I’m Calling It a Win + Friday Favorites + Running Accomplishments!

Yesterday’s 8 miles were split up into a few different segments.  I decided I was going to sleep in due to the little sleep regression that we’ve been experiencing over here so I went out for a few miles, drove Brooke to school and walked (piggy back ride) her in…

Ran a little more once I got home and had Andrew text me when Skye was awake.  Then I fed her (she had a very important story to tell me in the below picture)…

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And then by the time I got out again it was raining and I found some cows…

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But the 8 miles were done and I was still able to get all of the kid responsibilities done that I needed to.   I’m calling it a win even if the 8 miles were covered over a much longer period of time than I was planning.

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Planking is my dearest friend right about now and I got in a bit of that once I finished my run.  Yesterday I did this set of exercises 3 times:  1 minute side planks (on each side), 1 minute normal plank, 25 leg lifts (per side), 25 donkey kicks (per side) and 25 glute bridges w/ leg lifts (on each side).

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Skye was pretty happy when she woke up from her morning nap.  Andrew had a 12 page paper he was working on all day.  Those are not his favorites.  He prefers tests over papers and I am the opposite.

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I now do my make-up one handed so if you notice my make-up looking extra strange lately, that is why.

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For lunch I was lucky enough to get to go out with Natalie while she was in town visiting!  PS you can check out her awesome non-profit that she just started for girls HERE!

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We went to Kneaders and I had my current favorite salad (the turkey cranberry one with dressing that tastes like candy)!

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Then it was back to the kiddos.  Brooke and Knox already have quite the social life and were invited over to a friend’s house!

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For dinner we made the most delicious sweet and sour chicken.

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We put it on top of brown rice and cauliflower rice.  The kids even loved it!

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On Thursday nights we try to do a family night where we have a treat, an activity and a lesson.  Some weeks we completely forget about it but some weeks we don’t.  Yesterday’s family night involved every game that we currently own, a lesson about what trust is and sprinkle donuts for the kids.

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Time for a few of my Friday Favorites!

*If you like to buy bulk foods… check out CHEAPERBYTHEPOUND!!  She shares bulk food for CHEAP prices!

*A few of you have asked about how I am logging my workouts now!  My coach puts them into here—>  https://vdoto2.com  and then I enter in the workout (well, my Garmin automatically uploads to there) and write my notes down for the day.  It is SO easy to use, clean looking and I’m really enjoying keeping track of everything there!

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*When Skye smiles with her entire face.

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*PS to go along with above picture, I bought her above outfit and the one that she had on in Wednesday’s post HERE.  She has the cutest baby stuff and I want to buy it all.

*THESE.  I just bought them from Costco and they are so good (for frozen waffles).  I’m going to have these after my runs a few times a week when I don’t have a lot of time to make anything.  12 grams of protein boom.

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*I keep seeing tweets and things that people are posting about how much they don’t like La Croix!?  Am I crazy, I actually like them!

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*For our dessert last night Andrew and I split one of these and I forgot how good they are.  They kind of taste like a baby ruth.  My brother in Arizona LOVES these and reminded us of them so we had to get one for ourselves.  I know this is really uncharacteristic but I haven’t been into sour candy recently (i.e. just a few days;)… I’ve been way more into chocolate or cereal and now this:

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*36 days until my first postpartum race!  I’m a bit excited about this and can’t wait to test where I am at fitness wise.  I have a good feeling about this year.  I do need to figure out the whole get there early/ride a bus to the start/wait for a bit/race thing as far as breastfeeding goes!

*Our favorite games currently to play together=  Mexican Train Dominos, Jenga, Tenzi, Suspend, Push a Monster and The Game of Things!

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I LOVE hearing about your amazing accomplishments so if you want to be featured, send them to [email protected]


KADY!!! (PS I got to meet Kady on the airplane one time and she was the nicest human ever.  I want her to move to Utah so we can be training partners!

“My friend Gabrielle and I completed our first marathon this weekend!  We ran the Los Angeles Marathon and it was absolutely perfect!  I thought I might be sidelined with a nagging knee injury but with some rest and therapy I was able to show up and cross the finish line at 4:19 smiling and grateful!  Gabrielle came in at 4:01 so strong and happy!”

