14 + Parenting Fail + My Training Log!

Happy Easter!  I hope you have a beautiful day filled with all of the things that YOU love the most!

Eyeliner courtesy from the night before.

Fourteen miles is a long time to be running especially without a training partner.  At this season of life I’m currently not a great training buddy because I don’t really know what time I am going to run until Skye wakes up to eat for the morning.  Hopefully soon we will be on more of a regular schedule where I can be more consistent with what time I’m running but for now I’m just grateful for good podcasts and music during the miles.

My coach told me to take in fuel/water every 30-45 minutes for my run yesterday!  I am all out of my gels so I grabbed a few of Andrew’s and while I loved this flavor a lot in the past, I can’t handle it anymore.  I may have plugged my nose while eating them (which didn’t really help ha)…

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I saw a hot air ballon while I was out.  I think this would be fun so I added it to my bucket list yesterday.  Things started off chilly but by the end I was HOT in shorts and a t-shirt which is a strange feeling when I see that there is still snow in our mountains.

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And I finished… it felt a lot harder than my last long run (which was faster so that doesn’t make sense) but that is just how running goes—>  It keeps things exciting because each day you never know if you are going to feel like you are a deer running through a meadow or like you are attempting to run in quicksand.

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I came home and Brooke wanted to join in with me for some stretching.

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And then once Skye was awake she was trying desperately to roll from her back to her stomach.

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This weekend is one of my favorite weekends of the year.  Twice a year my church has something called General Conference.  The weekend is full of amazing talks that are uplifting and bring me so much peace and motivation.  I am a big believer in taking care of our spiritual health (in whatever way that you choose and that makes you happy:) and for me, this is a great way to get in some spirituality.

I also got in some recovery with my rapid reboots and fed Skye while watching conference.  A bit of multitasking but it was really nice.  I felt like running 14 miles was an accomplishment yesterday but I also felt like timing it so that Skye could eat right before (I pumped a bottle for her just in case she was hungry while I was running) and then after I got home was just as much of an accomplishment for me ha.  FYI I was really tired after my long run yesterday, it felt like I did a 22 miler—>  I’m telling you this just in case any of you are getting back into long runs again right now and feel exhausted after you finish.

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These two had matching hair yesterday.

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Brooke is still loving her hair cut and I’m loving how much easier it is to brush out.

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Fast forward through a few hours of randomness and we went over to my friend’s house to celebrate her little girl turning one!

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And then we watched more conference…

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And then I had a parenting fail…  At 4 we took Brooke to her friend’s birthday party that she had been so excited about all week long.  Once we got there we realized that the birthday party was on Friday.  This is about the 25th thing I’ve messed up on with parenting this last week.  I don’t know where my brain has gone.  Brooke was bummed but she cheered up when we decided to fill up the Easter eggs together for the family Easter egg hunt today.  Later on I realized that I also forgot to get the egg dye for us to color eggs too…  I need to get back to using my planner again.

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Ziti leftovers for dinner.

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And then we hung out with my family for a little while.

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My nephew had his wisdom teeth taken out yesterday so we joined him in eating ice cream.

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Time for a rest day!


Here’s how training went last week:

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Monday: 8 miles @ 8:29 average pace.

Tuesday:  6 miles @ 8:27 average pace + 4 x 20 seconds FAST w/ 1 minute walking recoveries.

Wednesday:  2 mile w/u, 5 x 1 mile repeats w/1 minute rest in between each one, 2 mile c/d.  This HURT.  Short recoveries are no joke.  Mile splits—>  6:59, 6:52, 6:52, 6:56, 6:59.

Thursday:  4 miles @ 8:54 average pace.  My legs were toast after my Wednesday workout!

Friday: 6 miles @ 8:38 average pace.

Saturday:  14 miles… my longest run in FOREVER!

Sunday:  OFF!

47 miles for the week.


Anything you have done in the last little while that had been on your bucket list?

What was your best run last week?

What are your Easter/Sunday plans today?

Have you had your wisdom teeth taken out?

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Happy Easter! And be kind to yourself, you have a lot more successes than fails ;-)


Oh thanks Mel!! I hope you have a beautiful day!


You should definitely go on a hot air balloon ride. I arranged this as a gift for my husband a couple of years ago and it was amazing!

My Easter Sunday started with my long run. 18 miles and it felt really great which is not something I usually say. Yesterday I ran my fastest 5k of the year so I think my training is all coming together.

Now I’m off to enjoy some chocolate – I think I earned it!

Have a great Sunday x


What an amazing gift idea Allison, I love that. You are having an amazing weekend of running, huge congrats. Eat that chocolate!


Huma gels all the way!


Those are some of my favorite… just ordered more! Have a great day Molly!


It is so funny how sensitive we can all be to certain run nutrition. I can’t handle huma … last time I tried it I proceeded to vomit from mile 5-10 where I think it was all out of my system. I really only like my Simply Fruit by PowerBar BUT it seems that they have stopped making it so I am on the hunt for something new!


Happy Easter! I hope you have a wonderful day with your family!


Happy Easter to YOU Becky! Thank you!


Don’t be so hard on yourself—-You are doing your best and you have a lot on your plate right now. :)

One of my good friends son ate random dog poop at a park one time when he was little. So whenever I screw up big time, I just remind myself at least my kids didn’t eat dog poop! :)


Thanks so much Jen:) THANK YOU FOR THAT STORY hahaha… I feel a lot better now! I hope you have a wonderful day and I’m going to be thinking of that story when I mess up again ha.


What planner do you use?

Also, was Brooke really sad that she missed the birthday party? :( I know I would have had a tantrum!


