Saving Time & STAY Healthy + $100 giveaway!

Happy Thursday!  I’ve got an easy run scheduled today along with a lot of random things to get done before we leave for California tomorrow to take Brooke to visit her dad.  I hope your day is a fabulous one and that you get in a good sweat.  I’m talking about something today that I found is so helpful for us and I think you are going to love it too!  This post is sponsored by Zocdoc!  Thank you for supporting our fam and our awesome sponsors.


It is so awful to have a sick child and not know where to go to get them checked out.  I keep trying to convince my brother who is an ER doc to move to our area and be our doctor for everything but he hasn’t agreed to doing that yet;)   Until he agrees to come be our doctor for everything, we are constantly needing to find different doctors for all of our different needs.  Things are only going to get crazier because I would love to be able to have two more children.  I finally convinced Andrew of how great an idea that is.

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There are so many things that have brought us to a medical provider over the last few years—>  Pregnancy, Skye’s birth, Brooke had a problem again with torticollis last year, all of my GI problems in 2015, pink eye, HFM, Fifth’s Disease, UTI, wellness visits, vaccinations, Andrew’s hypertension, ear infections, sinus infections, IUD/Pap Smears, physicals and running injury maintenance/prevention with my chiropractor.   If our kids are anything like Andrew and his siblings were growing up (five boys and one girl that love a good adrenaline rush), there are still many doctor visits up ahead for us ha.

From our favorite time being around doctors recently:


When Andrew and I got married he was a really good example of going in to the dermatologist often to stay up on his skin’s health which is SO important.  His family has a history of skin cancer so he has always been really good about getting things checked out.  I decided I was going to follow his lead and go to a new doctor to get my skin checked out.  Long story short we really didn’t like that doctor and had to go back to square one trying to find a different doctor.  Finding a new dermatologist involved looking at a ton of scattered reviews and making a lot of phone calls trying to figure who accepts our insurance (ps self-employed insurance is the worst).  It was a headache and a slow process trying to find the right doctor for us.  I’m sure you have experienced that too.  Eventually we did find one that we liked. She found an area on my back that needed to be removed so I am so thankful that I went in and had that taken care of.  I wish that the whole process could have been a lot smoother and seamless but it definitely wasn’t!

Now I am on the hunt for another doctor, a new OB-GYN.  My last one moved in January.  We are pretty sad about losing him.  He was such a good doctor!  He not only delivered Skye but also two of my sister’s kids too.

This sponsorship opportunity gave me a new avenue to find medical providers that are right for us in our circumstances.  I was so excited to try it out!  Zocdoc is the #1 place to search, compare and book doctors online for free.


My favorite part about Zocdoc is that you get to skip making all of the phone calls and being on hold forever.  You book your appointments on the app.  Some other things I really love about Zocdoc are Check-In and Insurance Checker, which let you fill out your medical forms online and upload a photo of your insurance card through the Zocdoc app to verify your plan and share the details and your paperwork with the doctor’s office before you go in to your first appointment.

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With Zocdoc you can look at all of the different doctors in your area based on verified patient reviews.  These reviews can only be made by people who have seen the doctor themselves.  It makes it so easy to find a doctors’ availability based on where you are located, what type of doctor you need and if they take your insurance.  It saves a ton of time to find the right doctor for you and then to book your appointment.  No phone calls necessary (HALLELUJAH ha).

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I love that you can read all about the doctor’s background in addition to the reviews when searching for the right one for you.  It’s so nice to be able to set different filters to make it easier to search and find appointments that work for your schedule.  The Zocdoc app will send you reminder for upcoming visits, includes a well guide that also helps you stay on top of your different appointments such as making sure you are getting your teeth cleaned regularly, your annual physicals, skin screenings etc.  This is something I have needed big time because it’s hard to keep track of making sure everyone is getting in to their different appointments each year!

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I hope you all stay healthy (NO MORE RUNNING INJURIES PLEASE) and feel well this year.  When you do need to see a doctor, check out Zocdoc to make the whole process of finding a doctor so much easier and stress free so you can take care of your health!

