Skye Update & I would really love tips from some running moms.

I’ve got another Skye update for you today!   We are coming up on her one month birthday!  I really can’t believe how fast this month has gone by so far.  Although some of those nights felt long… the rest has zoomed by.

Let’s talk in bullet points today because I don’t know any other way to do it:

*I am sure I’m not alone on this feeling with newborn life but I get a little overwhelmed right now thinking about doing any task that used to seem like nothing.  This is another reason that I am kind of loving staying at home so much right now.  Going anywhere takes about 5 times longer than normal to leave the house and this way I am not feeling overwhelmed trying to do too much.  It is really nice to slow down for probably the first time in my life.

*I have never watched so much Netflix in my life and I’m loving it.  I also don’t think I’ve ever been so hungry in my entire life either.

*This is Skye’s favorite way to be carried around the house!  Andrew’s mom held her like this when she was over and she stopped fussing right away so I have copied her:)

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*Skye really enjoys Jack Johnson too.   His music is another thing that just calms her right down!  I get it.

*My skin when pregnant is the clearest it has ever been but the day after I had Skye, boom… I broke out and have been ever since ha.  Probably the only thing I really miss about being pregnant;)

*I am wearing a few of my normal shirts (mainly jackets, sweaters and button up shirts) and leggings daily.  I have zero desire to even try on a pair of jeans for a very long time.

*I love seeing how much Andrew loves this little girl.  She sure is lucky!

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*Does anyone else’s baby sleep better with noise… Skye’s best naps are when the kids are running around and playing or when the vacuum is on or the blow dryer.

*Brooke has officially started carrying a baby doll around with her a lot of the day.   She has also started to put her hand on her hip for pictures.

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*Yep, she wants to hold a newborn all day long just like I do!  That doll is actually from when I was a little girl and my mom found it for Brooke!

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*I love playing with this hair of hers!  After a bath it is nice and curly just like Andrew’s hair but then it dries straight.

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*Don’t mind my sleep-deprived/teared up eyes but this moment was pretty special for me the other day.  Brooke came in and joined Skye and me and then fell asleep.  I love to see their sisterly bond already start to happen!

*Let’s talk about sleep for a second.  Every now and then Andrew is giving Skye a bottle that I have pumped at night.  Some nights I am getting in longer stretches of sleep and some nights Skye wants to party with us all night:)  We have no way to predict what is going to happen each night ha. I have noticed something about the difference between the fatigue now and the fatigue during pregnancy—> Pregnancy tired = I was getting 8-9 hours of sleep straight each night and I still felt like I NEEDED (no questions asked) a nap most days.  Newborn tired= I feel tired and if I can sneak in a nap great but if not, it isn’t that big of a deal.  Pregnancy fatigue is no joke.

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*Breastfeeding is still going really well for me (so many of you have told me about how it was so different for each child and I can add to that by saying it has been SO different for us too).  The other day I was out doing an errand for an hour or so and Andrew called me on my way home… All he said was Skye’s name and boom, my milk let down.  It’s crazy how just hearing her name triggered my body to feed her ha.  It’s all so amazing how our body works.

*At this stage I feel like breastfeeding takes up the majority of our day… another reason I’m glad we are home a lot.  It gives us plenty of time to establish a good schedule together.

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*She still sleeps a lot but I am LOVING how much more awake she has been the last few days.  I feel like she is looking around a lot more and paying attention to us when we talk to her!

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*I might be alone in this but did anyone else start sweating like crazy at night after having a baby.  Maybe it is because I am drinking way more water but when I wake up in the night, I am sweating a lot.  It must be hormones because nothing else has changed as far as temperature in our house goes or anything!

*Another random thing… the second I start nursing, my body screams for water.  Andrew relates it to Pavlov’s theory but I seriously have to have my water bottle right next to me each time I nurse.

*Not getting as much sleep as normal makes for some really funny moments during the day… like when Andrew threw away his spoon and put his yogurt container in the dishwasher or when I went to put laundry in the pantry instead of the laundry room:)  We find ourselves laughing at each other multiple times a day!

*I probably hold her too much (if that is a thing) but I can’t put her down during the day.  I’m loving this newborn stage so much that I just want to enjoy every second of her being so tiny.

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Any great sports bras that you would recommend that are easy for nursing?  PLEASE SHARE!

Any tips on breastfeeding and running?  How did it all work for you?

What sort of strange things happened to you postpartum due to hormones?  Anyone else sweat like crazy?

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I just used a size up on my sports bra, and didn’t nurse in the same gear I ran in – I would shower / change after my run and then nurse. I started running when my son was 5 months, and was usually back within an hour, and it worked fine to just nurse him in between.
Maybe I was lucky, and maybe it was a combination of his age and my running less than an hour, but it felt like a non-issue! I even ran a 5k when he was 6 months old and despite not having a flexible schedule because of the start time, it all worked out. That said, if you’re going for longer runs, the treadmill and nursing breaks may be your friend at first!

GOOD LUCK! One important thing I would say is that I found running helped me get my energy back, even though it was counterintuitive at times. It really helped me survive night wakings to get that energy boost from a run three times a week when he was between 5 and 10 months. (Then I started going longer finally.)


That picture of Brooke and Skye sleeping is adorable, one of many to come!

I remember sweating a ridiculous amount after I had my daughter, must be hormones?!

So weird with the thirst and breastfeeding, the second she latches on I instantly feel like I haven’t had water for days!

Can’t believe I’m going to be doing it again in 6 months with our second little girl, 2 under 2 will be fun right!!?? :-)


Oh man, I hear you on the water bottle right by you when you are nursing – doesn’t matter if you just had a glass of water! It’s crazy! Haha, I have the wiggliest 7 month old right now – there is definitely no such thing as holding them too much, its such a short stage! You are doing such a beautiful job with her.


