What you don’t know about your body + an awesome deal!

I think you are REALLY going to love today’s post.  When I first heard about EverlyWell (on Shark Tank) I instantly knew that I wanted to try them out.  I did and I LOVED my experience with their test.  I have a great deal for you to try EverlyWell at the end of this post.  This post is sponsored by EverlyWell.



I absolutely love learning more about my body.  I think it is so fascinating to understand why it does the things that it does or why I feel the way I feel.  I want to know what I can do to help my body to be more efficient, healthier and to feel better too.  I was excited to try EverlyWell because they offer an easy way for me to learn about my body.

I looked through all of the tests that they offer and chose to take the Women’s Health Test!  After years of using different birth controls, pregnancies and now breastfeeding, I have been really interested in finding out what the heck is going on with my different hormone levels at this point in my life.  I want to understand how they play a role in my day to day life, training and running goals for the rest of the year.

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The kids wanted to do a running picture too:)

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First, EverlyWell offers SO many different tests—>  Food Sensitivity, Women’s Fertility, Postmenopause, Heart Health, Metabolism, Thyroid, Vitamin D and Inflammation, Sleep and Stress, STD, Male and Female Health and many more.  EverlyWell makes it so convenient for you to learn more about your overall health.   I want to take them all now because it’s so cool to get your results from the test… I think I am going to take the food sensitivity one next to see how different foods affect everything from my skin to my stomach and energy levels.

EverlyWell is so convenient.  All you have to do is choose which test(s) you would like to take here and then they send it right to your doorstep.


Before trying EverlyWell I was a little bit nervous that it was going to be super complicated and I would mess it up somehow but once I went through the instructions, I was surprised how easy it was.  Everything that I needed was right in the box and the directions were very simple to follow.   With a busy schedule of kids and life right now it was awesome to be able to do this all on my own time at home.


For the Women’s Health Test I just needed to collect blood and saliva samples (at different times of the day) and answer a few questions about myself.


Brooke was very interested in learning about what I was doing and wanted to be very involved in every part of the process.


After I collected all of the samples, I sent everything back in the pre-paid shipping envelope that they include.  Once they receive your sample, EverlyWell  sends you a text and email to let you know that you will have your results in just a few days.    Your test is sent to one of the leading specialty labs in the US (CLIA certified).  A physician reviews your results which I thought was really cool.

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Once my results were available they sent another text and email to let me know that my results were ready for me to see in my EverlyWell profile.  I was really excited to get my results because even very small imbalances in our hormones can really affect the way we feel, our cycles, our libido, our metabolism, our mood and even our sleep and I want to stay on top of things!

For me personally, I found out I was out of range in three areas.

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My Cortisol, Progesterone and Progesterone/Estradiol Ratio were the three hormones that are out of range.Screen Shot 2018 05 25 at 12 24 06 PM

It’s really cool to be able to go through each result and see exactly where you are at.  They also explain how those results affect you and your health.   It helps you to better understand any symptoms that you are experiencing.  I loved the fact that they offer ideas for solutions to help you with your hormone levels and symptoms.

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I loved learning more about my low Progesterone & Progesterone/Estradiol Ratio—>  most likely caused by breastfeeding.  It helped me to understand a lot more about why I have been feeling the way I have.  Low Progesterone is associated with anxiety and I feel like my anxiety has hit an all-time high the past few weeks.  Knowing my levels were so low helped me to kind of breathe and realize that there is a reason I have been having so much anxiety lately with kids/life/everything.  It also helps me to understand a bit why my body holds on to the last 10ish lbs until I am done breastfeeding.   Time to meditate more, de-stress, work on managing my anxiety during breastfeeding and work with my doctor to further discuss my results!  With EverlyWell you can send your lab tested results straight to your doctor too!

I had a really positive experience with EverlyWell and feel like I learned a lot about myself in such an easy way according to my schedule!


You can get 15% off any of the EverlyWell tests that you would like to try by using the code HUNGRYRUNNERGIRL—>  go HERE!


Have you ever been tested and found out something that you didn’t know about your body?

What test would you be interested in taking?

Do you feel out of balance in any ways with hormones?  How do you react to hormones or the changes of hormones that you have had over the years? 

Do you have any food sensitivities? 

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Gah!! I am so bummed! I really wanted to do it but my state is one of only 4 that doesn’t allow it. Another reason to move to Utah I guess!


NO WAY!!! Oh I am so sorry! I am going to have to agree that you just need to move to Utah, come run with me! I hope you have an awesome week.


So cool! I’ve heard of these kind of in-home tests where they collect your saliva sample and send it back but how do you do it when you have to draw blood? I def would not feel comfortable drawing my own blood (unless it’s just a little prick)!


Hello from Kentucky!! Great question! It is just a finger poke so not a big deal. I hope you have a great day Arthi!!


Perfect, easy enough! Have a great time in Kentucky!!!!


Thanks for sharing! I’ve never heard of this and have never really thought about the effects of all of levels of things in our bodies and that I might even be low in certain areas. I think I would be interested in the sleep and stress test.

Also, so sorry about your crazy experience, but I’m so glad you finally made it to Kentucky! Hope y’all are having a great stress-free time!!


Hey girl! I hope you had a great weekend. You seriously should do the sleep and stress test! Thank you, you are so sweet… it feels SO good to be here now! Have a beautiful day Natalie.


Very interesting. I’ve been reading ROAR and it explains so much about our hormonal balances and how to address them through nutrition and exercise. This is like finding a piece to the puzzle that is our bodies!


Hey Tracie, ROAR sounds really interesting… I’m going to have to read this too. I am very interested to learn how my running and eating play a role with my hormones. Thanks for telling me about this. I hope you are having an amazing day!


