Quiet the negativity + my fastest mile + don’t you love it when this happens?

My ‘frozen/holy cow that was really difficult’ face.  I set out earlier than usual yesterday to run and it was COLD.  I should have brought hand warmers with me because by the end of my run my fingers were frozen.  I’m glad I didn’t overdress though because I ended up doing a speed workout and worked on getting comfortable with being uncomfortable during the miles.

I hit my fastest post-Skye mile and I think the endorphins afterwards are still flowing.  6:55!!!!  PS I reset my watch so that it tells me now all of my records again after having Skye.

During that fast for me mile I literally said I CAN out loud (and kind of loud) a few times as I was running because I seriously needed some positivity with how hard it felt and how bad I wanted to stop.  My goal is to quiet the negativity (ie I started thinking yesterday about how this used to be my 18 miler long run average pace and it felt SO hard after just .1 miles so I had to push those thoughts out) and use mantras to fill my brain with positive things because that will make all of the difference.

My splits went like this:  8:40, 8:17, 7:56, 7:39, 7:21 & 6:55.  Progression run, my favorite.  6 miles total @ a 7:48 average pace.  I didn’t take any breaks either (needing to be home at an exact time to get Brooke to school is quite motivating ha) which I was excited about.

That first mile of every run is rough for me (and pretty much all runners I think) so I just tell myself for the first mile that I am NOT doing speed work (to trick myself) but then once I’m warmed up I go for it because I feel so much better.

Now the goal is to run 26.2 miles 7 seconds per mile faster than below… It’s going to take a lot of time and work to get there but I’m ready.

78 days until my half-marathon.

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I also wore my PureFlows for the first time in months and they did great.  Maybe they will be my half-marathon racing shoe… probably.  The Launch will be my marathon shoe because I like a little more cushioning/support for the full marathon.

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Did the mom stuff and then we were off to see Dr. Bennett.

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First, I showed up a little early so a calf massage in the waiting room felt so good.  I really should ask for one of these massage chairs for my birthday from Andrew;)

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If you are in Utah and you deal with injuries (or want to prevent injuries), I HIGHLY suggest going to see Dr. Bennett.  I have seen him for years and he has helped me fix SO many problems/injuries.  I don’t really even stress out about injuries anymore because I know he will be able to fix them!  His number is (801) 513- 1078.  I send all of my running friends to him!   He helped me out and Skye after our car accident last week.  My post-baby hips have been needing help too in order to get training again!  My whole body feels so much better and Skye had fun clearly:

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We picked up lunch to eat in the car because we had to run up to Salt Lake City for a little bit.  We tried a new place called CoreLife Eatery and it was really good (a bit overpriced but tasty).  I had the steak salad with their yogurt bleu cheese dressing which is delicious.

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It was a gorgeous day and the weather just keeps getting better and better (57 degrees tomorrow?!).

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I realized we were just a few miles away from a donut shop that I have heard so many good things about so we decided to try it out.   Andrew being the good husband that he is knows to always just agree with me when I suggest going to grab some donuts.

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Banbury Cross Donuts are officially the best donuts in Utah.  And I have tried a lot of donuts in Utah. A lot.

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He is definitely the fun one:

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A rice, roasted broccoli, cheddar cheese and chicken bowl for dinner!

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Don’t you love when it is right before you go to bed and you find syrup in your hair and you didn’t even eat syrup that day?  Please say I’m not alone in this.

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I finished up This is Us last night and cried an unhealthy amount over fictional characters that I think are my real life friends.

I am really looking forward to my run today because I am going to try out the Launch 5s!  I always get excited to try out the latest version of a favorite pair of running shoes but also a little nervous because I hope I love them as much (or even more) than the 4s!

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If you wear a wedding ring… do you take it off when you work out?  Does it depend on what workout you are doing?  Ashley and Carin were talking about this in the comments yesterday so I wanted to hear from you guys what you do.  

-I never ever take mine off.  I have a history of losing everything that I come in contact with.  I just have to keep it on at all times.

What was the last NEW TO YOU restaurant that you have tried?  What were your thoughts?

What was your dinner last night?

Have a mantra that you have been using/loving lately?

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Core started in my area! When the first one opened I drove out there literally two days a week, now I rarely ever go. I think I just loved the concept so much but then the cost and when I looked at how many calories are in a bowl it changed my mind. The juices there are awesome too!!


