What are some of your HABITS + DO YOU COVER?

I have a new SKYE UPDATE!!! 


A coldish 4 mile morning solo walk and then back to these people!

Andrew and I have a good system going on when it comes to us both wanting to get out and exercise (someday we just need two treadmills side-by-side at home).  In the morning (when he is home and not doing school or at the hospital) he is more than happy for me to go first thing when I wake up and then he goes out after me.  I wake up with too much energy and I’m more than ready to get out the door (and that energy fades drastically as the morning goes on) and he needs some time to wake up and move around before he can start running.  Our morning Skye tag teaming works out pretty well.

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The best.

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A few things that have been happening in our neck of the woods…

We stopped at my sister’s house for a few minutes to say hi on Monday.  She is busy working on more house renovations (she reminds me of Joanna Gaines… PS did you see that Chip and Joanna are expecting another baby?  They will have five kids… just like my sister:) and we wanted to check them out!

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My brother-in-law’s jeans are proof that they have done a few things around the house;)  My little nephew carries this car around everywhere with him!

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That night we picked up Coldstone (yes, this is one of my phases where I will eat something so much that I will end up getting sick of it and then move on to my next obsession) and watched the Bachelor.  I had the cake batter ice cream with brownies in a waffle bowl.

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I am very grateful that I somehow convinced Andrew to watch this show with me but this is what he looks like for the majority of the episode.   He can’t handle the awkwardness/drama like I can!

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Andrew tries SO hard to get Skye to laugh or smile at him being silly but nothing can crack her… talk about self-discipline!

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More chicken tortilla soup followed by apples with peanut butter for lunch yesterday.  This soup is so good and I love everything about leftovers so I am more than happy to have eaten this three days in a row:)

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Brookie and I were able to go on a little date together!

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We went to see The Greatest Showman and oh my goodness, I loved every second.  I cried, laughed and had goosebumps for about 50% of the movie.  I already want to see it again.  Brooke made sure to tell me what was going to happen before each scene so I’m glad I had her to guide me through the movie ha (if she has seen a movie once she will remember every scene and informs us all about what is next).

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Andrew and Skye kept busy at home while we were gone.

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It was nice to have a little time with my teenager… I mean five year old;)

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Then we went to pick up some food for dinner.  The other day I mentioned to Andrew that red meat didn’t sound awful anymore (red meat was my biggest/longest aversion)  so Five Guys was on his list of dinners this week.  It was delicious and so were the fries.  Maybe someday Andrew will agree that they are a trillion times better than In-N-Out.

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We got home and I think Skye was ignoring us because we went out on a date without her.

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The other day on my walk I listed to Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations with Gretchen Rubin and they talked a lot about habits and I loved these quotes below:

“By mindfully choosing our habits, we harness the power of mindlessness as a sweeping force for serenity, energy and growth.”

“Habits are mindless and they happen automatically and that’s their strength.”

“When we change our habits, we change our lives.  We can use decision making to choose the habits we want to perform.  We can use willpower to get the habits started.  Then we can allow the extraordinary power of habit to take over.  We can take our hands off the wheel of decision, our foot off the gas of willpower and rely on the cruise control of habits.”

These made me really think about the things that are already habits for me and things that I want to become a habit/automatic for me.  I would love to hear in the comments some things that are a habit for you and what habits you want to gain.  A few of my daily habits—>  exercise, brushing teeth, taking a zillion pictures a day, the kid’s routines have become my habit, sweet potatoes, cleaning the kitchen each night, texting my mom each morning & praying.  A few habits I want to gain—>  core/strength work, religious reading daily, putting lids on water bottles (that one is for Andrew’s happiness;).


And now for some random running talk… do you cover up your treadmill screen during your run?  Or would you rather stare at the numbers and screen while you are running?  I have covered up my treadmill screen with a towel a few times over the years during really long runs so that I wouldn’t go crazy but not very often.  During a normal run on the treadmill, I am ALL about looking at the screen (with my iPad placed in a way that still allows me to watch the numbers too:) during my workout.  I love switching up the incline and pace and making calculations in my head about the run so I love seeing the screen.  YOU?

