Stay in the MINUTE + a surprise trip!

Well, that was painful, it made me afraid and somehow also excited to race a 5k again in the future.  That short fast stuff is HARD!

I started with a 2 mile warm-up at an 8:58 average pace and then stopped to switch shoes, take off my long sleeve top (it was 50 degrees), do some strides and dynamic drills.  I’m doing some leg swings below.  PS Like usual, during my warm up I was questioning how in the world I was going to get moving for the workout but sure enough a few miles and some drills warmed my legs right up!

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Then it was time to start my 12 minutes of pain.  The weirdest part is before I left I told Andrew I would probably hit 1.86 miles in the twelve minutes based on where I thought I was fitness wise and I hit 1.87 miles:)

This was most definitely the hardest running workout I have done postpartum.  At about 7 minutes into it I was breathing hard and my legs were on fire so I told myself it was time to simply stay in the minute and forget about the rest.  All I needed to do was focus on 60 seconds at a time.  If I was doing the best I could in those 60 seconds then I was rocking it and my pace didn’t matter, I just needed to know I was giving it my best shot.  I also reminded myself that I can do anything for 60 seconds so I just had to focus on where I was at in the minute.

The longest 12 minutes of my life but done and done and I felt awesome afterwards.

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The first mile was a 6:24 and the second mile was an average of 6:26.  Excited to see where we go from here!

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I then did a cool-down for 2 miles at an 8:41 average pace and I saw these in the middle of the road.  It’s strange because I’ve really been loving Hot Tamales lately.  The box was empty and I was glad I wasn’t faced with the decision of whether or not to eat them;)

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Andrew’s breakfast request was a success.  My homemade cinnamon rolls and I think each one weighed a lb.  He makes me a 5 layer cake for my birthday and I make him these for his.

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Andrew still had to get in some studying throughout the day/night because he has a big test today but Skye made sure to snuggle him while he studied.

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And when Knox came over we watched Harry Potter for a little while.  This was another request from Andrew because as you know, he is a HUGE HP fan and I’m not so much.

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Once Brooke was home from school Andrew opened his presents!  I surprised him with a mini trip to go see a few Angels games during spring training in Arizona!  We are going to stay with my brother down there and Skye has her cheering outfit ready to go.  He was SO excited when he opened up the tickets.  PS this will be Skye’s first airplane ride… TIPS ARE WELCOME!!

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And then we were off to grab some lunch!

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I laughed when I looked at these pictures because Brooke and I pose very similar to one another and she didn’t even see me take the above picture with Andrew ha.

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Andrew chose to go to Pizza Factory for lunch.  Gotta love their free birthday gift:

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I had a salad and breadtwists of course.

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After lunch we went to Andrew’s favorite sporting goods store to look at mountain bikes and then an indoor play place for the kids at the mall.

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Back home for Skye to take a nap, eat and stare at me like she is shocked by some of the things I do/say.

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And as you know, we also made it to In-N-Out for some burgers and fries.  Did you know that they give kids a free hot chocolate if it is raining outside?  It was raining yesterday so they hooked us up!

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You don’t do yoga while wearing a Cafe Rio t-shirt?  I’m trying to do a bit most evenings to prevent these hamstrings from getting way too tight like they tend to do when the speed work increases.

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Brooke always shows me up when I am stretching;)  And yes my sock is inside out but the fact that both Brooke and I were wearing pairs of matching socks is something that happens about once a quarter.

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Who lives in Arizona?  We will be near Phoenix a lot so does anyone have any food recommendations?

Ever found anything strange/random/different while you were out for a run?  Ever found money?

What are your feelings about Harry Potter?

Tips for airplane rides with a three month old?  I know I took Brooke on an airplane at this age but I completely forgot what I did to make it a smooth trip for her.  I’m hoping she naps the whole time, cross your fingers for me!

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I’m a Harry Potter fan too! Right now I’m re-reading Order of the Phoenix. It’s my favorite Harry Potter book.


