The Thing I like About Running a Whole Lot, the Run Angel & Easy Berry Trifle Recipe!

During my run yesterday (the scenery was not as beautiful as the below setting from our hike;) I was thinking about something that I think keeps me coming back for more when it comes to running.  A good chunk of my day is filled with diapers and spit-up and chauffeuring kids around, which I love, but I love that running gives me a chunk of time each day that feels different.  It’s time where I feel like I’m out exploring on my own and doing something that makes me feel strong so I am sharing this random thought with you.

My Monday run = 7 miles @ 8:15 average pace.  Let’s talk about the run angel for a second.  They sent me one for free and I am choosing to write about it:)

The ‘run angel is a personal safety wearable that emits a very loud alarm to attract attention in an emergency.  The run angel free companion app provides peace of mind for family and friends who will be alerted by SMS & email, showing the date, time and location of the wearer when your run angel is activated.’  I have not sounded the alarm yet (and hopefully I’m never in a situation where I have to) but the alarm is as loud as if you were standing right in front of the speakers at a rock concert.  It is very light and comfortable and I don’t really notice it on my wrist once I start running.  It comes with a little charger and if you turn off your run angel after your run it will last 4 hours of use before needing to charge it again.

I LOVE feeling more secure with this on a run.  When I wear it it really helps me to feel more safe knowing that I have a loud alarm and Andrew will know exactly where I am if I set the alarm off.  I need to get in the habit of wearing it on every run (and not just the early morning runs) because why not enjoy feeling more secure on your run each day and if something does happen while you are out… this will really help you!  I highly recommend it and it would also make a great gift for runners in your life if you worry about them while they are out running.

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I listened to this podcast during my run and it was AMAZING.  Diana Nyad is the woman that swam 110 miles from Cuba to Florida!  I will be listening to this episode a few times leading up to my marathon, it was so inspiring and included so many amazing tips that could help us all with our running.  I loved her mantra—>  FIND A WAY!  I’ll be using that one.

Something else I really loved that Diana said was a quote from Henry Thoreau, “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.”

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I came home to Brooke reading some library books on the couch which made me pretty happy.  I’m interested to hear what schedules those of you with kiddos have during the summer months.  Do you have a routine in the mornings?  Chores?  Andrew and I are trying to figure out what mornings look like for the kids during the summer and I think they will include picking up their rooms/making beds, reading and a chore or two.

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I then gave Skye a little bath (she is obsessed with splashing around in the water).

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Next up, we went on a walk while Andrew did his morning walk.

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Brooke and I had banana, blueberry and almond butter toast along with mini banana almond butter sandwiches.

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And then we went up north to spend the day at my in-laws.  My sis-in-law had Skye while Andrew was hanging out with our nephews and I went on a long bike ride with Brooke and some more family.

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We made a few stops along the way.

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For dinner we had a big bbq with a hamburger bar.  I am very thankful that corn on the cob and watermelon are back in my life.

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For dessert, Brooke and I helped Andrew’s mom to make this Easy Berry Trifle.

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1 angel food cake

1 pkg strawberry or raspberry jello (8 serving size)

2 cups boiling water

20 oz fresh berries

3 6 oz strawberry or raspberry yogurts

Tear cake into 3/4 inch pieces.  Pour boiling water on gelatin, stir, add 1/2 of the berries.  Refrigerate until thickened but not set.  Layer half of cake pieces, gelatin, and yogurt; repeat.  Top with fresh berries.  Refrigerate at least 2 hours.  It is the perfect summer dessert.

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After we ate we watched the Stanley Cup!

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Also, I read through a big chunk of this book yesterday and it was really interesting.  I’m excited to finish it off… it is all about our interactions with people (whether brief or long term relationships) and the impact we have on each other and our health.  I love this kind of stuff.

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Skye is really enjoying eating her toes lately.  I’m sure you wanted an update on stuff like this.

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I’m just going to give this information to you now so that you can put it on your calendar… free doughnuts (even though I prefer to spell it like this—>  donuts).

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Parents reading—>  Do you have a summer schedule/routine for your kids?  Tell me about it!

Do you feel safe while running?

Will you be celebrating National Doughnut Day on Friday?

What was the last podcast that you listened to?

