Thursday THINGS + Your Gas Pedal.

I’ve got a new pregnancy update—>  HERE!  36 weeks and talking about something I’m nervous about!


We were all beyond ready to see Knox again and to have the next few days all together before both of them leave for the week of Thanksgiving!  We are going to have our own little Thanksgiving on Sunday together this year instead.

My Wednesday treadmill date with a new episode of This Is Us started very early;)  4 miles of running + a little bit of walking.

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The reason for the early wake-up call… this fire alarm.  It went off at 4 a.m. and Andrew rushed from room to room to find which alarm was going off and we couldn’t figure it out.  It woke up Brooke and Beretta and I’m pretty sure all of our heart rates were at 200 bpm because we were so freaked out.  No fire, no smoke, just a fire alarm that went off for no reason at all… we bought new ones yesterday.  It really freaked me out because at first I thought it was our alarm going off and someone had opened a door or window or something.  It was an interesting morning but very glad everything was okay.

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And then it was off to school!

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I copied Brooke with her oatmeal love (her favorite thing to eat right now) for breakfast but I ate mine right in front of the space heater… perfect.

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Lunch involved two bowls… caesar salad + ground turkey/noodles/sauce.  I can’t do red meat these days (aversion again) but I can handle ground turkey!

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If the raspberries from Costco weren’t $6 a container I would have bought a bunch of them… I told myself I was going to ration them throughout the week but instead ate the entire thing in less than 18 hours.

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I took the kids to the park yesterday afternoon and when Knox saw all of the ducks he said, “I love ducks because they remind me of my great great great great great grandpa.”  Pretty sure he has never met that grandpa but I’m sure he loved ducks too;)

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Brooke impressed me by doing the monkey bars all by herself…

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And then Knox impressed me by telling me he was just going to go for a run around the park.

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We stopped at my parents’ house for a minute and I walked in and my dad handed me a Kit Kat.  He just gets me.

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My third meal of the day was also in a bowl, we had cereal night because we were in the middle of switching out our ovens:)  I tried to blur out the background a little bit so I can do a cool before and after kitchen post on Monday:)

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And before I let you go, I have a few random things to tell you (this post and my last post have been full of a bunch of random things but that is all my brain is coming up with so I’m just going to go with it ha):

*I finished Wonder and it was amazing!  I just started The Nightingale (I saw Megan recommend it) and I’m so excited about it.  More downtime for me lately = more reading.

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*I have never been this on top of my Christmas game in my life (ever… 12/24 is usually a late night for me).  Most of the kid’s presents from us;) are wrapped and hidden at my mom’s house now (our kids are incredible at finding things).  One less thing for us to do after the baby is here!  Andrew and I wrapped while watching the office and fun fact… wrapping is a little more difficult when you are 9 months pregnant.  PS we are now less than a month away from the DUE DATE.  Thanks for being a part of this and letting me talk your ears off about it all, you guys are the best.

Also, when my dad was young he and his brother would carefully unwrap their presents under the tree before Christmas and rewrap them without his parents even noticing!

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*My parents just got back from a trip to Disney with my brother and his family.  This is the BEST TIME ever to go… we are so joining them next time for sure.  My mom’s fitbit told her that she walked over 10 miles one day while at Disney!

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*I’m pretty excited to try out the Ghost 10s today on my run!  I haven’t used the Ghosts in years and I can’t wait to see how my feet like them today!

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*PS I love the little sayings on Brooks shoe boxes… “I have a gas pedal under both feet today.”  I sure hope your run today (or your next race) feels JUST like this and if it doesn’t, trick your mind into thinking it does;)

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*It’s time—>  If you are like me and hate everything and anything to do with having cold fingers while you run… find a good pair of gloves (my current favorite are here) and add some hand warmers, and you will enjoy these upcoming cold running months much more.   I don’t use them every day during the winter but if I have a longer run or it is crazy cold, I can’t leave home without them.

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*Madeline asked me yesterday for a list of the current podcasts that I’m listening to!  I have found some awesome episodes in these different podcasts:

I’ll Have Another w/ Lindsay Hein

Run Eat Repeat with Monica

Super Soul Conversations

Bold New Mom

This American Life

Ali On The Run Show

Man Bun Run

Real Talk Radio w/ Nicole Antoinette  (really enjoyed her interviews with Lauren Freshman)

Running for Real Podcast

Human Race (Runner’s World)

Missing (about Richard Simmons)

How I Built This

Stuff You Missed in History Class

Happier w/Gretchen Rubin

Marathon Training Academy


Another reminder of a new baby update if you want to check it out—>  HERE!


