Do You Eat More + If You Can…

Good morning!!!

Beretta joined me for my run Monday morning and she still wanted to play fetch afterwards (she is staring the ball down in the picture below).

Beretta is kind of like that really fast running friend that tempts you to go faster than you know you should on your easy days… during the first mile she kept looking back at me like, ‘come on… is this all you’ve got?  Let’s GOOOOOOO.’  But I was smart and stuck to my easy paces even though I felt much better than expected after my 19 miler on Saturday.

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Beretta usually runs with Andrew but I took her out with me because I had one time to run outside yesterday unless I wanted to go at dinnertime (which I don’t know if I could run more than a mile at night lately).   Beretta is really protective of me and the kids so I felt really safe out there in the dark with her.  Whenever Andrew is playing around with me and trying to tickle me, Beretta makes him stop.

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You know when you’ve been thinking about a very important running decision for a long time and you feel so relieved when you have finally found your answer?

That’s how I feel about my marathon shoe decision that I’ve made.  It’s weird how much I’ve been thinking about this question and the Launch 5s are my final answer (unless I change my mind because I’ve been known to be a bit indecisive).

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I wish I could have recovered from our run the way that Beretta did:

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I got in some upper body strength work too yesterday—> aka carrying Skye all over.  I need to change the side I carry her on to give my other arm a muscle too.

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We had some time with cousins before Knox left until Thursday!

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We hung out at home for a while.

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Thank you Trader Joe’s for having these pesto noodle freezer meals for me to eat for lunch when I don’t have time to make anything.  This plus an apple and peanut butter and some turkey slices made quite a delicious and easy lunch.

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Later on during Skye’s nap, we did have some time to make something in the kitchen.  Brookester and I made the banana bread from the Run Fast, Eat Slow cookbook and it was delicious.  Ours was a little vanillaee because Brooke got a little excited pouring that ingredient in… but it was still delicious.   Also, does anyone have Shalane’s new cookbook, ‘Run Fast.  Cook Fast.  Eat Slow.’  Do you like it so far?

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Once Andrew was done with his shift (he is doing home health care right now) he met us at Brooke’s school for some things.

Skye clearly missed him.

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Followed by some more Back to School shopping.

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Because when you see Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and they have large marshmallows dipped in caramel and chocolate, you have to have one.

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Okay, one last little thought about my long run on Saturday.  IF you can… go and do a training run on the course of your upcoming race.  I have done the St. George Marathon two times in the past but I had forgotten a lot about the course since then and it was so great to refresh my memory on what to expect.  It was a total confidence booster for me and I like knowing now what to plan for and it will definitely help me to pace myself on race day.

Also, the other day a reader asked me if I eat more on the day of a long run or the day after.  The answer is kind of both but my hunger really kicks in the day after a long run.  What about you guys… more on the day of the long run or during the next day?

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I absolutely loved this Runversations with Des Linden.  I think we should all join them on the next one right?

PS my mom has taken up wood carving as a new hobby and look what she just finished!  She is pretty amazing!

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Parents reading—>  What side do you carry your little ones?

-I naturally carry Skye on my right side but I’m trying to carry her on my left too!

Do you eat more the day of your long runs or the day after?

Ever run with a dog?  Do you have a good leash that you recommend for running with a pup?

I need a new face moisturizer… HELP ME OUT.  Have a favorite?  What’s your go-to?  Give me the details!

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I don’t know good parenting or fast running but I know dry skin really well. I used LaNeige Water Bank last winter and it was great. Aquaphor for icy runs and skiing (its like Vaseline that won’t clog your pores). Kiehls makes good stuff too. Nivea 24 hour pink stuff when I feel broke.
HTH! Banana bread looks yum!


Running actually suppresses my appetite for the day but the next day, look out. I’m in training for marathon #4 and I’m determined not to eat anything and everything I want just because I ran 16 plus miles yesterday.


OMG. Your mom carved that??!! That’s incredible! Also, that pic of Skye and Andrew at the school is too precious and is a framer for sure!

I use Aveeno for face wash and moisturizer (and for body wash, too), and I love it. It’s a bit pricey compared to other brands in the store, but if you get it at Target, you usually get a better deal (Target ALWAYS comes through).

LOVE that shot of you running with the mountains in the background! Gorgeous!! Hope that you have a great day, Janae!!


