her as sprinkles are.

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Skye was happy to be a part of the picnic too.

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BEST MAIL DELIVERY EVER.  You know how much I love the Levitate 2s… so this made me pretty happy.  You can read my review of them here if you missed it.

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Brooke’s riding teacher is back in town so she was reunited with Elf!

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Skye and I hung out and cheered them on.

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Andrew came home from his shift and went on a run (those of you that run after work deserve extra endorphins). Then we made some chicken burritos for dinner and hung out.  11 miles—>  I’m coming for you this morning.

Hopefully the hail storm from last night (below… it was crazy) doesn’t continue this morning!

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Four random running topics to discuss:

1.  My 18 miler this weekend is going to be interesting.  It will be done at an easy pace but I’ll be doing it carb depleted.  I’ll eat normal the day before and drink water still but before and during no gels/bfast/gatorade etc.  I’ll refuel like crazy afterwards but I’m going to be training my body to use fat as fuel on race day if I run out of carbs in those final miles.  I’ll be bringing gels with me just in case for the run but this should be interesting because I’ve never done anything like this before.

From my coach:

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2.  To keep going along with our talk yesterday about eating more the day of a long run or the day after… I think a lot of us have experienced a thing I like to call Runner’s Flu.  It happens to me the day of long runs or long races with a hard effort = I have stomach issues the rest of the day and feel a little nauseated.  This usually happens to me after starting to do long runs again after taking a break from them for a while.  It takes 4-5 good long runs for my body to start getting used to them again and used to running for a few hours at a time.  Currently I don’t experience Runner’s Flu but my hunger is just much stronger the day after the long run instead.   I also think part of my problem with runner’s flu in the past were GU gels because with Huma I don’t experience the same thing anymore.  I think my system is just much happier with Huma.  You are not alone if you experience some nausea/upset stomach after a long run (for me it usually kicked in once I finished the long run)… stick with it and your body will get used to running hard/long after a while.  Maybe think about using different types of fuel before and during your run because that might be contributing to what you are feeling.  Also, make sure you are getting in enough water during your long runs too!

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Very important—>  Even if nothing sounds good after you finish, MAKE SURE to take in carbs and proteins because that will definitely help you in so many ways.  Your muscles are going to keep breaking down after you finish your run until you eat something (learned that from Allie Kieffer in this podcast).

3.  Did you see that both Stephanie Bruce and Molly Huddle just announced they will be racing the New York City Marathon too?  There are going to be so many amazing elites there racing… I can’t wait to watch.  Or should we all meet there to watch and cheer on the runners?

4.  Just something to think about from Deena Kastor’s book:

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Believe that you are TOUGH.


Ever had Runner’s Flu after a hard workout?  What helps you with this problem?  Also, has anyone done a carb depleted run before?

Did you ever run with a discman or walkman?  What other things have changed big time with your running gear since you first started running?

Who has already done a speed workout this week (or today)?  What was it?

Trader Joe’s lovers—>  What are three things there that you couldn’t live without?  (Because I need to branch out there)

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1. The box of frozen (microwaveable) organic brown rice
2. The organic TJ’s ranch (best ever ranch with pizza)
3. The roasted veggie pizza
4. The southwestern chopped salad kit
5. Gone Bananas (the frozen banana slices dipped in chocolate)
6. Trader Ming’s Frozen Mandarin Orange Chicken

Obviously too hard to just pick three;)


THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I am literally adding all of these to my list for next time. That brown rice would be perfect… Brooke and I love it but I am too lazy to cook it in the rice cooker. And that pizza, I want that right now. Have a wonderful day Meghan and I wish we could go shopping there together today!


Gu’s make me sick too! I found out it’s the maltodextrin. Apparently, some people have that reaction. Huma gels are great. I had a good while where I couldn’t take those either though, but they’re sitting really well now. I even successfully practiced with them for Chicago during a 10-mile race last weekend! (Although, when I finished and was chatting with some people, I realized I had a long brown huma gel streak going down my leg…lol, that was embarrassing).
The reduced sugar organic cherry jelly (SO GOOD), the organic dried mangos and the animal crackers are my TJ’s kryptonite.