What are your current goto podcasts?!

What was the last thing that you ate out of a bowl?

Would you rather have cold hands or cold feet during a run?  Or is there something different for you that you dislike even more while running… I’ll answer your would you rather question about this.

-Cold feet.

Please share one of your Thursday things with me!

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Hey Janae! For Christmas I want to ask for headphones. I know you’ve raved about yours (or rather Andrew’s ;) do you mind telling me the brand and type they are?? I’d be so grateful.

Also be careful with space heaters!! My not so smart roommate last year in college set her room on fire because of it. So glad that the fire alarm randomly went off and there was not actually a fire!

And definitely cold feet over cold hands. I hate cold hands haha.


Maureen! Oh I love these headphones so much:
I hope you do too!

Ahhhh that is so scary about the space heater! Thanks for the warning!

Have a beautiful day!


I wear the Ghost 10s and LOVE them! I’m kind of surprised at how much I like them. I’m a HUGE Launch 4 fan, but I wanted something with a tad more cushion for recovery runs. I”m actually doing MOST of my runs in the Ghost 10 b/c they’re just working so well for me. My only complaint is that they make my feet look big like clown feet! ha ha Maybe it’s b/c I have the bright red version. ha ha I’m about due for a 2nd pair. I hope you love them, too! Cushiony but still not heavy!

ha ha I used to unwrap my presents and wrap them again, too! In fact, sometimes I still do this. ha ha I’m TERRIBLE at waiting for surprises. It wouldn’t surprise me if my oldest daughter does/will do this, also, b/c she’s so like me. Let the tradition continue, I guess?! ha ha

Last thing I ate out of a bowl–some dry Golden Grahams as my pre-bed snack last night. Not so exciting. ha ha

Thursday?! I’m just hoping for a normal day today. Yesterday at school (I’m an English teacher), I made the second kid (a boy again!) cry in three weeks (and I am normally NOT the type who makes kids cry! Not at all!), and another boy had a melt-down in class because he wasn’t assigned the part he wanted in Macbeth yesterday. Oh my. And these are 9th graders. I’m looking forward to a run after school today on the trail, too :)


Oh this makes me so happy about the Ghost 10s Jen! I love finding something that works so well for my running and I am glad these do for you (ps don’t worry, all shoes look like clown feet on me;)! Keep the tradition going haha! Nooo about the meltdowns, I hope there are no tears and a lot of smiles for you today!


-Grammar Girl (I’m an English geek, haha)
-? Probably cereal…
-Cold hands…cold feet hurt when they hit the ground
-just got in from out of town so today is all about the laundry. Joy…

Happy Thursday!


I might need to listen to Grammar Girl to help me out:). I hope you had a fun trip away and I really hope you don’t experience cold feet on any of your runs this winter!


I love Kristin Hannah books!! I will have to check that one out for sure!!
Less than 30 days to go!!! I am SUPER excited for you guys and I have a feeling that November 30th is your day!
I’ve been running primarily in the Brooks Ghosts for almost 10 years! I’ve switched it up a few times (Pure Flows and the Cadence) but always have gone back to the Ghosts, they just work for my feet!
Have an awesome day today, Janae :-)


Oh November 30th sure sounds good to me! Oh I am so happy that you have loved the Ghosts for so long.. I am so excited for my run! Thanks, you too Torrie!


Lighten Up with Melanie Dale is my favorite podcast to listen to!
Noodles with butter and lemon pepper (it’s a weird guilty pleasure)
I’ll take cold feet over cold hands!
A Thursday Thing-I get to see my parents tomorrow! I haven’t seen them in about 2+ months since they’ve been traveling and I’m not sure if I’m more excited or if my girls are. They have a very special connection with my parents which makes me very happy since I have the best parents ever!
Happy Thursday!


Thanks for the podcast recommendation! That sounds like a great one! I want those noodles! Ahhhh I am so happy you get to see your parents tomorrow and that your girls get to too! Sounds like they are incredible! Enjoy every second! Thanks Courtney!


