Skye Update (6 WEEKS)!!

Our little Skye is almost six weeks old now.  Like all parents say… TIME IS FLYING BY.   Some say that at 6 weeks, the newborn stage is over but I’m just going to pretend that isn’t a thing;)

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*Skye LOVES baths (at least I think she does).  She seems so chill and relaxed with the warm water rushing over her.

*I only call Skye Brooke about 20% of the time now ha.  Between being a little tired and just so used to saying Brooke, Skye gets called Brooke often.  I’m hoping that with time (and sleep) I get better at not mixing everyone’s name up (I also have called Knox Andrew a few dozen times lately).

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*Brooke is constantly making little presents for Skye and putting them in her crib.  It’s been really fun to watch the kids thinking about things they can do for Skye.

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*Skye kept her socks on for a solid 13.2 minutes the other day which is a huge record for her.  Usually those things are kicked off within seconds of me putting them on (she doesn’t get that habit from me, I love wearing socks).

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*Breastfeeding is still going well.  I am able to freeze about 5-6 ounces a day in addition to feeding Skye which I’m happy about.  For me personally I think it was really important for me to take the first six weeks off from exercise (other than walking) to help establish my milk supply.   With Brooke I never made more milk than what Brooke needed but this time around has been different.

I sure do NOT miss those fun cramps that happened each time I fed Skye right after having her.  Next time I am in a race and I am thinking about how bad I hurt I will remember those cramps and remind myself that I lived through those so I can surely keep going during the race.   I also don’t feel the milk let-down as much as I used to which I’ve read means that my body is just becoming more efficient with feeding.  I don’t miss that feeling at all either ha.

Below is an accurate description of how I feel (just replace two hours with one hour).   It’s bizarre.  I’m not quite as thirsty as I was for those first few weeks after having Skye but the hunger only seems to get more and more intense.   Our grocery bill has gone way up because of this side effect ha.

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*It definitely feels like we are getting to a place where we have figured things out a bit more.  Those first few weeks are crazy trying to remember/figure out every little thing for these new little beings but it seems like things are settling a bit over here.  We even have a bit of a schedule (which will probably now go out the window just because I said something about it;).  We understand more what makes her happy (what doesn’t make her happy), how to feed her and how to attempt sleep.  Right now during the night she eats every three hours and sometimes 4 hours if we are really lucky.  This seems way more doable for me though coming from when she was waking up every 2 hours to eat!  I feel more like a human but still a little tired.

*Andrew asked for my birthday list (my bday is next month) and it looks like this:

1.  To sleep the entire night (either the night before my bday or the night of).  I will have plenty of bottles pumped for him and I’m going to sleep downstairs ha.  It sounds ridiculous but that is literally all I want… just one night of sleep (and I’m sure I’ll wake up and pump a few times but it is going to feel so good).

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*It is so interesting to me to see how interested Skye is in Brooke and Knox.  A few minutes before this picture Skye was crying and then the kids started dancing in front of her and then she was happy again.  I then tried dancing in front of her and she started crying again which hurt my pride a little (a lot) bit.

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*She no longer fits in any of her newborn clothing and her cheeks are chunking up!  I love it!

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*My hair… if it is within arms reach, Skye will grab it and hold on with every ounce of strength in her body.

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*And just like after having Brooke, my period picked up exactly 28 days after birth ha.  I was hoping to have a little bit longer of a break after having Skye from dealing with that but nope, the cramps/tears/need for chocolate were INSANE this time too!

*I LOVE catching her little grins when she is asleep.  She hasn’t really smiled outside of when she is asleep but the small grins while she is asleep make us very happy! Update—> she gave me a smile today and I melted!

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*I love when she puts her little hand on her face when she is asleep.  For some reason it just seems so dramatic to me and like she must be so exhausted after only sleeping 14 hours of the day so far;)

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*She naps best when she is on one of us.  Having Skye has really taught me to slow down during the day.  To take time to just be present in the moment with her.  I love feeling her body move up against mine, to hear her little breaths, to stare at her little facial features… I love taking time during the day to just be and study her.

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*I really do think Skye recognizes our faces at this point which is really fun to see (and to feel like she knows me and I’m important to her)!

*HER COOS MELT ALL OF OUR HEARTS.  If she makes a coo when we are all in the same room together it is hilarious because we are all dying over it (especially the kids).  I think she knows how much we love it and she saves them for when she wants a lot of attention from all of us all at once.

*Brooke and Knox are convinced she is the girl version of Boss Baby.