I liked the Brooks Fiona bra. It is very adjustable which is important because you will be a different size every time you run for awhile! Plus it is easy to open up one side to feed without having to take the whole bra off! I went back to running right at 6 weeks and found I had to run immediately after feeding for comfort. If he didn’t eat on both sides, I’d pump on the other side before I went. It was way more comfortable for me to run when I was pretty empty, plus I felt less guilty knowing the baby had a full belly. It did make me even more hungry and thirsty (I didn’t think that was possible!) but it also helped even out my hormones and ended my night sweats!


YES yes and yes but i all
OF these! I seriously sweat(and all my sisters) SO much after having a baby. I think it’s our body releasing all the water needed to be pregnant. Nursing makes me a hubgray ravenous beast and a water monster haha I have the big hospital jug of water at my bed and I drink the whole thing while nursing at night. You’re doing such a great job!!


I think all sports bras are great for nursing, pull em’ right up to your neck.
Running and breastfeeding: feed her and pump right away after feed till dry. Go for your run. Feed and use pumped extra if not enough milk to satisfy on feeding after run. Water, calories, but most importantly don’t stress about it and you will be fully stocked for next feeding.
Yes, sweat so much I had to change my shirt a couple of times. Yikes!
Love you girl, you are doing great!


Ps I nursed and ran/trainer for a half marathon. You just have to eat a lot and drink a lot. I never had any issues as long as I kept up my calorie intake and water in take.


I second this! For two months I was exclusively nursing/pumping while working, pregnant, and training for a half marathon, and there was no change in my milk supply. I did have a pretty slow half time because my body felt pretty rocked the day of the race. I blame that on the lack of sleep the night before though! My body finally waved the white flag.

I tried to nurse or pump before running and usually I was good to go! I found no differnce in supply on days I ran or did not run. Some babies don’t like the taste of milk after running with the lactic acid, but mine didn’t care one bit.


Sooooo much sweat! I slept on a beach towel for weeks to avoid washing my sheets daily! I want to say it lasted 6-8 weeks?


Senita just released a mom line with nursing sports bras and other mom friendly clothes. I love this brand, especially because the girls behind it are former BYU track athletes and moms themselves and their stuff doesn’t break the bank.


All of the above happened with both my babies. The hunger and thirst for the first few months of breastfeeding were nothing I’d ever experienced AND then I started running again…I had to eat like crazy to keep up my supply, but you can do it!

I like moving comfort rebound racer for nursing. It has an adjustable strap at the top so nursing is so much easier after a run especially a sweaty run. I found that if I nursed, then ran right away, I was more comfortable.


I used normal sports bras for nursing but since i do work at a hospital i had a few nice nursing bras for convienence.
You hold that baby!!! Can’t spoil a baby they need the touch and it goes SO fast!


How precious! She doesn’t mind the bows? My daughter wouldn’t allow anything around her head – it made me so sad :( and she didn’t have enough hair to do much With until she was 3.

I remember the sweats! Wow, newborn flash back.

I exclusively pumped and I do remember always having a water next to me. But then more than occasionally the pumping would send me running into the bathroom with instestinal issues (sorry, TMI).


I just had my fifth baby a couple weeks before you and the sweating thing is real. For a few weeks I would wake up to feed the baby totally sweaty. Gross! And I hear you on needing water.


SOrry, I’m on topapax so no BF, but I did run up to the day before the youngest was born and she was a c-section. I got a belly binder for both kids (regular for all day and neoprene for exercise to clean better) and it really helped hold my tummy in for running comfort and to feel the muscles for ab work. I went down a size every two weeks so it worked well and it allowed me to run comfortably after the c-section within a week. My dr was completely into it as a lot of international patients use them here and apparently French hospitals just give them out!


I didn’t nurse my children, but I did see an ad for these awesome looking nursing sports bras from Senita just the other day! I’ve only heard good things about their apparel so it’s probably worth checking out!


I got THE worst night sweats after my last baby, and then again when I weaned him at a year. I still get them occasionally (he is 16 months now) and I’m sure it’s hormone related, because my period is still sporadic and crazy and the sweats seem to coincide with certain times of the month. It’s kind of gross to wake up completely drenched, but I’m glad to know it’s not just me. :)


Yes girl the postpartum sweat is real!!!! I’m finally on the other side of that but now dealing with the hair loss haha! Congratulations on your cutie :)


So many things I can say about this post haha. So my oldest loved Jack Johnson. That was sometimes the only way to calm her down. She had really bad acid reflux too, so that’s saying something.

Second. I had that baby doll too. I still have it! It’s name was Janey because it sounded like Jenny to me. I loved that thing!

The sweating and water thing definitely happened to me with every baby.


I just love reading about your life with a newborn :) It is so inspiring to me and makes me so excited to have a little one of my own. You are doing such a great job with her. <3


She’s so cute. My baby is 4 weeks old today and I am enjoying the newborn stage. I am not B.F. so no recommendations on bras. I just wear my normal one while on the treadmill. I am not running yet but hope to be cleared after my check up. Haven’t gotten to run in so long. I have a half marathon in early April and hope to complete my first marathon in early December. Enjoy these precious moments!


Oh my gosh, the nightime sweats!! I would wake up DRENCHED the first two months post-partum. I have one nursing sportsbra from Target that I would recommend (Gilligan and O’Malley). And my most successful approach for exercising and nursing has been to nurse and then head out the door immediately so that I am nice and light :). Enjoy all those cuddles!!