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I’ve got a giveaway for you today—>  a $100 Amazon e-gift card for the winner (you can go buy yourself some new running shoes or chocolate covered gummy bears with this gift card… at least that’s what I would buy with it:)!

To enter giveaway you must do both things:)

*Leave a comment on this post telling me about one injury/sickness or wellness check-up that you need to make an appointment for to go see the doctor!

*Download the Zocdoc app (it’s free), sign up and send me a screenshot/picture of it on your phone—>  send the picture to [email protected]

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This app sounds awesome! I am inspired by your post to make an appointment with a dermatologist and I need a dentist appointment scheduled. Thanks for the reminder!


Sounds like a helpful app. Reading reviews on other sites can be tricky. Do people ever offer good reviews? Seems like a lot of people only review to complain about things sometimes… I’m pretty good about wellness visits for myself and my family but I’d like to find a doctor who specializes in running related aches and pains – and have my knees checked out – so I can continue running for a long time to come!


I have four kids… we see the doc a lot lol!! This year was tough with the flu. I saw the doc at least six times for flu, ear infections, rashes, and sinus infections!


With three kids & four runners in our family, we make our fair share of doctor’s visits. Your post reminded me that I need to make my dermatologist appointment for my annual skin check!


That is such a great idea! Now why can’t I come up with some kind of app like that?! :)
We live about 45 minutes away from Birmingham, AL so finding doctors for various things (OBGYN, pediatrician, etc) that are closer but also good doctors (if you know what I mean!) are very important to me and cause me a lot of headache researching and trying to find them myself. I’m currently 20 weeks preggers and we’d love a pediatrician closer to us (what I’m currently researching/on the hunt for)


I love Zoc Doc! I definitely need to get on making a dentist appointment, it’s been too long!


I have a postpartum doctors appointment coming up in a few weeks. I also have two kids who you never know when will need a doctor.


We just moved to the suburbs from NYC and I need to find several doctors – a general practitioner, new OBGYN and a dermatologist! This post is making me force myself to find doctors and make appointments. First up will be the derm, it has been a few years since I’ve been and I have some new moles I want to get checked out :-) I always feel so good when I get these maintenance appointments done!


Hey, Janae!

I am currently training for a 50K in June and would LOVE to find a doctor to help with some IT band issues I’ve been having lately! Thanks for recommending the app! I looks awesome!!


I actually was thinking I needed to see a dermatologist as well, I shouldn’t be breaking out anymore right?! That’s for our teenage years ? thanks I will check it out!


This app sounds amazing! I actually dread going to any doctor/dentist, but I should probably make a dermatologist appt asap with all the time I spend in the sun :) Thanks for sharing!


This is so great! We visit the states in the summer and usually need to make some sort of appointment! This way we can schedule ahead of time ! This will be the summer of dermatology and eye exams :)


Thanks for the reminder, Janae! I definitely need to schedule a dentist appointment and a follow-up with my dermatologist.
If this app can keep me in line, I’m all for it!


Sounds like a cool app. I am due for my annual mammogram next month.


I think I’ve heard of Zocdoc, but I need to try it! I still haven’t found a new OB-GYN since I moved to Cali. I also need a new urologist (I LOVED my one in Dallas and am hesitant to find someone new). Thanks for sharing this!


I definitely need to see the dermatologist!! thank you for this app and reminder!!!


I’d like to find a good sports doctor that can make sure I’m injury free!


I am currently looking for a pediatrician or family doctor since we will be adding our first little one to the family at the end of July!


Ah! I am downloading this now. Sounds awesome and so helpful! I take both my girls CONSTANTLY for ear infections. So ready to wrap up this sick season!


This app sounds awesome! The #1 thing that keeps me from making appointments that I should is making phone calls. I need a dermatologist so I’ll be using this for sure!


This post makes me happy to be a Canadian ;) This app would be super helpful for finding dentists, eye doctors, etc. that are not covered by our provincial healthcare. For us Canadians we get referred by our primary healthcare provider to specialists so it mostly eliminates the need to do this type of research.
Luckily my husband is a doctor so he can always tell me if I am being crazy or I need to actually see my family doctor, I am sure he looooves it hahaha.