I got tired of paying for expensive face cream so I have been using Trader Joes moisturizer during the day. It’s been a great. I’ve used it for about a year and I really can’t tell the difference between that and other creams I’ve used in the past. It does not come with sunscreen so I just mix a little sunscreen in before applying.


Well, you know I love TJ’s so I need to get their moisturizer asap. Thank you so much Betsy… good call on mixing in some sunscreen too. Thanks and I hope you are having a wonderful day!


I’ve been using Cocokind’s coconut oil repair serum and chia oil moisturizer for about a year and a half now and have noticed a huge difference in my skin. I’m prone to breakouts and dry patches and these products are the only ones I’ve found that don’t make me break out and actually WORK! My skin is completely different than it was a couple years ago, and that’s with marathon training, work stress and two little kids (and very little sleep!).
I just got Shalane’s new cookbook and it’s good! I’m eating the pancakes right now. :)
Have a great week!


Finally found the best face moisturizer with sunscreen (must for me since I’m lazy and won’t do both… #oneyearoldbaby ;-)) – Philosophy Renewal Hope in a Jar (SPF 30). Found it at Sephora for I think around $25? I got it in June and am only halfway through, so it really lasts! Plus, I use it for my face sunscreen throughout the day when we are at the beach and pool and it stays light and clean. Love it!!


$25 and it lasts a long time… thank you!! I’m going to check it out next time I’m at Sephora. Thank you Nicole and I hope you are having a great day!


Are you kidding me! Your mom just decided to take up wood carving and already did that!? That is incredible!!

I’m a righty and carry my daughter on my left hip. I think my mom mentioned that she was the same way so then you have your dominate hand to do things with.

I use Mary Kay timewise moisturizer (because I’m a 70 year old 30 year old :) ) The only problem is it doesn’t have an SPF in it, so I’ll be watching these comments because I probably need to switch to one that does!


I have classic combination skin– oily in the t-zone and dry everywhere else. During the summer, I wear tinted moisturizer with SPF (Neutrogena) during the day and don’t really need anything else at night, but during the winter, my skin gets dryer and I use this at night:

It’s nice and light and smells amazing. I prefer the gel formula over creams, just because it never feels greasy.


I also have classic t-zone skin and use that same Origins moisturizer. The gel formula glides on so easily and smoothly, and it takes SO LITTLE for my face to be fully covered. I love it!!!


I just eat a lot so never notice :o)
Definitely a right side carrier and I’m sure I now run in circles as a result!


HAHA your comment is awesome. Thanks for making me laugh:) Have a wonderful day!


The day after.
Going out for breakfast the day after is a simple pleasure of mine because I have such a huge appetite for all the deliciousness.


Your mom’s carving is absolutely amazing!!!!!
Does she have an Etsy shop? :)


Not yet but she needs to get one started up! THANKS ASHLEY!


I feel like you have really talented parents. That is so pretty!

Wanna know something funny, that striped shirt that Brooke is wearing, I have that shirt for ME! I’m so small that I can fit into large in kids section haha. Brooke looks better in it though.

Right now I use neutrogena oil free moisturizer with sun screen. Not too fancy but it works for me.


Oh man, I never comment, but I have to share my favorite running leash. My dog is a far better runner than I am (I’m not bitter about it at all, nope, definitely not) and our runs have gotten way better since we got the Tuff Mutt running leash (linked below). I find it very comfortable to wear around my waist and I like that it has 2 handles, including one to pull her in for heel. My pup’s not really a fan of those fast, 2-wheeled contraptions on the road, so being able to pull her close when there’s a bike passing by is an awesome feature.


I just had to echo Elizabeth’s recommendation for a dog leash; that’s the one I was going to recommend! I HATE carrying a leash while running with my dog so the waist leash has been incredible, and it is really easy to grab if I need her to heel. It’s been really durable and great for both runs and hikes. Love it!


I third this leash as well! I just shared the link too. I love it so much.


Do you ladies use a harness with that leash or just a regular collar?


I’ve used it with both a harness and with a collar! Works great with both.


Just put it in my Amazon cart to buy it… THANK YOU so much girls. This will make running with Beretta so much easier!


Wow. GO MOM!


Your mom’s carving is amazing! And Skye suddenly looks so big! I asked my library to purchase the Run Fast, Eag Slow cookbook and loved it. I made the beet smoothie and the granola. Maybe more? I don’t remember. I love Vanicream for moisturizer.


I eat more the day of a long run. But to be honest, all of marathon training means more eating.

