Silentish Saturday… you know that feeling?

Friday morning I woke up due to the feeling that someone was inches away from my face and staring at me… When I opened my eyes Brooke yelled, “IT’S MOM AND MUFFINS DAY.”


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I forgot to start and stop my watch so we’ll look at Candice’s beautiful watch for the stats.

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Moms + Muffins went fantastic… she squealed a little bit when I walked in the room.  I felt pretty cool.

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Watched my sister’s boys and when Skye woke up from her nap… things got crazy.

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Went over to Mer’s house to visit.   She always has chocolate there waiting for us.

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A rainy day.

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Skye did not enjoy our trip to Costco.

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Andrew sent this to me because he says he knows how this feels when we go to Costco together:

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But then fell asleep in my arms afterwards.

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WE MADE IT TO WATERMELON SEASON (very thankful I am now allergic to grapes and NOT watermelon…  that would have been devastating).

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A must for rainy days.  Garlic butter makes the best grilled cheese sandwiches.

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PS on Thursday we went to a sweet furniture store.  The kids tried their best to convince us to buy this for our backyard… too bad it was 20k!!!

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 Chip’s post about his first marathon is a must read:

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Good luck this weekend on your long runs or races or relaxation or carb loading;)  ENJOY!


What is your Saturday filled with?  

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Training for a children’s bereavement camp all day today. We are actually at the camp today ( a little rustic!). It sounds a little heavy but really what it will be is a bunch of kids at Camp. 1st time I have volunteered. Curious about my training today!! A little nervous about my husband alone all day with the girls and having to tackle swim practice, etc!


Carrie, that is really cool that you are doing this! Let me know how the training goes and I am sure your husband is rocking it. ENJOY!


MMMM….Watermelon! Sad you developed an allergy to grapes:(

Today is a short run after work….the high is 91…..yesterday I had lofty goals for 7 miles after work, but with 90 degrees outside, I stopped at 4.5……..and don’t even feel bad about it! Today I am only aiming for 3 or 4 miles so it should be fine. Maybe I will try a longer one tomorrow. I gotta get used to running in the heat!

Hope your Saturday is amazing!


91!!! It’s 45 degrees here! I don’t know how you do it Loribeth… you are strong. Thanks so much and I hope your day is fabulous!


Maybe three miles on a trail run. I love how the rocks and roots take my mind off how tired or breathless I am!

Going to watch my 14yo run the 4×100 relay at her track meet.

Ordering my mom a fruit basket for tomorrow.


YES… I always forget how tired I am while trail running because I’m too busy trying not to fall. Great job and I hope your 14 year old has an amazing track meet today!


Any time my girls see me looking at your blog or Instagram they are always like “oh Skye is so cuuuute” and ask why they have never met Brooke if we are friends haha!

I’m going to go on a run this morning and then I get to pamper my feet with a pedicure. That’s what my mom and sisters and I do every year for Mother’s Day.


THEY NEED TO MEET!!! Enjoy your day, that sounds perfect Jenny!


Chip’s post was so good!!

Today is running with girlfriends, brunch with my mom-in-law, a pedicure, and relaxing with my cute hubs and kids.


So glad you loved it!! Sounds like the perfect day… ENJOY!


Watermelon season is the best! I will be consuming massive amounts of it this summer!

Love reading your blog. You help inspire me to get up and move, and to work on getting back into running. I have some weightloss goals to tackle and I’m hoping this is the year that I can get a good start on them. Being overweight definitely makes getting back into running more difficult.

P.s. You have a beautiful family!


ANN!!! Thank you so much for your comment. I am so excited that you are getting back into running. I’m cheering you on from Utah! Will you please keep me updated with how you are doing? YOU’VE GOT THIS!! Enjoy some watermelon soon:)


Thanks girl! I will keep you updated! Do you have any tips or training advice as I start at the beginning again?


Can you email me????


Absolutely! :)


Email sent! Looking forward to hearing from you.


I didn’t get the email! Can you send it to this email?


Weird! I sent it using the contact me link here on your blog. Should I send it to a different email address?


SO weird… I’m still not finding it. Sent it to [email protected]! THANKS!


Just sent an email! Fingers crossed it comes through!


LOVE the Muffins + Mom excitement! You know you’re loved when your kid squeals in excitement at school for seeing you :p!!

Random Q…….. What do you keep on your island for general use? I just noticed the hand sanitizer bottle and wondered what other stuff you (or others) keep around as like general staples in the kitchen!