I need a new dentist and get back to regular skin checks with a dermatologist! Thanks for a app reccommendation, I’ve never heard of Zocdoc.


I’m way overdue for my gastroenterologist appointment! This sounds like a great app


This actually sounds really helpful. I just moved and I need to find all new doctors. I am pregnant, so I need an OBGYN and my daughter needs a pediatrician. I really need to make an appt for my daughter to have her 2-yr-old check-up/vaccinations.


This app sounds awesome! I desperately need to find a dermatologist in our new area and make an appointment!


I definitely need to make a dermatologist appointment! Putting that on the to do list today:) Also sent you a screen shot of the ZoDoc app. I think I’m going to love this app. Thanks for sharing!!


I actually have a regular gyno appt next week and then I have to schedule my annual physical in the summer. I am usually pretty good about making regular doctor’s appts but the dentist on the other hand….I hate going to the dentist and I try and delay it as long as possible. Bad, I know.

x Elise


This looks like a great app! Right now, I’d use it to schedule a dermatologist appointment (gotta get on that). I’m moving for grad school in August and this will be useful for finding a new PCP, dentist, physical therapist, and probably a lot more in my new state! I’m a nurse, so two thumbs up for preventative health care from me!!


This sounds like such a cool app! I’ve been living in Atlanta for a bit under 2 years, and the few friends I have made so far live in such different parts of the city that I get recommendations for doctors that might take me FOREVER to reach because of traffic…and my friends here don’t really know me all THAT well and don’t really know much about what I like, so I sometimes have a hard time knowing what to do with their recommendations (and wondering if they’ll be a bit bummed if I don’t follow them…). This app will be great–I know I need a good orthopedic doctor for continued knee care with my arthritis, AND I need to find a good women’s health doctor for annual visits (especially now that I am 40 and need to be more diligent about breast exams…)…

Thanks for telling us about this super cool app!


I am due for my annual eye exam, a teeth cleaning, and my annual skin cancer check all before my wedding in June. :)


Need to get an eye exam!


I need to go to the eye doc and dentist… ugh two things I dread!


I’ve been going to the same office for my primary care doctor since I was 10 (I’m 29 now). The doc I’ve had for the past few years leaves a lot to be desired, but I’ve been too lazy to seek out another primary care one, partly because when I’m really sick I just go to the urgent care that is 2 minutes away from me instead of making an appt 1-2 days out with my primary care. I’m probably moving in with my boyfriend this summer, and his place is almost an hour away. Perfect opportunity to find a new doc, but he doesn’t like HIS primary care doc either! This app and your personal review couldnt have come at a better time. I’m glad this resource exists, since I had no idea where to start!


Wow, this app sounds very cool! I am healthy right now, but I plan on using it for sure in the future. Thanks!


Need to make an appointment for my annual physical.


Self employed insurance really is the worst! I need to make a derm appointment, an ENT appt to get my vocal nodules/acid reflux checked on (haven’t been in over 3 years) and an endocrinologist appt to get my hormones/thyroids looked at. I’ll use zocdoc to see who takes my crappy insurance ;)


I currently do have an illness or need a check up. I will need to do an annual in July. I’m on the hunt for new doctor. I loved my last doctor, was with her for 10 years! I recently changed jobs and with the new insurance she will be out of network. I’m so sad. She was such an amazing doctor. She did refer us to someone, just haven’t set up a time to meet with her.


This app sounds awesome! I just switched doctors in my third trimester of pregnancy because of some issues with my previous O.B….so I suppose this app could have been helpful! :)
I go in for another ultrasound today!! And my next check-up on Monday.


I really just need to find a general practitioner and get a regular checkup, but it’s so hard to find doctors that are accepting new patients, take my insurance, and have an appointment any time in the next century.


This app sounds so convenient. I need help keeping track of appointments for my 5 little ones.
I really need to go have my skin checked too. I don’t even know where to start with finding a dermatologist so this should help.


I feel like I have the worst luck with finding great doctors! This app could be really helpful! I would love to find a new pediatrician for my kids and schedule their wellness visits.


I recently moved and I don’t have a primary physician. And when I say recently, I mean I’ve been putting it off for a year! Need help finding a good one!