We were just in Phoenix for the PHX Marathon and I highly recommend Worth Takeaway in Mesa! I believe that you’ll be in the area for the games, anyway. :) They have AMAZING sandwiches and the best banana pudding!


Way to go Katie on your marathon… I’ve been thinking about doing that one next year!? What were your thoughts on the course? I have to find Worth Takeaway… sandwiches and banana pudding sound like heaven!


We flew with our baby when she was 8 weeks old. We asked the pediatrician before we went. Her suggestions were to get the baby’s 2 month shots before we went, and to bring Clorox wipes. We were told that before we even sit in our seats we should wipe down every surface, paying extra attention to the trays.

The other thing that we learnt, was to put the pacifier on a pacifier clip so it can’t accidentally fall on the floor.


Oh that is SUCH a good tip about the Clorox wipes, I will definitely be doing that Dena. Thank you! Skye has her two month shots too. Thanks Dena and I hope you are having a beautiful day!


Good work on the run … And the cinnamon rolls!!

I don’t live in AZ but used to … Go here! -


OH MY HECK… I LOVE OREGANOS so much! It will be a must for us because of Andrew’s pizza love too! Thanks Arthi and I hope you are having a great morning!


I found a whole donut in a plastic bag one time while I was running. I contemplated for a whole mile turning back to get it. I didn’t.

I love Harry Potter!


HAHA I think I might have gone back for the donut! That is hilarious. Have a great day Jenny!


SO fun!! I’ve always wanted to go to a Rangers spring training game. What a great gift! And I’ve only been to Phoenix once, but we ate dinner at this place called OHSO that was pretty good. It has burgers and salads and chicken and lots of other dishes.

I’m not a Harry Potter fan. I saw one movie and tried reading one book, but I just couldn’t get into it. By the way, NICE JOB on your Cooper workout!! You are going to be SO ready to hit that sub-3!!!!


I’m not a Harry Potter fan….AT ALL. Uhhhg. BUT! I’ve got a stupid/funny joke. Ready??

What is Harry Potter’s favorite way to get down a hill?? Walking!………………… JK! Rolling…..

Haha. Get it? ;)


BAHAHA That is awesome… I am going to tell Andrew this one and he will love it;) Thanks Alyssa and I hope you have an amazing day!


Your cinnamon rolls look soon good! You are such a thoughtful wife. You and Andrew are blessed for sure.


I have to say, I love Harry Potter ha. I think the books are amazing and the movies are pretty good too ?

I’m flying with my baby when he will be 4 months old, and I’ve been researching this too! I’ve read that if you feed them on takeoff and landing, it helps with the pressure change/ear popping. Also, I don’t know if you have a wrap or carrier for Skye, but I’m planning on wearing my baby in the airport/through security. I’ll have my hands free that way.

Congrats on an awesome Cooper workout! You’re doing amazing work! I am 8 weeks postpartum and this week I’ve worked out 2 times with weights so far and taken several long walks. For my fitness level I’m really happy and proud of that and I’m feeling great! Finally starting to feel like myself again.

Have s great Thursday!


We are heading down there in 2 weeks for spring break! It will be aiden’s first time on a plane too, and I’m freaking out a little (Micah isn’t coming…so I’m extra nervous!) I’m going to have to follow this thread and read the suggestions!

If you are going to be there in March…just breathe in that orange blossom scent as much as possible! It is my FAVOEITE thing about AZ in March!


How fun, what a great gift! I just got back from spring training myself (but in Florida). Be sure to pack sunscreen!!


I really wish I had plane tips for you, but you probably wouldn’t want my tips. We took a plane ride with our son when he was almost 2 and he was NOT happy. At one point, he stood up on my lap and threw his arms over the seat in front of us and grabbed the lady’s hair. He actually ripped her hair out. She didn’t even turn around. She was beautifully dressed for a business meeting and my kid ripped her hair out! I kept whispering to her between the seats, “I’m so sorry”.
Don’t worry, Skye is little so I’m sure she will nap! Fingers crossed. :)


Shoot, I am going to look for this article I just read it was about hamstrings feeling tight because glutes need to be strengthened.
Sounds like b-day success to me.