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Don’t forget to check out Skye’s 6 week update—>  HERE!


Do you cover your treadmill screen when you are running?

What about you… do you like to get out and exercise first thing when you wake up or do you need some time to wake up and get going?

Leftovers—>  love them or no thank you?  

HABITS—>  what are some habits that you have already and what are some habits that you would love to have?

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Janae, great post, as usual. I also listened to the Habit talk. Very interesting. The thing I took away are that habits are good b/c they let us go into auto-drive and do not have to spend the mental energy to do every single thing every day – evolutionary wise, very smart, so we can do the habit without mental energy and think about other, more pressing things. I wake up and work out immediately. If it does not happen then, it does not happen. I wake up with a ton of energy, like you, and just want to move. I also do bible reading and studies before I do anything else on the computer, phone, email, etc. and that has been awesome.

Wow, Curly is so gorgeous! I can’t believe how grown-up she is looking! Stunning!


YES YES YES. So good… and there are so many things I want to add to my auto-drive! Great idea about doing your bible study before anything on the phone/computer… I’m going to copy you! Thank you, I totally agree with you about Curly:) I hope your day is great Alisha!


I’m like you—I have to be able to see the screen if I’m running on a treadmill. And love the quotes about habits. It’s really easy to form bad habits, but I think it’s important to remember that it’s just as easy for us to form and pursue the good habits and step away from those bad habits. I call my mom EVERY day when I’m leaving work, I usually run first thing when I get up, I read your blog when I get home from my run, and I try to pray and do my daily devotional every morning. I’d like to add habits of consistent strength training and setting aside more time each day to work on my book.

Leftovers: absolutely. :) And I agree with Alisha about how beautiful little Curly is!! She and Brooke look SO precious in that sweet pic, and it’s so obvious they’re related!


I just listened to that podcast while I was on the treadmill yesterday! I went for a run for the first time in 6 weeks and it was the perfect companion to my 3 mile run and then half mile walk. Time away from running made me miss it and appreciate it – probably similar to how you will feel when you get to start again!
In the warmer months, I am very much the kind of person to get up and go first thing, but this time of year, I am lucky to make it out of my warm bed in time so I exercise at night. It’s been hovering in the negatives here and I do not enjoy it.
Love leftovers!


Love the talk about habits! I’ve made fitness a personal habit for me…I never feel right if I haven’t been active in some way that day. At work I’ve made a habit about planning lessons/making copes a few days to weeks in advance so I’m never rushing around at the last minute! It minimizes so much stress for me!
I try to avoid the treadmill at all costs! When I HAVE to run on one, I play a little game with myself – I try to wait till the chorus in a song or a commercial on tv before I let myself look at the screen. It works with my garmin when I’m running outside too! Or I wait until I reach a certain landmark – telephone pole, intersection, road sign, etc.
I love to exercise first thing in the morning! I find as the day goes on, my motivation drops drastically ;)


I have heard great things about the Greatest Showman, I need to see it!
I am an early riser so I get my workout out in right away in the morning. And of course covering the screen on the treadmill is sometimes the only way to get thru a dreadmill run:)

Love leftover, wish my family did!

Have you heard anything from Bailey about the gift card? Thanks!


HEY YOU!! Sorry… they just emailed and said it will go out at the end of the week! Go see the Greatest Showman… it was incredible! I hope you have a beautiful day Amy!


Thank you so much! Sorry to be such a pain but I wanted to make sure I didn’t accidentally throw it away or that it got lost in the mail!! Enjoy your day:)


YOU ARE NOT A PAIN at all!! I would be the same way!! Thank you for letting me know!