This app sounds great, haven’t heard of it before this post! I went in recently for a bunch of blood tests because after my twins I was feeling like something could be wrong, so I was tested for lymes, lupus, RA, ect. It looks like it could be an autoimmune disorder triggered by the pregnancy. I need a bunch of follow ups with different docs, and of course all the times I’m sure I’ll need to take my boys in for things as these active little munchkins continue to test their limits. Heading over to download the app now!


I have put off making an appointment for a dermatologist to have some moles checked on my back because I don’t even know where to begin. This is going to make it so much easier!


This app sounds awesome. I need to see a doc about some GI problems I’ve been having.


Great timing! I was looking for a doc yesterday for a torn meniscus from over-training. ? I have been wanting to run so much!


Oh doctors appointments. I’m super super lucky to have a dad who is a dentist and a brother who is a doctor! I have been on the look out for a doctor for me! I have a fantastic OB (Sarah Andrews in valley ob) she delivered my last two babies and I love her! But I needed another doctor for certain things that I didn’t want to embarrass my brother with haha. (He’s also the best but he’s further away from me so it can be hard to get a check up with him) anyway. I guess that would be the doctor I’m on the look out for!


We hit the lottery with our doctors. I’ve had the same gynecologist for over 20 years and love her. Our primary care is an excellent doctor. I saw him last week and he gave me a clean bill of health. Hello, healthy bones! Thank you running for keeping bone loss at bay – after my bone density scan my doctor said I have the bones of a 25 year old (I’ll be 54 this month.)


That’s so generous of you to offer this giveaway! Or did Amazon sponsor it?


Oh man, I’m so overdue for a skin check. My dermatologist retired last year and I have yet to find a new doc. Must get on that ASAP.


When I had my concussion it was super frustrating to find the doctor I needed when I needed one ASAP so this is a great app! Downloading now!


I’d like to go and have my hormones checked. I feel like they have never been right since having my daughter 2 years ago, but I’ve just not made it a priority.


I have used this app and LOVE it!! Used it to find a dentist for my kids. I will need to use it next year for my OB/GYN because my insurance is dropping my current doctor. And I will use this app when that time comes! Great review


This comes at a perfect time! I need to find a doctor to regulate my hormones so I can get pregnant! I’d love to go a more holistic route, and it’s been really challenging to find one in Akron, Ohio I’m going to go download ZocDoc right now!


I have a daughter too so we’re at the Dr a lot! I need to book my yearly exam so Zocdoc would be really helpful!


I honestly feel like you can read my mind. Just the other day, I was debating if I should sign up for a marathon then I read your post about the St. George one and I ended up signing up! This morning I was talking to my mom about how I needed to find a dermatologist because I had a spot on my leg that concerned me and she said I should start looking into it. (IM 30 AND STILL have no clue how to find the right dr) so this is right up my ally!!!! thanks so much!


I’ve struggled with pelvic inflammation/pubis symphysis for the last few years and would love to find a PT/sports medicine specialist to help me keep it under control!


that’s awesome. YES i use zocdoc when i need to see a doc and i have been using it quite a bit lately. i didn’t know they had an app!

right after the NYC half a few weeks ago, my ankle was hurting. i used zocdoc to book a podiatrist appointment and a physical therapy appointment. both went well, i liked both providers and i’m continuing to see the PT. he has treated a bunch of people that i work with too. and he has a lot of patients who are runners!


Finding new doctors is always so time consuming and stressful. I had no idea an app like this existed. The kids and I need a new dentist, dermatologist and I was hoping to find a nutritionist. No excuses now.


I have two kids, so we see the doc every once in a while, but we recently moved to a much more rural area, and it’s really hard to find doctors, so I’m so glad you know about this app! I need to find a good ob/gyn for myself, too!


I SO desperately need to schedule a visit to a dermatologist. As a runner and lover of the outdoors, I am almost embarrassed that at the age of 41 I haven’t made that happen yet! You’ve inspired me–just gotta get on the hunt for a good one. My kids need me around for a long time :).


With 2 kids I am constantly making doctor appointments and/or looking for new doctors. This would be so helpful!