TMI question (because I overshare so I try to make you overshare too;)… when did you have your period again after having your baby/babies?

Do you remember when your kids started to socially smile more?  How old were they?  I CAN’T WAIT! 

Who has a baby right now?  How old are they?  I want to hear about some of the new things that your little one is doing!

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Aw Happy 6-Week Bday!!


I feel like everyone is saying time is flying by and honestly…it is! It’s crazy. A few of my friends have recently had children and that is my extent of children.

Are you asking for anything running related for your birthday?


I’m 5.5 months PP and still no period. I gasped when I read that about you! So sorry. Jack is a smiling goon lately. He was slow to start smiling, but now he grins non-stop. He is just starting to give us belly laughs and wow do they melt my heart. Jack is about a day away from mastering sitting unsupported. Right now we get a lot of tip-overs, but he is so close. I can’t wait for you to start running! My first run back was tough – center of gravity was a bit off, but getting those endorphins pumping is amazing.


My period did not return for 3 months after breastfeeding and I breastfed the year. So, 15 months……..and a perk……but bodies just do their thing so yours is just ready to cycle.


I’m 8 months pp and still don’t have my period yet – so very lucky!


If your period came back at 38 days, how long did you bleed after her birth?! With my first I bled for what felt like 6 weeks – I vaguely remember thinking that I would have to cancel my appointment but remembered I wasn’t having a Pap. People said I bled so much because I labored and had a c-section but I bled just as much with my c-section only kid. And it was s lot of bleeding which contributed to me wanting to stay home all the time and wearing black pants :( I think with my first I got it back at 6 months when I stopped pumping and went on the regular pill. With #2 I honestly don’t remember! I pumped for 9 months with him so it could have been that long (I didn’t go back on the pill after him).

Looking forward to reading about you running again!


It was 12 months before I got mine! I feel so bad for you getting it after 28 days! Breastfeeding totally kicked my period to the curb.
She is precious and I totally get wanting a full night’s sleep. More precious than diamonds, for sure!


My period came back after i was done breastfeeding! So around 16 months with my first and 15 months for my second. Crazy!!! Two boys, 3.5 years and almost 1.5 :)!


My “baby” will be 17 years old in March. :-(
When she was actually an infant, we couldn’t keep socks on her long, skinny feet. Finally had to resort to baby slippers with toggles in the back.


Ugh…28 days?! My period didn’t return until at least a month or two after I finished nursing. I nursed my 4 until they were 12-15 months old.


Umm what 28 days!! I weaned my daughter at 5 months and it was still 2 months before I got my period! Actually right before I got it I started crying thinking I must be pregnant since it wasn’t coming. That should have been my clue I had PMS haha. Funny the girl talk topics we enjoy discussing ?


Love following along with your updates! I was due on December 15th like you and my little guy came December 7th the day before Skye :)


Yikes 28 days is crazy! I think I was still having some bleeding 4 weeks PP. It’s interesting how all of our bodies are so different.
Skye is getting so big! That’s too cute that she like watching Brooke and Knox and how much they love her.
Chase gave a few smiles at 4 weeks (early, I know) but really started giving big grins around 6 weeks so hopefully Skye will soon!
He’s almost 10 weeks now (how is that possible?!) and every day with him is more fun than the last. He gives huge smiles, especially when I get him out of bed in the morning, makes eye contact, and recognizes me when someone else is holding him, which I think is so cool. He found his voice and “talks” all the time, especially when I take too long getting him out of bed in the morning haha.


My daughter is 3 months this week and I think she started really smiling at the 2 month mark. I feel like it’s all she does now! She rolled over for the first time this week too! We still have no schedule and it’s driving me insane. I need to know what time I’m going to bed at night! Thankfully she sleeps through the night most of the time. Period came back a month after breastfeeding stopped (it didn’t work out for us at all) and it was 16 days long. Yeah.


Oh man you poor thing! I didn’t get mine back until after 6 months which is when I went to formula. Gahh I cannot believe you got it that quickly! Skye is so cute and I hope the night stretches get a little bit better for you!


20 weeks PP, and still no period (no complaints from me!!). Trying to build up my freezer milk supply now, since I go back to work in a few more months.

My little one is SO SASSY- she is rolling around like a maniac and trying to crawl, and she grunts and yells when she’s not happy about something. We’re trying to transition her to her crib now (she was previously in a bassinet in our room) and it’s not going great – but we’ll get there!!!