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Ha! My sweets loving youngest daughter’s birthday is this Friday, June 1st, which, as SHE told us weeks ago, is National Doughnut Day. So, I guess that lucky girl is getting doughnuts for breakfast and birthday cake for dinner. lol

You know, generally I feel safe running. I live in a rural fan and am NOT a fan of early, pre-sunrise, headlamp, dark miles. It’s too creepy for me. Not to mention that I hate getting up that early. lol Mary’s post last week about being assaulted by those teens put some fear into me, too. I run a paved trail near a park–not super isolated, after school is out sometimes, and there are often teens on the trail in groups. You just never know………I’m a teacher, and I love teenagers, but they don’t have that frontal brain lobe thing going on yet……kids can make dumb decisions. The worst that’s happened to me is that a group of boys called me “Mom” one time. Insert eyeroll here. lol I’m glad it’s something I can joke about and now anything more serious though.

Hope you had a great weekend/holiday!!!!!!


HEY YOU!! I want my birthday on National Doughnut Day hahaha! I am so glad that you feel pretty safe when you are running. I totally missed her post about this and so I looked it up when I read your comment… that is SO scary.

Thank you so much Jen and enjoy Friday:)


Thanks for sharing the run angel! I feel safer running now because I’ve been going either during my lunch break or after work, so it’s always light outside. I used to go running super early in the morning, and that didn’t always make me feel safe. About three years ago, I had a gun pulled on me on one of those early morning runs, so I was constantly on edge for a while after that while running. I think I like running in the afternoons better because I don’t feel like one of those encounters is as likely, especially when I’m in an area where there are more people out and about.

I’m pretty sure I’m going to need a donut on Friday! :)


Hey girl! I cannot even imagine what you went through. I did not know this happened to you. It’s so scary that we even have to worry about these types of things. I am SO happy you are okay after that. I hope you are having a beautiful day!


I’m trying to figure out our summer routine too! We have this one partial week off, 1 week of day camp then the rest of the summer so I’m giving myself this week to experiment. I know it’ll be gym nights and park nights and one night per week she’s cooking dinner (middle schooler).


I LOVE that she is cooking dinner one night a week. That is awesome Kristen. Keep me updated with how your summer schedule goes!


since most kids have lots of energy in the evenings, why don’t you have them do the chores then. Maybe after dinner, you clean the kitchen and they clean their rooms and playroom, then play outside, go for a walk or bike ride, come back in for a bath, books and bed. That way, there is no dread of cleaning when you wake up in the morning, it’s done! Pick an outing for some mornings like the library and then maybe a favorite show or iPad for 30 minutes other days. Make a schedule so everyone is on board and your free time isn’t wasted or chaotic. Kids like routine even in the summer. Keep it relaxed, but fun.


I love that idea Lindsey… THANK YOU. I didn’t even think of doing the chores at night. I hope you have a wonderful day and thanks for taking the time to help me out:)


I love podcasts and I was listening to How I Built This last night. It’s one of my favorites and is so interesting! I also love the Birth Hour. It’s women from all over the world telling their birth stories. It makes me feel so empowered!

I like that you asked about runner safety because I think about it A LOT. I’ve never been assulted but I have had creepy encounters. I run every single run with my lab/border collie mix. He isn’t aggressive but he is very watchful and he hears things on the trail before I do. I also know that he would get in someone’s face if they were hurting me, which makes me feel safer. I guess all the time I’m thinking, is it too dark outside? Where am I running to? Does the trail go under any overpasses? Am I running alone? Etc etc. I’ll have to check the run angel out!


I LOVE that podcast so much… It makes these huge companies feel more personable to me:) I am going to listen to birth hour next, thank you for the recommendation! That is something that I would love.
That is awful that you have had creepy encounters… ugggg. I am SO happy that you always have your pup with you, I think that makes A HUGE difference. I think just like you. One time I told Andrew about all of the thoughts I have during a run about safety and he had no idea because that is something he never has to think about. Check out the run angel because it is helping me a lot. :I hope you have a beautiful day Amanda.


Thank you! I hope you have a great day too.

I know, I was talking to my husband Cody about running 2 summers ago because we were living in a house RIGHT next to a large park with a 4 mile trail. It was a really isolated trail though, and people have been beaten on the back side of it and also there have been several rapes there. Cody didn’t know about the assaults, but he was telling me to just go running there because I was frustrated by what I felt was a lack of space to run. When I explained all the research I had done on the safety of the area and how obsessed (:P) I was about whether or not I would be safe, he was like, oh…. I pretty much just go run and never think about that stuff! (!!!!! How is that possible!!) hehe. But it just goes to show how we have to more on guard than most men unfortunately.


Exactly… they don’t even think about it! I hope that you are nowhere near that trail now!


Curious if you or any of your readers have experienced a stress fracture in your fibula? I’m just coming back after a stress fracture in my foot and now have one in my fibula. So upset so have to miss summer running but I’d love to hear what the recovery process was like as I know it is an unusual bone to fracture.


