Everything that has happened since we last caught up!!

Thank you so so much for your sweet words on yesterday’s post… the birth story.  I LOVED hearing your stories so thank you so much for taking the time to share!

*Let’s talk about a few of the things happening over here the last two days (with many bullet points included)!  This post is brought to you by Skye on my chest while sporting all black (Brooke asked me the other day why I wear the same thing every day… she caught me).

*The weather around here is sure making it easy to not be running.  The inversion in Utah is crazy right now and this is what it looks like in the mornings outside.  Yeah, I am pretty happy with the idea of Christmas movies in bed with Skye in the mornings vs trying to run in this craziness (well, when it is this bad I actually always run inside because the air quality is so bad)!

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*When Brooke woke up on Tuesday morning the first thing she wanted was her baby sister.  It was just the three of us on Tuesday (Andrew had a shift at the hospital) so I had my first taste of having a newborn on my own.  We all survived, ate delicious food and didn’t get anything productive done… Perfect.

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*And then she was so excited to come straight to the baby after when she got home.

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*Later on I put on a headband on Skye and Brooke noticed and requested the same.  She also found the bigger version of Skye’s blanket and started carrying that around too.  My heart was pretty happy that she is happy with the idea of twinning.  Time to start buying matching outfits.

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*And this is what our day looked like the rest of that day.

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*A friend then brought over the most delicious honey chicken curry dish and I think I demolished it in about 30 seconds.  This hunger is unreal…

Andrew got home later on that night and luckily Skye slept all day to make sure she could spend some quality time with us once he was home.

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*Now let’s talk about Wednesday—>  Oatmeal for breakfast is a big thing right now and I won mother of the year award from Brooke when I added two drops of red food coloring to make hers pink:)

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*Knox came home while Brooke was at school and he did the sweetest thing.  He asked his mom if he could bring over all of his old blankets at her house so that he could give them to the baby.  He thought of doing this all on his own!

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*I am loving the fact that I am back to a lot of my normal meals again and that they taste so good.  Sweet potato with chicken from the night before, avocado and a salad mix from Costco.   Please note my skin will be turning more and more orange over the next few months due to being reunited with sweet potatoes again!

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*Skye had a bath and right after I took this picture she peed all over me ha so that meant I took a shower next.  I need to remember to get a diaper on there ASAP!!!


*Bows last on her head for about 12 seconds but I make sure to get some good pictures while they are on:)

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*Andrew took the kids to Target and they were clearly really excited about the outing;)

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*And another amazing meal that was brought over to us.

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*He won the fight over who got to hold her after dinner:)

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*And last night my sweet friend brought over her amazing homemade bread and jam and it was the perfect dessert.  We are feeling ridiculously spoiled right now!

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My podcast is LIVE TODAY with Ali On the Run! You can find it •••HERE***!  She has the best podcast and I am so excited that she had me on!


PS I first met Ali (she is on the left if you don’t know her already) in Vegas for the Rock ’N Roll 1/2 Marathon 6 years ago and

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What has been going on in your world the last few days?!

What is the running weather like where you are?!  What have you been wearing for your runs?

Do you ever have oatmeal for breakfast… what do you add to it?

-I always add apples and usually some almond butter!

Podcast lovers—>  What was the last podcast that you listened to?

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I don’t know about where you are, but it’s finally cold here in NC! And our family back home are being buried under snow — it’s actually feeling like Christmas!!

I’ve had to layer like a pro — tank, long sleeved shirt, 1/4 zip pullover, and a windbreaker! Not to mention some ear muffs!

I’ve been obsessed with 2 versions of oats for the morning —
1) Apple cinnamon — a package of Cinnamon roll Oatfit made with some chopped up apples and extra cinnamon in in t
2) Pumpkin Pie — a package of Cinnamon roll Oatfit made with pumpkin puree and some walnuts, cinnamon, and nutmeg

Both are amazing! I need to try adding almond butter!

I love Revisionist History — by Malcolm Gladwell. It’s amazing and the tagline is for “forgotten or misunderstood” history stories. Basically my middle name!


