You know you are married to a runner when (by Andrew) + Sentence Per Many Pictures + NYC Marathon talk + TIPS!

Halloween was a success!

Let’s start at the beginning of the day—>  Not often that we get to run together (plus Andrew prefers going to the gym to lift weights more than running lately) so I soak in every mile… 5.07 miles together!

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Andrew wanted to share a special list with you today…

He has been researching this topic for the last 1.3 years (how long we have been married) so he has definitely come to some conclusions on this very important matter!

You Know You Are Married to a Runner When:

1- When it feels like you are constantly drowning in laundry, most of which consists of socks, shorts, running tights, jackets and tank tops.

2- When you find running fuel gels ALL AROUND THE HOUSE.  I’m determined that they are alive, some of the places I have found them must have a supernatural explanation.

3- You trip over laid out running clothes while walking to the bathroom at night.  It hurts, I would definitely put this at a possible pain level as stepping on a lego.

4- Your closet is 90%  running accessories.  That race shirt from over a decade ago, the newest running gadget.  Its a lifestyle choice, not a sport.

5- You partner gets pissed because they discontinue “their” perfect shoe and the new model is the vilest thing on earth.

6- Your partner buys 2-3 pairs of running shoes at a time.

7- When packing for vacation, they somehow have more shoes than clothing.

8- Your partner can’t get rid of shoes or some other random piece of clothing because of the sentimental value they hold from some running memory

9- When you plan a vacation around a race.

10- One of their birthday wishes is to do a “fun” run together.

11-Don’t question your partner’s commitment to their shoe brand of choice… DONT. DO. IT.

12- You automatically wash the running clothes that you find, you don’t dare smell them…hahaha this one is probably more for my clothes rather than Janae’s.

13- Bib entries are part of the budget…  You didn’t realize the financial commitment you were getting into!

14- Your partner’s training methods are somewhat “unconventional” but you don’t question them because they are on a mission for the next PR.

15- You find yourself just as ecstatic as they are when they PR.  You love seeing them accomplish their goals and love being along for the ride with them!

I’m sure he will have even a few more to add to this list over the next 70 years of marriage and running;)

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Brooke was more than thrilled to wear her unicorn costume to school… she galloped the entire day!

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Then it was off to Knox’s class to do the craft… his mom had the cutest Michael Jackson costume for him!

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Came home and made the hot dog mummies for lunch instead of dinner (I spy my chicken salad sandwich on the table too… sadly, my hot dog craving days came to an abrupt ending;).

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Brooke had her Kindergarten parade later on!

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We were quite the cheering crowd.

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Then it was over to my grandma’s house to say hello… Andrew is quite the dog person.

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Dinner was at Corner Bakery to fuel up for lots of walking!

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And then we started the trick-or-treating… this guy was just walking around doing an amazing Michael Myers impersonation.

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One house was passing out hot chocolate… yes, please.

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Break time.

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Knox has quite the trick-or-treating endurance but when Brooke was done I gladly joined her going back to my parents’ house.  She was a huge fan of passing out the candy instead.

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And sorting the candy.

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PS I love looking at my mom’s steps each day… she is walking up a storm!

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It is the week of the NEW YORK CITY MARATHON!!  PS You can read my race recap HERE!  My biggest tip for this marathon is to take it all in… it is the most incredible marathon and there is so much to see and feel there, enjoy it.  I didn’t listen to music the entire 26.2 miles because I wanted to hear the crowds the entire way and that was amazing (I still get goosebumps just thinking about the whole experience).  Don’t waste energy in those first few miles trying to run around people (it is so crowded in the beginning)!  Take those miles a little bit slower so you can own those bridges and those hills in Central Park at the end.  Also, if you can… put your name on your top (I used iron-on letters) because then you will have people screaming your name and cheering for you all along the way!

And you better give me all of the details afterwards!  Join me there in 2018?!?  That would sure be fun!

Here is SUCH a cool story about a blind runner that will be running the marathon on Sunday by using an app to guide him—>  HERE!  Technology is incredible.  I can’t wait to see how he does on Sunday!