I’ve found a lot of strange dead animals… when you’re like.. what even is that thing!? For some reason I always feel bad finding money and feel like I should leave it there for someone else who needs it more… is that weird?


You are a good person:) Good for you for leaving it for someone else to have it Krista! I’ll follow your lead. Have a great day!


Krista- one time I was running (very very pregnant so more like waddling) and I found $20 on the sidewalk. I had a lot of guilt taking it so I took it to the closest house to see if they dropped it. 1. They acted like I was nutso 2. They took it without thanking me. Anyway, I wish I would have just took it. I still think about how I lost out or $20 all the time. Hahahaha!


haha!! Moral of the story… just take the money? hahaha


Good for you for trying! I found a card once running – yep I’m too nosy to pass it by without stopping! – it was Christmas time and it had $20 in it for the mailman. I took it to the address on the card & the guy was barely thankful I returned it. Oddly enough I ran the same route the next day and found two $5 bills in almost the exact same area – I kept those!


I LOVE HARRY POTTER SO MUCH. I have read all the books multiple times, I watch the movies pretty frequently, and I have been Harry for halloween probably 5 times. I don’t get how people aren’t fans!!
I have found all kinds of weird things running. The weirdest was probably when a wild turkey jumped over a wall and almost hit me in the head.
I don’t have little ones of my own, but when my niece comes to visit she eats on the ascent and the descent so her ears don’t get too much pressure, and then plays with her favorite (non-noise-making) toys the rest of the time.


HAHAHA Knox staring down the bread twists in that pic…that would be me. “hurry up and take a pic so I can dig in!”

Have a good day :)


I love Harry Potter! I read all the books but haven’t seen all the movies as of yet. Sounds like you guys had a fun celebration for Andrew’s birthday. The cinnamon rolls looks amazing!


Looks like Andrew had an awesome birthday!! The cinnamon rolls look AMAZING!!
I’ve never read a Harry Potter book (I read A LOT) and I’ve never seen any of the movies. Just not my thing I guess.
Funny story: my brother always signs cards that he gives me with “Muggles”. In my family that word means a hug and kiss combo. We started this when we were kids (1980’s hahaha) way before HP was even a thing. I don’t remember who came up with it.


HAHAH I love that your brother does that Elizabeth! You guys are a step ahead of things;)


I live in AZ…but in Scottsdale..Not sure how far you will venture past where the games are….If you are flying into Sky Harbor–on way from airport—go to LGO…(La Grande Orange)..They have amazing EVERYTHING and the sweets are so so so big and good!!! Also Flower Child is near there and it’s also super yum!!!

Have a great time!!!


Oh I love Scottsdale:) Okay, THANK YOU for reminding me of LGO! I have been there twice in the past and forgot about how much I love that place. So so good. Definitely going to check out Flower Child. Thank you Lauren! Have a beautiful day.


Random comment of the day: I am not usually that interested in pictures of babies. I had two babies (who are five years old now). Of course, I thought they were cute, but was never very interested in anyone else’s babies. But I just have to say that Skye is the CUTEST, and I just love seeing pictures of her. Thank you for sharing her with us. :)


Lauren, I LOVED your random comment of the day! Thank you so much for what you said:) I hope you and your two kiddos (are they twins?!) have a wonderful day!


I found 20 dollars on the ground once when I was running!


Oh man I have so many Reccomendations, but they are mainly for Gilbert/Mesa and a couple Tempe/Chandler. Which city do you want haha?