SAM. I am so incredibly sorry about what you are going through right now. This is awful. If there aren’t any responses to your question in the comments today I will ask it in my next post so more people will see. Hoping that you have the speediest recovery ever.


I just saw your post! I’ve had 3 stress fractures in my fibula? it’s the only spot I get them and it has to do with my running form. I always took 6 weeks off of running completely and just biked or swam during that time. After 6 weeks I’d start running very gradually-like 2-3 times a week, on the grass (with low impact) for just a mile or 2. Then each week I’d gradually increase my mileage. It ALWAYS hurt coming back, so I had to be really careful. It probably hurt for 2 months after I started running again but it would gradually fade away. If the pain got worse, I’d back off my mileage and give it a little break. I don’t know if that helps, but that’s what I did. I’m sorry you have one, stress fractures are the worst. Good luck and I hope you’re back to running again soon!!


HEY SAM! There are a lot of great comments to help you on today’s post:) I hope they help!


I listened to that same podcast while running this morning too:) So good! Can’t wait for part 2!
My boys are older 10 & 14 (almost 15) But we always have some sort of come together for a devotional/scriptures/prayer….then we do a “power hour” (bc they are older….) we have a list and see how much we can get done in that hour. When they were younger it was just give them a chore after devotional;)


I KNOW… I hope part 2 comes out this week! Amanda, your power hour description just made me so happy. I love that idea. You are amazing to start the day off with them with devotional/scripture/prayer. Your boys are so lucky to have you. I hope you have an amazing day!


I will be doing my best to honor national donut day! Let’s hope I have time that day haha. It should take priority I think.

We don’t have a schedule for kids yet but I need to get one down so I don’t feel like I’m going crazy trying to get kids to clean up and stuff.


I’ll see you at Krispy Kreme? Let me know what you guys figure out with your schedule! Thanks Jenny and I hope you have a beautiful day!


For our house (probably my personality) it works best to get up and out of the house just like school would be. That’s why her swim lessons and dance classes are always the morning ones. But even when it is just her and I, the library, the park, going for a hike, riding bikes, Target we just do it after breakfast.


I am just like you Erica, that is what feels best for me too. I like having some sort of normal routine like the school year and then to get out. I want to see a video of Hope in dance class:) HOW FUN. Wish we could do these things together!


I’m not a parent but when I was a kid, my parents made sure I didn’t sleep all day, and I had to get certain chores done as well as having limited TV/computer time. I feel like I appreciated that since it encouraged me to play outside more, or be more creative and find other things to occupy my mind than just mindlessly sitting in front of the TV or computer. It’s probably why I like to maintain some sort of schedule even on weekends or vacations now! :)
I finally ran this morning after my fall on Friday! I was SO sore and bruised and also a little scared so I didn’t run all weekend. Also it was super hot, so unless I was up at 5:30 on the weekend (no thanks) there was no way I was running. It was 73 degrees with 70% humidity this morning on my run…and I live in the Midwest! CRAZY!
Last Podcast – “The Pope’s Long Con” series. I binged on all of them on a long drive and really enjoyed it.


YES… I love that. We are all about the kids getting outside to play! Your parents are awesome. We just do screen time at night when we are all together watching a movie/etc so I like what your parents did! I AM SO happy to hear that you were able to run again. I hope that the soreness goes away asap and you are my hero for running in that. I will have to look at that podcast, THANKS Rhiannon and have a beautiful day. No more falling!


My kids do more chores in the summer than in the school year…because they have more time plus they get the house messier from being home more of the day! Ha ha! But there’s no screen time in our house unless chores are done, but other than that they can schedule when to do them. We also give them the option of extra screen time if they complete a longer checklist of chores/enriching activities (so playing outside for 30 min, playing with a sibling for 30 min, doing something creative like play doh or painting for 20 min, etc) which works well for days when we aren’t able to leave the house for a special activity or anything. My kids also have to read for 30 min and do Kahn academy math for 15 min everyday. I tried to do workbooks in the summer but found they preferred Kahn academy and I really like it too.


I love what you do with your kids during the summer. THANK YOU FOR SHARING! I will have to check out Kahn academy, thank you Chelsea. I hope you have a wonderful day and your kiddos are lucky to have such a great mom!


I don’t have kiddos yet but as a teacher I can say it is ESSENTIAL that your kids are reading, practicing their number skills, and practicing their fine motor skills (writing) on a daily basis throughout the summer! Students can lose so, so much learning over a summer and it’s heartbreaking to have them come back in September and feel disappointed in themselves right off the back.
I live in Boston, so there are times I don’t feel safe while running. I’ve been thinking about getting the Run Angel; right now I often carry a miniature mace in my fuel belt but I’m bad about bringing it along.