Woah! 28 days…! I didn’t even realize that was possible, pregnancy is so different for everyone!! First baby– 1 year later. Second baby– 10 months!


My daughter, Addison, just turned 8 weeks today…and I have a 5 year old as well. This past week and a half or so her smiles are totally more intentional and social. She smiles at her sister all day long! Also, she just found her hands and when she sits propped up and has something fun on her feet that catches her eye, she thinks it’s the best. I had totally forgotten about this phase since it’s been 5 years since I’ve done it!


I didn’t get my period back until I quit breastfeeding after a year. Sorry you only got a short little break! But hooray for being able to pump extra to freeze! Happy 6 weeks Skye!


My baby is almost 11 months and I still haven’t gotten my period back (thank goodness!). All of my babies it’s been about a year when I got it back. That stinks you got it back so soon. My little one is starting to stand and walk while holding onto the couches. I think she started socially smiling 2-3 months, I loved it. Skye is so precious, I love the updates.


Skye is so precious and I always love seeing updates about her – she is adorable <3

This is super random but I feel like I remember you mentioning that Skye really likes the sound of the vacuum cleaner? I follow a photography account and there's a white noise app with the sound of a vacuum on it that the photographer uses to calm newborns down during baby photo shoots. Not sure how helpful that is but maybe it would help a bit with sleep?


My Little one is 11 weeks now and I still dont have my period back. I’ve heard that’s it comes back after stopping breastfeeding but now I see it doesn’t have to be true;-) 6 weeks pp I Had Just finished the pp bleeding . Every body is so different. Bug kiss for you and your family


I rarely ever comment, but I can’t let this go. You NEED to buy SOCK ONS. They seem like they won’t work, but they do. Kept my babies’ socks on when they were brand new up until age two or so. Worth every penny.


Wow, 28 days!? I think I bled longer than that just from birth. I think I bled for about 6 weeks just from giving birth. I only breast fed for about 3 months and my period started about 2-3 weeks after I stopped breastfeeding. Before I got pregnant I had horribly painful awful periods. I had to miss work the day my period started because I had such extreme pain from it. After birth my periods were not painful anymore! Huge bonus!!


Ugh, girl!! My period returned within a month, too! Both times! I thought it would be different breastfeeding my second instead of exclusively pumping and I was wrong. BE CAREFUL! I got pregnant very quickly with my 2nd, haha.

My 2nd was smiling a ton by 2 months. It was the best! He’ll be 5 months at the end of the month and he’s rolling like crazy and can sit unassisted for a few minutes at a time. He also loved apples and butternut squash. I’ve been freezing some breastmilk cubes for his mesh feeder to help him with teething and he loves that, too! :)

Happy 6 weeks, Skye! I hope your appointment goes well this week, Janae!


Wow she is pretty darn adorable. Gotta love those sweet little baby sounds and noises and habits. I think it’s so wonderful that you have a blog to document it all because you can look back in a few years and remember what day to day life was like with a newborn. And I really relate to Brooke and Knox. I was 3 when my first younger sister was born (I’m one of 5) and I thought she was the best. I loved playing with her and I thought I was basically her second mom (yes, I was 3) because my mom let me “help” with her. Have a great day!


She is such a cutie! She looks a lot like Brooke! My baby will be ONE on Sunday (cue dramatic Mama tears!). I was really lucky that I went until almost 11 months after she was born without a period….I’m so sorry you were not so lucky. The main reason I wanted to comment, my daughter has a 14 year old sister (my husband’s daughter, we don’t say “half sister”), and that sibling bond is indescribable. My stepdaughter has always had an instant calming effect on the baby. When she was newborn, she loved to sleep on her sister. And now, no one can make the baby smile and laugh like her sister does, it really is an incredible and beautiful thing to see! It looks like Skye’s older siblings have that same effect!


With both of mine my period didn’t come back till about 7-8 months when they started eating baby food. While I was exclusively nursing I didn’t have it. I guess I was really lucky!
I also was STARVING the entire time I nursed exclusively…I ate so much and a lot of junk too…..I didn’t workout at that time in my life. And yet I lost all my 50 lbs of baby weight plus 10 extra by the time they turned 1 year old. It was like Magic…..nursing burns a lot of calories! I miss that….LOL.