I just had my second son in August and I can attest to the profuse sweating. It got better after 4-6 weeks postpartum. Also, I am The same way with needing water the second I start nursing!!! He is almost five months old now and it’s still like that. I think my body just desperately needs to replace the fluids that I’m losing. Congrats on a beautiful baby!


Currently pregnant so I am glad to hear you say that pregnancy fatigue is no joke! I have been wondering what I was going to do if I’m so tired and there’s no newborn keeping me up at night.


I didn’t notice much difference running, just get s new bra like others said. I feed and then pump and then go because then everything is out.

Just watch out though about not pumping at the same time and giving her a bottle like you mentioned for nighttime, it will make your supply drop during this crucial time!


When I was a baby I also loved the sound of the vacuum and hair dryer! My mom would have to run either to get me to go to sleep. She burned out at least 2-3 hair dryers in my infant stage ? it must be the humming noise- I bet it’s similar to how they are able to hear in the womb


-We have a white noise machine in our baby’s room, it really helps her sleep.
-I had to have a glass of water (or water bottle) with me every time I nursed for the first 6 months. I still get really thirsty but not as much as before.
-I hold my little girl a ton. My boys were never really snugglers but baby girl is and I just love it so much. I joke that I delayed her growth because I held her so much the first 6 months (my boys were crawling at 5 months but she started crawling at 9 months, I’m totally ok with it).
-I have also watched way too much netflix (and hulu and amazon prime). Right now I am on the second season of The Travelers (on netflix).
-My baby LOVES to nurse still so I feel like it’s happening a lot, but I know someday I’ll get my body back haha.
-Sleep deprivation is no joke. I can’t tell you how many weird things I’ve done.
So glad things are going well for you!


I’m right there with you on the night sweats; I still get an occasional one and my little girl is 18 weeks. And I’m going to be stalking these comments for sports bra ideas, Bc i need them too!

I’m not running that much right now- it’s too cold out (single digits) and is dark long before my husband gets home from work. Someone once said (I think it was you, HRG ;) that running will always be there when we’re ready for it. This season in my life has less running in it, and that’s okay.

Ps- you can’t hold a newborn too much. Not possible!


The night sweats are no joke. As precious commenters said, I would sleep with a towel under me, and even then I was changing the bed sheets every other day. It got better around the 6 week mark, and was basically gone by 8 weeks. As for running, I ran through my entire pregnancy with my first son, had an easy delivery, and started up again 3 weeks post partum. I stopped running after my first trimester during my second pregnancy, and started back 6 weeks post partum. Was a rougher return to running but it all came back. I ran the Big Sur marathon 8 months after having my first son, and I kept up breastfeeding too. I would nurse immediately before leaving on a run, and then have a pumped bottle or two on hand for while I was gone and immediately when I got back (I found my milk was crappy immediately after runs longer than 15 Miles). But otherwise it was no issue – I ended up breastfeeding until 14 months. And just enjoy the cuddles! Congratulations!


I used to wake up drenched in sweat postpartum haha. Glad I’m not the only one! I just saw that Senita Athletics came out with some awesome nursing sports bras that I have my eyes on. I usually just had to make sure to get a high impact sports bra and after a run would try to shower before to avoid the sweaty boob feed haha but other times when my baby was so hungry, we just did what we had to hah. I LOVE running in the morning but it gets tricky when you want to run b fore the baby wakes up and you have full boobs.
So I have always gotten my babies out of bed before I ran or exercised whether they were awake or not. I would feed them on both sides and put them back in bed and they usually always just stayed asleep or fell back asleep after eating. Then I wasn’t stressed about them waking up hungry and I could work out comfortably. Once my milk wasn’t so full right in the mornings, I could exercise first without doing this but I still loved feeding them first.
When I have done races, I have just pumped first. I may have even pumped while driving to a race and left the milk in a cooler. ? you do what you have to do! So glad nursing is going well for you!! It’s my favorite.


YES to the sleep deprivation … so many weird things. Can’t even remember them cause those days and nights were a blur. You can not hold her too much !! I’m taking inspiration from your postpartum period for my next baby and am going to intentionally slowwwwww down … seems like such a nice and special time for you two. I think I’m the only person in the world who didn’t experience breastfeeding hunger! I nursed a lottttt But was never extra hungry or thirsty. Maybe cause I had a lot of extra weight on me I didn’t need the extra calories? Who knows.


Yes nights sweats postpartum is sooo weird! It’s definitely a thing and i got it so bad. I would have to change my pjs during the night lol. You’re doing great and she’s adorable!


Yes! Night sweats!! For a good 4 months. Drove me crazy. But at least it helped with the weight loss haha. And I drank a ton of water as well. Best thing you can do for breastfeeding! Congrats J! Your little one is precious :)


I would change pajamas twice a night after my first baby- I was drenched in sweat! Definitely was much less after my second. (I will say postpartum hair loss has been worse this time. Not sure how I’m not bald with the amount of hair I’m shedding. ?)


I sweat like crazy, and my daughter was born in the middle of winter! It lasted 3-4 months! Definitely post partem hormones.


She is SO CUTE!! My daughter will be 3 months tomorrow and I had crazy nights sweats up until about 6 weeks postpartum. It slowly got better until it stopped altogether. I had it after my son was born too. I think it’s your body getting rid of the extra fluids it had during pregnancy? Maybe? Andrew would probably know ! But I seriously slept on a bath towel for weeks cuz I’d wake up drenched and could at least just change my pjs and get a new towel instead of laying on wet sheets the whole night!