I am going to have to try the juices too! Yeah, the price was a little high for a quick lunch for us but it tasted SO good. Thanks Caitlin and I hope your Thursday is a great one!


If I am going to the gym straight from work I don’t take it off. If I am going to the gym from home, I don’t wear it. And I NEVER wear it when weight lifting – don’t want to do anything to subtly scratch the gold.


I love Banberry Cross!!! I lived in SLC for several years and I used to stop there on my way home after running in Millcreek Canyon. Lol now I’m missing Utah!


COME BACK to Utah:) Oh Milcreek Canyon is so gorgeous! I hope you are having a beautiful day Chelsea!


I live corelife! We are gluten free/dairy free and it’s so easy to order there and have more than 1 option to pick from off the menu :)


Oh Dee… I am SO glad that CoreLife is so perfect for you guys. It tastes AMAZING too. I hope your Thursday is a great one!


I actually wear 3 rings…my engagement, my wedding, and a 10-yr. anniversary band….all three are separate and I never wear them when I work out….sometimes my fingers bloat while doing cardio and I hate the feeling that they are “stuck” on until the bloating goes down. Other times when I do weights I hate having them rub the weight/bar and then they sometimes pinch my skin.

So, no to wearing rings or jewelry of any kind while working out! ;-)


I love those shoes! I may need to order them!
I have a Qualo ring and a Lucky ring, both silicone that I wear to work. I work at a gym and I have bent my wedding ring twice! My husband was not happy so he got me a Qualo ring! Love them both!
The last new to me restaurant I ate at was Café Yum. It is really good! If you love rice bowls or burritos then you will love it!


I always take my rings off if I am lifting weights. I used to wear them but it damaged the bands and I had to have them reset. That was ok with me because they were yellow gold and my husband had them reset in platinum. I take off all my jewelry at night and I normally work out in the morning, so I put them back on after I shower.


I wear my rings to run except for my long run on the really humid days of the summer – it freaks me out to not be able to take them off. Other than that I don’t usually take them off, ever.


Yay for that fastest mile!! And you will absolutely reach that goal of 7 seconds faster per mile for the marathon—I just know it!

The mantra I’ve been telling myself a lot lately (besides my go-to “be brave”) is “be intentional.” I want to love others well and to be intentional in all that I do, so I frequently try to remind myself of that. I even made a little notecard and stuck in on my bathroom mirror so that it’s one of the first things I see each morning.


I don’t wear my wedding ring when I exercise–my fingers are known to swell up! I have a Qalo silicone wedding ring that I keep in the coin pocket of my wallet and wear for workouts. It was tucked into my wedding gift from Tom! They’re designed for active people, and they’re really great!

My dinner last night: I made meatball parmesan sandwich for Tom, and for me I had a “bowl” version of the sandwich–riced cauliflower with sugar free marinara sauce (the brand Rao’s is really good, but I use their pizza sauce because it’s just a little bit thicker…), shredded baby spinach mixed in, 4 meatballs cut up into smaller pieces and mixed in, and one slice of provolone melted over top. It was actually so tasty, and I loved that I could make the “healthier” version of our dinner for me even though I knew Tom would want his as a sandwich.

My mantra lately is one of these: “WHY NOT ME?” or “I AM WORTH IT” or “EMBRACE THIS!”


Skye’s little sweater outfit is so darn cute!! Where did you get it?
Congratulations on the fast mile! Just think of it this way — either 6:55 really wasn’t your 18 mile long run pace and your mind is exaggerating to make you feel bad, or you were running your long runs way too fast and now you can reset and fix it! I always tell myself “save the race for the race,” meaning if I’m DEAD after a long run, I probably ran too fast. It does feel good to get some speed back in post-partum, doesn’t it? I’m still on the treadmill due to my schedule and the weather outside, but I love cranking it up every now and then.


I go to the gym straight after work, and I just wear my engagement and wedding rings to work out. They’re non-traditional rings with wider bands than most, so they’re pretty sturdy. And I can’t imagine leaving them in a gym locker. It just seems way less safe to me. When I lift weights, I wear lifting gloves that protect them somewhat.

The only time I’ve ever regretted wearing them was during a boxing workout when the instructor had us actually wear gloves and hit focus mitts. After that, I stuck with cardio tai box type classes.


