DNF (long run) + Marathon Week #3 Training Log!!

Really quick post today because I need to go back to sleep since I’ve only slept 19 of the past 24 hours;)

Thursday and Friday I felt off and I thought it was from all of the smoke in the air.  I set out on my run yesterday and with each mile I felt worse.  I was supposed to get Andrew at mile 6 for him to join me for the speed portion on his bike but went right back to bed instead.

What my workout was supposed to look like…

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I woke up feeling even worse (especially my throat) at about 10 so I decided to go to an Urgent Care.  Yep, strep throat.  At least it is now and not the week of the marathon or the week of a 20 miler or something that I missed.

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Living off of these (pb/chocolate is my favorite) and ice cream.

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Here’s to hoping I am better really fast because I gotta get back to mamaing because Andrew will be at the hospital all of next week starting tomorrow!

I hope you are having a great weekend and I’ll live through your long runs for now:)  Enjoy your Sunday!!


Monday:  8.1 miles @ 8:26

Tuesday:  Speed—>  2 mile w/u, 3 x 2 miles @ 6:31 average (6:35, 6:34, 6:36, 6:26, 6:28, 6:26) w/2-2.5 minute walking breaks after each interval, 2 mile c/d.  10 miles total!

Wednesday:  6.25 miles @ 8:00 pace

Thursday:  8 miles @ 8:55 pace.

Friday:  6.25 miles @ 8:48 pace.

Saturday:  6 miles @ 8:25 pace… followed by sleeping the rest of the day:)

Sunday:  Off!

44.6 miles and hopefully next week’s running will be back to normal:)


What are you up to today?

Ever had strep throat?

PLEASE give me a book recommendation because I am in desperate need of something to read today because I’m over TV!!!

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I just read Something in the Water by Catherine Steadman, and it was an addictive, have-to-read-one-more-chapter-before-doing-anything-else type of book. Perfect for a sick day! Hope you are feeling better soon – my little ones and I are off to the doctors office soon, because something similar seems to have struck our home. Ugh.


I am so sorry you’re sick but glad you’re taking care of yourself and hope you heal quickly. I just listened to Something in the Water (I listen to audiobooks during my runs) and agree with Sara. It was really good. Highly recommend!


I agree about something in the water! I also just read The Arrangement and I liked it a lot. Feel better soon! Taking care of kids while sick is realllly hard. ?


Sorry to hear you are sick! Feel better soon!


I hope you feel better, Janae! Hope those meds kick in quick. I read “Into the Water” recently and it was pretty good. Same author as “Girl on a Train”. Also read, “Everything Everything”, which I think is a few years old. Haven’t had strep in a while (knock on wood). Today I’m off to see Hamilton! So excited!


Oh no!
Feel better soon.
Post a marathon training plan if you are bored – I am looking for one in the 12-14 week range….(I got into the Flying Monkey Marathon! Yahoo!!!!)

Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. Great for all women, mom’s, and anyone who has not yet watched the series on Netflix based on the book.


Firstly, I am so sorry you are sick. I would recommend the book Following Atticus by Tom Ryan. It is a true story about a man, his dog, and an adventure. I listened to it on tape a while ago and still think about it. I should read it again. I hope you get better soon!

Tonya, I will have to look for you at the Flying Monkey, because I got in too! Happy training!


Caroline –

Aaaack! Yay!!! So excited for the Monkey! Are you in Tennessee? Email me direct at tonyajhancock AOL dot com


Aww no! I thought you were out of the woods after not catching it a few weeks ago. I am sure you will recover soon, that is one of the best side effects of being in great shape! I am currently reading Relentless by Tim Grover and I love it. I have to admit that I am a big fan of sports psychology! Rest and get well soon!


I just read I’ll Be Gone in the Dark about the Golden State Killer, so if you like true crime that’s a good one!

Sorry to hear you’re sick. Strep is no fun! I had a DNF on a five mile run yesterday and it made me feel so bad about myself. Thank you for putting a positive spin on yours and making me not feel like such a scrub!


Oh no! Strep is no fun. :( I hope the meds bring you back to life soon and let you start feeling a bit closer to normal!

Book recommendations: right now I am reading THE MYTH OF PERPETUAL SUMMER by Susan Crandall. It’s pretty good so far. I also really loved ALL OF US AND EVERYTHING and another book titled THE PROVENCE CURE FOR THE BROKEN HEARTED, both by Bridget Asher (which is the pen name for my friend Julianna Baggott–she publishes some different kinds of books under a couple of different pen names while she is publishing books under her regular name; it helps her balance different publishing contracts…). And I want to read a novel that’s been out for a bit now and getting a good buzz, PACHINKO by Min Jin Lee.