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Significant other… are they runners?  Do they understand your running? If running isn’t their passion, what are some of their passions?!

How did you spend your Halloween?  I’d love to hear!

Who will be at the NYC Marathon either running or cheering? 

What running apps do you use?  What about workout apps?  

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Oh my goodness—-Andrew’s No. 15 on his list is so sweet! I’ve never wanted to date a runner, but I certainly hope one day if I ever meet my person that he will support me that much in my running.

We had a big Halloween party at my office yesterday, and then the little kids from one of our campuses next door had a little parade through our building. It was SO adorable! I dressed up as a peppermint milkshake but was thankful at the end of the day when I just got to come home and relax and watch the World Series.


Halloween has definitely taken the “old house” turn on our block. 80 % of houses had no lights on. We had a total of 9 trick and treaters and none of my immediate children went out due to being too old or too tall ;-) We have hit another hill around here of growing up. Things are changing and sometimes I LOVE IT although many times I secretly wish we could stop time for a bit.

Thus, feeling kind of sad here today honestly…….


Kathy, change is so so hard. I am so sorry you are having a tough day today. I’m thinking about you and if you want to email chat, I’m your woman. Do something extra special for yourself today!


I went for a 4 mile run yesterday, but I made sure to dress in Halloween colors! :) My porch light is broken and it was too cold to sit outside so I didn’t hand out any candy but I got my fill of that at work, since we have an office trick or treat.
I would LOVE to go to NYC again (its been far too long) but I can’t fathom doing a full marathon. It would be cool to plan a HRG trip and some of us could be cheerleaders…
I use the RunKeeper app – I’ve tried most of the apps out there for running and I like this one the best. Since I have a FitBit, I guess that also counts, but I have found the GPS data on RunKeeper is a little bit more accurate. I don’t currently use any other workout apps besides an Interval Timer app that I use if I force myself to do HIIT at home.


My boyfriend runs too but we’re totally different. I’m so passionate about running and it being part of my identity and the social community aspect. He signs up for 2 half marathons a year to force him to train. He doesn’t love running but loves that it affords him extra food and his dog gets exercise too.
So it’s more a practical thing for him.

I worked from my sofa with the lights out so the trick-or-treaters would skip my house. It worked. I don’t feel bad though because there are hundreds of homes in my condo development. They got plenty :)

I ran the NYC Marathon in 2011, 2013 and 2015 and spectated in 2014 and 2016. (2012 was canceled because of superstorm Sandy. I was actually at the Expo picking up my bib when I got the news) So this is the first year in quite some time I won’t be a part of the event at all and I’m really sad.

I’ve been using Runkeeper for years.


What color is your nail polish? I love it!


Oh thank you so much Shannon! So I got it done at the nail salon… they do gel nails there. I’ll ask next time I go in! I hope you are having a great morning!


Hah Andrew is spot on with his list. My boyfriend would probably add:
1. They’ll never want to go out and do anything fun on Friday nights because they have to wake up way too early on Saturdays to run forever
2. There will always be an ample supply of Clif Bars in your pantry and Powerade Zeros in your fridge

Looks like you guys had a great night!!


My husband totally gets me running. It helps that he knew me in high school and I was on the cross country/track team then. He’s not a runner though. The only part of running he doesn’t get is the amount of money races cost lol

Parties! So many parties yesterday and trick or treating for around 3 hours last night. They didn’t want to stop.


Sadly, hubby is not a runner — at first he really didn’t understand, but he’s starting to!

We watched Halloween movies! (Friday the 13th, Friday the 13th 2009 version, The nightmare before Halloween, etc…) and had popcorn and recovered from a crazy workout Monday night!

I use MapMyRun and MyFitnessPal for running/nutrition. For workouts, our gym uses Wodify to document workout sessions.


I’m still living that #singlelyfe but I went on a date recently where the guy immediately began complaining about his ex who had been a runner and how she always had to go to bed early and never wanted to party the night before a race. He went beet red when I told him I was a runner and we obviously didn’t go on a second date.
I am seriously considering putting my name in for the NYC marathon lottery for 2018:) I used to live there, and I’d love to experience that race.