That is so interesting that only some people have that reaction to the maltodextrin! I am so glad the huma gels are working for you now. WAY TO GO on your 10 mile race this last weekend… you are amazing. I’m sure you gave a few people a laugh so they were thankful for that brown huma gel streak;) Okay, I’m going to get the animal crackers for the kids (aka me;)!


LOVE that reminder to believe you are tough. I’m going to remind myself of that more often for sure. I had a speed workout yesterday (repeat 600s), and it actually felt really good. I even did one more than I had planned because I told myself that I need to do the hard things if I want to get faster/be ready to race again. Go dominate that speed workout, Janae, because YOU are TOUGH!!!!

The Runner’s Flu is SO real, and I’m not a fan. I honestly haven’t found a cure for it. I usually eat froyo, but (and I had admitting this) that usually makes it worse. :/

I really only have one thing from TJ’s that I can’t live without: Cookie Butter Sandwich Cookies. SO GOOD.


Way to go on your speed yesterday, you are rocking it Natalie! How does froyo not fix every problem?? BOO! Well, I need those cookies asap now. Have a wonderful day Natalie!


So many Trader Joe’s favorites:
Jar of Chipotle black bean dip for veggies, chips, crackers
Jar of bruschetta for pasta, pizza, crackers or bread
Spinach and kale Greek yogurt dip for veggies in refrigerated section
Cauliflower soup in refrigerated section
Honey wheat pretzel sticks
Pumpernickel pretzel sticks
Boxed tomato and red pepper soup
Frozen broccoli
Vanilla meringues
Bag of Frozen chicken wings and legs
They have an awesome greeting card section
Have a nice day!


1st, I love your name. 2nd, THANK YOU for the list of stuff… I’m going to get it all. Thank you thank you thank you. Have a wonderful day Brooke!


I ran with my discman too. I felt really cool about it until about a year later everyone else was running with thier iPod and I was still using my discman haha.

I had some runners flu after my race. Nothing sounded good enough for me to put in my body until about 3:00 in the afternoon and then I was so hungry I felt nauseous. Luckily we had a ward thing with some pretty amazing food a little later so I ate like I hadn’t seen food in a year and apologized to everyone around me once dessert came and I ate cheese cake AND a donut ( plus all the food from dinner) haha.

I love that Brooke is cleaning her own room now. My oldest is at that point and will sometimes try to, but she shares a room with my second and that makes it hard for her to keep it clean.


Hahah discman users unite:) Yes… that is exactly what runner’s flu feels like for me! I am so glad that the food later on tasted so good! Have a wonderful day Jenny!


A carb depleted run sounds HORRIBLE. good luck!

A big change in my running gear is that I used to always need to run with music. But since having kids, now I only run with music on the treadmill. When I’m outside, it’s just me and the quiet. I also always used to need to have freshly brushed teeth in order to run. It was such a compulsion, but it just kind of slowly faded away and I’m not sure why!

Also, the sea salt/dark chocolate covered almonds from TJs are amaaaaazing.


Hahah yeah, it will most likely be horrible ha! I love that you run without music outside now! Oh my sister still has that compulsion:) I will grab those almonds next time. Thanks Chrissy and have a wonderful day!


Ooh! I just discovered two new (to me) dips/spreads at Trader Joe’s! Garlic Spread Dip (which is pretty much toum, a vegan Lebanese sauce) is AMAZING – on sandwiches, chips, or even your spoon. Also, the Bruschetta spread! I can make toast and spread some of the Bruschetta spread on top for an easy filling breakfast or snack. I can’t eat cheese, but if you do, some feta on top would be amazing.


I’m drooling over those dips. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Have an amazing day Jen!


I second the opinion about Garlic Spread Dip!! I love that stuff. Sadly, I don’t live anywhere close to a TJ’s (nearest one is 3 hours away) but I always stop there whenever I am in that city!


Ok, lots of things I want to comment on about this post! First, I am so with you on looking forward to speed workouts! I used to get so nervous for them and I think I would psych myself out and then not enjoy them at all. But now I know that those runs are the ones that are going to make me feel the BEST after! So even though they are hard, I get really excited to push myself and see what I can do and have that great feeling of accomplishment when I’m done. My speed workout for the week was yesterday and I did 1 mi @ 2 mi pace, then 5 x 400 @ mile pace. We finally got slightly cooler weather on the East coast yesterday, so this actually felt great!