It’s so crazy how fast your tastebuds have changed!
I teach 8th grade and we officially have 4 school days left before winter break…I.CAN’T.WAIT.
Running weather has been frigid! Yesterday the high was 36 degrees but with 15 MPH winds..and I run in the morning so the temps were in the high teens! I looked like an eskimo on my run yesterday morning. I even put a fleece jacket on my dog!
I’m all about the Casefile podcast!


Love that you are getting to enjoy so much time with Skye right now. And Brooke and Knox are making my heart soar with how sweet they are to their baby sister!!

I ran after work yesterday (and will today, too), and the weather is sunny and in the 70s when I go. I’m not mad about that. Not too much has been going on with me, other than work and work and trying to figure out my life—ha!


The picture of Brooke and Skye twinning is so stinking cute Janae!! Get Knox in on that somehow and you’re set with family pictures for life.

Knox asking to bring his old blankets to his new sister is so heartwarming. You and Andrew have some pretty amazing kiddos!


No joke, your posts have been making me tear up almost every time! I am just so happy for you all. Skye is so beautiful, and it is amazing to see how great Brooke and Knox are adapting to her. My husband and I are so excited to have children, and you are building that excitement even more! Also, what wonderful friends you have to take care of you so well with delicious food :)

On a totally different note, I am obsessed with podcasts lately. My current favorite is For the Love with Jen Hatmaker. Check it out. :)


I jut listened to the Happier podcast this morning on the treadmill on my normal Thursday 5k;) I do the gym with my son every morning so I never run outside anymore. That’s okay with me. I only run 2-3 times a week and the other days are strength and other cardio;)

My teenage son eats Steel Cut oats for about half his breakfasts…..So I make a double batch in the crock pot and it lasts about a week for him. I love them too, but don’t eat them as much as he does;) He only adds cinnamon and a Tbs of Peanut butter. He eats healthier than I do and is such a motivation to me;)

Snuggling Skye in that awful inversion is the best choice;)


Not too much is new over here – we just had a snowstorm last night (we’re in southern MI) that left us with about 10 inches and the temps are in the single digits! It’s cold! I can’t wait to check out your Podcast with Ali! Ali is actually how I found your blog! I was reading hers and she mentioned you and then I got hooked on you :-) Have a great day snuggling that precious baby girl!!


Congrats on Skye’s arrival! She’s adorable.

I’ve been making a big batch of overnight oats to keep in the fridge to eat every morning. I add milk, cocoa, PB2, and chocolate protein power. It’s like a big peanut butter cup in a bowl.

I also learned recently that you can use a rice cooker to make steel cut oats, so I do that sometimes, too. I like those plain and simple with pumpkin pie spice and a little brown sugar.


Janae….those pictures are adorable! All of your kids are so stinking cute! :)

Weather has been terribly cold and windy here in Illinois lately…so all exercise has been indoors for me. My whole family and I have been under the weather with bad colds/cough and my foot has been bugging me for several days so I have just been doing a lot of cross training and taking it easy!

I love oatmeal…but oddly enough I don’t have it for breakfast that often. I actually like to take a container of it with me to work for a snack and add cinnamon, fruit…whatever I’m feeling that day! Have a good Thursday! :)


Quirks and Quarks is mine and my husband’s absolute favourite podcast. It’s from CBC radio (from Canada) and is an amazing, totally engaging but accessible show about science !

The weather here has been really great — crisp in the mornings and beautiful/sunny and warm by afternoon. I can’t run anymore (twin pregnancy = no running) but I’ve been walking and it is perfect for that.

I am obsessed with porridge for breakfast. My favourite way to make it is with raspberries or sliced strawberries, maple syrup, milk, and a ton of chopped walnuts or pecans on top. Mmmmmmm…..

Your little girl is just precious. We just found out we are having 2 girls and I am so excited. I find it hilarious when people put bows on their babies. I don’t understand why?!

Hope you have a great day!


It has BEEN WINDY and chilly here in PA! We had a bout of snow last night, too. The roads should be clear for my afternoon run though!