I always take my rings off when I get home at the end of the day and when I go and workout. I don’t like to wear it in the kitchen when I am cooking so I have a little ring holder on the counter that I use or I put it in my jewelry box in my bedroom.
I had a super late day at work so my sweet 10yr old girl made dinner from her American Girl cookbook. Under the watchful of eye of hubby , she made chicken parmesan, garlic bread and a kale salad. I was so impressed and thankful.
I have been relyinng on mantras more and more lately during my runs. This is my last peak weak of training/mileage before the taper begins ahead of the Napa Valley Marathon on March 4. I already did my speed work this morning and then Saturday is my final 22 miler. “My legs are NOT tired” (thank you Janae/Brooke for that one!) is common as is “you dont necessarily have to LIKE the work, you just have to DO the work”.
On a separate note, I would love it if you could post a separate link to all of your favorite mantras and quotes. You always seem to post things that are very prophetic from your mom or your pastors and they would be great to easily pull them up.
Have a great day!


Oh I forgot about the “My legs are NOT tired’ one… thanks for reminding me:) Way to go on your speed workout and you are going to rock your 22 miler on Saturday (I want to hear about it)! I love your other mantra… that is so perfect. Okay, I am TOTALLY going to do a post with the links/or exact quotes of all of my favorite mantras. Thank you for the idea. Enjoy your day Rosie and I LOVE that your daughter made such a delicious dinner. I want her to cook for me:)


I always take off my rings for Crossfit, lifting barbells and wedding rings do not mix. I usually take them off when I run because it seems my hands tend to swell and they get uncomfortable. A lot of times I will wear my Qalo rings on runs or to the gym. During the week I got to 5 am Crossfit, at that time I don’t even think about rings!


It depends on the time of day for me. I take mine off to sleep and that’s it so if it’s a morning workout I don’t usually have it on.

My foots been bothering me so I haven’t had many mantras in my head lately. Hopefully it will be good to run on tomorrow.


PLEASE let us know your thoughts on the Launch 5s! I didn’t love the 3s because they gave me blisters, but I have LOVED the 4s. I was a little sad and worried when I saw that they updated again so soon after the 4. Fingers crossed!!!!!

WOO HOO, go you on that 6:55 mile!!! I know what you mean about comparing, but you can’t do it. One of my coaches used to always say how you just CAN’T make those comparisons, and she was so right. Easier said than done sometimes though!

I am so bothered by extra stuff that I never wear my wedding rings to run or workout. I pretty much wear no jewelry other than stud earrings. I can’t wear a necklace either!

Have the best day! OH! One other important thing!!!! My daughters and I had a snow day off school yesterday—you inspired me to make heart cut out cookies! We made them extra thick like yours with tons of icing on them!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing :) I usually forget to make them thick, but I thought about Brooke and Knox’s thick cookies that make me drool, and I remembered! ha ha


I totally will let you know about the 5s… so far, they are amazing! I’ll write a full review. Your coach is so right about not making those comparisons! I am so happy that you guys made some THICK (the best way to do it) sugar cookies. They are delicious. Enjoy your day Jen and thanks for your comment, I always LOVE hearing from you!


We are getting a CoreLife Eatery here in Bloomington, IL this spring. I am excited to try it, that salad looked great! I always take my ring off to work out. Otherwise I seem to hit it on everything. We had chili last night which was perfect for 8 degree snowy weather. My mantra during speed workouts is “Faster, Stronger”. I usually have to repeat this over and over while doing 400s. A 6:55 mile just a few months after having a baby is amazing! Great job!


Oh thanks Corrinne! I LOVE your mantra! Oh and 8 degree snowy weather… warm up soon! Have some hot chocolate today:)


I actually take my ring off a lot. I don’t sleep, shower, or workout with it on. And 75% of my pregnancy I didn’t wear it because I was so swollen. My dinner last night was pork tenderloin, orzo, and green beans.


Last nights dinner was provided by my neighbor. My son has been very sick this week, so she dropped off dinner. It was so nice a delicious chicken/rice dish.
I never wear my rings when I run or do weights. My fingers get swollen when I run so it would be uncomfortable.
I was able to run 4 miles early this morning since I haven’t been able to leave my sons side for the last few days.