I honestly just wore a sports bra to workout and then changed. Sometimes I’d nurse in it by pulling it up over my boob but not always. That position you are holding her in is great to strengthen her neck! Make sure you switch sides too. My son is 7 months and he was in PT for torticollis and that was an exercise they told us to do with him to strengthen it :) I agree with the let down, but it gets better.. the water was OMG how didn’t my husband understand I needed water as soon as I went to nurse (and of course I forgot it all the time). THe night sweats are NO joke. It’s insane. They also get better in a couple weeks. Then the hair starts falling out, ha. My son was a better night sleeper than my daughter pretty much from the start, but with my daughter (she’s 2), my husband used to say I was so much fun because I was hilariously sleep deprived. I was just more comical and made more jokes because I needed so much sleep, ha!


So I nursed all 4 of my kids while also working out and/or running. If I didn’t have time to shower before they NEEDED to eat, then I would grab baby wipes and at least get the salt off of me so they wouldn’t make faces when trying to latch on. Ha ha! I never found a really great nursing sports bra so I would just run in a size bigger and again, when I didn’t have time to change, I would just pull it up and off both my boobs and hold a wipe or burp cloth over my non-nursing side so that I wasn’t spraying while they nursed on the other side. I always have a cover handy when in public so it wasn’t a huge deal. It’s not my favorite way to nurse, but t got the job done. ? I nursed my last while training and racing St George marathon and BQ’d and PR’d by 12 mi . So it’s possible to do both. I always try to make sure I’m fueling my runs correctly and do both fueled and fasting long runs in a regular training cycle…but I never did fasted runs while nursing and I tried to up my liquid intake with extra water in the run, more than I normally would drink. Not a ton, but like an extra 6-8 oz more than what I would have brought when not nursing. Good luck! Skye is adorable!


The night/daily extra sweating started the first night after having each of my girls. Like it was no joke ridiculous. My hair would be drenched and I couldn’t figure out if I was hot or cold. And then the hunger and thirst were out of control, especially when they hit growth spurts. I always carry extra snacks for me in the diaper bag because that hunger comes out of nowhere and for me if I didn’t eat fast enough, would get super lightheaded and feel like I was about to pass out. Crazy what hormones and breastfeeding do!

I bought a couple nursing sports bras but I only wore those when I was lifting or was just lounging around for the day because they honestly didn’t give a ton of support.
As far as breastfeeding and running – every morning I would pump (about an hour before they would typically wake up) and then as soon as I was done, I would go run on the treadmill. When it came to longer runs, I’d do the same thing but sometimes would have to feed them not too long after I was done – talk about gross. I’d always feel so bad that I was so sweaty but they don’t care. They just want the milk.
The other thing I swear by that helped my milk supply was lactation cookies. I would make a double batch and then freeze them. So anytime after a long run or speed work, I’d eat one (and drink a ton of water) to make sure to help boost my milk supply.
Here is the website I made from. Honestly these are the best and the healthiest ones I have seen. I make them for all my friends having babies and they love them and swear by these cookies too.


I exclusively breastfed my second for 14 months. I went back to work at 7 weeks, ran Boston at 12 weeks postpartum, and two more marathons during that period. I had no issues with supply but made sure to fuel appropriately with both calories and fluid. I usually pumped/bf right before running in the morning and again right after, usually when getting ready for work. I used a hand pump to pump near the start line before the marathons. I think for keeping supply up overall it’s more important to nurse/pump more frequently rather than less frequently for a longer periods of time. Email me if you have more questions/want more advice!


One other thing: bf can temporarily lower bone density due to suppressed estrogen, so I kept my mileage very low despite completing the three marathons in order to stay injury free. I am part of a large fb group of physicians who nursed or are nursing which I learned a ton from, so again feel to free to reach out with specific questions. And p.s. I have that same green jacket from Costco : ).


Yes to the low bone density concern! I got a stress fracture once I started running again after 6 weeks. Then I was in a boot and had to delay running for another 3 weeks. So my advice, take it slow once you are cleared again! Avoid the boot at all costs!

Also, both my children loved sweaty boobs. LOL! No issues there.


Dude! Have followed you for a long time but never commented! My little one is 8 months now and I just wanted to say she’s running around, exploring, etc., and I held her pretty much constantly when she was just born. Point being it didn’t make her dependent or seem to negatively affect her at all. So enjoy and don’t feel guilty! She’s beautiful!


Yes the sweating!!!! I was So relieved when we moved Aiden into his own room a couple of weeks ago because I could start sleeping with the window open! Another major change for me after having the baby has been hair loss! I literally lose handfuls every time I wash it!! I’m hoping this stops soon…!!! But those sweet babies are worth it so I’ll take a little hair loss haha!


YES to the night sweats! YES to the thirst while breastfeeding. NO you cannot hold her too much :)
You’re doing great!


First time commenting but I had to come and say that I also did a lot of night time sweating after both my kids. Night time sweating, then hair loss… I definitely define glamour when I’m post-partum!
That photo of your 2 girls asleep on you is very sweet. It brings back a lot of beautiful memories.


OMG I totally had the night sweats while breastfeeding. They ended when I stopped breastfeeding. The thirst thing is also real. Like all of a sudden you are trapped in a desert! When you start back running the thirst thing will get worse! I did find that increasing my mileage while breastfeeding did affect my supply. But fenugreek supplements helped.


Yes on the sweating! I remember a few months in waking up with wet pjs and sheets because I had sweat so much. It was bizarre! I agree it’s hormones.


After my second child, I would wake up drenched in sweat. I blamed it on the hormones. Eventually it resolved. However, when women now say to me, “you’re to young to understand a hot flash”, I relate to them that story.

As for your comment on holding Skye all the time, DO IT! I held my first for the entire 12 weeks of maternity leave. Then constantly when I would arrive home from work. He turned 18 today. Time flies too quickly to not love on them every available moment.