I eat Nature Valley Granola Crunch with fruit and Wheat Thins every morning out of a bowl, so that was the last thing I had. That stuff is SO good!

I would rather have cold feet. I can’t function with cold hands. AT ALL. It’s the worst.

Thursday thing: I slept in a little this morning (I usually get up at 4:09 and go running first thing), so I’m going to have to attempt my tempo run after work today. I think I just needed some extra sleep because yesterday was a long and draining day.


Well, that sounds delicious! I need to try that combo! Have an amazing tempo run after work today, you are going to do awesome!


Thanks for the encouragement, Janae! Hope you have a wonderful day, too!


I just heard about this podcast called My Favorite Murder — by the same folks that did Serial — about really creepy murders that really happened, but no one really talks about. *Goosebumps!*

Oats… or soup… It’s finally cool here in NC! I had frost on my windshield and everything! So that means warm foods are calling my name. I’m all about hot apple/cinnamon oats for breakfast and soup for lunch and dinner. YUM!

I really dislike when my ears are cold — or when there’s that wind tunnel effect while straight into the wind. *Shudder* It’s so much better for me when it’s to my side or at my back.

One thing on my agenda today is to get a Holiday Mani! I’m thinking a really deep red color — that way my nails are nice for the upcoming family/friend gatherings in my world!


Okay, that podcast sounds really interesting… Serial was my favorite ever! Enjoy your holiday mani Susie! Oh and I hope you don’t have cold ears this winter! Have a wonderful day!


Wow you listen to a LOT of podcasts! I have trouble keeping track of them all so I only listen to a couple at a time. Right now I’m all about Casefile – so creepy!
We use our space heater to heat up the bathroom in the morning while we shower. I keep the thermostat at 65 in the winter and my husband struggles so much! ;)
Last thing I ate out of a bowl was squash soup from panera last week…I need more soup right now!


Oh I am going to have to look into Casefile! Thanks Erinn! Good call on the space heater in the bathroom, I am going to try that!


I just got hooked on Super Soul Conversations and I love it! Although I listened to the one with Joe Biden earlier this week on my run and it made me sad when he talked about losing his son. The conversations are usually interesting and keep my attention away from getting too focused on how far I’m going and how tired I may feel.
Last thing out of a bowl – dessert last night was sliced strawberries with cookie butter. It was a small bowl but it counts!
I think cold feet would be worse… my hands are cold a lot of the time normally, so I’m used to it. Cold feet are no fun though!
Thursday thing – I am on the hunt for more dresses that aren’t too expensive but are comfortable and cute. I wore pants to work twice this week (for the first time in long time) and I didn’t like it. I need to stick with dresses and leggings, so I need some recommendations or I need people to agree with me that it’s totally acceptable to order the same dress in different colors… because I am close to doing that!


Oh I LOVED the episode with Joe Biden and I really respect him. That episode made my run fly by too! Hahaha I think ordering the same dress in different colors is awesome! I love Roolee dresses, they are my favorite and so cheap! Have a great day!


I just squealed a little because we now have matching shoes (the Ghost 10s — I love them!).

Legit: I ate oatmeal with crunchy pb (a happy accident) and a ‘nanner out of a bowl while reading this post.:D


Oh this makes me so happy! They are beautiful shoes! Hahaha love the happy accidents! Have a wonderful day Tiffany!


So funny. On Sunday I bought 3 bulk bags of handwarmers and took a picture and sent it to my running friends saying “this should get me through November”. Really, I can’t handle cold hands or cold feet. I’m cheating in the would you rather game in this case. I am sooo miserable (and miserable to be around) when ANYTHING on me is cold.


Oh I am so so happy you are prepared for the month now hahah! And that is not cheating, I hate being cold anywhere too! Have a fabulous day Amanda!


Single-use handwarmers are air activated, so when I get back from a weekday winter run I put my handwarmers in a little snack sized ziplock-style baggie and push all the air out and seal it up. The next day you can unzip the baggie, give them a shake to get the air back in them again and usually use them a second day!


WHAT!?!?! I did not know this… AHHHH thank you so much, I will be doing this!


I’ll try that too! Cool! Thanks for letting us know.