I use a hands-free leash when running with my dog. It goes around my waist and has an extra bit for shock absorbing when she sees a squirrel so I don’t get pulled off my feet.

I’ve been very happy with Tula skin products and the daily moisturizer is fantastic.


That is so awesome that you bake with Brooke! My mom did that with me a lot growing up and it helped me feel comfortable in the kitchen and now I can cook for myself. I know so many people who don’t know how and don’t want to learn. I mean, I wouldn’t mind frozen pizza for dinner once or twice, but that kind of stuff all the time? Nah. So you are setting her up for happiness later in life!

I am also hungry the days of long workouts and the day after. I think you can’t totally replenish your glycogen in one day so you have to keep eating more the next day. Maybe?


No kids or dogs, so I have nothing there. I use Cetaphil at night as a moisturizer and for day, I use Cover Girl tinted moisturizer or Aveeno sunscreen for faces.

I am never hungry on the day of a long run, it’s always the following day.


I have Run Fast, Cook Fast, Eat Slow and I have already made probably 6 recipes from it and they have all been amazing! I am seriously in love with the book. The Quinoa Thai Salad is amazing and the sweet potato waffles are really good too. It has helped me get more adventurous in the kitchen and try lots of new things. Also, I’m looking at food and nutrition differently and that has been so so helpful for me.
For moisturizer, if I know I’m going to be outside I use a B.B. cream from Cover Girl that has SPF in it and has a bit of a tint to even out my skin tone. I also use a cream that I got from Amazon called TreeActiv that is supposed to help control acne. It has tea tree and peppermint oil and other natural stuff in it and smells really good.


That wood carving is amazing!

I run with my dog at least once a week and walk with him most of the other days. I have used this leash about a year and a half now and still love it. I love Even when I just take him on walks I use it-

I use Rosehip Oil as my moisturizer at night- full of vitamins and so good for your face! And Supergoop SPF as my daily go-to moisturizer.

My hunger kicks in usually the day after a long run or by the end of the day if I do it early in the morning. It takes me awhile to actually want to eat but once I do, I can’t stop haha


Your Mom’s carving is amazing!!! Thanks to you and your mom for sharing the picture. I love to see and read about her interests.

I use Burt’s Bees for sensitive skin – it is very light so I think it’s good for summer (fine for me in the winter but for extra dryness someone might need more).

Love the picture of Skye with Andrew and Brooke’s school!


After many years of searching, I have found that the products from Aveeno have the best combination of lasting moisturizing and non-greasiness for my skin. Aveeno + plus drinking enough water solved my dry skin problem.


Really!?!? That is awesome… thanks Paige. I love my Aveeno body lotion so I’ll check out their face products. Thank you and have an amazing day!


I probably always carry him on my right side, I guess since that arm is dominant/stronger so it’s easier? I need to try to switch sides too :)

I usually feel a little nauseous on the days I run long, hunger for sure kicks in the next day!

TaoTronics Retractable Hands Free Dog Leash with Dual Bungees for up to 150 lbs Large Dogs (on amazon). You can either give them a long leash or clip it back so it is shorter. Love it!

Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel is a good inexpensive one. FRESH Lotus Youth Preserve Moisturizer is my favorite one that is more expensive but I really see a difference in my skin when I use that one consistently.

Happy Tuesday!


Your mom’s wood carving is beautiful!

And YAY for running in Launch 5s! I have those same Launches–almost. The upper is the same–that grey/black television-static look–but the pair of Launches I wear *casually* is the Launch 4, rather than the 5, and where yours have the Brooks swoosh in white, mine have mint green. I wore them at the running store yesterday (and today on campus it’s all platform wedge sandals and all black and big ol’ silver earrings…a far cry from running store retail sales outfit, lol).

As for facial moisturizer: I have two favorites, and they are like this:
(A) the Vitamin E moisturizer from The Body Shop (I have worn the one with SPF in it for at least 10 years now, but I don’t see it on the Body Shop website. This one is basically the same, and from the same line, but without the SPF:
(B) the Ginzing Energy Boosing Gel Moisturizer from Origins (which I started wearing recently, and it glides on SO SMOOTHLY that a very small bit goes a VERY long way). It smells nice. It leaves my face feeling SO GOOD. Since an aesthetician who looked at my skin last fall told me that while I have *good* skin (seriously I look a lot younger than 41…I have good skin that way…), it could be better hydrated I have been looking for the best solution. All of last school year I tried to wear moisturizer AND a hydrating serum, but–honestly–since finding this stuff at Origins, I haven’t felt the need for serum PLUS moisturizer–this does both just great!!! Price point is a bit higher than Body Shop, but it’s still within the range of reasonable-ness…