I had the worst night sweats. I always kept a change of clothes beside my bed so I wouldn’t freeze while I was up nursing him. My hubby would get up and change him and I would change me, grab water, and get comfy in my chair.


I don’t have children but I saw on Instagram this awesome woman’s fitness clothing brand just launched a line of nursing sports bras. The brand is Senitas. I haven’t purchased anything from them but a few girls I know have their normal sports bras and they love them. :)

Skye is the sweetest little thing and I just love how teeny she is, too!!


Oh my now that you say that, I remember sweating at night like CRAZY those first couple weeks!! Terrible night sweats. Hormones are so weird!! I’m glad things are going well and you’re getting the hang of things! Skye is absolutely adorable :)


I’ve heard that of you nurse after you exercise, your baby will get some of those hormones and be hyped up, so it’s best to nurse right before (and also for the reason of not being full o milk).
I did a loose baby wise schedule with my kids, which means that I didn’t really follow their timing guidelines, but always fed the baby when they woke up, not to put them to sleep. And I would cuddle and rock them to get them to sleep, but lay them down while still slightly awake so they would learn to fall do that on their own. I think it’s a good way to help them set their own schedule. We weren’t clock watchers, but we had a routine.
Nobody ever told me that I would ever leak while nursing. First child was a disaster, but I learned that I like lansinol disposable pads best.
When I had my third child, I didn’t go anywhere for a year. Not that I couldn’t, I was just a little older (26! Ha!) and really didn’t want to! It was nice to be in that comfortable place. But I still don’t want to go anywhere.
With my first baby, somebody told me that crying (especially evening (while you’re trying to cook dinner) crying) peaks at 6 weeks. I think “the no-cry sleep solution” book says that too. So it was just easier if I surrendered to it and realized I can make it through anything for 6 weeks. Sometime after that you’ll start regaining rest. At least you’ll find a new normal.


And yes, I sweated a lot and had to wash the sheets a lot. And I love my new bra from lulu lemon. I don’t remember the name but it was $98 so of course it’s the best bra I’ve ever owned.


I sweated like crazy… in the middle of winter! It was SO bad, I remember changing sheets in the middle of the night!


I just have to say, I am SUPER impressed that you have maintained the blog throughout all of this! I know it takes a lot of work and I love reading the updates!

I listened to part of your Ali on the Run podcast today—and I’m currently 19 weeks pregnant so I’m paying close attention to all of your posts! It makes me sad that you have to deal with people criticizing your parenting—so I thought I would just say you’re doing great momma!


So interesting reading about your experience post-partum! So much stuff isn’t talked about very much so those of us who haven’t been through it yet have no idea what to expect! So i appreciate that you’re open about your journey! Also, I love the new way of holding Skye! I will have to try it out the next time I’m around a newborn! ?


I totally had the sweating thing too. I’ve heard it’s because your blood volume doubles or it might just be x1.5 when you’re pregnant so when the baby is born you diurese out all the additional fluid. So peeing heaps and sweating loads to get out all the extra fluid. And the drinking one thing! The second I would start breast feeding I would need to down a whole litre of water! Just ridiculous. I love reading all your post party posts. And Skye is so beautiful.

Also as far as breastfeeding sports bras go, there is a brand called cadenshae which has sport bras made for breastfeeding. I never used them for running, more for just regular around the house stuff but I’ve hear good things about them for exercising. Xx


I used sports bras that were on their last legs, and they easily stretched up/over for nursing.

Any tips on breastfeeding and running? For the first two years I had to use two sports bras while running, but for my third year of nursing I could get away with just one. My biggest tips are to work i the running around the baby. Prior to my son I liked to run first thing in the morning, but after having him Inwaited until he was up and nursed, then I would put him in the running stroller and head out the door!

There is NO SUCH THING as holding Skye TOO much. Hold her as much as you want, and as much as you can. Babies cannot get too much love or affection.


Yes to the immediate thirst when starting to nurse! It’s crazy! Glad BF is going so well for you!

I don’t own a sports bra specifically for nursing (yet). With my first, I thought I would always just shower and change first, but then I realized I am not always that fast or get distracted doing other things that needed to be done, and when baby wants to eat, baby wants to eat! So I would just pull the bra up and feed that way. But Senita just launched a new line with nursing bras and tops and I would love to try them! I have some of their regular clothes and love them! I was teammates with the girls who started it, and they are amazing too!!


I actually preferred to wear my same sports bras because they were a little more snug, therefore held the girls down while running pretty darn well! I would highly recommend these bras that I found at Walmart after having my last baby though. They are sports bra material and have a snap on the strap so they are nursing friendly. I wouldn’t workout in them because they are so thing and light, but it literally feels like you’re wearing nothing.

The thirst when nursing has been unreal (mine is 5 months and we’re still nursing). I am ALWAYS hungry! I don’t anymore, but I can remember the sweating when nursing at the beginning. I am pretty sure I took my shirt off a few times! The other thing, that will not stop is the itching…my boobs itch like CRAZY!


I got INSANE night sweats after my first (but not my second). It’s apparently normal and is a great way for your body to get rid of any of that retained water from pregnancy. And with both my kids, the second I sat down to nurse I realized I was so thirsty too! I think we’re just so busy caring for others that the moment we have a second to pause (when we’re nursing, i.e. still taking care of others haha) we notice the thirst! Keep enjoying the newborn stage. You can’t hold a baby too much! It goes so fast.


Oh my goodness, I had awful night sweats for probably 4 after I had my first child. I would sleep in as little clothing as possible and still wake up having sweat through the sheets. I remember looking it up and finding out it is very normal, just another fun hormonal thing that luckily went away!