Ok so here’s some recommendations-
Pizza- Lou Malnati’s (Phoenix), Spinato’s (several locations), Grimaldi’s (several locations), Oregano’s (I like their pasta more than pizza)
Hamburger- The Chuckbox (cash only- Tempe), Rehab Burger Therapy (Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale)
Mexican- Casa Reynoso (Tempe location), Carolina’s (hole in the wall place in Phoenix, also have new location in Mesa), Matta’s (Mesa locations), Gecko Grill (Gilbert), Nando’s (Mesa)
Ice Cream- Sweet Republic (Scottsdale), Dolce Vita Gelato (Mesa), Sugar Bowl (Scottsdale), Frost Gelato (Gilbert), Coldstone Creamery, Slickables Ice Cream Shop
Breakfast- Snooze (Tempe and Mesa), Crackers and Co (Mesa), Henhouse Cafe (Mesa Riverview and Gilbert), Biscuits (several locations), Matt’s Big Breakfast (Phoenix)
Sandwich- Worth Takeaway (Mesa), Ike’s love and Sandwiches ( Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa),
Salad/Sandwich/Healthy- Original Chopshop (several locations), Pita Jungle (several locations)
Hot Chocolate/Frozen Drinks- Dutch Brothers (my favorite is White Annilator (SP) Frost- So good!), QT
Barbecue- Little Miss BBQ (Phoenix), Bobby Q’s Restaurant (Mesa)

Never have been but heard good things- Culinary Dropout, La Grande Orange, Olive & Ivy, Steak 44.

I have plenty more but this will probably hold you over haha. I guess this is what happens when you live there your whole life lol?! I moved a couple of years ago and so I made a list of places I want to go to every time I visit AZ :).


YOU ARE SERIOUSLY THE BEST!!! I want to go to AZ for a month now to eat all of these things. Thank you SO much! I’ve heard about a few of these but want to go to all of them. I hope you moved somewhere with just as many amazing places to eat. Thanks Joy and have a fabulous day! PS I took a screenshot of your comment and sent it to Andrew ha!


I’m so glad my list is helpful! I love that you took a screen shot for Andrew :). We moved to Texas but are now in the country so I don’t eat out much but we have found a few yummy places. I know you will have an awesome time in AZ… I’m looking forward to seeing what places you end up eating at (I love food too much haha).
P.S. I wish there was an edit button because I totally spelled recommendations wrong in my first comment, whoops!


WOW great job on that run! 12 minutes can sure seem like a long time when you’re running that fast. At least your shoes are beautiful!
I grew up reading Harry Potter and love the books! The movies are just okay…but I will watch them if they’re on!


Hey Janae! I just bought tickets yesterday to the Angeles v. Oakland A’s game on the 23rd (hubby is a big A’s fan). We’ll be in Phoenix for the Pac-12 Gymnastics Championships (we’re big UTE fans), so we thought we’d catch a baseball game too! If it’s one of the games you’ll be at, maybe I’ll see you there!


AHHHH NO WAY!! I wish we were there that day… boo! Have the best time ever Ali and let me know how it goes for you guys (Brooke is jealous you are going to the gymnastics championships:)!


The weirdest thing I’ve ever seen on a run is a headless Santa mannequin on the side of the trail. I actually have a picture of it on my blog & I’m sharing the link because it was so strange and creepy!

Love the Harry Potter books! Not a fan of the movies. When my SIL flew with my 2 month old nephew, she nursed him during takeoff and landing because it’s supposed to help their ears with the pressure change (or something like that).


Nice workout!

I found $10 once when were out. Yes I love Harry Potter. The other half, not so much.

I don’t have any tips for plane travel but my sis and her hubs took my niece to Hawaii at 3 months old – and it was definitely easier than now (she is almost 3 now) because then she just passed out on the plane ride haha. She has always been a very easy baby so I guess they lucked out in that department.

Have a great day!


Once when I was running I found $5.00!! It was possibly one of the most exciting days of my life. I haven’t found money on the ground since (or even before that).

I LOVE Harry Potter! I am one of those crazy super fans. I could re-watch the movies over and over.