One year while I was in college, my
Mom bought me a book for Christmas and had it wrapped under the tree. While I was home on break and she was at work, I’d unwrap it every day, read a bit, then wrap it back. I had it finished before Christmas and she never knew the difference. Have a great day, Janae!


Oh my goodness, that is hilarious!!! Thanks for the laugh Tracy and have an awesome day!


Loved loved loved The Nightingale! Enjoy!


Oh good! I’m already looking forward to tonight so I can read more;) I hope you have a wonderful day Violet!


Love how you guys are prepping for this baby girl to the point you already have christmas presents ready<3

The last thing I ate out of a bowl was cereal last night.

I would definitely rather NOT having cold in any parts of my body while I'm running. I'm a Miami girl so cold temperatures can be extremely hard to handle for me while running. I do agree that running with cold hands can be absolutely horrible.


Glad you had some delicious cereal last night! I hope you only have warm runs all winter Nathaly! Have a beautiful day!


Good job getting Christmas for your kids done! We are giving our kiddo’s a trip to Disneyland for Christmas (but we aren’t going until Jan!).
I have those exact same shoes and love them! I ran a race in them on Saturday and they were so comfortable! And I felt like I was flying! They are my first pair of Brooks shoes and I think I am hooked!
Goto podcast: My kids and I love Ear Biscuits. It’s by the guys from the youtube show Good Mythical Morning. They are funny and talk about random things.
Last thing I ate in a bowl: we had rice/burrito bowls for dinner last night. Easy and delicious!


Oh girl, I love that you are doing Disney for Christmas this year! We did that last year as our present too! Way to go on your race Brandy and I am so happy you love the Ghost! We are going to have to try Ear Biscuit! Thanks!


I’m going to have to check out some of those podcasts. I love The Girl next Door podcast and Chatty Sisters Podcast.


I am going to have to check those two out… thanks so much Alicia and I hope you have an awesome day!


Love the ducks and Knox story. So funny! The Nightingale is SO good!


So good with Christmas! I have not even started :/

I would much rather have cold hands…mine always seem to get hot when I run…>BUT I have Raynaud’s syndrome and my feet/toes are always a problem. Anything below about 45 and I end up with swollen purple toes for days. Such a pain in the bootay! When I ride in the winter, I wear specific winter riding boots, the thickest Smartwool socks they make and toe warmers and I still have problems!


I do not understand people who sneak peeks at presents. That would ruin Christmas for me!!
I love the Jillian Michaels podcast (though I wouldn’t recommend listening to it with kids around. Sometimes there is PG13 content). How I Built This and Hardcore History are up there too.
I had Noodles and Co yesterday in a bowl.


To be honest, I would rather cold nothing. Is that an option? If I think I’ll be cold, I typically stay inside. Though last winter I bought a pair of Montana Mits..who knew mittens could cost that much…UGH. Anyway, they were the best investment I’ve ever made for winter.


I had oatmeal, it’s my morning go-to. Bananas, mini dark chocolate chips, and peanut butter were today’s add ins. (I try to change it up daily).

I hate having cold extremities but I think feet is slightly worse because it hurts to have them hit the ground when they’re frozen. Our local hardware store went out of business last year and I am completely stocked up on hand and feet warmers. (there was a huge bag 75% off)!

I had an injury while running in Ghosts and I haven’t tried them since. Did it have anything to do with the shoes? I don’t know but I can’t bring myself to buy them again. (runners are a superstitious lot).


Thanks for some great podcast recommendations! I am currently loving Jen Hatmaker’s “For the Love.” You should check it out! Super Soul Conversations is for sure my favorite though….


I hate my face getting cold. So I run on a treadmill through most of the winter. But having your hands cold sucks too.


What are your current goto podcasts?!

What was the last thing that you ate out of a bowl? I made Fartlek Chili last night from the Run Fast Eat Slow cookbook! It was delicious and I am sure it was very healthy for me (since it included carrots… veggies am I right?!?!) Eating out of bowls is the bomb because they are so much easier to wash. :)

I dislike having a cold nose while running… I have this neck warmer that is awesome because I can cover my nose… but sometimes I think we need a nose warmer (so my breath doesn’t make ice on my neck when it is really cold). But probably cold hands is better than cold feet since cold feet is just not fun.