I have an Erin Condren one that I use:) She was pretty bummed but she didn’t throw a tantrum!


Easter morning 5k race here, and it was so fun. I stayed just behind a woman who was running with her young son and she was so encouraging and positive. It was really beautiful to listen to.
Plus the local bakery had the rolls I love love love at the end and my time was better than I thought so all in all a great morning.
Bucket list? Just came back from three weeks of hiking in Patagonia and THATwas amazing.
A 3:45 marathon is also on my bucket list, any tips are very welcome! Besides the obvious “run faster!”

Have a great Easter!


Way to go on your 5k this morning! Speedy + delicious rolls… perfect. That mom sounds amazing! Hiking in Patagonia… ummm yeah, that sounds incredible. Have you ever thought about having a coach? Coaches make me SO much faster. Thank you, you too!


I feel the same way about the Salted Caramel GUs – I use to love them but now they’re just too sweet. Pineapple, Salted Watermelon and Kiwi are my new go-tos.

The picture of Skye with your mom is so cute – love babies in soft PJs!

I had my wisdom teeth out when I was in my early 20s and had the quickest recovery – I was eating regular food that night. I know I’m one of the lucky ones!

Happy Easter, Janae!


Brooke’s short hair is so cute and makes her look so grown up. I can’t believe Skye is already trying to roll over! Nothing looks more delicious than that Rolo ice cream, it looks like a prefect treat. I hope you’re having an amazing Easter weekend! ?


I feel you on the GU…..I can’t do it anymore since I discovered Huma gels!
And really love Brooke’s hair…………she looks older with it, too!


Happy Easter to you and your family!!
I have a quick question about the workout you did on Wednesday. It looks awesome and I’m trying to spice up my routine. Did you do your mile repeats as fast as you could and then rest completely/stop moving for one minute? I’ve never really done ANY speed work so I’m trying to figure out what the “rest” means for that particular workout and the effort level for the mile repeats (those times are CRAZY fast, haha!)


Hey Jane! YAY for spicing up your run:) For that workout I walked for a few of them and a few of them I just kind of stood there questioning running ha:) It definitely depends on how you are feeling too. This week I have longer breaks in between each repeat so I’ll probably do a slow jog since I’ll have more time. Keep me updated and let me know how it goes! YOU’VE GOT THIS!


Your runs are amazing!
I did 10 miles with friends on Mt Charleston to prep for the race. I was surprised how fast I was able to do it since it’s all downhill. Now my quads are really making me rethink life decisions every time I stand. People warned me about downhill running and only now do I believe them.


GREAT JOB JOAN!! I haven’t ran downhill in like 8 months so I’m kind of nervous about this… ahhh!! We should meet there!


Today for Easter we’re having a family dinner. I heard we’re having ham, veggies, and scalloped potatoes, so I’m looking forward to it.

I haven’t gotten my wisdom teeth out yet because they haven’t caused any problems so far.


I feel you on the super tired part – my 12 miles were done in 25+mph wind and I felt like I wasn’t even moving at some parts! I decided it counts as more than 12 miles and I felt more tired than I do after a race!
I haven’t actually done anything from my bucket list lately but I have planned some things for later this year, so that kind of counts, right?!


Today was my first run in over a year so it was a rusty, slow 2 miles. As a non-runner I do have a question for you! As I attempt to get back into running (and regular fitness in general) is it ok to just run based on how I feel for now, with the goal of going a little further each time? I don’t have a garmin or fancy watch and right now I really just want to be more active more than anything else. Is that “ok”? The ultimate goal is to run a half marathon before I turn 30 (1.5 years left–eek!) but even that, it’s more to DO it than for a specific time.


JANE!!! AHHHH I am so excited about this… congrats on TWO MILES. Boom. I would definitely base your runs on how you feel at this time. I personally wouldn’t increase my distance each time though. I might increase .5 miles or so each week or something but keep listening to your body and PLEASE keep me updated with how you are doing! Thanks! PS You are going to rock that half marathon!


Yes, I have had wisdom teeth out. Best run last week was a long trail run (this past week was just a recovery run.

Nothing huge for Easter – met my mom for coffee, went to the beach with the other half and now it is wind and cold so back home for hot cocoa and a fire place.

No bucket list items checked off as of recently but there are definitely many bucket list items to choose from.

Happy Easter!


Happy Easter, Janae!!! Hope you and your families have a blessed holiday!


Happy Easter!! And I hope you enjoy your rest day.
Today I ran 4 miles. I haven’t seen a 4 mi run in a really long time. It’s nothing compared to what so many other people do, but it was so exciting to me. I wore everything entirely brand new (except my running shoes..) from purchases I had made in the last month or so and was waiting for warm weather–especially my new tank top and running shorts. And I swear having cute new things to wear made my run that much more confident and effortless!!!


Stephanie… CONGRATS on 4 miles! That is HUGE! Do not compare, keep celebrating your huge victory! Oh I love wearing new things. Please keep me updated with your training, I’m excited for you:)


Brooks hair is so cute. She looks so grown up. She seems like a great big sister.
We had a low key Easter. Church services and a great Italian dinner (no one in my family limes ham)
My favorite run was a 7k trail race. I have not run trail races I several years. It was fun not to worry about my pace. I did end up getting second place though quite a suprise.
Good job on your running week.I too am trying to build back mileage after a couple big foot surgeries. Patience is something I’m learning with my progress. Slow going , I just have to remind myself I am able to get out and run.


You are doing great! A 14 miler, a baby and 2 young children?! You are killing it. I love the tights you are wearing in the last picture…what brand are they?

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