OH NO…. yeah, I can’t see that relationship going anywhere ha! Glad you guys realized that in the first date!! I think you should totally go for the lottery for the NYC Marathon, it is incredible and it would be perfect for you!


That unicorn costume is adorable!! I can see that showing up in a lot of pictures from here on out. Great Michael Jackson costume too. On point! I can agree with a lot of those comments about runners. Now that our kids are in cross country too, I’m doing soooo much running clothes laundry. It’s all good though – love our running family! :)


I’m pretty sure my husband woul agree to all of the points Andrew stated above. It’s exactly the same over here :D

And: I’m so excited to run NYC marathon on sunday!! I just read your race recap (again) and I just can’t wait!! I’m going to hop on the plane tomorrow morning.
Any tips for the perfect burger in NYC (my traditional pre-race dinner) are very welcome.


GOOD LUCK SARAH!! I am so incredibly excited for you Sarah! PLEASE let me know how it goes, I want to hear it all! Oh I was all about the pizza in NYC! ANYONE KNOW OF the best burger places for Sarah!?!?


Sarah W you must go to Shake Shack for the best burger. get the Stack – it’s a burger with a huge mushroom. it’s delicious. oh and cheese fries. you will die of happy. google Shake Shack you’ll find several locations. they are superb.


I just googled it and Shake Shack burgers look delicious. There is one about half a mile from the hotel we stay, so it’s on the list. Thanks!!


If you happen to be in the neighborhood of Columbia (~114th-120th between Broadway and Amsterdam), there’s a Shake Shack but ALSO a super awesome Ethiopian place..! You want to talk about the perfect burger! Well, you won’t really get a burger there, but it’s their burger– they make the (AMAZING) traditional Ethiopian bread, and omg SO GOOD. I am NOT a restaurant person, but that place IS GOOD.

And good luck!! Own it!!


Just FYI and I hope the others see this too.. If you spend a few days in the City before the -thon, just fyi there are running stores near Central that have lockers for people to use to leave their stuff (bring a lock!) and pick it back up after running. The most convenient is 59th&Columbus– the Time Warner Building.

There’s a New York Running Company store (owned by JackRabbit) on the second floor with all your running goodies and lockers (and nice bathrooms nearby). Also there’s a Whole Foods on the bottom that opens at ~7:30 I think and so if you’re running a little earlier (7amish) there’s a bathroom in the Time Warner building.

Also the NYRR Running complex a little further south from the Time Warner Building (57th and ..uh.. just go down 2 blocks from the Time Warner building and turn right (so go west) down along 57th (south side, so cross the street). There are also bathrooms in both of these places.

Just FYI there are also bathrooms at the cafe in Central Park, West side, and there’s one at the boathouse (East side, up around prob 80th? street? before the 90th Street exit. The 90th Street exit on the east side has an opening for the Reservoir– perfect for tempo runs, but usually crowded along the reservior top (with tourists). There’s a great running path along the reservior too which usually has fewer tourists.

Key location though really is 59th and Columbus, the Time Warner Building. There’s a JackRabbit running store also btw on West 72nd St that’s nearby a Trader Joes (only go to TJ early, like 8am-9am, unless you want to wait in a huge line!!). Quite a few restaurants and places allow bag drops for working runners though. It’s really nice.


I’m sorry, but living and running in the City, you learn to know your potty places :3.



Oh and on Ethiopian– there’s another restaurant near Columbia that I haven’t been to that might be better or nicer… It’s called Awash:

Massawa is just right near CU and the neighborhood is nicer. (Also there’s a Whole Foods ~10 blocks south of Awash and ~0.25mi east. (98th&Columbus) It’s actually somewhat close to one of the exits of Central..

Sorry for the spam comments……


Unfortunately I didn’t make it, as our hotel was located in Financial District. However, I will be back in NYC next August, staying in Uptown Manhattan, and I will make sure to visit this restaurant, it sounds amazing (I had ethiopian food before in a small restaurant in Germany, and I loved it). Thanks for your help :)


You always gotta save something for next time ;)! How’d it go?? How’d you do?? Hope you enjoyed!! My goodness those crowds!!


