Silentish Saturday + mom fail + time to run long w/o humidity ha!

6 miles @ 8:31 pace and I made it to the Mississippi river again.

At 6 a.m. it was 72 degrees and crazy humid.  I’ve always been in awe of all of you that run in heat/humidity often but now after experiencing it, I need your autograph.  You are hardcore.

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I love how running makes it so that I can explore our world a bit more.

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Finished up and walked with my sister-in-laws for a little bit!

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We were out the door at 8 to drive back (3.5 hours) to St. Louis for the airport… it was really tempting to just go to the City Museum again instead.

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Another airport.

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Minutes before we were supposed to be on the plane Skye had an explosion and I realized I forgot wipes so things were tricky.  We walked on the plane with a naked baby ha (she did have a diaper though).

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So we changed her into another outfit and that one didn’t last long either so here I am crossing my fingers that her 3rd (and the last outfit I had) will get us to Utah.

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We had a layover in California (we teared up passing over Utah and wishing they could just drop us off there instead;)

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I realized yesterday on the plane that it was Skye’s half birthday so I celebrated with Skittles.

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Beretta was so happy to see us.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen her as excited as she was last night. Our neighbor was watching her while we were gone.

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11 hours of traveling and we came home to some cereal.

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Felt so good to sleep in our own bed again and if you need me, I’ll be doing 30 loads of laundry today.

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Long run time!


Tell me three things that you are doing today?

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I’m glad you made it home safely and that the one outfit lasted! That happened to us last week on our way from camping so I feel you!

Long run today but I’m not sure what else yet.


Hahaha we just need to pack 10 more outfits than we think we need. Let me know how your long run goes… you’ve got this Jenny!


A long travel day for sure! Right now it’s 75 degrees at 5:30am! Luckily, low humidity.

Three things I am doing today:
1. A mud run with my nephew, should be lots of fun doing an obstacle course through mud

2. Swimming

3. Relaxing!


That is CRAZY!!! So warm. A mud run with your nephew… best aunt ever. Sounds like an amazing day Dana. Have a blast!!!


Yay for making it home!!

I’m running with the crew this morning. packing for my big trip that I leave for on Monday (4 countries with 30 students!), and swimming with my littles.


I want to join your running crew… sounds like a great day! Have the best time ever on your trip… 4 countries and 30 students, wow! I want to hear all about it! Have a great day Marissa!


I feel like their hasn’t even been humidity yet this year. Come July and August, the air is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Don’t come back until fall. ;)


There**…epic grammar fail!


I am sure glad that we came in June then haha! Seriously, humidity is rough! Enjoy the rest of your weekend Molly!


Having a yard sale! Ugh. Prob not worth it but trying to get rid of baby stuff. We will see.


I hope that today went well at your yard sale and you made some good money!


You are a rock star for getting through all that travel!
Florida runner here. The only time it’s not super humid is like 4 days in January ? I live for those days! Naturally to Floridians though, its less than 65 degrees, so we bundle up for a run ?? Have a great weekend!


YOU ARE AMAZING PRISCILLA… running year round in tough conditions, you are strong! Thank you and you too!


Glad you guys made it home. Skye just wanted to make sure your flight home was memorable too! :) Today, joining my husband fishing on the river, later Costco run and making a craft for my cousin’s grad gift. Hope you get through the laundry and can relax some!


HAHA she sure did! Well, that sounds like a great day! Thanks Jenny and I hope your Sunday is a great one too.


3 things – I just finished the Utah Valley half for the second year! No PR for me this year but I never stopped to walk even when my legs starting hurting so bad! One of these years I will ring the PR bell! Now we are going to get our kids for the kids 1k and later we have a bday party to go to. Glad you made it home safely janae!


CONGRATS LAURA!!! AHHHH that is awesome. Way to go on not stopping and you will get that PR bell. We came out and cheered this morning:) Oh I love the kids 1k. Thanks so much and recover well Laura!


1. Going for a run.
2. Staining our fence.
3. Getting a pedicure with my mama!

I hope you take it easy and recover from your long travel day with kids! ?


Thanks Ashley!! Sounds like a great day… I love doing that with my mom:) Enjoy your Sunday!


Ran a longish run today (I was about to cut it short but I literally ran into a friend running haha so I couldn’t cop out). Getting reading for a trail run with a girl friend tomorrow. And eating avocado dip and chips.

Sounds like a great trip and welcome home! Enjoy your weekend.


Talk about perfect timing… so glad you ran into your friend. Enjoy your trail run and now I need some avocado dip… thanks Kristine!


Saturday’s are actually pull back days for me … so I did a spin class this morning and then I am finishing laundry, putting it away, AND prepping for my LONG RUN tomorrow! I can’t wait till this time tomorrow when I have run 14 miles and biking (brick workout, yay!).
p.s. Didn’t you love how easy it was to travel through STL?


It really was so amazing! GOOD LUCK TOMORROW and let me know how it goes. You are going to rock your brick workout!


Did 20 miles here in St Louis – it was 76 and 75% humidity at 5:30 am!!! ACK – but i got it done, 16 outside and 4 inside due to a massive t-storm and tornado warning in my area… I have to run in this all the time but it is good training for my 6 hour race again in early September here! Same race as in 2015 when you featured me here on your site, it was a 90-95 degree day and I’m hoping for something less than that! ha! Have a great trip back!


You are my hero… how did you do that in that weather!? AHH you are doing it again… this is so exciting. Keep me updated on your training and of course how the race goes. Thanks Tricia!


PS I wish we could have met up in St. Louis… next time!


so glad you had a great trip! always feels good to come home though, even after a fun vacation.

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