I’ve been eating this oatmeal chia cup thing for lunch lately (oatmeal is good any time, right?! lol), and I put honey and banana slices in it :)

The last podcast I listened to was the Kris Lawrence interview on I’ll Have Another–it was great! :)

Enjoy snuggling that baby and hanging out with your other littles (and Andrew :)


The weather down here in Texas is awesome this time of year. Cold but not painfully cold. I went to college up North…not a huge fan of snow anymore, although it’s magical coming down. We’re boring with oatmeal, just berries and peanut butter. I’ve been baking for my husband’s co-workers, who are such an appreciative and complimentary bunch. :) Have a great day, Janae!


Love the photos and your updates. Keep them coming. I’ve never heard of ‘inversion’ type of weather but here in Northern California, it is very cold/close to freezing temps in the morning but warms up to the low to mid 60s by the afternoon and dry, no rain or fog. Perfect running weather actually but we do need some rain and snow in the mountains, and soon. I am a big oatmeal fan and am eating it for breakfast this morning. My mix-ins depend on the season: fresh berries during the spring/summer, figs during the early fall months, and old school bananas and raisins when there is nothing else good in the markets. Cinnamon and chia seeds are mixed in as well. I soak it overnight so its super creamy come morning and all I have to do is heat it up.


I love adding blueberries and almond butter to my oatmeal!


The pictures of your family snuggling at home with Skye are so incredibly heartening, Janae!

I almost always have oatmeal for breakfast. Current favorite additions: pumpkin, cinnamon and chia seeds with peanut butter on top. Raisins are also perfect with this mixture.


The twinning photo is so sweet. And what a nice thing for Knox to do!
Listening to season 2 of Heavyweight right now.


The pictures of Brooke and Skye twinning make my heart melt! So, so dang happy for you and your family Janae!! My step-daughter wants to twin with me in everything we wear or do right now (to include going to the gym to “extra-cise”) so I hope she will be as excited when our family eventually grows too! Blending families are so challenging but SO rewarding. Congratulations :):):)


She is so precious and tiny. What a great gift for the holidays! Congrats again!


I love oatmeal for breakfast! Or I did before I was pregnant – this post gives me hope that I’ll be able to eat normally again…in 6-7 months! haha. But, having a tiny newborn to squeeze will make it totally worth it :) I love putting mashed banana and cinnamon in my oatmeal (I usually add it after I cook the oatmeal). Also – sometimes I put plain greek yogurt + fruit in. The yogurt really ups the protein content. Congratulations on the beautiful baby. I’m curious if there has been an adjustment for the older kids having your attention split more?


The picture of Brooke and Skye “twining” is sooo cute! We got a “nice”surprise on Tuesday: 20cms of snow. That makes running interesting ;-) But cystic fibrosis doesn’t take a break for winter, so I did lace up and go… Good news is running in snow is hard so I didn’t have to go to far for my lungs to work! I like oatmeal with cinnamon and fruits (fresh and dry) but I am usually hungry an hour later ha so my go-to breakfast is eggs and veggies. Love my proteins ;-)


I’m sure getting back to eating normal meals is wonderful again! I can’t wait to listen to your podcast with Ali. I’ve been enjoying her podcasts lately.


I love Ali on the Run! I’m totally going to have to listen ASAP.
The weather in the PNW is COLD! We never get harsh weather which is nice but we do get all the weather! My runs have been in the low-mid 30’s, frosty and usually through freezing fog. No fun! Today I ran 1.3 miles to the gym with all the layers, reflective gear, head lamp etc and laughed at myself when it took about 3 minutes to peel all the layers off to lift weights! I definitely got some strange looks on my way out as I was all bundled up again walking through a warm gym! Ha!
I love that you’re eating your normal foods again …. so I can imitate your delicious meals! You come up with the most amazing combos! I eat the same foods every day because I have 0 imagination! Oatmeal w/ flax, brown sugar and either strawberries/raisins every day. Salad for lunch, dinner with the fam and always candy for snack at work (so I don’t have to share with my boys! Lol!)
Love hearing all the day to happenings with your new little one. Thank you for sharing!!


SO incredibly happy for you! I’ve been reading for a while and you have been through a lot for sure – you are a fantastic mom and friend and blogger and you deserve all the happiness in the world!


Skye is so beautiful!!! Congrats again to all of you!!!