KERRI! First, thank you so much for being a teacher and all that you do for your students. Second, thank you for taking the time to write to me about this. It was just the motivation that I needed to keep up with Brooke on these things. Get the run angel, it really is awesome. Enjoy your summer break.


I am putting that very important date into my phone. It needs to be celebrated for sure.

My 2 older kids tutor at the literacy center on Mondays and Wednesdays for 2 hours. They have either taken classes there or tutored there every summer. I love that it gives our Summer some structure to plan around, gets us up and ready in the mornings (but not too early!;) ) and helps with the ‘summer slide’.

Annabelle will also have play practice almost every day in June and the first half of July. I have to give us a reason to stay busy or I become a sloth and I don’t like it. lol. We usually do a short hike close by once a week. You best be joining us on a few of those this year!


That is awesome that they do that… maybe I can drive Brooke up to join them?! I will join you on all of the hikes. All. Let’s do something soon please.


Yum, that trifle looks perfect for summer! We made a summer berry icebox cake for this weekend’s festivities and it was so delicious.
I usually feel safe while running around the town where I live, but my husband is definitely the overcautious one and insists that I carry a little pistol while I’m running (I have a permit). I makes me kind of uncomfortable, and really don’t want to feel like I need to carry a weapon when running!


I must have that summer berry icebox cake asap, that sounds amazing. It stinks we have to even think about this kind of stuff… glad your husband is watching out for you:) Have a wonderful day Erinn!


I think you need to get this recipe, make it and post to the blog :)


ME TOO!!!!


I run alone 90% of the time, usually on trails. I feel very safe, but my husband worries a lot! I carry a handheld pepper spray and my phone is set so my husband can track me. I am lucky to have 50 miles of trails very close by that has cell phone coverage. Our agreement is that if I trail run outside of that system then I have company with me. I feel way safer on trails than on roads.

I really enjoy the Rich Roll podcast. He has a wide variety of guests, including lots of endurance athletes, and the conversations are always interesting.


Diane, that sounds like an awesome plan that you and your husband have set up. Thank goodness those trails (FIFTY MILES… so lucky) have cell service. I am going to have to check out that podcast, THANK YOU! Have a beautiful day!


(wait…we live in the United States…of course there is!!!)

OK. I am “being good” but there is a local donut place I really love, so I am going to allow it. Because DONUTS ARE LIFE!!!

As for running: I often do. I really only know three places to run, and because I don’t know my city all that well (yet!!!), but because I do feel safe in these places I sort of stick to them. What sucks though is now that my miles are starting to add up just a little bit, it means that I am looping around these three routes multiple times. And that gets boring. I think this means I need to branch out…even if it means letting myself feel slightly unsafe. Eek. Time to be brave and figure out how to handle that! (PLUS, sticking to just three routes sort of gets a bit boring sometimes…)

I hope you have a great day! It’s miserably grey and rainy in Atlanta and it’s been like this for a few days and will be for a handful more. I love cool rainy days when I get to curl up with a book and a mug of tea, but on my days for scheduled runs–ugh. The last third of my run was miserable! Oh well. I hope Utah is sunny and great running temps for you right now! :)


You better celebrate on Friday haha! Good luck figuring out the best places for you to run without feeling bored. It’s kind of grey here too! Way to get through the last part of your run today. Enjoy your Tuesday!


Aah, the summer routine! We’ve just started debating this as it’s our first summer since our son started school, and we’ll be juggling our work, with a bit of summer camp, and grandparents! So far in the shorter holidays we’ve pretty much played it by ear with a couple of bigger day trips thrown in. We probably ought to think about building in things like chores though!

I actually don’t usually feel unsafe when I’m running – I’m shocked and sad at what some of the others have said above. We live in quite a safe town and most of my runs are either in the evenings on well lit roads, or along the canal towpath and roads at the weekend. The only time I’m a bit more on edge is on the towpath in the early evening, as kids do hang around there sometimes and a runner was assaulted once. I just try to be sensible about timings and don’t wear headphones while I’m on there. I also share my location with my partner on google maps so he can see where I am. I do like the idea of the angel as an extra safeguard though.

*whispers* I don’t like donuts ? Will you still let me read your blog? ?


Sounds like a busy summer Lys! Keep me updated with how it all goes! I am so glad that you feel safe in your area Lys… that is awesome! Great idea sharing your location with your him during your runs.. that is smart. I will totally still be friends with you as long as you just send me any donuts that you receive and don’t want to eat;) I hope your Tuesday is a great one Lys.