I’m back, and Shake Shack’s stack did a great job (and was delicious!). Thanks again, we loved it!


Terrific so glad to hear it :)


Husband (M) is not a runner, but did cross country in high school. He is athletic though and supports me trying new things and has to hear about ALL the things I see during a run.
Halloween was GREAT! We trick or treated with cousins from Idaho (We’re in NC) and handed out candy and played all night. It was PERFECT. Oh and we took advantage of the ‘wear your costume get a $3 boorito from Chipotle’ deal – sooo good.
Only apps I use for running: Pandora, Map My Run, and My Fitness Pal


Oh, Andrew’s list – love it! I am glad he put #2 on there – I thought it was just me that left gu’s all over the place. Good luck to all the NYC runners out there. I second what Janae said about not using music – I did not listen to music for Chicago this year, and it was great to hear the crowds during the race. I didn’t miss the music at all (but I did bring my earphones just in case I needed a music boost). Those costumes are EXCELLENT.


Oh that is awesome Cathy! I want to do that when I run Chicago someday too… I want those crowds to keep me going!! I hope you are having a great day and you aren’t alone with the gels everywhere:)


Ahh I love Brooke’s costume!
I use my Apple watch for an “app” but I teach kids with visual impairments how to travel safely and independently so this is an AMAZING article! I’ll be cheering for this man all the way from SC :) thank you for sharing!


Oh I am so glad. Seriously, so amazing!! I hope your day is a great one Elizabeth!


OMG but TWO full-size packs of peanut M&Ms?????? I’m trick or treating with you next year!!!


You really need to:) My parents’ area is awesome… there were a bunch of haunted houses set up too! I hope you are having a great day Barb!


Great job on the Mummy Hot Dogs – Miss Crafty :)


Love the list of being married to a runner! A lot of those things happen in our house :)
My husband is not a runner at all…sometimes I beg him to run with me but he rarely gives in. His main hobby is hunting.
The Halloween costumes are awesome! Our Halloween was nice and lowkey with plenty of candy and Hocus Pocus watching :)


Brooke’s unicorn outfit was perfect. I spent my halloween doing speedwork at the track because speed work is scary right?!


BAHAHA yep.. that is SCARY! Way to go on your speedwork Eleanor!!!


Give me those peanut m&ms!!
The running picture of you both: Your smile? Sincere. Andrews? Less so ;)
Ross would probably add to the list that you know you are married to a runner when running is talked about in a positive way. He hates it. But I secretly think he kind of likes it, but he doesn’t want to admit to it.
NYC marathon has been on my bucket list. I may be 50 and I may walk the whole thing, but dang it, I want to do it real bad!


Can we do it together please? Seriously… can you imagine that girls trip!? Ross will admit some day that he loves it. I need to see you asap!


I love Brooke and Knox’s costumes! Andrew’s list made me laugh and I bet my boyfriend would agree with a bunch of them.

Technology is amazing! I hope Simon runs a great marathon. I use FinalSurge to track all of my runs. It’s free and lets you schedule all different types of runs and when races are. I love it!

Have a great one Janae :)


Hi Janae,

The kids look so cute for Halloween, I wore a unicorn horn as my costume and it wasn’t quite as good as Brooke’s! So update on the NYC Marathon for me… not happening. So I will be there in 2018 and hope you will too! It turns out my “glute strain” is actually a fractured sacrum! I will be out of the running game for a few months, and doing very little for the first month. So any book suggestions, upper body exercises would be great! Have a great Wednesday :)


KELSEY. I am so so so so so sorry. My heart is broken for you. This breaks my heart. Take this time to find your other passions, focus on those. Spend more time with your people and spoil yourself like crazy. I am so so sorry! You are strong and you will gain so much from this! Let’s do NYC in 2018:) Thinking about you and let me know if you need anything!


oh no, so sorry to hear that. NYC will be waiting for you in 2018!


