What to do + favorite running spot + YOUR Accomplishments!

Our second Thanksgiving (Andrew’s favorite holiday) together was a success and somehow we managed to fit in two large meals and both families all in one day:)

I LOVE running up at Andrew’s parents’ house.  They have a road close by that goes on for a while where there is nothing but horses, other runners/walkers and a view of the Great Salt Lake.  We never go any other way when we run up there because we love this route so much!

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Pregnancy was feeling great yesterday morning and our run was faster than normal… 4 miles @ 9:12 average pace.

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Not sure what was going on with my bangs but I just went with it.

Andrew was the smart dresser yesterday… he was in shorts and a t-shirt and I wore three layers on top and could have easily worn just a t-shirt and shorts too because it was so warm.  Last Thanksgiving we nearly froze to death on our run and this year it felt like spring!  I think the weather gods are giving me good running weather until this baby is born because I refuse to run on snow or ice this year while pregnant.

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All animals love Andrew.  They just walk right over to him and wanna hang out.

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From there we went straight into Thanksgiving prep and getting it all together.  Everything tasted amazing and I really missed having as much space as I usually do in my stomach to fit in all of the goodness this year.

I’ll spare you the Thanksgiving plate of food picture but I do have to show you their dessert table.   I’m not a cherry dessert person (and if someone puts a cherry on my ice cream sundae, I’m not very happy about it) but this one that his family makes is sooo good.

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After we ate I fell asleep on the carpet for a few minutes (turkey + pregnancy just really takes it out of ya) and then we were off to round two!   Our parents live about an hour away from each other which made it easy to make it to both dinners.

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Three out of five of the siblings were there last night!  My Arizona and Kentucky brothers need to make it out here more often.

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My sister’s salad that she brought—> THIS recipe and it was SO good!  Definitely one of the favorites from the day.

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After our second dinner (and everyone feeling completely stuffed) my sister brought out the bean boozled game.  Have you ever played this?  It’s the worst ha.  You spin the spinner and it will land on a color of jelly bean and that one color has two different flavors and you don’t know what you are going to get—>  either a delicious one or one that is absolutely awful (think dog food or moldy cheese).  Probably not the best game to play after eating a lot of food ha.

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They all loved it though and I happily watched from the couch.

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Risk takers over here:)

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When your niece comes over and asks to scratch your feet…

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Mer was there too!

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Mer supplied all of the Kneader’s pies for us too.  The selection was phenomenal.  Also, my sister made the date bars (a dessert that has been in our family for decades and it is everyone’s absolute favorite ((non-pregnant = I love them but I don’t love them right now)).

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I’m currently working on a fun gift guide that includes a bunch of my favorites so expect that soon and we’ll skip this week of Friday Favorites:)


I LOVE hearing from you and your accomplishments inspire all of us!  If you want to be feature, send your running accomplishment to—>  [email protected]


Leah!!!  “My running accomplishment was this past weekend’s Seacoast Half Marathon in Portsmouth, NH!  Not only did I have an amazing race, but this was my husband’s first half and he finished incredibly strong, with a huge smile on his face.  I ended up with a 2.5 minute PR and a 1:34:19 finish— a full 40 minutes faster than my first half 5 years ago. I never in a million years thought I’d go sub 1:35 and it’s amazing to see all that hard work pay off.  You can read more about it on my blog HERE!”

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Amy!!!  “On November 11th, I ran my first 5k!  I’ve always admired runners but every time I would try to run myself, I would crash and burn.  I tried the Couch to 5K app a few times and always seemed to fall off the wagon a few weeks in.  So, this fall I signed up for a ‘learn to run’ program at a local running store, determined that I was going to run that darn 5k.  The first few weeks were SO HARD.  I could barely run 3 minutes at a time, and every time I tried, I would get awful stitches in my side.  I commented on your blog a couple of months ago about the side stitches and you linked me to one of your old blog posts with suggestions from readers on how to get through them.  I tried a bunch of suggestions and just like magic, the stitches stopped!  One day I ran four sets of 5 minutes with ease and from that point on, I was hooked on running.  The 10 week clinic culminated in a 5k last week, which I ran in about 31 minutes.  I am SO proud of myself.  I’ve now signed on as a member of the running store for 2018 and am starting an intermediate clinic later this month!”