*I finished my 5th half this past weekend with a time of 2:00:47, so close to that sub 2 but I am super excited about my time bc it was a 13 minute PR for me. Sidenote: i also ran this exact same race last year (which was my 1st half-marathon) with a time of 2:17:49. Pretty stinking excited about my progress.

*I got into the 2018 Chicago Marathon!!! I entered via the lottery which didn’t go in my favor BUTTTTT i got in through a charity and i am even more excited about that bc its for a good cause. I REALLLLY wanted to get into this race Sidenote: i starting running a few years back as a way to cope w/ infertility and my plan was to take 1 full year off and do an actual marathon or two (something you cant do or train for while doing fertility treatment & so im registered for 2 now) while saving up for our next IVF transfer. I will have enough $$ in my hsa (health savings account) around the exact time of the Chicago marathon next year so this way i dont have to dip into our savings anymore than we have already and i can start up the process after i earn that awesome medal!! Yes i am a planner this way lol.

Keep posting i really love reading about your life, you guys have a such a beautiful family!!! Happy Thursday!!!


My parents always let me put sprinkles on my oatmeal to sweeten it. That also had the glorious effect of colorful oatmeal.
Also, you MUST listen to 3 in 30 Take Aways for Moms podcast. It is sooo good. You’ll love it.


I love how your kids love Skye. Knox about melted my heart (and his mom too – that was pretty cool of her). It’s great to watch your family grow together and love each other without labels. Y’all are a stellar example and deserve nothing but happiness.


That is the sweetest story about Knox bringing his blankets! It also says a lot about your relationship with his mom.

It’s been Christmas baking nonstop here. (Recipes on the blog tomorrow!) 5 kinds of cookies and 5 kinds of candy ~ I went a little crazy this year because I am home the entire month. I’ve already given 2 big trays away and have 2 more ready to give. Wish you lived down street now that you’re loving sweets again ;)

Today was my first outdoor run this month! The Santa Ana winds and red flag fire warnings have kept me inside. I did a killer 90 minute workout on the bike trainer yesterday and my legs were dead today but it felt so good to be outside again.

I like to add frozen berries (1/2 cup or so) to oatmeal. I put them in my bowl first and microwave for a minute or so until there are warm, then add oatmeal.


Your family is so beautiful! I love adding frozen blueberries to my oatmeal, so yummy, especially when they still have few ice crystals left! Last podcast, my 2 favorite bloggers, you and Ali on the run this morning, my first podcast too! Win, win! Congratulations again!


First time commenter here!!

Ahh you’re giving me baby fever with those sweet newborn pics. You make it not look so hard. Chiming in from Chicago. I’m only 27 going on 28 and not married or close to having kids. Just started my career after graduating from grad school. Your blog is one of the few I still like. Other blogs can get old quickly, I’m choosy. I’ve started my own blog if you’d like to see: Hannah Tells It https://htellsit.wordpress.com/


It’s cold (for us) about 3 degrees celsius and snow in the mountains. I have been wearing long tights and warmer tops to run. Layering! Yesterday I ended up doing a double run – not planned. I ran about 10km to work, and my girl friend asked if I wanted to run with her in the afternoon we did another 7 miles – it was a gorgeous run and we got to see the sunset. I am however, pretty sore today haha.

We do have oatmeal a fair bit – he loves steel cut oats – I add in cinnamon and brown sugar and milk. If we have raisins and other fruit toppings I will add that to it. This morning was a bit of a fail for breakfast fail – as I’m drinking coffee and have only had jujube candies and some blueberries.

Nothing too exciting in our world = just getting ready for the holidays ! Have a great day with your new little one:)


It is so cold in NY! We have a low of 12 degrees tonight and the wind during the day has been brutal. I have been sticking to the gym and treadmill. The bonus is I’m watching some fun movies in the cardio cinema room during my runs. I’m hoping the ice and snow clear up soon so I can get outdoors !


I have a 3 week old who loves to poop when her diaper is off! Congratulations on your baby girl! I do have one question, where do you find such cute bows for Skye?…I have a lot to learn to style my little one.


Skye is so beautiful! … As are those giant stuffed pasta shells hah!

Looks like you guys are all doing great!!


That honey chicken curry that your friend brought over sounds delicious! It sounds like you guys have a lot of support right now, which is awesome.