Lauren, I am so so sorry about your son. Is he doing any better? I am so glad you have such a sweet neighbor. Take care and I am glad you were able to get out for a run this morning!


I take my rings off if I’m doing weights with a bar (so almost never for that, ha, ha). Otherwise, workout-wise, I just leave them on. Although something to think about…I was wearing them when I did a long trail run, tripped, fell/slid part way down the switchback, and broke my hand bouncing it off a boulder. I immediately spit all over my dirty, bloody hand to slide my ring off so it wouldn’t have to be cut off later. That would have been a day better to have left it at home – not only did I have to get down the mountain, I had to not lose my rings, too! The times I do regularly take my rings off: the last month of pregnancy (my fingers swell too much) and often for a week or more at a time during the winter if my hands are too dry and I’m constantly applying lotion (it’s a pain to off-on-off-on-off-on for lotion).


I take off my engagement ring to do any sort of weight training since the weights can scratch your ring. I just bought those cute little silicon bands for the gym, but I always run or do any other cardio with my ring. Maybe I’ll stop caring so much some day, but it’s just too pretty to scratch! haha.

Dinner last night was a steak fajita wrap at a restaurant because I didn’t feel like cooking. Bad future wife award goes to yours truly!

And since I hate strength training but I’m trying to do A LOT more of it, my new mantra is “anyone can do 3 more!” This is probably not true, but it works for me haha. I also do this with running – “anyone can run a half mile more” – again, might not be exactly true, but it gets the job done ;)


You are not a bad future wife… I NEVER FEEL LIKE COOKING. Baking, that’s a different story though. I LOVE your mantras, I’m going to use that too! Thanks girl and I hope your day is a great one!


I only wear my wedding ring when I wear other jewelry. So basically at work and church and dates with my husband. All jewelry comes off within 15 minutes of coming home. My husband stopped wearing his wedding band many, many years ago.

My mantra lately is anything from The Greatest Showman. Songs are on repeat loud in the car or in the kitchen where me and my kids belt it out.


I love your mantra! I always am talking to myself saying things like “You got this” or “Let’s go!” Yesterday on my run I said one out loud near the end of my run and I think the guy across the street heard me! Haha! Since I started doing these little mantras I have noticed it really helps me pick up the pace when I need to or just finish feeling really good. :)
I hope you enjoyed your donuts. I really want one now!


BAHAHAH I LOVE that someone heard you saying your mantra out loud. That made me smile, thanks for sharing! I hope you get a donut soon Emily:)


I only take my wedding ring off when I lift weights to avoid scratching it. I love wearing it and wear it all day and all night. The only kind of donuts that I will eat are Banbury cross. I don’t love donuts but I will eat those. Dinner last night was chic-fil-a. I take my kids out to eat once a week and that was our choice. I don’t have a mantra.


I can see why the only donuts you will eat are Banbury Cross… so so good. Now you have me craving chic-fil-a! I hope you are having an awesome day Megan!


I take mine off for strength training, but not for running.
We had mahi mahi last night with green beans and broccoli! yum!


Definitely +1 on Banbury Cross Donuts! When we traveled to SLC for Christmas Break, my husband and I would treat ourselves to Banbury Cross donuts after our runs. SO DELICIOUS! And… now I officially want to book another trip to Salt Lake City!


Oh I bet they taste even better after a run. COME BACK TO SLC and let’s run and go get donuts after:) Have a great day Kristy!


And now I have confirmation because I just ate one… Banbury donuts are delicious after a run;)


Hey Janae:) I’m just catching up here! Love to see that you’re back to running – and so fast oh my God!

I never take my wedding ring off, ever. I doesn’t matter what kind of exercise I’m doing that day. I think I still have it on from when my husband put it on my finger the day we got married <3.

The new restaurant I've been trying has been a local Pub around where we live. Everything in their menu is absolutely delicious.

My dinner last night was rice, black beans, plantains and pork loin. And Ice cream for dessert!!

And about my mantra, If I'm not feeling very good during my run I'll just stop thinking about how bad I feel and try to focus my mind on something else.

Hope you enjoy your day:)


That chicken and rice bowl looks delicious. How did you season/cook the chicken? How about the broccoli? Thanks


HEY LAURA!! It was so good and easy. For the chicken we just used Sweet Baby Ray’s bbq sauce on it and then for the broccoli we just used olive oil and Trader Joe’s Everyday Seasoning. So good! I hope you are having an awesome day so far!