OMG, I LOVED Andrew’s list! So full of love and humor! The kids costumes were awesome! My husband, like Andrew, prefers weights over cardio. He would rather play sports and when he plays sports like tennis or basketball, he has so much more endurance than I do with cardio. We left candy out front and took the kids trick or treating. They loved it so much. Best part of parenting…enjoying your kids’ happiness. My daughter would have freaked at the Michael Myer’s mask. She just got to an age where things like that scare her. One year we were at the Children’s museum and a kid had a mask from Scream that looked like blood was dripping down. Her expression was priceless. It was so hard for my husband and I to keep the laughter in while comforting her. Have a great day Janae!


My husband and I are both runners but he is more serious and that list definitely applies to him! I never thought I would say that my husband wears shorter running shorts than me…. he claims “the shorter the better”. And seriously how do running gel packets end up everywhere….including in my washing machine on occasion.

We spend Halloween doing a little trick or treating (it was freezing so that didn’t last long) and then over the neighbors for soup, snacks, and drinks.

FYI I saw these instant pot recipes on this blog and thought of you. I want to try the wild rice one soon! Her Perfect Chocolate Chip cookie recipe is pretty amazing too. .


I can’t wait to try… I’m drooling over here. I need to get baking:) HAHAH I love your husbands theory on running shorts:) Oh we have totally found a gel in the washing machine too! Soups and snacks sounds perfect! Thanks for the recipe Corrinne and I hope your day is amazing!


I’m running NYC, after working extra time all summer to pay for it and it’s finally almost here. Wow. Not the training cycle I hoped for but not the worst either.
Please, help a tourist out — what do I wear this year? Shorts? Crops? Tights? Short sleeves?
Don’t want to be too hot or too cold.

Even though my time finish time won’t be anywhere near sub-elite I keep reminding myself that my marathon is every bit as important as the speedier folks’ marathons (it just takes longer).

Would love a HRG NYC run in 2018, I better start saving up now!


HEY!! I am so so excited for you to run NYC! This is awesome, you are going to love it! UMMM YES… your marathon is JUST AS IMPORTANT as everyone else there! I wore shorts and a t-shirt (and gloves for the beginning) and that felt great for me! You can also wear more and lose layers along the way! Arm sleeves are my favorite because they are so easy to take off when you get too warm. Please let me know how it goes, I’m so excited for you!


Northanon – the weather prediction is for 57-63 and the humidity will be high according to forecasts. keep tabs on the weather cuz it can change fairly quickly – keep tabs up to the morning of. if the forecast holds, it will probably feel like 63-70 and you will want to be wearing shorts and a tank. the extra humidity can be suffocating, i always like to take 2 cups of water when it’s humid here (for other races, not a marathoner yet), one for cooling off my head, and one for drinking. good luck!!!


Thank you both very much. Shorts and a tank?! I never would have guessed, I planned to use the hub’s old work parka to stay warm on Staten Island… guess not.
Thanks so much!


BTW overdressing is totally okay. Everyone strips on the bridge; NYRR donates the clothing (or so I’m told..).

Crap, a friend and I wore a long-sleeve for the Staten Half last year (Hurricane Matthew..) and we threw it at the people working the Mile 1 fluid station xD!


totally agree with R Kay!


Northanon, if you want to stay warm beforehand at the start while waiting, definitely bring the parka as something to throw-away before the race. when you run, you’ll start off chilly but by mile 2-3 you’ll likely be warm. don’t forget when you check weather beforehand to check the wind in addition the the temps and humidity. at the start, you can use most anything to help keep you warm – but you will also be surrounded by thousands of runners and body heat will keep you warm too. it’s up to you.


Snowecho is totally right. I started in the front pack last year, and we were packed like sardines!! (Sardines with clothes everywhere…………seriously, you might even pick up one of the Dunkin’ Donuts NYC Marathon hats. I saw like 15 on the ground just waiting to start xD!)

(Okay 15–> 2 or 3…but others kept theirs on!)


My husband was a sprinter in high school and stopped running after graduation. Now we’re working on his mobility so he can do a 5K.

I handed out candy yesterday, I like seeing the kids dressed up.

I plan on cheering Sunday and I do call out names when they’re visible.