Leftovers are amazing! They keep me sane during the week! I made a recipe on Monday night that made so much we will eat it three nights this week for dinner. That is the definition of a winning recipe in my book.
My current daily habits – prepping lunch for work and getting the coffee pot set for the morning, cleaning a small aspect of the apartment, reading, telling one person I love them, drinking a ton of water and then using the bathroom every 10 seconds.
Habits I’d like to create – strength training, meditation/prayer, doing one thing to get me closer to my goals.
I have to cover the treadmill screen! I go crazy just staring at the numbers. There’s a reason I only use the treadmill at my parents house, it’s SO difficult to run on!


I cover the screen with a towel.
I am a wake up and go first thing for exercise.
The BEST FRIES EVER are Shake Shack.
Shake Shack chicken sandwich and cheese fries= HEAVEN. Their fries plain without the cheese are amazing too;)
Best Burgers EVER Hopdoddys. (primetime burger is my fave) They also have the best Shakes ever! Nutella or Stout chocolate is my fave.
I realize both of these places are not everywhere:(
Have a great day Janae! It was 10 degrees when we went to the gym at 5 am this morning here in North Texas! Buuurrrrr!


Hi Janae! I’m just like you. I want to run first thing in the morning. I feel much better without food in my stomach (for a long run/workout I will grab a bar, but nothing substantial), and it really helps to wake me up. I feel very antsy if I can’t workout first thing. I like to check that workout box asap!
And I don’t cover the treadmill screen, but I really try not to look every second. And I agree: mixing up paces/inclines keeps it interesting. But as long as I have a fun TV show to watch, I’m usually fine!
And i do like leftovers for the ease, but I don’t like eating the same thing more than 2 days in a row….1 day of leftovers is my limit!
Have an amazing day! Your pictures of Skye are so beautiful! Well done, mama!


I cover the screen but usually with my iPad to watch TV. I never really worry about the numbers and trust the mill is running at the speed I set it.

I can’t believe how long Brooke’s hair is getting. It looks so cute down too.


Love the habit talk.
Breaking habits is reeeeaaaalllyy hard for me. I love my routines.
Habits I have: working out, PT exercises for core, pelvic floor, hips, and glutes, grocery shopping for the week, making dinner, Hope’s needs and daily routine, and a bed time snack.
Habits to have or get rid of: diet soda consumption always increases with tiredness……..hello winter. Drink more water. Not just PT exercises, but more strength exercises, going to church more than once a month.


I loved that Oprah podcast episode with Gretchen Rubin. I also love Gretchen Rubin’s own podcast – do you ever listen to it?

I have a lot of habits that I like, but a lot more than I would like to develop. Currently a few of the habits I have are exercising every day, meal prepping dinner in the morning to make it easier later on in the day, always making the bed, and cleaning a certain section of our house each day. Some habits I want are to always work out first thing in the morning, to time block out the activities in my day better rather than always trying to multi-task, and being better about stretching every day.


I didn’t… I’m going to have to start listening asap! Thank you! I want some of your habits… meal prepping and cleaning a certain section of the house each day especially! I hope your day is great Allison and thanks for sharing!


I LOVE Gretchen Rubin! She has a podcast with her sister, Liz Craft, called Happier that I’ve been listening to for years. I highly recommend it!


I didn’t know she had a podcast… I will have to listen! Thanks so much Katie and I hope you are having a great day!


I used to be so so good at getting right out of bed and getting going but then I had kids and I feel way more tired in the mornings now. I did really love morning runs during the summer time but now I’m always having to remind myself that I’ll regret not going on a run in the morning. I’m hoping that changes again once it starts getting lighter and warmer in the mornings again.

And I love leftovers but they rarely happen at our house haha.


My hubs and I perform the same tag team method when it comes to fitting in our workouts. I am always up way before the sun and am raring to go so fit my workout in first thing in the morning, right after a cup of coffee. He is like Andrew, needs to wake up first before heading out the door. I am definitely a creature of habit and thrive on the routine of day to day life. Exercise is so ingrained into my being that I don’t know what I would do without it. Making breakfast and lunch the night before so its one less thing to do in the morning. Also, I know it sounds crazy but one habit I started years ago is on workdays, I have to get up and the insane hour of 3:30am, so first thing i do is drop to the side of my bed and do 50 pushups. Wakes me up better than any cup of coffee ever would.


