How we celebrated:

Christmas was a success over here.  Not going to lie, it definitely beat our last Christmas when Andrew and I were staying in a hotel without any of our kids (well, Skye wasn’t born yet obviously) and then driving that entire night back home to Utah from California.  It felt so good to be all together and home yesterday.  Brooke leaves tonight until Sunday to be with her dad so we will make sure to get even more quality time in today before she is off to her second Christmas (Knox celebrated with his mom on Sunday morning)!

Thankfully, we got an inch or two of snow to wake up to because the kids have prayed for snow on Christmas for the last week.

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Brooke and Knox slept in Brooke’s room (a tradition we want to do is to let the kids all have a big sleepover Christmas Eve).  I was awake with Skye and as I was rocking her in her room, I could hear Brooke and Knox’s conversation.  They were both talking a million words per minute and their excitement was through the roof.

We started opening presents at about 7.  Andrew and I were surprised with each present the kids opened too ha… we did our Christmas shopping and wrapping forever ago so we couldn’t remember what we bought for them ha.

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I’ll spare you all of my cheesiness about how special it was to celebrate Skye’s first Christmas;)  It was pretty amazing.

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Thanks to Andrew I’m all stocked up on lip gloss for the next two months;)

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After all of the present opening we had breakfast.  I just wish this could be our breakfast every day.  PS one of the reasons I love making my own cinnamon rolls is because then I can add as much frosting as I want and don’t have to worry about them being overcooked;)

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This might be the last time that Andrew buys a Lego set that has 1,000 pieces ha.  It took quite some time to put it all together!

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Andrew’s favorite team is the Angels.  He has loved them forever.  I was able to get a bat signed by Mike Trout (his favorite player) and he loved it!!

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I was excited for some snuggling time on the couch while reading my new book.  The light must have been too bright for Skye…

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Skye was the only one to get dressed up yesterday…  I couldn’t resist seeing her in this outfit:)  The rest of us stayed in comfy clothes.

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Two tired parents that each got a nap at different times yesterday for part of our Christmas presents to each other.  Definitely one of my favorite presents.  Oh and for the rest of our meals yesterday we had leftover lasagna from the day before.  Both Andrew and I realized we have another weird similarity…  we love cold lasagna (that’s pretty weird)!

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While we missed our families yesterday, luckily we were able to talk to a lot of them!

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Oh and do you remember my cousin that I used to hang out with all of the time?  She lives in Tahoe now and stopped by our house to meet Skye!  It was so good to see her!

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What was the best part of your Christmas?

What are your plans today… if you are working, do you have the day off today?

What’s your run today?  I’m thinking of getting in a walk today!

If you had a personal chef that came over each morning and could make you anything for breakfast each morning, what would you have?

-Cinnamon rolls, all of the fruit, hot chocolate and an omelet.

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Favorite part: Christmas Eve……church, meal at my parents, presents , and staying up to midnight just playing games and laughing.


It was fun watching our almost 5 year old get so excited for whatever present was being opened; his or others’,

Today we did a bonfire at a cabin in the mountains. Snowy but warm! Tonight we are going out to dinner with friends.

Running after the little man today.

I would alternate between cinnamon rolls and French toast, having country ham or bacon, chocolate crossaint or crabcake Benedict.


What a sweet and fun family Christmas! I loved getting to hang out with my family and play with my precious niece yesterday. I probably won’t get to make another trip out here until May, so it’s going to be really tough not seeing all of them for the next five months or so. :/

If I had my own personal chef, I would definitely want pancakes and waffles. And biscuits. (Also, though I love lasagna when it’s fresh out of the oven, I love cold lasagna, too!)


Looks like a perfect Christmas. I love the video! Knox and Brooke are so darn cute together. Can you share your cinnamon roll recipe? They look amazing. We have cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning, too, but they are store-bought and don’t look nearly as yummy as yours!! My favorite part of Christmas is when the kids first come down to see the magic that happened while they slept. I also love spending time with family, and the music at Christmas Eve mass, and our Christmas Eve dinner…dang, I just love it all. I’m a little sad today that it’s over. I have a 5-mile workout on my plan today, but our roads are very snowy and icy. We are at our vacation home in Maine and don’t have a treadmill here. I may be trying to get a day pass to a local gym for their treadmill…although I only have cold weather gear!! Hmm…this is going to take some figuring out. Have a great walk if you get out today:-)


Hey Jeannie!! Thank you so much! Here is the link to the cinnamon rolls, they are so good:

Oh your Christmas sounds like it was absolutely amazing, so happy for you and your family! I hope your 5 miles were great today and enjoy your time at your vacation home, sounds perfect!