Also, my coach also had me experiment with not taking fuel during my long runs for my fall marathon last year. He had me start off training by just seeing how far I could go without taking any fuel. I went from needing something for like a 10 miler, to being able to get through a 19 miler with only one gel. Then about half way through training, I started to take in more fuel to prepare my stomach to be able to handle it during the race. (I also found Humma gels around that time and agree that they are awesome!) I think it totally helped me because I never really hit the wall during that marathon and actually ended up skipping a gel later in the race because I didn’t think I needed it and it worked out. So long story short- I think carb fasted runs are great training!

I don’t go to Trader Joe’s too often unfortunately but I recently discovered the “Gone Berry Crazy” chocolate covered frozen strawberries and they are amazing!!


I love the way that you view speed work now! Way to go on your awesome speed workout yesterday.. and I’m so glad it was a bit cooler! 19 miles with just one gel… wow! SO good to hear that it helped you, I’ll remember your experience on Saturday when I am dying ha. Okay, I need those chocolate covered frozen strawberries now. Thanks Diana and I hope your Wednesday is a great one!


The only “can’t live without” thing for us at Trader Joe’s are the chocolate covered, peppermint sprinkled Jo-Jos. Since they are seasonal and I have a really hard time justifying driving to TJ’s for cookies, we go without a lot.

Carb depleted 18 miler…I hope you do well without any problems! I couldn’t do it. I can go an easy 6-8 miles without breakfast/other food but if I go 6 or more hard or over 8 easy, I have to at least have breakfast before (even if it’s just half a peanut butter tortilla). I’ve found out the hard way that if I don’t have a bit of food, I might get through the run (maybe) but I’m so sick afterwards that I’m lying on the floor for hours.


Oh, those are heavenly. I need some asap… maybe they will be out in November. I’ll send you some:) Yeah, I’m very interested to see how this goes. BOOOO to feeling so terrible after a run if you don’t get in some food before. I’m glad you figured out the solution. Have an awesome day!


Runner’s flu is a real thing. I’ve never actually gotten sick after a run. But there have been several times that I thought I was about to.

I just went to Trader Joe’s for the first time 2 weeks ago. We don’t have one within 3 hours of where I live. But we were in New Orleans and they had. We packed a cooler so I could go by on our way home. So far my boyfriend can’t live without the cookie butter sandwich cookies. We also tried the frozen chicken alfredo meal. We both liked it and it was a super easy meal to throw together. We also got my mom a cheesecake that was really good. We go back to New Orleans in October for my half marathon. I’m reading these comments and making a list in my phone of things to look for!


I am SO glad you have never gotten sick after a run! I am so glad you got to TJ’s and it sounds like you got the best stuff. Going to TJ’s after your half marathon will be the perfect reward! Have a wonderful day Jennifer and keep me updated with your training and how the race goes!


A thing that helped me with Runners Flu is planning on going out to breakfast the day after. Part of what made me more aware of the “flu” was planning the great meal/food I was going to have the day of the long run……..and then being anxious/aware/disappointed that my appetite was not quite right. Once I took that out of the equation I really did not notice it the same.


Oh that is really interesting Erica, you found the perfect solution! Have an amazing day girl!


Really enjoyed this post—I was just thinking about stomach issues and running the other day because I know you used to have some challenges and I often have post run stomach troubles. It’s not something people talk a lot about and I really appreciate the tips from your experience!

Good luck on the carb depleted run—that sounds tough!


Hey Lola!! Thank you so much!! BOOO to your stomach issues… do your stomach issues ever pop up during the run or post run only? I am SO sorry you are dealing with this. Have you switched around fuel? If huma doesn’t work, a bunch of my friends with stomach problems swear by Vfuel. GOOD LUCK!!!