Not married yet, but I can’t wear my engagement ring when I workout. Doesn’t matter if it’s yoga or weightlifting or something else. My fingers swell so much just holding plank I learned, so it hurts to wear my ring. Plus I don’t want anything to happen to it, so I often keep it in my ring box at home for safe keeping or bring my ring box with me so I have somewhere to put it and not lose it in my bag. Also my fiancé’s job he can’t wear a ring unless he probably tapes it down. We may not even exchange rings at our wedding since we both wouldn’t wear them much. We are thinking nice watches instead maybe.


The steak salad looks delicious. Last night I reheated some leftovers – a creamy chicken fajita pasta casserole. It’s so good even as leftovers!


I always wear my wedding band/engagement rings for a run. One of the strange things I do while running is stick my thumb nail between them. I don’t know why!


So I wear the pure cadence because they are super light for all things races/ running but I’m now thinking I need more cushion for the full marathon I’m training for… Can you tell me the difference you feel with the Launch?
I think I’ll just go test try them on. But you have a good point about something with more cushion for the 26.2
And yeah I never take my rings off either..


core life eatery just opened by me and we really like it! I think we are going there later actually, my son’s request :)


Janae! I can’t believe how on the same wave-length we are. I was honestly going to insta-message you the night before last asking the ring question! And I have a knee that has really been bothering me on my long runs (insert ugly cry emoji here). So thank-you for always being my greatest source of information. I will give Dr. Bennett a call ASAP… Just the massage chair is enough for me to get myself in!
So, I’ve been engaged for all of 7 days (still SO EXCITED I can’t handle it!!) and while Paul and I were on our run Tuesday night he was so surprised that I wasn’t wearing my ring. I told him I just didn’t want anything to happen to it “What’s going to happen to it?” he asks lol and then I literally said to him “I need to ask HRG!! or stalk her photos and see if she wears hers on her runs!” So funny that you asked this today!
I haven’t had a chance to notice or try any new restaurants. I have had some friends in town the last 2 weekends so I have actually been revisiting all of my old favs that I never get a chance to get to lately: Maria Bonita, Copper Common, Sole Mio, and of course Cafe Rio… where all good Utah friends take their out of town friends! heheheheee
Sushi at Wasabi in Draper last night!
My mantras lately are NSFW lol For some reason I turn into an angry drill sergeant when I’m trying to push myself… am I weird?
So many congrats on the 6:55! You are just such an inspiration to me… more than you seriously know. I’m so happy you and Skye are recovered and okay after that horrible wreak last week. You are just so amazing. Love you friend!

*sorry this was so long!


Sasheen it is SO good to hear from you! I am SO beyond excited for you and your engagement. HAHA we are on the same wave length… yep, I definitely wear it all of the time! Oh my goodness, Maria Bonita is the absolute best. I need to get back there, we should go together! HAHA not weird at all… keep being that angry drill sergeant because it is working. Go Get that knee taken care of and let me know how it goes! Thanks so much girl, I really appreciate you! I hope you have a great day and you are going to be the most gorgeous bride!


I never have my wedding rings on at home, regardless of what I’m doing! As soon as I get home from work I remove them and then I can workout, clean, cook, whatever and not have to worry about them.


If you wear a wedding ring… do you take it off when you work out? Does it depend on what workout you are doing? I pretty much always take my wedding ring off for runs or work outs. I wear a silicone band instead! I am terrified to scratch mine or that it will fall off when my hands or sweaty or wet from rain. The silicone one I have was 5.99 on Amazon and works perfectly.

What was the last NEW TO YOU restaurant that you have tried? What were your thoughts? The last new to me restaurant I tried was while in Washington DC visiting a friend. The last one we went to was a place called Paladar in Annapolis. It was good! Kind of a mix of Mexican and Caribbean food (I think) sort of. Very yummy.

What was your dinner last night? Last night I had leftover vegan friend rice with crispy tofu in a burrito wrap with spinach.

Have a mantra that you have been using/loving lately? “This is not forever, it’s just for now.” I am about to hit my six month post ankle surgery mark in a few days and I am still trying to get back to running. I know I will get to run normally again eventually. Patience. :)

BTW – The new Launch 5’s are so beautiful!! I have the 4’s and can’t wait to try the 5’s!