I don’t know if you’ll be in Scottsdale but The Mission in old town is amazing!

I love Harry Potter – my 10 year old stepson is getting into it so it’s really fun to watch the movies with him (although the Dementors have caused a nightmare or two – whoops :))


THANK YOU!! I just glanced at their menu and their tacos are making me drool! Oh I love that you are watching HP with your stepson. Thanks Heather and have a great day!


The Pork tacos are to die for. They *say* it’s for two people but that was not my experience :) HA!


So those cinnamon rolls look amazing but I checked out the recipe and was like wow too much work. I’m impressed!
So your workout was just 12 min hard or you were told to try to hit a certain pace? Way to go on it!!


Hey Mary!! Hahah they are a ton of work! Yeah so the 12 minutes was just as hard as I could go for those 12 minutes! I trained to keep a steady pace throughout it and a 6:25ish is right where my body wanted to be but it was HARD! I hope you are having a great day!


Yay for Spring Training! My husband and I have been going down to Spring Training games since before we had kids! And now we take the girls! ? We are headed there right now actually. You should eat at Oregano’s! SO good! We also always make a stop at Portillo’s and Sprinkles Cupcakes.

Love Harry Potter! ?

Honestly I always just nursed if my babies got fussy at all on a plane and then they usually just slept through most of the flight. Don’t be afraid to nurse her if you feel like you need to or it would help!


I think that is what I’m going to end up doing because she loves to nurse so it will just keep her happy or put her to sleep! Thanks Ashley! Oh I love that you guys are on your way down to Spring Training right now! What games are you going to? I’ve never tried Portillo’s… going to google that now!


Go to Snooze for bfast! Their pancakes are AMAZING!!! I highly, highly, highly recommend them. :)


You sold me with pancakes… thanks Shawna!!!!


Never seen a HP movie or read any book. I just must assume they aren’t my thing, but never dabbled in them, so really not sure. Ok, I sell Swarovski jewelry, so I am totally IN LOVE with that blingy onesie !!! I was actually going to search for a blingy softball Mom shirt this year. I love that onesie. Picture please when Skye has it on at her first baseball game. It’s going to be uberliciously adorable !!!


We started traveling with our daughter when she was 18wks old (hello, NYC marathon! I wasn’t going to miss it!) My sister says that my daughter has more airline miles and passport stamps then she will probably ever have and my daughter is only 4.5yo. In addition to the the obvious- extra diapers/wipes, clothes, pacifier, snacks, hooter hider bring extra clothes for yourself. We were on a red eye to Antigua and right after I nursed my daughter she threw up all of us. She had a change of clothes. I did not. The rest of the flight was not fun after that! Baby wear Skye in an Ergo or your carrier. Most airlines will let you keep her in there during flight. That ways you have your hands free and Skye can sleep comfortably. I would also recommend an aisle seat so you can get up and walk if she gets fussy. You can gate check your carseat and stroller at the gate. Baggage handlers treat bags like crap so I’d rather haul it to the gate. But you will have to put the seat and stroller through the xray. If you’re baby wearing you can just pile your diaper bag/backpack onto the stroller and really zip through the airport. Also baby wear through security. You will just go through a metal detector and have your hands wiped for explosives. Before baby, we used to carry on our own bags. Now we try to put all 3 of our things into one big bag to check in and just go to the gate with the stroller. If you do not wish to gate check your stroller and carseat, those do fly free . Oh and if you need to change Sky’s diaper during a flight most all airlines have their diaper changing table in the front forward restroom. Good luck!


I cannot thank you enough for these tips. I had never even thought of bringing extra clothes for me, brilliant. I bet that flight was really rough on your way to Antigua! These tips are so helpful, thank you. I love how much your daughter has flown so much in her first 4.5 years of life!