I get that flu feeling sometimes after a hard race (mostly in the summer) or long run when I get dehydrated. My question on a carb depleted long run (which I don’t think I could survive a long run in Florida without Gatorade) is this…. if the long run is practice for the race and you’re supposed to be training your body for race day and mimic that, and practicing your nutrition, why would you withhold carbs for your trial runs? I get the idea of teaching your body to burn fat but I would think that would be better used for 10 miles or less… not dress rehearsal? (also did I mention I would die? :-)


Great question Donna!! So this is not something I will be doing often (maybe two times total during this training cycle to help my body learn to use fat for fuel) SO I will be using all of the other long runs to get in my race day practice with nutrition etc.
Maybe this will all help me mentally too when I’m feeling like junk during the marathon I can look back to this run and remember how much more terrible it felt without fuel and that will help me to keep going. Ummmm I don’t think I could survive one mile in Florida weather–> YOU. ARE. TOUGH.


You’re going to feel GREAT during the marathon… not like junk. BELIEVE IT :)


VERY TRUE!!! Thank you for catching me on that… definitely part of my mental game that I need to work on.


Thanks Donna!


1. Can’t wait for the tutorial of how to peel off stickers from the wall once that day comes.
2. I totally get runners flu once I start hitting about 17 miles!
3. You are more than welcome to join our NYC Marathon viewing party in Madison, WI! We plan to watch it while brunching on recipes from Run Fast Cook Fast Eat Slow!


Hahah wanna come over and help? Oh I want to join the viewing brunch party. SO FUN!


I get runner’s flu too! For me I have more “lower GI” issues than nausea, but after 3+ hours (or a half marathon) I usually don’t have much of an appetite until much later, and then regardless of what I eat I typically have tummy troubles in the afternoon. I’m definitely not one of those people who can (or even wants to) celebrate a race or a long run with a beer – I tried it after my first half marathon and just couldn’t bear it. I just want to drink a ton of water!


I am SO sorry that you deal with all of this! It is not fun. I hope you get to celebrate big time the day after your races! Have a wonderful day Noelle!


Girl, I am SO interested to hear how your carb depletion run goes…I’ve never done one, but I’m intrigued. I have my longest run ever on Friday – 17 miles! I’m pumped. I’m training for my first full (in November) and this is the first time I’ve gotten this far – I’ve always over trained and ended up injured. That’s not happening this time! I love seeing our bodies adapt – thank you for sharing your journey!


I will share all about it afterwards. YOU ARE GOING TO ROCK YOUR 17 miler and you better tell me all about it too! What marathon is it? You’ve got this Chelsea!


Thank you! I’m really looking forward to it, so I’m taking that as a good sign!

It’s the Bass Pro Cohick marathon in Springfield, MO!


AHHHH WAHOOOOO!!! You are going to rock it!


DUDE. THAT LAST QUOTE FROM THAT BOOK ABOUT SOCIAL NOURISHMENT–AMEN. Words to live by; I’m writing that one down. Thanks so much for sharing!


So so so good!


This summer, I’ve been running “carb depleted” pretty frequently, and I think its helped my training. I actually find that running on an empty stomach feels a lot more comfortable, and I’m able to push myself harder, though I’ve never run that far (18 miles) without fueling. I’ll be interested to read about how it goes for you!

Three TJ favorites:
1) Power of 7 Juice
2) Pastrami Style Smoked Salmon
3) Strawberry Mochi


Oh that is interesting Staci, I’m so glad it has helped your training. Thank you, hopefully I survive. THANK YOU for the favorites, adding them to my list. Have an amazing day!


Ok the whole walkman thing cracked me up ! I still have mine and use to walk and run with it all the time. Good memories !!


You still have yours?!! That is awesome!! Take it out for a run one day to remember what it used to be like. Have a wonderful day Michele! PS I laughed so hard reading about how things are like for the first day of school vs the last day over on your blog. You are awesome.


Yay, I’m so glad you bought the TJ’s moisturizer! If you like it, buy the face wash that has tea tree oil in it next. I’ve used that stuff for almost 10 years!


Oh awesome!! It felt amazing last night and this morning… I’ll try that face wash too. THANK YOU SAM!


I have run with a walkman and a discman (I think for the latter). Totally dated myself. I haven’t done a car – depleted run but I have forgotten to eat before a long run and that didn’t work out well ha.

We don’t have TJ’s in Canada, but when we cross the border I like 2 buck chuck and whatever random treats catch my eye. I did have to say I tried sushi there quite a few years ago and that was a fail. I was like how bad could it be. It was bad. Hahah.

I am definitely taking some time off running – so no speedwork. Making it to the bus on time was a victory today haha.