Just wanted to comment on how different it is in Canada -we go to our primary care doctors for everything and if it’s something that they don’t feel comfortable or trained enough to deal with THEN they refer to a specialist. The thought of going to an OB-GYN for a pap or a paediatrician for my kids vaccines or an endocrinologist to get my thyroid checked is really weird!!! I just go to one doctor (my family doctor/primary care doctor – same thing) for all those things. And the headaches you guys have to go through with insurance….makes me appreciate not having to deal with that. Although we do get less choice. With universal healthcare you just get what you get and you don’t get upset…lol.


I need to make an appointment to discuss my recent GI issues as well as the random hard bump on my knee.


Just got ZocDoc. I admit I don’t like to go to the doctor and avoid seeing one if at all possible. It’s hard for me to fork over a lot of money for a doctor to tell me things I already know. So unless I’m fairly certain I’ll need a prescription or professional procedure, I just don’t go. It would be nice to get my skin/moles checked over for peace of mind, though. And it might be nice to see a chiropractor to find out how much misalignment I have going on.




I reallllllyyy need to go to the dentist, but we are moving states in like 3 months so I really don’t want to find one I like, then have to leave! This sounds like a great app!


I need to go to dentist and we need a good primary care physician. Zocdoc will be helpful! Thank you! Just downloaded.


I am due for my annual. This app looks perfect to help me set t up – thanks!


I need to go see a dermatologist, I haven’t been in years ..oops!
I do keep up to date on most of my others though!
I will check out the app!


I need an appointment to follow up about my low bone density! It increased a ton, but I want to make sure I’m still on the right track! :)


I would love to find a good dermatologist. My skin after a baby is awful and I definitely need a full body check!
Currently though I’m seeing an OB since I just found out I’m pregnant with baby number 4!!!


Wait, this is genius! I went to the Instacare in Provo about a month ago for some sinus stuff. I live down here for school, so I can’t see my regular family doc like I want to. Long story short, the instacare experience was AWFUL. Like, the doctor spent 30 seconds with me. One month later and I still don’t feel well. I am going to use this to find a primary care doctor down here who will actually take the time to help me. Thank you Janae! I hope you have a wonderful day.


I really need to make an appointment for a teeth cleaning! But it’s so overwhelming to find a trustworthy dentist in a new area, hopefully this app can help!


Wow, what perfect timing! Since I am moving from Wyoming to Oregon next month, I will need to start from scratch for everything! Gyn, dentist, dermatologist, etc. Thank you for telling me about this, I have downloaded it already!


I’m currently pregnant, so I am having doctors appt after doctors appt! I just had my annual eye exam (even though I don’t wear glasses/contacts), a dentist appt next week and my normal baby appts. I do need to schedule some time with a dermatologist. My husband just met with his and he just had 2 moles removed this week. While I don’t have any that I’m concerned with, I like to stay on top of my health. While in college for my masters, I studied Melanoma and how to detect them in our blood. I also had someone from high school (who was Brazilian and naturally dark) pass away from Melanoma 6 years ago. So I’m hyper aware of skin cancer. My dad’s side were all fair skinned red heads, so they have lots of skin issues. My mom on the other hand is Korean and has a little bit of darker skin (but wears SPF 100 bc she doesn’t like color haha), so luckily my skin is more similar to my mom’s, but living in Colorado, the sun is so much stronger! So I always wear sunscreen even while out for a walk with my dog! haha anyways, LONG tangent!


I desperately need to see an eye doctor, I haven’t been to get an eye exam since 2011! I just downloaded the app! :)


I need to make an appointment for psychiatry so I can get to feeling mentally healthy again!


I need to make an appointment to check my GI issues, certain foods are not my friend lately.


Now that is an awesome app!! just downloaded it and will send over a pic!! My husband and I are in middle of our journey of starting our family and it has been more difficult than we would have ever imagined! So not only do I need my regular OBGYN and a regular doc for my hubs now we are on our journey for infertility specialist, what a journey! Its such a hard road so we want a Dr that will give us the extra hug we night need or just that smile and extra little time that we might need!!!
You rock!!!!!!! XO


What a great idea! I need to see my regular Dr for a wellness checkup and my Gyn…


I need to see an obgyn also!