And yes, breastfeeding makes you super thirsty all the time. Good luck!


I wore sports bras almost constantly when I was on maternity leave, and honestly my regular ones were fine for nursing as long as the band on the bottom wasn’t too tight, and I just tucked nursing pads into them. When I went back to work, I would wake up and pump, leave a bottle just in case he woke up while I was running, and then go for a run. I liked (and still like) getting my run done early in the morning while he was still sleeping so I didn’t miss more awake time with him. Running actually didn’t seem to affect my supply at all, but I always ate a ton! I’m 15 weeks with baby #2 right now, and I’m hoping things go as smoothly the second time around!

Also, I forgot about the thirst thing until you mentioned it, but it is so true and weird! I would start DYING of thirst as soon as I started nursing or pumping and never heard of anyone else say that until now!


I’m 27 weeks pregnant and my skin has been worse than EVER during pregnancy. I’m having a girl and they say the girls steal your beauty ;) I’m hoping it will clear up after birth? Also, what netflix shows are you enjoying? Making my list for when baby comes :)


You are doing great! And I agree, the first 3 months, the smallest thing was too overwhelming to think about! I stayed at home so much too and (I think) that is the reason my dude was never sick as a small baby. And see that precious baby is just TUGGING at my ovaries…and I have a 8 month old. (Must.Wait.Until.After.Ski.Trip.) = my mantra lol

Post pregnancy sweats and skin are the worst! I am like you, pregnancy did WONDERS for my skin! I just picked up some good ol’ salycilic (sp?) facewash like the teenage years and it did help! Also, wipe down your face in the morning with an astringent or toner… even a makeup remover cloth. My face was super oily in the AM so cleaning it with a quick wipe down helped combat breakouts.


My little girl was born just before Skye. She is 6 weeks this week. Re:white noise… yes!! Elliana sleeps so much better with noise. We vacuum while she sleeps. The dogs can bark at the door and she doesn’t wake or seem surprised. We are actually using a white noise machine and night and are finding great benefits (longer sleeps).

Love that are girls are at similar stages.


Yes! I sweat like a crazy person postpartum. I thought there was something wrong with me! haha.
I never quite figured out a good sports bra for breastfeeding/running/working out. Of course, I bought a million new ones and none of them fit anymore since I’m done breastfeeding haha.
As far as BF and running, I never had any issues. I trained for a marathon pretty soon after baby, and he refused a bottle. I ate a LOT and ate while running, which was new to me. I would snack while on the treadmill or eat something substantial, like a cliff bar, before bed. I really don’t think I’ve ever eaten that much in my life. I also followed up every long run with a big bowl of oatmeal with flax, chia and sometimes brewers yeast to help my supply. It worked for me! Plus TONS of water.
I also avoided supplements. I’d love to hear some of your readers opinions on that–but I was too nervous to try anything but Nuun or Honeystingers which are organic and natural, while breastfeeding.


Skye is so adorable — keep taking advantage of the baby stage and hold her all day if you want!

And keep drinking lots of water! When my second child was a baby (older, I think about 6 or 7 months) I had a virus of some sort and the combination of that and breastfeeding like crazy (my kids did not want solids at that age) resulted in me on the couch one day, stiff as a board in agony (like I would imagine rigor mortis to feel like!)…it must have lasted a couple minutes at least — I could not move! So listen to your body and drink drink drink!!! Especially when you start running again, and as Skye gets older.

I don’t think I answered any of your questions! Keep up the great work — you both are amazing parents!

(P.S. I re-read all of your posts last night about when you ran Boston. I am going in April and am so excited!!)


I found a great DASKAN NOW sports bra at Walmart that clasps in front in the middle that was super supportive and easy to nurse if needed. sometimes I took my baby on a walk to get coffee and then he needed to nurse while at the coffee shop- I HIGHLY recommend the DRIA nursing cover- great coverage.

I ran and nursed through 17 months and still nurse a little morning and night and ran 5 days a week. My biggest advice is keep up the water and good nutrition. I literally ate oatmeal every morning bc oats are good for milk production. I still do and add protein powder and almond butter to it.

I sweat in the middle of night right after having my baby as well. Its normal I hear. I still wake up sweating to this day but not nearly as much thankfully!

She’s adorable! So happy for you!


Here is the sports bra. I had smaller frame like you so medium impact worked for me. I felt like I needed TONS of support with nursing bc they were huge and this worked well. I stayed true to size.


Skye is beautiful and you are doing amazing!
My tips for running while nursing are: (1) I wore two sports bras…that was the most comfortable for me! (2) Nurse before running. THat helps eases the discomfort fro the bouncing. (3) I was very relaxed with my running at first. I definitely treated as my me time. I wasn’t watching time and very gradually got back into it. I actually found i had a hard time keeping my weight up, particularly as they start consuming more ounces a day, so I was careful to eat calorie/nutrient dense foods. Which also left room for lots of milk and cookies! :-)

Good luck! You will do amazing!


Yes and yes to the night sweating and the extreme thirst. I was right there with you on those! My husband also took over a middle of the night feeding with a pumped bottle and it helped a lot with my exhaustion.
And for sports bras, I used a regular sports bra and just pull up one side. Not ideal, but I tried a Brooks sports bra that has adjustable straps (the Rebound Racer, which I love for running), and unstrapping and restrapping it just took more time and was frustrating.


Cake Lingerie makes great nursing sports bras. I wore mine long after I was done nursing because I liked it so much! You can convert it from a normal strap style to a racerback without even taking it off, which was a feature I didn’t know I would love until I used it. And they are cute!