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Wendy!!! “This past Sunday, March 18th, my hubby and I ran the LA marathon.  This was the 4th time for me and his 9th.  We love this race so much! The course is fantastic, volunteers are amazing, and there are crowds of people cheering you on the whole way from Dodgers stadium to the beach in Santa Monica.  It’s almost like you’re site-seeing the whole time.  The week leading up to the race, I just felt so comfortable.  This was a new feeling for me before a race, especially a ‘big’ race! I didn’t feel nervous, I was excited, but just comfortable.  I know the course, know when it gets tough, and when I can fly… 2 years ago, I finished 2 minutes shy of a Boston qualifying time.  Ever since then, that has been my goal!  Sunday was amazing!  We couldn’t have asked for more perfect weather!  The miles seemed to roll along smoothly and quickly!  My husband is a great ‘coach,’ great pacer, and knew what my goal was for the day.  He kept me from going out too fast, and talked to me during miles 22-25 when my head starts to get the best of me.  Everything was just clicking!  This year I aged up, so the BQ for my age group is 3:55, but my goal was to come in under my old age group, which is 3:45… Sunday, we crossed the finish line together in 3:43:56!!  13th in my division, 242nd woman, 1,535th overall finisher out of about 24,000!  Not too shabby for a 45 year old ‘novice’ runner.  Days/races like this make all the hard parts of training so worth it!!  When we were driving home, we realized we only took one picture, and that was at the start line… Oh well…”

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Are you a good test taker?  Or are you/were you more about the projects/papers? 

La Croix… YES or NO?!

Have any Friday Favorites?

Long run, race, rest day, gym day—>  What do you have going on fitness wise this weekend?

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LOVED getting to hang with you yesterday! Thank you for being such a wonderful friend! :)

I was all about the papers in school. This might sound nerdy, but when I went back to grad school to get my master’s degree while I was teaching, one reason I did was because I missed writing papers. Ha!


Oh I love it! You are an incredible writer so I see why! Thanks for yesterday! I had so much fun:)


Drinking lacroix and eating cottage cheese is the best late night (or anytime) healthy snack! Friday favorite = Bonnie bell lip smacked chapstick. I bought some for my little girl and they are just as great as I remember!


I forgot all about Bonnie bell! I need to get some for Brooke, she would love it! I haven’t had cottage cheese in a very long time… thanks for reminding me of how great it is! Have a wonderful day Becky!


I absolutely LOVE LaCroix. Have you tried mango?


Yes and it is heavenly!!!! So good to hear from others that love it! Have an awesome weekend Audrey!


OK, I wasn’t going to comment, but I laughed so hard at the La Croix description. I fully agree! It is very in your face. I love seltzer, but La Croix is my least favorite. I would rather drink warm, tap water! :)
My weekend fitness is some Zumba today, rest over the weekend and start with speed next week for what I hope will be a speedy 5k race for me in a few weeks.


Andrew completely agrees with you and your feelings about LaCroix! You are going to rock that 5k in a few weeks and I better get to hear all about it! Enjoy your weekend Elizabeth!


LaCroix absolutely!! I’m going to have to hit up Costco for those waffles, yum:)


Let me know what you think of them! Have a great weekend Amy!


I have to work all weekend so no fun plans out. How do you do side planks? I try but I struggle to stay up for even 20 seconds! You are so impressive. But I know they’d help me build strength I need ! Have a great day!


Twenty seconds is awesome Aimee! They are hard… great job! I hope your work goes really well this weekend!


I’m a better test taker, with projects/papers – i never feel like i’m done. altho it’s been way over a decade since i’ve done either! hehe.

we love La Croix here – we are a fan of all the flavors and constantly buy them from CostCo. the husband is a huge seltzer person so we are always trying the latest seltzer.

i would definitely call 8 miles a win! i need to get 8 miles in as well. good luck with figuring out the breastfeeding part at the race! i remember being active and having to bring the pump with me everywhere way back when. improvisation is so key. and it sounds like you are so ready for this race, working so hard. it’s great motivation for us readers :) and love Skye’s cute outfits. totally understand about wanting to buy all.the.cute.baby.outfits. also, the food for dinner looks amazing there!