I need to make an appointment with an eye doctor! It’s been years and they aren’t getting younger.


Wow, sounds like a great app! We were just talking yesterday about having to find a good dermatologist for my 13 year old. I’ll definitely try this app. Hubby got laid off 2 months ago, so we’ll have to wait for insurance again, hopefully soon!


Ive got to see my GP for my yearly medical ! Make sure everything is in check :)


I recently had a concussion so I have had to make multiple doctos appointments to make sure that everything is healing up okay. I can’t wait try out Zocdoc because I also have a hard time keeping up with my annual appointments, and finding a new doctor is always a nightmare!


Dear Janae,

Check it!: Tons (literally) of free children’s books online! Note the warning: old-school tales aren’t always the happiest. Anyway, there are a bunch of titles I haven’t read myself (“The Three Little Kittens”– what!).

Hope there are some gems there! Have a good one!


I just recently discovered this app! Your post is giving me the kick I need to find a primary care doctor and go in for a physical! I haven’t had one in way too long… thanks!!


I really need to s heduke an appointment to go see the dermatologist. I had terrible habits in college and went to the tanning bed way too much! Awesome app!


Really want to find someone to test my overall hormone balance…. or should I say imbalance. This app is pretty easy to use. Nice.


I need to go see a dermatologist its been about a year and a half since my last skin check and I live in San Diego.


I need so many appointments it seems. I just tore my labrum and need a surgeon!


Same girl same….need to see a dermatologist!


My sons rash!


Trigger finger, it’s not like it sounds and mine is hereditary. I had to find a hand surgeon and now I I’ll be looking for pt for the hand they operated on.


Hi Janae! I need to make a dentist apt. and an OBGYN apt! Also I hate to admit that I’ve never been to a dermatologist and my mom has a history of skin cancer…. definitely need to make an apt. soon!


I haaaaaaate calling doctors offices. I don’t know why, it’s just one of those things I seriously hate doing, especially if it is a new doctor. I love this app already since you can see if your insurance will work at certain offices!
I need to make an appt with a new primary care. I haven’t had a good one in years. I have a couple aches and pains that seems to come back often!


This app sounds incredibly helpful! I’ve been running quite a bit recently and really need to find a new chiropractor in my area and make an appointment.


Definitely need to get with a dermatologist – it’s been far too long!


I really need to make a dermatologist appointment just like you did, since in my teens I gave myself many sunburns. My dad had cancerous cells removed from his face, and I’d rather check it out early!


Thanks for recommending this great app. I definitely need to schedule a skin screening and I’m in need of a new good OB GYN since we moved after my daughter’s birth


This app sounds fabulous! Just downloaded it- I’m going to look for a new pediatrician for my kids!


So I saw the speed workout you shared that Andrew did and thought I’d try it because I remember you sharing his half marathon time and it was the same as mine. I really thought 7:20 pace is too hard for me but I tried it today and did it! I was so happy to stop and walk after each one though!! I’ve never done mile repeats before and now I feel so strong that I could do that. Share his workouts again if you don’t mind.


I put off going to the doctor for myself all of the time! Right now I need to schedule an eye doctor and get established with a primary care doctor. I tried a doctor recently but she was foreign and i can barley understand her! I will defiantly plug in my info to find a doc near me! Thanks!


My ankle was broken 6 months ago..I need a check on ankle


I have taken my daughter to the doctor recently for strep throat!


I am overdue for the dentist AND a skin check from the dermatologist ANd have to book my son’s 2 year appointment!


I’m currently up to date. My husband, on the other hand, is a different story ;)


I am 14 weeks pregnant currently so lots of doctor appointments up ahead!!


Just kid checkups for us


This sounds like a great app! We moved two years ago and I have yet to find a new primary care doctor! It’s on my short list so I can get a physical and have someone to call next time I get sick.


Annual physical — watching my A1c (blood sugar) like a hawk!


Thanks for the post idea, Rachael! I may have to save that one for next winter since it’s at least 70 here every day now ? Speaking of which, maybe I’ll have to do a post about running in the HEAT soon!

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