Taking Care of Ourselves –> It’s NECESSARY!

Today I’m talking about something we all need to make sure that we are doing, TAKING CARE OF OURSELVES.  I would love to hear how you are doing this in the comments.  This post is sponsored by FAGE.  Their Total Split Cup is something you need to try ASAP!


Life with a newborn is crazy.  I can’t tell you how many times Andrew and I realize it is 9 pm and look at each other and say WHERE DID THE DAY GO?   I’m not going to lie, it is very easy for me to become all consumed with the kids.  There is so much to do for them to help them and that literally could (and sometimes does) take up every single minute of the day, if I let myself.  I know many of you feel the exact same way with the things in your life right now —> work, relationships, school, family etc.  I am such a better wife/mom/friend/person when I do little things each day to make sure I am taking care of myself and not getting lost in spending everything on my kids!


When I am not taking care of myself I am so grumpy, I get sick way more often and I just feel run down all of the time.  That is why I have decided that I have to make time for self-care each day—>  Whether that be with my running, eating good foods that make me feel great, sleeping instead of scrolling at night, having a date night with Andrew, taking a nice bath or getting out for some time with my friends/mom/sister.  Doing these things help me to take better care of everything else going on in life.

Every now and then I feel a little selfish or guilty for getting out in the morning to run and leaving all of the things I ’should’ be doing at home so I can get in a sweat.  Andrew is great at reminding me that I NEED to get out to run because taking care of myself isn’t selfish, it’s necessary.  Running helps me out big time to be a better wife/mom.  It gives me energy (I’m still not sure how exhausting yourself during a run equals more energy the rest of the day but it does), I feel more confident, I am happier, it helps me to be more grateful and my patience levels are a lot better after a good run.  Even just going out for a 24 minute run helps me so much to come home and feel like I have taken care of myself that day!  My older brother told me the only reason he runs (because he doesn’t actually enjoy the act of running) is because he knows the rest of his day will go so much better after a run.  I totally agree.

Another favorite way to take care of myself—>  good food that makes me feel good.  I don’t know if you know this, but I really love food;)

One of my goals lately has been to find snacks that are delicious, good for my body and that are easy to grab on the go!   I’ve been snacking on the FAGE Split Cup like crazy because they taste so good and they are easy to eat absolutely anywhere.


It’s one of those things that I start thinking about in the last mile of my run because I can’t wait to come home and eat it (and kiss Skye).


FAGE Total Split Cup is all-natural Greek strained yogurt with fruit toppings available in 3 fat varieties (FAGE Total, FAGE Total 2% & FAGE Total 0%).  They are so convenient to take and eat anywhere that our day takes us.  I’ve also really loved these as part of my breakfast each morning.  PS no joke, my sister has had a yogurt and two slices of bread that she heats up in the microwave EVERY single morning for the last 4+ years.  We are both creatures of habit.


I love that with the FAGE Total Split Cup you can add as much of the fruit topping that you want to your cup of yogurt.  It really is great for anytime of day and my favorite flavor is always the one I am currently eating because they all taste so good.


Something that I’ve been struggling with as far as life with a newborn goes is that I’m tired of course.  It would be strange if I wasn’t tired;)  When I am tired all I want is candy or brownies or donuts.  For some reason my brain thinks that large amounts of sugar will give me the energy I want to feel more awake.  Even though I’ve learned my lesson that those types of food DO NOT make me feel more awake, it is still so hard for me to not reach for those foods when I am tired.  Having something on hand to grab from the fridge instead of junk has been so helpful for me.  The FAGE Total 0% Split Cups taste like a treat but they are full of protein (13 grams) and less sugar (11 grams) than the other snacks I reach for when I’m tired!  It is so creamy, satisfying, protein-rich and I feel so great after eating it.   FYI if you are wondering, there are 100 calories in the 0% Strawberry!

PS I have really mastered the skill of eating while holding the baby.