A solution helping someone to de-stress by showing them some areas to focus on and the areas considered ok. AWARENESS In your case 3 of 15 to focus on, you’ve got this! Happy for YOU! This is good insight for all women because I think we don’t think about it. Also, I guess the medical community is figuring out how this fits into birth plans, after care and annual reviews. It’s on us too, who’s in charge of the temple? #MeToo You brought it to the blog! By the way, Shark Tank is a very cool show.

Wondering about something, since you collected samples throughout the day, for someone with goals to crush every day how difficult would this be to accomplish via the Dr’s office/ lab? To go that route would someone have to be on vacation? #MeToo These days women are different. We want to be out in the world. Well, men have hormones, too. Oh, your testosterone is ok! For privacy, I would opt out of the text messages. Hopefully, it’s an option. Something to show and discuss with your medical team, see their response and move forward accordingly!


Hey Lee! I agree awareness is key! I hope you have a great day and I love hearing from you!


I’m a little confused by your use of the hashtag #metoo in your comments. That hashtag is used to denote sexual assault and sexual harassment. Nothing to do with stress or lab tests for hormone levels.


Good point. Ok, what’s the hashtag for women getting the attention we need?


Hmm. I’m not sure of a specific hashtag for that…. but maybe you can create one? And get it to go viral! :-)


Have you ever taken the 23 and me 5est about your dna makeup?


I have not. I hope you have an amazing Monday day Linda.


Hi Janae! Thanks so much for sharing this test! I also just did 23 and me.. that was fun too!

I’m very interested in trying everly.. probably the food sensitivities one. I just did all my blood work with my doctor for all the standard panels and everything came back normal but I have had tons of stomach problems so I was just wondering what else I should do.


That is awesome Emma!

Okay, I am SO sorry about your stomach problems. That is incredibly frustrating. I know how you feel… searching for answers to feeling awful and not knowing what is going on is really hard. I hope that you find some answers soon and can get this figured out. If you take the food sensitivity one please let me know what you learn! Have a great day.


So glad you’re recovering quickly from mastitis–ouch!!!

I once had a brain MRI and my doctor decided to tell me (without waiting for the radiologist or neurologist reading) that I may have had a stroke. That was wrong, but it really freaked me out for a few days(!) until I could see the specialist. I was having exercise-induced migraines.

I’m in the special hormonal wasteland of perimenopause. At times, it feels like pregnancy symptoms, but without any of the fun. My emotions are wacky (I cried so much yesterday watching Bridge to Terabithia), and I’m freaky anxious sometimes. Plus snappish…I’m very sorry.

Some of my pregnancy aversions have never recovered: can’t manage the aroma or taste of garlic or onions very well, and those hit with my first pregnancy 20(!) years ago. Maybe menopause will fix that? LOL!


Thank you Corey!

I cannot even begin to imagine how scary that must have been. I am so glad that you did not have the stroke. I am so sorry that you are dealing with so much right now with your hormones. They are so strong and change how we feel like crazy. Have you figured out your exercise-induced headaches? I hope that you can eat garlic and onions someday. Have a wonderful day and thanks for sharing.


I would love to have the food sensitivity one done. I feel like I have had some develop over the years (mangoes and pistachios have started giving me reactions just in this last year) and it would be nice to confirm it so I don’t feel like I am making it up and then I know what to avoid.

I have low TSH and T3. I was tested/diagnosed for my under active thyroid back when I was 19, but didn’t find out about my low T3 until just a few years ago. Hormones play a HUGE role in your mental and physical health for sure.


MEGAN!!! Seriously, it is so weird how those sensitivities have been popping up for you! Let’s talk more about your los TSH and T3… I need to hear all about this. Miss you. Lunch next week. Or a hike. Or both.


I haven’t been tested for over 10 years and I probably should get things checked out again. I’m feeling more “normal” than I did after my second baby but I still think there’s probably some stuff out of wack. And it would be interesting to know :) hope you’re having a great day in Kentucky!


This is so cool!! I am going to look into this more. I’m pregnant right now so I think I want to wait a bit post partum to take this. Thank you for sharing!!


All of this is very interesting to me. I have a few autoimmune disorders, and I think my life of having blood drawn often, and having to research my diseases and advocate for myself with areas that doctors are resistant to treating has made me very “into” medical stuff. I’ve wanted to do the 23 and me test for a while, as well, but am waiting for a good sale, cause you know I love a deal! Out of the tests that EverlyWell offers, i think inflammation would be most interesting to me.


So glad you guys finally arrived safe and sound in Kentucky, what a nightmare.

I would be super interested in having my son and I take the food sensitivity + DNA test. I know he is sensitive to some foods and would like to zero in on which ones, and the DNA test would be really cool!
Hope you are having a wonderful time with your family. :)


You can actually go to any local medical laboratory (just google search if needed) and request any tests you want. You just have to pay out of pocket without a doctors tequesr, but the prices are about the same as this Everywell site. If you can get your doctor to order it, your insurance may cover all or part of it. Most labs let you walk in without an appointment. Many also have websites that list their available tests and prices.


I think it’s cool that you can do this from home (no taking off work to wait in the doctors office). Thanks for sharing!


So glad you posted about this! I was able to get food sensitivity testing but would like more in depth hormone testing and it is so hard to find a doctor to do it! Can’t wait to look into this.


I just wanted to say that I’m so glad your discount code still works! I’ve been struggling with a ridiculous case of hives for the last 4 months and I’m wondering if food could be playing a role in it. I remembered reading your review and decided to check out Everlywell’s food sensitivity test. Grateful for the Hungry Runner Girl discount that just saved me 15% on my order. :)

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