Have any Friday Favorites? i wanted to mention this before – but our new neighbor’s baby is named Ocean. and your baby is named Skye! and – i’m obsessed with watching these two kids – sister & brother – Sky and Ocean, kill it in their skateboarding tricks. their YouTube channel is AWSMKIDS. Sky wins all these skateboarding competitions (against adults!) and she does outreach globally for underprivileged kids, it’s great to see her in action.

This weekend will be gym + threshold day and Long run day. Also we will be moving out of our winter rental home. so it will be a challenge to fit ’em in (hoping i do!).


Okay, that is exactly why Andrew doesn’t love papers too.. he feels like he is never done! I love the name ocean, I’m going to check out their YouTube, thank you! Good luck on the 8 miler, the gym/threshold day and moving!


I’m a pretty good test taker, but overall I think I’d rather do a paper. I’m a decent writer and I like that when you finish your paper and submit it, you’re officially done. And if you want to get it done early and not worry about it anymore, you can. With tests, you can study but you’re not actually done until the test is over. And tests are so unexpected- like you could study really hard but still not do well depending on how hard the test is. Luckily I’m finishing my MBA in a little over a month so I won’t have to worry about either one for a long time (maybe ever?!) after that.

I’m super into La Croix but the only flavor I really love is the grapefruit. I’ve tried a bunch of the other flavors, and I’ll drink them if they’re there, but none of them compare to the grapefruit IMO!

Fitness-wise I’m planning a boot camp class tomorrow and a longish run with a workout mixed in on Sunday. But my legs are kind of tired from my workouts this week, so I’ll have to see if I’m up for two hard days in a row! Or maybe I will actually stretch and foam roll this weekend and that will help :-)

Hope you have a great weekend!


You will be done with your MBA in a month… Go Diana! That is incredible and so exciting. I completely agree with you on what you said about tests vs papers! Have a great long run (with a workout in there… I’m doing that too) and boot camp class!


I’m a terrible test taker! The only test I took and felt super confident about was a psychological test I took in college. I spent 18 hours studying for it and the teacher was one of those test givers who gave you the answers to study. So I basically memorized them.

My work out today is ice skating with trevons work and so rehab exercises.


Ice skating… that sounds so fun! Enjoy:) Yep, I loved the teachers that did that too ha! Have a great weekend Jenny!


A big yes on La Croix! My husband likes the coconut, and I like the curate cherry lime ones. We have a Soda Stream at home, so we don’t buy them normally, but when we go on vacation, we get a bunch to stash in the hotel fridge. We just took a quick trip to Florida for four nights, and went through four whole boxes!


I love your love for LaCroix! I need to try the coconut kind:) So glad you and your husband got to get away for a few nights! Have a great weekend Emily.


Careful with front planks so close postpartum after baby 2 – google diastastis recti, you can check if you have it and how to fix it before doing front planks :) (I speak from experience haha).


I like La Croix fine, but I use it when I feel my diet soda consumption needs intervention, so it can it ever be that awesome or it would be diet soda, you know?

Friday favorite: I am really liking those Rx bars.


Glad you’re loving planks right now because I’m definitely NOT!
Mexican Train is one of my favorite games…we always play on vacation!
I was overall a pretty good student…test taking was my strong suit because it required the least effort ;)
Huge fan of La Croix!! Enjoy your weekend!


La Croix. Okay, I’d heard SO much good buzz about this, but hadn’t tried it. Then my hairdresser gave me one at the salon, and I felt all excited and special, only to find out that I HATED it! lol I don’t really like carbonated beverages, period, so I’m thinking that is the big issue………………..

A Big Hunk?! I’ve never heard of these or seen these! Must be a west coast thing? Very interesting!!!!!!!!

I have warm vinyasa yoga tonight after my 6 miler. CAN’T wait. Hot yoga makes my body feel whole again after a hard week of running. I have a 14 miler tomorrow! I’m kind of excited planning my route. I haven’t 100% decided on my route yet! Sometimes I end up at my favorite cafe, and my husband picks me up! I love that!

Have a FUN weekend, Janae!!!!!!!


Hey Jenea! I love the twist on the family night you guys do with the kiddos! I would love to do something the same with my boys in addition to our typical game night. Where did you get this idea from, and how do you choose your lessons each week? Love it!