Okay, I absolutely love your mantra and I am going to copy you! I am so glad that you are doing so well after your ankle surgery and keep me updated on your comeback to running. You are going to love the 5’s Ashley! I hope you are having a great day and your dinner last night sounds so so good!


Positive mindset is so important! I have recently been calling myself THE ANTI-QUIT (haha in a loud voice, in my head) when things get hard. It is working, for now.

I take off my wedding rings to swim because wearing them alters my hand position in a way that slows me down. I worry about losing them in my locker, though!


Okay, I LOVE that… can I call myself that too?! Thanks Victoria and I hope you are having a beautiful day!


The last new to me restaurant was Jam Jar – great prices and delicious tapas…
My running mantra = these races aren’t going to run themselves.

Dinner last night – pizza – we have a thin crust ones we get from costco, sausages, peppers cheese and just the right amount of kick + wine.

No wedding ring yet haha.

Have a great day!


Can you post the consensus on the wedding ring question?? I recently got engaged and can’t figure out when to wear my ring or not (to bed, showering, doing dishes, exercising). I’m worried I’ll lose it if I take it off, but its new to me! (not like my mom who actually CANT get hers off anymore…)


I almost never wear mine to the gym unless I forget and then I don’t want to leave them anywhere (I’ve had someone break into my locker before). I’m also a scientist (well, PhD student) so when I’m in the lab I leave my engagement ring at home so it doesn’t tear my gloves.
A sushi restaurant in Canada ? so good


I wear a white qalo band when I race….I worry that my ring will either come off, get too tight, or if I fall (rare but could happen) it would get beat up. When not running/working out, I only wear the band most days, but if I am not working I wear the band and the engagement ring.
Last night dinner was a gyro……so good!


I’m a nurse so when I was married I had a different ring for work that didn’t have diamonds. All the hand sanitizer and soap and gloves going on and off it’s just a matter of time before you lose it. Now I don’t wear rings at all. A lot of my married friends don’t wear weddings rings because of jobs. They just seem happily married ring or no ring.


Next time you are in Salt Lake try Fresh Donuts and Deli’s donuts (especially in the morning.) BY FAR the best donuts in Utah, I promise! A little sketchy looking on the outside, but you can’t knock it until you have tried it! :)


THANK YOU Natasha for telling me about this… I will have to go next time we are there. THANK YOU!


I never take my ring off. Never. Maybe I should but I’m afraid I would loose it. I workout, cook, clean with it. I do take it to get cleaned every couple months for the same reason. I try and keep it as shiny as possible. Panera is not new to us but when we do go it tastes like it is since we don’t go there very often. It is too pricey for a family of 4 and 2 of them eat for 2( hubby and 17 year old son) so it is definitely a treat.


I just got my SECOND pair of Launch 5s (because why not have to pairs of the same shoes in different colors :)) and I LOVE them. I think they’re better than the 4s, so I hope you have a good experience with them! Get after it girl!


OH MY GOODNESS! Yay on your fastest mile postpartum! So happy for you! You got this thang!

Also, I agree with you, with my history of losing everything I come in contact with, I keep my wedding ring on at all times ;)


This is US gets me EVERY.TIME!! And my husband loves it just as much as I do, he still can’t believe that is how Jack died! I said, Daddy’s will do anything for their families and especially baby girls!! And with tears rolling down my cheeks he reminds me that is is not real!! LOL But such a great wholesome show!

I leave my rings on ALL the time. I use to just wear my band when working out but I love my rings so much I always leave them on. I do take them off when applying lotion and I wear dish gloves when doing dishes!

And when we try a new restaurant we tend to over do it and continue to go back until we are sick of it!!!!

Have a fun weekend! Mine always starts on Thursday’s at 6! I work for a Chiro/Acupuncturist, yes my husband and I get FREE adjustments and acupuncture, that has saved my life as runner, and we do not work Friday-Sundays! I think everyone should only work Mon-Thurs!!!