Between a good run and filling my body with good foods, I’m set for a crazy day with these three!  Try them out and let me know what you think, they taste so good!



Go HERE to learn more about FAGE Total Split Cup!  You can find FAGE Total Split Cup near you by going HERE!!



What are some things that you do specifically to take care of YOU when life gets crazy?

What top three things in your world take up the majority of your time/thoughts?

Which one do you think would be your favorite flavor—>  Strawberry, Blueberry Acai, Cherry Pomegranate, Peach or Raspberry?

Do you think about food when you are running?

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I think Skye, Brooke, and Knox get cuter by the second! Love these pics of them!

You and your brother are SO right about the day starting better with a run. I woke up this morning tired and a little grouchy, and I wanted to go back to sleep, but I got up and did my tempo workout, and I feel TONS better now!! I know that I need to get more sleep to take care of myself better, but that’s a work in progress. But, when I do feel really stressed from the craziness of life, I like to go to the nail salon and get a 20-minute neck/shoulder massage. It’s only $1 per minute, and they do such an amazing job at getting all of those tension knots out!


Oh thank you so much Natalie! WAY TO GET OUT and get your tempo run done, it’s amazing how much better we feel afterwards! I need to get one of those neck/shoulder massages asap! I hope your whole day is a great one girl!


I actually have not tried these. Now I am going to! I think Raspberry would be my fave!

I think about food while running, and every other time of day too;) LOL.

Isn’t it so true when we are over tired (which has been at least 80% of the time for the past 14 years for me, LOL) we have less will power & self-restraint! It is proven in studies. Over tired people eat more unhealthy food.


The raspberry one is delicious! You are going to love it! I hope that you start getting more rest Amanda! Yep… that study is so me. Thanks and I hope you have a beautiful day!


Mani/pedi for some “me time”. The nail salon I go to has wine and when I can make it a Friday night, I get the last appointment of the day and have a glass of wine.

Top 3 that take up majority of my time and thoughts – work takes up the majority of my time during the week, majority of my thoughts include planning my weekend that always includes family time and planning my next vacation. HaHa!

If I run after work, I definitely think about what I’m going to eat when I get home. Stir fry veggies and brown rice is at the top of my list. Healthy and yum!


Okay, that sounds like the perfect ‘me time’ Kate! I hope you get to do that often:) So what is your next vacation!?! We are trying to plan ours too! Enjoy your day Kate:)


I eat plain full fat Fage each morning. Full fat all the way! <—dietitian approved.


I agree FULL FAT FTW!! Thank goodness it’s not hard to find full fat anymore


The FAGE Total is AMAZING!!!!


I’ve never seen you eat supermarket yogurt. I thought you were strictly a froyo girl


Hahah sadly Yogurtland has stopped stealing my money… I go like 2 times a year now, but ice cream has taken over. I usually have my yogurts with breakfast/in the mornings and I don’t snap pictures of that kind of stuff, mainly just my lunch/dinner. I hope you have a beautiful day Rosa!


Run, of course, but dinner date with other couples, girlfriend time, meditation, spa service, retail therapy, travel or at least weekend get away, oh so bad but oh so good tv like the bachelor, eating a donut alone in my car ;)


I want to go on a dinner date and shopping with you… that would be so fun. Hahah I totally do the ‘eat a treat in the car alone with my favorite music playing while I relax’ thing too! I hope your day is a great one Erica!


Things I do to take care of myself when things get crazy: get enough sleep an get to yoga! Running is my first love but yoga keeps me grounded beyond belief.

I feel like every runner thinks about food as they’re running hah! I’m a pacer for my running club and we would always talk about what our post long run meal would be (which is dangerous when you’re only on mile 3 or 4 of an 18 miler haha!).


HAHAH yes that is quite dangerous when you are 10% into your run:) I do that too though! I hope you get in an amazing yoga class soon Arthi… wish we could go to one together!