Happy training! And can’t wait to hear about your race after :). You have put in so much work!


I need to just send you a TJ’s package of goodness! Good to know about the sushi, thank you! I am seriously so amazed by your race last weekend. Thank you Kristine and have a beautiful day!


Runner’s Flu hit me a few times until I realized I can’t take anything with sugar alcohols (Sorbitol, Xylitol, etc.) that are found in many sports drinks/gels. Les doesn’t have any trouble with this, but I’ve learned to read labels very carefully. This is a known laxative, so why anyone would put it in a sport drink is a mystery to me ;)

I didn’t start running with music until 2012 when I started training for my first marathon. The best change has been Bluetooth earbuds – bye, bye tangled wires!


Oh that is very interesting that the sugar alcohols is what caused it!! Ummm yeah that is nuts about the laxatives in sports drinks–> what the heck?!

Oh I am thankful for bluetooth earbuds every day too. Have a beautiful day Kathy and I hope your running is feeling better than ever now!


Your shoes are gorgeous. SO gorgeous. I want to come to your house and sneak into your closet like a ninja and make them mine (MY PRECIOUSSSSS), but since I am 4’11” and my running shoe size is 7.5, I bet that we’re not the same size! ;) Oh well. I will just plan to save my pennies over the next couple of months and use my employee discount at the running store (while I also save up to get the new Brooks fall gear I really want and this totally rad new winter somewhat-puffy running jacket at my store…and…).

YAY Brooke for being so generous and cleaning Knox’s room. That is so sweet. I know that even as an adult, when my husband decides to clean up my dinner dishes on nights when we get home and eat at different times I am so beyond grateful. More than learning “chores,” learning GENEROSITY as a kid is so important. I know you only share the “highlights reel” with the kids, but the highlights are pretty dang good. :)

OK, my Trader Joe’s necessities:

1. riced cauliflower (it saves so much time and it’s the least expensive I have ever found)
2. microwavable dishes of chicken tikka masala for those nights when nothing sounds good and I do not want to reheat my meal prepped items OR cook something from scratch
3. cauliflower gnocchi (and I saw it in your cart! HA!)
4. mixed nut butter
5. raw almond butter, the creamy kind (it tastes to me like cookie dough…)
6. their already cleaned and halved brussels sprouts (roast at 400 with good sea salt, pepper, some olive oil, and chopped up thick-cut bacon and it is the best ever. Trust me on this.)
7. from the frozen desserts: their skillet chocolate chip cookie. It works better in the microwave than the oven, actually, and when you pair the hot cookie with TJ’s vanilla ice cream–AMAZING!
8. from the ‘impulse buy’ section by the cash registers, these small containers of pieces of dark chocolate with almond toffee centers. They’re in a little red package. SO GOOD!!!
9. When TJs has their Greek salad kits, Tom and I will get one and put a couple of the chicken skewers from Costco on top of them. The composed salads in the fridge section by the deli meats and produce and such are so good, and the Greek salad in particular is better than any salad kit I have gotten from anywhere.
10. To make an even more YAY GREEK FOOD meal, from the frozen food section, the round tray of spanakopita/spinach cheese pie from TJs–it’s not the BEST I have had (says the Greek girl whose family is almost all immigrants…), but it’s good enough to always keep a couple in the freezer. Partner this with the Greek salad I mentioned above and the chicken skewers from Costco for a really complete, happy dinner.

…and you only asked for three. I gave you more than that. I never follow rules, and I always have words. ;)


Yeah… my feet are double yours almost haha… I have huge feet:) I take your list very seriously because every time I have tried one of your recommendations I fall in love with it so thank you! I am getting those brussels sprouts asap and all of thsoe frozen desserts, yes please. THANK YOU… take a screen shot of these. You are the best Stephanie!


Along the lines of Greek food… have you tried their tzakiki sauce (it’s in the hummus/dip section). It’s so good! Theres beautiful crunchy ribbons of cucumber in there!


I wish I liked TJ’s tzaziki sauce!!! It’s much less $$ than other brands. BUT: it’s watery and the flavors in it definitely aren’t BRIGHT the way the combo of dill and cucumber SHOULD be in any tzaziki worth its salt! (Or maybe I am being s very picky and snobby Greek woman. I never expect a packaged and pre-made item to be as fresh as in the restaurants in Greece when I go to visit family, it I do expect it to be at least good enough to spend money on…and watery with an imbalance of flavors doesn’t work for me… ?)