I’m running NYC this year! I ran it two years ago and it’s by far my favorite marathon–can’t wait to do it again. We’re leaving Friday morning and I’m pumped! :)


GOOD LUCK ON SUNDAY ERIN!! I am so so excited for you! PLEASE let me know how it goes:) SO happy for you!


Welcome back to the City and good luck!! Own it!


My husband has completed a couple of 5K fun runs with me but running isn’t his hobby. What is incredible is the support he gives me in my running both while I train and then when I race. I’ve gone alone to some races and its not nearly as good as when I have him as my race crew!! He drives me and makes sure I don’t forget things, he’s the calm and I love seeing him at the finish gate. His hobby is ranching. I help him work cattle when he needs me; branding, giving immunizations, feeding and checking mama cows during calving season. It may sound more like a job but believe me he loves it as much or more than I love my running!


Cutest costumes!! How sweet to have neighbors passing out hot chocolate. :)


I’m very impressed with your mom’s daily step counts!! I get between 15k-18k on the weekdays, which includes my 6 mile run. Of course I spend the rest of my day sitting at a desk so womp womp. ;)


Love Andrew’s list! The smelly laundry is real in our house. Les completely gets my running quirks because his cycling passion is off the charts! He’s been at all my finish lines and I’ve been at his. Best of all was seeing him complete his cross country cycling trip last Friday. I was standing on a bench at Tybee Beach as they made their last turn – people were staring but I didn’t care!

Strava is my main running/cycling app. I don’t use it on the run, but upload from my Suunto when I get home. I love seeing my friends’ outings.


Significant other… are they runners? Do they understand your running? If running isn’t their passion, what are some of their passions?!
yes, my husband is a runner and has been for some time, before i have. running is more a means to an end, we’re both outdoorsy – hiking/camping, touring/backcountry skiing, XC skiing, downhill skiing/snowboarding, kiteboarding, and rock climbing are our combined go-to activities. but living in NYC we don’t get to do it a lot so we cycle and run quite a bit to stay on top of it.

How did you spend your Halloween? I’d love to hear!
at work and with my LO and helping her class with halloween arts and crafts and activities. then i did a run to Prospect Park, did the hill and ran back for a post-race easy run. then i biked the LO from school to swimming class, and then to her uncle’s to distribute candy on their brownstone stoop.

Who will be at the NYC Marathon either running or cheering?
i am usually there but i will be abroad at that time. my husband and daughter will be there. it goes right by our apt bldg. it’s always an amazing sight to see endless runners down 4th Ave in Brooklyn!

What running apps do you use? What about workout apps?
Garmin Connect and Strava for tracking our running, cycling and hiking. i don’t have workout apps.


I love the list!
I spent my Halloween working on the ambulance and then working at the hospital in the emergency room! I’m a nurse, and I love that Andrew is in nursing school!
I am planning on running NYC Marathon next year! Hopefully I can see you there!
For apps, I just use the Garmin app, but for workouts I love Studio Sweat On Demand and the Beachbody app!


I will be running NYC sunday! I have heard so many great things, I am so excited!! Any must dos or must eats while I’m in the city?


AHHH GOOD LUCK MICHELLE!! I am beyond excited for you and I want to hear all about it! As far as food goes…when I went I had zero money so we ate really cheap (and a lot of boring stuff like froyo and cupcakes) and probably not the most exciting food BUT I found this article for you that looks to have some great recommendations:

Have an amazing time and I want to hear all about it!


there are so many must-dos and must eats in the city. if you will be staying awhile, running central park, prospect park, eastside path to westside path is quite nice. there was the terror attack on the westside path tho in lower manhattan and it looks cleaned up as far as i can tell. but if you do central park to the westside path and end somewhere north you should be fine or do east side path to the ferry is also nice.

for must eats i don’t even know where to begin. i like using and and for helpful tips. i also use bc i’m in Brooklyn. there are so many eating blogs and there are SO many good eats. good luck, eating your face off is one of the best things about this city.


I ran NYC in 2011 too! My significant other is supportive, but not a runner. I think at times he struggles to understand my drive and passion for the sport. He is an avid hiker and mountain biker and loves his motorbike haha.