YES… I love that this method works for you guys too! I am just like you, I LOVE MY ROUTINE! The 50 pushups thing… that is such a good idea! I have to ask, what time do you go to bed?!?! I hope you are having a great day Rosie!


I do all of my workouts in the mornings and my husband will only workout at night, so we balance each other. I have dibs on our treadmill in the morning and he has dibs at night. When we first moved in together, we talked about keeping both of our treadmills but finally realized that space wise it made sense to downsize.

I don’t cover the treadmill screen when I run because I change speed every 30 seconds. I’ve found that sometimes when I cover it’s demotivating if I haven’t gone as far as I think I have.


Habits are powerful.

Re treadmill running: I actually wanted to add some to the tempo talk you had the other day (and a big thank you and high-five for covering it!).

0. Tempos are my favorite standard workout, but the idea of pace and the length can be so stressful and put a lot of pressure on you.

A lot of people in my running club hit these times that are put on the schedule for x miles and just stick with the schedule. Like with the marathon, say you have 7mi@MP (marathon pace), they’ll do 7mi@6:30 +- 2-3 seconds. I never do that, and can never do that. I loosely have the idea of a target time I’d like to maybe average, and tbh when I start I never start at that pace– it’s too much for me.

Think about it, we’re like engines: Jumping from chill, say 8:30 pace to 6:45 is taxing; it’s like putting the petal to the metal, and we all know the engine is -least- efficient in that acceleration phase. It’s way easier and MUCH less pressure to have an open mind about it– go on FEEL– than to hit x pace for y duration OR ELSE. I always average slightly ABOVE my “target” pace just by listening to my body and adjusting the pace (9.5 to 9.6, etc) on the treadmill as my body adjusts, moreover by the end I’ll finish the last few miles even quicker because my body has adjusted to the pace.. If I don’t hit ‘the target,’ then well, I just wasn’t feeling it that day..but that rarely happens; more often than not, it’s quite freeing and you surprise yourself by going faster and even longer than you might have had in mind. And this just comes from being open and allowing yourself to be free.

2. The stress of DURATION
The idea of doing 7mi@MP is just daunting. It’s long, even for someone who runs easy runs at least 8miles long, and it’s a lot of work. It’s a bit much, and it puts the workout off.. (Who wants to do it? Can I really do it? That seems so long and so fast really though..)

If you’re not feeling it (and I almost never do when I start), then just say, “Hey, let’s try x mi. Let’s get started and see how it goes,” where x is a more do-able number of miles. For me, I’ll say, “Let me just try to get 5,” and by mile 3 or 4, I’m feeling it, and I’ll usually end up going as long as or farther than the original planned 7. Starting a workout is the hardest part Imo, and really one needs to put the pressure off then otherwise one might just not do it (and who could blame them?) Instead of thinking of the long haul, “just do it.”

3. Managing the miles: Cover up the treadmill??
The long tempos are just that: long. Do you start the marathon and think, “I have 26.2 miles to go. YES!” Or, passing the half, “YES only 13.1 miles TO GO!!” NO! Those thoughts creep in, but I shove them away!!!

If you can handle that, then kudos to you, but that’s WAY TOO MUCH for me! Even with a workout: Break it into slices. Now, one should be careful: Part of marathon training and long tempos is patience. Say you think you should go ~9.5. I’ll start at 9.3 for 1-2mi; if I’m feeling it, I’ll go up at mile 1 or mile 2 (again, by feel). From whenever I ramp up to 9.4, I’ll go another 1-2mi then hit up to 9.5, and so on. I’ll hold at least one pace for 2mi straight, as again patience is important to learn– even if you’re feeling you can go faster, in that marathon if you act on that too early on you’ll fail. So tame yourself; have patience. But the point is that you do these small, manageable, do-able nudges that push you up, and are just way less stressful. Sure, you hope to hit x target average, but even if you don’t, well you did as Hansons would say SOS something of substance.