That would be so fun!! I hope to be teaching by summer so if you make it out to Chicago, you can come to one of my classes! :)


Full fat fage is my favorite and what I recommend to clients! I actually don’t need fruit, but I still add it. It’s not as sour as other brands.


FAGE total is amazing! I totally agree! I hope your day is a great one Sarah!


Really great points about taking time to take care of ourselves. SO necessary. For me, I have to make sure my spiritual needs are met first, because if they aren’t, I really don’t feel settled in life. After that, taking time out to read or to work on my writing are huge for me. Followed by a run (or just a really great sweat—I know it takes me 50 min at least to “burn of the crazy” ?) if I’m injury free/healthy. And third, I’m a social bug, so good “girl talk” therapy over lunch with a friend is a great recharge—I try to do that about once a month and I always look forward to it.

Great reminders, Janae. We have to fuel our spirits and bodies before we can fully take care of others. I’m so glad you’ve got Andrew to help you and support you with that and vice versa.


Thanks so much Michelle. OH YOU ARE SO RIGHT… spiritual needs are so important and I feel a little lost when I put those on the back burner. ’50 min at least to ‘burn off the crazy’ –> That made me laugh so hard, I think Andrew would say the same about me. Thank you for your comment, you had so many great things to share! I really appreciate it, enjoy your day!


When life gets crazy, I’ll either go for a solo run (most of my runs are with a group, so its nice to have a solo run when I’m stressed), go out to the beach and just sit or walk and read, or go sit at the bookstore with a coffee and read.

I think about food often when I run. I run with a group every Saturday morning and we joke (actually not a joke) that we run for food. So almost as soon as we start the run we’re like “ok where are we going to breakfast after?” And we always pick a place and by the end of the run I know exactly what I’m going to eat. I love that we go to breakfast every Saturday, helps me get up for my long run and is just fun group time.


Those sound like the perfect things to do when life is crazy… sometimes we just need those solo runs! HAHA… my kind of running group, that post run breakfast spot is incredibly important! I hope you have a fabulous day Eleanor!


When life gets super crazy I try to talk more to friends about it, take time to run or go to the gym even if I feel like I don’t have time, and also take some time to write or journal.

Taking up thoughts right now: my upcoming school concerts and performances, school shootings and safety :-( (I’m an elem music teacher), and a few close friends I’m worrying about.

These yogurts look amazing and your post made me want one right now! I think I’ll try peach first if I can find it.

YES I almost always decide what I want to eat after a run during the second half of the run.


OH YES… I love journal writing too when life is nuts. I hope that you get the peach one asap, they are amazing. I am so sorry with everything going on in your thoughts right now… as a former teacher, I keep thinking about what if that happened where I taught AND HOW CAN WE MAKE THIS STOP!!! Thanks for sharing Jess, I’ll be thinking about you and I hope you and your students have a beautiful day!


I’m an introvert by nature so when life gets crazy I need to make sure I take some quiet time by myself. I’m a homebody so if at all possible getting the house to myself to curl up with a book it’s the absolute best but since that’s kinda crazy going out into nature to just sit quietly for a bit is my best chance to recharge my batteries.


My kids, my calling, and chores/errands are probably my top 3 time suckers. It really is hard to find time for yourself some days.

I also have a tendency to go for sweets when I’m tired. I think for me I go for it because it’s fast and easy and doesn’t require me to work much or clean up much. It’s tricky for me to find something that I can grab and go as well. I remember something like this when I was a kid and I loved them! I’ll have to try them out


I eat yogurt every morning but I’ve never tried Fage!
When things get crazy I love to take long walks – it’s such a great way to clear my head. A run almost always helps too.
My top 3 things are family, my dog, and working out. I’m not too complicated ;)
I think strawberry or peach would be my favorite flavor!
I almost always think about food when I’m running…usually something sweet or cold and refreshing!
Have a great day Janae!