The last podcast I listened to was How I Built This. It was the episode of Tom’s of Maine.


Skye is just adorable!! Can’t wait to listen to the podcast. Funny story, I went to college with Ali’s brother!


I seriously need to have another baby. I forgot how much good food gets delivered !!!!


Those photos make me want another baby!! My first is about to turn one in a couple weeks and I can’t believe how fast it all goes! Enjoy those newborn snuggles


i love the bows on skye. also, oatmeal is amazing — i like to add maple syrup and salt to mine! i haven’t had that in a while so i may need to break it out again. i like the idea of adding food coloring to make it pink for brooke – she must have LOVED that! the weather has been pretty crazy here in Connecticut too. i’m more than happy to snuggle up in warm blankets on the couch! :)


I love Ali’s podcasts and her blog! Super excited to listen to her interview with you.
Our weather in central IL is cold and its been super windy but no snow yet.
Love oatmeal for breakfast. I don’t add anything to it but I usually buy a flavored version. I really like the Better Oats Blueberry Muffin one.
I feel like we need more pictures of Skye please!


Oh my gosh, what is this “inversion” you’ve talked about?! I have never heard about it and always thought Utah is one of those always sunny gorgeous blue sky states, but then I’ve only been during the summer months so have no idea!

I love oatmeal for breakfast -I live in VT and since we think maple syrup is our state drink/food/pride/source of income, I always add maple syrup to mine :)

Congratulations on the new member of the family, by the way… so cute, and I love to see that Brooke and Knox look so happy to be with her.


You need some girlie glue! It keeps bows on for days…literally.

My days have mostly consisted of projects to finish Christmas presents (making a Barbie house)


Work has been crazy for the last week or so so this is the first I’m seeing of your sweet little Skye!! Oops, I mean, I don’t read your blogs while I’m at work. Errr. Oh well, busted!
The running weather is actually just about perfect right now (for me at least). It’s usually in the mid-40s when I get out there so I wear shorts and a long sleeve t-shirt.
I hardly ever have oatmeal because of the texture but I love Cinnamon Quaker Oat Squares cereal though! Hmm, it’s been a while since I’ve had that, I have to get that again soon.
I never really got into podcasts so I only listen to one. But it just so happens to be Ali on the Run!! I discovered it when I was training for Big Sur earlier this year so now whenever I listen to it or even hear about it, it takes me back all of those runs I would do after the work or my Sunday long runs. Because of that, I always feel like a champ when I listen to it, even if I’m just running a mile. Or sitting at my desk :)


Currently listening to your podcast at Ali on the Run, and had to immediately get over here to let you know:
I think it is so weird that people have mean comments because:
A: this is a blog and not required reading. If they don’t agree or enjoy what you’re sharing, they don’t have to read it.
B: you’re really a fabulous human being! Such a sweet and positive and genuine person!
C: I am not a parent, but think that you’re doing an amazing job parenting! There are so many times that I read your blog and think, “wow! That is how you create a relationship with your daughter/kids, and I hope that is what I am like if/when I am a mom.”
Thanks for being you and sharing your life and thoughts!


You, Brooke and Skye are going to be triplets


I love reading all these updates! I just found out a few days ago that I’m pregnant with my first. We’re super excited but cautious because it’s so early on! I don’t want to start dreaming about baby until I’m a little further along. It’s hard not to though! :)


Ahhhhhhhh Chrissy!!!! Congrats! I am so beyond happy for you guys! Keep me updated on everything!


Thank you, Janae!! :) One of my first suspicions of being pregnant was food aversions and intense cravings. All of a sudden I didn’t want ANYTHING to do with chocolate (sad as my husband bought me a Lindt Costco advent calendar!!). I was only four days into it when I stopped eating it haha. And then I drove through a snowstorm because I HAD to have Pita Pit! For the past week I’ve been craving salty and savoury. When did your cravings and aversions start??


I am loving oatmeal for breakfast right now since it is so cold! I like to add flaxseed, vanilla protein powder, cinnamon, bananas, and almond butter! It fills me (and warms me) right up!


Where did you get Skye’s super cute, oh what fun outfit?! I love it! Enjoy all those baby snuggles!

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