Now, those are just my observations. I’m not an image of success now, but for example they’ll have goals of sub-3 marathons and hit like 3:02-3:10. I loosely have the notion of wanting to break 3, and in both of my marathons I’ve broken 3hr by a large margin (and one that I got injured through at mile 15.9. And yes it was painful enough for me to not just round to 16mi >.>).

I’m really glad you brought up tempos and really laying the stress off people. They’re what makes marathon training manageable to me; sure, maybe I could be better with more targeted workouts, but life is stressful enough, and adding more with these times and durations and etc with workouts is just a little much and tbh probably a turn-off for many people (can’t blame them!).

Hope you have a wonderful day! Long post, but I just wanted to share “treadmill tempo tips,” I suppose :p. These issues are important to me..



THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENT AND CAN YOU PLEASE WRITE A BLOG SO I CAN READ ALL OF YOUR TIPS!! This was so helpful to me and hopefully a lot of people read your comment. I feel like I am going to have a million questions to ask you when I am back training again! Thank you for sharing, taking a screenshot now! Have a beautiful day!


Hahaha, thank YOU!!! Psh, girl, I couldn’t not do a blog– it’s so much work, and it’d mostly just be about silly math observations..a bore!

And um yes please, throw the Qs at me! It’s so much fun to think and explore, and we’re limited by our own minds; that’s why people matter! You know that Mr. Chip Gaines man is training for Boston with Gabe Grunwald right?? I think they met at Central Park or something.. super cool though; I love his “0.2mi a day” philosophy hahaha! (Laughing with, not at!!)

Have a fantastic day, and thanks for reading!!


I have to workout as soon as I get up! I seem to lose motivation throughout the day. I’ll start working on something and then that seems more important than working out. I also have really bad acid reflux, so I can’t run with certain things in my stomach. I like to get up at 4 AM and start my runs (when I’m running) or workouts by 5 AM. It works really well for! I have half a cup of coffee and my BCAAs and I’m ready to go!

I LOVE looking at number on the treadmill. I, too, like playing around with pace and incline – I think it makes the time go by MUCH faster, plus, it’s just fun! :)

I hope you have a great day!! I did a pool running ladder workout this morning and it was awesome! I’m headed to PT in a little bit – I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they’ll clear me to run!


AHHHH Let me know if you get cleared to run! I am just like you when it comes to losing motivation as the day goes on! GOOD LUCK TODAY!


Did you also hear that Chip is going to be running a marathon?? It’s been great to follow his training so far and he’s being coached by Gabe Grunewald!!

I never cover up my treadmill. I used to, but I would always think I was really far along, then I would be demoralized when I would see I actually only went a quarter of a mile. Now I need to know EXACTLY how far I am!


YES!! I seriously am so excited for his marathon (we should all go there to cheer him on ha)! HAHA yes… that is one of the reasons I don’t cover the screen too! Thanks Gretchen!


I’m with Andrew on the Bachelor except I wouldn’t be able to sit there and watch it. (and the guy this time around gives me the creeps).

I cover up the screen unless I’m doing hills or intervals and need to watch the time.

I can workout first thing in the morning but I like exercising in the afternoon best. I feel my body is at peak then. It’s also a nice mental break in my work day.

I LOVE leftovers. I generally try to change them up a bit so the meal is different but cooking once and eating at least twice is a time saver. It’s also a no brainer on what to make for dinner.

Working out, brushing my teeth, skin care, flossing, reading before bed, and getting the dog outside at regular intervals are all habits. I want to develop a short meditation habit and a morning stretching habit. I’m hit or miss on those at the moment.


I like to cover the time and speed when I’m on the treadmill, but I always leave the DISTANCE visible! I love to watch the miles click by. I haven’t had Five Guys in forever… but I remember really liking their fries. Maybe it’s time to go back for more!