Diana!!!  “I haven’t run a marathon in a few years because I really wanted to focus on developing strength and speed to be able to crush my PR, rather than just training for marathon after marathon and not getting any faster.  Since my last marathon a few years ago, I joined a track club and have been working with the coach of that club on training plans for various races (mostly half marathons).  This summer, I decided I was finally ready to get back to the marathon and asked for a training plan from my coach.  The training plan was way more intense than anything i had followed before, but I took it one step at a time and by the end of the training cycle I had completed more 20+ milers than ever before and hit paces on my tempo runs that I would not have been able to a year ago.

Going into the race I was feeling good about how well my training went, but nervous about my ability to execute a smart race, especially because of the extreme winds predicted for race day.  In most of my other marathons, I have obsessed about my pace the whole time and ended up starting too fast and finishing with a death march.  I talked to my coach a few days before the race and we decided that regardless of time, I would consider the race successful if I managed my effort in the beginning, was able to run my last 4 miles strong, and could look back and say that I gave everything I had on that day.

Well for the first time in my racing life, I executed that plan perfectly! I truly kept a comfortable pace in the beginning, felt insanely strong on the hills in the first half of the race, and then gradually picked up my effort after about 10 miles.  There were a few points in the middle of the race where I was starting to get tired/in my own head about how much time was left in the race, but I pulled myself out of it and stayed mentally strong.  Mile 20 came and I actually felt good about only having 6 miles left, vs in other races where 6 miles sounds like an eternity.  I passed a cheer station where a bunch of my friends were spectating at mile 22 and knew that was my cue to really turn up the effort for a strong finish.  People around me were slowing down and walking, but I am proud of how in control I felt at this point in the race.  I was definitely hurting but I knew that I would be so much happier if I gave it my all in those last miles, rather than giving up to make it more comfortable on myself.  Those last four miles were right in line with the paces i had been running all along and even though I was seriously on the pain train for mile 26, it was one of my fastest of the day!  I knew I was close to sub 3:45 and sprinted as fast as I could in the last .2 to finish in 3:44:54!  A 16 minute PR and my first time breaking 4 hours.

I feel like I finally figured out how to race this crazy distance and I’m really excited to train for more of these and continue to see my times drop!  But first- my legs need ALL the rest!!”


Sloan!!!  “On Saturday, my mom, my brother, and I ran a 5k at my high school.  We have done this race 3 years in a row now so it’s become a tradition for us.  It was a good day for all of us!  My mom placed first in her age group.  My brother PR’d by about a minute (he’s in 8th grade so he’s looking good for his high school cross country season next year)!  I was the overall female winner with the second place female only 12 seconds behind me!  It is so fun to be able to run with my family and enjoy the miles together.”

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Day after Thanksgiving plans!?!?  Leftovers?  Shopping?  Movies?  Relaxing?  

-No kids means we are going out to the movies… any good suggestions?!  What should we do?!

What was the best thing that you ate yesterday?  

For those of you that did a Turkey Trot… I want to hear how it went!?  I’ll be joining you next year!

Would you rather OVERDRESS for a run (and be hot during the run) or UNDERDRESS for a run (and be freezing during a run)?

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We are decorating for Christmas today…super fun with an 18 month old. I’m not sure how long any of our decorations will last this year because he is SO busy! We are also going Black Friday shopping for one thing: running shoes. Because I need them and can’t wait until Christmas for them and Runners Corner is supposed to be having a sale.


No shopping for me other than to the grocery store to get a couple of ingredients I forgot to make my leftover Thanksgiving turkey soup with barley and veggies! We just like to hang out the day after. I can’t pick the best thing from yesterday because it’s all so good, but I’m a huge green bean casserole fan so I’m looking forward to having that with my sandwich for lunch!


Movies, Netflix, leftovers, online shopping, and PJ’s! That’s what’s on the agenda for the day. We make these bomb “thanksgiving leftover wraps” with wheat tortillas — you warm up the tortilla or wrap and then warm up the turkey, stuffing, gravy, and stuff the wrap — then add cool cranberry sauce. SO GOOD!

My hubby was in charge of this AMAZING poblano mac and cheese… OMG SO GOOD!

I ran my very own private 5K yesterday — first thing in the morning — because there were no 5k’s nearby at a time that fit my day. I took it slow and made it an easy run… my first real “long run” since last October’s Marathon. It was a clear 40 degree morning and I wore new tights and a long sleeve tee and gloves. FELT SOO GOOD!!!!

I’d rather be freezing for a run than feel overdressed and stuffy.

Most of my running routes don’t have a place where I can stash an overcoat or hoodie — so usually I’ll only wear enough to keep me from getting frostbite.