The cherry pomegranate FAGE is my favorite! I just wish HyVee would carry that brand of yogurt! Maybe you could mention that to the company ;). I totally think about food when I run. A lot of times I really want a cheeseburger….even though its 5am during my run. I remember craving a Big Mac during my half Ironman. It is definitely easy to get run down trying to take care of everyone. I have found that I need a hour of mommy time every night after everyone goes to bed. Just an hour of quiet without anyone asking me for something or “why?” (and sometimes a glass of wine and some chocolate).


I miss yogurt! I discovered some sensitivities to dairy last year and unfortunately, yogurt is one of the things that I can’t have without some nasty side effects. But those Fage cups look good!
Thank you for your advice yesterday – I woke up this morning still feeling pretty sick and I just really paid attention to what my body was telling me. I am still not able to run (I was out of breath just walking into work from the parking lot) but I am not beating myself up over it because I know my body needs all its energy to heal right now!
It’s so easy to get caught up in the mindset to do for others and never do for yourself – but taking some “me time” is so important! Specifically, I like to do things like getting a manicure or pedicure, getting a massage, getting a yummy dessert from a local bakery, getting a fancy coffee, something like that.
I don’t really think about food when I am running except for on my long runs… I usually try to have something yummy planned for after those, so I use food as motivation! :)


I also love the Fage split cups – – – – soooooo yummy! I have had the strawberry and also the raspberry! Now you make me want one :) Hugs from Texas. Hey are you going to do the Silos District Half Marathon on May 6 in Waco, TX? I am signed up, you should come out, lol.


When life gets crazy, running is my go to. I will always make time for it. Other times I will go get a massage. Sometimes I will just take a journal and go to a coffee shop – just to get some quiet time.

Top 3 things in my brain – work, running and relationships

I would probably enjoy raspberry or blueberry acai the most.

Have a great day!


I get to the gym for weight lifting, go to yoga or go for a walk when the weather is nice. Just getting out of the house helps me. Going for a walk and listening to a podcast was something I did a lot last summer and spring. Those are my ways of self care. I am always in a better mood after working out as well.


Top 3 things I am thinking about: What sounds good to eat? Mmmm. This is good. Hmmmm what should I eat next?


I definitely think about food when I am exercising! :) I think the blueberry acai sounds really yummy… I will have to pick some up to try! I got through phases with yogurt when I eat it all the time, then get burnt out and skip it for a while, but it usually is a staple in our house for snacking, healthier baking, and to amp up the protein content of a yummy smoothie. Thanks for sharing, hope you and the kiddos have an amazing day!!! xoxoxo


Taking care of myself…yoga, a bath, nd walk outdoors.


We have an infrared sauna and that’s my favorite way to treat myself. When I’m feeling a cold come on, or after a super hard workout, or just a stressful day, I love to hop in there and get my sweat on. It was a big investment, but we’ve had it about 13 years and I still use it all the time.


I think that I think about food more often than not. Usually cake. Although the past couple days, a soft cinnamon roll has been on my mind during my runs… if only I had had half a day to make some!


I used to kind of like your blog until it turned into a money making infomercial. This post is so fake.


I love to get a pedicure when I need to treat myself! A woman at a local salon gives he BEST calf massage ever, it feels so good after a long run!

I always think about food when I’m running, especially my long run. Hmm what deliciousness will I eat when I’m done lol

I love Fage – cherry pomegranate is my favorite:)


In daily life, we do not have enough time to do gym exercise. We go to a gym and use commercial gym equipment for our exercise for some days but there is no regularity which can keep us pushing our limits.
There is also some condition where you cannot go to the gym and use the commercial gym equipment to keep your body fit.
Using good diet is also should be taken care of while using gym equipment and doing fitness exercise.
Thanks for sharing.


You know this has been my favorite snack since starting maternity leave. It’s delicious, nutritious and doesn’t take any prepping which is the most important thing when you suddenly become hungry and your baby suddenly wakes up crying (and hungry as well). The raspberry pomegranate is the best!

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