And something nice: when I got to work yesterday, Tom sauntered into the store and had me fit him for new running shoes! He got Brooks Ghosts. I didn’t *push* Brooks on him, but I gave him a good variety of Brooks (Ghosts and Levitates), Adidas (SOlar Boosts), New Balance (fresh foam 1080s), and a pair of Saucony just for fun. I got to take him through the entire shoe fit process–gait analysis, arch analysis, molding insoles, choosing shoes, testing them on the treadmills, etc. and he walked away with Brooks Ghosts (they’re navy and red so we called them his “Spiderman Shoes”), insoles, a fresh three-pack of dry max socks…and then an all-black pair of On Clouds to wear for work! It helps that he got to use my employee discount, but it was so great that my first customer interaction and transaction of the day was with my biggest cheerleader. :) (And now we are a little Brooks family of two…or, well, of four if you count my cats…)


Feel better soon. Had it once in college.
“The Light We Lost”
“The Chaperone”

Random: We ate at a which wich while out of town simply because I told Chris I have seen it on your blog.


So sorry you’re sick! Good for you for stopping and not pushing through and for going to the doctor.
It’s been a long time since I’ve had strep and I am very glad.
I loved My Name is Mary Sutter (midwife during Civil War trying to become a surgeon), Code Girls (true story of female code breakers during WWII), the Maggie Hope series (WWII again).


Strep is awful. Get feeling well, hoping these fires get under control. I loved the books Edenbrooke & The Guernsey. Try them out!


Hope you feel better soon! I just finished Something in the Water and finishing it in about a day. Very suspenseful and lots of twists!


I have never had strep throat, but I hear it’s horrible! Feel better soon! Running will always be there when you’re felling better!


I’ve been coughing so much lately and was thinking it was due to the air and last night I started to wonder if it’s more than that. I’m also starting to worry they will cancel my race! The fire is right by it. Have you ever had that happen? Do you think they will reimburse for it?

I really liked the Bayern series (Goose girl and enna burning) by Shannon hale. They are easy reads and a good story. Feel better!!


Feel better soon Janae!! Redeeming Love is my book recommendation. It’s been around awhile, so you may have already read it. I’m always late to the game with books; it was so fantastic!!


Oh no! I’m so sorry that you’re sick, hope you have speedy recovery.

Books I can totally help with! Last week on vacation I read Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeymoon and The Death of Mrs. Westaway by Ruth Ware. Both books were SO GOOD. I’m taking notes on everyone else’s recommendations.


Oh no! I was hoping you had avoided strep. At least you should be able to get over it in plenty of time for your marathon.
Have you read “Endure” by Alex Hutchinson? Lots of really interesting stuff about running and all the things our brains are in control of.
If you’d prefer fiction, I enjoyed “All the Light we Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr.
Get well soon!


Oh no! I used to get strep almost once a year! It’s awful!
Sometimes when I’m really sick I struggle with more intense books (normally I love the mysteries thrillers etc) so today I’ll suggest maybe going old school and revisiting the Anne of Green Gables books or the Wrinkle in Time ones.
I haven’t run in….over a year but I agreed to sign up for a 5k next month and today is my first training run thanks to procrastination. I was just about to leave and it started downpouring so I’ll give it a bit, otherwise it’s off to the gym and the treadmill.
I hope you feel better soon!!!


Oh no! I’m sorry you’re sick! Just started reading Crazy Rich Asians and I was hooked pretty quickly. Im only 20% through but I’d recommend so far!


I hope you feel better really soon! Hang in there


Today is all about resting and relaxing with my toddler son and catching up on some reading! I have a bit of groin pain yesterday after my long run (week 2 of half marathon training), so it’s definitely a day of complete rest for me!

I’ve had strep throat once before – but I actually never felt the symptoms other than a fever (we caught it super early on!). My husband has had it several times though :( Prayers for a quick recovery!

A great book I read recently was GIRL, WASH YOUR FACE by Rachel Hollis. Not sure if you already read it (can’t remember if you mentioned it). But if not, is is AMAZING! Such an uplifting, quick read! In terms of fiction, I’m currently reading THE ALICE NETWORK by Kate Quinn for my book club and am really enjoying it!