Best part of Christmas was watching my kids enjoy their new toys. Lego building and coding filled most of my kids’ day. I work today and it’s fine. I work at a library and I love it. 4 miles on the treadmill this morning and if I had a personal chef, I would have a Nekter Toxin Flush every morning and probably a breakfast sandwich with it.


I agree, it is the best to watch your kids playing with all of their new toys! It makes me happy to hear how much you love your job! Great job on your run today and I hope the rest of your day is a great one Ali!


I love how excited Brooke and Knox were when they walked downstairs! So cute. The idea of a Christmas Eve sleepover is awesome Janae!

My favorite part of Christmas was being able to celebrate with both my family in the morning and my boyfriend’s family at night. Even though traveling halfway across the country in the middle of the day isn’t the most fun, it meant a lot to both sets of parents which was amazing. A family friend of my bf passed away on Saturday morning unfortunately, so to spend time with all the people him and I love was extra special this year.


Looks like a wonderful family Christmas and first Christmas with Skye! We had our first Christmas with our little girl (almost 5 months old) and it was so special to take her to Christmas Eve service and have so much family time!

Where do you buy all of Skye’s bows/headbands?! I love them so much and am always on the hunt for new ways to dress up our sweet girl :)


Hey Rebecca! Thank you so much and I am so happy that you had such a great Christmas with your new little girl too! I wish I could relive yesterday again ha and I’m sure you feel the same way! I get Skye’s bows here and I LOVE THEM! Let me know if you get them:


watching holiday baking championships with my cousins and adding our own commentary… and the three naps I took (one on the ride to my uncle’s, one on the couch while watching said TV show, and one on the drive home). it’s been rough at work!


OKAY I gotta know where Andrew found those lipglosses! I went to get myself some (I’m obsessed with the Strawberry Fizz one!) and I couldnt find them anywhere!! The sales girl said they don’t make them anymore?!?!


HEY!! YES, they told me the same thing! I couldn’t believe that Andrew found so many of them! He got them here:

ENJOY and I hope you are having a wonderful day!


Our Christmas was a little crushed by the stomach bug. I had it Sat so we did not get to see one side of our family that day. Were supposed to see them this morning but last night it took down my poor 7 year old who is hopefully done after a LONG night and rough morning. She is fried. My husband and 10 yr old are scared!!
We are trying to get a refund from our trip plans. My husband offered for us still to come and they quickly told us they would see what they could do, ha!!


Skye’s little pinky is just too much!!


I agree:) I hope you are having an amazing day Lisa!


Aw what a special first Christmas all together! My favorite part of the day was our Christmas morning! My twin boys just turned one last week so it was our first real Christmas morning with a visit from Santa and new special traditions! Everything was perfect! Our Christmas breakfast looked very similar to yours- just the best! Enjoy your day with Brooke before she leaves!


My husband got me tickets the the broadway phantom of the opera and I’m so excited! He’s been planning that since October. I found out last month that they were coming and kept saying I wanted to go and so he had my sister call and convince me that her husband was working on getting all of us tickets through his work so that I would stop asking about it. Lol. We had a really great Christmas too. Now for getting the house back in order…


Nothing weird about liking cold lasagna! That is perfectly normal. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family!


Oh good! I always feel a little weird when I’m eating it cold ha… good to know we aren’t alone! Thank you Jen and I hope you are having a beautiful day today!


Christmas was super low key – video chatted my sister and family (I got to see my toddler niece open her gifts via video chat haha). I ran to meet a girl friend – we met half way and then she came back to ours to have wine and food. In the afternoon Jason and I bundled up and headed to the beach and then we came home to heat up leftovers and watch movies. We both have the Christmas holidays off – we are off until the the New Year (Boxing Day is a statutory holiday in Canada anyhow).

I will either go for a run today or convince him to climb a mountain. It snowed here for Christmas – and I’m hoping for some more..

Oh, favourite breakfast tradition during the holidays (Coffee or hot chocolate with cookies and cream baileys)

Enjoy your holiday~


My favorite part: spending time with family and finding out some exciting news!
Today’s plans include putting Christmas presents away and lots of baby snuggles. It’s about 5 degrees and snowing here so I think we’ll be spending a lot of time cuddling under a blanket.
I’m not a huge breakfast person but if I could have a barista to make me a fancy coffee drink at home everyday, that’d be great.
I’m glad you had such a special Christmas and your family of 6 (Beretta of course) was able to be together :)


Sounds like you guys had a great Christmas. I did most of the wrapping for our family, and I forgot what a bunch of the gifts were too.
I’m going to a friend’s Boxing Day party. It’s always a lot of fun each year so I’m really looking forward to it.