I always cover my screen when doing runs on the treadmill except for when I am doing speed or interval work. I can’t be bothered to move the towel all of the time! :) I really focus on the numbers and changing my pace when I do speed work. Covering the screen helps me so much on longer runs to not focus on how much longer I have.

I am not a huge leftover fan except for certain things like soup so I have gotten really good at making the right portions for dinner so we don’t waste food. My kids will NOT eat the same thing the next day even if it is their favorite food. :)


Actually, one of the habits I want to get better at is working out more in the mornings! On weekends I am all about getting a run or exercise in first thing. It’s such a great way to kick off the day and my motivation definitely wanes if I don’t do it right away. On weekdays, I’ve traditionally been a nighttime exerciser but I started doing one morning a week for my last training cycle and I love that feeling of conquering a workout before work- and then being free to relax at night! So I’d like to make that more of a regular occurrence in my schedule. Got after it at 6AM today with a kickboxing class :-)

I usually don’t cover up my treadmill screen. Whenever I do, I’m always so tempted to check and when I check and see that only like 2 minutes have gone by (when it felt like 20) I get really sad haha. But I just started watching tv shows on the treadmill and that helps a ton!

Oh man my fiance and I love bachelor nights. He pretends to hate it but ends up getting just as into it as I do! Plus I feel like the show makes me look good because I can be like – look, aren’t you glad I’m not a crazy drama queen like those girls? :-)


BAHAHA YES… maybe that is why I love having Andrew watch it with me! To show him that I am somewhat rational and not so dramatic after all;) TV shows on the treadmill helps big time! Way to go on getting to kickboxing so early this morning! Enjoy the rest of your day Diana!


Ha ha ha ha ha!!! When I saw “do you cover?” I thought it was about breastfeeding & not about the treadmill :D

I need a little time to get myself going before running and a solid hour or more before doing strength training–I actually prefer saving that until afternoon/evening.

Leftovers are cool with me, especially if I can recreate the entire meal & not have to fix something else to go with it. My family isn’t so cooperative with leftovers, though.

My habits tend to be more like food ruts–same lunch every day I work in the office, same breakfast each day, same snack. That’s not too bad. I’m also pretty good with doing a load of laundry for myself and youngest child, and getting it back upstairs the same day (husband and older kids do their own). Grocery shopping once a week is a pretty good habit, too. I need to develop a habit of a routine cleaning schedule, like vacuuming on the same day each week, and designated days for other chores like that.


HAHAH I need to ask that question too;) I need to have designated days for chores too but it just never seems to happen ha. I am just like you with food ruts… I like to eat the same breakfast (and lunches usually) every single day! I hope you are having a great day Corey!


I love working out first thing in the morning late May through mid August. Then seminary starts and my alarm goes off at 4:45am and it’s all I can do to get everyone out the door with everything for the day. My runs happen sometime mid-morning to mid-afternoon that time of year.

Leftovers are a time and sanity saver. I menu plan four meals a week for dinner, two meals of leftovers, and one “free” day that may be a fresh meal, may be leftovers, or may be eating out. The leftover nights are scheduled for the crazier nights…youth activity nights and game nights usually.


I run on the treadmill 95% of the time and always cover up the mileage and time if I have a towel. It’s good for little stops to wipe myself down and I don’t get psyched out about how far I haven’t gone yet haha.

On the leftovers front, I never have any because I eat everything I make right away even though I eat the same thing most nights of the week. I don’t mind cooking every day because I am usually showering after the gym while my food cooks downstairs. I know how to take a big veggie stir-fry down :)


Morning workouts vary for me. As a teacher I don’t get to run in the mornings just because I leave my house so early that if I ran before it would be too dark. However, in the summer I’m all about waking up early, getting a run in before it gets too hot, and then tackle the rest of the day. Sometimes my bed is just oh so comfy though :)

I LOVE leftovers. Especially in the winter when there’s a lot of soup making going on. It’s quick and easy and I feel like I’m getting the most out of my money haha :)


I’ve definitely covered the screen on the treadmill a time or two! I usually do it more at the gym when I’m doing long runs just to keep my mind off of how far I have to go to finish! HA! But, then I just get lost in a podcast or Netflix show on my phone!