Halloween was quiet – I went to a trivia night with my run crew at a local pub.

Sadly won’t be in NYC this year but hope to get back there again some day! One of my best girl friends will be there running NYC though.



Significant other… are they runners? Do they understand your running? If running isn’t their passion, what are some of their passions?! – My husband is a runner!! In fact it’s the only reason I ever went on a date with him in the first place (lol). He is more of a mountain/ultra lover (though I do really love that!), and I am typically more half/full marathon lover.

How did you spend your Halloween? I’d love to hear! – We binge watched Stranger Things season 2!

What running apps do you use? What about workout apps? – Strava mostly.


It was so weird to see Knox as a brunette!!!! His costume ROCKED though!!!!!!!!! MJ would be proud :)

I just wanted to THANK YOU SO MUCH for answering my questions about eyelash extensions yesterday!!!!!!!!!! I’ll let you know if I ever take the plunge, but I really really appreciated your taking the time to give me your feedback/opinion!!!! :) :) :)


I love that list!! It’s so accurate it’s hilarious! My boyfriend would 100% agree with all of that! Oh and he may add that he happily enjoys taking part in the carb loading pre-race day even if he isn’t signed up to race with me! :) What a good sport! Ha!

I LOVE their costumes! How cute!!! I saw so many cute unicorns out too! Must have been a big hit this year!

I’m AMAZED about that NYC marathoner!! I can’t wait to see how he does!!


Mu hubs is not a runner but he says he wants to get into it so we will see. . .I would love to start doing RUN-cations!! Finding different races to go to, go a few days before and stay a few days later and make a vacation out them!! But I have to say he NEVER misses a race!
We are moving into our new home and I was packing all my shoes and he can’t understand WHY I have to keep my “retired” sneakers!! LOL
Question for you. . . what do you do with your old running shoes?? Some are actually sentimental to me from some amazing races that I have done. But then I think, “Am I just being a pack rat”???
Looking good Mama!!!


My husband is a runner too. He has definitely caught the bug and we coach high school cross country together :) He’s injured right now and we are both hoping he’ll be able to do CIM in December!

We always have our families over for a frito boats and walking the neighborhood :) It’s my fav!

I won’t be in NYC but my running partner (mentor) will be! His retirement goal is to run all of the marathon majors and he has Chicago and Boston done!

I use Strava and Garmin connect.


The kids costumes are so cute! The unicorn costume is amazing. I am so excited to watch the NYC marathon from my couch. I had a brain fart and thought it was last Sunday and almost had a heart attack lol. Thank goodness I haven’t missed it! Haha


My Bf is a runner!! We push each other and have just decided to run a marathon together! I am super excited for this!
I spent my Halloween working sadly, it was probably the most unhalloween Halloween I’ve ever had. NYC marathon is on the list but it will be a few years. Currently I am using Couch2-5k to get my butt back in gear and I plan on using their 10k and marathon app for training. I also have a Garmin vivoactive so I use their app.


My hubby is a runner, but I wouldn’t call it a hobby. He runs to keep in shape, his passion is definitely hockey and anything outdoors (climbing, mountain biking, skiing, etc..) Before we started dating, he ran to lose some of those college lbs. Now i’ll sign us up for races. We’ve done multiple 5ks & 10ks and a few half marathons too all finishing together! However, he has no interest in running a marathon so when I told him I was going to sign up for one, he said a hard no to that, but he was very supportive of me during my whole training. When I would drag my feet to get out of the door, he would remind me how important it is to get it done. There was a 10k that went along with the marathon. Come race day, once he was done, he made sure to find me and cheer me on along the course. I missed him at mile 16, but saw him at mile 20! And he definitely could definitely identify with #15. He was just as excited and proud of me when I was done.


I will be at NYC marathon this weekend running my first marathon!! I’ve had a rough past few weeks so I’ve had to completely changemy goal (and mindset!) when it comes to this first race. I am hoping to enjoy the experience and finish healthy! :) I loved reading your recap!!!


good luck SOPH!


OMG that unicorn costume though!

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