I remember sweating at night and my mom said they were ‘night sweats’ and your body is trying to get rid of all the extra water weight from pregnancy and the IV they put in you at delivery. I believed her until I started typing this out and now it sounds kinda loony. Oh well. I guess you know at least you aren’t alone, whatever the reason.

We had an app on my phone that played white noise like the blow dryer or vacuum. It was getting real old running the vacuum all day. Haha. Felicity loved the noise as well and would calm right down. It probably helped that it drowned out the noise of her very loud siblings.

I am just so dang glad everything is going well for you guys. Even if I think you are just way too gorgeous looking for being sleep deprived and just having a baby. I’m just jealous. It’s okay.


I didn’t run a ton when breastfeeding (I struggled a lot with getting back into the exercise routine). I just wore normal sports bras, but I tried to make sure to nurse or pump (on both sides) RIGHT before leaving for a run – it made it much more comfortable for sure! With the added benefit of leaving a well-fed baby behind, or a stash of milk for the caretaker staying home with baby.

Post partum hormones are crazy – they left me super emotional, and I remember sweating a lot at night too (but strangely, not until 4 or 5 months). I’d wake up with a soaking wet shirt. Like, I’d have to change my shirt when I woke up to nurse. I looked it up and it’s a thing apparently – post-partum/nursing hormones can result in night sweats.


Lots of babies and toddlers love noise machines while sleeping.


Oh those baby cuddle!! You are so right to enjoy every one you can get :) I didn’t really start running again until my little one was quite a bit older – the gym was more my thing then but not particularly high impact so I just wor my old sports bras. I remember going out for one run fairly early on and being grateful I had taken a secluded path as I had to run holding everything in place!!!


Oh Janae, she’s just precious!
I have to have my giant cup from the hospital next to me whenever I’m nursing. I can be perfectly fine but as soon as he starts nursing, I feel SO thirsty!
For a sports bra, I like the Knockout from Victoria’s Secret. It’s made for high-impact exercise so it’s very supportive and it zips in the front which makes it really convenient for nursing.


You need a white noise machine stat! And one that doesn’t shut off after like 15 minutes. Newborns LOVE white noise. It should be like a dull roar (louder than you think it should be). Also, take a newborn sleep class…! This was SUCH A LIFESAVER for me as a nursing mom who returned to full time work 12 weeks postpartum. I have—no joke, since I was a newborn myself haha—always needed a ton of sleep. The class we took helped us create a great sleeper in our daughter and for sure prevented her from ever going thru the four month sleep regression.


Yes I sweated postpartum too. That’s normal. As is extreme hunger. I agree it’s crazy how hungry I was nursing.
I used brooks bra not sure the style for rUnning. It had Velcro straps to tighten or loosen as necessary and it helped with nursing because you could lower one side. I hated pulling bras up to my neck. I also had one from old navy I think that was a sports bra nursing bra with the hooks that has easy pull down. It wasn’t strong enough for running but good for everyday wear especially with T-shirt around the house.
I think it’s grest you’re holding Skye so much! I put my second baby down a lot because I had a needy 2 year old at that point but enjoy holding her as she will be big soon enough.


Oh yes, I definitely used to have a lot of night sweats after both of my daughters were born. It tapered off after awhile. And I could not get enough water when I was breastfeeding either!!


My baby loves white noise, too — when he’s crying, a nice loud “ssshhhh” does the trick if I’m not near the vacuum or his white noise machine.
I am 8 weeks post-partum and am still changing my pjs overnight and sleeping on a towel because of sweating! I’m hoping it tapers off soon because it’s really annoying.
I only wear my sports bra while I’m exercising, so I haven’t had the need to find a “nursing friendly” style. I don’t like the idea of wearing a tight bra for very long — especially a sweaty one.
My running/exercising routine involves feeding my baby to empty my breasts (I’ll even sometimes pump after he eats to get them extra empty), then I either hand him to my husband or wait until he’s down for a nap to go run. It’s frigid here so I can’t take him with me, and my treadmill is in the basement which would be super boring for him. If my husband can’t watch him or if I don’t feel like waiting for his nap, I’ll pop him in the bouncer seat and he gets to watch me do a youtube workout video. He’s in the smiling stage now, which is so fun! Then, when I see him yawning, I just pause the video, get him to nap, and either resume the video or go downstairs on the treadmill with the baby monitor in hand. Granted, this method is only working for me because I’m still on maternity leave. Once I go back to work and school, things will change dramatically.


Try a white noise app / cuddly toy in with her at night. We swore by it for both ours and they still have it on now. I think they sell a white noise gadget on amazon so you can take it with you and you aren’t relying on your phone being with her!


Hi Janae! First of all, I think Skye looks JUST like Brooke when she was a baby (I’ve been following your blog for years now!). Secondly, if Skye doesn’t mind noise, you definitely need to get her this sound machine. It’s just white noise, but it’s amazing and soothing. I take it with me everywhere, even when I go out of town. A friend of mine has 4 kids, and from the moment they came home from the hospital, she had it in their rooms and as they’ve grown up, they each have one now. I can’t live without it!


I’m five months pp and exclusively breastfeeding, and the night sweats were no joke! I changed pjs so many times. Luckily they have calmed down a bit due to the drops in estrogen – which also means my hair has started to fall out. I started running about 3.5 weeks pp and honestly felt pretty good! The paces came right back!


Definitely Brooks bras! The Rebound Racer is my favorite. So easy for nursing.


Rebound Racer bra for my last kiddo. I would try to nurse first, then head straight out the door for a run (sometimes on my own but 90% of the time with baby in the stroller). Sometimes I would make it home before the next feeding, sometimes not…I truly don’t remember how many times I sat down on a bench along the LG Creek Trail, or in front of Target or the library, and nursed for a bit, then finished running. Make it work for you…and start out slower than you think you need to. All those ligament relaxing hormones are still in your body and allow weird aches and pains to develop while you’re building strength back up.