I have ALWAYS tried to be a better morning workout person, but for some reason I always feel most motivated mid-afternoon to get going.

LOVE me some good leftovers!

I have a habit of drinking at least 60 ounces of water a day! A habit I’d like to get better with is definitely reading more.

Have a fabulous Wednesday Janae!!


I totally cover up my screen! If I am watching the screen the miles seem to take forever, no matter how much I like running…. :) Oh and by the way we are freezing in Texas. Lots of sleet, freezing rain and snow yesterday – 2 snow days for school (I know it sounds crazy but we don’t get that weather here in the South, so our city is not prepared with sand trucks etc)…… 18 degrees here this morning but feeling like it was in single digits…..BRRRRR!


We have completely switched places with the weather… I can’t believe it! What is going on? I hope it starts to warm up soon for you guys!


Janae! I love you!
I ALWAYS cover the screen on the treadmill! I have the hardest time just watching the seconds go by so I just cover it all together. I also change up my speed and incline, but I have my buttons all figured out even when the are covered lol
I am wanting to see the greatest showman so badly! I also want to take my little 5-yo girl!! I can’t wait!


OH MY GOODNESS!! Have the best time ever today at the movie… it was amazing! Thanks Sasheen!! Let me know what you think:)


How’s Beretta been lately?? It feels like it’s been a while since we’ve seen her. Did you guys leave her with your family members while Skye is so little?


She has been doing great:) She has been here with us the whole time! I hope you are having a great day Joey!


Not gonna lie, I thought “do you cover” ub the title was going to be about nursing in public, ha ha!

Yes I cover the treadmill, no I do not cover while nursing. Ha ha.


BAHAHA I should have asked that question too;) I hope you are having a great Wednesday so far Sarah!


I LOVE watching the screen on the treadmill. It might sound crazy, but I love counting down how much I have left in each mile — I feel like it makes it go by faster? I don’t know haha. The new treadmills at my gym though don’t keep your stats up the whole time (it is an interactive treadmill that allows you to run different routes around the world, which is fun), but I find myself always tapping the screen to keep track of my mileage!!


I would do the same thing Joanne… I love seeing the main stats of mileage/pace etc on the screen! I am just like you! I hope your day is a great one!


I don’t often run on the treadmill…I like outdoors but when I do, I don’t cover up the screen. I am an early morning runner – my partner helped get me into this habit as he works early – so I usually commute to work, or run/shower and get to work.

Definitely leftovers – especially leftover pizza.

Ooh, well habits, I tend to leave my laundry drying all over the condo for days – makes him crazy so maybe put away clothes once they are dry haha. I l have a pretty good routine going with exercise, with having a place for everything (except the laundry) I would like to be a better listener …and not just wait for my turn to talk lol – especially with my guy because he is very patient and a good listener.


I like getting my workout done first thing in the morning too. If I leave it for later I’m much less likely to actually do it.

I’m all about the leftovers. I like that I only have to cook a couple times a week and have food for the entire week (I don’t have anyone else to cook for besides myself, so a recipe will last a few meals).

One habit I’ve been trying to make permanent is meditation. I use the Headspace app and I’m really liking it. As of yesterday I meditated 16 days in a row!


Love the Skype pictures – she looks so like Brooke in the one where’s she’s on you :) We know a little girl who always used to pull that ‘surprised’ look she has in the other – we used to call her ‘surprised baby’! Morning workouts: definite no no, especially in the winter. I like to get going with my day and run a bit later (funny because I used to be a rower in college, so probably 85% of my winter training was at 6.30am!). I love to plan leftovers but I’m not always in the mood to eat them! I quite like it when you can prink them back up with a different topping or side.