(Origins, btw, has the best charcoal face mask in the universe…I have been using it literally since I was 20 years old…)

Pro Tip: find cute clothes at Target (their new Universal Threads brand reminds me a LOT of the stuff I see at Madewell), at J Crew Factory Store, and at the Loft outlet to save pennies and devote the money to skin care! ;) #priorities


Oil of Olay Compete all day moisturizer for sensitive skin. It has SPF 15 so if I forget sunscreen at least I have something on for day to outings. It’s gentle on my skin and I feel so good after it’s on. Note: I have dry, dry skin.


This is what I use too. I have been using it for years and years :)


1000% eat more the day after the long run! Amazing work by your mama!


The best part of Run Fast Cook Fast Eat Slow so far has been the anti-diet message they write about!


I saw an excerpt from the book about that and I wanted to buy it just for that. Have a great day Molly!


omg your mom!!!! just a casual hobby??? hahahha that’s unbelievable.

I run with this leash from Amazon (link below) and I can’t recommend it enough. Great use of 15 bucks! The waist band will spin around my waist so if your dog is a swerver or doesn’t like to stay on one side, you don’t have to keep adjusting /changing hands while running. It is also kind of like a bungee cord so its great for big/heavy/strong dogs! I live in a city so I walk to all of my errands (grocery store, vet appointments, coffee, etc) and I use this leash to bring the dog with me for the walk, clip the leash to a pole outside while I run in, and then I can walk her home hands-free while carrying my groceries or whatever else! (for you, you could carry Skye and walk the dog at same time!)


Thank you for helping me out so much Krista… $15 is awesome! I hope you have a beautiful day!


Holy cow that carving!!! That is stunning. Your mom is amazingly talented! Well done Mom!!!

I love CeraVe lotion for everything. I get it at Walgreen’s and it’s not expensive and rub it everywhere. I especially put it on my feet during the winter because they get so dry. I love it on my face because it keeps me hydrated and doesn’t break me out.


Your kids are just too darn cute!! I was at my parents’ house this weekend and wanted to take their almost 2 year old cocker spaniel for a walk. We only made it a half mile before it started downpouring, so I decided to see if she would run back to the house. Holy cow, is she fast!! If it was not my rest day, I totally would have kept running with her in the rain-she loved it!

I love philosophy’s “take a deep breath” moisturizer. It is so light, and I love the smell! It used to be sold at Ulta, but they stopped carrying this specific kind, so now I usually order it online from philosophy or sephora. It’s a bit pricey (to me), but it usually lasts me about 5-6 months!

It usually takes at least a day for my hunger to come back after a long run. I am hardly ever hungry the day I finish my long runs, so I have to make sure I am eating enough! This morning, I finished my first 20 miler of my training cycle, and I felt so awesome! It was only about 60 degrees when I started, and yes, lower temperatures and humidity make all the difference to me! I start back to school on Thursday, so I wanted to get in one more solid long run before I start with the kids! Awesome job on your 19 miler this weekend–you continue to motivate me to push myself and help me know that I can do hard things. :) Have a great Tuesday!


GO EMILY GO… 20 miler wahoo! And you felt awesome, that is huge and you are so right about the weather, it makes the biggest difference. Good luck on the first day back to school!! You are going to rock your marathon!! Haha I love that your parents’ pup is speedy too! Thanks for the recommendation, I’m going to look it up now!


What is your skin type- dry, oily, or combination? And do you have sensitive skin and is the whole organic cruelty craze a must for you. Also what other skin concerns do you have as many moisturizers can pack moisture and other things like vitamin c or peptides?


Those are all really great questions:) I have a combination of dry and oily skin and the more goodness I can get in to my moisturizer the better… does that help?


I would definitely recommend in that case to go with a gel based moisturizer- intense hydration and a light texture. Drunk Elephant hydra intensive, belief aqua bomb and dr jart water drop are my personal recommendations for combination skin. Also you can NEVER go wrong with a face oil as a supplementary hydration back as ironically enough you may be oily in your tzone but this often due to under production of hydration, pushing excess oils to the surface. Biossance squalane oil is my go to for face body and hair. It’s a miracle worker and above all one ingredient. What else are you using in your skin care routine?