Oh yes, off topic…. White noise machines have been our best friend since birth. We all still use them to this day…..they also have phone apps that do this:)


I think after one gives birth, there is no such thing as TMI anymore ;) I’m 7 month PP and still no period. My daughter is starting to sleep through the night though, so I wonder if it’s going to come back. I reallyyyyyyyy hope not, I would love to nurse up to two years and it would be amazing to not have my period for that long :)

She’s so fun, she sits up, pets the dogs (on her own!!) laughs when you tickle her or make funny noises at her. She’s sleeping a TON better after I read the book Precious Little Sleep…. highly recommend when Skye is a little older :) We are dealing with a bit of separation anxiety, but that’s okay. It just means she loves her mama :)


I bled for about six weeks postpartum. I started my period 2 weeks later :(
So I guess 8 weeks postpartum?
I was exclusively breastfeeding at the time (not even pumping!).
I breastfed my son for about two years.


First, I Love you’re blog and it has really motivated me to get back into running! I used to run before I met my now husband and ever since then (4 years) I’ve been trying to get back into it.

I have a 5 week old baby, Adelynne. I found your blog when I was pregnant and have been reading it since then! She was born at 9lbs cesarean. I go to the doctor next week to hopefully get the green light to start working out more intensely. For now I’ve been doing strength upper body workouts and some walking. I live in the Chicagoland area so it has all be indoor workouts and the treadmill has been so boring to me lately!!

I ageee that I can’t wait for her to start smiling at me! She looks like she’s close but won’t give me a full smile!


WIth my first, I didn’t get my period until after I stopped breastfeeding, around 17-18 months. Despite exclusively breastfeeding (I’ve since started pumping), I noticed that I ovulated even while post-partum bleeding and had my period at 4 weeks, just a few days after the bleeding stopped. It was crazy!


Hi! I didn’t get my period until I stopped nursing- around 8 months! It was so freaking nice not to have it! My little one is 9 months (older brother is 4). She started smiling around 6 weeks. My 9 month old is all kinds of mobile and crazy now. She’s eating solids and we have somewhat of a more predictable schedule. I say somewhat, because times are never ever exact, but I know that she naps twice a day which is really nice. I’m glad you are enjoying the snuggles. They really do grow so fast. P.S. I bet you will be speedier than you ever were. Having kids gives you super powers. Especially when you know that you have to be back from a run to nurse her- those 40 minute, or however long you have to run, will be a crazy fast 40 min run! Whenever I bring the baby to the gym daycare, I run as fast as I possibly can because I don’t like to leave her for long. IT’s not great, but there’s zero warm up and cool down, just a crazy speedy run. I’m now faster than I ever was. Although I definitely don’t do long distances (most runs are less than 5 miles) -they are fast and I still get the great endorphin rush and alone time that I need to help me be a better momma. My running journey has changed, but while my kids are little, no marathons for me at this point. It’s extremely rare that I have more than an hour to run, but it’s sure better than nothing! You’re doing awesome momma!!!!!


I spotted around 5.5 and 7 months but no period until 8 months PP! Exclusively breastfeeding, but I think every mama is so different and it’s all hormonal! Freezing those extra ounces now is great because you’ll have a stash when she’s older and you won’t feel like you are unable to run long or leave for a few hours. I did the same thing. Your supply will really regulate by 3 months old or so, unless you keep pumping extra, so it’s key to do early on because with 3 kids finding time to pump extra beyond feeding Skye all day is tough.


So this is my third baby and my post partum bleeding was on and off for the first 2 months. Then I was period free until her 9 month birthday when it came back with a vengeance! It was like Shark Week, let me tell you.
So my baby is 9 months old, has 2 teeth and is crawling. I feel like her personality is really starting to shine! But I’m already baby hungry (kind of, not really) —just so sad that she is already getting so big and makes me sad to think she is probably my last baby ??


With all of my kids, I bled for about 5 weeks initially post-partum. Then my periods started at 8 weeks with my first and at 6 weeks with my next two. They were normal periods with my first but awful, awful, awful, don’t-leave-the-house-for-two-of-the-days because I couldn’t be more than 5 seconds away from a bathroom for more than an hour kind of periods with my second two kids…for 2 YEARS post baby. By far the worst part of having babies for me. And I was nursing – lots of benefits for my boys for 6-10 months but none for me apparently. ;)


I got my period with my first daughter at 10 months pp, but I know many women in the same boat as you…just depends! My little girl was 3 weeks yesterday. I can’t wait for the smiles! I think I remember 8 weeks was when they start to smile socially?? We are settling into life with two ladies in the house (we have a 2.5 year old too).


