Silentish Saturday + a Change

Skye’s reaction when I told her how far I’m running for my long run this weekend.

Friday run = 6 miles.

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Skye and I both did some strength training after my run:

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Andrew starts the tickling young.

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Easter egg hunt at school for this one.

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I asked her why she had rubber bands on her wrist and she said it was to look like me because I always have them there ha.

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Guess who won our nap disagreement:

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Brooke drawing her baseball playing with Andrew.

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Salad for lunch and cookie for after lunch.  Heaven.

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I asked Brooke what she wanted to do for her haircut and she said short so that’s what we did.

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Throwback to Brooke’s first haircut:

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We attempted to look for some furniture…

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Showing off her school work.

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CARB LOADING for the long run with THIS RECIPE:

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The kids use Beretta as a pillow and Beretta uses the kids as a pillow.

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We finished off with a walk outside while Skye pulled Brooke’s hair.

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Time to run longer than I have in over a year!


What are three things that you are doing today?

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Three things I’m doing today: watching the new Star Wars, enjoying daily time, and going out for a nice dinner with family.


I am running trails with friends this morning, grocery shopping for Easter lunch, and hopefully a date night with the hubs tonight!


Yay for the long run!! Excited to hear how it goes! I’ll be shopping, crafting, and doing all girl things with my daughter while my hubby and son are on their annual fishing trip. Oh and a 9-Mile recovery run at some point today, haha




GOOD LUCK!!! That sounds really stressful but I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the end of tax season than a half marathon!


I love your purple long sleeve running shirt! Where is it from? You always have to cutest running gear! Also, I’m sure you’ve mentioned it on the blog before but I’d love to know more about why you wear different shoes depending on your run. Did you get fitted for shoes and then just stick with a certain brand? Thanks girl! Have a great Saturday ?


Hey Jessica! Thank you, it is from Gap Fit! I love their gear:) I wear different shoes based on what my run is that day… so for easy runs that are slower I use more comfortable shoes with a bit of support. If I am going for speed then I wear a light shoe and if I am looking for some energy, I wear the levitates. My body is happy with a few different pairs of shoes so I just rotate through them based on what type of run I want to do! I hope you have had a great day and thanks!


I love Brooke’s new haircut! She’s brave for being willing to try out a new look. :)

Three things I’m doing this today:

1. Running 10 miles with my new Apple EarPods. I’d been looking into a different brand to replace my old Bluetooth headphones that broke, but you helped talk me into trying these (and they were cheaper than the ones I was looking into anyway). All I’ve done so far is set them up and test them. Easiest things to set up EVER. Wow!

2. Setting up some audio technology for tomorrow’s church service.

3. Enjoying the one semi-warm and sunny day we’re going to have this weekend!


YOU GOT THEM!!! YAY… they are so easy to set up. What did you think of them during your ten miler (WAY TO GO)! So glad you get to enjoy some great weather! Thanks so much Jess!


I audibly “AWWWWW”‘d at Brooke’s haircut! PRESH!

Yikes, three things I’m doing today (finishing up Spring Break relaxation mode, so bear with me):
1. Watching three Harry Potter movies (it’s raining like mad out at the moment — perf)
2. Going to Costco (LOL Harry [husband] and I get just as excited to go as Andrew)
3. MORE CHILL. More chill, more chill, more chill. Life goes back to being 100 mph on Monday! <3

Happy Easter!


I love her hair cut! I was so sad when I cut my oldest hair short for the first time! But it was super cute on her. And it’s super cute on Brooke too

My three things: conference, family lunch, cleaning the carpets.


I love Brooke’s haircut!
3 things today… Putting my youngest son’s room back together after painting it, making a cake for a big family Easter gathering, and hopefully running the awesome stairs at a local park.
I can’t wait to hear about your long run! You’re going to rock it!
Happy Saturday ?