I’ve had strep throat more times than I can remember! I got it all the time as a kid/teen. Feel better really soon!

One of my favorite authors right now is Charles Martin. Long Way Gone is my favorite book of his, but When Crickets Cry, Chasing Fireflies and Wrapped in Rain are all really good, too.


Books!! You must read:

A House in the Sky (Amanda Lindhout) &
The Alice Network

Hope you feel better soon Janae. Sickness is part of life. Better than an injury.


Not a book but Netflix: Finding Traction

It is so good. A documentary about a female breaking the AT men’s record. More than about running of course. : )


Oh no! Heal up! Usually once the meds kick in you should feel a lot better. No mom should be sick.

I’m reading The Women in the Window about half way not sure how I feel about it yet. So gonna read this post once done for some good reads.


Oh no! Getting sick/injured when training is the worst. I’m hoping to get back to training after a hiking fall left me a little sore. Ugh. I recently read the Martian and couldn’t put it down. I haven’t watched the movie yet, but that’s next on my list! Feel better!


Hopefully you are on the mend! I swear you have a strep carrier in the house ;) Enjoy all those smoothies!!!!

We just got back to Germany after our 6 weeks in the states. Today I had jet lag legs so went easy. Basically unpacking and procrastinating unpacking today.

Gute Besserung!! (get well!)


Aiming for the All-level-runners Achieve your Marathon Goals? Check this out: https://bit.ly/2MI8ybR


Ugh I am SOOO sorry to hear that you are sick ☹ It’s good that you didn’t try to push through it though! Missing long runs are the worst.
I did my 18-miler yesterday – it was a hot, tired, slow run and afterwards my left knee felt sore. My IT Band has been a little cranky, but this did not feel like it was related. I have 8 weeks until Chicago so I am NOT messing around. Going to cross train for the next few days to make sure it’s ok!
I have a great book for you! I am currently reading “We Were the Lucky Ones” by Georgia Hunter. If you haven’t read it, I highly suggest it! I don’t know if you’ve read “The Nightingale” but it’s similar (and if you haven’t, it’s SOO good!)
Rest up and feel better!!!


I did my 12 mile for NYC this morning. I thought of you because the sunrise looked Smokey.

The Ocean at the end of the Lane by Neil Gaiman. It’s a grown up fairy tale and it haunts me. I think of it all the time. I might need to revisit it now that I’m typing about it… it’s also a quick read.

Feel better I get strep every time one of my kids gets it! It’s awful. Hopefully the antibiotics help fast


Hope you feel better soon!! Glad you’re taking care of yourself and resting. I highly recommend shalene’s chicken broth if Andrew has time to cook today. :)

hmm books.. have you read anything by Ruth Ware? Her books are mysterious page turners.


I read “Half-Broke Horses” recently and really enjoyed it!


Oh no! I’m so sorry! Hope you feel better soon, Janae!
It’s a good thing you listened to your body and didn’t try to push through.

Rest up, mama! Xoxo


I hope you feel better soon! I’ve never had strep as an adult but imagine it would be awful!


Feel better soon! My girls have had step more times than I can count, but I’ve been lucky never to catch it from them.

A few Books I’ve enjoyed this summer:

How to Walk Away by Katherine Center
The Perfect Couple by Elin Hildebrand
All We Ever Wanted by Emily Giffin
The Bright Hour by Nina Riggs (this is a memoir, which I don’t normally read, it is seriously one of the best books I’ve ever read).


Oh no! I hope you feel better quickly!


Oh no!! I hope you feel better soon with the meds.


Oh no! Hope you feel better soon! I’ve never had it but my kids had it so much when they were younger! Get well, Janae!


sorry about the DNF long run! it seems like a good call though – listening to your body –

i’ve not had strep throat diagnosed. ugh so sorry about that!

what book are you in the mood for? i just read “the perfect mother,” it’s a thriller, great for summer. i wouldn’t call it a must read, but it’s great to take your mind off things for a bit. if you’re looking for serious, i read “an american marriage” which i’d recommend highly…! good luck finding a book you love :) i have more recommendations if you are interested!


oh man – strep is the worst! I used to get it all the time when I was younger but thankfully I haven’t had it as an adult. Phew! Hoping for a quick recovery and that no one else gets sick in your house!

Have you read “Along the Infinite Sea” by: Beatriz Williams? I am reading it right now and like it so far. I’m only a few chapters in though!

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