I recently started wearing an Enso ring when I work out (the one that looks like rose gold), since my wedding ring has heirloom/family diamonds in it, which has irreplaceable value to me. I used to wear it all the time (except when I shower – that scene in Apollo 13 where the astronaut’s wife lost her wedding ring down the bathtub drain scarred me for life) and it seems fine, but I decided there was no reason to take chances anymore. The silicone ring is SO comfortable! I especially love it during yoga since I don’t have to adjust my ring if it flops to the side :)


Your eyelashes are soooo pretty! Great job on that mile, 6:55 wow! Kind of makes me want to run a mile time trial ;)
I am home from work sick today (flu-like virus) so I’ll be taking a few days off from running. I’ve learned my lesson about pushing it to hard when I’m sick!
I take off my rings when I shower or if I’m on the boat. I have this irrational fear of them slipping off into the lake and then I would lose them forever so I always leave them at the house.
I haven’t finished This Is Us yet…I had to turn it off in the middle of the Super Bowl episode :/


Hi Janae,
Congrats on ramping back up with your running so thoughtfully! I’d love to see a post about postpartum running. Do you feel like your body was able to heal properly and fully in those six weeks off? I’m due in about 3 weeks with my second and curious to hear how getting back into running might go. (I reeeeeally don’t want to exacerbate any pelvic floor issues I might get postpartum by running too soon/too much!)

Thanks so much!


I need to take off my rings for longer runs (more than 10K) especially in Dallas summers because my fingers swell a lot. Some friends wear thin colored silicone rings which expand if their fingers swell. I plan to try them when Chicago Marathon training starts in May.

I find my motivating mantras work best if I address myself in the third person! And with a coach’s encouraging intonation!


Have you run the American Fork canyon half marathon?? If so, I can’t find your race recap and would love to read it! I know it’s a super downhill course however I live in AZ which as you know is flat as a pancake! what is your advice??


I have to take my rings off when I run, my hands tend to swell too much, especially if it’s warm out. Two jeweler friends told me not to lift weights with my rings on, it damages them and can loosen the stone.


“Little efforts, everyday.” It’s my reminder that I don’t have to do EVERYTHING on my to do list, but I can do somethings. Pay that bill, make that phone call. Go for the short run, and make it longer if it feels good (it did!). Expand the little effort to have healthy food instead of the fries. If I can make the effort, I do. I usually can, but not always and never for everything. I even write it on my arm when I need a quick reminder to myself! But the little efforts add up and then I start sleeping better at night. It’s a useful phrase for me now!


I never ever take my wedding ring off. It stays on for everything: showers, lotion, workouts, rain, and shine. I would definitely lose it if i took it off. Your broccoli chicken rice bowl looks so yummy, i had something similar for dinner and it hit the spot! ?


Me too!


Are your eyelashes real? They look AMAZING.


I don ´t have the real wedding ring but I never ever take it off cause I don´t want to loose it. And i don´t feel comfortable without it.


“That first mile of every run is rough for me (and pretty much all runners I think) so I just tell myself for the first mile that I am NOT doing speed work (to trick myself) but then once I’m warmed up I go for it because I feel so much better.”

lol i try to trick myself too. it’s totally tough. but then sometimes, i just go my fastest mile for the first mile and then i lose my juice and my pace slows a lot the 2nd 3rd 4th miles. ugh it is so frustrating.

If you wear a wedding ring… do you take it off when you work out? Does it depend on what workout you are doing?
i took it off once to work out at CrossFit and of course it got lost. i bought a replacement (ouch expensive) and i started wearing it again when i bike everyday. then realized it was a really bad idea and i just hang it up now (it’s beautiful to look at). i was rock climbing for a time and i definitely had to have the ring off for that. and now, i have to take off my watch for some things too and i worry that i will lose the watch but so far it hasn’t happened yet thank goodness. i just can’t work out with stuff on me. i used to wear a necklace all the time, but i have since retired it.

What was the last NEW TO YOU restaurant that you have tried? What were your thoughts?
i can’t remember, just had a bad experience at this restaurant i thought i loved (it was so good) but brought hubs too and it was SOOO off. i was so disappointed, we’ll never go back.

What was your dinner last night?
that was the dinner i had last night ^^

Have a mantra that you have been using/loving lately?
no i need mantras b/c i let all the negativity come in and direct my thoughts and i have nothing to fight back with. will be reading the comments for mantras…!


I grew up about 3 miles from the real Banbury Cross :)


I love the color of those PureFlows!

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