You can use PanOxyl on your face for acne. Some other products you can’t use when nursing or pregnant, but my dermatologist recommended that one for me.

Yes you are going to sweat a lot at night as your body is getting rid of all the excess water from when you were pregnant. You can see a chart where it shows where the 25-30lbs came from.

Get one of those GIABT 100oz water containers from Maverick! The best when nursing! :)


Oh I forgot! The sports bra-the Juno from moving comfort! Not only is it amazing at keeping the girls high and tight, the Velcro straps makes nursing so easy! Pretty much the only thing I wore when nursing. I didn’t like actual nursing bras. I felt that they didn’t have enough support.


Agreed on Juno. The velcro straps were perfect for easy feeds. I think I was able to find it deeply discounted on Sierra Trading post so I didn’t feel to bad about spending the money on the bra when the ladies shrunk back down.

My nursing while running strategy early on: nurse, swaddle, place in rock n’ play next to treadmill, run (baby loved to sleep to the sound), as soon as the TM stopped, bathroom, baby wakes up, nurse, and go about the day. You will notice the lack of shower in that schedule. That is not a mistake. Shower occurs when husband is available.

When you finally escape the house: all routes must have water fountains and you carry a handheld or the thirst monster will get you.


Oh yes, the postpartum night sweats!! I got those after each baby! I would wake up so wet sometimes I would have to change my clothes! And I’m the exact same way with thirst and nursing! The second my milk lets down I want to drink from a fire hydrant. It’s the craziest thing!


Night sweats after having a baby are real! I’m always cold and never ever get hot at night! But after I had my son I woke up drenched in sweat on more than one occasional in the first couple of months! Youve got such a beautiful family, and your positivity is contagious! Thanks for being a bright spot in the world!


I was the EXACT same way with nursing- the moment I sat down it was like I was dying of thirst. So crazy. When I started running again I had to make lactation cookies to help with my supply. They are so yummy too!


Janae, I thought of you when I saw this blog post about returning to running after having a baby. I think there are some great considerations here.

Hope you have a great day and an even better night’s sleep ;)


Just had my second baby in November and can totally relate to so many things. The night sweats are crazy! I usually wake up drenched. This happened with my last baby too. Definitely hormone related. The thirst with nursing is also hormone related. Let down hormones literally trigger that thirst response which is kind of crazy but also cool because it’s another amazing things our bodies do to ensure successful nursing for mama and baby! Sounds like you’re doing a great job!


These pictures are precious! The public health nurse told us to try turning on the vacuum when our babe was having a tough time sleeping. Miracle! I ended up downloading Deep Sleep Pro from the app store. Her favourite is brown noise and even 10 months later, she still uses it for her naps and throughout the night. Lifesaver!! Congratulations! Enjoy all those baby cuddles. There’s definitely no such thing as holding her too much! :)


Yes to the sweating! All three times! I retain a ton of water while pregnant, plus I read that your body creates 50% more blood volume when pregnant and sweating is part of releasing that extra fluid to get down to your normal amount once you’re no longer the blood supply for baby.


I had crazy night sweats with both of my kids… they lasted 2-3 months for each. With my older son, I got them again when I weaned him. I haven’t weaned my other son yet but assuming they’ll come back! I ended up sleeping in a nursing bra and shorts and sleeping on a towel. But yea, soaking sheets!
As others have said, I bought a few sports bras in one size up when nursing. I liked the oiselle traction bra because it was thin but supportive, but not sure they have that in their current line.
We have the dohm white noise machine and it’s a total game changer for sleep. (Well, my 4-month old doesn’t really sleep, but it’s a game changer for my toddler!). Sounds like Skye may like it if she likes the vacuum!


i remember sleeping on a towel to soak up the sweat b/c otherwise would soak the sheets. it was uncomfortable but what can you do? you can’t keep changing sheets all the time!


Any great sports bras that you would recommend that are easy for nursing? PLEASE SHARE!
i really like reebok sports bras. i would use nipple silicone covers to protect from chafing when i was b-feeding. i couldn’t do it without those.

Any tips on breastfeeding and running? How did it all work for you?
just to make sure to not run while engorged even slightly. being engorged is uncomfortable enough, running is just torture. it’s like running with rocks. my routine was always nurse, empty both sides, drink a ton of water, use the bathroom to pee, and then go.

What sort of strange things happened to you postpartum due to hormones? Anyone else sweat like crazy?
yes i sweat like crazy i thought it was b/c i was nursing all the time.


Hey! Congrats to you, so happy for your new addition. Everything you’re saying is valid and completely a thing – the sweats, the skin etc.

When you get back into running, I’d go after a pump/feeding so you don’t have these huge heavy boobs, and then make sure you’re eating and drinking more than enough. You should not have any issue with it affecting your supply in that case! Good luck on your journey back!


Nursing/sports bras – Brooks/moving comfort has the Juno or something like that with the velcro adjustments in front. Those were a life saver! When i got to run, my son would need to nurse as soon as I got in, didn’t matter the distance/time he was always hungry.
Running+Nursing = I ate all the food, and drank all the water. I felt like you mentioned – dying of thirst as soon as my son would start to nurse. I seriously drank GALLONS of water every day. And ate ALL The food. My husband said he thinks formula would be cheaper just based on the amount of extra food I ate while nursing and running. So keep lots of good, filling snacks around – like nuts, fruit, and peanut butter…
I had hot and cold flashes after giving birth. I’d wake up totally soaked from sweat, then a few hours later, freezing to death. It was insane.

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