Wow, I’m amazed how soon you got your period while breastfeeding. Guess you’re ready for another baby. :) Hopefully it won’t make you feel bad, but I went 9 months after both of my sons’ births before my periods returned. Because I basically had them back to back, between pregnancy and breastfeeding I went almost 3 years without a period! I miss those days.


Ah, I can’t believe your period came back so fast. Rough. After talking with friends, I was the latest to get hers after birth: 16 months. While that may sound good, there was also occasional panic thinking #2 is coming before s/he was planned for…two sides, I guess.

Good luck at the doctor this week.


We love the zutano slippers…they stay on!!

Our little girl is 8 weeks tomorrow and still no sign of the period. We rarely get a social smile…maybe once a day or every other day if lucky. We saw the first smile around 6 weeks. I can’t wait for more smiles and giggles!

I am enjoying reading your baby updates. Happy 6 weeks!


Some women get bleeding around 4-6 weeks that is the end I their lochia.


My daughter will be 4 months this week and no period for me yet. She’s been pretty smiley since birth but the real social smiles started around 6 weeks. These days she is smiling non-stop! She also started giggling in the past couple weeks which is beyond adorable :)


How sweet!!!! These updates are the best!!! I love seeing Knox and Brooke’s interactions with Skye. How does Beretta feel about Skye? Is she interested in her or indifferent? xoxoxo


What a cutie! I didn’t get my cycle back until 4 months and after that it was sporadic but it was super intense! Emotions, cravings, cramps were like 10X my normal.

My little guy is almost 8 months old and he is exploding with new tricks every day. He laughs a ton and loves clapping for everything. He makes lots of noises, snorts, etc. He can sit up on his own now from his tummy and just cut a tooth yesterday! He also is working on doing high fives and enjoys blowing raspberries on people. He is just a little goof – I love it!

Time does go by so fast, mine already seems so big compared to the newborn stage, but every stage is awesome so it works out! Enjoy the nap times, I also have a baby that prefers to sleep on you and yesterday I had to remind myself to slow down and enjoy. Someday they will be big teenagers and we will have to slow them down for a hug!


My periods started 8-10 months pp – I know, soooo lucky. I loved it. But now that I weaned my youngest they have been ALL over the place!! Super short cycles, unpredictable. Revenge of the period monster. :)
Skye is SO precious!! Love seeing how she’s changing already!


I feel like my period came back maybe 2 months PP but I only pumped that long he never did BF. He started to do on purpose smiles around 8 weeks. Usually in the middle of the night too haha! Just trying to make us feel better about being awake. He is now nine months and is cruising around the furniture, climbing the stairs, likes to drink water out of a cup, and loves to walk with his push walker toy. We are practicing some basic sign language a little more regularly now too.


I’m just like you in the period department. I started having a period about a month after my baby was born. He’s now 10 weeks old. Dang efficient body ? He started really smiling around 7 weeks and now smiles like crazy, especially after eating. Right now he is figuring out his hands and it is adorable. He can now get them up to his mouth to suck on them.


Getting your period sucks! Sorry to hear that. I never got my period back until I stopped breastfeeding my kids.

Where has Beretta been? I haven’t seen her in the blog and I figured you’d take her for the 4-Mile walk today. I hope everything is okay with that beautiful dog.


Your baby updates crack me up because you’re writing down everything that we’re experiencing over here to a T! Except the period thing – that’s crazy!! I had to actually STOP nursing Piper at 9 months in order to get mine back so I could get pregnant again haha.


My little guy was born the day before Skye! He started smiling socially last week. I would walk up to his bassinet and telling him good morning and I love you and his face would light up with big eyes and a huge smile. I unapologetically walked away and did it 3 more times just to video tape/savor it ;)

Also I think my cycle returned last week at 5 weeks postpartum. I’m breastfeeding and was hoping to have more time but oh well! Doctor thinks it might still be postpartum bleeding since I have no other PMS symptoms but we’ll see. Skye is so cute! I love seeing your updates ❤️


Elliana is 8 weeks now. We were blessed with her through adoption so no TMI stories about what you’ve mentioned above. ??

She smiled at me a genuine smile for the first time at 6 weeks. I smiled at her and said her name and she smiled back at me. It was the greatest thing in the world (aside from when she was placed in my arms at two days old). ?


We have a baby girl who can’t rep socks on as well. The make cute cheap Velcro booties that work well – check out zutano on Amazon


I still can’t believe you got your period back already. That is cruel and unusual punishment right there.

I thought I was dying with my afterbirth pains with Felicity. I legit almost paged a nurse to come in and then I remembered what it was. They get worse with each kid.