Yikes I don’t think I could do the bean boozle challenge…. Beautiful sunset! & happy Thanksgiving :)


We’ll be riding our bikes on 17 Mile Drive in a little while. #OptOutside

We had Thanksgiving dinner at the Madonna Inn yesterday and every bite was delicious (bonus for no cleanup). Cherry pie for dessert!


I would much rather under-dress for a run. I can handle being cold, but being hot while running is the worst!


I guess I’m going shopping today with my girls (12 and 17) for clothes for their Christmas. I almost never go out shopping on Black Friday, but when the 17 year old asks if I’ll go with her I don’t pass up on that opportunity. She is constantly with friends and next year will be off to college somewhere (Utah State or University of Washington). I work from home and have saved all this weeks for today and tomorrow, but I guess it will all happen tomorrow (marathon work day and maybe have to Sunday).

I ran the SDRC Turkey 10k and took 2nd in my age group with a time of 56:44! Great race that I do every year. I moved up to the 50-54 age group this year, so easier to place. One of the benefits of getting older :) I was overdressed too, but in layers, so I could peel them off. That is usually how I do it. Easier to head out the door warm than cold, then peel layers off.

I made a new recipe yesterday of diced sweet potatoes and Brussels sprouts and pecans and Craisins in a sauce of maple syrup, olive oil, cinnamon, salt and pepper. SOOOOOO YUMMY!!!!!!!


Holly!!!! Huge congrats on your 10k yesterday… awesome time and 2nd in your age group! I hope shopping with your girls today was a huge success! Your new recipe sounds amazing, I think I need to eat that right now! Enjoy the rest of your day Holly!


Happy Thanksgiving! I did a combo turkey trot – 10k followed by a 5k – an annual tradition. This year I am still in recovery mode after running NYC marathon, so I planned to run both conservatively. BUT, I got caught up in the moment. Haha. I actually ended up killing the 10k and won my age group! I ran the 5k much slower, but still placed 3rd. Needless to say, I am pretty stoked ? Afterward, we had a lovely day with family and friends and LOTS of amazing food. I have a sugar hangover today. Ha. SO much to be thankful for!


Annemarie, you ROCKED your 10k AND 5k yesterday! Huge congrats girl! Sounds like the perfect day and I am having that same sugar hangover haha!


Yesterday I ran my first 5K in about a year and a half, and definitely my first since being diagnosed w arthritis in my right knee. It was literally my first race since I injured myself in 2013 that felt like “me”–where my love of running was guiding my way, where I felt free & easy, where I could totally be in the moment and celebrate what my body can do right now, exactly as it is, and get excited for all the places that running can take me (& my body). My attempts to run after rehabbing my 2013 injury were bad–I kept on comparing myself to where I used to be, and I got super insecure and miserable. But something has shifted and I felt great!

I have a weird habit–after an AMAZING run or AMAZING workout I want to buy all the athletic clothes ever. And I definitely want more of the exact same thing I was wearing during my run/workout so I can have lots of workout gear that I felt amazing in! Thank goodness for the sales right now. I got new gear–but not what I wore for my Thanksgiving day 5K. I got capris from Reebok, a hoodie from lululemon, and a half-zip from Brooks that I have been wanting for a while now. But that’s all. I hate going to the shops for Black Friday. I don’t like huge crowds. Online however is so much fun. Added bonus: when I am back at work next week and I have long, annoying days, I get to come home to packages arriving for me!


I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that you had such an amazing race where you felt like yourself again! The love is back and you deserve all of that cute running gear! So happy you are back and keep me updated with how you are doing! Thanks Stephanie!


That run looks nice! I think when I flew into SLC I saw this area from the plane? The landscape looks similar.

Underdress-I hate being hot adn I tend to run hot. However, if you overdress there’s the option to remove clothing.

Christmas markets start to open up this week so the kiddos and I hit up a few of those-it’s nice to live where “Black Friday” doesn’t really exist so it’s a normal day. However the markets are usually pretty crowded so it’s nice to find one that’s off a beaten path or has hand crafted items instead. Plus the food is usually amazing!! AND, outside?! yes please!

Have a great rest of your weekend!!!!


I’ve found that animals are the best judges of characters. My friend had a rescue dog who never met a man she liked until she met my husband. I already knew he was a keeper, but this reinforced it. I’m sure the same is true when you see how easily Andrew makes friends with horses, dogs, etc. It’s like Ace Ventura. “Come to me all my animal friends!” ? Happy Thanksgiving!


Yes and yes! I totally agree Kate and I’ll add that I think kids are amazing judges of character too! I hope your day has been really great today and I loved reading the story about your friend’s rescue dog and your husband!