We have huge extended families on both sides, so we normally split up the day between two houses. This year we decided to do our own thing and the simplicity of not having to rush anywhere and just hang out and slowly open presents was really nice. We also were able to go for a nice, long family bike ride. :) My husband is working half days this week (such a nice thing his group does, splitting up the hours) and then he’s off for two weeks, so I’m basically on a high from being so happy and excited to have so much family time right now. :) Your cinnamon rolls look so great. I love working with yeast but I’m not very good at it yet so my rolls always deflate after baking. Super frustrating. Have a wonderful day, Janae!


What a sweet Christmas!!!

I did a short Elf scamper on Christmas during the lull (my kids at home are 12 and 17 so they gave me some free time). Today is still a holiday over here in Germany but the sun was shining so I got out for a 10mile run.

My favorite breakfast would be scones and hot fresh coffee (preferable an americano). Second would be homemade oatmeal with all the toppings on the side to pick from (granola, nuts, syrup) and maybe fresh bread toasted.

Enjoy the rest of your holiday week!!!!


My favorite part of Christmas was my three old’s excitement. As much as I loved Christmas as a child, watching it through my son’s eyes makes me all giddy! And my 4 month old celebrated her first Christmas <3

If I had a personal chef for breakfast I'd want a cup of coffee with unsweetened almond milk, a small fruit salad, and a peppers and onions omelet w/ sliced avocado on top. (On days I run I'd also request a sliced, grilled and buttered corn muffin!)


There is nothing like seeing the excitement of our little one’s on Christmas morning. I am so glad you guys had a great day! Your breakfast sounds perfect… I want that too:) Enjoy your day Christine!


Adorable! No run for me today……………..yesterday was such a fun but crazy whirlwind that today I am taking it easy:)
I got some amazing rain boots from my husband that I had been wanting (in baby blue color!) and a robe from my parents and new blue tooth headphones (my ipod headphone connection is acting up, so the blue tooth ones work best). I had a blast and we had a chance to see all of my family plus all of my husband’s family. Today after work we are going to grab some chick fil a (missing it) and maybe hit up Target……………easy night!


Oh, and I would want french toast or cinnamon rolls. :)


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Your family is beautiful and you are blessed beyond measure!!

What new book are you reading? Just curious :)


A belated Merry Christmas to you and your family!! I had some form of the stomach bug on Christmas Eve so suffered quite a bit over the holidays :/ BUT I still made it out for a bit on Christmas to enjoy the day and feeling better than ever today.

Any breakfast – Hm … A good steaming cup of coffee and warm buttery biscuits with strawberry jam. I’m pretty simple!


Spending the Morning with my Family & Face Timing my family back in Washington State – I grew up in Washington State and my Husband, Daughter and I just recently picked up and moved to Ashland OR- it was REALLY weird to be away from my Mom and family during the holidays (I used to see my mom every day!)

I am working, I work at a local Credit Union as a Loan Officer! – I have tomorrow off! (woo)

I slept in this morning (oops) I’ll be running after work, easy 5mi with all out hill sprints! (thank goodness for having a coach, or I would never do any sort of hill work lol)

Eggs Benedict, fresh fruit, and waffles!

Random question! How do you bake your sweet potatoes? I tried baking one the other day and it DID NOT look as good as yours does?..
ALSO another random thought! Our Family makes Potato Tacos
Bake the potato, make all the taco fixing’s and instead of using a tortilla you just split the potato and put the taco goodness IN the potato- it is SO AMAZING!!! You should try it :)

Ok done rambling now, I hope you and your family have a fantastic day!!


I need a potato taco right this second. That sounds soooo good!!! So I just cook them in the microwave right now because I’m too lazy to bake them. When I do bake them I rub them in coconut oil and wrap them in aluminum foil and they are so good that way! You are going to rock those hill sprints today! Thank goodness for FaceTime! That must make it easier with this big move! Enjoy your days off!!! Thanks Alicia.


Being with your family is a great thing. Especially if you are with them at a festival. :D
Wish you a Very Happy New Year and greetings to the future.


Being with your family is a great thing. Especially if you are with them at a festival. :D
Wish you a Very Happy New Year and greetings to the future…


Very nice. Keep up…!


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