Yes I have runners flu condition! I’m so glad you named it and described exactly how I feel. I’m just 3 weeks into a training cycle with longer than I used to do runs so maybe my body is still getting used to that but I usually have to mAke myself est after long runs or races because I don’t have an appetite. I might should try Huma gels but I wish I could get a smaller pack than what they sell in case I don’t like it and am stuck with all those.


Oh I am so sorry you are dealing with this.. it’s the worst! Good for you to make yourself eat still when your appetite is gone. Try the huma and let me know what you think. My running store sells them just as a single packet, check out if yours does and just try two or three! Have a wonderful day Mary!


Yes, most running stores sell the flavors individually, try one with caffeine and one without. Super easy on your stomach and they have the texture of strawberry or raspberry jam.


The discman… hilarious! And I’m super curious to hear how the carb depleted long run goes. It’s sortof amazing how our body can adapt. Remember – you can do hard things! TJ’s run always includes their Middle Eastern flatbread. I love to toast it and top with hummus, cucumbers, bell pepper, tomatoes. Easy lunch, especially if I chop a bunch of veggies early in the week. They also have an Ancient Grains oatmeal that is awesome with a dollop of their Sunbutter.


Thank you for that reminder… I am DEFINITELY going to need that on Saturday! Okay, that flatbread combo sounds like heaven. Thank you Michelle! Have a wonderful day!


I’ve got my long run today….10 miles with my husband biking with me. Yay!
When i first started running i wore cotton socks……never again! I personally love swiftwick socks or procompression.
Trader Joes-their breakfast bars similar to nutri grain bars, 100% cherry juice, and their peanut butter filled pretzels with no salt on them…….my current favorites!


Oh YAY… it is the best to have your husband biking with you. Enjoy! Oh the cotton socks… that makes me cringe just remembering those. I need those bfast bars asap. Have a wonderful day Loribeth!


I love that you are going to do your long run without the normal fuel. I have been doing this on all of my runs, no matter how big or small, fast or slow since January. I don’t eat anything before the workout, as well. It was not easy in the beginning, I had to keep reminding myself that I was not going to die if I didn’t have something to eat in the next hour. Our bodies adapt to different situations all of the time and will adapt to intense workouts without using carbs for fuel. Now I can go for a 3 hour run without anything but water and I am not hungry and my, personal, recovery has been better. I watched a movie called “Run on Fat”, it was very interesting.


Megan, I love both of your comments… thank you so much! That is so cool that you have trained your body to use fat for fuel so well… really interesting about your recovery too. I’m trying to find that movie on netflix or amazing… I would love to watch that. Thanks so much and have an amazing day!


The movie isn’t on Amazon or netflix. I was really hoping it would be. You can google “Run on Fat”. I believe it is around $5 to rent for 72 hours. They do have a trailer you can watch to make sure that you want to rent the movie. I don’t have a very low carb diet, I have a lower than average but by no means do I restrict my calories. I limit my processed foods on a daily basis but I haven’t cut them out. I think you will be fine on your run and you have a back up plan in place, just in case……… I believe you can do it.


Two comments in one day from me is a lot, sorry. I think it is a great decision to not post about your kids, not so great, behavior. If someone posted about my sub-optimal behavior, they would not be my friend. They are on a journey to figure out who they are. Not every moment is a shining one but they are learning. Rewarding the positive behavior will bring out more positive behavior.


Please be careful running carb depleted. It is great to train your body to use fat for fuel, but it is accomplished a lot easier if you are following a low carb diet alongside this training plan. I think just randomly running low carb will make you feel very lethargic at a time when you want to stay positive about marathon training.


Thank you so much Jen for this… it is very true. My diet is very high in carbs. My coach told me to bring a few gels just in case so I will be paying very close attention to how I am feeling. Great tip. Thank you and keep me updated with how you are doing!