I know I don’t know her… but I love Mer :) She is adorable and you are so lucky to have her in your life! I really admire how close your family is, it really is beautiful!


Your comment made me smile so big! Mer really is the best! Thanks Alyssa and I hope you are having an amazing day!


Yay thanks for posting my race recap! No official Turkey Trot for me yesterday, but I did run for the first time since the marathon on Sunday and felt pretty good! I feel like both over dressing and under dressing is rough, but at least with over dressing you can take off layers. My favorite food from yesterday was the butternut squash and apple casorole my mom makes every year! Definitely need to get that recipe from her. Have a great weekend!


It looks like you guys had a great Thanksgiving. I would much rather under dress and be cold rather than over dress and be even hotter than usual while working out.


The house is decorated for Christmas and I finished wrapping gifts today while the hubs put up lights outside :) Now we’re resting! I really want to see Wonder.

Best thing I ate was probably homemade mac & cheese.

No turkey trot, but we do a local pie run where you show up with something yummy, run or walk whatever you want, then hang out and eat and drink. It’s super fun!

I would much rather run underdressed, but any other time I would go with overdressed. I heat up pretty darn quickly when I run.


What a beautiful spot to run! I hate being too hot when I’m running and usually dress for about 15 degrees warmer than it actually is…I’m cold at the beginning of the run but then I feel like I’m at a perfect temperature later.
Animals can sense the good people – so Andrew must be a good one :)
I’m DYING to see the Murder on the Orient Express movie!
And I can’t wait to try that salad, we had a similar one at our Thanksgiving dinner and it was a highlight for me! I love nuts in salads so much.
A dessert table sounds like heaven! Hope you enjoy your holiday weekend with family!


We do a trail Turkey Trot with my super speedy nepheews. My husband loves racing against them and got bragging rights for running the 3 miles in 17 minutes and beating both of them. The trails are pretty narrow and 800 people do the race so like every year I got stuck waiting so my time wasn’t great but I stayed upright and finished dry. Then I proceeded to eat way too much stuffing and sweet potatoes!


Thank you for including my running accomplishment for the week! It made my day!!!
Today was relaxing, getting in the Christmas spirit, and just enjoying time with family.
Being underdressed or overdressed is a hard question: I hate being hot and I hate being cold but I usually run better in the cold because I feel fresh the whole time. So to pick neither choice I would rather be a little underdressed to where I’m cold at the beginning of the run and then warm up throughout without getting overly hot. That’s not picky at all is it? ;)


You are such a cute little pregnant runner! We don’t have kids (yet ;)), but I enjoy reading all of your HRG baby updates. I’ll be hitting up the archives one of these days I’m sure to find out everything I need to know! We didn’t do anything super fun yesterday. We did get in a nice run with friends and got our grocery shopping out of the way for the weekend though, so I’ll consider that a victory. I did a turkey trot Thursday and it was a blast. We had great weather and I just love kicking off Thanksgiving with two of the things that I am most thankful for … running and my running friends. I think I would much rather over-dress than under-dress. I despise being cold. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Day after Thanksgiving plans!?!? Leftovers? Shopping? Movies? Relaxing?

We had a quick breakfast then started moving gear to the winter ski rental home we’ve got this season. It was long! Spent some time at a local playground for the LO after all that time in the car. Then spent some time at my folks’ home relaxing and reading (Jennifer Egan’s latest book Manhattan Beach) – then packing up the car for more gear to take on Saturday – then out for a run just before sunset (around 4-4:45). Saw the movie charlottes Web with grandma and the little one (we read the book together earlier this past summer). And off to bed.

-No kids means we are going out to the movies… any good suggestions?! What should we do?!

Just saw Thor ragnarok with the hubs and some colleagues a couple weeks ago. It was funny! It made fun of itself at times and was action packed. Am a fan of self deprecating humor.

What was the best thing that you ate yesterday?
For thanksgiving it had to be the brisket. We’ve been eating it as leftovers as a brisket sandwich on Friday and Saturday we had it for dinner – and it’s definitely tastier as we keep reheating it.

For those of you that did a Turkey Trot… I want to hear how it went!? I’ll be joining you next year!

Would you rather OVERDRESS for a run (and be hot during the run) or UNDERDRESS for a run (and be freezing during a run)?

Underdress for a run and be cold / uncomfortable for the first 2 miles. It usually takes me a couple miles to warm up and while I hate being cold, it’s better than being so uncomfortable overheating I would say – especially if I can’t strip the excess layers and toss them. If I’m doing speed work I would probably dress slightly warmer than for a run – or have a layer handy for those rest periods!

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