I remember when Ross offered to get up in the might so that I could sleep. I still didn’t sleep. First it took like 8 tries to actually GET ROSS AWAKE and then the whole time he was feeding and changing her I could hear it and was thinking how he was doing everything wrong and I should just do it myself. When Ross came back into the room and saw I was still awake he was so pissed and he never got up again. Ha! Sometimes being a crazy control freak really comes back to bite you.


Zutano booties,, you can thank me later :)


Oh my!! Yes, my period started within a month!!! So disappointing haha! With my son it was 4-5 months and breastfeeding wasn’t going well. It is going better this time, so I thought I’d at least get to five months. And I started a new birth control since I wasn’t doing an IUD again so I feel like I’ve barely had a break from it!

Sam is 12 weeks today and I already feel like she looks so big and am sad she has outgrown her nb stuff. BUT the social smiles and “talking” are so stinking cute! She really started smiling consistently in the last two weeks and it’s been the best. She was doing it before, but now I know when I smile and do certain things she will smile back and I love it!

She also sat in the bumbo for the first time yesterday! Ahh, it is going so fast. Maybe this is why some families end up with lots of kids? Missing that sweet baby stage! ;)


Hi! Can we see video of her soon? I want to hear a cooo & see a smile! She’s so cute!


Yes, for sure!!!!!


Zutano booties are life changing, my 9 month old hasn’t worn anything else since he was born, and now that he is standing we have the ones with the grippers on the bottom. They seriously don’t come off ever!


So when my second was 3 months old my husband gave me the BEST Valentine’s Day gift.
The locAl Hilton was having a “romance package” It was a room for one night that’s had chocolate covered strawberries and champagne waiting when you checked it and two room service breakfasts. He sent me alone. I didn’t drink the wine because I was still pumping. But I pumped before bed, my boobs woke me up once to pump and I pumped in the morning.
I ordered two breakfasts. It was the most amazing night. One of the best gifts ever


Love this post!

I am exclusively breastfeeding (still feeding 2-3x in the night) and I was shocked when I got my period back at 5 months, felt kinda cheated you know? I was expecting it to be gone until I stopped BF. You got yours back really early, your body is ready for more babies lol.


I was fortunate and didn’t get mine back until after I was done breastfeeding, so close to a year! I felt very lucky and hope I’m as lucky this time around with kid #2.

My daughter was a super smiley baby (and is still a super happy toddler), so she started smiling around 4 weeks and never stopped. So much fun when it starts!

And I wanted to second the comment someone above made about Zutano booties! They are a little pricey but so worth it!


I’m glad it’s not just me! After me first, my period came back at 12 weeks pp, and the same day as my 6-week checkup after my second (so I was a little confused at first whether I was just bleeding from the exam or not:)


AH! i didn’t have my period til my son was 14 months old! crazy. I was super grateful for that, especially since my sister said hers started within 3 months…yikes.
My little guy started smiling the day he turned 6 weeks old, and i managed to capture it on my phone. so amazing.
happy 6 weeks!


I had my period with my first 3 kids right around 6-8 weeks postpartum! I breastfed them and started running around then again too. Hoping #4 may be a little different?!
You and Skye look amazing! :)


Aww I love your updates Janae! Skye is the sweetest and Brooke and Know look the best older siblings :). I have a 5 month old and I still haven’t gotten my period back… I’m so curious as to when it will return!! I think our babe stared smiling consistently around 8 weeks :)


With my first I got my period back at a year when I left her for a week vacation- I was breastfeeding the whole time.

I’m currently 36.5 weeks with my second so we will see!! Not looking forward to the post birth cramps!! I hear they are worse the second time ? but I can’t wait to meet this baby boy!!! I’ll be happy if he stays til close to his due date but it’s getting so exciting as it gets closer!!


My baby girl is just a few days younger than Skye! I swear she’s been smiling socially for a couple weeks now— I know it’s usually 6 weeks or later (my 2 year old smiled right around 6 weeks) but she totally smiles when we talk to her! If it’s just gas she times it well and I’m just going to pretend it’s not ;)

Last time I got my period back right at my daughter’s first birthday (we were still nursing then), so I’m hoping I get at least that long this time!! I got pregnant 2 months later so I’ve only had 2 periods in almost 3 years which I can’t say I’m upset about! Ha


I bled for 6 weeks pp! My period didn’t come back for 13 months, when I started to back off on breastfeeding so much. Then it disappeared again because I got pregnant with #2 right away- he’ll be along this spring :)

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