Habits: I wish I could say strength work too, but I’m not sure I’ll get to it! I am being very good at doing my glute exercises at the moment though, as I’m so desperate to fix my knee and try to get my training plan back on track!


Love this post!!! I am all about covering up the numbers when I am on the treadmill. I will occasionally peak at them, but they drive me crazy if I can see them the whole time I am running. I have always done this. I love leftovers and thankfully my husband does too! One thing I would like to make a habit is stretching before and after each workout! I am so bad about this… getting better, but need to make it a habit. My current habits are brushing teeth when I first get up, drinking a big glass of warm water with lemon each morning, exercising, walking my dogs, etc. Have a great (and warm!) day!


I have never covered the screen. I am like you and like to play with the speed and incline and distract myself with TV. Typing this out makes me sound like I have ADD.

Annabelle has to give us a play by play if she knows the movie and if she doesn’t then it is just a constant stream of questions for the whole movie. I think Ross and I have said to her a billion times, ‘Just be quiet and WATCH THE SHOW!’

Love Gretchen Rueben. I also loved the book The Power of Habit. Super interesting. I like getting up and getting my workout done before I have a chance to think about it (AKA talk myself out of it).

I am eating leftovers as I type this. No prepping or work? Sign me up!


I cover the screen for sure! The numbers make my crazy. Same if I wear a watch.


Yay to leftovers, any night I don’t have to cook but can still eat yummy homemade food is a win! And Andrew may not have gotten Skye to laugh, but it worked on me. That look on her face made me laugh out loud. Her little personality is really starting to come out.

Love the habit talk too. I’ve started a new habit of morning mediation over the last few months and also broke the habit of chewing gum (that was HARD). I would like to make a better habit of drinking water throughout the day and putting my phone away when I’m home with my husband.


I am currently listening to Gretchin’s book, Better than Before! She talks about different methods for making habits that work for the 4 tendencies! It’s very interesting so far! My habits include making the bed, taking my shoes off when I’m in the house, walking or running with my dog every morning, and taking my vitamins! Some habits I want to start is being be better at flossing everyday, going to bed early, and reading more!
I never cover up the treadmill and if I have a magazine or kindle I make sure that I can still see the screen! I’m a numbers person so I like calculating stuff out when I’m running and also changing up pace or incline!
We just saw Greatest Showman and it was sooo good! Loved all of the songs and we left singing them in the car! It’s funny to hear my husband start singing some of the songs randomly bc they can easily get stuck in your head!


I’ve two main habits in the morning that help get my day started – opening the curtains and making my bed. The way I see it is, no matter the outcome of the day, I’ve already accomplished something from those two simple tasks.

I’d like to get into the habit of exercising first thing in the morning. I hit the gym and train most days, though I’d like to get it done and dusted early in the morning so that I can do more with my day.

Solid post.


What a cute date for you and Brooke! I have to ask, how do you manage to get out of the house without Skye? My little guy just hit 8 weeks and he wants to nurse every 2 hours during the day and I end up just taking him with me everywhere bc it’s easier than trying to run home before he hits that mark. Which works most of the time, but not well for something like a movie. I guess I just need to be better about pumping and offering bottles so my hubby has something to feed him while we’re out.


I’ve been doing a running streak (of at least one mile a day) for over 500 days because of exactly your quotes about habits. It evolved into something bigger than I intended but running every day means I don’t have to think about WHETHER I’ll run, just WHEN I’ll run. Hands down the best thing I’ve done for my running.


i work out in the morning but i do still need some time to have a cup of coffee and actually wake up. it’s nice though to get it out of the way for the day, and i still work out before i’m too awake, so i feel like i partly don’t realize what’s happening ;)

i have to laugh at the water bottle thing because although i put the lids on, i’m notorious for forgetting to screw them on tight. my husband tends to be the victim of this.

as for habits, i feel like i’ve conquered some of the big things — working out, meal planning. i’m currently working on making gratitude, documenting (taking more photos), and writing a habit!

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