We used to live in Phoenix and I really miss Macayo’s Mexican food. Soo Delish!!! Oreganos never disappoints. My husband always ate at LeGrand Orange when I would run the rock and roll marathon there but I have never eaten there (he always said I would love it). I loved any of the Sauce restaurants. El Encanto in Cave Creek was a lifesaver for us when our girls were young (the cave creek location has a pond and ducks). I sure do miss Arizona in the spring!!!!


“Stay in the moment” is definitely a thing I try to focus on a lot during long runs and races! I actually just wrote a post today about some of the more mental-side of things when it comes to prepping for races (in this case, a first marathon!):

Hope it starts to feel a little easier!


worth takeway in mesa
joyride taco in gilbert
postinos – several locations


Happy Birthday Andrew! Those cinnamon rolls are now on my weekend to do list.
Flying with an infant advice, we have done it with all three kids..nurse her on take off and landing. Helps with their little ears if they are sucking. Also I wore them in a sling or wrap, then they were blocked from people/germs. They also felt secure with the noise and can sleep snuggled.


I’m a Chicago transplant living in Phoenix so I have to suggest two Chicago staples that are just as good here: Portillos (Tempe) and Lou Malnatis!! :)

Nursing or bottle during takeoff and landing for sure! And favorite teething toy.

I’m obsessed with Harry Potter. Probably an all time favorite book series for me! :)


Hi!!!! What a great gift! I love spring training games! It’s so relaxed and the players don’t feel ‘untouchable’ like they do during the season. If that makes sense….

I love Arizona! Especially the Phoenix/Scottsdale area! I haven’t been there in a few years, but we went to Sushi Roku in Scottsdale and Pizzeria Bianco (also In Scottsdale – paradise valley) for wood fired pizza and I cannot forget the olive oil flavored gelato. Sounds weird, but it was sooooo good!!!


Just got back from the Rockies v Angels at Salt River Fields at Talking Stick. Might head over to Diablo Stadium tomorrow to see them again. Home run city today. I think there were 7 or 8? Including a grand slam. We sat in the lawn seating (not sure if Diablo stadium has this?) but it’s great viewing and the kids can run free on the grass so it’s perfect for when they get antsy.

And, just to brag, my daughter hit a home run in the second of her two games today as well! 3 more days of playing to go!

Definitely bring extra clothes for you on the plane, AND a plastic bag to put any dirty clothes into until you can wash them. Spit up and blow ups are worse in confined quarters. Have fun!


Hi Janae!
The picture of you guys watching Harry Potter – you look SOOOO much like your oldest niece in this photo!!!! I wonder if you noticed that at all!?
I love genes and love seeing how they are passed down in families!
Have a great weekend!


Hi Janae!
While in are in Arizona you should try Mighty Moo Ice Cream in Youngtown. My cousin is part owner and they just got an awesome write up in one of the local papers! They have over 30 flavors!

Not a HP fan either.

Good job on your Cooper w/o! Speed work definitely gets your legs used to turning over more!
I hope Andrew enjoy his bday! Looks like you all had a great day!


What an awesome birthday gift! I’m jealous, i want to go to spring training! Fingers are crossed for you and Skye, I bet she’ll do just fine.


If you’re in the mood for Mexican food, we love to go to Comedor Guadalajara in Phoenix. It’s yummy!
Angel’s Trumpet has yummy burgers and pizza and a comfy outdoor patio. There always seems to be a dog or two hanging out with it’s owner.
Enjoy your trip to AZ!


My favorite restaurants in Phoenix are Federal Pizza (the Casanova is to die for!) and Snooze for breakfast. Have fun!


I’ve got the opposite problem to you – I LOVE Harry Potter but can’t get my husband to take any interest. I managed to get him to sit down while the first movie was on around Christmas time but he didn’t really concentrate on it even with me constantly telling him to!


I actually find money fairly often when I run – most recently a $20 bill! One year I found a total of $36 over the course of my runs! Weirdest thing I’ve found was an entire sandwich in a zip top baggie – near a school so likely some kid was going to be hungry at lunch when the discovered it missing!

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