That is a great question and I’m going to have to ask it to everyone on the blog soon because I’m interested to know. On our island, we just keep a candle and sanitizer. Less is more for me so I don’t like to have much out! I hope you are having an amazing Saturday and a great run this morning!


Ooo excited for the responses! That’s a good combo; I’m all about less is more– there’s something beautiful and important to simplicity! My Mom LOVES candles, and she always has one on the table too! I got her one of these Bee Natural honeypot candle holders ( for her birthday :). They’re AMAZING!

Happy Mother’s Day early! From your blogs, you set such a good example and are such a caring and thoughtful mother. (And happy Mother’s Day to your Mom too if she sees this!! You are both so supportive and strong!)


I ran a 5K this morning…in my Launches! Ahh I love them! It was a really WARM WARM WARM 5K, and I am bummed that the pace from what’s recorded for ‘gun time’ and what’s listed on my ‘garmin time’ do not match up, but I will trust my ‘garmin time’ pace more than the gun when I was 2/3 of the way back in the starting gate.
This afternoon I have a ‘shadow interview’ for a part time job at a running store near me. Since my husband is working his second job and he isn’t too far from the running store, I am going to stop by and surprise him with lunch.
When I get home–curling up with a book for fun reading! I am in ‘summer mode’ now that grades are submitted!
I hope your saturday is SO GREAT!!!


GO STEPHANIE!! That is awesome, huge congrats. I would definitely go off of your garmin time because you started way after the gun went off! GOOD LUCK at your shadow interview and have fun at lunch and with reading. So happy you made it through this week… time to treat yourself! Thanks!


I got the job! (ha ha–I ran a 5K in Brooks Launches and I shadow interviewed in Brooks Revels–mmaybe I am a little obsessed? I prefer to say I am #loyal…) I also sent a polite but appropriately strongly worded email to the race series about their timing system (this race is a qualifier for a big-deal 10k in this city in July, and if people’s times are off, then their starting waves–on one of the hottest days of summer–can be way off and that’s not good!!!).

By the way I need that butter.


Wahoooooo! Way to go! Brooks is your good luck?


OMG- that butter. I need to get me some of that!


Seriously, you need it. They offer a honey butter too that is incredible.


That first photo of Skye and Brooke is beyond cute. They have the exact same expression & look at Skye’s leg muscle?? Wow! Runner-in-development, for sure!! I showed my 13YO son that grocery shopping funny picture with the sleeping bag. He can relate. Have a great Saturday. Rainy and cold here in New England.


I didn’t even see that until you said something… she is definitely going to be a runner too:) HAHA glad you do that too at the grocery store, it’s a place to socialize right? It’s rainy here too! I hope your weekend is a great one Jeannie!


I loved reading Chip’s thoughts on his first marathon!! Thank you for sharing ? I think we all should meet in Waco next spring to run it!!
Today my husband is competing in the Santa Rosa Ironman!!! I am already so proud of him. Currently, he is somewhere about a third of the way through the bike, but he handled the swim (in Lake Sonoma) like a stud!! Completed it in 1:01 and change! It’s sure to be difficult at times, but incredibly beautiful! I can’t wait to see him at the finish line when they announce his name and say he is now an Ironman!!


I’M IN!!! That would be incredible. Wow, your husband is incredible. I cannot even imagine. Tell him congrats for me and does this have you wanting to do an ironman now?


Yes I had read that blog post about chip. Made me tear up. Especially talking about his kids running with him and his oldest ran 14 miles and would go ahead of him and get water from water stops for him so he didn’t have to stop. Awesome read.


I loved that part too… 14 miles when he was just planning on 2.6! I hope you are having an awesome day Mary!


My ten year old ran his first 5k this morning!! No walking and finished in 36:47. He was so happy and proud of himself and said I’m the best coach ever?. He chose this race because it raises money for children with heart surgeries like my older daughter and said he was running for his sister❤️ And Greg Olsen from the Carolina Panthers put on the race and he found it so cool when he ran by us while racing!


Your 10 year old sounds absolutely amazing.. he has a good mama too! Tell him congrats for me!!!


Random but really important. I cannot find the orange chicken in Costco. Can you send me a pic of the bag? I need it!


I get it, this is very important! You need to have this! Here is what it looks like:


Thank you!


We had such fantastic weather today:). Today I ran a long run of 26 miles with friends – it was beautiful in the trails and it was so wonderful to spend time with a girl friend. I came home and am basically eating everything in sight! And I might fall asleep soon.

Happy Mother’s Day to you a day early.

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