Runners flu is the worst ? I actually haven’t experienced it in awhile, but I remember feeling that way a couple times after long runs, marathons. My brother in law had it pretty bad back in May after his 20-mile training run for RnR.. he was laid up for the rest of the day and night!
I have so many loves from TJs that I just can’t live without. But here are a few: roasted cacao nibs, Tandoori naan (I have used this to make personal pizzas for my niece and nephew and they LOVE them!), eggplant hummus. Oh and our new favorite is the chicken shawarma! It’s in the meat section – marinaded but not cooked. It is SO good with the naan!
GOOD LUCK with your workout, you’re going to kill it!


Oh that is terrible what your brother in law experienced after his 20 miler… boo! I hope that he is able to get it figured out if he does marathon training again. THANK YOU for your favorites… adding it to my list. Thanks so much! Have a beautiful day.


Burnin’ fat, gettin’ into the fat stores –> energy boost!? Awesome energy!? Can’t wait to read all about it. Will you be a new woman?

Roasted veggie pizza (it’s a lot of carbs) and frozen artichokes.


Man have we come a long way from the Discman!! I remember taking it to the gym and trying to walk on the treadmill, very gingerly! LOL


My current TJ obsessions:
– Greek whole milk coconut cream yogurt (they come in single serving cups)
– Guiltless guacamole (Greek yogurt mixed with guac)
– Teriyaki seaweed snacks
– Chia seeds (I use them to make chia pudding)

And, as a bonus, this isn’t at TJ but they do carry it at Target – Ripple pea milk. So much more protein than almond milk, creamy, delicious – the best milk alternative ever.

I am (hopefully) running New York this year – I was supposed to last year, but dislocated my left knee in a freak accident two weeks before and had to defer. I am very ready to just go run it – hopefully my knee agrees with my mind!


Good luck on your run! I’m very interested to hear how the carb depleted run goes. I can go for a short run (4-5 miles) without eating anything first thing in the morning, but it can be hard. I often wake up hungry (side effect of starting work at 6am or earlier), and I get stomach issues if I run hungry and don’t eat soon after. I’m about to start ramping up my running for an early Dec half-marathon, so I may try this on a 10 mile run or something and see how it goes for me.

P.S. New shoes always seem to make me run a little faster ;)


I had no idea that’s what my upset stomach was called! I get Runners Flu A LOT. It’s not just after long runs either, it’s after I race too. It’s absolutely brutal!

Also I’ve done a lot of carb depleted runs…on accident. I’m not great with fueling during long runs, so this training cycle (I’M RUNNING NYC) i’m actually trying to get better at fueling! Huma has saved me, I love them! I’ve only used the Apple cinnamon ones but my fiancé just surprised me with a whole bunch of other flavors today so I’m excited to give them a try at my half this weekend!

On a side note, I know you’re from Utah, Janae, so you’ve always trained at altitude but do you know any runners who have moved from sea level to altitude and struggled with training? I’m in year 2 living in Denver and still working my way through Struggle City. I think the hardest part is never really knowing my fitness at sea level (where I do most my long distance races). Would love to hear any tips from ANYONE!

I’m so excited to hear about your race at St George! You’re going to knock it outta the park.


Feeling tired, groggy and depleted when you first start training low carb is definitely a real thing! I felt awful and slow when I first started doing it, and had to cut down my mileage because I was going full-time low carb. But I made my runs lower frequency/higher intensity with lots of hills and speedwork, and PR’ed on my half marathon time by more than 10 minutes. Low carb training does pay off, you just have to stick it out through those first tough runs!


I like your Levitate 2 review. I love the originals and look forwardmtomtrying the 2’s.
I have a tempo run tomorrow.
There are so many staples I love fromTJ’s , but the one thing I will mention based on your moisturizer purchase. The argin face oil. Since using it my face has cleared of the Milia and is so smooth.
I agree with you and think I get the runnersnflunbased on my run fueling, because from your question yesterday if I run early my hunger is the biggest later in the day.


3 TJs must haves (hard to pick 3!): dried mango (the one without sugar, it’s actually better and more flavorful!), 3 layer hummus, and corn salsa!


Janae, I was just looking at the Oofos website because well I love my Oofos, too. Is one pair really enough?? They now sell a shoe! Yes, it looks like a casual sneaker. We can feel that absolute dreaminess under our feet all day long!


NO WAY!! Oh that is awesome! I will totally have to look those up. THANK YOU ANNE and I hope you are having a great day!

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