1. cleaning the church
2. gym with hubs
3. having family over


I love Brooke’s haircut! She looks even cuter (which I did not think was possible). I think my only plans today are getting things ready for Easter- I have to fill some eggs for my nephews and niece. And maybe attempt to eat something healthy today so I don’t feel bad about not eating very healthy tomorrow ;) Good luck with your run!


Loving the new look for Brooke! Did you personally cut her hair?


Love Brooke’s new haircut !!! Super cute on her. Although, I think it instantly made her look a little older. Love it. We are doing: Easter Egg hunt, a little food prep for tomorrow’s family Easter dinner and homework and laundry.


Her hair looks great! My daughter recently went from long hair to a bob and she loves it!

Have a great long run! I’m FINALLY back to running (starting over sucks!) so my long run today is going to be 6 miles. Have a great weekend and happy Easter!


SO GLAD YOU ARE BACK TO RUNNING LAURA!! 6 miles.. boom!! I hope it felt great:)


Thanks Janae, it feels good to back. Now the long road to getting back to where I was!


Love that first photo of Skye, and Brooke’s hair looks great!


3 things: 15 mile bike ride (first ride in several weeks since I don’t have a bike in Hawaii)
Making a big batch of spaghetti sauce
At least one nap because I’m still feeling jet-lagged.


Way to be brave Brooke, your hair looks so good!


I ready Brooke your comment and she smiled really big. Thanks Amanda!


Skye is a little Brooke-a-like in that top photo :) What a big step with Brooke’s hair! It looks great though :) That pasta dish looks tasty. I was just reading yesterday that women’s bodies are less good at accessing stored carbs than men, but better at using them from fuel taken on during exercise. I though that was interesting :)

Three things from today: I managed over an hour’s run/walk, which has made me insanely optimistic that I can attempt my marathon next weekend ? I made bouncing dinosaurs from a kit with my little boy, and we went to visit friends for hot cross buns and Lego play :) Have a great long run!!


Oh my goodness Brook’s hair is so cute! And I hope that Knox is feeling better!

Today is take your sister to work day at my brother’s law firm ;), so I’m doing my own work in the really cushy chair while he has his meetings. But I did get out for the longest run I’ve had in a long while, 2.8 miles. It wasn’t supposed to be that long, but I was running in a newish area and got lost! I’ve been building up a running baseline and adding mileage very slowly to avoid injury and just remember that I actually like running best when it’s just fun without pressure.
Lastly, I’m going to watch one of the final 4 games tonight-go Loyola!


Super cute hair cut on Brooke! Did my long run this morning – even found some trails, now I am scouring the house for food. And then not sure what we will do – but it will involve eating chocolates!

Have a great long run and Easter!


I did my long run of 12!!!! Miles. Oh my, it was windy and there was one section right before 6 miles that I am sure I was going backwards for a bit because of the wind. The other things I am doing today include researching ghost plants – I got a succulent as a gift and my sister informed me what it is so I want to learn more about it and care for it properly. And also probably taking a nap! 12 windy miles really took it outta me. But I kept reminding myself that I was putting those miles in my running bank for later, good advice!


WAY TO GO ON TWELVE MILES IN THE WIND!! That is awesome Emily, you are STRONG! Ghost plants… I’ve never heard of those. I hope you got your nap and those miles are in your bank and adding big time to your account:)


Brooke’s hair is so cute! And that cookie looks AMAZING (I am secretly the cookie monster. GIVE ME ONE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!)
Three things for me: went to my favorite HIIT class this morning, got a massage in the afternoon, and this evening my husband an I are going to actually get to spend time together and just chill out instead of feel like two ships passing in the night…


Love that photo of Brooke and Beretta!

Three things I am doing/did:
1. Easy 4 mile run this am
2. Went to church with my family
3. About to watch my aunt play in the national wheeling curling championships’ semi-final!!

Hope you have a nice weekend!


Three things I did today:
1. Run–5.25 miles
2. Hosted an open house
3. Walked on the beach with my puppy

Perfect day!


Love Brooke’s haircut! So cute!

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