I use Aveeno Positively Radiant Moisturizer with SPF. I will normally forget to put SPF on my face, so this way I don’t forget.
I carried both of my kids on my left side since I am right handed. I tried to switch but always ended up on the left.


That was a fun little conversation with Des! I would so love to run with her or just hang out with her :)
When my boys were little like Skye, I always held them on my left side because I’m right handed. I would try to switch, but it just felt awkward!
I usually eat more a few hours after a long run. And I usually crave my go to comfort foods like mac & cheese or mashed potatoes… along with some type of protein. Or In n’ Out ;)
So, I shared with you that my runs last week just felt really hard. My legs just felt heavy and like I couldn’t get them to do what they should do… Today was way better! Yay! I switched up my music and that seemed to make such a huge difference! Sometimes I think we get stuck in a rut, and change (even a small change like what music we listen to) is vital! So, here’s to having hope that my running will continue to feel better :)


In the morning after I wash my face, I use the Trader Joe’s moisturizer with SPF. I swear by that stuff! Before bed when I wash my face, I use the Cetaphil nighttime moisturizer. They are both non-comedogenic which is essential for my super sensitive skin!


So good to know…. I’m going to go to TJ’s today and get it:) Thanks Sam! Have a wonderful day!


Wow, your mom’s carving is amazing!!
Shalene’s book is on my wish list… I might just have to buy it for myself!
I definitely eat more the day after a long run. It’s always funny to me, my long runs are usually Saturdays, and then Sundays are rest days, so I feel like I’m super hungry for no reason on Sundays, but I definitely tend to eat more.
My skin is unpredictable and unruly but I recently started buying Sunday Riley products and seriously I have never had better skin. There’s different products depending on your skin type and needs and it’s pricey but I love it. I got some samples from Sephora before I was willing to shell out the money for it, but it’s high quality product so it’s worth it.


I got hooked on DHC skincare products years ago and use those for everyday. But I haven’t found a great SPF with them, so I use Oil of Olay Complete with SPF 15. I get them at Costco, super fancy ;) It goes on super light and I can use it alone or over the top of other moisturizer. And HRG Mom, you have such a talent!


I don’t run, but I weightlift and I definitely feel the hunger the day after a heavy lifting day.
Also your mom is amazing!! That wood carving looks so great to put on display in a house.
Hope you have a great day.


WOW, for just taking up wood carving you’d think she’d been doing it for 40 years. Amazing !
I carry babies on my right side, just feels better to me. When I do on my left, everything feels off, like they are sliding down or something.
My dogs are 13 and more walkers now, but back in their running days….I just couldn’t make it work. They constantly wanted to criss cross in front of me. I always had a hard time getting them to stay beside me. After many trips and close falls, I would jog with them for the sake of their exercise but I stopped trying to for my runs. Also, when they saw a rabbit or squirrel, all bets are off, they’d try and chase it. Ugh, definitely exhausted when we got home.
I am the worlds most sensitive skin girl. I can’t use about 99.99% of the products in out there. I use Bend Soap Company products. It’s goat milk based, all natural ingredients. The soap is so moisturizing, I do use the soap and lotion on my face and whole body. When I want a light weight moisturizer I have to use Cetaphil Daily Hydrating Lotion, I use many Cetaphil products too. In the winter, or in problem spots, like a skin irritation, or just extra dry area, I will use Rosehip oil sometimes. It’s an oil, so less is more always. But it’s got great skin benefits, so I use it here and there when needed.


I feel like a long run actually messes up my stomach or something. I don’t have as big an appetite after running long. So the next day it kicks in.
And I always carried mine on my left side because I was right handed and that left that hand open for doing something.


I’m hungry both days, but if this week is any indicator, the day after is definitely my insatiable day.

Baby is carried primarily left, but I’m really working on mixing things up.

Moisturizer- I have ridiculously sensitive/acne prone skin. I’ve been using Dermatalogica’s ultra calming line. Specifically, the combo of ultracalming serum and the barrier repair. I’ve been using that for a couple of years and I have been mostly acne fee (amazing for me).


wow your mom is so talented!! my step-dad does wood carving and makes turkey calls, knives, and he even made me tree trunk candles, salt and pepper shakers and flat tree trunk rounds for our guest books at our wedding!
I am SO hungry the rest of the day after a hard workout. It’s like I am a bottomless pit! lol Have a great day girlfriend!! xoxo


I usually have to force myself to eat more on my long run days and then I’m completely famished the day after, so naturally eat more that day too. So I guess a bit of both for me too!