Please share one of your Thursday things with me! I have been working on a t-shirt quilt for a co-worker. It is Harley Davidson themed and it has turned out really cool! I am going to finish it up tonight!!! :) Hooray!


Emily, that sounds amazing!! How kind of you to do that for your co-worker! I need that Fartlek Chili in my life! I agree, having a cold nose is BAD!


I would rather have cold hands versus cold feet! Also Oprah’s Supersoul Conversations are AMAZING – so inspiring and eyeopening. I’m currently listening to “I’ll have Another…” right this minute!


I know this doesn’t answer any of your questions, but I can’t let you mention The Nightingale without saying how much I LOVE that book. The day I read it, I stayed up until 4AM because I could not stop reading it -and even now I feel like the characters are still a part of my life… one of the few books that ever made me feel that way. You will love it!


You smoke detectors might also be carbon monoxide detectors. Maybe worth looking into? Be safe!


Oh thank you Elise for the tip! Ours weren’t (luckily)! But thank you so much! I hope you have a beautiful day!


I hope you like The Nightingale! I really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, I might be seeing Wonder before I get to read it–my 9.y.o. son really wants to go to that movie this weekend–even though I prefer reading before watching.

I’m the oddball who can’t get into podcasts! I’m much better taking in written words than listening…plus, as soon as I try to listen to *anything* in my life, I get interrupted (kids, pets, phone calls, whatever).

I had Chocolate/Peanut Butter Cheerios for 2nd dinner last night. I didn’t think I’d like the flavor, but sometimes it really hits the spot. I also like that it’s a bit less sugary than many cereals.

I’d rather never run when it’s cold! But since that’s unrealistic, I’d rather have cold hands since I can tuck into my sleeves to warm them up. I feel like if my feet are ever cold, I can’t really fix that easily.

Thursday thing: 2 weeks until I leave for my girls’ running trip at the beach!! It will still be cold, but it will be at the BEACH with my GIRLS!


cold hands KILL me! i just can’t do it. I once had numb fingers for 17 miles because it was so cold — after that I made sure to NEVER leave for a winter run without serious gloves and handwarmers! you are super on top of things with your wrapping… i haven’t even thought about gifts yet!


Fresh berries NEVER last in my house! Especially blackberries, I just find them so easy to snack on!


I love raspberries :)

The Nightingale is a fantastic, albeit not easy read (given the topic!). I hope you enjoy it!


Thanks for you list Janae! Going to start digging into them. And congratulations on your baby girl!


You are so welcome! Thanks for the question! I hope your day is a great one Madeline!


We just got back from a 4 day trip to Disneyland. Hands down Christmas is the best time to go. No better way to get into the Christmas spirit then Disney this time of year.


Oh that makes me so happy… Glad you had such an amazing time! This is the best time to go (the crowds are best too:)!!! I hope you are having a beautiful day!


I love listening to How I Built This! I’m a huge fan of podcasts because I can listen to them while I’m at work. I also really like Tanis/The Black Tapes/Rabbits, but they’re more on the paranormal/mystery side – kind of like The X Files.


Nice T-day plan!

The fall is awesome, including Disneyland. Do it all in the fall. #doitallinthefall

Liking the two bowl lunch up there! The raspberries, I get it.

Yeah for Brooke’s upper body strength!! Get it, Brooke.


I would rather have cold hands all day every day. Maybe I am used to cold hands so they don’t bother me anymore. But if my toes get cold, they ache all day. Right now my toes really hurt because of a combination of cold running (it was 19 degrees this morning) and many many burpees and pushups at the gym, which put pressure on my toes.

Our fruit packs from Costco never last. I guess eating $6 worth of fruit is lightyears better than eating $6 of junk.


I haven’t jumped on the podcast thing yet and I should because both you and my husband love it. He listens in the car and while driving the tractor to cut grass or mulch leaves. The only one I listen to is Bigger Pockets which is all about real estate investing and it is a really great source of info.
I last ate out of the a bowl this afternoon – leftover homemade baked potato soup for lunch!


Podcasts: TedX (ugh, amazing), people share their stories anonymously and they are so powerful!

I had oatmeal out of a bowl this morning! I am an oatmeal fan like Brookie.