Hey Megan! YES… do it!! We love it so much and the kids always get so excited when we do it:) So basically, Andrew and I talk about something we want to work on with our kids (this week we wanted to work with them on honesty/trust) and make a little 5 minute lesson about it. We share stories that we’ve experienced to go along with the theme and ask them different questions about the topic. It isn’t formal at all but it is nice to have a few minutes to talk to them about important life things! This is something that my church encourages their members to do… to have one night a week that is set apart for spending time with your family. A night where you spend time together talking and doing things together! You can read more about that here…


Along with a bunch of lesson ideas:)



Awesome!!! Thank you so much for the resources!!! Have a great rest of your weekend!!!!


“Janae” So sorry, my dear friend spells it the other way so its automatic :)


Do not worry for one second! You are so sweet!!!!


I’ve yet to try LaCroix, and I was always more of a project person! Since I’m an acting major, I can pretty much Wing anything as long as I know the basic concepts of what I’m talking about :-) I have pretty good presentational skills!


Skye’s smiles are just the best!!

I am a pretty good test taker :) But it’s because I am a good studier, if that makes sense.

My favorite carbonated water is the ICE drinks. They have a pineapple coconut one and it’s awesome!

I am leaving to go out of town with my family for spring break, and I’ve maybe never been this excited to get out of town. It has been a rough week for all of us so it’ll be so good to have some major family time!

I decided to sign up last minute for the Carlsbad 5000. I’ve been sort of training for a 1/2 at the end of April, but I’ve only ran a couple of times in the last 2 weeks and I definitely haven’t been training for a 5k, so this should be interesting. I am totally excited about getting to do a race though and sometimes running angry makes me go crazy fast ;)


My Friday Favorite is that I got a job offer so I’m going to start working before my severance from my layoff runs out (which was my big guilty fear even though I knew God had a really great plan).

I’m not sure of my workouts this weekend. Crazy, I know! Wednesday is my husband’s birthday and he hasn’t entirely decided what he wants to do this weekend so I can’t figure out what I’ll fit in until he does.

I love lacroix but lately I’ve been more budget conscious (see above) so I’ve been getting the Target brand. I think it’s pretty much as good, although I miss some of the flavors.

While I love writing I’m a procrastinator and a perfectionist so tests are better for me, over and done without stressing revisions and rewrites.


I am definitely all about PAPERS! I was a sociology major through grad school, and am working on my education doctorate now and NO TESTS!!! I would be so anxious if I had to take a test now.

La Croix – I could care less! I LOVE seltzer, but don’t think it tastes any different from the cheaper brands. Stop n Shop’s strawberry flavor is a fave, and the Polar brand has my favorite bubble-ratio. Otherwise? they all kinda taste the same to me.


I love Mexican Train. I used to play it with my college roommates all the time. I also enjoy La Croix. Not sure why people don’t like it.


I LOLed at the LaCroix tweet…I’ve never been into carbonated water since I’d rather just drink plain water all day long (and I do), but I’ve tried it and I think that is exactly right. I also never liked soda or carbonation as a kid though, so that might be part of why I don’t like it. My husband drinks it to keep himself away from soda!


I *love* La Croix!!! The orange one and the grapefruit one are my favorites that I find all the time, but from time to time my husband finds TANGERINE and buys me a brick of it. But I like all the flavors!!
I am so excited for you and your race!!! Have you even started thinking about the race outfit? Whenever I run a race at a time when the weather is in flux and new gear is out, I like to treat myself to a new piece of gear. If I rock my race, then it becomes my ‘good luck sports bra’ or singlet or whatever, and if I have had a bad race then I wear it again on a day when I am TOTALLY grumpy and want to cheer myself up–because a grumpy mood has to be better than a run that turned out bad, so I can only go up from how that moment feels. Maybe it’s silly, but it works for me and it helps make my love of cute new gear totally ok…it’s a tradition! ;)


LOL, that La Croix tweet is pretty funny. I have to admit, I’m not a huge sparkling water fan, but I’ve been forcing myself to drink them more (good post lunch option instead of reaching for sugar!), and they are growing on me. I love the coconut!

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