Run Fast Cook Fast Eat Slow is great!! You should definitely get it :)


I carry on my right side but now that he is so big I try to talk him into front or shoulder top carry. You should not worry about your arms! When you posted Jose pics Andrew took of you on the run (and video) I was like Woo Hoo! Janae has strong arms! Legs too of course :)

I eat more all the time. This is why I run, so that people will think I am fueling for the run and not judge me for my voracious appetite.

I run with or German Short-haired Pointer all of the time. I run with him off leash. When we are on a trail by himself I just let him go, but call him back if he gets out of sight. If we are on the road or approaching another runner I keep him on heel.

I use Tangerine Skies Facial Oil by Earthwise beauty. Light feel but super moisturizing, and all natural. Love love love!


I naturally carry my kiddos on my right hip. I think because I’m left handed and it leaves my hand available :)

I definitely eat more on the next day.

My dog is still a pup but I’ve ran a little bit here and there to get him used to the leash and such. I found one that goes around my waist and it definitely has some give to it, which I like.

I switch my moisturizer fairly often. Right now I’m using Neutrogena with retinol at night and with SPF during the day and I like it :)


Your mom has some serious skills. Inventing, gem cutting, wood carving, and producers of some really speedy kids that can fly planes and DIY home renovations… is there anything your parents CAN’T do?!

My skin is on the oily/sensitive side, and I use Bare Minerals Complexion Rescue Tinted Moisturizer!


I agree… they are beyond amazing! Oh I love bare mineral products… I will have to check their tinted moisturizer out. Thanks Kara and I hope you have a wonderful day!


I have a lab too so I know exactly what you mean about how they just want you to speed up already! ;) We used to have two (our boy ate something he shouldn’t have and passed last year :( ), and believe it or not I actually ran with two <3 year old labs at the same time once. Yes, it was crazy. My watch mile record was actually set with our female lab, but I don’t think it counts because I’m pretty sure she was doing some of the work for me! Here’s the leash I use. Ever since I got it running with her is SO much easier, even when she pulls too hard I feel like I’m less likely to fall because it’s my whole core holding her back as opposed to just my arm (it seemed scary but once I actually tried it, it feels way more stable).

Okay, not really a moisturizer but I’m crazy about this stuff lately and I have been using it under my (Garnier brand) BB cream for daytime. It really helps my hormonal acne heal more quickly and look less red/irritated:


I force myself to eat the day of a long run but the day after?! I eat alllllllllll the foods ? basically, if it’s edible and in front of me, I eat it.

So since I turned 30, I have learned that I have pretty sensitive skin. Turns out my old moisturizer caused me massive, cystic acne. I had a lady approach me in Walgreens on day and told me that I HAD to try the Boots No 7 line. And it’s AMAZING. I use the “Beautiful Skin” line right now. I’ve found it at Walgreens and Target


Totally made that banana bread yesterday, too!! I used the spelt flour and everything. Looked a littler different but tasted fantastic! Their new cookbook is on my Christmas list ;) Mainly for those homemade chocolate peanut butter cups!

Long run days=eat all the foods.


My left! I’m right handed. I think it has to do with that, as you naturally hold them with your opposite arm to allow your dominate hand to be free.


Often the day of my long run my stomach feels just a little bit off but then by the next day I’m STARVING and eat all the calories I burned during my long run ?


I’m looking for a new moisturizer too. I tried the Biossanse squareness+probiotic moisturizer and loved it but hoping to find something cheaper. I’ve been cooking from the Run Fast Cook Fast and so far it’s super yummy. I’ve tried the sweet potatoes hummus wrap and the turkey trot meatballs. Different flavors but good. Do you like your launches better then the Ricochets?


I adore your parents’ creativity and innovative thinking!!!!! As a teacher, I think the world is KIND OF losing that due to the emphasis on testing—–kids should be encouraged to CREATE and think creatively!!!! So awesome :)


Whoa your mums carving is SPECTACULAR!!! I’m so so impressed!

I naturally carry my kids on the right as I’m left handed but really need to try carry on the left more as it’s affecting my right glute like crazy and currently having a lot of back pain because of it. But the physio is getting that sorted, thank the Lord for that, it’s been a nightmare!


Ha! That one photo makes it look like the kids are doing their back-to-school shopping at Coach Factory. Fancy :)

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