So, I’d rather not have cold hands or feet, tbh. However, I’m pretty lucky living in Florida that they’re only unbearably cold outside maybe 2 days a year (literally).

Thursday thing-> so Thursdays are one of my favorite days, because generally I work 8-5, run, and then have another obligation, and Thursdays I don’t really have anything. This week I actually decided to make tonight my rest day, too! So I’m going to go to this lovely restaurant that plays movies outside on a projector on Thursday nights in their cute little lit backyard with picnic tables! So I’m going to go to that with a friend. Anyways, thats my Thursday…hope yours was awesome!


That oatmeal looks SO good! I may need to make some tomorrow morning! Sadly though, mine never turns out quite that pretty!

I’m all about podcasts! I listen to some of those same ones you listed! A few I’m also loving right now are The LifeCoach School Podcast (amazing!), Women Inspiring Women, and Pursuit with Purpose! Those are all soooo good!

I had spaghetti out of a bowl last night! :)

Cold hands for sure over having cold feet while running! I can’t stand having cold feet!! BRRRR!

PS I so wish I could be almost done with Christmas shopping like you are, but no babies on the way for me so I may have a little bit more free time on my hands in the month of December!! You’re SO SO close to baby day!! I can’t wait to see what your new little one will look like! :)

Happy Thursday!!


I love, love, love my Ghost 10s! In fact, I have numerous pairs bought ahead in case they stop making them haha

And unpopular opinion, but my oatmeal has to be dry like the Sahara! I don’t know how you ate that bowl of oatmeal with so much liquid! It grosses me out.

Dads are awesome as mine usually has Reese’s peanut butter cups for me ?


Go to podcast was Serial (I know, late in the game) but just finished it and moved onto S-Town and it is getting really good. (Been listening to them while my husband and I road trip around Utah and it’s National Parks. I can see why you love living here!)

Love, love, love The Nightingale! One of the few books I stayed up long into the night reading so I could finish it.


Wow, I would never imagining doing what your dad did (unwrap then re-wrap presents)! I love eating out of bowls and mugs, I’m not sure why. I don’t really care for plates!


I just discovered Gilmore Guys and I’m obsessed!
I ate Maple Pecan Just the Cluster Trader Joes cereal :)
Cold feet! That just sounds awful!


I had 2 winter babies (Dec 18 & Jan 2) and I couldn’t stay home with them very long. When we went out I ALWAYS kept the carseat cover on them and didn’t really let people open the cover or touch them. People get it with a new baby. Also, keep hand sanitizer with you when you’re out. I had those tiny ones that hook on a key chain so you have if with you at all times. Their siblings had to go straight to the sink to wash hands everytime they came in from anywhere. Neither baby got sick as newborns by just washing and sanitizing all the time.


Hey Janae! How is your dad feeling after his accident a few months back?He seems to be back to his old self! Hope you and the baby are doing well!


Thank you so much Ashley for asking! He is actually doing incredibly well now and back to his normal schedule! I hope you are having a beautiful morning!


I feel your pain on the scary fire alarm incident. I’ve never had the alarm go off proper while sleeping, but I’ve had several traumatic experiences with low battery chirps in the wee hours of the night. One had me crying atop a 8 ft ladder at 4am unable to pull the detector off the wall. Funny now, not so much then!

Cold feet are worse than cold hands. My toes hurt so much!


Have you tried the toe warmers? They are adhesive (they go on top of feet) so the don’t move around & thin enough to wear in a running shoe. I don’t use them often, but when needed they are great! I buy both hand and toe ones at Costco – great price!


I haven’t! I need to ASAP! Thank you so much for the tip!!!


SkipBo is so much fun! It’s one of my two favorite card games. Dutch Blitz is my other favorite – you need to try it if you haven’t.

I started using a spreadsheet in July to track my workouts, but I haven’t updated it in a few months. I’m pretty sure I could add in all the miles I’ve done on the elliptical thanks to my Fitbit – it tracks all the details. It would be interesting to see how far I’ve gone!


I listened to a podcast today for the first time, and I loved it! But when one was over and I was still running, I had to stop and figure out how to start the next one. How do you do this? Is there a way to just have the next one start? I have no clue! Please share how you do this! Thanks for getting me started on this! I think I ran slower because I was listening and concentrating on running, but I totally enjoyed it :)

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