I usually run early mornings and my husband has made me start carrying a pocket knife clipped on my shorts. I’m not really sure I’d feel comfortable using it or know how and I hope I don’t have to!
I’d like to implement regular chore time. I have a 3 and 5 year old – what are good chores for that age?


Hey Mary!! I am clad you take the knife with you and I hope you never have to use it… ever. Hmmm for our kids we do things like using the little handheld vacuum to do the stairs, they clean the baseboards, wipe the bathroom sinks, mirrors, unload dishes, fold clothes (with me;) etc… they are capable of more than I originally thought when starting chores with them. I love how they feel accomplished after they finish too (I just have to get through the whining that sometimes occurs going into it)! Have a beautiful day Mary!


I generally do feel safe running but I stick to certain areas. If I am somewhere new I don’t always feel safe. I recently started pet sitting and I fill in on walks for other dog walkers who are on vacation. Some of the neighborhoods I don’t feel as safe in and that device would come in handy for that is well.

I’m having my gums cleaned on Friday so I think I’m passing on the doughnuts.

I’m part of BNI and their podcasts were the last ones I listened to. They aren’t overly entertaining…


The last and only podcast I’ve ever listen to is TTFA (Terrible, Thanks for asking). It definitely makes me cry alot but I can’t help but listen to the stories.

I cannot wait for National Donut day – granted we eat donuts every weekend!

I don’t always feel safe running – I get nervous about distracted drivers since I run on a well traveled road. I am on a side walk but people are dummies and it only takes a small distraction to jump a curve…but I don’t always have the option to run else where.


AHH I’ve never seen the “How Full Is Your Bucket” adult version! There are several versions for kids, which I LOVE! (I think this is the main one:


I was going to mention the kid’s book too! My daughter loved it and I enjoyed it also. It’s a great way to think about situations. And we still use the term “bucket dipper”!


I am big on school work on the summer. My girls do an hour of work about 4 to 5 days a week. I break it up usually but sometimes they knock it all out early. They must do 30 min of work and at least 1 chore before any tech time. My oldest has swim team at 10:30 and the youngest at 11:15 so we are at the pool by 10:15. Sometimes we stay to swim and sometimes not. I try to plan 2 afternoon outings a week and play dates but they play with friends at the pool. They do have extra chores in the summer but I do give them some choice in what chores they are doing. We also go to the library 1 day a week ( sometimes more) and participate in their summer activities. I am big on balancing tech and tv in the summer. We have Wed evening swim meets so that is usually our movie afternoon to relax since it is always a late night ( hello 5 hour meets!!)


I’m going to incorporate some “school like” activities for a little bit in the morning and then find a sport/class to do too. We are on summer break from dance and Rylee has been begging me to play soccer. I’m also going to go to some reading sessions at the library. We’ve never been but they look fun!

I have a countdown going for Friday. National Donut Day is right up there with Christmas and Thanksgiving.

I feel relatively safe where I run. I usually see at least a handful of people out and about, or I’m on a busy street. I think I’m more worried about cars than anything else! People can be crazy on the road.


I will definitely be getting a donut friday!!


Little Skye looks JUST like Andrew in that post-bath-no-ribbon-in-hair pic!!! Cuteness.


We do structured summers although they are free one they’re done, so they still get to plan and decide their activities which I think is nice, too. They have some light chores. And just so they don’t lose skills over the summer, we also have them read 30-min, practice typing, reading comprehension, Kahn academy, and I’ll be doing some sort of writing practice with them. They also love (requests it) Prodigy for Math which they got from school. The idea is not to burn them out but to have them enjoy the practice. Seems like a lot but it’s actually not since they get faster with the daily practice. :) Have a great day, Janae!


Oops! Forgot we do include fun activities as well, like swimming, jiu jitsu practice, and other outings. :) Basically, we strive to have happy, we’ll-rounded kids, who are strong in their faith. :)


I have one kid at home now but it’s the same as I’ve always done. Since I’m working and the kids are home all day, they get a list of jobs that must be done before I get home from work. Most of the jobs are things I would normally be doing after I get home. We’ve always driven home the point that the sooner you get the list done, the less worry you’ll have that it’s not done by the time I get home. Plus by doing the jobs on the list, that leaves more free time in the evenings and on the weekend to do all the fun stuff we want to do. When the kids were younger, we included lots of math pages and other educational activities. Now he has a lot of his own interests (which thankfully includes lots of music) and activities, but I also have a book list for him to finish over the summer. He’s a great reader, but I want to include some books outside his normal interests. Good for all of us!


How funny that you mentioned the Diana Nyad podcast. I just read her book about the Cuba-Florida swim and it was amazing! I’ll go and look for the podcast episode now.

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